Individually stylistic neologisms in artistic and journalistic speech. Neologisms, their types of stylistic painting of neologisms


According to the stylistics of the Russian language

On the topic

"Neologisms, their types and stylistic use"

    Neologisms .......................................................................................... 4.

    Types of neologisms ............................................................................................ 4

    Stylistic use of neologisms ............................... ... 5

4. List of references used ................................................ 20

Neologisms (from Greek. nEOS. "New" and logos. "The word") is new words, the novelty of which is felt by speaking. Neologisms are linguistic, lexical, semantic, author and individually stylistic.

Language neologisms Created mainly to designate a new subject, concept. They enter the passive vocabulary and are noted in Russian dictionaries. Neologism is a word as long as it retains flask freshness. So, recently included in the Russian language bulldozer, helicopter, cosmonaut, nylon, supermarket fully mastered and actively used, and the former in the 20s neologisms budyennowovets, female, libez, drugs, NEP We managed to enter the active vocabulary, but then became historicists. If the concept is relevant, and calling his word is well associated with in other words, the word will soon cease to be neologism.

Lexical neologisms Can be formed by models available in language: vensenger, admonition, one and a half, beser "Machine of Beluga with sterling" or borrowed from other languages: bobsley, Makeup, Punk, Rack, Sponsor.

Semantic neologisms - New meanings famous words: zebra "Strips on the roadway of the street, denoting the transition", extender "Extra long film; extended classes in school ", slider"Lightning Castle", hatch "Pasta to correct errors in the typewritten text."

Copyright, individual-stylistic neologisms Created by writers, poets to give the figures to the artistic text. Neologisms of this type "attached" to the context, have the author. On the purpose of the targets, they are called upon to preserve the unusualness, freshness. Author's neologisms formed on productive models are called potential words: heavyweight scumping, I'm packed (P.); cutting, Ober-fan(S.-S.); milk, two-speed, hand millionnopale (M.); poochrad (MG). Okkazionalism (from lat. occaslonalis "Random") - copyright neologisms created by unusual models: challency (MG); sportsman Lob(CV.); dragonfly, Montcaryai (M.); osnabers (Take.). Copyright neologisms can be semantic: crumbling from old age professors (M.); heaven exposed (Is.).

Neologisms may arise both as new names of items already have names. So, with its emergence, the neologisms were words helicopter, airship, pilot, shipbuilder, Replaced words helikopter, Zepelin, Aviator, Ship. Modern neologism a computerused instead COMPUTER.

Stylistic use of neologisms

The state of vocabulary, as you know, reflects the level of development of society. Find a vivid expression in the language of various social factors and in the era of atom, television, space. All new things that happens in our lives is imprinted in the Word. An example is a bright example - conquest in space and the growing number of "space" words.

Word space Not only becomes more common, but also expands its word-forming system. There is a number of new words: cosmodrome, cosmonaut, spaceship, which are built by analogy with already existing names similar to value or function.

We will analyze neologisms confirming this provision.

Airfield - "Natural or artificial platform for parking, lifting and descent of aircraft." Cosmodrome - "Playground to launch spacecraft - rockets, satellite-ships." Lymnir -"Specially built for the test of the lunar vehicles of the site, relief and the soil of which were repeated possible obstacles waiting for the laboratory on the surface of the moon" ("Komsomolskaya Pravda", 1971, 9 Feb.).

Aero, Cosmo-, Moon- perceived as definition to -From, borrowed from the Greek language and has a long-established "place" in Russian for a long time; Wed: hippodrome - "Place of rash", velodrome - "Place of cycling", tankodrome - "Place of Tanks" and already analyzed aerodrome and cosmodrome.

Argonaut - Aeronaut - Cosmonaut. There is also a law analogy in this word-forming series. It would seem argo-, Aero, Cosmo- can be considered as various definitions for repeating in all words -Navt. But the second part of these complex words -navt in new formations aeronaut, And later cosmonaut as it represents the meaning of the first - argonaut; Argonauts - Legendary heroes held in unknown countries .... in nouns aeronaut, cosmonaut Russified morpheme -navtmeans "navigator, swimmer", but with a tint "the discoverer floating or going uncharted paths." This shade of value made morpheme - nATT productive in cosmic terminology.

Cosmonaut - Education is pure Russian. In English for the name of American astronauts, a word was created astronaut, But in information transfers to Russian, it is often replaced by Russian cosmonaut:"Apollo-11 spacecraft approaches Earth. When the readers of the Izvestia will take into hand this number, perhaps brave astronauts - Armstrong, Oldrin and Collins - will be returned to our planet ... well-being cosmonauts Good ... Cosmonauts From time to time clean the cabin with a vacuum cleaner ... now astronautsare busy with the latest cooking before the finish "(Izvestia, 1969, July 24). Cosmonaut and astronaut Perceived as synonyms that differ only in the national-local color. It is curious that after successful launches of the lunar automatic devices, some writers and scientists flashed the word selenavt - On the first person on the moon, the discovere room. Interestingly, for the name of the inhabitants of the Moon in the literature existed selenite. "By the way, we are already thinking about how to call the first person on the moon. Cosmonaut After all, no longer suitable. So far we will stop on selenahte " ("Komsomolskaya Pravda", 1966, 5 Feb.). And quite recently a number of words with an element -navt Replenished education aquavt - "The discoverer, the first researcher of the sea depths." "Underwater house at sea depth ... Is it possible to make an inflatable underwater dwelling? .. Axanavate The Moscow Club "Dolphin" was asked exactly such a goal "(" Evening Moscow ", 1967, 19 Aug.); "Pneumatic hydrostat in folded form fit in a backpack. Under water it is filled with air and reliably protects axanavat ("True", 1967, 29 Aug.), "Women axanavate started working under water "(" True ", 1967, 10 seconds.); "Target aquanavate-Nentusists of the Donetsk underwater club "Ithyander" yesterday began on the Black Sea coast of Crimea, the experiment of a long stay of a person under water "(Komsomolskaya Pravda, 1967, 30 Aug.).

The similarity of working equipment has been pushed into a comparison of speleologists with astronauts and led to the formation of an expressive name: speleologist - Geonavt - "officer secrets of land. " "Over the past five years, special expeditions of the speleologist "Geonavtov"(For traveling under Earth, you need a special suit and an autonomous oxygen device) also examined the largest cave systems of the world ... "(" True ", 1968, June 16).

No less remarkable and other verbal movement that occurred as a result of the development of our equipment and science. Sewaged words now racket - cosmonaut Could be synonymous. In the 30s noun racket It was associated with space and cosmic jets, which were dreamed of scientists, science fiction writers, filmmakers.

In 1935, Kinokartina "Space flight" was shot at Mosfilm. The scientific consultant was K.E. Tsiolkovsky, and here, which curious lines were preserved in the archive of the scientist: "On October 26, 1933, a spacecraft piloted by a carrier was introduced in the Soviet Union to the orbit of the Earth's satellite rocket, which first carried out a person's yield in outer space. Racket (so called cosmonauts) told about the extraordinary feeling of lack of severity ... "(" Literary Gazeta ", 1965, 13 Apr.).

Noun racket - derived from rocket.Word rocket In the meaning of "funny lights", it is found in the papers and letters of Peter I dated 1696. It is this date that appears in dictionaries and studies on foreign borrowing in Russian. But the word and the concept rocket, And the adjective missile was known to the Russian language much earlier, since already in 1680 in Moscow, a "missile establishment" was founded, which marked the beginning of the production and development of rocket technology.

Rocket In the value of "firework, fun fire" in the Petrovsk era, has acquired quite widespread. Such an assumption allows you to make the text of the decree adding to the entire population. This decree on the celebration of the New Year as a bright evidence of the epoch was subsequently included by A. N. Tolstov in the novel "Peter First": "It was introduced by the Tsarist Decree:" ... to consider the new year not from the first of September, but from the first generator of this 1700 . And as a sign of the good undertaking and new century century in the merracy of each other to congratulate each other with the New Year ... In the courtyards of the ward, military and merchant people, repair the shooting of small guns, guns, let rockets ...»

And yet for the first time rocket recorded only in the dictionary N. Yanovsky in 1806. Compiled to the noun rocket Makes the litter - "Artillery Recovery", but in the most vocabulary article describes rocketand like funny lights. Derivatives from rocket the dictionary does not notic, although adjective missile, As we already know, it is known from the XVII century. Documents of the pyrotechnic laboratory A.D. Zasyadko (1814) retain another derivative word - racket: "Everywhere where a single infantryman passes, there will be a Russian racket. "

So two "earth" values \u200b\u200bof the word are fixed rocket - "Funny fire" and "Military projectile" and derivatives - missile and racket.

Subsequently, with the development of the ideas of airplane and astronautics, rocket Gets new understanding. But even K.E. Tsiolkovsky hesitated in choosing the name for new aircraft. So, one of his articles published in 1911 in the journal "Bulletin of aeronautics", the scientist calls: "Investigation of world spaces with reactive devices. Jet device "Rocket" K. Kaziolkovsky. " Word rocket Speakers here as a marking, a nomenclature sign. And in 1926, in the work "Study of world spaces" K. E. Tsiolkovsky notes: "For traveling outside the atmosphere and any other material environment at an altitude of 300 km , and even further, between the planets and the sun, you need a special device that we only call for brevity rocket" "That's why in my projects pressure on "Rocket" I take 10 times big ... "in the manuscripts of K.Siolkovsky word rocket, Although irregularly, but accompany quotes as a sign of unusual use of this name.

In the 20-30s word rocket Thanks to fantastic stories, stories, the films were widespread as an "interplanetary apparatus", therefore the derivative racket It was enough "cosmic". Simultaneously in a word rocket They began to call all aircraft worked on reactive fuel. The first one rocketon August 17, 1933, scholars who were engaged in problems and techniques of a missile case were launched, united under the name rackets: "In the evening, from different over the capital, those who worked in other organizations gathered here. The spacious basement was for young rocketmenand the house, and the club, and the workshop "(" RT ", 1966, №7, p. 13).

Nowadays the noun rocket More "earthly". The value of the "aircraft with a reactive engine" led to a number of modifications: intercontinental rocket; "The battle projectile, which is driven by the power of the reaction of the outdated gas jet," - fugasar rocket. These values \u200b\u200bof the noun rocket Provided new names: rocket troops - "Troops armed with rocket weapons", racket - "Soldier of missile troops or a rocket student." Wed: "Racket ... Young man in the form of lieutenant rocket troops ... " ("Komsomolskaya Pravda", 1967, July 20). Now the word racket Not so easily associated with space. Cosmonaut It turned out to be more expressive, transmitting not only communication with space, but also the value "The first swimmer in space, an unknown space opener." No doubt - displacement of names racket From the "cosmic" noise is due to the movement in a number of names of aircraft. In the works of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, we face the search for the desired words - names: star House - Satellite - Rocket - star! - spaceship - space rocket trains. At the present stage, the differentiation and accuracy of cosmic names is inherent in not only scientific texts, but also journalism and artistic literature. Each name is fixed its particular importance, already justified by certain realities. (Satellite - carrier rocket is a spacecraft). Some still remain in the field of fantastic literature or high journalism (Star, Star, Plantzet, Plantoletechik). Wed: "Star! gets a departure signal ... suddenly star! published a fierce war and redeemed lights "; "Here they are preparing for space flights of future star villages»; "... Planettoles There should not suway the danger of space "(" Komsomolskaya Pravda ", 1966, 15 Oct.);

"Day in" Earth starrel "- The name of the report on the unique medical and biological experiment of Soviet scientists, during which three testes spent the year in the HermOb view, completely isolated from the outside world "(Komsomolskaya Pravda, 1968, 4 Oct.).

