Dusting for the future itself on playing cards. Simple fortune tells on ordinary maps. The meanings in the scenario

Simple fortune telling For the future playing cards Assist to prepare for any turns of fate.

How to get a truthful answer when fortunate?

Conduct divination for the future on playing cards in compliance with several simple rules.

  • On the eve of the New Year, the Christmas, Baptism and Own birthday of the veil of the future becomes thin - this better days For gadas.
  • Don't guess church holidays And on Sundays.
  • The deck for fortunes is stored in special conditions: they do not play and do not give in extraneous hands.
  • To fortune, you need to morally prepare: be calm and collected; Prepare the question to which you need to receive.
  • For 1 question spread cards only 1 time.

How to burn for the future on the maps

Calculation "Black Rose"

Ancient fortune telling, which will help to look into the coming.

Touch a deck, informing the exciting issues.

Step 1. Pull 1 card at random - it symbolizes the person who is guessing, at the moment: his thoughts and mental state.

Values \u200b\u200bof the 1st card.


  • Senior maps (pictures): jealousy, malice, aggression;
  • junior cards (numbers): sadness, tears.


  • Senior maps: longing, heavy thoughts, hopelessness;
  • junior cards: indifference, humility.


  • Senior maps: desire for justice;
  • junior cards: revenge.


  • Senior Cards: Love, Hope, Confidence;
  • junior cards: dedication, waiting.

Step 2. Take 3 cards on top of the deck and put them on the left of the 1st card - these are signs of the future.

The values \u200b\u200bof the upper cards are determined by their dignity, the suit does not matter.

  • "6" - disappointment;
  • "7" - events will turn to you;
  • "8" - assistance;
  • "9" - a joyful event;
  • "10" - difficulties;
  • Valts - Tears and difficulties associated with loved ones;
  • Lady - deception;
  • King - achievement of a goal after a variety of obstacles;
  • Ace - disease, unpleasant conversation or event.

Step 3. 3 cards from the bottom of the pack are laid out on the right - this is what the coming events will end.

The values \u200b\u200bof the lower cards are interpreted only by suit.

  • Treft - gossip, painful conversations;
  • Peaks - disease, tears, difficulties;
  • Bubnes - profits, joyful events, love;
  • CHERS - Changes to the better.

Gypsy divination

Try the Gypsy fortune telling on playing cards for the future.

Maps are not taushat, but stirred on the table shirts up and collect in a deck. Left hand shoot cards to themselves.

Take from above in order of 9 cards and lay out on the table in 3 rows, in each - 3 cards:

  • row on top - past;
  • middle - what is there;
  • nizhny - coming.

Card values \u200b\u200bsee below.


Touch the deck, thinking about their views on the future. Then at random takes 3 cards from the deck - the future interrupts. If there is little information, take another "three" cards - 1 time.

Card values \u200b\u200bsee below.


Glad to make a card on himself or for whom it quits:

Men (kings):

  • idle guy - tambourines;
  • married guy - Cherry;
  • man in years - trephies;
  • brunette at any age or a man in official position - peaks.

Women (ladies):

  • unmarried girl under 30 years old - tambourines;
  • woman older than 30 - Cherry;
  • widow, woman older than 50 - trephies.

The deck is taped, thinking about the future, and laid out on the table for 3 cards by fan of each other, until the specified map falls. After the "Troika" with the mandated map, another fan "Troika" lay out.

  • Two cards that fell along with the molded card - the near future;
  • a row from above - distant events;
  • a number of below - the past.

If there is no upper or lower rows - you should not lay the cards for the second time. Help the fact that there is.

"Yes or no"

A simple divination on the playing cards for the future will help to find answers to specific questions. For example, you can ask: "Can I get a job?", "Will I marry this year?", Will the trip get? " etc.

Maps hold in hand, thinking about their question. Then they are taped and removed with her left hand towards themselves.

3 cards take part in the burner: from the top of the deck, with Niza and one of the middle - what will fall.

The answer is interpreted by the masters of the dropped 3 cards:

  • bubnovaya and Trephal masses mean "negative, no";
  • chervoy and peak suit - "positive, yes."

If the maps contradict each other, it means that the way to achieve the goal will be complex and thorny.

