Balance filling rules by line. Instructions for filling out the balance sheet. Balance sheet: an example of filling out the general form

The balance sheet belongs to the key modern enterprises. What are the features of its formation? What sources of law regulate the procedure for its preparation?

What is the balance sheet?

Before studying the question of how to fill out the balance sheet, consider what it is like a document.

This source is intended to reflect the state of the company as of a specific point in time. The balance sheet contains information in monetary terms, which allows, therefore, to assess the financial position of the company. The relevant document is largely necessary for the management of the enterprise, as well as its owners in order to objectively assess the state of the business. The balance sheet can be of interest from potential investors, partners, creditors. The document under consideration allows you to plan the assets and liabilities of the company, serves as a data source for the analysis of business processes in the organization.

Let us now study how to fill out the balance sheet form. To solve this problem, it will be useful to consider its structure.

Balance sheet structure

The reporting document in question consists of 2 main elements - an asset and a liability. The first reflects what resources the company has. The second fixes the sources of formation. The main requirement for drawing up the balance sheet is to ensure equality between the indicators of an asset and a liability. This is due to the use of the double entry method, which is used in accounting.

Balance sheet assets are classified into non-current and current. The relevant data forms the individual elements in the document in question. In turn, liabilities reflected in the balance sheet are reflected in the sections that record:

Capital and reserves of the enterprise;

Long-term as well as short-term liabilities.

Each component of an asset and a liability reflects a separate item on the balance sheet.

Basic balance sheet requirements

What should you pay attention to when forming the corresponding document, taking into account its structure? The balance sheet of the enterprise, completed in accordance with all the rules, must meet the following criteria:

You can not carry out offset between different items on assets and liabilities, profit and loss, except for those cases in which such approaches are due to the requirements of financial legislation;

The information recorded in the balance sheet as of the beginning of the year must correspond to the indicators recorded at the end of last year;

Balance sheet items must be confirmed by documents on liabilities, financial calculations.

Let us now consider on the basis of which form the balance sheet should be drawn up.

Balance sheet form

The form of the document in question is approved by law - by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 66n, approved on 02.07.2010. In some cases, organizations can develop a balance sheet on their own, but on the basis of the one that is officially put into circulation. In addition, the company must comply with the established reporting requirements. If the company independently develops the form on the basis of which the balance sheet is created, the form filled in the corresponding document will have to contain the same codes for the lines of sections and articles that are given in the official form, which is approved by law.

If we talk about the practical nuances of filling out the balance, then you can turn to the list of mandatory details that must be present in the corresponding document.

Balance details

The source considered should include:

Reporting date;

The name of the organization in accordance with the charter;

TIN of the company;

OKVED of the company;

Information about the organizational and legal form of the enterprise;

Units of measurement - in thousands or millions of rubles;

Company address;

Date of document approval;

The date the document was sent.

Let us now consider how the balance should be filled in in more detail.

Balance sheet filling procedure: non-current assets

Let's consider an example of how to fill out the balance sheet, taking into account its structure. Let's start with an asset. Its first section reflects information about the non-current assets of the enterprise. It records the following indicators:

Intangible assets (in order to calculate the value for this indicator, it is necessary to calculate the difference between the Debit of account 04 according to the chart of accounts and the Credit of account 05);

Results of research and development (the value is taken according to the Debit of account 04);

Intangible assets classified as exploration (Debit 08 on the subaccount for accounting for intangible exploration costs, filled only by firms that use natural resources in production);

Tangible assets that are related to exploration (Debit 08 on the subaccount for accounting for material exploration costs is similarly filled by firms that use various natural resources);

Fixed assets of the enterprise (the difference between Debit 01 and the amount between Credit 02 and Debit 08 on the subaccount for accounting for those fixed assets that have not been put into operation by the enterprise);

Investments in tangible assets (the difference between Debit 03 and Credit 02 on the subaccount for accounting for the depreciation of the company's property, which relates to the corresponding investment);

Financial investments (the amount of Debit 58 and 55 on the subaccount on which deposit accounts are recorded, as well as Debit 73 on the subaccount, on which settlements on loans are taken into account, reduced by Credit 59 on the subaccount, on which reserves for long liabilities are taken into account);

Tax asset classified as deferred (Debit 09);

Other non-current assets that correspond to the amounts that are not included in other lines within the section;

The total indicator is for all previous lines.