Back in 1960, when the first satellite spacecraft started on May 15, the question of the name of this type of aircraft was acute. Starship? Cosmolet? Satellite? - The problem of the name is very complex. In time words steam locomotive, steamer, plane Steel symbols of certain technical progress. Starship - Starrenter, Star Liker, Cosmolet - Cosmoytchik, Plantoolet - Planettolenik "... contained in themselves the opportunity to make interplanetary flights and even flights to the stars. Our task was much more modest. Therefore, the name appeared spaceship"("True", 1968, Jan 22). It entered a wide use, although not without disputes and doubt.

Nomination in "space" terminology for the first word satellite pushes out the name rocket. Such movement in a number of aircraft names in connection with their improvement supported the neoplasm cosmonaut and at the same time deprived the previous term racket Past Space Associations. Productive turns on a number of neoplasms united by element cosm- (Cosmo-): Cosmodrome - Cosmonaut - Spacecraft.

Interestingly, for the name of the "earth" specialty - physicists studying space and space rays, a special name arises - cosmians. While it is in the conversational style of speech, but already found in the language of fiction.

"Cosmics" - So entitled his documentary story about the life of the people of the new specialty A.V.Afinogen. "I walked on the exhaust capital (on the day of the flight to the space of Yuri Gagarin. - A.B.), I looked at her, listened, - and suddenly sparkled in my memory someone else's line, so well drawing a distant house of physicists: "Empty rooms, the charm of departure," and drove the wave of tenderness to his owners cosmis ... " Suffix such cases, familiar is included in the words denoting related specialties: physicist, chemist, mathematician, medic. Education special cosmik With the meaning of the "specialist in a particular area" is natural and generally concern.

Direct work in space, although with the help of automatic devices (for example, management moonport) Provided a combination earth cosmonaut ("Evening Moscow", 1971, Jan 13). The language seems to seek, on the one hand, combine the general: cosmonaut - This is the one who works in space, but cosmonaut - This is the one who is on earth, but keeps work with equipment intended for the study of space. On the other hand, with the help of the definition, private is allocated: cosmonaut - Earth Cosmonaut.

Word-forming space It has a rather unexpected continuation: "Kosmoniaca - So calling boys and girls from the club of young cosmonauts ... "(" Week ", 1966, May 22-28). New word by analogy with nouns guys Gets a special meaning of "young cosmonauts".

Morphemes -Navt, -K, - (n) yat More or less generalized values \u200b\u200bare carried. Their choice in the formation of new words is determined and every time suggested by a semantic analogy: argonaut - Aeronaut - Cosmonaut; Physicist - Chemist - Mathematics - Cosmian; Guys - Kosmägat.

As we see, the "cosmic" terminology is in the stage of becoming. Movement in the "cosmic" ranks - the formation of neologisms, new understanding and rethinking of old words - do not represent an autonomous phenomenon, but are in line with a nationwide language.

Studying space, the launch of satellites, as expected, is reflected in the semantic movements of the adjective space.

Using the definition space There are symbols of new concepts - spaceship: "March 19 at 12 o'clock 02 minutes Moscow time spaceship "Sunrise-2" ... safely landed in the city of Perm ("Pravda", 1965, March 20); space highways: "In first space highways To the Moon, the American missiles ("Evening Moscow", 1964, 3 Aug) rushed to her. In these cases, adjective acts in its by the usual meaning "Relative to Space."

But there are combinations: space Most ("True", 1965, 13 Dec.); space radio ("Komsomolskaya Pravda", 1966, 24 Apr); space telegrams (Izvestia, 1965, 29 dec.). Here is the extension of the value: space Bridge - Radioost - "Educated with the help of a communication satellite"; space Telegrams - "Obtained through a communications satellite." Metaphor space Mostfigurative transmits the "radiotelephone communication via space". Metaphorical use space quite diverse: "Talk at the space level.The Earth listened to the voice of cosmonauts, talking to each other on the radio telephone, and it was difficult to stay from admiration for those who heard these negotiations at the cosmic level ("Izvestia", 1962, 15 Aug.). In expression at the space level Definition space Means both "occurring in space" and "very high". The second, contextual value appears due to easily emerging correlation with constant expressions. at high level at ambassadors IT. P ., as well as to be etc.) level to be at the level.

Metaphoric use space Develops an estimated-high-quality value: "We know well ... that victories in space goes into the work by each of us ... That is why the team of our site assembly of electrical equipment was first for shock space Watch " ("True", 1962, 16 Aug.); "Then we saw a bar installed at 2 meters of 26 centimeters. Truly space height. But the 20-year-old Soviet athlette with an enviable ease of ease with the first attempt and this line "(" True ", 1962, July 24); space kilograms (On records of weightlifters; "Spark", 1962, №23, p. 24-25).

A variety of word use space Fix his figurative meaning - "high quality, fast, high-speed, record," as well as "excellent, the best, biggest." Wed: "Machines one after another are suitable for the palace. Close relatives, astronaut friends with wives came to the bride and groom. - What do you wish your friends on their marriage? - We ask for astronauts. - Of course, happiness, "says Bykovsky. Space, - adds Titov.- I mean by magnitude "(" Ogonek ", 1963, No. 46, p. 6); "The concert is allocated by the patheticism of the Russian Variation. Shubarin performs it for several years and never ceases to improve, achieving increasingly and greater generalization of dance images - wide, flight, truly space " (Soviet Culture, 1967, March 28).

Semantic movement space It is not just on the way to increase, expansion of polsmia. Turn to the dictionaries. Dictionary Russian language ed. D.N. Shushakova noted the adjective space The figurative meaning of "huge, colossal scale": "This movement has increased to space sizes. Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language, no portable values \u200b\u200bnotes. By the 50s of our century, this figurative meaning is apparently moving into the category of use. Adjective space Returns to unambiguity. The revival of the main value by the end of the same 50s determines the new possibilities of portable estimated qualitative values.

A person's yield into space forced a new one to look at the planet Earth, and its inhabitants perceive as inhabitants of one of the planets. It was at this time that it appeared on the pages of newspapers and magazines, the word rang on the air earthlings.Word earthman Already in the first television shows on April 13, 1961, dedicated to the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Let us give a few examples from poems and reports:

"Autographs give earthman ... Lift space ships in the sky and grow wheat. Pull out human life from death and build beautiful houses. And all these are wonderful autographs that leave the brothers earthlings on the expanses of his planet "(" Ogonek ", 1962, No. 34, p. 6-8);

"Thank you, comrades earthlings

i fly to the stars ... "

« Just two years past, as the first earthlings - Yuri Gagarin crossed the atmosphere threshold "(Komsomolskaya Pravda, 1963, 12 Apr.); "Any new meeting with nature cannot pass without a trace for art. But it is unlikely to forget that for us, earthlings The "reference system" remains, it is already open and not yet revealed beauty "(" Literary Gazeta ", 1965, 13 Apr.).

But noun earthman (earthyman, as well as land) belonged to the ancient Russian language. Earthman - Earthlings Meaning "Man - People having and treating land": " earthlings to go to Davati Dan Oh Tatars "(" Plugged diploma of Podolsky prince Alexander Koriatovich, a student of the monastery, "1375);

"Kolya Wsy Boyar and earthlings will be the city of Tverditi ... "(ibid.); "And the boyar Kozelsky and earthen and Mesh, and Wsyim Kozlom, Go Georgian to our Kazimir, "(" The jury of Prince Fedor Vorotnsky King Polish KazNomethu ", 1448).

In a new meaning word earthman Even before the flight, a person in space entered into a dictionary of fantastic literature devoted to the conquest of outer space. We give examples from Roman I.Fremova "Andromeda Nebula": "The huge flat glass building was burning in the flames of bloody sun. Under the roof there was something like a large meeting room. There froze in immobility sets of creatures that are not similar to earthlings But, undoubtedly, people. " "The doctor watched the lower state after takeoff and return to normal for earthman strength of gravity. "

"Cosmic" perception of our planet causes a different understanding of the earthly unity of the peoples of the world: "Planet earthlings It's time for our literature to see in the work of geologists not only pathos discovering new natural values, but also Paphos closest to us earthlings, and full secrets MPA - inner world The Great, Complex and Beautiful Planet Earth "(" Literary Gazeta ", 1965, 30 Oct.); "We - earthlings "- The name of the essay on young builders of Novopolotsk ("Spark", 1966, No. 50, p. 16).

There is a new phrase - patriotism of earthlings. "Well, we will not be afraid of this word. Yes, in human society began to be offered this high, uniting the feeling. And no wonder more and more often on the pages of newspapers, the old one is found, but the name received a new deep meaning - earthlings, "- The famous scientist, Geologist G.Pozosrelov ("Literary Gazeta", 1965, 30 Oct) concludes his reasoning.

In the modern word formative system behind the productive suffix -anin (-yanin) Passed a certain value. With the help of this suffix "on the basis of the names of the nouns, denoting the city, the country, the country, rarely - some public phenomenon," the names of persons are formed on the basis of the pronounced basis: yuzhanin, Citizen, Egyptian, Martian.

    Word earthman Updated, although it remains unchanged in form, as it were, a newly born in the meaning of the "Inhabitant of the Planet Earth". In this case, the strength of the analogy martian - Earthman Provided the second birth and a new understanding of this forgotten word.

Consequently, neologism is not only a word previously not existing, born along with a new phenomenon. More often, we see new understanding of old words, enriching them with new values (earthlings). Many words were limited to the sphere of special terminology. Events in science, lifestying them in a wide use (rocket, cosmonaut). The same new words that really did not exist, are built from the well-known linguistic material and according to the known model model. In the new we guess the old form and parts of already known words. It helps to understand neologism, comprehend it and introduce into speech everyday life. (Cosmodrome, Cosmonaut, Cosmian, Eveteoletchik, Plant. etc.).

Emptying some and the birth of other words occurs in the language imperceptibly. But such a language fact is observed when a new word or a new meaning of an existing word has a "birthday", is associated with a specific date.

Author's neologisms, which are also called individually stylistic and occasional, are usually introduced into fiction writers in order to emphasize individual characteristics Style. Okkazional words are made in violation of the laws of word formation, and, as a rule, intentionally. These neologisms give the author's emotional expressiveness and expressiveness. Author's neologisms in the modern Russian press are practically not used, except, may be individual literary works published in it.

Common-language neologisms are regularly used by the carriers of the Russian language and, in turn, are divided into lexical and semantic.

Lexical neologisms include those who are newly formed or borrowed. Semantic neologisms are words that have acquired new values \u200b\u200bof previously known words. Most of the neologisms found in the press are newly educated (for example, "ATMs") or borrowed ("branding").

Second-language neologisms often replace the previously existing words in order to show a change in some of the quality of the subject in question. For example, if earlier the office space was called the office, then the word office is widely used. The dance floor in modern journalistic materials is most often called the "dance floor": "The number of dancing on the dance floor here is a cross between the number of dancers in the disco in the pioneer camp and in the medium-risk European club." // Arguments and Facts. - 2005 - June 25.

According to its design, new lexical units are either individual words (for example, "innovation"), or composite names ("Werewolves in shoulder").