Burning on 16 cards

Carefully shove the deck and remove the left hand towards themselves. Now lay 5 cards in a horizontal range from the top of the deck in order. Then again remove the cards with your left hand to themselves and lay out another 5 cards on top of the first. The same actions are repeated in 3rd times. The table will appear 5 stacks of 3 cards. Then remove the deck and take 1 card from above - it is placed separately.

Card stacks:

  • 1st stack - on yourself;
  • 2 stack - what's on the soul;
  • 3rd stack - that in the family;
  • 4th stack - past;
  • The 5th stack is the future.

Interpret the values \u200b\u200bof the cards in each stack and try to intuitively comprehend the meaning of the message.

The last card means that the heart calms down if unpleasant events occur.

The interpretation of cards see below.

What do cards mean

Each card predicts a certain event, and their combination is a kind of message. To understand it, you need to connect intuition, listen to your feelings and feelings. You can write the resulting alignment, so that it is slowly thinking about it.

Special attention deserves "randomly" dropped maps - they need to be expelled and associated with the result obtained during desperation.

"6" is a long expedition;
"7" - a designated meeting;
"8" - a stranger;
"9" - a submissal reputation;
"10" is an incredible event;
Currencies - difficulties;
Lady - girlfriend;
King - feeling;
Ace - own dwelling.

"6" - the time spent in the circle of friends;
"7" - an unexpected joyful event;
"8" is a significant conversation;
"9" - Flirt;
"10" - success;
Currency - unknown news;
Lady - blood relative;
King - enemy;
Ace - written document.

"6" - false hopes;
"7" - profits;
"8" - joyful dates;
"9" - divided love;
"10" - interest;
Currency - happy care;
The lady is an unexpected event;
King is a family man;
Ace is an official institution.

"6" - a barren journey;
"7" - you will cry;
"8" is an unpleasant interlocutor;
"9" - unrequited love;
"10" is a hopeless thing;
Valts - fruitless hopes;
The lady is a two-room person in the nearest environment;
The king - will meet a dangerous person;
Ace - illness, depression, bad news.

When you fortunate the maps, intuition is very important - you should not try to comprehend the future rational way.

Perhaps you will also be interested in.

It makes it possible to know the person that he is waiting. For many years, people resort to the help of cards on their own, or addressing the fortune tellakam. You can pay on fate, love, success, or all together. The truthfulness of divination depends on the equipment and compliance with the rules.


Basic rules of fortunes on playing cards

The rules of burning on ordinary maps at home, which should be observed, there are several:

  1. The deck should be new and conspired.
  2. Playing a fortuneal deck is prohibited
  3. One deck has one owner. It cannot be used to other people, with the exception of the layouts where the touch of the one is intended to be designed.
  4. Guess in good spirits and health condition. Then the cards will speak truthfully.
  5. Cards need to be stored in one place.
  6. Periodically you need to clean the deck so that the maps speak reliably. They dig energy from each divination and can start lying. You can clean the deck by placing it for several hours in salt.
  7. Specifying the maps of the question, keep honesty, do not try to deceive them.

You should not ask many questions in one day. No matter how simple, neither the alignment, prediction - a difficult process.

Classical interpretation of textures in basic scenaries for the future

Before you begin to guess, examine the interpretation of the masters. It is important to remember what conclusions can be drawn by considering the values \u200b\u200bof all maps together. Then the fortune telling will be true.


Element of suit - water. Cherves are associated with romance, relationships, emotions.

Detailed interpretation of cards:

  • two - strong friendship;
  • troika - the appearance of the third pair;
  • four - relations will become complex;
  • five - misunderstanding, which will decide;
  • six - harmonious relationship with loved ones;
  • seven - listen to your intuition;
  • eight - Relationships will change sharply;
  • nine - good luck or marriage;
  • dozen - you will get the desired;
  • currency - young man;
  • lady - an adult woman, possibly blonde;
  • king is an adult man;
  • ace - new relationship, love.


Element - Earth. Business sphere, travels.

Card value:

  • two - successful negotiations;
  • troika - profitable investments in anything;
  • four - doubts are not in vain, listen to them;
  • five - temporary financial difficulties;
  • six - Tip Cutting Costs;
  • seven - good luck in affairs;
  • eight - an unexpected accommodation of housing and moving;
  • nine - successful acquaintance;
  • dozen - cases will be completed successfully, desires will be fulfilled;
  • valts - young military;
  • the lady is a responsive woman;
  • king is a family man;
  • ace - financial well-being, business.


