Abstract ood on teaching literacy in the preparatory group on the topic "sound and the letter w". Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech for preschoolers "sound and the letter w" Acquaintance with the letter w in the older group

Abstract of direct educational activities in preparatory school speech therapy groupОНР in the educational area "Speech development" Topic: "We repeat the sound" Ш ", we carry out the tasks."

Program tasks:
Educational area "Speech development":
- To form (automate) the skills of a clear pronunciation of the sound "Ш" in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, independent speech of children;
- Determine the place of the sound "Ш" in words.
- To develop phonemic perception, speech creativity, sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing.
-Continue to develop coherent speech (monologue and dialogical).
-Develop the communicative function of speech.
- Develop mental activity.
- To foster a culture of dialogical speech in children.
- To bring up in children the desire to speak beautifully and correctly;
- To develop in children the grammatical structure of speech, intonational expressiveness of speech.
Educational area " Cognitive development»:
- To form cognitive actions, develop curiosity and cognitive motivation.
- Develop imagination and creativity.
- To form representations and relationships of objects of the surrounding world.
- Expand the experience of orientation in the environment, develop curiosity.
- Develop memory; logical thinking operations (analysis, comparison); Attention; visual, auditory and tactile perception.
Educational area "Social and communicative development":
- Develop monologue and dialogical speech.
-To educate children for social motives (motive for learning, desire to help).
- To cultivate an interest in collective activity, the desire to actively participate in this activity.
Physical development area
- Develop coordination of movements.
- Develop fine and gross motor skills.
Area "Artistic and aesthetic development"
- To develop fine motor skills, visual imagination, the development of independent creative activity.
Vocabulary: words with the sound "Ш".
Preliminary work: Acquaintance with the sound and the letter "Ш". Naming words for a given sound from the text. Game "Name it affectionately" (sound "Ш"). Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing. Guessing riddles. Naming words without a given sound. Finger gymnastics, physical exercises. Tongue twisters, acquaintance with oral folk art. Determination of the place of a given sound in a word. Coming up with words for the proposed syllable.
Equipment: an envelope with a poem and assignments with a picture of Masha, a presentation for the lesson, toys (bear, cockerel, matryoshka, tumbler, dog), a cat's hat, blanks on paper with a pattern of balls, pencils of green and red colors, cartoon "Masha and the Bear" series "First once in the first grade ".

Course of the lesson

Introductory part.
1. Children stand in the middle of the group.
Organizing time.
Speech therapist: Hello guys.
Children say hello.
Speech therapist: This morning I received a letter from a girl you all know (the envelope depicts Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"), and there is a poem in it. Listen to him carefully.
What do we have in the forest with the letter W? This lump plopped, rustling.
A bumblebee and a hornet rummage noisily in the porridge. Insects are rustling in the wild rose.
What else in the forest with the letter W? Noise and rustle near the hut.
Speech therapist: What do you think is the most common sound in this poem?
Children: the sound "Ш".

2. Goal setting:
Speech therapist: Right. Today we will play with the sound "Ш".
Remember the words with the sound "Ш" from this poem.
Children: bump, flopped, rustle, bumblebee, hornet, noisy, rummage, porridge, rustle, dog rose, insects, noise, rustle, hut.
Children sit on chairs.

Main part.