Here you can also point out the phraseological neologisms, which are new stable phrases, for example: "hang noodles on the ears" - "misleading anyone", include a printing machine - "start additionally print paper money, not secured by commodity production." Neologisms, which are words, composite terms and phraseologisms are called in general lexical-phraseological.

Neologisms found in the modern press can be classified by the seferences of use. Most neologisms are found in the newspapers of "business" content, for example, Kommersant, from the local - "city N", " South Capital" First of all, it is possible to meet economic terms, such as the Investor, Innovation; Of the relatively new "branding" (promotion of brand), "Reburding" (change of trademark). For example, an article in the newspaper "Southern Capital" for May 19, 2005 is called: "Changing a corporate identity as an element of rebanging - for and against"; In the newspaper "City N" for May 24, 2005 - "Entry for the Investor". Often there are such neologisms as "black cash", "Pension Fund", "ATMs", "Terminals".

Many neologisms can be found in specialized publications dedicated to computer technology. So in the article "Deception on the Internet" from the magazine "World of Computer" No. 1 For 2005, neologisms occupy at least 50% in the volume of the text:

"In this article I will not talk about viruses. Trojans, worms, file viruses ... They are already talking about them - negotiated and one more, not too talented note will not change the current situation. It will be about a friend, if you think about it, no less harmful (that is, bringing inconvenience, and loss) the form of deception. About "unfair advertising". Again, I will immediately make a reservation - the conversation is not about spam. The arguments about it are also scored gigabytes of disk space and tons of paper. No, it will seem to seem to be the most harmless way of spreading unfair advertising - about all familiar web pages. " And further: "The second option is more complicated - you fall on a page containing two or more frames. One frame as a rule has a length and height equal to zero (so you do not see it) and contains a set of "key" words for search engines. " Here, for example, "viruses" is an example of a semantic neologism, meaning programs that can spoil software on a computer. "Trojans" and "worms" - varieties of viruses. "Spam" - mass postal mailings on the Internet.

Neologisms are frequent phenomenon in the youth press. So in the youth newspaper "Cactus" (2005-№33) in the article "In order for Surikov, the words" graffiti "meet the words" graffiti "(artistic images on the walls of houses)," graffiti "(people performing image data)," bombers " and "Raiter" (respectively, legal or illegal graffiti).

In a number of newspapers, a family plan, such as "antenna" and "my family" neologisms almost do not occur. In the newspaper "Arguments and Facts", it is mainly possible to meet the neologisms of a political plan, such as "Werewolves in the pursuit" (employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which committed various crimes) and "Monetization" (replacement of various benefits with material compensation). For example, in "Arguments and Facts" No. 23 for 2005, it is possible to find articles entitled "Werewolves in the pursuit" and "Monetized Zhuliki".

Neologisms are often found in advertising publications and advertising placed in the modern press. For example, second hand - "Clothing, used", from English. Second-hand "Used, from the second hands" ("Now in the capital in every district you will definitely find one or two second-hand" // World of News. -2004.-№10); Parking - from Eng. Parking "Parking" ("The house provides underground parking, centralized security, satellite television," Komsomolskaya Pravda); Sail - from the English. Sale "Sale at a reduced price at the end of the season" ("What about the famous Ramstor's sails?" // Arguments and Facts. -2004.-№32.); Mikrovan - "Minibus", from English. Van (Redfish. from Caravan) "Van" ("First Microen Audi" - aluminum, "header in Komsomolskaya Pravda), etc.

In the sphere of drinking neologisms, found in newspapers and magazines, mostly are interstitial, in other words - used in all functional speech styles (image, yogurt, case, liberal-democratic, beneficiary, interbank, drug business). However, many neologisms are more peculiar to a certain style: scientific (aura, biolocator, cloning, radioecology, ozone hole), publicistic (suspension, dissenseful, drug trap, rollback, integrator), business (depositary, dealer, natural monopoly) or conversational (compromising, check , cheating, cash, strained, bad).

According to the stylistic color of the neologisms for mostly stylistically neutral (drug addict, National Bolshevik, Nedamocratic). However, some of the new lexical units has a shade of reduce or raising. To the first, there are spacious units (SBJ "to perform a musical work", porn - "pornography"), jargonisms (rocking chair - "Simulator for bodybuilding", whining - "Man with a strongly developed (" pumped ") musculature"). The second one belongs to the neologisms that have a shade of the book (INPEET - "Ruging", the establishment is "a collection of public organizations, groups with power", meditative, mentalness), the official (poor, low-income, interviewed, certification).

Lexical units that have estimated and emotional properties can express disregard (Communa - "Communist"), disapproval (populist, sexot), irony (polittuska).

Russian language has always been open for borrowing. Starting from the era of Peter I, he focused on Western culture, which caused numerous borrowing from Western European languages \u200b\u200bto penetrate him.

The trend towards the "Americanization" of Russian life is reflected in the "Americanization" of the Russian language, which is expressed in the penetration of numerous British and Americanism (words borrowed from the English language and its American version). Words from English and previously borrowed by Russian, for example: rally, inflation, import, interview, dollar, station, combine, tape recorder, shampoo, kapron, shorts, jeans, kapron, cupcake, cracker, etc. Americanism is full and modern Russian funds mass media.

In the modern press, first of all, groups of nouns with suffix - ING (representing the gerundic forms of English: for example, bowling, roaming, lifting, etc.), as well as with suffix - EP (eg, poster, spit, biker, Broker and others). Borrowings are heterogeneous in its composition. Among them are the words that came into the tongue from another language as the name of the new subject, the new realistic, or are words - terms that are international. Their consumption in speech in most cases is justified, although the value is not always correctly understood by the power of ignorance of the English language.

Firmly entered into Russian and often used in the modern press some political terms of English origin, for example, speaker - Chairman of Parliament, from English. SPEAKER - Orator, as well as "Chairman of the House of Commons in England and the Chamber of Representatives in the United States"; Inauguration - "The ceremony of joining the position of president of the country", from the English. INAUGURATION "Entry into office"; Ranking - "Evaluation", from English. Rating "Assessment, assigning to a particular class, discharge."

Many neologisms of English-speaking origin among sports terms and terms associated with household appliances that are often found in specialized magazines.

So, recently, objects are firmly included in our lives, and in the language - denoting their names: a mixer - from the English. Mixer "Mixing apparatus or device"; Toaster - from the English. Toaster "Toast toasting toast" (toast "toasted slice of bread, croutin"); Rostrome - from the English. Roaster - "Brazier" (from to roast "fry"); Shaker - from the English. Shaker "Cocktail preparation vessel" (from to Shake "Shake") and others.

From sports terms, as well as the names of some games or types of sports activities, which have become fashionable and popular lately, can be allocated, for example: bowling - a game in which a ball used on the floor must be knocked off the Kegley band, from English. Bowl "Ball; bowling"; Diving - "Scuba diving", from English. to date "dive, dive into the water" (from here Diver - "Lover of Scuba Diving, Diver"); Skateboard - "Riding on a board with rollers", from English. Skate "Skating, slip" and Board "Board"; Snowboard - "Skating on the snow board", from the English. Snow "Snow" and Board "Board"; Snowubleid - "Snow skating on the size of the tricky skiing", from the English. SnowBlade "Tricky Ski"; Biker - "Cyclist, Motorcyclist", from English. Bike - Redf., R. from Bicycle "Bike"; Shaping - from the English. shaping "giving shape" (from to Shape "to give form"); Fitness - from the English. Fitness - "Compliance" (from to Be Fit "match, be in the form"), etc.

Many neologisms, especially borrowed from the English language used in the media, are agonyms, (i.e., the meaning of which is not clear, is unknown by most native speakers). Often they require special decryption, semantization by means of the native language. Such a vocabulary litters our language, leads to a misunderstanding of speech, besides, it can easily be replaced by Russian counterparts. To such words, it is possible, in particular, to attribute:

show-room - from English. show-room "Exhibition hall, a demonstration room for showing products" ("In addition to the showroom, where all Volkswagen cars officially sold in Russia are constantly exposed, the technical center is located here," Komsomolskaya Pravda ");

prime Time - from the English. Prime Time " best time"(" Brazilian TV series is not a place in Prime-Time! ", - Title in Komsomolskaya Pravda No. 74 for 2004);

blockbuster - "Sensation; A film that has tremendous popularity ", from English. . Block-Buster, the initial value of which is the "Fugasal Avia Bomb of a Large Caliber" ("Today on the screens of Russian cinemas, one of the main blockbusters of the year is coming out - the film" The day after tomorrow "," Komsomolskaya Pravda "No. 199 for 2004);

spread - "Soft oil", from English. Spread, one of whose meanings - "What can be smeared on bread", from to Spread "spread, cover, smeared" ("How did it fall on us" soft happiness "? like a lot in last years - Because of the border, there the spreads have long been in the go, "" Arguments and Facts "No. 34 for 2004);

developing company - "Construction, developing house construction", from English. to developing "Develop, Improve, Develop";

multiplex - "Multiple Complex", from English. Multiplex "Complex, multiple" ("There will be a multiplex - a multiple cinema", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", No. 1 for 2003);

tuning - "Turning works", from English. Turning "Rotation; Cutting "from To Turn" Rotate, Sharpening "(" In addition to the basic services "Rus-Lan" also offers the installation of anti-theft systems, tuning and a wide range of spare parts "," Komsomolskaya Pravda ").

The names of some professions found in the modern press also require additional clarification, for example: Handmakeker - "The one who is engaged in manual work", from English. Hand "Hand" and Make "do); Imager - "The one who is developing the image", from the English. image "Image" and Make "do"; Merchandiser - "The one who is engaged in the design of trading shelves," from English. Merchandise "Goods, Trade" (from the announcement: "The company invites Merchandisers to work (work on the design of shelves of network supermarkets)"), etc.

Words are stylistically unequal. Some perceive as books (intelligence, ratification, excessive, investment, conversion, prevail), others - like conversational (seasoning, break, little); Some give speeches solemnity (preventing, willing), others sound at ease (work, talk, old, cold). "The whole variety of values, functions and semantic nuances of the Word focuses and unites in its stylistic characteristic," Acad wrote. V.V. Vinogradov. In the stylistic characteristic of the word taken into account, firstly, its belonging to one of the functional styles or the lack of functional-style fixedness, secondly, the emotional color of the word, its expressive possibilities.

The functional style is the historically established and socially conscious system of speech funds used in one or another sphere of human communication. "Functional style, - emphasizes M.N. The skin is a peculiar character of the speech of Tai or another social variety, corresponding to a certain sphere of social activities and the correlative and form of the form of consciousness, created by the features of functioning in this area of \u200b\u200blanguage means and a specific speech organization that creates a certain overall stylistic color. "

In modern Russian, book styles are allocated: scientific, journalistic, official-business. It is stylistically opposed to spokenage, which is usually speaking in a characteristic oral form.

A special place, in our opinion, in the system of styles occupies the language of fiction, or artistic (artistic and fictional) style. Language of fiction, more precisely, artistic speech is not system language phenomena, on the contrary, it is deprived of any kind of stylistic closetness, it features a variety of individually copyrighted means.

1.7.1. Functional and style stratification of vocabulary

The stylistic characteristic of the word is determined by how it is perceived by speaking: as fixed for a specific functional style or as relevant in any style, commonly used. The style assignment of the word contributes to his thematic standards. We feel the relationship of words-terms with scientific language (quantum theory, assembly, attribute); We refer to the publicistic style of the words related to political themes (World, Congress, Summit, International, Self-Order, Personnel Policy); We allocate as official-business words used in the office work (the following, proper, victim, accommodation, notify, prescribe is transmitted).

