Historical and geographical regions of the world. Make a classification scheme for the historical-geographical regions of the world Classification scheme for historical-geographical regions

Answers to exam tickets for intermediate certification in geography, grade 10

Compiled by S.M. Cook,

Higher geography teacher

2014, Bender.

Ticket number 1

Historical and geographical regions modern world

Among the states and territories of the world, there are natural, economic, ethnic and other differences. In addition, it is difficult to assess the entire completeness and versatility of the social and economic life of the planet at one glance. Therefore, to study the economic and social geography of the world, more or less homogeneous historical and geographical regions are distinguished.

The largest regions are parts of the world. Within the parts of the world, smaller regions are distinguished that have a certain geographical unity and a common historical fate. The most common in geography is the selection historical - geographical regions. They represent groups of countries, united by the similarity of historical development and peculiarities of their location.

In Europe, for example, Western, Central and Eastern Europe are traditionally distinguished. The countries of Western Europe in the post-war years have formed a stable political unity. Now, Central Europe is a group of post-socialist transition economies, covering the former socialist countries of Europe and the young independent states that were formerly republics of the USSR (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova). Eastern Europe is the European part of Russia.

Asia is subdivided into North (Siberia and Far East), East, South-East, South, South-West (or Middle East) and Central. The territories of South-West, South and South-East Asia have long been formed and each covers countries that gravitate towards the corresponding geographic regions. The Asian part of Russia belongs to North Asia. East Asia includes the territories of Japan, the DPRK, the Republic of Korea, China, Mongolia, although in terms of physical geography and history, Mongolia and Western China are Central Asia. Currently, Central Asia also includes Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

In America, there are Anglo-Saxon (North) America (USA and Canada) and Latin America, which includes the countries of the mainland South America, Central America and West Indies.

Africa is the continent of Africa. Australia and Oceania include the mainland Australia and all island states and territories in the Pacific Ocean.

Historical and geographical regions of the world have different levels of internal unity. If Western Europe unites countries that are quite homogeneous in political and economic terms, then, for example, Southwest Asia - today, is still a field of political confrontation. Africa, on the other hand, is a conglomerate of economically little connected countries.

The level of internal unity of regions is extremely dependent on natural features (the presence of plains, the comfort of climatic conditions, transport accessibility, etc.), and on the common historical fate, however, the main thing is the level of formation of regional markets, an active exchange of goods and resources, labor force , a variety of services.

Agriculture of the PMR, problems of its development.

The basis of agriculture in Transnistria, which has been greatly reduced since the times of the USSR, is plant growing - cereals, grapes, vegetables, sunflowers. In 2007, the region suffered from a severe drought, losses amounted to about $ 46 million. In the republic, from year to year, there is also a decline in livestock production. In general, the contribution of agriculture to the GDP of Transnistria in 2007 amounted to 0.76% in value.

Impact factors for agriculture in Transnistria:

1) highly fertile soils and significant agro-climatic potential, favorable for intensive agriculture and animal husbandry;

2) agricultural traditions of the population and sufficient supply of labor resources, allowing the production of labor-intensive types of products;

3) high concentration of the population, providing a significant market for agricultural products.

A number of factors limit the development of agriculture and reduce the efficiency of its productivity. The territory of Transnistria belongs to the zone of unstable agriculture, caused by insufficient precipitation and the spread of unfavorable climatic phenomena. In the region, the natural fodder base of animal husbandry is limited, and the spread of erosion processes reduces soil fertility and the possibility of their use for agricultural production.

The internal market of the region is filled with imported food, for the purchase of which huge foreign exchange is spent, which is extremely necessary for the development of its own agro-industrial complex. To activate agricultural production, a reform of agrarian relations in the countryside is necessary, aimed at increasing the interest of peasants in the results of their labor, the efficiency of using land as the main means of production.

Agricultural production in Transnistria is diversified, including grain products, fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy subcomplexes. A specific feature of Transnistria is a high share of agricultural land in the total structure land fund- they make up

71%. Crop production is represented by grain production (winter wheat, corn for grain, silage, green fodder). In the structure of grain production in PMR, wheat occupies 57%, barley - 32%, corn for grain - 9%. Sunflower production is at a low level. At the same time, potato cultivation has increased significantly. The traditional direction of plant growing in the PMR is horticulture and viticulture. Livestock breeding is represented by cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry farming, the number of horses has increased. The republic's animal husbandry is in a difficult situation: an insufficient feed base does not contribute to the development of animal husbandry in the PMR.

Ticket 2

1) Indicators for assessing the level socio-economic development of the country. Country typology for these indicators.

The most important feature of typology for geography is the level of socio-economic development of the country. At the same time, it is important to select statistical indicators that most accurately reflect the degree of development of the state - its economy and the standard of living of people. The gross domestic product (GDP) is used as such a quantitative indicator in socio-economic geography. GDP is the value of goods and services produced in a country per year and intended for direct consumption, accumulation or export. In the typology of countries, it is important to trace the internal differences in the economy of the state. For this, the features of the sectoral structure of the economy are analyzed, which is displayed through the share (%) of individual industries or sectors of the economy in the number of the economically active population (EAP) or the country's GDP. GDP per capita - the value of goods and services produced in a country per year and intended for direct consumption, accumulation or export per capita (GDP: population size)

According to the level of socio-economic development, all states of the world are divided into three broad groups - developed, developing and countries with economies in transition.

Economically developed countries of the world- these are states with significant indicators of GDP per capita, a predominance of the service sector and manufacturing industries in the structure of the economy, high indicators of the quality and standard of living of the population, and a high life expectancy. This group includes:

· Major capitalist countries (G8 countries): USA, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain

· Economically highly developed small countries of Western Europe: Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, etc.

