Cultural features of France. France: history, government, science and culture. Time in France

France: culture, cuisine, customs, traditions, religion and population.

Culture of France it is special, first of all, by the fact that for the French, only that which is national is valuable. This is primarily architecture: castles of the Middle Ages, temples and cathedrals, and many others. As for the pictorial art of France, we can safely say that their impressionism changed the views on painting of the whole world.

Population and culture of France plays an important role in the well-being of the country. After all, if the inhabitants of the state receive spiritual and moral enrichment, the country flourishes. The culture of France is very rich and multifaceted. Throughout its long history, this country has given the world a huge number of outstanding writers, artists, musicians and architects. The population of France is about 66 million people and they all honor their national traditions, which are represented by various holidays and festivals. This country boasts many ancient castles, interesting museums and galleries, as well as grandiose architecture. The heart of France's culture is its capital, but not only Paris, but the whole country owns the sights.

France Fashion has always been endowed with charm and style. French women can put on whatever they want and make a personalized, attractive look out of it.

Probably, this is in their blood from birth and for this reason, fashion cannot but be attributed to the culture of France.

France is a state of free views and emancipation. Almost half of the French have had intercourse with several people, almost 30 percent of couples exchange partners ... Beaches for nudists are also popular. The largest nudist beach is located right here on the Cote d'Azur. But no matter how vulgar it all sounds, the cultural framework is in place here.

Summarize: the culture and population of France is very rich and multifaceted. This is majestic architecture, and beautiful paintings, castles, museums and temples, as well as their own unique views on demeanor, sex, style of dress, films and humor ...

Showing entries 1-3 from 3 .

French cuisine.

Probably, there is no person in the world who has not heard about the cuisine of France. Indeed, this is one of the most highly professional, sophisticated and vibrant gastronomic traditions not only in Europe, but throughout the world. She so long ago won the palm in the world that today in almost every national cuisine you can find a dish of French adventures, or products that are named in French words. But it is important to know one nuance. We are used to associating French dishes as something overly exquisite, with numerous rare ingredients that you can't really eat, but you get the highest pleasure inhaling the smell and enjoying the look. In fact, French cuisine is conventionally divided into two types: aristocratic and folk. The first began its history only from the time of the royal ...

Religion of France.

For centuries, France was an active Catholic state, Catholicism was the state religion, and people of other faiths, like Huguenots (Protestants), were bloodyly dealt with. The Holy See has consistently referred to the French kings as the most powerful Catholics in the world, initiating the crusades together. Moreover, the XIV century went down in history as the time of the so-called Avignon captivity of popes, when the heirs of Saint Peter sat down not in Rome, but in French Avignon. But these times and events have sunk into oblivion, and today France is a secular state, where religion is clearly separated from politics. Freedom of belief is considered an unshakable constitutional right, although, at the same time, some religious organizations at the state level are recognized as cults. So, the most numerous ...

Customs and traditions of France.

Traditions are probably one of the most important points in the life of the French. Just as it is impossible to live without adhering to etiquette, fashion and style, good cuisine, so it is difficult for them to imagine their day without adhering to customs. in fact, the modern traditions of France are very much mixed with the customs of those peoples who come to live there. Thus, in the classical European system of traditions and customs, most of which were based on Catholic canons, the traditions of Muslims merged North Africa... Turning to the classical foundations of French life, we note that it is very important for them that life must go "comme il faut" (that is, to do everything as it should). For example, a lot of time is spent without remorse on the morning toilet and cooking ...

A message about France for grades 3, 4 will tell you about the amazing homeland of Napoleon, the Little Prince and the Three Musketeers.

A short message about France

The report on France should start with the fact that it is located in the west of Europe. It also includes the island of Corsica, located in the Mediterranean Sea. France is often referred to as the Hexagon because of its hexagonal shape.

France shares borders with Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg to the northeast, Italy and Monaco to the southeast, and Andorra and Spain to the southwest. The country is washed by the Mediterranean and North seas, The Bay of Biscay and the English Channel and the Pas-de-Calais.

France square- 551 thousand km 2.

Largest rivers France- Seine, Loire, Rhone, Garonne and Rhine.