In the next section, current assets are recorded.

Current assets

Consider an example of how to fill out the balance sheet, taking into account the established requirements for it. The following indicators are reflected in the corresponding section:

Inventories (the difference between Debit 41, the amount of Credit 42, Debit 15, 16, reduced by the amount between Credit 14 and Debit 97, as well as the Debit for accounts such as 10, 11, 20, 21, 23, 29, 43, 44, and also 45);

VAT on values ​​that were acquired by the company (Debit 19);

Indicators on receivables (the difference between the amount of Debit 62, 60, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73 - without interest-bearing loans, 75, as well as 76, and Credit 63);

Financial investments (the difference between the amount of Debit 58, 55, 73 - on the subaccount on which settlements within the framework of loans are recorded, and Credit 59);

Cash and equivalents (the amount of Debit 50, 51, 52, 55, 57, reduced by Debit 55 on the subaccount on which deposit accounts are recorded);

Other current assets, which correspond to the amounts for those current assets that were not reflected in the previous lines,

The total amount for the section.

In the asset, a balance is also added, which corresponds to the sums of the indicators of both considered sections. Next, consider an example of how to fill out the balance sheet in terms of liabilities.

Balance sheet filling procedure: capital and reserves

The first section of the relevant part of the balance sheet discloses information about the capital and reserves of the company. Information is recorded here:

About the authorized capital of the enterprise (Credit 80);

About own shares purchased from the shareholders of the company (Debit 81);

On the revaluation of those assets that are classified as non-current (Credit 83 - on the subaccount, which records the revaluation amounts for the company's fixed assets, as well as intangible assets);

Additional capital - excluding revaluation (Credit 83 - except for the amounts reflected in the previous line), reserve capital of the enterprise (Credit 82);

About retained earnings of the firm or uncovered loss - depending on the results economic activity(Credit 84);

long term duties

On the borrowed funds of the organization (Credit 67 - if interest is taken into account on short-term - less than 1 year, loans);

On tax liabilities classified as deferred (Credit 77);

About the estimated liabilities of the enterprise (Credit 96 - if long-term liabilities are taken into account, with a period of more than 1 year);

Other liabilities of the firm, which correspond to long debts of the firm to creditors, not reflected in other lines;

The final indicator for the section.

Short-term liabilities

The next section of the liability reflects information about the enterprise. How is information about them entered into the balance sheet? A completed example of a document should be formed taking into account the fact that the corresponding section reflects the data:

On the borrowed funds of the company (the amount of Loans 66 and 67 - in terms of interest within the framework of long-term loans with a duration of more than 1 year);

About accounts payable (Loan amount 60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75 - by short loans and also 76);

On income in future periods (the amount of Loans 98 and 86);

About estimated liabilities (Credit 96 - if long-term, more than 1 year liabilities are taken into account);

Other liabilities, which correspond to the amounts of short loans, not included in other lines of the section;

The final indicator for short-term liabilities.

Assessment of indicators in the balance sheet: nuances

After the figures for all sections of liabilities have been calculated, the overall balance is determined. What might a company's balance sheet (completed) look like? LLC - as one of the most common legal forms of business, can have the results of economic activities reflected in the following figures.

Based on what regularities should the corresponding indicators be assessed?

The most important nuance here is that for each company they will be presented in special proportions. It all depends on the specifics of the activity, the turnover of the enterprise, the credit burden on the business.

The completed balance sheet of the accounting LLC, however, can be compared with a similar document of another business company in order to identify a more efficient business model. In some cases, Russian enterprises have the right to form the balance sheet in a simplified form. Let's consider its features in more detail.