Countries of resettlement capitalism: Canada, Australia, South Africa

Countries with an average level of economic development: Spain, Portugal, Greece

Developing countries- these are over 150 states of the world with a colonial past and an unequal position in the world economy. They are home to most of the world's population, agrarian and raw material specialization of the economy, a lower standard of living. Examples are: Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Cyprus, Panama, Afghanistan, Nepal, Haiti.

Key countries: Brazil, Mexico, India, Argentina

· Countries of externally oriented development: Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Egypt, etc.

Newly industrialized countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea

Oil-producing monarchies of the Persian Gulf: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE

Plantation countries: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Jamaica

· Countries - "tenants": Cyprus, Malta, Liberia, Panama

Least developed countries: Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh

Countries with economies in transition- these are the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe and Asia, whose economy was developing under the conditions of an administrative-command system (a system of economic organization based on state ownership of means and factors of production and on the central management of economic activity by state bodies, imposing their decisions on manufacturers and trade organizations). For example - Poland, Romania, Vietnam.

2) Industry of PMR: sectoral composition, factors of development. Industry is an important part of the PMR economy. It concentrates ¼ of those employed in the region's economy, and the bulk of them falls on the branches of specialization - ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, light industry, food industry, and electric power.

Power engineering. The republic does not have its own fuel industry, and the region satisfies its needs for primary energy resources (coal, oil products, natural gas) exclusively through imports. The main role in the electric power industry of the republic is played by the Moldavian state district power station.

Ferrous metallurgy represented by the Moldavian Metallurgical Plant (MMZ) in

Rybnitsa, which belongs to the enterprises of the processing metallurgy. It produces steel and small-section rolled products, using metal imported from neighboring countries and regions as raw materials. Over the years, MMZ has acquired considerable authority and experience in working with metal consumers in the most different countries the world. Its products are supplied to the CIS countries, Europe, Asia and the USA.

Building materials industry relies on the presence of significant reserves of natural building materials, as well as high domestic demand for construction products in connection with intensive industrial and civil construction. Currently, the extraction of wall stone from limestone is mined in the Grigoriopol mine, deposits of sand and gravel rocks are being developed in Parkany. Cement production is established in Rybnitsa, brick production in Tiraspol, linoleum and mineral wool are produced in Bendery. Basically, the products of the industry are consumed in the republic. Some of its types, for example, cement, are exported to foreign countries.

Mechanical engineering PMR represented by the electrical industry, production technological equipment, metal products and vehicles. The largest enterprises are concentrated in the cities of Tiraspol, Bendery, Rybnitsa. The electrical industry is represented by the Electromash machine-building plant of Transnistria (Tiraspol), the Moldavkabel plant in Bendery, and the Electroapparatura plant in Bendery. Rybnitsa Pumping Plant, Pribor Plant (Bendery).

Light industry is one of the most important branches of PMR specialization. She has complex structure represented by textile, garment, knitwear and footwear enterprises. The most successful in the domestic and foreign markets among light industry enterprises is the Tiraspol cotton production association "Tirotex", which includes spinning, weaving, finishing, sewing and knitting. Bendery sewing firms "Vestra", "Sportex", "Benderytex", "Luch". The city of Bender is the center of the shoe industry of Transnistria. Shoe firms "Floare", "Tighina", "Danastr" are located here.

Food industry is represented by a wide range of food producers located in cities and rural areas of the region. Depending on the participation in the interstate division of labor of the industry Food Industry can be divided into intra-republican (meat, dairy, bakery, flour and cereals, brewing) and export-oriented

(wine, cognac, alcoholic beverage, fruit and vegetable canning). The Tiraspol Wine and Brandy Factory “KVINT” and the “Buket Moldavii” factory (Dubossary) operate most efficiently on the domestic and foreign markets.

Ticket number 3

Ticket number 5

Population - 25 million people

Composition - 5 states.

The region occupies the northern part of Europe: from the Jutland peninsula in the south to the Spitsbergen archipelago in the north, from the Russian border in Karelia in the east to the island of Iceland in the west.

Northern Europe has an advantageous maritime geographical position. The seas, the surrounding countries connect them with each other and the outside world, determine the development of such important industries as fishing, shipping, shipbuilding, oil and gas production on the shelf. Deep indented shores (fjords) create favorable conditions for the location of ports and shipyards. The main part of the population and economy of these states gravitates to the coast.

Northern Europe includes the Scandinavian countries, Finland, the Baltic countries. Sweden and Norway are called Scandinavian countries. Given the general historical and cultural characteristics development, Denmark and Iceland are also included in the Nordic countries.
The Baltic countries mean Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. Often in popular science literature you can find the concept of "Fenoscandia", which has a more physical and geographical origin. It is convenient to use it for the economic and geographical characteristics of the group of Nordic countries, including Finland, Sweden, Norway.
Northern Europe covers an area of ​​1433 thousand km 2, which is 16.8% of the area of ​​Europe - the third place among the economic and geographical macroregions of Europe, after Eastern and Southern Europe. Large countries - Sweden (449.9 thousand km 2), Finland (338.1 km 2) and Norway (323, 9 thousand km 2), which occupy more than three quarters of the macroregion. Small countries include Denmark (43.1 thousand km 2), as well as the Baltic countries: Estonia - 45.2, Latvia - 64.6 and Lithuania - 65.3 thousand km 2. Iceland is the smallest of all the countries of the first group in area and almost twice the area of ​​any single small country. The territory of Northern Europe consists of two sub-regions: Fenoscandia and the Baltic. The first sub-region includes such states as Finland, a group of Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, together with the islands of the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. In particular, Denmark includes the Faroe Islands and the island of Greenland, which enjoys internal autonomy, and Norway owns the Spitsbergen archipelago. Most of the northern countries are similar in language and are characterized by historical features development and natural and geographical integrity.
The second sub-region (the Baltic countries) includes Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, which, due to their geographical position, have always been northern. However, in reality they could be attributed to the Northern macro-region only in the new geopolitical situation that developed in the early 90s of the XX century, that is, after the collapse of the USSR.
The economic and geographical position of Northern Europe is characterized by the following features:

