Rapidly crawl: What do you know about lexical irresistibility? Speech errors: species, reasons, examples to take action error

We constantly hear, for example, "take action" or "lift a toast" and do not even think about what to say is wrong.

"It does not play meanings"

Violation lexical combination Words are a very common mistake. We constantly hear, for example, "take action" or "lift a toast" and do not even think about what to say is wrong.

As a rule, this error is caused by the fact that we mix similar by the meaning of the combination. For example, from the combinations of "take action" and "take steps" it turns out an erroneous "take action". "Play the role" and "make a value" - "play the value".

It would seem what is the problem, because we understand what is said about. However, in the language there are its norms and laws that must be observed - to remain competent people and maintain the "great mighty Russian language" for future generations. So let's remember:

Take action - take steps, take action

Play value - play a role, make a value

Has no role - does not play roles, it does not matter

Give support - provide support

Raise toast - Pronounce toast, raise a glass for ...

Win the championship - win, win the championship

Be in the field of attention - to be in sight to be in the spotlight

Rapidly crawling up / down - rapidly rises / lowers

Pay a fine - pay, pay a fine

Cheap prices - Lowest rates

Increase product output - increase product output

Improve level (for example, welfare) - raise levels (welfare)

Economic growth - growth of economic indicators

Purchase respect - deserve respect

To take care - to take care. Published

On September 15, during a meeting in the Kremlin, Dmitry Medvedev with representatives of the business community, the president said the following:

We will take measures To protect our business abroad. In general, the protection of the interests of Russian business, not only within the country, but also abroad, is one of the priorities of the state.

Here Dmitry Medvedev made (and not the first time!) A common mistake. According to the norms of the Russian language, of course, it is necessary to say "accept", and not "take measures". Take, after all, efforts. And yet many, especially in spontaneous speech, these verbs are confused.

"Apparently, it is necessary to start with dictionaries, - comments on this problem by the Deputy Director of the Russian Language Institute named after V.V. Vinogradova Leonid Kratin. - According to the dictionaries "undertake" and "accept" differ as follows. "Take" is to start doing something, proceed to anything: to take new research to do this? These are examples. And "take" - many values \u200b\u200bof this verb, and in one of the meanings - to make, implement, make a decision (that is, to decide), take part (that is, to participate), take the oath (swear) and take action. Please note, in the latter case, no verb can be put in return for phrases. Maybe because of this, this error is often allowed - "take measures" instead of "take action". Of course, it is impossible to change "to do" and "adopt". You can not say "take new research" instead of "undertake" and, on the contrary, it is impossible to say "take part". "

- I think that they are often mistaken, because they look like an appearance.

Yes, they are similar. But, in general, if somewhat more generally talk about it, it must be said about such a property of the language as selectivity, selectivity in combination of words. It is very capricious, and bunciful. We say - "to assist", "make an attack" or "make a mistake", but we cannot say "to attack", or "to have a mistake", or "commit help."

- This is what is called sustainable phrase.

Yes. More linguists call it idiomatics, that is, the uniqueness of such a combination is "to experience shame", but to "feed hope", "make an inspection", but "hold a meeting" and so on. All these verbs are somehow very selective, although they mean actually the same thing. They are almost devastated in a sense.

Yes, to understand what extent, remember that in Russian there are not devastated verbs - let's say, chop. It is clear that this is a very specific action.

Well, yes, chop. A number of verbs formed from noun - "help", "influence", "resist" (instead of "resistance") can not be called empty. But these "commit", "to provide", "to conduct", "produce", of course, almost nothing means. They, as if pooling the noun.

If it is useless to appeal here here, because you said that many of these verbs know almost the same thing, and all together there are little significant, it became, to be the only recommendation for those who want to speak competently - to remember how to speak ?

The native speaker does not remember it, it as if it absorbs as the native language is absorbed, as he gets used to hear from childhood. And during this process, he learns to combine words correctly. As soon as the error occurs, saying it notes. Not being a linguist absolutely, he understands that it is impossible to say so.

This is if the language environment in which the child grows, high-quality. And if he hears that on TV, the head of state says "take action" ...

Yes. This error is very common. Often, many of her just do not notice.

The thin connoisseur of the Russian language of Nora Gal in an extremely sensitive book "Poetry of Translation" was advised to avoid those of the most devastated words that Leonid Kratin spoke. And in fact, where it is natural to "punish", and not "impose a penalty"; "Help", not "assist". Not applied to the idiomatic expression "take action". Here if you want, in the speech there is no shade of the official, presentation, you need not to look for anything else, but all the offer to reinstate.

Please look, Roller and try to answer the question: What unites these fragments?

Yes, indeed, we again encountered a rather common speech error - a violation of the lexical combination of words.