Capital of France- Paris

Big cities of France- Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Nice

Population of France- 66.7 million people (2016)

Form of government- presidential-parliamentary republic

The territory of France is mostly hilly, with extensive highlands, lowlands and medium-high mountains. The exception is two high mountain massifs in the southeast in the form of the Alps and in the southwest in the form of the Pyrenees. The highest point of the country is Mont Blanc, its height is 4807 m.

The climate is completely dependent on Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean... In the north, the climatic conditions are milder, humid and maritime, while in the south, the climate is warm and Mediterranean. In the mountains, the climate is characterized by low temperatures. More precipitation falls here. Snow cover remains at high altitudes.

The whole world knows that French wines are the best in the world. France is also famous for its fashionable clothes, perfumes and cosmetics. France is rightfully considered the world capital of fashion.

Today, in all countries, people use airplanes, wagons and cars (Citroen, Peugeot and Renault) made in France.

Religion of France

Approximately 4/5 of the country's population is Catholic. About 12% of the population consider themselves to be atheists. 3% of the population is Muslim, 2% is Protestant, and 1% is Judaism.

Sights of France

More than 5 thousand castles have survived in France since ancient times.

Notre Dame, Disneyland, Fontainebleau forest, Sacre Coeur basilica, flea market in Saint Ouen near Paris, Rouen naval armada, Eiffel Tower, Palace of Versailles, Louvre, Pompidou center, Notre Dame Cathedral all tourists want to visit.

Famous French people glorified their country all over the world - Honore de Balzac, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Jules Verne, Emile Zola, Albert Camus, Stendhal, Jacques yves Cousteau, Pablo Picasso and others.

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France is a relatively ethnically homogeneous country. About 9/10 of its population is French. Official language countries - French, belonging to the Romance group of Indo-European languages.

Church and state have been separated since 1905, but the Constitution guarantees absolute freedom of religion. In France the predominant religion is Catholicism. 90% of the French are Catholics, including those who have broken with this religion, but have been baptized according to the Catholic rite from birth. About 5% are Muslims, 3% of the French are Protestants, 1.3% are Jews, the rest of the believing population belongs to various sects.

In the northeast in Alsace and northeastern Lorraine live Alsatians (1.3 million), the western regions of the Brittany Peninsula are inhabited by Bretons (1 million). In the north of France, near the border with Belgium, the Flemings live (100 thousand). The island of Corsica is inhabited by Corsicans (300 thousand), and finally, in the foothills of the Pyrenees in the west are settled Basques (130 thousand), and in the east by Catalans (200 thousand). The ridge of the Pyrenees divides the area of ​​their settlement into two unequal parts, the bulk of these peoples live in Spain.

About 5 million foreigners are registered in France, mainly immigrants from Africa, overseas possessions (Martinique) and Indochina.
V early XIX century France was the first country in foreign Europe in terms of the number of inhabitants. In 1801, it was inhabited by over 28 million people. Now, in terms of population (53 million), it ranks 4th after Germany, Of Italy and the UK. The fact is that in France, earlier than in other countries of foreign Europe, the birth rate began to fall, and during the crisis years of the 30s, the death rate even exceeded the birth rate. In addition, the large human losses affected during the First and Second World Wars.

After World War II, the population of France began to increase significantly. During 1946-1975, the country's population grew by 13 million people, i.e. by 1/3. This happened not only due to natural growth, but also the migration of foreign workers and the return of the French from the colonies that gained independence. However, the modern demographic situation in France is again alarming: if in the early 60s, 18 births were registered annually per 1000 inhabitants, then in last years this number dropped to 13-14. This is explained by the growing crisis in the country, the rise in unemployment and prices, the difficult economic situation of a significant part of the population, and the aggravation of social contrasts.

In France, men usually tie themselves in marriage by the age of 26, and women by the age of 23. Statistics show that the strength of marriages is weakening. Divorce rates are on the rise. However, in France, spouses get divorced less often than in Great Britain and Germany.

In terms of mortality (10-11 people per 1000 per year), France is not much different from other European countries. The average life expectancy for men is 75 years, and for women - 82. There are 1.1 million fewer men in the country than women. France has almost the lowest infant mortality rate in the world.

Natural population growth in France is small: 3-4 people per 1000 inhabitants per year, and in the economically backward regions of the Massif Central and the south-west of the country, where young people leave and where the majority of the population is older people, mortality even prevails over births.