firstly, the favorable position regarding the intersection of important air and sea routes from Europe to North America, as well as the convenience of the countries of the region entering international waters Oceans,

secondly, the proximity to the highly developed countries of Western Europe (Germany, Holland Belgium, Great Britain, France),

thirdly, the proximity on the southern borders with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in particular Poland, in which market relations are successfully developing,

fourthly, land proximity with The Russian Federation, whose economic contacts contribute to the formation of promising markets for the sale of products;

fifth, by the presence of territories outside the Arctic Circle (35% of the area of ​​Norway, 38% of Sweden, 47% of Finland). Among other geographical features - 1) the presence of the warm Gulf Stream, which has a direct impact on the climate and economic activities of all countries of the macroregion; 2) a significant length of the coastline passing along the Baltic, North, Norwegian and Barents seas, 3) as well as a predominantly platform structure of the earth's surface, the most expressive territory, which is the Baltic shield. Its crystalline rocks contain minerals of predominantly magmatic origin.
By state structure Denmark, Norway and Sweden are constitutional monarchies, the rest of the region's countries are republics. According to the administrative - territorial structure, the countries of Northern Europe are unitary states.

The region has large deposits of iron ores, non-ferrous metals, coal, uranium ores, oil and gas. The climate of Northern Europe is temperate, maritime with an increase in continentality to the east. Numerous rivers and lakes are used for the development of energy and fisheries. The soils are infertile. With intensive reclamation, they give good yields of grain, industrial and fodder crops. The most important natural resources of the region are huge tracts of coniferous forests. The harsh nature attracts numerous tourists - ecological, arctic, agricultural, sports and cultural tourism.

Population: Northern Europe is the most sparsely populated region of the continent. All countries are regions of the same nationality. Most of the population is Protestant. Natural growth in the region is on average

4-5%. Average life expectancy is 80 years. The overwhelming majority of women in the country and a high proportion of pensioners. The average per capita GDP exceeds $ 30,000. The population of the country is extremely unevenly distributed. The average density is 35 people per sq. km. Northern Europe is a highly urbanized region (over 80%, excluding Finland).

The economies of the Nordic countries are significantly inferior in scale and diversity of the sectoral structure to the leading economies of Europe. However, they occupy the main positions in the production of a narrow range of high quality products. The industry is represented by the production of oil and natural gas on the shelf North Sea, iron ore in Lapland, electricity (mainly hydropower in Norway and Sweden, geothermal in Iceland); ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (especially the smelting of high-quality types of steel and aluminum); various mechanical engineering (metalworking, general, transport, electrical engineering); chemical industry; woodworking and pulp and paper industry; light and food (meat, brewing, fish and butter-making), printing industry. The main industrial centers are the capitals of the countries.

In agriculture, high-value farms and cooperatives with an intensive type of production play an important role. The structure of the agrarian sector of the economy is sharply dominated by animal husbandry. Crop production specializes in the cultivation of forage grasses, grain crops, potatoes, sugar and fodder beets.

The transport complex of the Nordic countries is well developed, but it is less dense than in other parts of Europe. Railway transport is the leader in cargo transportation. They have access to ice-free ports in the North Atlantic. Automobile transport provides the overwhelming majority of passenger traffic. For external relations the leading role is played by sea and air transport.

In the international division of labor, Northern Europe is represented by a relatively narrow sector of raw materials and finished goods. The countries of the region export oil and petroleum products gas, iron ore, steel, rolled products, aluminum, various vehicles, machine tools, electronics, weapons and chemicals, as well as food and woodworking.

Ticket 6

Ticket number 7

Composition - 8 states.

Southern Europe is one of the most distinctive regions of the world, located in the south of this part of the world. The area of ​​Southern Europe is -1.03 million square meters. km. Southern Europe typically includes:

Countries on the shore Mediterranean Sea- the countries of the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal, Spain, Andorra), Monaco;

States located on the Apennine Peninsula (Italy, Vatican, San Marino), Greece,

Island states - Malta and Cyprus.

(sometimes Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, southern regions of Ukraine (primarily Crimea, as well as Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev, and sometimes also Zaporozhye regions) and the European part of Turkey are also included in Southern Europe). Five of the eight states in the region (Italy, Greece, Portugal, Malta, San Marino) are republics. Spain and Andorra are constitutional monarchies, the Vatican is an absolute theocratic monarchy.

The countries of southern Europe border on France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria. Turkey in the east with Syria, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Armenia, Iran, Georgia. The relief and coastline are highly dissected. Most of the region is occupied by mountains that separate the southern European countries. The region is the cradle of European civilization.

Nature Southern Europe is almost entirely located in the zone of hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs, which has survived only on the Mediterranean coast. Southern Europe is known for its hot climate, rich history and warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea .: Fauna: roe deer, servals, horned goats, foxes, monitor lizards, wolves, badgers, raccoons. Flora: strawberry trees, stone oaks, myrtles, olives, grapes, citrus fruits, magnolia, cypresses, chestnuts, junipers .. In all countries of Southern Europe, the subtropical Mediterranean climate prevails, therefore, in summer, warm temperatures of about + 24 ° C prevail, and quite cool in winter. , about + 8C. There is enough precipitation, about 1000-1500 mm per year. Water resources regions are scarce. In southern European countries, the river network is poorly developed, the rivers are shallow, with large seasonal differences and are extremely important for irrigation and water supply to the population and industry.

