Plans for the description of geographic objects material (geography) on the topic. Geographical description of the area What is geographical description

  • Determining the type of climate by climatogram
  • 8 - 9 grade

    10-11 grade

    P lang characteristics of the world economy

      The size of the production of products with distribution by major geographic regions.

      Conservation and ecological problems arising in connection with the development of the industry.

    P LAN characteristics of the EGP of the country (region)

    1. Change in EGP over time.

    Country Profile Plan

      What maps should be used when describing a country?

      Geographical position of the country

        In which part of the mainland is the country located?

        Neighboring countries;

        The name of the capital;

      Features of nature

        Relief (general nature of the surface, main landforms and distribution of heights). Mineral resources of the country.

        Climatic conditions in different parts of the country (climatic zones, average temperatures in July and January, annual precipitation). Differences by territory and seasons.

        Large rivers and lakes.

        Natural areas and their main features.

    1. Population of the country:
      1. Peoples inhabiting the country (what, location, external features);
      2. Basic occupations.

    Mountain Country Description Plan

    1. Determine which cards are needed for the description.
    2. In what part of the mainland are they located?
    3. In which direction do they stretch?
    4. What is their approximate length?
    5. The height of the mountains?
    6. The highest peak, its name, height, coordinates.

    River description plan
    1. In which part of the mainland does it flow?
    2. Where does it originate? Where does it flow? Large tributaries.
    3. In which direction does it flow?
    4. Explain the dependence of the nature of the current on the relief.
    5. Identify the river's sources of power.
    6. What is the regime of the river and how does it depend on the climate?

    Natural area description plan

    1. The geographical location of the zone.
    2. Climatic conditions.
    3. Soils.
    4. Vegetation.
    5. Animal world.

      Note: describing natural area, reveal the relationships between the components of her nature.

    Population Description Plan

    1. What peoples inhabit the study area?
    2. What parts of the mainland or other territory are most densely populated? What is the average population density?
    3. Where is the population rare? What is the lowest density?

      Note: card used<Плотность населения и народы>.

    Climate description plan

    1. In what climatic zone and in what region is the territory located?
    2. Average temperatures in July and January. In what direction do they change and why?
    3. Prevailing winds (seasons) and air masses.
    4. Annual precipitation and their regime. How can the difference in precipitation be explained?

    Plan for describing the geographic location of the mainland

    1. Determine how the mainland is located in relation to the equator, the tropics (polar circles) and the prime meridian.
    2. Find the extreme points of the mainland, determine their coordinates and the extent of the mainland in degrees and kilometers from north to south and from west to east.
    3. In what climatic zones is the mainland located?
    4. Determine which oceans and seas wash the mainland.
    5. How is the mainland located relative to other continents?
    6. Features of GP.

    Determination of the type of climate by diagrams

    1. Take a close look at all the symbols in the diagram. (Months of the year, after one, are indicated by letters.) What can you learn from it?
    2. Find out the annual temperature variation. What are the average temperatures in July and January? What is the annual temperature range?
    3. What amount of precipitation is typical for this type of climate? What is the precipitation regime during the year?
    4. Make a conclusion about the type of climate.

    Characteristics planbranches of the world economy:

    1. The importance of the industry in the world economy, its sectoral composition, the influence of scientific and technological revolution on its development.

    2. Raw materials and fuel resources of the industry and their placement.

    3. The size of the production of products with distribution by main regions.

    4. Major producing countries.

    5. Main districts and centers of production; factors that determined the location of the industry in these areas.

    6. Environmental and ecological problems arising in connection with the development of the industry.

    7. Main countries (regions) of export of products. Main countries (regions) of product import. The most important cargo flows.

    8. Prospects for the development and placement of the industry.

    Characteristics planEGP of the country (region):

    1. Position in relation to neighboring countries.

    2. Position in relation to the main land and sea transport routes.

    3. Position in relation to the main fuel and raw material bases, industrial and agricultural regions.

    4. Location in relation to the main marketing areas.

    5. Change in EGP over time.

    6. General conclusion about the influence of EGP on the development and location of the country's economy.

    Country (region) agricultural characterization plan:

    1. The importance of the industry and the size of the products.

    2. Natural conditions for the development of the industry.

    3. Features of agrarian relations.

    4. The structure of the industry, the ratio of crop and livestock production.

    5. Geography of crop and livestock production, agricultural areas (zones).

    6. Dependence of the country on the export and import of agricultural products.

    7. General conclusion and prospects for the development of the industry.

    Country (region) population profile:

    1. Number, type of population reproduction, demographic policy.

    2. Age and sex composition of the population, labor force availability.

    3. National (ethnic) composition of the population.

    4. Social and class composition of the population.

    5. The main features of the distribution of the population, the influence of migration on this distribution.

    6. Levels, rates and forms of urbanization, major cities and urban agglomerations.

    7.WITHspruce settlement.