Element of suit - air. Peaks mean a lie, betrayal, deception.

Card value:

  • two - dismissal, problems at work;
  • troika - small problems;
  • four - problem relationships, treason;
  • five - the possibility of missed;
  • six - the trip is better to postpone;
  • seven - quarrels;
  • eight - poor health, no mood;
  • nine - end of relationships, divorce;
  • dozen - dreams will not be implemented;
  • valts - young sinker, fraudster;
  • lady - an evil woman, possible trouble from her side;
  • king is a cruel man, rival;
  • ace - bad news, loss.


Element - fire. Associate with finance or power.

Card value:

  • two - advice not to trust colleagues, once again think;
  • troika - a business trip with the prospect;
  • four - overcoming barriers;
  • five - opinion will be questioned or ridicule, health problems may begin;
  • six - the Council to postpone undertakes or trips and relax;
  • seven - success in affairs;
  • eight - an increase in work or profit;
  • nine - marriage for the calculation;
  • dozen - success in endeavors;
  • valts - educated young man;
  • lady - Woman - Leader, Chief;
  • the king is a man who will offer help;
  • ace - good changes in all spheres.

Simple layouts for the future

There are many types of layouts for the future. Novice is better to start with simple ways fortune telling.

Fortune telling

Before fortunate, you need:

  • prepare a new deck;
  • tune in (for this use candles or incense);
  • prepare a place to work with cards.

The alignment is done like this:

  1. Swinging a deck.
  2. We shift a part with your left hand.
  3. We ask a question in detail.
  4. Pull out one card.
  5. We start to interpret.

This will be the answer to the question. The card may indicate different events, a person, or the mood of a disappointing question.

Fortune telling for a week

There are different methods of fortune telling a week, here is the easiest card alignment:

  1. Swinging a deck.
  2. We shift a part with your left hand.
  3. Unlock fan face down.
  4. We ask a detailed question.
  5. Pull out seven cards.
  6. We look to interpret.

Each card is intended for one day. After interpretation, combine the values \u200b\u200binto one that will show the overall mood of the coming week.


The alignment also refers to simple:

  1. Swinging a deck.
  2. We shift a part with your left hand.
  3. Enclosing the face down.
  4. We ask a detailed question.
  5. Pull out one card.
  6. We look to interpret.

This card will answer the question of the outcome of the case.

Declusion "Nine"

Singing for nine cards, with which you can disassemble the situation in three points:

  • past;
  • the present;
  • future.

You will need:

  1. Shuffle a deck.
  2. Lift the left hand part.
  3. Dispatch nine cards three in a row face down.
  4. Turn them over.
  5. Exterminate.

The first three cards will tell about the past situation, the second three about what is happening in this momentThird - about the result.

What do mention mean

Each suites in the framework of the defold is its value.

Music values:

  • worms - this suit usually reflects feelings, emotions;
  • peaks - will warn about the threat or ill-wishers;
  • bubnes - tell about the state of affairs;
  • cross - tell about finance.

Channel "Ksenia Lorenzy" tells in detail about despusting on playing cards.

What to expect from a combination of four identical cards

The combination of four cards also carries its meaning:

  • aces mean the fulfillment of desires;
  • kings - in the near future you will be surrounded by people and will not be alone;
  • ladies are empty gossip;
  • vnets - troubles will appear, or pleasant or not very;
  • dozens - the birth of new love, wedding;
  • nines - changes are coming in life;
  • eights - trouble;
  • seven - tears and problems;
  • six - ambulance long road.

Basic combinations of three cards

They have their own value:

  1. Aces are minor changes. If there are no inverted aces, you can not sharpen attention.
  2. Kings - to get the desired need to make efforts, each king is an obstacle that needs to be overcome. If the kings are turned over, nothing will come.
  3. Ladies - Communication with women will lead to quarrels.
  4. Vnets - a new acquaintance that benefits. When an inverted map may not be misunderstanding.
  5. Dozens are financial difficulties, problems with the law are possible.
  6. Nine - a combination of three nine means happiness and luck, and inverted cards will overshadow the situation.
  7. Eight - marriage or new love. Inverted maps have the opposite value - light flirt, parting.
  8. Seven - loss of forces, melancholy. Maps in another position mean difficulties.

The alignment "What was and what will happen"

A fairly common alignment with which is easy.