Natural resources and the conditions of Southern Europe are varied. The only vast lowland is the Padan Plain in Italy. The mountains of southern Europe are young, so mountain building processes continue and are accompanied by frequent earthquakes and volcanism. Among the minerals, there are deposits of various non-ferrous metal ores and building materials. The region's fuel resources are scarce. Many deposits have been developed over millennia and are practically depleted today.

Population. All the peoples of the countries of Southern Europe have come a long way of formation.

High population density, from 100 or more people per 1 km ². The predominant religion is Christianity (Catholicism). A narrowed type of population reproduction prevails in the region - natural decline is up to 1%. In recent years, the birth rate has decreased, the cult of large families has weakened, and social egoism has grown. The average life expectancy is high and reaches 78 years. In the countries of Southern Europe, the process of "aging of nations" is growing. The average population density in the largest countries of the region is 150-200 people. per 1 km². The population is unevenly distributed. The most densely populated are the coastal plains and river valleys. Here the population density exceeds 400 people. per 1 km². 2/3 of the population of the countries of the region live in cities. The largest cities are Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Athens.

Economy. Although the countries of Southern Europe belong to the group of highly developed countries, most of them lag significantly behind the countries of Western and Northern Europe in many economic indicators. The economy is dominated by the manufacturing and service industries.

The economies of southern European countries are heavily dependent on foreign capital, in particular, American. The complete absence of its own oil is especially sensitive to the economy of the region, but the range of minerals is large enough for the development of the economies of the countries. For the extraction of mercury ore (cinnabar), asbestos, pyrites, natural corundum, marble, bauxite, polymetals, uranium ore, antimony, Southern Europe is ahead of many regions of the world.

The source of energy in these countries are turbulent mountain rivers, mainly the Alps and Pyrenees, geothermal sources, as well as fuel oil and natural gas from African countries. Ferrous metallurgy of the countries of Southern Europe depends on the import of iron ore and coking coal, the centers of the industry are located in the port cities. In most countries, there is a mining industry, agriculture, mountain-pasture animal husbandry, the production of machinery and devices, fabrics, leather, and the cultivation of grapes and citrus fruits. Tourism is very common. Spain ranks second in the world in tourism (France is in first place). The main branch of specialization, in addition to international tourism, is Agriculture, in particular, this region is rich in grapes, olives, rather high indicators in the cultivation of cereals and legumes (Spain - 22.6 million tons, Italy - 20.8 million tons), as well as vegetables and fruits (Spain - 11.5 million tons, Italy - 14.5 million tons). Despite the predominance of agriculture, there are also industrial zones here, in particular, the cities of Genoa, Turin and Milan are the main industrial cities of Italy. It should be noted that they are located mainly in the north, closer to the countries of Western Europe.

Among the branches of specialization of the manufacturing industry, a variety of mechanical engineering, chemical, light and food industries stand out. The agriculture of the region is highly intensive. Land users are dominated by large commercial farms and cooperatives. The development of animal husbandry is limited by the scarcity of the fodder base. Crop production specializes in the cultivation of cereals, grapes, olives, citrus fruits, vegetables.
Transport not so much connects the countries of the region with each other, as provides their access to other states of Western Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Domestic transportation is served mainly by road and rail, and external - by sea and air. A network of transcontinental pipelines is developing, crossing the Mediterranean Sea and connecting the oil and gas fields of North Africa and the Middle East with the states of the region. In world trade, Southern Europe specializes in mechanical engineering, chemical, light and food industries. Tourism stands out among international services.

Ticket number 8

Composition - 17 states.

Central and Eastern Europe are the former socialist states of Europe.

The countries of Central and Eastern Europe include the countries located east of Germany and south of the Baltic Sea to the borders with Greece: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Eastern Germany (the former German Democratic Republic) Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia , Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria. The main features of the EGP are the position on the western borders of Russia, the border with the developed states of Europe, the direct access of Poland, Ukraine and the Baltic countries to the seas. Transport arteries connecting Russia with the countries of Western and Southern Europe pass through this region, which favors broad European cooperation. The countries are located compactly in relation to each other.

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has an advantageous economic and geographical position. The region is located at the junction of the countries of Western and Eastern Europe. In the north, it is washed by the waters of the Baltic, and in the south - by the Mediterranean.

The area is -1.3 million km 2.

The climate is temperate continental. The countries located north of the Carpathians have more humid, but less warm and sunny climatic conditions than the Balkan states. Countries in the northern part of the region experience frequent flooding and the southern part of the region experiences droughts.

The region has a dense river network. Of exceptional importance for the life of the peoples of CEE is largest river Danube. Its waters are intensively used for the needs of irrigation, industry, municipal water supply, transport, and recreation. In the countries located south of the Carpathians, highly fertile chernozems prevail, requiring artificial irrigation. Coniferous and beech forests of industrial importance grow in the mountainous regions of the region. Among recreational resources CEE is distinguished by the sea coast, the high-mountain resorts of the Carpathians.

Natural conditions and resources.

The natural resource potential, the history of the development and formation of the economy determined internal differences in the use of natural resources, which was fixed in the specialization of the countries of the region in the world market.

The relief of the region is complex. On its territory there are high mountains and vast plains. The diversity of the relief determines the diversity of the region's mineral resources.

The mineral resource base of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe is represented by fuel and energy resources: coal - Poland (Upper Silesian), Czech Republic (Ostrava-Karvinsky), Ukraine (Donetsk and Lvov-Volyn basins), Russia (Pechora), brown coal (Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia, Hungary), oil and gas, oil shale and peat. The ore resources of this region include the iron ores of Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia; zinc, copper - Poland, Slovakia, bauxite - Hungary, manganese - Ukraine; and non-metallic resources are represented by potash salt - Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus; rock salt - Belarus, Ukraine, Russia; natural sulfur - Poland, Ukraine; phosphorites - Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus; amber - the Baltic countries.