3. Speech therapist: Say the name Masha affectionately.
Children: Mashenka.
Speech therapist: Remember and name the names of the children of our group, in whose names there is the sound Ш.
Children: Sasha, Lyubasha, Polyusha, Vanyusha, Nastyusha, Trosh, etc.
4. Speech therapist: Guys, there was not only a poem in the envelope.
There is a letter in it, now I will read it to you.
Hello guys! I learned that you know a lot of sounds and letters. And so I have prepared games and tasks for you, I hope you enjoy them. My friends will be watching you. When you complete all the tasks, a surprise awaits you.
5. Speech therapist: Guys, it seems to me that I hear someone (pronouncing the sound Ш in open and closed syllables).
Repeat after me: interrogatively "Sha-sho-shi?", "Ash-osh-ush?";
with the request "Shu-sho-shu", "ish-ush-ash";
affirmatively "shta-shto-sht", "ashp-oshp-ushp";
joyfully - "seam-seam-seam!", "ashv-ushv-ishv!".
There is not anyone. It seemed! Guys, who do you think it was?
Children: Mice.
6. Speech therapist: Probably Masha spoke about these friends in her letter. I wonder who else is helping Masha? Let's try to find out if we guess riddles (guessing riddles). Riddle heroes (toys) are placed in a group.
Clubfoot and hairy, he warms his paws in the den.
In the summer he likes to walk and guard animals.
And in winter, under a blizzard howl, he sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)
The bird walks around the yard, wakes up the children in the morning,
On top of the scallop, who is it? (Cockerel)
In a wooden Mashenka, there is a Sasha doll inside.
Open the doll to Sasha, and there - baby Dasha.
And in sister Dasha there is little Pashenka. (Matryoshka)
Whoever tells her a fairy tale, or sings a song to her,
It won't put you to sleep anyway. Every time she gets up. (Tumbler)
I will not let someone else enter the house, I am sad without the owner. (Dog)
And how can you name a dog so that the sound "Ш" is found in its name? (Ball)
Guys, let's try to find these characters in our group (children are looking with their eyes).
7. D / and "Count"
Speech therapist: How many friends Masha has - helpers! Remember the guesses (children's answers). The answers are shown on the screen, the children check.
Let's count them (first bear, second cock, third nesting doll, etc.)
8. Speech therapist: What a great job you are! Now we will have a little rest and continue to carry out tasks.
Physical minutes - the game "Mice" (performed in the middle of the group)
The mice came out once, to see what time it was.
One-two-three-four, the mice pulled the weights.
Then there was a terrible ringing - the mice scattered away.
9. D / and "Sound Lost"(Words with missing sounds)
Speech therapist: Let's play the game "The sound is lost." I will pronounce the words without the sound "Ш", you must correct me and name the word in full: kami., Small.,. Gag,. Folder, .uba, my_ka, ko_ka, frog_ka, mo_ka, cro.ka, op.ka.
Speech therapist: Well done, we did it!
10. D / and "Say the sentence correctly"
Speech therapist: Guys, Masha wrote a story about her sister Dasha. Listen, I want to read it to you:
“Give Dasha a cat; Dasha for a walk with a cat; She put on panties on the cat; Dasha to love a cat. "
Something incomprehensible story turned out, probably Masha wants to confuse you, mischievous! Let's try to correct mistakes in the text?
Children: yes!
The speech therapist reads the sentences repeatedly, the children pronounce them correctly.
11. Speech therapist: Guys, who among you remembers the tongue twisters about Masha and her friend the bear.
Children: Masha washed her neck and ears under the shower.
Puffs like a plump Teddy bear.
Funny jokes from Masha and Mishutka.
A hat and a fur coat - that's all Mishutka.
Masha interferes with the porridge, Misha interferes with Masha.
Masha sewed for her little brother: a fur coat, a hat and pants.
Speech therapist: Well done!
12. Speech therapist: The next task is from Masha. Three patterns appear on the screen. Children remember what they mean. You need to determine the place of the sound "Ш" in words. I will name the words, and you must determine the place of the sound "Ш" in the word: hat, chocolate, fur coat, bag, cat, frog, reed, baby, pencil.
Everything is correct!
13. Now remember the words that begin with a syllable:
SHI - tire, rosehip, awl, thorn, thorns, ...
Words ending in - SHKA: cat, mouse, pillow, ...
14. Stretch your fingers, they will be needed for the next exercise.
Finger gymnastics "Ball"
Inflate the ball quickly, fingers of both hands are collected in one pinch, gradually move them apart,
He becomes a big "sh-sh-sh" without tearing apart from each other slowly spread his arms to the sides
Suddenly the balloon burst with a clap of your hands
The air came out to blow in the palm of your hand
He became thin and thin again to collect his fingers in a pinch
15. Reflection.
Speech therapist: Now I will distribute a drawing of a balloon.
If you liked the activity, color it green, if not, the ball should be red.
You can sign the leaflet.
Mark yourself how you worked.
Raise your balls, let's look at them.
16. The final part.
Speech therapist: What tasks were difficult for you?
Today you tried very hard, answered questions well, played, well done!
And here is the promised surprise from Masha (cartoon series "First Time in First Grade")

Speech therapy lesson in senior group... Sound and letter Sh.