Simplified balance: nuances

The simplified balance sheet may be drawn up by small businesses. This document is characterized by less complicated filling out in comparison with traditional form balance. This is due to the smaller list of indicators that are reflected in it. If a it comes on how to draw up a simplified balance sheet - its completed form must be drawn up on the basis of the one approved in Appendix No. 5 to Order No. 66n.

It can be noted that the main indicators recorded in the corresponding document will be the same as those that characterize the main form of the balance sheet. Consider an example of how to fill out a simplified balance sheet, taking into account the peculiarities of its structure.

Simplified balance sheet structure: asset

As in the standard form of the document, there are two main blocks in the corresponding source - an asset and a liability. The simplified balance sheet of the enterprise, filled in according to the established rules, in terms of the asset must contain information:

About those tangible, intangible, as well as current assets that are non-current;

About stocks;

Cash and equivalents;

About financial and other current assets.

The balance of the corresponding block of the document is similarly summed up

Simplified balance sheet structure: liabilities

If we consider the indication of information about liabilities in the simplified balance sheet of the enterprise, a completed example of it assumes reflection:

Capital and reserves data;

Long-term as well as short-term loans;

About accounts payable;

Other liabilities classified as current.

As in the previous block, the balance is recorded for all lines. What can a simplified balance sheet look like? An example of the corresponding document is in the picture below.

As in the case with the standard form of balance sheet, its simplified modification allows you to analyze the effectiveness of the business model of an enterprise when comparing its indicators with those included in the considered other firm of a similar segment. In terms of information, a simplified balance sheet can be just as valuable as the one in the standard variety.

Starting from the accounting (financial) statements for 2012, small businesses can submit reports using simplified forms. They are given in Appendix No. 5 to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n.

Recall that the main criteria for classifying firms as small businesses are the number of employees and the firm's revenue over the past two years. The number of employees should not exceed 100 people per year, and the revenue should not exceed 400 million per year (clause 1 of article 4 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ).

You need to start filling out the balance with the heading part, the so-called "header". It indicates all the same data as in the usual form: the name of the company, type of activity, organizational and legal form or form of ownership. A simplified balance sheet can also be drawn up in thousands or millions of rubles.

For details on how to fill in line 1150, see section V "Balance sheet" → subsection "Non-current assets" → Line 1150 "Fixed assets".

The next line “Intangible, financial and other non-current assets” shall reflect information on intangible assets, research and development results, exploration assets, income-generating investments in tangible assets, deferred tax assets and other non-current assets. This line can combine information from seven lines of the regular balance sheet at once: 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, 1160, 1180 and 1190.


In the enlarged lines of the balance sheet, you must put the code of the indicator that has the greatest specific gravity as part of this indicator (clause 5 of the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n).

For example, if on the line "Intangible, financial and other non-current assets" most of the sum of indicators is represented by intangible assets, then it is necessary to put the code 1110, if by the results of research and development, then - 1120.

The next two lines: Inventories; Cash and cash equivalents, both by name and line codes, correspond to lines 1210 and 1250 of the standard balance sheet.

Next is the line "Financial and other current assets". It is intended to reflect information about current assets, excluding inventories, cash and cash equivalents. It reflects accounts receivable from buyers, VAT amounts on purchased valuables, cash and short-term financial investments (with a maturity not exceeding 12 months), as well as other current assets of the company.

Depending on the materiality of the indicator, this line can be assigned one of the codes: 1220 (VAT on purchased valuables), 1230 (accounts receivable), 1240 (financial investments (excluding cash equivalents), 1260 (other current assets).

In the last line of the balance sheet asset - 1600 "Balance" enter the total amount of all items of the balance sheet asset.

The simplified balance sheet liability consists of six lines. In the first line "Capital and reserves" indicate the aggregate data reflected in section. III "Capital and reserves" of the usual form of the balance sheet. For information on what data is required to fill in these lines, read in Beratore for Windows ("Financial statements" → section V "Balance sheet" → subsection "Capital and reserves").