Population: A narrowed type of population reproduction prevails in the countries of the region. Natural decline is up to 1%, which is explained by a higher mortality rate. Life expectancy is significantly shorter than in other parts of the European continent, averaging 74 years. In some CEE countries, the “aging of nations” process is increasing.

The CEE countries are characterized by exceptional ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity. The peoples speak Slavic, Romance, Finno - Ugric languages. The population of the northern part of the region predominantly professes Catholicism and Protestantism, and the southern part - Orthodoxy and Islam. The average population density in the largest countries of the region is about 100 people. by 1 km 2. The population is distributed unevenly, the most densely populated are the valleys of large rivers, coastal plains and intermontane basins. Here the density is 400 people. per 1 km 2

In terms of urbanization, CEE lags significantly behind other regions of Europe - 2/3 of the population lives in cities. Rural settlement is mainly represented by large villages, and farms dominate in the north of Poland and the Baltic countries.

The economic and geographical position of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe can be assessed as very favorable. It has a great influence on the location of industries in them, favors the development of economic integration and the creation of border free economic zones.

CEE countries belong to the group of countries with economies in transition, but in many economic indicators they lag behind most other European countries, although they have completed the transition to market mechanisms. The standard of living of the inhabitants of the states of the region is comparatively lower than that of the population of the rest of the continent. Annual GDP per capita ranges from $ 4,000 to $ 12,000 per year.

The countries of Central and Eastern Europe are rich in cultural and historical attractions. They are famous not only for capitals and large cities, but also for many small cities of the region, which have been declared city-museums.

Industry: various mechanical engineering (production of vehicles, agricultural machinery, machine tools, industrial equipment, household electrical appliances and electronics); chemical industry (production of agricultural chemicals, explosives, synthetic resins, plastics, dyes, household chemicals, pharmaceuticals, perfumes and cosmetics); lightweight (textiles, ready-to-wear, footwear); food (dairy and meat, canned fruit and vegetables, wine, sugar, tobacco products).

The agricultural region is characterized by a relatively lower intensity and marketability than in other regions of Europe. Farms, cooperatives and small peasant farms dominate among land users. Crop production is dominated by cereals (wheat, rye, oats), sugar beets, potatoes, flax, and forage grasses. The Balkan countries specialize in the cultivation of wheat, corn, sunflowers, grapes, vegetables, fruits, tobacco, essential oil crops. From the branches of animal husbandry, there are: meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry breeding.

Transport serves not only regional cargo and passenger transportation, but also transit flows from the CIS countries and the Middle East to Western Europe. Domestic transportation is carried out mainly by road and rail, and external - by sea and air transport. A significant role is played by shipping on the Danube, oil and gas pipelines from Russia to Germany and Italy. Major transport hubs are Budapest, Prague, Belgrade, Bucharest, Warsaw.

In world trade, the region specializes in mechanical engineering, chemical, light and food industries. Among the region's international services, tourism, transport transit, education, and science stand out.

Ticket number 9

Composition - 17 states

The region is located on three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa. There are 17 independent states on this territory: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Cyprus. Most of the countries in the region are republics; the countries of the Arabian Peninsula mainly have a monarchical form of government. All countries of Southwest Asia (except for the UAE) are characterized by a unitary administrative-territorial division.

Southwest Asia includes the peninsula of Asia Minor, the Iranian and Armenian highlands, Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula, the island of Cyprus, as well as a number of small islands in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.

Two climatic zones are clearly expressed on the plains: tropical and subtropical; in the mountains, with a pronounced altitudinal zonality, the climate is sharply continental.

What are regions of the world? By a general definition, the concept region means any territory that has one or more common features. Region- synonym for words district, region, continent... There are regions inside every continent, country, city. By what principle the attitude of countries to a particular region is determined, let us consider in more detail.

Why divide the world?

The planet we live on is vast and diverse. Its distant parts differ significantly in geographic location, climatic conditions, economic development, historical, religious and cultural characteristics. It is much more convenient for a specialist in any issue that goes beyond one state to unite regions and countries of the world with the same characteristic features in one name. The generally accepted names of the regions are known to a wide audience, and everyone who is familiar with geography understands what this is about.

To study geography, division into regions is necessary for convenience. There is no need to describe in detail each, separately taken country, if the patterns of its development and geophysical conditions are similar to neighboring ones, especially since the quantitative composition and names of countries change constantly over the course of history. The peculiarities of the regions are studied by a separate science - regional studies.

Major regions of the world

The main division is determined by the UN classification system. The division of the world into regions was carried out on a territorial basis, on continents, for the purpose of statistics. It looks like this:

  • Europe (Central, North, South, East and West).
  • Asia (Central, West, South, East and South-East, North).
  • Africa (Central, North, South, West, East).
  • America (North or Anglo-America; Central or Caribbean, together with North America are combined in some sources into one region - Latin America; South)
  • Australia and Oceania (Australia - New Zealand, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia).

There are 23 regions in total. This division denotes the regions of the world according to the parameters of the physical and geographical position of its territory, the regions of these regions coincide with the areas of the continents and islands, have a geographical border.

Historical and cultural zoning

The history of the development of peoples, the formation of their cultural heritage, the established groups of languages ​​and dialects are as diverse on the planet as the climatic conditions of life. At the same time, there are countries for which this path was identical, some states disintegrated into smaller ones, while others united into one. Historical and cultural regions of the world are areas in which the features of religion, life, cultural heritage, architecture, customs, the way of doing business, and even the basic set of foodstuffs, have similar properties that characterize this area from others. The boundaries of these regions may coincide with geographic divisions, but not necessarily.