Description: This lesson was conducted in the senior speech therapy group. When composing the lesson, the emphasis was placed on the development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech in children. This lesson will be useful for speech therapists and preschool educators.

Target: Acquaintance of older children preschool age with the sound "Ш".

1. Teach children to characterize the sound "Ш" by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.
2. To develop the general, fine and articulatory motor skills of children.
3. Develop phonemic processes.
4. Exercise in the analysis of words and sentences.
5. To educate children in self-control over newly delivered sounds.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment
Guys, let's greet each other with a song.

Logorhythmic greeting "Hello palms"

2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.
The speech therapist puts a picture of the Snake on the board
Who is this? How does the snake hiss? (sh-sh-sh) We will get acquainted with this sound today.

3. Acoustic-articulatory image of sound.
Pronunciation of the isolated sound Ш with the connection of oral, tactile-vibration and acoustic control. Observing the position of articulation in the mirror: the lips are extended forward, the wide tongue is raised to the alveoli and creates an obstacle for the air stream that passes in the middle of the tongue, the vocal cords do not vibrate (the neck is silent).
The sound Ш is a consonant, deaf, always solid, denoted by a blue counter.

4. The connection between sound and letters.
Consideration of the letter Sh.

The letter W is like a scallop.
Hair your doll, buddy!
We put three teeth in a row
And we connect at the bottom.

5. Development of phonemic hearing.
The speech therapist names correct and incorrect sounding words. Children should clap their hands when they hear the correct word.

Mapka, sneaker, hat, cap.
Balyshi, kids, balyshi, tabyshi.
Maiba, kaiba, taiba, puck.
Takhmata, chess, bakhmata, kakhmata.

6. Physical minutes.
Performing movements in the text of the poem.

All the guys stood up together
And they walked on the spot.
Stretched on tiptoes
And they turned to each other.
We sat down like springs
And then they sat down quietly.

7. Consolidation of sound in syllables.
Sound analysis of syllables АШ, ША. The speech therapist lays out the syllable schemes on the board, and the children say which of the schemes suits which syllable.

8. Consolidation of sound in words.
The speech therapist hangs pictures on the board, the title of which contains the sound Ш. Children should decompose these pictures into 3 groups: the sound Ш at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word and at the end of a word.
After that, the words are divided into syllables.
Then the speech therapist, together with the children, conducts a detailed sound analysis of the word "shawl" with a graphic layout.

9. Consolidation of sound in sentences.
Work on the deformed phrase. Children are invited to make sentences from words.

On, porridge, stands, table.
Chauffeurs, wearing a leather cap.

10. Consolidation of sound in the text.
Isolation of words with the sound Ш from the text.

The little animal is jumping -
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will hit the frog
And a mosquito and a fly.

11. Lesson summary.
What sound does a snake make? What sound is that? Name the words with the sound Ш at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.

The schoolboy was going to school,

He dressed more warmly:

I put on a fur coat, a hat, a scarf -

I walked to school and sweated.

Repeat the sound of Ш after me:
= In direct syllables:
sha-sha-sha, sho-sho-sho, sha-shi-sho-shu
shi-shi-shi, shu-shu-shu, shi-shi-shu-sha
she-she-she, sho-shu-sha-she
chic, seam, sheikh, wide

In reverse syllables:
ash-ash-ash, eh-eh-lish, ash-osh-eh-eh
osh-osh-osh, ish-ish-ish, osh-ush-osh-ash
ush-ush-ush, ush-eh-ash-osh
mouse, ink, rye [w], already [w], lie [w], quiet

1. Find words with the letter Ш (taken and)

2. "Walker" by the letter W

3. Determine those pictures (or just words) that contain the letter Ш:
= hat, fur coat, chair, wheel, wardrobe, boots

4a. Game "Reverse" ()
The mouse is very fond of the sound of Sh. She (take a toy and a picture with a mouse) will call the syllable with the letter C, and you need to remake it, replacing the letter C with W.
= sa - sha, so - sho, su - shu, se - she
= juice - shock, cape - mouse, mask - Masha, helmet - porridge