The next two lines reflect information about long-term liabilities. On line 1410 "Long-term borrowed funds" indicate information about loans and borrowings, the maturity of which exceeds 12 months.

Line 1450 “Other long-term liabilities” is intended to reflect all other liabilities that have maturities greater than 12 months.

The next three lines are intended to reflect short-term liabilities (maturity of which does not exceed 12 months).

In line 1510 "Short-term borrowed funds" enter data on loans and borrowings, and in line 1520 - accounts payable. For all other liabilities, line 1150 “Other short-term liabilities” is intended.

In the last line of the balance sheet 1700 "Liability" indicate the sum of all items of liability.

If your company needs to explain some indicators of the balance sheet and the statement of financial results, then you need to draw up more and more to them. They need to bring only the most important information, without which it is impossible to evaluate financial condition your company. As the financiers pointed out, in the Information "Financial statements of small businesses", it is advisable to indicate in the explanations, for example:

  • accounting policy provisions that are necessary to explain the procedure for the formation of balance sheet indicators and (what method of accounting for income and expenses the company uses; whether deferred income tax is taken into account along with the current one, the facts of a prospective change in accounting policy or prospective restatement when correcting significant errors, etc. .);
  • data on material facts of economic life, which are not disclosed by the indicators of the balance sheet and the statement of financial results. This can be information about significant transactions with owners (founders), such as accruals and, contributions to the authorized capital, etc.


Small companies have the right, as before, to submit accounting (financial) statements in the usual forms. In this case, it is necessary to comply with the general requirements for financial statements that are established.

Submission of simplified reporting forms is a right, not an obligation of firms. It is better to consolidate your decision in the accounting policy.

An example will show you how to fill out a simplified balance sheet.

As of December 31 of the reporting year, LLC “Passive” generated indicators (in thousand rubles) from the standard balance sheet. The table contains only rows for which there is data:

Indicator name The code At December 31, 2012 At December 31, 2011 At December 31, 2010
Fixed assets1150 120 100 80
Stocks1210 70 45 20
Value added tax on purchased valuables1220 8 5 2
Receivables1230 170 120 110
Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)1240 4 50 2
Cash and cash equivalents1250 100 100 22
BALANCE1600 472 420 236
Authorized capital1310 10 10 10
Undestributed profits1370 200 150 110
Accounts payable1520 262 260 100
BALANCE1700 472 420 236

For 2012, the company decided to report on simplified forms of accounting (financial) statements. This is how the simplified balance sheet of Passive LLC will look like:


Fill out the header on Form 1, or enter the data into a computer-based accounting program.

Complete the third section of the liability - equity and reserves. Here, such types of capital as authorized and additional capital are taken into account. Data on reserve capital is indicated, for example, deferred for future planned ones. This paragraph should also indicate retained earnings.

Complete the fourth section of the liability - long-term commitments. It takes into account: long-term loans, for example, loans. At this stage, the liabilities to the tax authorities that were deferred for a number of reasons, as well as other liabilities for payments on behalf of the enterprise, are indicated.

Complete the fifth section of the liability - current liabilities. It takes into account: loans and credits taken for a short term, debt on such, debt to the founders. Planned incomes are entered into the balance sheet, as well as expenses and finances that are reserved for them. Short-term liabilities should also be indicated.


The balance is considered to be consolidated when the total amount of assets fully corresponds to the total amount of liabilities.

Helpful advice

The easiest way to compile a balance sheet is to use specialized accounting software.


  • Detailed step-by-step instruction compiling the balance sheet of the enterprise by sections and lines.
  • how to calculate the balance sheet

The balance sheet is intended to reflect complete and reliable information about the assets and liabilities of the company. In this regard, before drawing up the balance sheet, you need to check whether the accounting records of the business transactions that took place in the reporting period, how the turnovers for analytical and synthetic accounts were formed. It is also necessary to carry out an inventory of the property and reformation of the balance sheet for the year.