  1. Shuffle a deck of 36 cards.
  2. Shift on my left hand part.
  3. Lay 5 cards horizontally.
  4. Shuffle a deck.
  5. Shift against yourself.
  6. Share another 5 cards on the already available.

There must be three cards in each of the five stacks. From the deck pull another card and remove.


  • the first stack is for yourself;
  • the second stack is for the heart;
  • third stack - for home;
  • the fourth stack - what was;
  • fifth stack - what will happen.

A pending card will tell you what will come for you in case of trouble.

The first option is "what happened that will be" The second version of the scenario "What was what will be" The third option of the "What happened, what will be"

The value of combinations

Sorry can meet certain combinations. They can also bear important information.

This is how to interpret them:

  • four Tuys - everything will come true, and four dozen beside the triumph;
  • four kings - a success awakening awaits, a questioning learns that society is well perceived;
  • four ladies - a woman can wait gossip, and a man will enjoy the success of the ladies;
  • four currencies - the troubles will be meaningless;
  • four dozens - the desired will be achieved;
  • four nines - someone will surprise you;
  • four eights and seven - you will modestly exist;
  • four six - you will come to the goal.

The meanings in the scenario

Each card has four texts has its own interpretation.

  • ace - do not destroy the family;
  • the king - the woman will have a lover, a man will meet with a stranger;
  • the lady - a man will head his mistress, a woman will meet with a stranger;
  • valts - friendly assistance;
  • dozen - add money;
  • nine - you met your man;
  • eight - appreciate what is there;
  • seven - risk, and you will be rewarded;
  • six - meeting, after which life will change for the better.
  • ace - Profit;
  • the king is a man of whom respect;
  • the lady is a woman who respect;
  • valts - remuneration for hassle;
  • dozen - do not fall in spirit;
  • nine - everything will change for the better;
  • eight - surprise;
  • seven - luck in games;
  • six - news.
  • ace - Be careful to the news;
  • the king - for a man meeting with a friend, for a woman - the appearance of in love;
  • the lady - for a woman - a meeting with a friend, for a man - learn about the girl in love;
  • valts - appearance is deceptive;
  • dozen - all undertakings should be performed in a good mood;
  • nine - endeavors will be successful;
  • eight - sincerity of loved ones;
  • seven - Do not forget about friends;
  • six - implementation of plans.
  • ace - getting bad news;
  • king - an adult will try to confuse you;
  • lady - Do not perceive gossip close to heart;
  • currencies - troubles are in vain;
  • dozen - the act will coordinate;
  • nine - a small disease;
  • eight - disappointment in someone or something;
  • herka - negative events;
  • six - long journey.

Signal on playing cards for future relationships

With this scenario, you can see prospects for love and future relationships.

It is done simply:

  1. Touch the deck of 36 cards.
  2. We think about the partner.
  3. Encloses three cards on the right.
  4. Three cards put on the left.
  5. One card between them.
  6. Three cards put down.

Maps on the left will tell about the feelings of the partner, on the right - will show your feelings. Map in the middle is the current situation in the relationship, and the three cards below are the future of relationships.

In the scenario there are important combinations of cards.

Pay attention to them:

  • the combination of Chervi Aces with a nine or a dozen - long-term relationships that will lead to the wedding;
  • ace peak with any nine - the end of the relationship;
  • any nine and seven or a dozen peak - lie, treason;
  • bubnovaya dozen or ace combined with ace of worms - cold calculation.

Circular fortune telling for the future in love

You need to mix the deck and select a map that denotes who you are guessing:

  • bubnovaya lady usually denotes a young person;
  • chervoy - for married;
  • trephic - for women aged;
  • king Buben - for young people;
  • worm - for married;
  • trephic - for a man in age.

Such a map put in the center.

  1. The first three cards put up - these are thoughts.
  2. Three left - mean plans.
  3. Three on the right are dreams.
  4. Three from the bottom - that soon will happen.
  5. Two cards on the left of the neglection - the past.
  6. Also right - the future.
  7. One card put on top of my own - what's on the heart.
  8. Last map put under his own - that under his heart.

The fortune telling on ordinary maps is a magical action that allows you to learn not only the future of man, but also answers to any questions you are interested in. Love guy, financial sphere, learning, house, life - only some examples of what divorities are held. With the right ritual, the extensions will be accurate and everything that will be predicted - will be fulfilled.