4b. "Change the first sound in a word" or Game "Magician": now let's turn some words into others! It is necessary to replace the first sound with the sound [Ш] and name a new word. (taken and) (Note: some children find it difficult to change the first sound by ear, so you can write on a sheet or make slides).
= sorry - ..., soap - ...., joint - ....
= max - ..., gift - ..., lips - ...
= bull - ..., sense - ..., mouse - ...
= sneaker - ..., T-shirt - ..., stomp - .. flop

5. Story - retelling with the letter Ш. Cat and mouse (chain text) (taken and)

Alyosha has a cat called Masha.
Cat Masha catches mice.
The mice run away from the cat.
The cat is big, dexterous, it catches up with mice.

6a. Tell the letter! (prepare slides with words)
= pencil ..., shala ..., land ..., small ..., kami ...

6b. Game "Finish the word!" (an adult writes on a sheet) (taken)
= syllable SHA: na ..., wa ..., Yes ..., Nata ..., gru ..., kry ...,
= syllable Ш И: na ..., wa ..., dy ..., kami ..., gru ..., we ..., kry ..., pi ..., u ...

7a. "Juggler - dodger" - you need to catch only those balls (balls) when I call a word with the sound Ш (if there are no such materials at hand, then you can "take a step forward if you hear the sound Ш (if not, stand still)" )
= bump, hedgehog, car, cat, beetle, bear, hat, giraffe, frog, cherry, ice cream

7b. The game "Clap your hands" (when you hear the sound Ш)
= Sounds: W, A, M, W, S, O, I, W, Z, K, M, F, R, D, V, W, G, W, L, S
= Syllables: SHO, OM, SHA, MA, VU, LO, ASH, NA, KI, OSH, SA
= Words: ball, smoke, porridge, cat, shoes, circle, baby, lips, hat

8. "Clown and balls": you need to help catch those balls on which there is the letter Ш (draw a thread from the balls and bring it to the clown's hand). And from the balls, where there is no letter Ш, draw the outgoing air. Do not forget to name all the letters Ш. (Idea taken, my execution (A5))

9a. Lesson with the letter Ш (from the book "Games for the development of speech")

9b. "Learning letters by playing"

10. Girl Mash has a birthday today - let's give her a chamomile! (the idea was taken, the file was made by myself (format A5))

11. One more number with a magician: I will be a magician, and you will be an assistant. Call the sound Ш, and I - the rest of the word. Then you repeat the whole word after me!
= ... apka, ... fur coat, ... ina, ... ah, ... mind, ... awl, ... al, ... ov, ... orokh

12. "Rotations of the magician": let's turn big objects into small ones! (spied)
lid - ...
ball - ...
hat - ...
closet - ...
ear - ...
cat - ...
pot - ...
pillow - ...
curtain - ...
fly -

13. Complete the sentences.
I go and you ... (go). I sing and you ... (sing). I am leading and you ... (leading). I give and you ... (give). I eat and you ... (eat). I carry and you ... (carry).

14. The game "Name affectionately"
winter - winter
a rock -
Sun -
bread -
hut -
hostess -
trousers -

15. Find the hidden letters Ш (from here)

16. Highlight and circle the letter W (from here)

17. Add the missing part to make the letter W (from here)

18. Find in this confusion the letter Ш (from here)

20. The ball burst. He falls and hisses: "Shhhh". Hiss with him. Draw a solid line along the dotted line. Do not stop anywhere and say: "Sh-sh-sh-sh ..." (this task and subsequent ones from here)

21. Show how the ball was at first - circle it along the contour and shade in the given direction. Draw a solid line along the dotted line. Stop nowhere and say: "Sh-sh-sh-sh ..."

22. Let's give Piglet a lot of beautiful balls. Draw a contour around each ball and shade in the given direction. Do not forget to say: "Sh-sh-sh-sh ..." Count how many balls Piglet has: "One ball, two balls, ..."

23. Snakes draw patterns in the sand and hiss: "Shhhhhh ...". First, slide your finger over the leagues, and then with a pencil. Do not forget to hiss like a snake.