1. Filling in lines.

To draw up a competent accounting and fill in its lines, you need to be armed with section IV of the Regulation on accounting and reporting 4/99. Liabilities or assets of a firm that cannot be identified for a specific line are reflected depending on their nature and economic nature, regardless of the account in which they are recorded.

Example: on account 76, instead of account 70, the deposited one is taken into account, however, regardless of the account, its economic essence has not changed, therefore, in the balance sheet, it is accounts payable to the staff.

The value of the property is always reflected in thousands of rubles, in whole numbers. If the volumes are large, then the lines can be filled in in millions.

2. Rounding off indicators.

Indicators on individual income, expenses, business transactions and liabilities are shown separately, if they are significant. The same indicators can be given as a total if each of them is of no value to persons interested in the financial position and financial results of the enterprise.

All assets and liabilities are presented on a maturity basis for non-current and short-term assets. The annual balance sheet is filled in in thousand rubles, rounding is done in each line. That is, the sum of the balances for all accounts is first calculated, and then each amount is divided by 1000. The date of the annual balance sheet must be equal to the date that follows the last date of the reporting period.

In the lines where there are no values ​​or they are equal to zero, you need to put a dash. All accounts receivable and, as well as other liabilities, the amount of which is expressed in foreign and in rubles at the rate established by contractual agreements, or at the official rate is converted into national currency and reflected in the annual balance sheet. In receivables, amounts for which the limitation period has expired are not taken into account and those debts that cannot be collected are not recognized. These amounts relate to other expenses of the organization.

The company is obliged to provide annual reports to each founder or shareholder of the organization.


As a result of rounding off each amount in the balance sheet, the total may have a discrepancy of 1-3 thousand rubles.

Helpful advice

Even an experienced accountant can make a mistake in drawing up the annual balance sheet, so it is necessary to compare and double-check the calculations several times.


  • how to draw up a cash balance

The source of information about the financial and property status of the organization is the balance sheet, which consists of assets and liabilities. The asset reflects the property belonging to the enterprise: cash, fixed assets, stocks, etc. The liabilities reflect data on the sources of assets formation: external liabilities, equity capital, borrowed funds, etc.

You will need

  • Turnover balance sheet and previous balance sheet.


Show assets and liabilities based on their maturity and maturity. Filling out the reporting form is carried out in. The standard form of the balance sheet is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 67n dated July 22, 2003. All balance sheet lines consist of transaction codes. In the blank lines, the accountant of the enterprise puts down the codes independently. Fill in the balance sheet based on the balance sheet of the company.

Fill out the address line of Form # 1. Indicate the reporting date, name and address of the company, TIN and statistics codes. The balance sheet indicates the actual address of the location of the company.

Fill in the asset balance. It consists of non-current and current assets. The first section consists of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, construction in progress and other items. Sum up all non-working assets and enter the corresponding value in line 190. The second section reflects deferred expenses, work in progress, working capital etc. Sum up all the lines of current assets and record the value on line 290. Summarize the balance of assets of the enterprise on line 300.

Fill in the liability of the balance sheet of the enterprise. It consists of capital and reserves, long-term and short-term liabilities. The sum of all three sections is the balance of liabilities and is recorded on line 700 of the form.

Compare the balance sheet for assets and liabilities. If the values ​​agree, then the balance sheet is built correctly. Certify the reporting with the signature of the chief accountant and director of the enterprise.

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For the management of the economic activity of an enterprise, it is necessary to have information about the economic assets that this organization manages. Also about their composition, placement, sources of formation and determination of purpose. This requires a competent grouping of these funds, expressed in the balance sheet.

The balance sheet is a table in which the used accounting accounts are located. Moreover, the accounts are arranged in ascending order of numbers.

The balance sheet reflects the balances at the beginning of the period, turnover and balance at the end of the period, that is, the statement is generated for a certain period (for example, month, quarter, year).