In the most common features, the functional-style stratification of vocabulary can be depicted as follows:

The most clearly opposed to book and conversational words (Wed: invade - to get it out; get rid of - to get rid, to bother; criminal - gangster).

The composition of the book vocabulary can be distinguished by words peculiar to the book speech as a whole (subsequent, confidential, equivalent, prestige, erudition, pre-send), and words enshrined for specific functional styles (for example, syntax, phoneme, limitations, emissions, denomination to scientific Style; election campaign, image, populism, investment - to publicistic; action, consumer, employer, prescribed the above, client, is prohibited - to official-business).

Functional consolidation of vocabulary is most definitely detected in speech. Book words are not suitable for a relaxed conversation (first leaflets appeared on green plantings), scientific terms can not be used in a conversation with the child (it is very likely that Dad will enter visual contact with Uncle Petya for the coming day), conversational and spaticrous words are inappropriate in official "Delivered style (on the night of September 30, Racketira drove on Petrov and took his son hostage, demanding a redemption of 10 thousand bucks).

The ability to use the word in any speech style indicates its common consumption. So, the word house is appropriate in various styles: house number 7 on Lomonosov Street is subject to demolition; The house was built on the project of a talented Russian architect and applies to the number of most valuable monuments of national architecture; Pavlov's house in Volgograd became a symbol of the courage of our fighters, selflessly fought with fascists on the slots of the city; Tili-Bom, Tili-Bom, Skykin's house caught fire (march.). In functional styles, special vocabulary is used on the background of commonly used.

1.7.2. Emotional-expressive word painting

Many words not only call the concepts, but also reflect the attitude towards them. For example, admiring the beauty of a white flower, it is possible to call it snow-white, beleh, lilyer. These adjectives are emotionally painted: the prisoner's positive assessment distinguishes them from a stylistically neutral word white. The emotional color of the word can also express a negative assessment of the concept (Belobron). Therefore, emotional vocabulary is called estimated (emotional-valued). However, it should be noted that the concepts of emotional words (for example, interjections) do not contain estimates; At the same time, words in which the assessment is their lexical importance itself (and the assessment is not emotional, but intellectual), do not relate to emotional vocabulary (poor, good, angry, joy, love, approve).

A feature of emotional-estimated vocabulary is that the emotional color is "superimposed" to the lexical meaning of the word, but does not boil down to it, the function purely nominative is complicated here by the evaluation, the attitude of the speaker-talking phenomenon.

As part of emotional vocabulary, the following three varieties can be distinguished. 1. Words with a bright estimate value are usually unambiguous; "The assessment enclosed in their meaning is so bright and definitely expressed that it does not allow you to use the word in other values." They own words "Characteristics" (Forehouse, Prosvetnik, Grinding, Pustrovel, Pokhalim, Ripples, etc.), as well as words comprising an assessment of fact, phenomena, sign, actions (purpose, presenter, Dealerity, Relaxing, wonderful, non-manual , irresponsible, doppoplary, hold, inspire, defame, attack). 2. Multivalued words, usually neutral in the main meaning, but receiving bright emotional color in metaphorical use. So, about a person they say: hat, rag, mattress, oak, elephant, bear, snake, eagle, crow; In the portable meaning, the verbs are used: sing, hiss, saw, nibble, dig, yawning, blinking and under. 3. Words with suffixes of a subjective assessment, transmitting various shades of feeling: entering positive emotions - sons, sunshine, granny, neatly, intact, and negative - berry, kids, casins, etc. Since the emotional painting of these words create affixes, estimated values \u200b\u200bin such cases are due not to nominative properties of the word, but in word formation.

An image of feeling in speech requires special expressive paints. Expressiveness (from lat. Expressio - expression) - means expressiveness, expressive - containing special expression. At the lexical level, this linguistic category receives its embodiment in the "increment" to the nominal value of the words of special stylistic shades, special expression. For example, instead of the word, we speak beautiful, wonderful, delightful, wonderful; We can not say I do not like, but you can find more strong words: I hate, despise, I feed disgust. In all these cases, the lexical meaning of the word is complicated by expression. Often, one neutral word has several expressive synonyms that differ in the degree of emotional stress (Wed: misfortune - grief is a disaster - a catastrophe, a brown - unrestrained - indomitable - frantic - fierce). Bright expression distinguishes the words solemn (unforgettable, herald, accomplishment), rhetorical (sacred, aspirations, to be elevated), poetic (azure, invisible, impact, unprecedented). Evailing expression distinguishes the words joking (boss, newly minted), ironic (seductive, Donzhuan, Praised), familiar (pretty, lubricant, pussy, shushkuat). Expressive shades delimit the words of disapproving (pretentious, mannered, ambitious, pedant), dismissive (smoking, crumbling), contemptuous (head, huffish, podhalim), derogatory (skull, lipik), vulgar (Hapuga, Farrow), Flavored (Ham, Food ).

Expressive coloring in the Word is located on its emotional and assessment, and expression prevails in some words, others have emotional color. Therefore, it is not possible to delimit emotional and expressive vocabulary. The situation is complicated by the fact that "the typology of expressiveness so far, unfortunately, is absent." This is associated with difficulties in the development of single terminology.

Combining the words close to expression into lexical groups can be allocated: 1) words expressing a positive assessment of the names of the concepts, 2) words expressing their negative assessment. The first group will include high, affectionative words, humorous; In the second - ironic, disapproval, faded, etc. Emotional-expressive coloring of words is clearly manifested when synonyms comparison:

On the emotional and expressive color of the word affects its meaning. We received a sharply negative assessment with us words like fascism, separatism, corruption, hired killer, mafiasis. In the words progressive, law enforcement, presentation, publicity, etc. Positive color is fixed. Even the various meanings of the same word can noticeably diverge in the stylistic color: in one case, the use of the word can be a solemn (wait, Tsarevich. Finally, I hear not a boy, but a husband. - P.), in the other - this is the word Gets an ironic color (G. Field proved that the venerable editor enjoys a glorular husband, so to speak, for a honest word. - P.).

The development of emotional expressive shades in the word contributes to its metaphorization. So, stylistically neutral words used as trails get bright expression: burn (at work), fall (from fatigue), gasping (in unfavorable conditions), flaming (gaze), blue (dream), flying (gait) and t. d. Finally determines the expressive color context: neutral words can be perceived as high and solemn; High vocabulary in other conditions acquires mockery-ironic color; Sometimes even a parangious word can sound affectionately, but gentle - contemptuously. The appearance of the word, depending on the context of additional expressive shades, significantly expands the visual possibilities of vocabulary

Expressive coloring words in artwork It differs from the expression of the same words in a non-shaped speech. In the conditions of the artistic context, the vocabulary receives additional, side semantic shades that enrich it expressive painting. Modern science attaches great importance to expanding the semantic volume of words in artistic speech, tieting with this appearance from the words of the new expressive color.

The study of emotional-evaluated and expressive vocabulary draws us to the allocation of various types of speech, depending on the nature of the impact of speaking on the listeners, the situations of their communication, relations to each other and a number of other factors. "It is enough to imagine, - wrote A.N. Nipers, - What the speaking wants to laugh or touched, cause the location of the listeners or their negative attitude towards the subject of speech, so that it is clear how different language funds will be selected, which are mainly creating different expressive color. " With this approach to the selection of language funds, several types of speech can be outlined: solemn (rhetorical), official (cold), intiant-affectionate, joking. They are opposed to the speech is neutral, using language products, deprived of any kind of stylistic color. This classification of speech types, ascending to the "poetics" of ancient antiquity, is not rejected by modern stylists.

The doctrine of functional styles does not exclude the possibility of using a variety of emotional expressive means at the discretion of the author. In such cases, "methods for selecting speech funds ... are not universal, they are private." Solemn painting, for example, can receive a journalistic speech; "The rhetorical, expressive saturated and impressive can be this or that speech in the field of everyday domestic communication (anniversary speeches, the speeches of ceremonial, associated with the act of a ritual, etc.)."

At the same time, there should be noted an insufficient study of expressive types of speech, lack of clarity in their classification. In this regard, the well-known difficulties cause and determining the ratio of functional and stylist emotional-expressive color of vocabulary. Let us dwell on this issue.

Emotional-expressive coloring of the word, layering on the functional, complements its stylistic characteristic. Neutral words in emotional-expressive ratios are usually related to commonwork (although it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bTerms. For example, in emotional-expressive terms, as a rule, neutral, but have clear functional consolidation). Emotional-expressive words are distributed between the book, spoken and spacious vocabulary.

High words belong to book vocabulary, which give speeches solemnity, as well as emotional expressive words, expressing both positive and negative assessment of the concepts called. In the book styles it is used vocabulary ironic (beautiful, words, contamination), disapproving (pedantic, manneriness), contemptuous (subject, contract).

The spelling vocabulary includes the words lascaling (daughter, blueberry), joking (butuz, mixture), as well as words expressing a negative assessment of the names of the concepts (Melongue, Rule, Giggle, Baiss).

The words that are outside the literary vocabulary are used in the surprise. Among them, there may be words containing a positive assessment of the concept of the concept (worker, the Bashkin, awesome), and the words expressing the negative attitude of the concepts that speak the concepts denoted them (to scream, chlipky, reached).

In the word, functional, emotional and expressive and other stylistic shades can be intersect. For example, the words satellite, epigone, apotheosis are perceived primarily as books. But at the same time, the word satellite, used in a figurative meaning, we associate with a journalistic style, in the word epigionans, we note a negative assessment, and in the word apotheosis is positive. In addition, the use of these words in speech is influenced by their foreign-language origin. Such affectionate-ironic words, like gap, winding, prayer, rolling, combine spoken and dialective coloring, populatory sound. The wealth of stylistic shades of Russian vocabulary requires a particularly attentive attitude to the Word.

1.7.3. Use in the speech of stylist painted vocabulary

The tasks of practical stylistics include the study of the use of various functional styles in the speech - and as one of the styrene-forming elements, and as an anticipatory agent allocated to its expression on the background of other languages.

Special attention is paid to the use of terminological vocabulary having the most definite functional-style significance. Terms - words or phrases, calling special concepts of any sphere of production, science, art. At the heart of each term necessarily lies the definition (definition) of the realistic designated them, so that the terms are the capacious and at the same time compressed the characteristic of the subject or phenomenon. Each branch of science operates with certain terms that constitute the terminological system of this industry knowledge.

In the composition of the terminological vocabulary, several "layers" can be distinguished, which differ in the sphere of consumption, the content of the concept, the characteristics of the object being denoted. In the greatest features, this division is reflected in the delimitation of general scientific terms (they constitute a general conceptual fund of science as a whole, it is not by chance that their words are most frequent in scientific speech) and special, which are confined for certain areas of knowledge. The use of this vocabulary is the most important advantage of scientific style; Terms, according to S. Balli, "are the ideal types of language expression, which inevitably seek scientific language."

The terminological vocabulary contains more information than any other, so the use of terms in the scientific style - prerequisite brevity, conciseness, accuracy of presentation.

The use of terms in the works of scientific style is seriously investigated by modern linguistic science. It has been established that the degree of terminology of scientific texts is far from the same. The genres of scientific works are characterized by a different ratio of terminological and interstile vocabulary. The frequency of consumption of terms depends on the nature of the presentation.