24. Trace the contours of the mice point by point and finish drawing, repeating the pure phrase: "Hush, mice, don't mind. Don't wake up our cat." How many mice did the cat see in a dream?

25. Speak without hesitation: "Mishka has bumps, Mishka has bumps ...". Trace the outlines of the cones. Draw and say the word "Sh and Sh ka".

26. The chain of proposals. KaSha (chain text)

Masha and Dasha are eating millet porridge.

Millet porridge is boiled from millet.

My grandmother bought millet.

Grandmother made a pot of millet porridge.

The cat was fed with porridge.

27. Draw half of each item and name it.

28. Lay out the letter W from sticks (or pencils, or matches).

29. Look at the pictures and name them. Determine the place of the sound Ш in each of them. (taken)

30. Change the proposal by the sample (taken)
Masha has a fur coat. - This is a machine fur coat.
Misha has a car. -
Pasha has a bag. -
Dasha has chess. -
Sasha has a hat with earflaps. -

31. The game "Remember and repeat" (taken



  • disc "Songs of the Warehouse";
  • record player;
  • simple pencil;

Course of the lesson


Lopushok: Now take your seats. (




Children: This is Harlequin.


Children: A-ah-ah.








What else? (Children continue).


Children: window, cloud, hoop, etc.


Children: Snail, smile, duck, etc.


Children: Excavator, floor.


(Children leave the tables.) Physical minute.

So that the back can bend

It is necessary to stretch very much.

Hands up, hands down

Don't rush, don't rush!

Hands on hips, arms wider

We decided to sit on a tree stump.

No hemp, well, nothing!

We'll come up with it!

Lopushok: We continue the show. (Children sit at tables).

Lopushok(Children listen to the song).

Children: The sound "sh".


Children: consonant.


Children: Blue.


Children: He's deaf.

Educator: Is this sound hard or soft?

Children: Solid.


W, s, w, h, t, d, sh.


Masha cooked porridge,

Masha treated us to porridge:

Teddy bear, cat,

Cockerel Alyoshka,



Children: Sha.


Children: Shu.


Children: Sho.


Children: She.

Lopushok (Children get up).

Sha-sha - sha - there are noodles on the table.

Shu - shu - shu - we ate all the noodles.

Shi - shi - shi - we are now sitting in silence.

Sho - sho - sho - it's good in the circus.


Lopushok: What did you do?

Children: letter Ш.


(Children name words).


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"Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group for school on the topic:" Acquaintance with the sound [w] and the letter W ". "

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type No. 37, the city of Novocherkassk


speech development classes

in the preparatory group for school on the topic:

"Acquaintance with the sound [w] and the letter Ш".

Prepared by:

Kokorevich R.N., educator.

Target: familiarization of children with the sound "Ш" and the letter Ш.



    to form in children ideas about sound and the letter Ш, its characteristics;


    develop phonemic hearing, attention, coordination of speech and movement, fine motor skills of the hands;

    train children in composing and reading syllables;


    foster goodwill and independence.


    V. Voskobovich's play "Warehouses";

    disc "Songs of the Warehouse";

    record player;

    supplement to the carpet "Casket" "Funny Letters";

    cards with the task of drawing up syllables;

    simple pencil;

    plane image of the fairytale character "Lopushok"

    set "Multi-colored ropes".

Course of the lesson

Lopushok meets the children at the door of the purple room.

Lopushok: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you in the fairy forest. We have a circus show today and I invite you to the circus. The entrance ticket to this unusual performance will be the performance of a vowel song. Let's all sing it together.

(Children, standing around Lopushka, sing a vowel song).

Lopushok: Now take your seats. ( Children pass and sit at tables).

Educator: Under the sounds of the march, under the light of blue spotlights, acrobatic artists come out one after another into the arena and line up.

(Lopushok represents each artist).

Lopushok: Guys, did you recognize this acrobatic artist? Who is this?

Children: This is Harlequin.

Lopushok: What's your favorite Harlequin song? Help the Harlequin sing.

Children: A-ah-ah.

Lopushok: Did you recognize this acrobat? Let's help him sing his favorite song.