From France less often than from most others European countries, there was a massive emigration. Currently, the country is home to about 4 million foreigners and more than 1.5 million naturalized persons, that is, foreigners who have received French citizenship. Foreign workers, mainly Algerians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, make up about 1/10 of the country's economically active population. They are used mainly in the most difficult jobs - in mines and construction sites, they are employed in low-skilled labor in metallurgical and chemical plants, as well as in the service sector.

Over the past decades, the structure of the population's employment has changed dramatically. The agricultural population as a result of the ruin of small farms and the increased concentration and mechanization of production over the past 20 years has decreased by almost 2.5 times; during the same time, due to the crisis in the coal industry, the number of workers in the mining industry decreased by 1/3. The number of people employed in manufacturing and transport is almost stable, since the volume of production in these sectors is increasing mainly due to an increase in labor productivity.

Half of the active population are women - 25 million... In construction, and especially in the non-productive sphere, the number of people employed is growing rapidly; in trade, financial institutions, the state apparatus, the service sector employs about half of the workers - 65%. Agriculture employs 6% of the working population, industry - 30%, construction and communications - 4%.
There are a lot of social strata and population groups in France, and social structure society continues to become more complex. At the same time, the contradictions between the monopoly bourgeoisie and all other strata of society are aggravated, and all new groups of the population are proletarianized.
The middle and semi-proletarian strata of the population are numerous in France. More than 6 million people are employees and over 4 million are small owners of the city and village.

Economic and political power belongs to the monopoly bourgeoisie, the industrial and financial oligarchy and the political elite of the ruling class closely associated with it. This is the smallest social stratum, but it owns all the main means of production and completely subordinates the state to its interests as an instrument of its class domination.

In the country, there is an extremely large difference in the level of income of the bourgeois elite of society and the bulk of the population. The housing problem is extremely acute. The number of unemployed is very large, and among them there are especially many young people and women. Inflation, rising food prices and utility bills are having a hard impact on the lives of the French people.

The mobility of the population is great in France. More than 1 million people change their place of residence annually. The main direction of migration is from villages to cities. The flight from the countryside led to the depopulation of many backward agrarian regions and increased the contrasts in the distribution of the population.

France is populated not only densely, like other major capitalist powers, its average density is just over 100 people per 1 sq. km. , while, for example, in Great Britain - 230, in Germany - 240. In mountainous regions and in other areas with marginal soils, the population density does not even reach 20 people. Only the Paris region is distinguished by a high concentration, which has absorbed about 20% of all inhabitants of the Republic. In the regions of Paris, Lyon and in the north of France, that is, where the largest number of cities and industrial enterprises are located, the population density reaches 300-500 or more people.
The capital of France is Paris with a population of over 2 million. Together with the suburbs, it forms the Greater Paris, which is home to more than 10 million people. The next largest cities without suburbs are Marseille (803 thousand), Lyon (414 thousand), Toulouse (359 thousand), Nice (348 thousand).
Today, 80% of the population lives in large urban centers. For the densely populated Greater Paris, statistics predict by 2000 an increase in population to 16 million.

Usually cities are considered those communes, in the centers of which there are at least 2 thousand inhabitants. 70% of all residents are concentrated in such urban communes.
In the twentieth century, few urban settlements appeared. These are mainly the so-called unloading cities - satellites of large cities. In addition, several young cities have been built at new mining sites, at new nuclear and tourism centers in the mountains and on the seashore.

For France, small and medium-sized cities are typical, and large cities, with a population of over 100 thousand, are fewer here than in Great Britain or Germany, which is explained by a lower level of industrialization and production concentration.
City boundaries in France rarely change, and in many cases they are very outdated. Most large cities have long outgrown their administrative boundaries, overgrown with suburbs, which, however, retain their legal independence. As a result, agglomeration became the main form of urban settlement in France. They usually form around one large city. But in the industrial regions of the North and Lorraine, many metropolitan areas consist of several nearby small towns and villages that have grown up near mines, mines and factories. Around large agglomerations, vast zones with a semi-urban-semi-rural population have been formed; the improvement of transport means now allows many people working in cities to live in rural areas.
In France, as in Great Britain, the importance of the capital is extremely great, which stands out sharply in terms of the number of inhabitants among other centers. More than 10 million people, or almost 1/5 of the country's population, are concentrated in the Paris metropolitan area, together with the surrounding semi-urban area. The government pursues a policy of containing the growth of Paris (in particular, the construction of new factories is prohibited here) and spends large funds on the development of centers economic regions: Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Bordeaux, Nantes, Nancy, Toulouse, Strasbourg.
The average French city usually has 20-30 thousand inhabitants. Its history is reflected in the central quarters, where there is often an old castle or monastery, next to the city square with the city hall, church, market. From here the streets diverge radially. The houses of the local aristocracy, shops and restaurants are located near the center. Newer quarters are located around the old town, where industrial chimneys can be seen among quiet buildings.
In large cities of France, one or another industry is well developed, but large, typically industrial cities, where more than half of the working population would be employed in industry, in France, unlike Great Britain, there are almost no (excluding Roubaix and Saint-Etienne). Most often, medium-sized and small urban settlements have a pronounced industrial character, especially in the north and northeast.