Modern society requires science of such a form of description of the obtained data, which would make the greatest achievements of the human mind of everyone. However, it is often said that science has burned out from the world with a linguistic barrier, that her tongue "elitarian", "sectarian". To lexica scientific work It was available to the reader used in it. The terms must be primarily mastered in this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, they are clear and known to those skilled in the art; New terms need to clarify.

Scientific and technical progress led to the intensive development of scientific style and its active influence on other functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. The use of terms outside of scientific style has become a kind of time.

Studying the process of terminology of speech, not related scientific-style norms, researchers indicate distinctive features The use of terms in this case. A lot of words having accurate terminological importance were widespread and used without any stylistic restrictions (radio, television, oxygen, heart attack, psychic, privatization). The other group combines words that have a dual nature: can also be used in terms of terms, and as stylistically neutral vocabulary. In the first case, they are distinguished by special shades of values \u200b\u200bthat give them special accuracy and unambiguity. Thus, the word Mountain, meaning in its wide, interstile use "significant elevation, rising above the surrounding area", and having a series of portable values, does not imply accurate quantitative measurement of height. In the geographical terminology, where substantially distinguishing the concepts of the Mountain - the hill is given a refinement: an elevation of more than 200 m in height. Thus, the use of such words outside of scientific style is associated with partially by their determination.

Special features are distinguished by terminological vocabulary used in a figurative value (a virus of indifference, the sincerity coefficient, the next round of negotiations). Such a rethinking of terms is distributed in journalism, fiction, spoken Speech. Such a phenomenon lies in the direction of the development of the language of modern journalism, which is characterized by a different kind of stylistic offsets. The feature of such a word consists that "not only metaphorical transfer of the term of the term, but also transfer the stylistic one.

The introduction of terms into unscientific texts should be motivated, the abuse of terminological vocabulary deprives the speech of the necessary simplicity and accessibility. Compare two edits of proposals:

The advantage of "necnericized", clearer and concise options in newspaper materials is obvious.

The stylistic color of the word indicates the possibility of using it in one or another functional style (in combination with a commonly used neutral vocabulary). However, this does not mean that the functional consolidation of words at a certain style excludes the use of them in other styles. The mutual influence and interpenetration of styles characteristic of the modern development of the Russian language contributes to the movement of lexical means (along with other language elements) from one of them to another. For example, in scientific works you can find a journalistic vocabulary next to the terms. As notes M.N. The skin, "the stylistics of scientific speech is characteristic of the expressiveness not only a logical, but also emotional plan." At the lexical level, this is achieved by the involvement of real-world vocabulary, including high and reduced.

Even more open to the penetration of Iostlyl vocabulary, journalistic style. It is often possible to find terms. For example: "Canon 10 replaces five traditional office machines: it works like computer fax, fax machine running on ordinary paper, jet printer (360 dpi), scanner and photocopyr). You can use the software attached to the Canon 10 in order to send and receive PC fax messages directly from your computer screen "(gas).

The science lexick, the terminological here can be near the expressionively painted conversational, which, however, does not violate the stylistic standards of journalistic speech, but contributes to the strengthening of its effectiveness. For example, a description in the newspaper article of a scientific experiment: at the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, thirty-two laboratories. One of them studies the evolution of sleep. At the entrance to the laboratory of the table: "Do not enter: experience!" But because of the door he comes a kudachnya chicken. She is not here to carry eggs. Here is a scientist takes Hochlytka. Turns up with my paws ... Such an appeal to the Inostile vocabulary is quite justified, the colloquial vocabulary revitalizes a newspaper, makes it more accessible to the reader.

From book styles only official-business impermeal for the Inostile vocabulary. At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account the "undoubted existence of mixed speech genres, as well as such situations where the mixing of stylistic heterogeneous elements is almost inevitable. For example, the speech of various participants in the trial is unlikely to submit any stylistic unity, but it was also hardly legitimate to attribute the corresponding phrases entirely to colloquial or entirely to official-business speech. "

Appeal to the emotional-evaluation vocabulary in all cases is due to the characteristics of the individual-author's manner of the presentation. In the book styles, a reduced estimated vocabulary can be used. It finds a source of enhancing the effectiveness of speech and publicists, and scientists, and even criminalists writing for the newspaper. Let us give an example of mixing styles in an information note on the road accident:

Having gone to the ravine, "Ikarus" ran into the old mine

The bus with Dnepropetrovsk "Shuttokami" returned from Poland. Undressed long expensive people slept. At the entrance to the Dnepropetrovsk region, the driver and the driver. Lost management "Ikarus" came up from the track and pleased the car in the ravine turned over the roof and froze. The blow was silent, but everyone was alive. (...) It turned out that in the "Ikarus" ravine ran into a heavy mortar mine ... Potted from the land "Rusty death" rested right in the bottom of the bus. Suppers waited long.

(From newspapers)

Conversational and even spaticrous words, as you can see, coexist with official-business and professional vocabulary.

The author of scientific work is entitled to use emotional vocabulary with bright expression, if he seeks to influence the feelings of the reader (and the will, and space, nature, beautiful neighborhood of the city, and these fragrant ravines and cutting fields, and the pink spring and golden autumn weren't our educators ? Call me a barbarian in pedagogy, but I made a deep conviction from the impressions of my life, that the beautiful landscape has such a huge educational influence on the development of a young soul, with which it is difficult to compete with the influence of the teacher. - K.D. Ushinsky). Even in official-business style, high and reduced words can penetrate if the topic causes strong emotions.

So, in a letter directed from the administrative apparatus of the Security Council addressed to the President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, says:

According to the Council of Security Council entering the Office of Russia, the situation in the gold mining industry, which forms the gold reserve of the country approaches the critical [...].

The main cause of the crisis is the inability of the state to pay for the already received gold. [...] Paradoxics and absurdity The situation is that the money to the budget for the purchase of precious metals and dragoncones are laid - 9.45 trillion rubles for 1996. However, these funds are regular go on rod holes in the budget. Gold miners were not paid for the metal from May - from the beginning of the flushing season.

... Only the Ministry of Finance, which disposes of budget funds can explain these focuses. Debt for gold does not allow rates to continue the production of metal, as they unable to pay For "fuel", materials, energy. [...] All this not only aggravates the crisis of non-payment and provoke strikes, but also breaks the flow of taxes in the local and federal budgets destroying financial cloth economy and normal life whole regions. The budget and incomes of residents of about a quarter of the territory of Russia - Magadan region, Chukotka, Yakutia - directly depend on gold mining.

In all cases, whatever stylistically contrast agents are combined in the context, the appeal to them should be conscious, not accidental.

1.7.4. Unreasonable consumption of words with various stylistic coloring. Style mixing

A stylistic assessment of the use of words with different stylistic color can be given only by having in mind the specific text, a certain functional style, since the words needed in one speech situation are inappropriate to another.

A serious stylistic disadvantage of speech can be the introduction of a publicistic vocabulary into the texts of a nonpolecular nature. For example: Council of residents of the house number 35 decided: to build a playground having a great importance in the education of the younger generation . The use of journalistic vocabulary and phraseology in such texts can cause the comments, the illogical of statements, since the words of high emotional sound act here as an alien style element (one could write: the Council of the residents of the house number 35 decided to build a playground for children's games and sports.).

In the scientific style of mistakes arise due to the inability of the author professionally and competently use terms. In scientific works, it is impossible to replace the terms with words of close significance, descriptive expressions: hydrant coupling with air control with a cargo splashing handle operator, was designed ... (it is necessary: \u200b\u200bhydrant coupling with a pneumatic control system...).

Incorrectly inaccurate reproduction of terms, for example: driver movements must be limited binding belt . The term belt belt is used in aviation, in the same case, the term safety belt should be used. The confusion in terminology is not only damage to style, but also the author sniring in the bad knowledge of the subject. For example: the peristalticism of the heart is noted, followed by a stop in the Systole phase - the term peristalticism can only characterize the activity of the digestive organs (should be written: there is a heart fibrillation ...).

The inclusion of terminological vocabulary in texts that are not related to scientific style requires the author of deep knowledge of the subject. Unacceptable amateur attitude towards a special vocabulary, leading not only to stylistic, but also to semantic errors. For example: the Messenger Channel of the Merchant Machines with a blreech-linked windows, shells, shells, and glass should be called impenetrable, buttercipable, were condensed. Site in the choice of terms and consumption of them in exact accordance with the value is a mandatory requirement for the texts of any functional style.

The use of terms becomes stylistic defects, if they are incomprehensible to the reader for which the text is intended. In this case, the terminological vocabulary not only does not fulfill an informative function, but also prevents the perception of text. For example, in a popular article, the accumulation of special vocabulary is not justified: in 1763, Russian heat engineering I.I. Slider was designed first multi-cylinder paryatmospheric a car. Only in 1784 the Steam Machine D. Watt was carried out. The author wanted to emphasize the priority of Russian science in the invention of the steam engine, and in this case the transmission machine is unnecessary. This version of the stylistic editing is possible: the first steam car was created by Russian heat engineering I.I. Polzunov in 1763 D. WATT constructed its steam engine only in 1784.

The passion for the terms and bookmarks in texts that do not relate to scientific style may cause pseudoscience of the presentation. For example, in the pedagogical article we read: our women, along with work in production, perform and family and household functionwhich includes three components: children's, educational and economic . And it was possible to write easier: our women work at work and pay a lot of attention to family, raising children, household goods.

The pseudo-native style of the presentation often becomes the cause of an inappropriate comium speech, so you should not complicate the text where it is possible to express the thought simply. So, in journals intended for the mass reader, such a selection of vocabulary cannot be welcomed: the staircase is specific placing inter-storey ties preschool institution - has no analogue None of his interiors. Whether it was not better to abandon the unjustified use of book words, writing: the staircase in preschool institutions connecting the floors is distinguished by a special interior.

The cause of stylistic errors in book styles can be the inappropriate use of spoken and integral words. Their use is unacceptable in an official-business style, for example, in the protocols of the meetings: an effective control of feeding feeds on the farm has been established; In the district center and villages, a certain job has been done, and still in the field of landscaping the work of the faded edge. These phrases can be fixed in this way: ... strictly control feed spending on the farm; The administration has begun to improve the center and villages. This work should be continued.

The scientific style also has not motivated by the use of real-style vocabulary. With the stylistic director of scientific texts, the conversational and spacious vocabulary is consistently replaced by interstille or books.

The use of the integral and conversational vocabulary sometimes leads to a violation of the stylistic norms of journalistic speech. Modern journalistic style is experiencing strong expansion of the surprise. In many magazines and newspapers, a reduced style is dominated, saturated with an estimated non-straining vocabulary. We give examples from articles on various topics.

Almost the wind pulled out of change, this embezzlement intelligentsia was resolved for commerce, parties and governments. Turning his pants, dismissed his selflessness and his padded paneurgs.

And here is 1992 ... philosophers flooded from under the ground, like raw. Quota, stiff, not yet accustomed to daylight ... It seems to be good Guys, but infected with eternal domestic senses with a masochist bias ... (Igor Martynov // Interlocutor. - 1992. - № 41. - P. 3).

For the contest "Miss Russia" seven years ago, all who were considered the first beauty in the classroom or in the courtyard ... when it turned out that the jury did not stop her childhood on her daughter, Mama brought unfortunately to her child, and arranged disassembly... Such is the fate of many girls who are currently on the podiums in Paris and America (Lyudmila Volkova // MK).