Examples of regions of the world with common historical and cultural traditions:

  • North Africa and the Middle East. The territory of worshipers of Islam, through which caravans of merchants from all over the world passed.
  • North America is an area in which the original culture of the aborigines has been almost completely destroyed, and so are its representatives. A new community of representatives of the nationalities of all continents has completely developed.
  • Oceania - remote from other civilizations, the peoples of this region have created a distinctive culture that is not similar and incomprehensible to other peoples.


Ecological regions of the world, or natural areas, - very vast territories, which are united by a similar landscape, climatic conditions, representatives of flora and fauna. Ecoregions are located around the planet mainly in latitudes, but have different locations and widths, depending on the relief and proximity to the ocean. The boundaries of natural regions for the most part do not coincide with the boundaries of powers or historical regions, they are determined by the distribution of warm and cold air and remoteness from the oceans.

Examples of ecoregions: tropics, equatorial forests, deserts, steppes, taiga, tundra, arctic deserts.

Tourist regions

The tourism business also considers in its activities the division of the world into regions, taking into account the recreational possibilities of the place, the proposed recreation for the tourist: nature; historical and cultural heritage; ecological, social, infrastructural situation.

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has adopted 5 tourist regions, which, in turn, are subdivided into 14 sub-regions.

Regions of the world by tourist destinations:

  • Europe.
  • Asia and Pacific countries.
  • America.
  • Africa.
  • Near East.

Economic division

Economists divide the world in their own way. Regions differ economically from geographic, climatic, or historical regions. The principle of their division is the level of economic development of the state. According to the UN, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, countries are divided according to the degree of development market economy, according to the socio-political system, according to the level of development.

The ancient civilized regions of the world were, Tigris and, Indus, Ganges, and, later, the territory of Ancient Rome and Ancient. Agriculture and various crafts developed here. However, in the rest of the planet, people still lived at a primitive level.

In the Middle Ages, in the economy more widely than before, mineral, forest resources began to be involved and were distinguished by high development only in East and South Asia, Western and. The vast territories of the North and, were poorly developed and rarely inhabited.

The great ones contributed to the involvement in the economic circulation of open lands in America, Australia and Oceania. England, colonial empires were created, the population of which was ruthlessly exterminated.

A distinctive feature of our time is the widespread development and penetration into previously inaccessible areas with unfavorable for people natural conditions... Recently, an intensive deployment of the world's productive forces has begun in the desert and territories of Asia, America, and Australia. Thanks to the achievements of scientific and technological progress, many people, in addition to highly developed countries, have begun to develop such territories. Even in new oasis cities with industrial enterprises appear, areas for agricultural land are reclaimed from the sands, and highways are laid.

Economic construction also takes place in extreme northern latitudes. These are the polar and polar regions of Russia, (Alaska). Ores, coal, oil, gold, platinum, tin, mica, etc. are mined there.

Mountain territories are also mastered by man. Mountain slopes are used as farmland, but this requires special equipment.

The deep territories of South America are being developed - humid tropical forests, where roads and factories are being built.

Increasingly, man begins to use his mineral, biological, chemical, energy and other riches. The idea of ​​transportation to the arid places of the Antarctic Earth is close to being realized. However, complete and still problematic, as well as the exploration of the Cosmos.

The era of extensive development of the planet due to the involvement of new spaces in the economy is coming to an end. The development of the economy will take place not “in breadth”, but “in depth”, due to a more complete processing of raw materials, reuse of production and consumption waste, and the use of low-waste technology. An extensive type of development of territories is preserved in some, where production still exploits natural resources.

So, the development of the planet is a complex, extended in time process, in which economic, political, social and environmental problems merge.

Goals and objectives of the lesson: formation of knowledge and concepts about political geography, geopolitics and historical and geographical regions.

Visual aids: political map of the world, MMK, Power Point presentation, atlas, contour maps.

During the classes:

1. Updating knowledge

The political map of the world has been taking shape for a long time, it is not constant and undergoes certain changes. Empires arise and collapse, military-political, economic alliances of states are formed and disintegrated, and, consequently, changes are taking place on the PCM.

Let's consolidate our knowledge on the topic “Types of countries. International organizations"

2. Questioning homework

What are the features of the stage of formation of the political map of the world?

Formation periods
political map of the world


Map changes

1 Ancient up to 5 c. n. e. The collapse of Egypt, Ancient China, the Persian kingdom, Phenicia, Assyria, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire.
2 Medieval 5-15 centuries. Byzantium, Arab Caliphate, Kievan Rus, the empire of Genghis Khan, Ottoman Empire, France, England.
3 New late 15th - early 20th century Colonization of territories discovered by Europeans: Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Oceania.
4 Newest from the beginning of the 20th century 1 period (until the 80s of the 20th century):
The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, Russian empires.
Creation of the USSR. The process of decolonization - the emergence of sovereign states: India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, African countries.

2 period (from the 80s of the 20th century):
Unification of Germany and Yemen.
The collapse of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the USSR.
The emergence of Eritrea, Palau, East Timor.

1. Name the objects of the political map of the world

The objects of the PKM include more than 250 countries and territories that have a formalized or unregistered state status. They are divided into 2 groups:

1) sovereign (independent), which are internationally recognized

2) dependent territories that do not have the status of self-government.

2. Based on the knowledge gained, make a cluster on the topic: "Typology of the countries of the world"

3. Describe countries by forms of government, give examples

4. Give a description of the countries by administrative-territorial structure (with examples)

If in physical geography changes occur slowly (climate change, movement of lithosphate plates, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), then in economic, political and social geography, changes occur daily. Geography is carried out here and now (changing borders, Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO, political upheavals that lead to economic and social changes, etc.) Today we will consider the issues of political geography and geopolitics.

2. Learning a new topic


1. General concept of political geography and geopolitics
2. Modern geopolitical trends
3. Geopolitical position of Kazakhstan
4. Historical and geographical regions

1. General concept of political geography and geopolitics

Political geography- socio-geographical science, which studies the formation of a political map of the world, the location and territorial combinations of political forces.