    8. General conclusion. Prospects for population growth and labor supply.

    Characteristics planindustriescountries (regions):

    1. The importance of the industry and the size of its products.

    2. Natural prerequisites for the development of the industry.

    3. Industry structure.

    4. The main factors influencing the location of the industry, and the main features of its geography; sectoral industrial areas.

    10. General conclusion; development prospects.

    How to compose and analyze a cartogram.

    1. Mark on the contour map the boundaries of those territories that are subject to analysis.

    2. Analyze a statistical or other source of indicators for the cartogram, enter the necessary indicators.

    3. Group these indicators at specific intervals.

    4. Create a cartogram legend in which darker tones or thicker shading will reflect more intensity of the phenomenon, and vice versa.

    5. Apply color or shading to the contour map.

    6. Analyze the cartogram and draw conclusions.

    Characteristics planindividual country (simple):

    1. The main features of EGP.

    2. Economic appraisal natural conditions and resources.

    3. The main features of reproduction, structure and distribution of the population.

    4. General characteristics of the economy.

    5. The main features of the location of the industry.

    6. The main features of the placement Agriculture.

    7. The main features of the geography of transport.

    8. Main economic regions.

    9. The role and geography of external economic relations.

    General conclusion; development prospects

    Terrain relief description plan

    • What is the general nature of the surface, what forms of relief prevail and why.
    • Name the plains, their average and highest heights, and their location within the study area.
    • Name the mountains, their height, location, age, the highest peak, its name and height.
    • What minerals it is rich in, explain the location.

    Plan for describing the geographical location of the river

    • In which part of the mainland does the river flow
    • What does the name of the river mean
    • Where does it originate
    • Where does
    • Which direction does it flow
    • Explain the nature of the river flow depending on the terrain
    • Mark the location of rivers and lakes in relation to the relief
    • Identify the river's power sources
    • What is the regime of the river and how does it depend on the climate
    • Determine the historical and economic significance of the river

    Plan for describing the geographic location of the mainland

    • The location of the mainland is relative
      • equator
      • tropics
      • polar circles
      • prime meridian
    • Extreme points the mainland, their coordinates, the length of the mainland in degrees and kilometers from north to south and from west to east
    • In what climatic zones is the mainland located
    • Oceans and seas surrounding the mainland, rivers and lakes
    • Large physical and geographical areas within the mainland
      • mountain systems
      • plains
      • deserts
    • Location of the mainland relative to other continents

    An approximate plan for the express analysis of the card:

    1. Basic information of the map (investigated phenomenon, process).
    2. Methods of transferring information.
    H. Territorial location (distribution) of the phenomenon, process.
    4. The main reasons for the uneven distribution of the phenomenon, process.
    5. Minimum and maximum indicators of the studied phenomenon, process.
    6. If available: export import of raw materials products.
    7. General conclusion.

    Ocean description plan

    1. The name of the ocean and its size.

    2. The position of the ocean relative to the equator and the prime meridian.

    3. What and where the ocean washes.

    4. Neighborhood with other oceans.

    5. The largest seas and bays.

    6. Average and maximum depth ocean.

    7. The most important warm and cold currents.

    8. Human use of the ocean, the most important transport routes.

    9. Conclusion about the features geographic location ocean

    Sea Description Plan

    1. The name of the sea.
    2. Dimensions - length from north to south and from west to east.
    3. The geographical position of the sea, in which part of which ocean is located, what and where it washes.
    4. Internal or marginal
    5. Average and maximum sea depth.
    6. Largest islands.
    7. Biological and mineral resources of the sea.
    8. Human activities.