We will not have an initial balance, since the conduct of activities is considered from scratch, directly from the moment the authorized capital is formed.

We will consistently transfer turnovers and balances for each account. We will also calculate the total turnover and the final balance of all accounts for Debit and Credit.

From this table you can see that the total turnover for Debit and Credit accounts is the same. This means that business transactions are reflected correctly, and accounting entries

formed correctly.

Balance sheet

Let's form the Balance Sheet on the basis of the Balance Sheet c. The balance sheet will be presented in a simplified form, and here only those indicators that were associated with the solution of the problem under consideration. For example, there are no non-current assets and this section will not be deciphered.

We will fill out the balance sheet in stages, from the first item, Inventories. This article displays materials, goods, finished goods, work in progress.

Let's turn to the balance sheet and see what is on the balances. The sum of materials and work in progress is 20,000.00 rubles. (amount for 10 and 20 accounts).

The next article is Accounts Receivable. This is the total amount on the debit of accounts 60, 71 and 75, which is 53,000.00 rubles. Next article - Cash and cash equivalents. Funds are displayed on 50 and 51 accounts. The total balance of these accounts is 32,000.00 rubles. Let's calculate the balance sheet currency - 105,000.00 rubles. These data coincide with the data of the balance sheet.

In this article, I was going to show you how to make a balance sheet from SALT. However, having figured out how I would do it, I realized that I would start using the rules and terms of accounting. And I'm not sure that you and I will get the same understanding of them. Therefore, I came up with this.

I am not interested in writing a purely theoretical article. I want to involve you, so that together we go from "reviewing the SALT" to filling out the balance sheet.

For this I have my own approach: giving new knowledge, I strive to repeat the previous ones. In other words, we repeat the knowledge that serves as a support for us for new ones.

I want to note that in this series of articles about filling out the balance sheet, I will talk about general ideas, basic rules, and show how this is done. Together with me, you will go all the way to create a balance based on the SALT of a real enterprise.

So let's go ...

Here is the OSV of a working enterprise. In the previous article, we prepared it for balance sheet creation.

Here's what we should do now:

  • download the balance sheet and open it
  • in the “name” column write the name of the invoice. No need to look at the chart of accounts. There is no need to achieve some exact coincidence of the name of the account with what it is called in the chart of accounts. Just remember and write. It is enough that your name reflects the essence of the account. for example... I will call the 50th account "Cashier". And in the chart of accounts, it can be called "Cashier of the enterprise".
  • in the column "AP" for each account put down what it is, "A - active account", "P - passive account" or "AP - active-passive account". prompt: Active accounts- these are the ones that store information about what the company has and this is "that" that helps the company to work and earn. Usually "it" can be touched. Active accounts always have a debit balance, or zero. Passive accounts- these are the debts / obligations of our company. This is just information about the amounts of debt. Passive accounts always have a credit balance, or zero.

Of course, putting down "A, P and AP" is not an easy task. Here you need knowledge, some reflection. I agree that there are invoices where you can immediately issue, and somewhere to use the hint and put down the desired characteristic. In any case, place it where you can do it. And fill in the remaining empty cells according to the chart of accounts. Download the chart of accounts of accounting.

As soon as you solve the problem, compare it with what happened to me.

Some General Rules and Observations

I assume, reader, you remember that accounting records collect and store information about the activities of an enterprise. All information is divided according to certain criteria. So, account code and name serves as a separation criterion. As a result, the OSV shows all involved in our company accounting accounts. From the SALT, we can see what information has been collected.

But, balance sheet collects business information in a different way.

Firstly, the balance sheet divides the information into ASSET and LIABILITY.

Secondly, inside ASSET and PASSIVE information is divided into certain groups. Each such group is an economic indicator.

Ultimately, the SALT in the balance sheet is simply regrouped.