Children: This is Orlekin and his favorite song Oh-oh-oh.

Lopushok: The next acrobat. Who is this? What's his favorite song?

Children: This is Urlekin and his song Oooo.

Lopushok: And here is the next acrobat artist. Let's sing his song with him.

Children: This is Erlekin and his song Uh-uh.

Lopushok: Fanfare sounded and magic chests appeared in front of each artist.

Harlequin opens his chest and the audience is showered with pineapples, oranges.

What else? (Children continue).

Lopushok: What can emerge from Orlekin's chest?

Children: window, cloud, hoop, etc.

Lopushok: Urlequin opens his chest. What emerged from his trunk?

Children: Snail, smile, duck, etc.

Lopushok: Attention attention! And now Erlekin opens his chest and various objects fell on the audience from it. What emerged from his trunk?

Children: Excavator, floor.

Lopushok: Applause to our artists. And now is intermission.

(Children leave the tables.) Physical minute.

So that the back can bend

It is necessary to stretch very much.

Hands up, hands down

Don't rush, don't rush!

Hands on hips, arms wider

We decided to sit on a tree stump.

No hemp, well, nothing!

We'll come up with it!

Lopushok: We continue the show. (Children sit at tables).

Lopushok: In the second part, a new artist enters the arena. And the song "Skladushka" will help you to find it out. Think, what sound is found in it more often than others? (Children listen to the song).

Children: The sound "sh".

Educator: Let's say the "sh" sound all together. When we pronounce it, the tongue is "a cup" behind the upper teeth, the teeth are brought together, and the lips

rounded. This means that there is an obstacle in the mouth to its pronunciation. Do you think the sound "sh" is a vowel or a consonant?

Children: consonant.

Educator: What color will we designate it with?

Children: Blue.

Educator: Place your hand on the neck and make this sound. Determine: is he voiced or deaf?

Children: He's deaf.

Educator: Is this sound hard or soft?

Children: Solid.

Educator: Right. This is a consonant solid voiceless sound. And this sound is never soft.

Now let's play the game "Who is attentive"? You will pick up the blue circle as soon as you hear the "sh" sound.

(From the set, children choose a blue circle).

W, s, w, h, t, d, sh.

Sha, sa, shu, for, you, de, tu, sho.

Sled, ball, scythe, bump, stand, wide.

Lopushok: You were attentive and coped with the task. Intermission.

Finger gymnastics "Porridge".

Masha cooked porridge,

Masha treated us to porridge:

Teddy bear, cat,

Cockerel Alyoshka,

A gray hare and a little mouse.

Lopushok: Take your seats. The show continues.

Attention! In the third part, you will see an unusual musical performance. (The letter W is displayed on the carpet).

Artist Sh together with acrobats will perform funny songs.

Educator: You have cards with a table drawn on them. With her help, we will hear these songs. Pick up pencils and start writing.

Artist Ш will be the first to perform a song with Harlequin. We draw a path from the letter W to the letter A. What did you do?

Children: Sha.

Lopushok: And now the song of the sound of W and U. What happened?

Children: Shu.

Lopushok: Next song by artist Sh and Orlekin. What happened?

Children: Sho.

Lopushok: And this is a song of the sound of Sh and E. What happened?

Children: She.

Lopushok: Spectators can also take part in our performance. Let's utter and stomp the clean words. (Children get up) .

Sha - sha - sha - there are noodles on the table.

Shu - shu - shu - we ate all the noodles.

Shi - shi - shi - we are now sitting in silence.

Sho - sho - sho - it's good in the circus.

Lopushok: Our show is coming to an end. Let the portraits of our new artist Sh remain as a keepsake. You will make these portraits with your own hands. (The letter W is laid out on the carpet with the help of multi-colored ones).

Lopushok: What did you do?

Children: letter Ш.

Lopushok: Now come up with a word for your letter that contains the sound "sh".

(Children name words).