    Plain characterization plan

    1. Plain name
    2. Length from north to south and from west to east
    3. The geographical position of the plain:

    What part of the mainland is
    - what forms of relief and where it borders
    - what and where is washed

    4. Average and maximum height.

    5. Minerals.

    Economic Region Characterization Plan

    1. The composition of the territory.
    2. EGP of the region: in which part of the country it is located, type of geographical location, with whom and where it borders, what and where it is washed, the conclusion: to highlight favorable and unfavorable features.
    3. Natural conditions and resources, conclusion about the resource availability of the region.
    4. Characteristics of the population: size, location, reproduction, gender, age, ethnic and religious composition, level of urbanization, major cities, features of migration and labor resources.
    5. Branches of specialization of industry, factors of specialization, the largest centers.
    6. The structure of agriculture, the main agricultural regions and branches of agricultural specialization.
    7. Features of transport, types, main highways, major transport hubs.
    8. Problems and prospects for the development of the region.

    City Description Plan

    1. Geographical position.
    2. A brief history of the development of the city: the time of formation, the main historical events in the life of the city.
    3. The functional type of the city and its importance in the economy of the country.
    4. City population: population size, characteristics of gender, age, national and religious composition of the population and specific traits labor resources.
    5. Branches of specialization of industry, the most important industrial enterprises.
    6. Transport: features of the development of a transport hub and urban transport.
    7. Non-production sphere: major scientific and educational institutions, museums, theaters, etc.
    8. Problems and prospects for the development of the city.

    Weather description plan

    1. For what period of time (day, week, month) the description is given.
    2. The highest, lowest and average air temperature, the regularity of temperature changes over a specified period of time.
    3. Precipitation, their total amount, type of precipitation and time of precipitation.
    4. Cloudiness, distribution of cloudiness by day, its changes during the day.
    5. Atmospheric pressure. Pressure change.
    6. The influence of weather on people's health, their lives and activities.
    7. The similarity of the observed weather with the long-term climatic norm or deviation from it.

    The analysis of topographic maps is carried out in order to study the territory of the study, its features, patterns of placement, the relationship of objects and phenomena, the dynamics of their development, etc. , as a basis for drawing up hypsometric, soil, landscape maps, for scientific analysis of natural and socio-economic phenomena, etc.)

    The choice of maps is accompanied by an assessment of the degree of their suitability for specific work in terms of accuracy and details of the information that is supposed to be obtained using the maps. It should be borne in mind that enlarging the scale of maps leads to an increase in the number of map sheets, reducing the visibility of the territory, but increasing the accuracy of information. The time of issue of the cards determines their correspondence current state territory. The dynamics of geographic phenomena is revealed by comparing maps of different times for the same territory.

    The following methods of map analysis are used: visual, graphical, graphic-analytical and mathematical-statistical.

    Visual way based on the visual perception of the image of the area, the comparison of graphically shown elements of the area in shape, size, structure, etc. It presupposes mainly a qualitative characteristic of objects and phenomena, but is often accompanied by an eye estimate of distances, areas, heights and their ratios.

    Graphical analysis consists in the study of constructions made on the maps. Such constructions are profiles, sections, block diagrams, etc. Using the techniques of graphical analysis, patterns of spatial distribution of phenomena are revealed.

    Grapho-analytical analysis subdivided into cartometric and morphometric. Cartometric techniques consist in measuring the length of lines on maps, determining coordinates, areas, volumes, angles, depths, etc. Morphometric techniques allow you to determine the average height, thickness, power of the phenomenon, horizontal and vertical dissection of the surface, slopes and surface gradients, tortuosity of lines, contours and etc.

    Numerical indicators of the prevalence of objects, the relationship between them, the degree of influence of various factors allow us to establish methods of mathematical and statistical analysis... Using the methods of mathematical modeling, spatial mathematical models of the terrain are created.