There are many resort cities in France - Deauville, Vichy, Nice and others. In southern cities, a significant part of the population is engaged in agriculture.

The most populous rural settlements, with 1,000 or more inhabitants, are in the Paris Basin and in northeastern France, where communal traditions have been preserved.
The villagers are not always engaged in agriculture... Villages are sometimes located at factories, railway or automobile stations, sometimes they are centers of fishing and tourism. Only half of the rural population lives on agricultural income.

Tours to France are always chosen by romantic natures and those who are attracted by the centuries-old history of one of the original peoples of Europe. But before you go to Paris or the Cote d'Azur, you should know how the French people differ from their closest neighbors and from the Russians, with whom they have several centuries of common history.

Let's try to find out the most Interesting Facts about France and the people inhabiting this country.

Triumphal Arch

Mentality and characteristics of the population

main feature the French - their little hypocrisy. They smile constantly, even if they are annoyed or displeased with you. However, this quality cannot be called bad, besides, the French are quite friendly in public.

The French are very polite people, here even after an accident they often do not call traffic inspectors and solve the problem very quietly and calmly.

By the way, to the rules road traffic the French are very frivolous. If there is no patrol car on the road, the rules will be violated everywhere, even in the center of Paris.

In addition to politeness, the French are highly sociable. Here, at any moment on the street, a person can come up to you and start talking about anything.

The French love of kissing is far from a myth. It is customary here to kiss even an unfamiliar person twice on both cheeks at the meeting and goodbye. In the southern regions of France, the population is even more loving - four kisses are considered the etiquette norm.

The French have a strange style of dress, especially young people. While adults are in line with French sophisticated fashion, almost 100% of teenagers wear watches and chains over their clothes, do their own custom hairstyles and dress in clothes of very catchy and bright colors.

The dress code in France must also be followed by a tourist. A guest who dresses like a "true Frenchman" in a beret and a striped sweater can be booed in the street or, at least, seen off with mocking glances, shaking his head reproachfully.

Superstition is one of the national character traits of the French. For example, a tourist may be kicked out of a hotel lobby for opening an umbrella indoors. For umbrellas in France, there are special baskets at the door.

The superstition and piety of the French do not interfere. Churches and cathedrals here are an inviolable area, and tourist groups are not allowed during services. You can see the inside of the temples only at certain times.

In France, you should always greet the staff when entering a hotel, shop or restaurant. The etiquette framework for native French people is sacred, and those who do not follow them will not receive the most polite service.

French wine

The responsiveness of the French to people in trouble is another distinctive character trait. Although, in part, this is dictated by the laws - if an accident occurs in front of a Frenchman or an accidental passer-by becomes ill, he must call the police or an ambulance. Otherwise, the victim has every right to bring a witness to court.

The French are not indifferent to fire - in order to spoil someone here they burn door mats, set fire to doors or cars. That is why all French cars are primarily insured against arson.

In terms of the car industry, local residents are real patriots. They, even with a lot of money, would rather buy Renault, Peugeot or Citroen than Mercedes.

Patriotism also applies to the native language. On the main streets of French cities, you will not find a single sign on foreign language, and locals may defiantly not understand English, and even more so - German.

In addition, the broadcasting law states that from 8 am to 8 pm 70% of the music played on the radio must be written by French composers. Songs can be on English language... But the French have to do them.

The French adore Napoleon Bonaparte, despite the inglorious last years of the emperor's reign. For foreigners, they regularly arrange excursions to "Napoleonic" places, and for insulting the name of the great French ruler, you can get several months in prison.