It is believed that the most truthful flaps are made on ordinary maps. However, not any deck is suitable.

It is possible to guess only on the maps that are used for magic rituals.

Here are the basic rules for using a fortune deck:

  1. new deck
    It is best to buy a completely new deck, which will be used for magical rituals. After buying it, it needs to be left overnight on the windowsill so that she gains lunar energy. The next day, before the ritual, the deck is needed to make at least ten minutes, it will help satisfy the cards of your energy.
  2. energy
    Conduct divination on ordinary maps should only one person - the owner. If they fall into the hands of an outside person, then you will need to repeat the rite that is performed after the purchase. This is done so that the traces of an outsider do not remain on the maps.
  3. careful attitude
    The fortune telling on ordinary maps is an important ritual that allows you to look into the future. For such an opportunity, you need to be grateful magical assistants. The storage of maps should be paid to special attention: the place must be dark and dry. It is also recommended to periodically take a deck in your hands so that the cards do not forget your owner.

Following these uncomplicated rules, extensions will be triggered by truthful and efficient. However, remember that not only the value of each individual symbol is taken into account, and their combination. The combination can both enhance the value and reduce it.

In order to maximally understand the values \u200b\u200bof the cards during fortune telling, their specific combination should be taken into account.

Below will be considered the main changes that a combination can give:

  • left card, as a rule, has an impact on the right;
  • the upper card, as a rule, affects the bottom;
  • among the three cards, two one suites - the designation of the right or lower strengthened;
  • the combination of "worms" and on the contrary, the value of the second card is minimized;
  • the interaction of "worms-tambourines" and on the contrary, the interpretation of the second increases;
  • the combination of "peaks-trees" and on the contrary, the value of the second is reset;
  • the combination of "worms-trefts" and vice versa, the designation of the second remains the same;
  • the interaction of "tubes-trephies" and on the contrary, the value of the second is enhanced;
  • the combination of "peaks-tambourines" and vice versa, the interpretation of the second decreases;
  • the interaction of "tubes-trephies" and on the contrary, the value of the second card is minimized.

Knowing about the combination and value of cards, you can independently carry out card fortune telling not only for love or on a guy, and for the future, life, training and any other lives of life.

Various layouts help to know the answers to the most different questions: for love, on a guy, for the future, for life, and so on. Among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are specially popular with a guy's feelings, allowing you to know his attitude towards a girl.

For this rite you will need a deck of ordinary playing cards. By choosing from it like a king guy, it should be put in the center of the table. It will symbolize the lover.

  • top - Future,
  • right lower - present,
  • right lower - present.

  • Six - a gift;
  • Seven - love;
  • Eight - boredom;
  • Nine - Problem situation;
  • Dozen - conversation;
  • Valts - happiness together;
  • The lady is a good girlfriend;
  • King - support for relative;
  • Ace - Wedding;

  • Six - holiday;
  • Seven - a gift;
  • Eight - excellent prospects;
  • Nine - doubts;
  • Dozen - happy future;
  • Valts - a good period;
  • Lady - boredom;
  • King - wedding hassle;
  • Ace - love.

  • Six - pleasant news;
  • Seven - road;
  • Eight - boredom;
  • Nine - monetary problems;
  • Dozen - a date;
  • Valts - love;
  • Lady - rival;
  • King - hello from the past;
  • Ace - an ambiguous situation.

  • Six - unforeseen expenses;
  • Seven - boredom;
  • Eight - there is a chance;
  • Nine - it all depends on you;
  • Dozen - good news;
  • Valts - treason;
  • Lady - jealousy;
  • King - love with a friend;
  • Ace - parting.

With the help of divination on ordinary maps, you can spend rituals for the future, rites for guy love, magical training for training and much more.

The use of ordinary cards allows you to get an answer to any question of interest.

Naturally, the effectiveness of divination on ordinary maps may depend on the faith in its effectiveness, the correctness of the performance of the entire ritual and the desire to find out the answer.

In this article:

Any fortune-telling on the maps can be considered simple and affordable, especially if the design technique does not imply complex combinations. On 36 playing cards, you can guess only provided that they were not played before and they didn't get into the outsider at all, that is, only giar to them!

Ideally, you need to buy a new deck. It is better for maps to be paper, not plastic. At the same time, many fortune -akers are recommended for each type of fortune telling to have a separate deck.