    Geographical description of the area is compiled after a preliminary study of the map and is accompanied by measurements and calculations based on a comparison of lengths, angles, areas with a linear scale, a scale of laying, etc. The basic principle of description is from general to specific. The description is built according to the following scheme:

    1) card data(nomenclature, scale, year of publication);

    2) description of the site boundary(geographic and rectangular coordinates);

    3) relief characteristic(type of relief, landforms and the area and length they occupy, marks of absolute and relative heights, main watersheds, the shape and steepness of slopes, the presence of ravines, precipices, gullies with an indication of their length and depth, anthropogenic landforms - quarries, embankments, excavations, barrows, etc.);

    4) hydrographic network- names of objects, length, width, depth, direction and speed of river flow, slope, nature of the banks, bottom soil; characteristics of the floodplain (size, presence of old channels, floodplain lakes and depth of swamps); the presence of hydraulic structures, as well as bridges, ferries, fords and their characteristics; description of the reclamation network, its density; the presence of springs and wells;

    5) vegetation cover and soils- type, composition of rocks, occupied area, nature of placement. If there are woodlands - their characteristics, the width of the glades, the presence of clearings;

    6) settlements- name, type, population size, administrative significance, structure and layout, prevailing buildings (fire-resistant or non-fire-resistant), industrial facilities;

    7) ways of communication- railways and highways. For railways- number of tracks, type of traction, names of stations, train stations. For highways and other roads - coverage and width.



    Understanding measurements

    Measurement - this is the process of comparing the measured value with the value taken as a comparison unit, as a result of which a named number is obtained, called measurement result.

    Distinguish: straight, or immediate and indirect measurements.

    Immediate such measurements are called when the determined values ​​are obtained directly from measurements, as a result of direct comparison with a unit of measurement. Examples of direct measurements - determination of distances with a measuring tape, measurement of an angle with a theodolite.

    Indirect are those measurements in which the determined quantities are obtained as functions of the directly measured quantities. The indirect method involves calculating the value of the required quantity. For example, the elevation in trigonometric leveling is a function of distance and slope measured directly on the ground.

    The measurement results are divided into equal and unequal.

    Equal refers to the results of measuring homogeneous quantities obtained from repeated measurements under similar conditions (by one observer with the same device, by the same method and under the same environmental conditions).

    If even one of the listed conditions is violated, the measurement results are referred to unequal.

    In the mathematical processing of the results of topographic and geodetic measurements, the concepts of necessary and excessive number of measurements. In the general case, to solve any topographic problem, it is necessary to measure a certain minimum number of quantities that provide a solution to the problem. These measurements are called the number of required measurements t. Difference k when subtracting the number of measurements required t of all measured quantities n are called the number of excess quantities k = n - t. Redundant measurements of the quantity allow you to detect errors in the results of measurements and calculations and increase the accuracy of the determined quantities.

    Multidisciplinary- studies various phenomena (from geology to ideology).

    Poly-scale- we can talk about phenomena of various scales. Geography is characterized by a "game of scales" - consideration at different levels.

    Having your own language of geography. Cartographic language - The map language has the following advantages:




    Large information capacity

    Geography cannot exist without a map.

    "Any geographical research begins with a map and ends with a map."


    Three mistakes in the concept of geography:

    1. School subject only
    2. The object of study is nature
    3. Is descriptive only

    Geography has many components, a ramified science. Geography not only describes and establishes patterns, but also strives to improve the lives of people.

    Goals and objectives of geography

    The purpose of geographical science: the formation of a scientific picture of the world.

    1. Exploring the device geographic envelope... Study of the interaction between its parts.

    2. Revealing the features of the spread of various phenomena on the surface of the Earth.

    3. Study of territorial differences in different phenomena.

    4. Study of the interaction of territorial objects. Study of the interaction of various objects and phenomena on the surface of the Earth

    5. Diagnosing problems. An applied task aimed at improving people's lives

    6. Development of proposals for solving these problems

    7. Geographic forecasting

    8. Particular task - drawing up various maps

    Methodological issues of geography

    Geography object

    This is what is being studied, is in the center, some system capable of falling apart. The concept is collective. Ecumene or geographic envelope, the surface of the Earth. Oikumena is a well-known part of the land. Each separate part the geographic envelope is also an object. The combination of these objects within one layer is a system.

    Geography is the science of territorial complexes and territorial systems.

    2.1.1 Two approaches to the study of the geographic envelope:

    Component or industry-specific. Consideration of a specific layer of the earth's surface (only the lithosphere or hydrosphere, etc.)

    Regional. Consideration of a certain part of the earth's surface (for example: Eurasia) and the study of all layers in this area.


    It follows from this that there are component geography and regional geography.

    As part of separate layers, there is a group of separate objects - territorial / geographic systems. System (Greek) / Complex (Latin) - a whole fortune from parts. System is the interaction of homogeneous objects. Complex is the interaction of different objects. Objects can vary in size, from very large to very small (geographic feature levels).