Political geography is divided into 3 categories according to the level of territorial coverage:

1. Political geography of the world in general and large regions
2. Political geography of individual countries
3. Political geography of politically specific territories (colonial possessions, enclaves, etc.)

Political geography: a branch of geographical science that combines geopolitics, geographic state studies, political regional studies, regional political science.

The basis of political geography as a science was laid by the German scientist Friedrich Ratzel. His basic concepts in this area were outlined in 1897 in the work "Political Geography".

The main areas of research in political geography:

1. Study of the peculiarities of the political and state system, forms of government and administrative-territorial structure of the countries of the world;

2. Study of the formation of the state territory, its political and geographical position and borders;
Consideration of geographical differences in the social structure of the population (including in the national and religious composition of the population);

3. Analysis of the alignment of party and political forces;

4. Study of the geographical features of elections to various authorities.

Geopolitics- an integral part of political geography, takes into account the geopolitical position of the country in the world (author of the term Rudolf Kjellen, Swedish scientist)

Geopolitics is the science of managing the world, which is designed to answer the questions that arise when solving global problems.

The main task of geopolitics is to define and generalize the geostrategy of the state.

2. Modern geopolitical trends

Text analysis

Analysis of the text in order to form students' ideas about modern geopolitical trends:

  • based on the analysis of the text of the textbook on page 84, identify modern geopolitical trends.
  • what is the essence of the multipolarity of the world? (the whole world was divided into 2 geostrategic regions: Primorye and the European land region, where trade is developed, as well as the External geopolitical region)
  • what determines the place of the state in world politics? (the place of the state in world politics is determined by its economic viability. If earlier the main attention was paid to physical and geographical factors, now it is economic. Economic factors become decisive, integration and trade unions are formed, new groups opposite each other appear at the global level (the rich northern - poor southern, western Christian-eastern Muslim, etc.))

Geopolitical theories

According to H. Mackinder's model, in the center of the world there is a giant closed continent - the “middle earth” - an array of motionless land, where the geographical axis of history (the territory of Central Asia) runs. The "Inner Crescent" - the world of moving history and the birthplace of world culture (the countries of the Mediterranean, Western Europe, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent) - is located between the "middle land" and the oceans. The "outer crescent" contains America, sub-Saharan Africa, Australia and Oceania. This is the zone of the maritime powers.

The “middle land” is invincible, since the maritime powers cannot invade this zone, so the countries of the “inner crescent” could never subjugate the peoples inhabiting the “middle land” (unsuccessful attempts of the Swedish king Charles XII, Napoleon, Hitler). At the same time, the peoples of the "middle earth", on the contrary, can easily invade the countries of the "inner crescent" and conquer them. This means that the peoples of the "outer crescent" and "inner crescent" must play a deterrent role and always be ready for an attack by the peoples of the "middle earth".

S. Cohen's model also includes the so-called world "peripheral zone", which includes Africa and Latin America. The Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia are part of "fault zones" - conflict areas of geopolitical instability, where representatives of different geostrategic areas confront each other, which is expressed in acute interstate and ethnic conflicts.

In addition, territories through which the interaction of states belonging to different geostrategic areas and regions are carried out act as "transit states" ("gate states"). Examples of transit countries: the Baltic States, Slovenia, Eritrea, Catalonia, the Basque Country, Punjab, Quebec, etc.

The most widespread was the neo-Eurasian school of geopolitics, presented in the work of Alexander Dugin "Foundations of Geopolitics" (1997). In this concept, Russia was recognized as the heir to the great Eurasian empire and had to confront the "Atlantic" countries. In addition, there was the theory of the “island of Russia” (by V. Tsimbursky), where Russia appears to be separated from international politics and is developing on an island surrounded by zones of instability.

3. Geopolitical position of Kazakhstan

In the strategy of Kazakhstan 2030 N.A.Nazarbayev noted:
- Modern challenges and threats urgently require a more dynamic modernization of the entire system of socio-economic and socio-political relations, which will allow Kazakhstan to maintain its leading positions in the post-Soviet space and in Central Asia, to become one of the most competitive and dynamically developing states in the world.

Drawing up a reference scheme in order to determine the geopolitical position of Kazakhstan.

Option 1
Membership in worldwide international organizations:

Option 2
Membership of Kazakhstan in regional international organizations:

Factors influencing the geopolitics of Kazakhstan

  • located in the center of Eurasia
  • located between Russia and China
  • the presence of common borders with five CIS states
  • proximity of hotbeds of international terrorism
  • large reserves of raw materials and natural resources


  1. Center of interests of Russia, China, EU, USA and Muslim countries
  2. Multiethnic state-stable state
  3. Multi-confessional state-stable state
  4. Huge reserves of strategic raw materials
  5. Active participation of Kazakhstan in international organizations and programs

Kazakhstan is a Eurasian state, which is a bridge connecting East and West.

Kazakhstan in 1993 voluntarily renounced nuclear weapons, which symbolizes the peaceful geopolitics of the state. The people of the country unanimously supported the initiative of the President and showed the unity of the nation to the whole world.

4. Historical and geographical regions

Graphic work

Graphic work with the aim of forming ideas about the historical and geographical regions. (work in pairs)

Mark the 16 regions of the modern world on a contour map:

1. Western Europe
2. Eastern Europe
3. Commonwealth of Independent States
4. South Asia
5. Central and East Asia
6. Southwest Asia
7. Southeast Asia
8. North America
9. Latin America
10. North Africa
11. West Africa
12. Central Africa
13. East Africa
14. South Africa
15. Australia
16. Oceania

Thus, we explored the foundations of political geography and the development of geopolitics in the world. The classification of historical and geographical regions is fully consistent with the prevailing geopolitical realities.