You will have to fork out the Moscow government. One of its latest acquisitions and controlling stake in AMO - ZIL - in September, it is necessary to dismiss 51 billion rubles to complete the program flow production A low-tonnage car "ZIL-5301" (roll or we will go // MK).

The passion of journalists by the spacious, expressive reduced vocabulary in such cases is more often stylistically justified. Advocability in speech reflects the low culture of authors. The editor should not be on reporters who do not recognize stylistic standards.

The stylistic editing of such texts requires the elimination of reduced words, recycling. For example:

1. Out of competition in the global market, powerfully perform only two cool Russian goods - Vodka and car of Kalashnikov.1. Only two Russian goods are invariably in great demand on the global market - vodka and Kalashniki vehicles. They are out of competition.
2. The head of the laboratory agreed to give an interview, but for the information request a round sum In dollars, that the correspondent has become a tragic surprise.2. The head of the laboratory agreed to give an interview, but for the information demanded a fantastic amount in dollars, which did not expect the correspondent.
3. The coordinator of the city council on housing policy assured that the privatization of the rooms in communals are most likely will be permitted in Moscow.3. The coordinator of the city council on housing policy reported that the privatization of the rooms in communal apartmentsThis will probably be allowed in Moscow.

A characteristic feature of modern journalistic texts is a stylistically not justified compound of book and colloquial vocabulary. Style mixing is often found even in articles of serious authors for political, economic topics. For example: It's no secret that our government is on the ears in debt and, apparently, decides to desperate step by running the printing machine. However, experts from the Central Bank believe that the collapse is not foreseen. Unsecured money is issued now, therefore, if the bills draw, it is unlikely to lead in the near future to the collapse of the financial market (MK).

From respect to the author, the editor does not rule the text, trying to convey to the reader with the originality of his individual style. However, the mixing of the difference vocabulary can give speeches an ironic color, unjustified in the context, and sometimes inappropriate comic. For example: 1. The management of the commercial enterprise immediately cling to the valuable offer and agreed to the experiment, walking around the ladies ; 2. Representatives investigative organs Pictured photocondant with them to armarab by irrefutable facts. The editor must eliminate similar stylistic errors by resorting to synonymous replacements of reduced words. In the first example, you can write: managers of a commercial enterprise interested a valuable offer and agreed to the experiment, hoping for good profits; In the second, it is enough to replace the verb: did not stick, but took with them.

Errors in the use of stylisticly colored vocabulary should not be confused, however, with consciously mixing styles in which writers and publicists find the life-free source of humor, irony. A parody collision of spoken and official-business vocabulary is a tested reception of creating a comic sounding of speech in Fakeli. For example: "Dear Lyuban! Here is already spring soon, and in the public garden, where we met with you, leaves leaves. And I love you still, even more. When, finally, our wedding, when will we together? Write, waiting with impatience. Your Vasya. " "Dear Vasily! Indeed, the territory of the Square, where we met, in the near future it sends. After that, you can proceed to solving the issue of marriage, as the season of spring is sometimes love. L. Buravkin. "

1.7.5. Chancellery and speech stamps

With the analysis of errors caused by the unjustified use of stylistic painted vocabulary, special attention should be paid to the words related to the official-business style. Elements of formal-business style introduced into the context stylistically alien for them are called offices. It should be remembered that these speech funds are referred to by the offseleamism only when they are used in speech, not related official-business-style standards.

The lexical and phraseological offselerances include words and phrases, having a typical color-style painting (presence, for lack of, avoiding, living, withdrawn, the above, is also the same.). The use of them is involved in the inexpressive (if desired, you can make a lot to improve the working conditions of the workers; there is currently no pedagogical personnel.

As a rule, you can find many options for the expression of thought, avoiding stationery. For example, why write a journalist: in marriage there is a negative side in the activities of the enterprise, if we can say: bad when the company issues marriage; Marriage is unacceptable in work; Marriage is a great evil with whom you have to fight; It is necessary to not allow marriage in production; It is necessary to finally stop the production of defective products!; You can not put up with a marriage! Simple and concrete wording is stronger than the reader.

Stationery Speech color often give sevective nounEducated with the help of suffixes -On-, -ani- et al. (Identification, finding, taking, inflating, summation) and bessfix (tailoring, hijacking, otguch). The stationery shade will be aggravated by the prefixes of non-, underestimated, under-compliance). Russian writers often paroded the syllable, "decorated" by such chancellery [case about the ardent of the planned mice plan (hertz); The case of planetic and breaking the glass of Crown (IP.); Announced Vanina's widow that in the unclusion of the sixtheyathist brand ... (Ch.)].

Sevective nouns do not have categories of time, species, inclination, pledge, face. This narrows their expressive opportunities in comparison with the verbs. For example, accuracy is devoid of such a proposal: from the head of the farm V.I. The slab was manifested by a negligence attitude towards the milking and feeding of cows. You might think that the head heard was bad and fed the cows, but the author wanted only to say that the head of the farm V.I. Shelk did nothing to facilitate the labor of the milk, harvesting feed for livestock. The impossibility of expressing the exclusive nouns The value of the pledge can lead to the ambiguity of the design of the type of approval of the professor (Professor claims or claim it?), I love singing (I like to sing or listen when they sing?).

In sentences with exclusive noun, the faugible is often expressed by the suffering form of communion or a return verb, it deprives the activity of activity and strengthens the stationery color of speech [At the end of the familiarization with sights of tourists, their photographing was allowed (better: tourists showed sights and allowed them to photograph)].

However, not all ungalled nouns in Russian belong to official-business vocabulary, they are diverse in stylistic color, which largely depends on the characteristics of their lexical value and word formation. There is nothing in common with the offseeorism with the exclusive nouns with the value of the face (teacher, self-taught, rubber, bully), many nouns with the value of action (running, crying, game, wash, shooting, bombing).

Separate nouns with book suffixes can be divided into two groups. Some are stylistically neutral (meaning, name, excitement), many of them have changed in Lena, and they began to denote not an action, but its result (Wed: Pirogov's cookies - Sweet Cookies, Circling Cherries - Cherry Jam). Others retain close relationship with verbs, speaking as distracted names of action, processes (adoption, non-recovery, prevention). It is likely that the stationery is most often inherent and inherent in the stationery, it is not only those who have received in the language strict terminological importance (drilling, spelling, adjoining).

The use of the stationerys of this type is associated with the so-called "splitting of the tame", i.e. The replacement of a simple verby led by a combination of an exclusive noun with auxiliary verb having a weakened lexical value (instead complicates, leads to complication). So, they write: this leads to complication, confusing accounting and increase costs, and it is better to write: it complicates and confuses accounting, increases costs.

However, in the stylistic assessment of this phenomenon, it is impossible to fall into extremes, rejecting any cases of consumption of verbal-nominal combinations instead of verbs. In the book styles, such combinations are often used: they took part instead of participating, gave an indication instead indicated, etc. In an official-business style, the verbal-nominal combinations were admitted to declare gratitude, to adopt to execute, impose a penalty (in these cases, the verbs to thank, execute, to recover inappropriate), etc. The scientific style uses such terminological combinations, as the visual fatigue occurs, self-regulation occurs, transplantation is made, etc. In the journalistic style, the expressions of the workers declared a strike, there were clashes with the police, an attempt was made on the minister. In such cases, without separable nouns, it is not necessary and there is no reason to consider them by the headseeans.

The use of verbal-nominal combinations sometimes even creates conditions for speech expression. For example, a combination of becoming hot participation more capacious in meaning than verb to participate. The definition of nouns allows you to give the verbal-nominal combination of the exact terminological value (CP: help - provide emergency medical care). Using the verbal-nominal combination instead of verb can also contribute to the elimination of lexical meaningfulness of verbs (Wed: Give the beep - to buzz). The preference of such verbal-nominal combinations of verbs naturally does not cause doubt; The use of them does not damage the style, but, on the contrary, gives speech greater effectiveness.

In other cases, the use of the verbal-nominal combination makes a stationery painting in the proposal. Compare two types of syntactic structures-with verbal-nominal combination and with verb:

As we can see, the consumption of turnover with the exclusive noun (instead of a simple fag) in such cases it is inappropriate - it generates multi-climb and rejects the syllable.

The influence of official-business style is often explained by unreasonable use. reviewed predictions: along the line, in the context, in terms of, in fact, in terms of purposes, to the address, in the area, in terms of, at the level, and others. They got a lot of distribution in book styles, and certain conditions The use of them is stylistically justified. However, it is often a passion for them causes damage to the presentation, reflecting the syllable and giving him the stationery. This is partly due to the fact that the replacement prepositions usually require the use of exclusive nouns, which leads to the rolling of cases. For example: due to improving the organization of repayment of payroll and retirement debt, improving customer service culture should increase trade in state and commercial stores - the accumulation of exclusive nouns, many identical case forms made an offer to heavy, cumbersome. To straighten the text, it is necessary to exclude from it the remote preposition, if possible, replace the exclusive nouns with verbs. Suppose such an option: to increase trade in state and commercial stores, you need to pay a timely salary and do not delay the retirement to citizens, as well as increase the culture of customer service.

Some authors use the loan prepositions automatically, without thinking over their meaning, which in part in them is still preserved. For example: due to the lack of materials, the construction is suspended (as if someone foresaw that there would be no materials, and therefore the construction was suspended). Incorrect use of replacing predictions often leads to the illogical statement.

Compare two edits of proposals:

An exception from the text of the reported predictions, as you can see, eliminates the verbose, helps to express the thought more specifically and stylistically correctly.

The influence of official-business style usually associates the use of speech stamps. Speech stamps are becoming widespread words and expressions with erased semantics and sweat emotional color. So, in a variety of contexts, the expression is beginning to be used in a portable value to obtain a residence permit (each ball flying into the net grid receives a permanent registration in the tables; Muza Petrovsky has a permanent registration in the hearts; Aphrodite entered the permanent exhibition of the museum - now she is spelled out in our city ).

A stamp can be any frequently repeated speech tool, such as template metaphors, definitions that have lost their shape due to the permanent appeal to them, even beaten rhymes (tears are roses). However, in the practical stylist, the term "speech stamp" was gaining a narrower value: so called stereotypical expressions that have a stationery painting.

Among the speech stamps, which arose as a result of the influence of official-business style on other styles, you can select primitive speech speeds: at this stage, in this period of time, today, stressed with all the sharpness, etc. As a rule, they do nothing to the content of the statement, but only clog speech: In this period of time The difficult situation has developed with the liquidation of debt to enterprises-suppliers; Currently taken under unreparable payment of payment wages miners; At this stage, Iquomet from Caracia is normal, etc. The elimination of the highlighted words will not change anything in the information.

The speech stamps also include universal words that are used in various, often too broad, uncertain values \u200b\u200b(question, event, row, carry out, deploy, separate, defined, etc.). For example, a noun question, speaking as a universal word, never indicates what they ask (especially important nutritional nutrition in the first 10-12 days; there are big attention to the issues of timely tax collection from enterprises and commercial structures). In such cases, it can be painlessly excluded from the text (Wed: food is especially important in the first 10-12 days; it is necessary to collect taxes from enterprises and commercial structures in a timely manner).

The word is as universal, too often superfluous; This can be seen by comparing two edits of proposals from newsstands:

Unjustified use of verbs-ligaments - one of the most common stylistic shortcomings in special literature. However, this does not mean that the verbs of the ligament should be banned, consumption of them should be appropriate, stylistically justified.