    This section contains examples of typical plans that students from grades 6 to 11 use when compiling a description of certain geographic objects, not only in geography lessons, but also when doing homework.

    Plan for describing the geographic location of the mainland

    1. The location of the continent relative to the equator, the tropics (polar circles) and the prime meridian.
    2. The extreme points of the continent, their coordinates and the length of the continent in degrees and kilometers from north to south and from west to east.
    3. In what climatic zones is the mainland located?
    4. Oceans and seas washing the mainland.
    5. Location of the mainland relative to other continents.

    Terrain relief description plan

    1. General character surface. How to explain it?

    2. The position of different landforms in the study area.

    3. Prevailing and highest elevation.

    Climate description plan

    1. In what climatic zone and in what region is the territory located?

    2. Average temperatures in July and January. The direction and reasons for their change.

    3. The prevailing winds (according to the seasons).

    4. Annual amount of precipitation and their regime. The reasons for the differences in the amount of precipitation across the territory.

    Characteristics of the climate diagram

    1. Description of the annual temperature variation. Average temperature in January, July, annual amplitude.

    2. Annual amount of precipitation, their seasonal regime.

    3. Conclusion about the type of climate.

    River description plan

    1. Geographic location of the river.

    2. Where does it originate, where does it flow?

    3. River length, basin area, large tributaries.

    5. Dependence of the nature of the current on the relief. Fall, slope of the river.

    6. Sources of food for the river.

    7. The regime of the river, its dependence on the climate.

    8. Human use of the river.

    Natural area description plan

    1. Geographic location of the zone.

    2. Climatic conditions.

    3. Internal waters.

    4. Soils.

    5. Vegetation.

    6. Animal world.

    Country (area) profile plan

    1. EGP of the country (regions).

    2. Economic assessment of natural conditions and resources.

    3. Population and labor resources. Possibilities of their use.

    4. Historical preconditions for the development of the economy.

    5. Specialization of the farm; the main features of its placement.

    6. The main features of the geography of transport.

    7. The relationship of industries and territories within the region, country, city.

    8. General conclusion: development prospects.

    EGP characterization plan of the country (region)

    1. The position of the object on the territory of the mainland (state).

    2. Position in relation to neighboring countries, regions.

    3. Position in relation to the main fuel and raw materials, industrial and agricultural areas.

    4. Position in relation to the main transport routes.

    5. Location in relation to the main sales areas.

    6. Change in EGP over time.

    7. Conclusion about the possibility of the influence of EGP on the development of the economy of the country (region).

    Country Population Characterization Plan

    1. Size, type of population reproduction, demographic policy.

    2. Age and sex composition, labor force availability.

    3. National (ethnic) composition of the population.

    4. Social-class composition of the population.

    5. The main features of the distribution of the population. Impact of migrations on this placement.

    6. Level, rates and forms of urbanization. Main cities and urban agglomerations.

    7. Rural settlement.

    8. Conclusion: Prospects for the growth of population and labor resources.

    Plan of characteristics of the sector of the World economy

    1. The importance of the industry, its sectoral composition, the impact of scientific and technological revolution on its development.

    2. Raw materials and fuel resources of the industry, their placement.

    3. The size of production with distribution by major geographic regions.

    4. Major producing countries.

    5. Factors that determined the location of the industry in these areas.

    6. Environmental and ecological problems of the industry.

    7. Main countries of export and import of products. The most important cargo flows.

    8. Conclusion: prospects for the development and placement of the industry. 




    (standard plans descriptions of geographical objects)

    2015 - 2016 academic year

    Techniques for working with a map.

      Read the name of the card.

      Determine its scale.

      Examine the legend and determine what is shown on the map and how.

      Find a given territory on the map and, using the legend and nomenclature, tell us what is in this territory.

      If the data on one card is not enough to answer, use the other cards you need.

    Mountain characteristics plan.

    Plain characterization plan.

      On what continent, and in what part of it are located.

      Extension in degrees and kilometers from west to east and from north to south.

      Prevailing heights. Where is tilted.

      Highest height.

    River description plan.

      Geographical position.

      The source of the river.

      Direction of flow.

      The nature of the river.

      River regime (food, high water, low water, high water).

      Tributaries of the river (left, right).

      Place of confluence.

      Human use of the river.