Lopushok: The show is over. See you, friends!

municipal budget educational institution

« high school No. 1 of Velsk "

Structural subdivision " Kindergarten№11 "Rainbow"


organized educational activities

on literacy training

in the preparatory group

Topic: "Sound and the letter W"

Prepared by:

teacher of the structural unit

"Kindergarten number 11" Rainbow "

MBOU "Secondary school No. 1 of Velsk"

Edemskaya Lyubov Valerievna



Target: acquaintance of children with the sound and the letter Sh.
1. To fix the correct pronunciation of the sound Sh.

2. Continue to learn to separate the sound Ш from a number of sounds, syllables, words.

3. Teach children to select words for a given sound.

4. To consolidate the skill of sound-letter analysis of a word.

5. Continue teaching children to make a sentence with a given word.

6. To develop auditory attention, memory, visual perception, phonemic hearing.
7. To cultivate an interest in the mother tongue.

Equipment: ball, picture with Dunno, sound recording letter W, pictures, blue circle, individual set: 4 counting sticks, splitABC.

GCD move:
1. Organizational moment:

(children stand by the chairs) Ball game

What sound did you meet in the last lesson? (got acquainted with the sound c)

I will name the word, and you will tell me where in the word this sound is located: at the beginning, middle or at the end of the word:

Heron, hare, sheep, mill, chicken, cucumber, gypsy, chicken.

2. Topic message

Today we will get acquainted with the new sound, and with which one you will find out now.

The music is playing

Guys, a fairytale hero has come to visit us. Guess who it is?

Guess the riddle:

Who has the big hat?

Who is the slacker and the muddler?

Who's the braggart. Chatterbox, arrogant?

Everyone knows, kid -…. UNKNOWN

Dunno wrote poems, and his friends from the Sun City cannot figure them out. He asks to help them:

With a friend we played ……. CUPS,

We drank tea from white ……. CHECKERS.

I got out of the mink ... .. LUMP,

A MOUSE fell on her.

What sound is found in all words7

3. Articulation

Let's make this sound.

What does this sound look like? (a snake hiss, a goose, leaves rustle, the wind rustles, a flat tire, pump up the wheel)

When we pronounce this sound, where are the lips, tongue, teeth?

The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward

Wide tongue at the top forms a "cup"

Warm air jet runs down the center of the tongue

Is there anything interfering with the pronunciation of this sound?

So what is this sound? (consonant, the tongue creates an obstacle to the air)

The neck is "silent", what is the sound? (deaf, pronounced without a voice)

What other sound is this? (solid)

Remember, the sh sound is always solid.

Let Dunno repeat, what is the sound of w? (consonant, voiceless, hard)

What color do we designate? (in blue) showing a blue circle.

4. Dunno offers to play the game “Clap your hands if you hear the sound of sh

W, p k, w

Sha, pa, ka, shu

Hat, cat, cat, crow, pencil

5.work with pictures

Dunno brought us pictures, let's see them

From a number of pictures, select those with the sound sh

Where is the sound w in the word?

Come up with a word with the sound w and where is it?

6. physical education (on the carpet)

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The breeze is getting quieter. Quiet.

The tree is getting higher, higher.

7. Acquaintance with the letter w (at the tables)

The letter sh with three spikes

Don't grab her with your hands.

What does the letter w look like?

Add the letter w from your fingers:

Connect the thumb and little finger of the right hand, and raise the index, middle and ring fingers up.

Lay out the letter from the counting sticks, how many sticks did it take?

Find the letter in the cut alphabet.

8. Sound-letter analysis of a word

What can be made of letters? (word)

Dunno suggests to make up the word FUR

What's the first sound? (W)

What sound is that? How do we designate? (in blue)

Which 2? What is he? How do we designate? (In red)

Which 3? What is he? How do we designate? (Blue)

Which 4? What is he? How do we designate? (In red)

How many sounds are in this word? (4)

How many consonants? (2)

How many vowels? (2)

What is the sound of 2? 4? one? 3?

How many syllables? (2) how did you know? (claps, hand to chin)

9. Let's make a sentence with the word fur coat

How many words are in your sentence?

10. Summary

Let's remember what letter we met?

Tell us all about the sound sh.

Dunno, too, remembered everything and will tell his friends in the Sunny City.

And he brought you gifts where you can color the studied letter.

What color will you paint?

Let's go and paint it.

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