The speech stamps include pair words, or satellite words; The use of one of them necessarily suggests the use of another (Wed: the event - spent, scope - wide, criticism - sharp, the problem is unresolved, urgent, etc.). Definitions in these pairs are lexically defective, they generate speech redundancy.

Speech stamps, saving the need to look for the necessary, accurate words, deprive the specificity of concreteness. For example: the current season was conducted at a high organizational level - this proposal can be inserted into the report and cleaning of the hay, and about sports competitions, and the preparation of housing in the winter, and the grape fees ...

A set of speech stamps change over the years: some are gradually forgotten, others become "fashionable", so it is impossible to list and describe all cases of their use. It is important to understand the essence of this phenomenon and prevent the emergence and distribution of stamps.

Language standards should be distinguished from speech stamps. Language standards are called prepared, reproducible means of expressions used in a journalistic style. Unlike the stamp, "Standard ... does not cause a negative relationship, as it has a clear semantics and economically expresses the idea, contributing to the speed of information transfer." Language standards include, for example, such combinations that have received sustained nature: budget workers, employment service, international humanitarian aid, commercial structures, power departments, branches of the Russian authorities, according to informed sources, - phrases such as life service (nutrition, health, health , recreation, etc.). These speech units are widely used by journalists, as it is impossible in each concrete case To invent new means of expression.

Comparing the journalistic texts of the Brezhnev settlement period and the 90s, it is possible to note a significant reduction in the stationery and speech stamps in the language of newspapers and magazines. Stylistic "satellites" of the command-bureaucratic system has come from the stage in "Post-Communist Time". Now the stationery and all the beauty of the bureaucratic syllable are easier to meet in humorous works than in newspaper materials. This style is witty paroding Mikhail Zhvanetsky:

Resolution to further deepen the expansion of constructive measures taken as a result of consolidation to improve the condition of all the interaction of all conservation structures and ensure an even greater activation of the problems of workers of all masses on the basis of the rotational priority of the future normalization of the relations of the same workers according to them.

The accumulation of exclusive nouns, chains of identical case forms, speech stamps are firmly "blocked" the perception of such statements that cannot be comprehended. Our journalism successfully overcame this "style", and he "decorates" only the speech of individual speakers and officials in government agencies. However, while they are in their leadership posts, the problem of combating offices and speech stamps has not lost relevance.

Individually-stylistic neologisms on their artistic significance are similar to the paths: the basis of the creation and the others is the desire to give a shaped description of the subject, and the author does not set itself the goal of entering the words invented them into broad use.

Individually-stylistic neologisms do not lose their freshness for a long time. Very shaped and poetic they are in the works of oral folk creativity ( Best-phoned carpentry cut a champulse burrow). Many neologisms gave Russian literature: firewater ocean (Hold.); wide dubrovy (P.); ... Iedvedil you grant life (); lOUSOUS COBER (Tyutch); oblomovshchyna (Rock.); karamazovskaya (Trick.); raughty Dali, never clouds (A. B.); thoughtless, supervolving, uncooked full (Bl.). Individually-stylistic neologisms are because they are so expressive that they differ from the usual items with the freshness of the inner form of the word. In such, for example, neologisams like ozolton (EU.), in heavy-haired hair (Bl.), fire branches of elderberry (CV.), Clearly seen the inner form of words, and the unusual root connection enhances their shaped base.

Publicists appreciated the satirical painting of individual-stylistic neologisms. With the victory of publicity in our country, journalists often resort to the creation of individual-stylistic neologisms in the description of Russian reality. For example, the well-known publicist Leonid Radzihovsky, analyzing Lenin national politics, introduces the stylistic neologism of a wholegug, carrying sharply negative expression: ... In a number of all large and small deceptions in the foundation of the country, this one was laid. And everything was fine, while naked violence was held by the lime republic in general input. Weakened violence - the lie was exposed (LG. - 1991. - June 12th.).

The same negative is the stylistic neologism in the title title "Queue for benefits, or the next coordination" ("LH"). However, in difficult times, funny, good new squirrels, who have to call a smile from the reader, for example: "Travel from Moscow to Contenurban" (The title of the article on the names of the Moscow streets is honey alley, oxygen and under.); Bardu need to speak, speak out, get out!

Individually-stylistic neologisms more extinguishes in meaning than ordinary words. So, semantically multifaceted definition december Mayakovsky: Here and evening in the night horror left the windows, gloomy, December. December - This is not the fact that December ... This is the poetic definition of the mood, transferred to the perception of nature. The basis of this image is the phraseology of live speaking speech, because a man about the gloomy: Looking at Deckabre.

The creation of individual-style neologisms may be due to the desire of writers with lexical means to reflect the peculiarity of the new literary direction. Thus, Russian poets symbolists with the help of individual-stylistic neologisms allocated words and symbols that embodied the elevated principle ( starry, Stripping, Snow Force, White, Pelicia, Clamp). Writers, who fought with the "beautiful" of the exquisite poetic speech, created neologisms that have reported to the style of ease-conversational, reduced tint [Wed: You did not hurt yourself, and ordinal (C.); peshkodoom (Lighthouse.)].

Modern publicists love political jokes. So, during the election campaign of President Yeltsin, an article under the heading was published in the newspaper: "Yeltsinaria of all countries, unite!" (On the conference of supporters B.N. Yeltsin // MK. 1996. March 3). Another headline with satirical painting neologism: "NATOMATION AND SOVERSIRATION" ("News").

In one of the newspapers, satirical quatrains were placed in the heading "Tormantrynki", which also presented a stylistic neologism.


We are interested in order

Committee to us friend and brother!

He is a littlepinochet

And slightlyhusseinovat .

No less sharp chastushki, who published newspapers after the coup of the GCCP. In many of them, Okkazionalism were played with satirical coloring:

Eh, Bubakers yes bells,

There is no call youdemontresants !


The possibilities of expressive use of individual-stylistic neologisms are inexhaustible, but the expressive strength of these speech means depends on the skill of their creators.

23.Frameological style

[The concept of phraseological stylistics]

The phraseological stylistics studies the consumption of complex in the composition of the composition of language units having a steady nature ( break the head, thicken the paint, the cat is cutting, on the weight of gold, living wage, shock therapy). At the same time, the main attention is paid to the stylistic properties and expressive possibilities of phraseologism, as well as their transformation in an artistic and journalistic speech. Various techniques of phraseological innovation of writers are considered. In the spotlight Frameworking Stylistics Warning speech errors When using phraseologism.

Stylistic functions of neologisms.

Neologisms are words that, appearing in the language as defined significant units, have not yet entered the active vocabulary of the language. They are as long as they remain neologism until they are finally unrelated by the language and do not strengthen the active stock of vocabulary, while they are perceived as words having a shade of freshness and unusualness.

1. In the scientific, industrial and technical, official-business literature, neologisms are carried out mainly nominative function, i.e. Called.

2. In the works of the artistic literature, journalism, the use of neologisms is usually associated with a pronounced stylistic task. This relates mainly to individual neoplasms that are often inherent in large expressiveness and image.

So, the main purpose of neologisms M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin - to serve the expressive means of satire: they dreamed of smuggling a man; eyelashing; shaking herdings; throwing out of the eyes; Personalization of mouth; warning of water; crushing teeth; listening interest; Dust pastime.

On the worship of V.V. Mayakovsky I. stylistic function The neoplasms created by them said repeatedly. True, most of the neologisms of Mayakovsky remained the neoplasms of individual use, and the poet himself did not attribute them the properties of the commonly consistent in the literary language of vocabulary. The wordness of Mayakovsky was idea of \u200b\u200bthe search for the economical and the emergence of the form of creating an image, protest against the aesthetic "beautifulness" of symbolists, the desire to find new shades in the word. Very expressive neologisms in such combinations, as the whole day above the door, a ringing star; crutches caustiary link; Street is drawn by the junior-free; Snake bimetrovosta; Time Book Multile; Stomassed belt belt running. Economy and shaped words are pressed (pressed, like toad), fiel (come on foot), etc.

  1. Stylistic use of words of foreign language origin.
Borrowing is an element of someone else's language (word, morphem, syntactic design, etc.), transferred from one language to another as a result of language contacts, as well as the process of transition of the elements of one language in another.

Exotic designs characteristic of foreign peoples or countries of concept.

Varvarisamma is genuinely foreign words and expressions in the Russian text, completely mastered or not at all disturbed due to phonetic and grammatical features. They are, as a rule, are used in non-existent forms in Russian and are often transmitted by means of the source language: Avenue, Dandy, Monese, Frau, TETE-A-TETE (FR. Letters. Head in the head), Cito (lat. Urgently).

Warmarisms, like exotic, perform a variety of functions:

1) they call the fact that in Russian does not have the name;

2) serve as a speech characteristic of the character;

3) with their help, the "presence effect" is achieved;

4) Usually they give the text humorous, satirical or ironic shade.

5) Invited in Russian, foreign language words perform a specific stylistic role, on which the frequency of their use in different functional styles depends.

It has been established that the most foreign words in the scientific style (these are primarily terms), much less in journalistic, even less in official business and artistic. The figures of science, culture, the writers always stated that only the need could make the use of foreign language words appropriate.

  1. Stylistic use of terminological vocabulary.
In science, art, industrial production, agricultureIn the area of \u200b\u200bvarious professions, a special vocabulary is used, a significant part of which is terminological. As a rule, in the respective linguistic styles and literary genres, such a vocabulary plays the role of definitive (logical-definitive) and nominative.

In the artistic literature and journalism, it can be used as follows:

1. as an expressive means for describing the situation; to create a production "landscape";

2. The speech characteristics of persons associated with a certain area of \u200b\u200bactivity;

3. as a means of creating comic effect in the newspaper fellow;

4. As a means of creating a joke.

Using the terminological vocabulary in an alien on style context - receiving the creation of comic

  1. The scope of use of the stationery.
Office alerts are words, phrases, grammatical forms and design of formal-business style used outside of this style and without stylistic design.

Office alerts are often used as a stylistic reception of the creation of humor and satire, it is necessary to constantly ensure that their use is appropriate and did not affect the purity of speech.

  1. Functions of phraseological revolutions in different speech styles.
Phraseology is a steady combination of words that expresses a holistic value and with a function correlates with a separate word.

In the rich phraseology of the Russian language, large synonymous capabilities are laid, which serve as the basis for its stylistic use:

1. Many phraseological turnover are synonymous for individual words: to darish - to peck the nose; offended - to inflate the lips; set fire to launch a red rooster, etc. Against the background of neutral words, phraseological revolutions are highlighted by their conversationally spacious character. Most often synonymized by the phraseological circulation of adverbs, and in some cases, the phraseologists are inherent in the book: forever - forever and ever; openly - with raised elevation; In others - colloquially spacious: quickly - in all the blades; Loudly - good mat.

2. Frameological circulation form a number of ideographic (conceptual) synonyms that differ shades of meanings. Thus, phraseologism (work) hacking the sleeves contains the value of intensity in operation; Without dutiful, "without tired, diligently, inspisitly." These phrases are ideographic synonyms that contain a value (work) "hard."

3. Frameological speeds form a number of stylistic synonyms among themselves: a book - order for a long time to live, spaticral stretching legs (with common value "die").

Frameological turns are widely used in all speech styles, but in different functions: in scientific and official-business speech - in general practitioner inter-system, sustainable turns perform in the nominative function in fiction, in journalism, in conversational speech - the expressive-stylistic side of phraseological studies is put forward to the fore Book and colloquiality with their big expressive opportunities.