      Ecological problems.

    Lake description plan.

      Geographical position.

      Basin formation.

      Waste or endless.

      The greatest depths.

      Salinity of waters.

      Human use.

      Ecological problems.

    Sea characterization plan.

    1 ... The ocean, the basin of which the sea belongs.

    2. The mainland and the country that is washed by the sea.

    3. Average salinity.

    4. Ice regime.

    5. Average and maximum depth.

    6. Ways of economic use.

    The plan of the characteristics of the relief of the territory.

    1. Prevailing landforms.

    2. Average, highest and lowest height of the territory.

    3. Age of the largest landforms.

    Ocean characterization plan.

      Geographical location, boundaries, dimensions.

      The ruggedness of the coastline, the sea.

      Features of the bottom topography: a) shelf; b) continental slope; c) ocean bed (mountains and hollows); islands.


      Mineral and organic wealth.

      Human use of the ocean, its protection.

      Contemporary research.

    A plan for describing the geographic location of the mainland.

      The position of the mainland in relation to the equator, tropics, prime meridian.

      Extreme points of the mainland and their coordinates; the length of the mainland in degrees and kilometers from north to south and from west to east.

      Climatic zones crossing the mainland.

      Oceans and seas washing the mainland.

      The position of the mainland relative to other continents.

    Natural area characterization plan.

      Geographical position.

      Features of the climate.

      Inland waters.

      Flora and fauna.

      Human influence.

    Territory climate characteristics plan.

      In what climatic zone and in what climatic region the territory is located.

      Average temperatures in July and January. In which direction they change and why.

      The prevailing winds are seasonal.

      Annual precipitation and their regime.

    A plan for characterizing the physical and geographical location of the country.

      On which continent, and in which part of it is located.

      How is it located in relation to the equator, the tropics, the polar circles and the prime meridian.

      Extreme points and their geographic coordinates.

      Extension in degrees and kilometers from north to south and from west to east.

      Climatic zones in which the country is located.

      What oceans and seas wash.

      Border states.

    The plan of the characteristics of the political and geographical location of the country.

    1. Location of the country in the region. Border states.

      Assessment of the political and geographical position of the country:

    a) position in relation to surrounding countries;

    b) position to transport routes of international importance;

    c) position in relation to raw material bases of international importance.

      Conclusions: disadvantages and advantages of the political and geographical location of the country.

    A plan for characterizing the country's population.

      Number and density.

      Reproduction type. Age and gender composition.

      National and religious composition.

      The level and characteristics of urbanization.

      Features of labor resources.

    An outline of the characteristics of a branch of industry or agriculture.

      Composition and manufactured products.

      Significance in the national economy.

      Factors of location of enterprises.

      Geography of enterprises.

      The role of an enterprise in the economy of a district, city, country.

      Environmental protection measures carried out by the enterprise.

    Plan characteristics of the transport highway

      Direction and extent.

      Assessment of natural conditions for the development of the highway:

    a) sea (the presence of ports, natural bays, freezing of the seas);

    b) river (the presence of an outlet to the sea, freezing, branching of streams, the possibility of arranging connecting channels);

    c) land (rugged terrain, swampiness, the presence of permafrost, especially the climatic conditions of the regions along which the highway runs).

      Transport hubs.

      Composition, direction of freight traffic.

      Problems and development prospects.

    Plan of characteristics of the economic and geographical location of the region .

      Position in relation to:

    -state borders;


    -other economic regions;

    - fuel and raw materials bases;

    -transport routes.

      Change in the economic and geographical position of the region over time.

      Conclusions about the influence of the economic and geographical position on the economic development of the region.

    PTK characteristics plan.

      Geographical position.

      History and results of geographical study and development of the territory.

      Geological structure, relief.


      Inland waters.


      Flora and fauna.

      Natural areas.

      Natural resources, their use.

      Environmental problems of the territory.

    Plan of characteristics of the industry of the world economy.

      The importance of the industry, its composition, the impact on scientific and technological revolution on its development

      Raw materials and fuel and resource industries, their placement.

      The size of production by distribution by major geographic regions.

      Major producing countries.

      Factors that determined the location of the industry in these areas.

      Environmental and ecological problems of the industry.

      Main countries of export and import of products. The most important cargo transportation.

    Conclusion: prospects for the development and placement of the industry

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