How to go on the maps

It is possible to give the correct answer only according to the specific type of fortune telling and scenario. So, fortune-telling can be for love, fate, desire, money, all above listed immediately. The success of the event directly depends on the observance of all rules of divination. And such rules exist, and for each divination and technology - their own. For each of the following despusts, we will definitely give the rules and options for interpretation of cards, as they also differ.

The main rules of fortune telling on the maps include:

  • the use of a new deck that was not used and will not be used for games and solitaire;
  • do not do in front of the cards and clearly formulate the question, place the task, since the lie on your part gives a response from the map side;
  • before any layout, be sure to focus on what concerns you and mentally ask for assistance maps, only after that, ask your question.

"Black Rose"

This fortune telling will help get an answer to a specific question or whether your desire will come true or not. One hundred percent accuracy in the end you may not receive, but it is free to the situation on the situation as a whole, and all because the divination itself is quite simple. You can get more complete answers from more complex divination.

Take a deck of cards in 36 units, focus on my desire or question, get one of the cards from a carefully planned foot and in the list below, find it up.


  • Ace - your desire is not destined to come true.
  • Any figure - the desire is unlikely to come true, but there are chances, albeit minimal.
  • Ten - six (inclusive) - the desire can come true, although the chances are not great.


  • Ace - a desire will not turn.
  • Figure - execution of conceived in question.
  • Ten - six - the likelihood of the desire is very small.


  • Ace - you can rejoice, your desire is destined to come true.
  • The figure of any dignity is most likely you will not be disappointed.
  • Ten - six - the chances of fulfilling the desire are very high.


  • Ace - Over time, the desire will surely come true, but not in the near future.
  • Figure - desire to come true, only his implementation will be accompanied by a large number of problems.
  • Ten - six - because of the problems you will not feel joy from the performance of desire.

Gypsy divination

Gypsy fortune telling will help you open the veil of the future and clarify many moments in love and friendly relations. Take a deck of 36 cards, focus on the question and carefully drag the cards. If the fortune telling is made by a third party, ask him to remove part of the deck to yourself. If you are guessing personally, you need to remove the cards yourself.

In three rows, spread down nine cards, and then decipher the alignment. Thus, 1, 2 and 3 cards are the past, 4, 5 and 6 cards - your present, 7, 8, 9 is the future.

Interpretation of cards:


  • Ace - booze.
  • King is a noble person, an employee.
  • Lady - jealousy, anger, annoyance, enemy.
  • Valts is an incorrect act, in vain trouble and spending forces with time.
  • Ten - unrealized plans.
  • Nine - disease, hospital, ODR patient.
  • Eight - wait for guest invitations (festival, feast).
  • Seven - tears, sadness, sadness, disorder.
  • Six - Far Road, Evening Trip.


  • Ace - an important thing is expected.
  • King - father, beetor, father-in-law, chief, employee man.
  • Lady - mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, employee, neighbor.
  • Valts - troubles, problems, the need to seek help.
  • Ten money, profit, income.
  • Nine - affection for someone or something.
  • Eight is a value like a seven - a meeting and negotiations of a business character.
  • Seven - meeting and business negotiations.
  • Six - business trip, business trip.


  • Ace - family, house.
  • King is a family man or divorced.
  • The lady is a beloved woman, sometimes - mother.
  • Valts - the subject of your concern, pressing questions that you decide at the moment
  • Ten - dreams, plans, expectations.
  • Nine - a date, love relationship.
  • Eight - the value, like the seven - a date, meeting, conversation, dispute.
  • Seven - a date, meeting, conversation, dispute.
  • Six - ride.


  • Ace - the news of a large scale regarding business relationships or connections, developments.
  • King is a young guy or someone's son.
  • Lady - young girl, girlfriend, beloved, woman of a married man.
  • Valts - problems, troubles, anxiety.
  • Ten - love relationships.
  • Eight is a value like a seven - conversation, conversation, discussion, meeting.
  • Seven - conversation, conversation, discussion, meeting.
  • Six - a very ambulance road.
Before you proceed to decipher the scenario, appreciate it generalhaving highlight prevailing suit


This alignment will allow you to look not only at the present, but also the future with the past! At the same time, you will learn the truth not only about yourself, but also by my surroundings and for this there are enough decks of cards in 36 units.

To begin with, drag the cards, remove any three of it and put in one row. Under the first next, put three more cards, the same repeat under the second next. Total you have nine units, get the tenth - the final, which post under the middle card of the third row. The name of the tenth map is "Castle".