  1. Stylistic education.
The Russian language is characterized by the exclusive wealth of word-forming resources with bright stylistic color. This is due to the developed system of Russian word formation, the productivity of estimated suffixes that give the words a variety of expressive shades, and the functional-style fixedness of some word-forming models.

Word formation causes stylistic interest in the following cases:

1) If the motivated word acquires a stylistic color, an inconspicuous motivating: daughter (decrease.-Caress.) - Daughter; engineering (simple) - engineer;

2) If affixation contributes to the functional and style assignment of the word: to demand (commonly.) - To claim (official-deed.); Sewing - tailoring (special); Buckwheat - buckwheat (talk.); gift - task (simple), Zadarma (G.-simple);

3) If the features of the word formation limit the scope of the use of words, which are used only in dialects or receive a professional or zagging: strawberry - strawberry (dial.); whistle - whistle (all up) (prof.); cartoon - cartoon, cartoon (jarg.);

4) if the characteristics of the word formation become the cause of the archaeization of the word, inferior to its place in the active lexical stock, synonym with other affixes: dangling (mouth) - daring; Georgian - Georgian;

5) If the word formation is used as a source of speech expression when creating occasionalism: wide (oak) (P.); Blider (Ch.); Provered (lighthouse).

It is important to emphasize that the stylistic interest is only synchronous word formation, as it reflects the correlation of motivated and motivating fundamentals, and the stylistic assessment requires a clear perception of the word-forming structure of the words of interest to us.

  1. Oscillations in the family names of nouns.
As is known, grammatical norms have great stability and weak susceptibility to the influence of social factors. Grammatical norms are well studied and codified. However, the grammatical categories are subject to historical changes, which, in turn, lead to shifts in the norms, the emergence of a variety of grammatical options. In a few cases, parallel forms do not differ neither by their values \u200b\u200bor stylistic color: Giraffe Giraffe, Skird Skird, Standard - Standard (although more often they say shutter, skird, giraffe). In most cases, there is a difference between parallel forms or semantic, or stylistic. The stylistic difference is expressed in the fact that one forms are either outdated or inherent in a certain speech style. So, in the modern Russian language, the word hall, rail, placentar, sanatorium, film, boot - regulatory forms, and hall, rail, sanatorium - outdated, reserved seats, shoes - spaticrous.

Many words that used to be used in the forms of the male and female clan, they have now entrenched in the literary language as the words of a male race. This is a hall, sanatorium, film, rail, piano, tabel. Male boring won in the words: Wovenka, frightement, frost, curtain, earnings, deed, hazel, dinner, burn, scream, shade. The question in favor of the female kind: Arabesque, Bengnebard, Bandera, Veil (consumption of these words in male genus - Outdated, dialect or professional formal form are common to fluctuations in the grammatical kind of nouns used primarily in the plural. Modern norm One form: shoes, pimes, sandals, pursuit, sideways, etc. Generic options cover some nouns, used to designate female people: Lecturer IT.D. These parallel forms are stylistically neutral, but in official documents, nomenclature names for the designation of female female should use noun male genus. The nouns of the female kind with the suffixes of -Sh (a), and (a) type of instructor, cashier, the dock, doctors are characterized by a stylistically reduced, dismissive tint and are outside the literary language. The fluctuations in the kind of unchangeable nouns names are characteristic, first of all, for foreign-speaking words on the origin of words representing an exception from all rules. The oscillations in the family of this group of words are caused mainly not established norm, and very rarely related to the stylistic color.

  1. The genus of the unclear names of nouns.
1. The unlockable, denoting inanimate object, belong to the middle family: lobby, cough, panel, sconce, macrame, taxis. However, in some cases, the generic affiliation is due to the grammatical noun, denoting the generic concept. For example: Kohlrabi - Well. R. (cabbage), salami - w. R. (sausage), sirogko, tornado - m. r. (Wind), Bengali, Pushta, Hindi - m. r. (language). In other cases, the grammatic clan of the word speaking as an equivalent is synonym in Russian. Avenue (Street) - r., penalty (blow) - m. r. Due to the various associations, the words of whiskey, mocha are used not only on average, but also a male genus - Scottish whiskey, excellent mocha. In a pair, new Galifa - the new Galife The first form arose under the influence of analogy with the word trousers.

2. Unclear foreign words denoting animal objects (animals, birds) belong to the male genus: gray kangaroo, deft chimpanzee, funny pony, pink cabada. However, the influence of the word denoting the generic concept is affected here: Hummingbird - M.R. and J.R. (Influence of the word Bird), Z.Roda includes words of Ivasi (fish, herring), Tsetz (fly). It should be noted that in the foreign language names of animals, men's genus is consumed regardless of the floor of the animal. However, if the context points to the female, respectively, the words refer to the female genus: the kangaroo carried in a young bag.

3. The unclean nouns denoting persons belong to the male and female genus depending on their importance, that is, the correlation with the floor of the real person: rich Earlier, tired Kuli, the old lady. The courses are the words of Vizavi (my visa - my vesati), Prothege (protuja justified hopes - justified hopes), incognito. The word jury in a collective meaning refers to the middle kind: the jury decided.

4. The genus of unclean nouns denoting geographical names (rivers, cities, lakes) are determined by the grammatical nature of the nominal noun, denoting the generic concept: Sunny Batumi (city), picturesque capri (island), full-flowed ERI (lake). Retreats from these rules is explained by the influence of analogy when using the name in another meaning: the second Baku (the name of the place of production, not a city), large Sochi, new Delhi, by analogy with small Mytischi. In some cases, the same word is used in different generic forms, depending on which concept is meant: Mali joined the resolution (state), Mali must count (country).

5. The genus of the unclear names of the press organs is also determined by the generic name: Published Times, (newspaper), "Figaro Literier" often published - (magazine).

  1. Determination of the grammatical race of abbreviation.
According to the existing rule, the grammatic genus of sound abbreviations is determined by the rod word. From this it follows that TASS is the middle kind (agency), VAK - female family (commission), and Rono-male family (department). However, that's general rule Continuously loosened by speech practice. Sound abbreviations ending on a solid consonant: VAK, registry office, hob, Foreign Ministry, etc., began to be aware of the words of a male race, although there are nouns of the middle and female stem words.

Changes in the grammatical genus is also observed in sound abbreviations ending onto a vowel sound. They say and write: Rono closed, Rono gave an indication. Such a use can be found in the conversational speech of teachers who know perfectly knowing that the core word in this abbreviation is the word "department" and therefore it should relate to the male genus.

Oscillations in the genus of abbreviations and imaginary violations of the norms are due to two reasons.

First, the internal contradiction between the etymological and morphological (formal) motivation of the genus. For modern perception, all words with the final solid consonant are, as a rule, nouns are a nouns (cf. cat, mole, bridge, etc.). By analogy with them and the abbreviation of TASS, WAK, ZHEK, the registry office, which are now perceived abruptly as whole words, become the names of the male race. Similarly, the abbreviations of Rono, District, Gorono were automatically brought closer with the words of the middle kind on -o. This unconscious, but the completely inevitable process of hanging in grammatical kind, by analogy with another, significantly larger group of words, served as the main reason for changing the generic characteristics.

Secondly, the cause of oscillations was the difficulty of etymological decoding of the phrase at the heart of the abbreviation. For example, ROE (take blood on the Roe, it has an increased ROO). Few people remember (and many people do not know that behind this abbreviation the value of the "erythrocyte settlement reaction") lies, therefore, the ROE should relate to the female genus, but according to the formal sign (ends onto the vowelny), many are counting it to the average genus.

Thus, the holistic perception of abbreviation as an independent word, easily summed up by one or another category of nouns, as well as the difficulty of establishing a rod word leads to the movement of abbreviations in relation to generic affiliation.

Meanwhile, most of the letter abbreviations, for example, OTV, as well as many sound abbreviations with the rod word of the female, retain the traditional etymological motivation of the genus. So, Reception (department), KP (paragraph) - male genus, and hydropower station, GRES, CHP - female.

Thus, the establishment of the grammatical genus of abbreviations on a formal basis occurs gradually, through the stage of oscillations and variation in childbirth. The inevitability of the temporary coexistence of the generic options is predetermined by the very nature of this phenomenon, reflecting the context of the contradiction between the form and the content of linguistic units characteristic of the grammar of the live language.

  1. Declination of names and surnames.
1. The surnames of Slavic origin on -O, -e, often coincide with the nucleating words, are not inclined (throat, butter, sting).

  • neslavyansky is also not inclined.
2. At the decline of Slavic names and surnames, the forms of Russian declination are used (in particular, fluid vowels are preserved in indirect forms), for example: Ediek, Vladek (Polish names) - Ediek, Owned.

3. Foreign on consonants are inclined, even if several components

  • double French - only second
4. When declining, Russian declines are used

  • polish and Czech at -ski, - Sky, -sk, - Sky - when changing the case, leaning like ordinary surnames (+ me)
5. Russians and foreign ones in consonants are inclined if they relate to men and are not inclined if women

  • If the surname is consonant with the names of animals or items (goose, belt) - do not inclined
6. The surnames are not inclined to -Io, -Abo, -Igo, -Y, -Y, -OVO (sample, black)

7. Foreign on vowels (except unstressed-, -I) are not inclined

  • Slavic on strike-and inclined (films Alexander Mitty)
8. Nervusskiy from unknown -a, - I'm in the end leaning (Petrak)

  • on-formation, and not inclined
9. Ukrainian on -ko, -Enko in fiction inclined

  • on the drummer are not inclined
10. In the composite names and the names of Korean, Vietnamese, Burmese inclined the last part (if it ends on the consonant sound), Tsoi Hen

11. In Russian double surnames, the first part leans if it is used in itself as a surname, Solovyov-gray-gray songs. If the first part does not form last name, it does not inclined, the sculpture of demo-Malinovsky

12. Non-Russian surnames related to two or several persons in some cases are set in the form of a plural, in others - in the form of the sole:

  • if there are two male names - MN.C., Heinrich and Thomas Manna, also father and son

  • 2 female - units, Irina and Tamara press

  • if male and female - units, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

  • 2 Narice. SUT., Pointing to different gender - units, Lord and Lady Hamilton

  • spouses - units, spouses Kent, wife Major

  • brothers - E.C., Brothers Grimm, Paint Brothers; Same with the word Sisters: Sisters Koh

  • family - E.C., Family Oppenheim
13. In combinations of Russian surnames with numerical names, such forms are used: two Petrov, both Petrov, two Petrov, both brothers Petrov, two friends of Petrov; Two (both) Zhukovsky; Two (both) Zhukovsky. Under this rule, combinations of numeral with foreign language surnames are also encouraged: both Schlegels, two manna brothers.

14. Women's patronymic are inclined by the type of debit names of nouns, and not the names of adjectives, Anna Ivanovna

15. Personal names do not have significant morphological differences from nominal nouns.

16. According to the third decline, they are stable: love, adel, giselle and biblical names

origin of Agar, Rachel, Ruth, Sullaif, Esphyr, Yudifi. Other names of this type - Lucille, Cecile - fluctuate between the third declination and the uncleanness.

17. Women's names for solid consonants are not clogs. Elizabeth, Irene, Catherine

18. Male names On consonant letters, y and b are inclined as nominal nouns. Ivan, Robert, Andrey, Amadeus, Igor, Emil

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