Give a typology of the countries of the world in the form:

1. Form of government
2. Form of administrative-territorial structure
3. By distance from the sea (seaside, inland)
4. By the size of GNP (gross national product)
5. By population
6. By the size of the territory

1. India (republic, federation, peninsular "key" among developing countries, 2nd place in terms of population in the world, among the largest countries in the world)

2. Japan (constitutional monarchy - headed by the emperor, unitary, insular, included in the "big seven", among the largest in terms of population - 10th place, in terms of territory - average in size)

3. Italy (Republic (presidential), unitary, peninsular, in the "big seven", large in population, average in size of territory).

6. Homework:

Paragraph 19, question 4 page 85 Reply in writing.

Graphic work: designate countries of "resettlement capitalism", NIS and "G7"

7. Summing up

Reflection of students on new material

Reflection of the teacher to the level learning activities students in the lesson.

Subject Geography Class 11
Lesson topic: Historical and geographical regions of the world (IGR), typology of states.
Overall Objective: Students by the end of the lesson should know the classification of the various geographic sites and highlight the main criteria for their classification.

Objectives: Develop critical thinking skills.
Express and defend your opinion.
To independently acquire knowledge by teaching each other.
To instill the skills of independent, pair and group work, self-regulation, evaluative and reflective activities.
Create a comfortable environment for disclosure creativity students, cognitive activity of gifted children.
Specific learning outcomes Students know the historical and geographical regions of the world, the typology of countries. They know how to work in groups, demonstrate the ability to evaluate themselves and others. Demonstrate the ability and skills to work in a group.
Teaching / learning approach The use of active teaching methods to develop communication skills in organizing work in groups and in pairs, with the aim of developing independence, using strategies of self-assessment, mutual assessment of students.
Sources: Textbook "Geography Grade 11" Beisenov A. Kaymuldinova K; Abilmazhinova S; Get out J. presentation
Interactive whiteboard, projector.
Whatman, felt-tip pens
Assignment resources: text, graded assignment cards, score sheets, reflective sheets
Teacher's Guide;
Active teaching methods.

Teacher: Greetings from students. Creation of a collaborative environment, I invite students to give their neighbor. "Compliment"
Students: Students tune in to the lesson in a supportive atmosphere. 2 minutes
Teacher: The teacher divides the class into groups (4 groups of four) (uses four kinds of candy for this and invites you to remember the rules for working in a group).

Pupils: Divided into 4 groups of four people according to the types of sweets. 1 min

Teacher: Suggests to perform
Task 1 (group) (check d / r) Poll the nomenclature "Political map of the world"
Mutual appreciation "From fist to five fingers"
Pupils: One by one they go to the blackboard and hand over the political map of the world to the nomenclature. Mutual appreciation "From fist to five fingers"
Teacher: Determine the topic of the lesson by key words:
Find synonyms
1. Vast territories: (regions)
- Adjective + noun (Regional geography)
2. Continents, their parts: (continents, countries) - geographic regions
3. Individuality. :(feature)
Pupils: according to key words, they determine the topic of the lesson.
Teacher: offers to complete Assignments 2 (group) Work with the atlas and wall map (RMB) "Fill in the blanks". Mutual appreciation Strategy "Two stars, one wish"
Geographic regions
1. Northern Europe - Norway,: continue what other countries are included ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… ...
2. Southern Europe - ………………………………………………………………………… ..
3. The countries of Latin America are divided into Andean, which includes countries such as ………………….
………………………………………; and the countries of the La Plata lowland, which include the following countries …………………………………………………………………………………………… ..
4. Having named all the countries, remember verbally their capitals.
1. Northern Europe - Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland
2. Southern Europe - Andorra, Vatican, Greece, Spain, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino.
3.Andian countries: (Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador) Countries of the Basin and La Plata Lowland: (Argentina, Brazil, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay)
Pupils: Each of the groups completes the task Fill in the blanks. Mutual assessment Strategy Two stars, one wish.
Teacher: offers to complete task 3 (group). "Typology of countries and their classification" Recall from the previous course in geography. Classification and typology of the countries of the world using your head and the information available in it. After that, one by one, each group answers the questions listed in the tables.
Typology of countries and their classification "
1. By size of territory 1. Countries Giants ……………………………
2.Dwarf …………………………………
2. By geographical location 1. Island ………………………………….
2. Peninsular ……………………………….
3.Countries of the archipelago ……………………………
4. Seaside …………………………………
5.Landless ...……………… ..
4. By the level of socio-economic status Highly developed …………………………….
Developed ……………………………………
Developing ………………………… ..
5. According to the state structure Unitary …………
Federated ……….
6. According to the form of government, the Republic ………………………………


Pupils recall all the information learned earlier in geography lessons on the topic "Typology of countries". After that, one by one, each group answers the questions listed in the tables.
Mutual appreciation "Two stars, one wish".
Reflection. Method "Restaurant". Students are encouraged to imagine that they have been invited to a restaurant and need to
answer the restaurant director's questions:
I would eat more ...
Most of all I liked…
I almost digested ...
I overeat ...
Please add…
Pupils: Answers the questions posed.
Teacher: Homework: displays on the slide, organizes the entry of homework in diaries.
Students: Write homework: for category A: write an essay on the topic “Why do I need knowledge about the typology of the countries of the world (50 words) for categories B, C; repeat the nomenclature "political map of the world"

Learning Outcomes for Students (A) Acting as a presenter, arguing, proving with specific examples. They are guided by the political map of the world without the help of a teacher.

Learning outcomes for students (B) Acting as complementary, have knowledge about the typology of countries, about the historical and geographical regions of the world.

Learning Outcomes for Students Acting as facilitators, possessing knowledge of the regions of the world.

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