Horizontal rows personify temporary layers. The first (top) row will tell about the past, the second (average) - about the present, the third (lower) is about the future.

The first (left) card in the first row is your distant past; Third (right) - recent events; Accordingly, the central card is an intermediate period.

The third (lower) row is a present. On the first card you will learn about the closest prospects, according to the last - about distant (through decades).

Otherwise, the same cards are interpreted, but not horizontally, but vertically, that is, by columns or speakers. In this case, they all talk about the present, except the castle, telling about the near future.

The left column (first row) is relatives, the average - the beloved person, the right (third) - friends and employees.

Peaks are a minor melody, as it comes in the sorrows and sophistication, problems with health and even death or death. Trephists will become harbingers of troubles, clashes, incidents, deceptions, lack of money, mistakes negative consequences. Bubnes foreshadow and luck, positive emotions and events, as well as minor losses and mistakes. About the happy future and complete harmony can only be a cinder.

Interpretation of cards

  • Ace peak - trouble in work.
  • Ace Cross - Unpleasant news, "Duck", false information, falsification.
  • Ace Bubnov - unexpected legacy, large money amount; wedding.
  • Ace worm - big joy; Sudden love.
  • King, lady, rings Peak - Mature Persons in years - solid, important, serious, authoritative, wealthy.
  • King, lady, currens Crusades - middle-aged people, but occupying good positions.
  • King, lady, currency bubne - young wealthy people.
  • King, lady, currency worm - close to gadget people whose age should indicate the cards located nearby. For example, the six will indicate a young man, a dozen - on the old one.
  • Ten peak - disease.
  • Dozen Cross - Disputes, Disagreements in Key Questions.
  • Ten Bubnovaya - a big amount of money.
  • A dozen worm - you have a reason for strong and bright joy.
  • Nine peak - obstacle, difficulties, small breeding, collision with the law and its representatives.
  • Nine Cross - a big mistake, the need to find out the relationship or an unpleasant meeting.
  • Nine Bubnovaya - luck and good luck in financial matters.
  • Nine worm - luck in love affairs; Little separation will end soon.
  • G8 peak - shock.
  • Eight Cross - trouble, grief, tears.
  • G8 Bubnovaya - material profit, increase in any sphere.
  • Eight worm - nice leisure in a pleasant society.
  • Seven peak - bad news, gossip; Serious conflicts, malice, insult, trouble, problems at work.
  • Seven Cross - Business offer, Conducting a truce, Profit.
  • Seven Bubnovaya - Financial receipts, award, pleasant surprise.
  • Chervoy seven - unexpected joy, visiting a pleasant company; In some cases - the engagement.
  • Six peak - you humiliate, come across serious difficulties.
  • Six peasants - dissatisfaction, negative road on emotions.
  • Six tambourine - the need to perform a severe and troublesome order that makes profit and benefits; Road in the morning.
  • Six worms - a romantic date, a pleasant way accompanied by positive emotions; Sometimes - career growth.

It turned out that card fortuneren for various people perform completely different functions and serve for various purposes. For someone, this is a job for someone is a tool for information, and for someone just entertainment and idle pastime. There is a very large number of those who relate to this, as for fun and at the same time, with a deep conviction, argue that cards cannot tell anything, predict, foresee. It is useless to argue with them and I do not need it, firstly it is given to everyone, but secondly, only a person with faith can achieve something in this area. You can relate differently to the divination online, but if this method is unacceptable for you, you can simply study with our resource different kinds layouts and gadas, expand their horizons and education in this area. For our part, we note that all submissions presented are executed according to the rules and is not made any "fit" under the client. That is, if you need from a cleaned deck to choose maps on certain positions, then these cards are removed. Naturally it is not possible to work completely all the answers under the situation under consideration and most of the fortunes are exactly the standard descriptions of the cards, but we have only more than 20 for the resource for playing cards. various interpretations Each of the cards, depending on the type and theme of divination. A very large number of layouts are well known and often applied, but we present, in addition, and rare, specific divisions that are used for extraordinary situations and solutions are not trivial tasks. We warn that not all of the existing layouts are suitable for you, perhaps with something you do not agree. We hope that with the help of our resource you can learn a lot of new things for yourself. Remember the fortune telling on the maps this is not a game, feel serious.

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