The attitude towards Russian-speaking tourists in France is even - unlike the Italians or the British, the French never judge peoples by stereotypes. Well, and the attitude of an ordinary Frenchman to the richest heritage of literature, music and Russian ballet is more than reverent.

Food and cuisine

The French have a very special attitude towards food and the process of eating food. While the Frenchman is eating, it is completely indecent to distract him. And being late from lunch is considered less shameful here than being stuck in a traffic jam.

When going to a French restaurant, you also need to take care of your appearance, having previously found out what policy the institution has. If it is imperative to be in a tuxedo and bow tie, then a visitor in a youth blazer over a turtleneck or, even worse, a tracksuit, will simply not be allowed.

Table etiquette is almost more important than general manners. For example, you need to order only red wine for cheese dishes made from drinks - otherwise, you can get a stinging remark from the waiter about the lack of taste in monsieur or madam.

By the way, the waiter in restaurants or cafes is almost the main person. You shouldn't rely on general politeness and the rule “the client is always right”. French waiters are always confident that they know much better which dishes are good and which ones are better not to order. And in most cases it is.

It is generally accepted that in France, almost at every step there is a restaurant serving frog legs. However, in fact, this dish is considered a real delicacy and can only be ordered in the most refined and rare restaurants.

France is one of the few countries where the most expensive and most famous mushrooms in the world - truffles - grow. There is no fixed price for this delicacy - it is traded for it in the same way as for gold or currency. The average price is 600 euros per kilogram, and this includes land and waste. Truffles ripen in winter period.

There are as many as 22 in France national cuisines- as much as there are regions. Each cuisine depends on what is grown in that region.

The French really know how and love to cook. For example, here you can eat almost one potato - there are so many dishes prepared from this vegetable that it is impossible to try them all.

Other facts

The salary of 1000 euros is considered quite low in France, only janitors, waiters and other unskilled workers receive less here.

In France, there is a healthy attitude towards corruption - it is very difficult to bribe a policeman here, he would rather not take you and also hand you over to law enforcement agencies.

Translated with our money, a pack of cigarettes in France costs about 200 rubles. Despite such sky-high prices, people smoke a lot in France, especially young people.

Public transport in France is simply excellent - the buses are clean here, and the transport itself runs regularly and without delays. A ticket in France is universal for all types of transport, for 1.5 euros you can ride the metro or buses for an hour.

The inspectors come here very rarely - in France it is simply not customary not to buy a ticket. And besides, the fine for a ticket without a ticket is 200 euros - it's easier to buy a ticket for 1.5. In general, the fines here are very high for all types of violations.

Houses in France are chic and usually low-rise. Most of all there are five or six-story buildings. The entrances of the houses are very comfortable and clean.

Important: In France, a large number of Africans and Arabs come from the former imperial colonies. Each nation has its "own" neighborhoods, where tourists are better off not entering, due to the high crime rate.

The standard of living in France is very high - low-income citizens live in three-room apartments with renovation and expensive equipment.

French education is no worse - already in the 11th grade, children study the 2-year program of a Russian university. The educated person can almost automatically find Good work, but without a certificate, you can get a job as a builder or auto mechanic.

In France, there are practically no 24-hour grocery stores, and pharmacies here close at nine in the evening.

When it comes to culture, no one can take away the palm from the French: extraordinary, amazing, sophisticated - that's distinctive features French culture. Without a doubt, only a long and rich history could lead to the emergence of such a rich culture. It was in France that many currents of world culture originated, which had a significant impact on the course of history, the development of science, art and literature in general. The cultural heritage of France is truly enormous. It is this country that has been and remains the center of world art for many centuries. France may be a small country in terms of geography, but it is one of the greatest when it comes to creativity, art, philosophy, science and technology.

Great writers, poets, playwrights, artists, actors, fashion designers, musicians and scientists, haute couture and haute cuisine - all this is an integral part of the very concept of "France".