  • All debit balances, and these are accounts with characteristic A, go to the "ASSET balances" section
  • All credit balances, and these are accounts with characteristic P, go to the section "LIABILITY OF THE BALANCE"
  • Accounts with the AP characteristic go to the balance as follows: if there is a debit balance, it goes to the ASSET, if there is a credit balance, it goes to the LIABILITY.

The received amount in ASSET or LIABILITY is entered into the specific name of the economic indicator. The basis for the amount to be included in the economic indicator will be the name of the account, or, when it is not clear, we use the law on filling out the balance sheet. Well, and we, very soon, will start filling in the balance.

Fixed assets and intangible assets when filling out the balance sheet

Fixed assets are inextricably linked with such a concept as depreciation (accounted for on account 02). Depreciation is the gradual decrease in the initial cost of an asset associated with operating the asset. The process of depreciation at the OS occurs within a certain time, but more than a year. As a result, everything will come to the fact that the amount of depreciation is equal to the original cost of the asset.

Look in the OSV... On account 01, the amounts of all fixed assets are taken into account at their initial values. On account 02, the depreciation amounts of these fixed assets are recorded. Now you are asking yourself how does this relate to the balance sheet?

It would seem that according to the rules for distributing the amounts from the SALT to the balance, we must send the amounts from the 01 account to the ACTIVE, and send the amounts from the 02 account to the PASSIVE balance. However, there is an exception for Fixed Assets.

Its essence lies in the fact that before sending the amount to the balance sheet, we take the amounts from 01, subtract the amounts from 02 and send the resulting amount to where ????

IN THE ASSETS of balance. Because depreciation can never be more than the original cost of the asset, and therefore the difference between 01-02 will always be in debit. 01 account (A)> 02 account (P). Well, as a last resort, it will be 0.

The situation is exactly the same with 04 and 05 accounts. It takes into account the assets of the enterprise that do not have a physical object, like a machine tool or a machine. Account 04 records such assets of the enterprise as licenses, exclusive right to a patent, exclusive right to software, etc. Their term of use is also more than 12 months and they are not intended for resale. Everything is like with the OS. Depreciation of Intangible Assets (intangible assets) is accounted for on account 05.


Finishing this flock, I propose to do practical task... We will work a little with the numbers from the OS. The task is:

  • divide your sheet in a notebook or notebook into two columns: "Active" and "Passive"
  • from OSV we will work with the column "Balance at the beginning of the period"
  • according to all the learned rules in this article - write out accounts and amounts, what can be attributed to the "Asset", and what to the "Passive"
  • in each column, calculate the total of all amounts
  • compare the total amount of the "Asset" and the total amount of the "Liability"

To complete the task, you already have the previously downloaded OSV. If you haven't downloaded yet, then download.

Perhaps now we are ready to fill out the balance sheet. In the next article we will do this. I invite you.


Everything does not go out of my head this article. There is a feeling of incompleteness, or something. The goal is clear - to lead you, the reader, to fill out the balance. Make sure that you are as prepared as possible for this action. And, although I have to get out to get the explanation at an understandable level, there is still something missing in this article.

I understand that there will be questions anyway, but I want to keep them to a minimum. I think that I will remove some of these questions in advance. Before we start filling out the balance sheet form, I suggest to do some more work with SALT.

Here's what we need to do.

  • we continue to work with the first column of the SALT - "opening balance"
  • write out the accounts that you believe are collecting information about our firm's debts. You can immediately start writing out those invoices that you know, and they are in the OSV. You can go the opposite way - cross out those accounts that are responsible for the property of the company, for what you can touch. The remaining accounts are what you need.
  • Bills written out have amounts in "Debit" or "Credit", or even there and there. Write down the invoice, each of its amounts, and write what kind of debt it is - "Should our company" or "Our company should"
  • Remember the bookkeeping names for "Debt to our firm" and "Our firm owes." In parentheses for these names, write the accounting terms for each amount. For a hint, read this one.
  • Greetings, reader. Today we will talk about the essence of all accounting operations. We won't even talk, but let's see how the final result is obtained in ... ...

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