It is to the French that we owe the appearance cinema and cinematography(Brothers Lumiere). French cinema was formed after the Second World War: the world recognition received: "Parma Cloister" (1948), "Red and Black" (1954), "Teresa Raquin". In the 1940s - early 1950s, such brilliant actors as Gerard Philippe, Bourville, Jean Mare, Marie Cazares, Louis de Funes, Serge Reggiani became famous. The "new wave" of French cinema has become a separate phenomenon in world culture. Thanks to François Truffaut, Claude Lelouch and other talented young directors, France has become one of the centers of world cinema. In the 1960s, Jeanne Moreau, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Gerard Depardieu, Catherine Deneuve, Alain Delon, Annie Girardot, French comedians Pierre Richard and Coluche took to the stage of French cinema. The tone of modern French cinema is set by such directors as Luc Besson, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Francois Ozon, Philippe Garrell. Speaking of actors, it is worth mentioning Jean Reno, Audrey Tautou, Sophie Marceau, Christian Clavier, Matthew Kassowitz, who have become world stars. It is in France, since 1946, that the famous Cannes International Film Festival has been held.

If there is something connected with France and known to everyone, then it is most likely haute couture... The great French fashion designers Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent elevated clothing modeling to the level of real art. Who else but the famous Coco Chanel, we owe the appearance in our wardrobe of such familiar things: a shoulder bag, metal jewelry, chains, a little black dress, blouses and trousers of a man's cut. (Recall that back in 1932, the head of the French police forbade Marlene Dietrich to go out in trousers on the street). After the war in France, a real revolution in the fashion world takes place: in 1946 the first bikini swimsuit appears, in 1947 Christian Dior creates his own special new style. Soon, Yves Saint Laurent, the main fashion designer of the House of Dior, launched his first sensational collection.

Literature in France begins to develop in the 9th century, in any case, it is this century that the surviving literary memorials date back to. Literary creativity reaches its peak in the 12th century. This is evidenced by the famous epic poem "The Song of Roland", chivalric literature ("Tristan and Isolde"), the poetry of trouvers and troubadours. In the Renaissance, Rabelais' novel Gargantua and Pantagruel appears, Michel Montaigne publishes his Experiments. In the era of classicism, philosophy is actively developing along with literature. The names of such French philosophers, writers and playwrights as Descartes, Pascal, La Rochefoucauld, Cornelle, Racine, Moliere, Charles Perrault, Jean de La Fontaine are familiar to every educated person. Each literary era (Enlightenment, realism, romanticism, symbolism) in France is associated with names that are known all over the world today: Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Stendhal, Balzac, Flaubert, Zola, the Goncourt brothers, Charles Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud.

In the XX century, French literature (literature of modernism) is intensively developing, as well as itself French... Marcel Proust, André Gide, Anatole France and Romain Rolland, François Mauriac and Paul Claudel, Apollinaire, Cocteau, Breton, Aragon, Camus, Yonesco and Beckett became the founders of various literary schools and movements. French writers of our time (Christian Boben, Amelie Notomb, Frederic Beigbeder, Muruel Burberry, David Fonkinos, Anna Gavalda, Michel Houellebecq, etc.) in their own way talentedly reflect the "spirit of the era" in their works. French literature is distinguished by its social sharpness, humanism, sophistication and beauty of form.

Painting in France began to develop very early. Already in the 17th century, it occupies a leading place in the cultural life of the country. France gave us such styles of art as Rococo (Antoine Watteau, Francois Boucher), impressionism. For many centuries, Italian art has had a significant impact on the development fine arts France. However, already in the 1860s, French art made a real breakthrough, after which France became the undisputed leader. This breakthrough is associated primarily with the work of impressionist artists: Edouard Manet and Edgar Degas, Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, Gustave Caillebotte, etc. Post-Impressionism is known to us for the work of such major artists as Paul Gauguin, Vincent van Gogh and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. In France, new art schools and trends in painting are gradually developing: pointillism (Georges Seurat, Paul Signac), the Nabi group (Pierre Bonnard, Maurice Denis), Fauvism (Henri Matisse, Andre Derain), Cubism (Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque) ).

Musical culture France is no less interesting and diverse - this is due to the fact that the French language itself is extremely melodic, the rhythm of the song often coincides with the rhythm of the language. In the 1920s, jazz came to France, the most prominent representative of which was Stefan Grappelli. In the XX century. At the peak of popularity were Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, Georges Brassens. Folk music (folk music) has revived, the piano and the accordion are two instruments that we invariably associate with French music. In the second half of the 20th century, pop music begins to occupy leading positions not only in France, but throughout the world, we are well familiar with such performers as: Mireille Mathieu, Delilah, Joe Dassin, Patricia Kaas, Milen Farmer and many others.

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