Take measures. What is wrong with this phrase? Why can not say so? After all, we understood the essence of the information encrypted in it. It turns out that it is not enough to consider a speech phenomenon that does not go beyond the boundaries of the language norm. We do not have to move a pedestrian transition during the red signal of the traffic light only because there is not a single car in sight. In the language, too, there is a clearly designated norms that are not inferior by their rigor of the rules of the road.

Word take Combined with the words steps, trying. A Word measures Requires a number of verb to accept.

Take steps, take action - only in such options the combination of two words does not contradict the norms of the Russian language. Otherwise, we are dealing with a speech error.

The lexical combination is the ability of the word to use along with another word in the speech segment. Let's get together with this language phenomenon Closer, and at the end of you, as usual, is waiting for a care test.

At first glance, it may seem that the consolidation of one or another norm of lexical combination occurs spontaneously and does not have a logical explanation. This is especially true of synonymous words, as in our example. In fact, this unit example confirms very interesting and important idea that the language is live matter.

Word lives in an abstract language field, and then we insert it into the context, and amazing metamorphoses happen to him: it comes to life and begins to show their character and individual behavior features like any living being.

We are not in vain grouped by rollers with errors in similar subjects. The difficult relationships of people and animals described in news texts are quite consonant with the problems of the lexical combination of some words in the language stream.

Well, they do not want some words to stand next to the phrase or sentence, and nothing we will do anything - the language has taken into account their wishes and secured it as a norm.

Want an explanation? It is one thing: such is the language tradition.

Fabulous, right? So we are forced to try to take into account these "whims", so as not to give ignorance.

We give examples of the most common errors:

play value, pay attention to make a value, pay attention
does not have roles not playing roles
Cut the skills to acquire skills
Enhance the horizons to expand the horizons
Raise a toast to pronounce a toast, raise a glass for ...
give support to support
Write the championship to win the championship
intend to listen carefully
be in the field of attention to be in sight
rapidly crawl up / down rapidly rises / lowers
Cheapest low ratentable
pay the penalty to pay, pay a fine
Improving the image Increased prestige, formation of a positive image
increase product output to increase production
Improve well-being improve welfare
Economic growth in economic indicators
Care to show care
Improved service level improved quality service
defeat damage defeat
Purchase respect to earn respect
Deep Spring Late Spring
Impressive impress

How do we learn about the ability of the word to the compatibility? In science it is called valence (from Lat. Valentia - power, ability). The word "brown", for example, can only be combined with a noun "eyes", and a friend can only be a friend.

For example, we say: a flock of cows, herds of horses, octara sheep, flock of wolves, camel caravan. These are words with low valence. Why can I say "Deep autumn", and here "Deep Spring" - Is this an error? The reasons are rooted in the distant past.

All information about valence, in addition to the lexical value, is laid in each word initially. In fact, each word in the language has its own programmed individual code of lexical compatibility. In some words, the ability to be high, and others are minimal.

Language speakers read this information intuitive. Age and level speech culture continue to give us away from lexical mistakes. This is being studied for years, which is why media workers should closely follow their speech, as they are responsible for the formation and consolidation of speech standards from their listeners and viewers.

In school writings, sometimes you can meet such "pearls":

  • Katerina, married Tikhon, became an unfortunate girl.
  • Borodino battle opened the best that was in Prince Andrei.
  • Tears silently flowed out of the eyes sony.
  • So trampled in one place: he could not takele.
  • Favorite Heroes of Tolstoy are far from perfect, they fall into their crises ...

By the way, violation of lexical compatibility is the Beach not only children. This linguistic subtlety is literally a curse for those who study foreign languages. Imagine how much time should pass, so that a foreigner to learn what the passage can be paid, and the fine is not? Penalty can be paid.

Here we encountered paronims. It makes sense to talk in detail in the next article.

If you want to see how foreign students are literally drowning in lexical errors when writing essays and presentations in Russian, we advise you to read the work of a truly legendary Vietnamese student Lee Von Yana.

Violation of lexical combination is often explained by the Association (contamination) Similar phrases. Here are common couples:

  • satisfy the requirements - meet the needs
  • the conversation was held - lecture read
  • remove the damage - to recover money, fine
  • take action - take steps
  • raise level - improve quality
  • acquire fame - deserve respect
  • play a role - make a value

Are there any cases when a semantic or lexical combination is justified? Sure. Any exception to the rules in the hands of the True Word Master turns into a real pearl. Rate yourself.

The creative thought of Genezhev was not limited to, of course, solely by the administrative side of the case. As a man of wide views, he could not get around the issues of current policy. And he ordered an excellent universal stamp, over the text of which worked for several days. It was a divine rubber thoughtwhich handhaws could adapt to any occasion of life. In addition to the fact that she made it possible to respond immediately to the events, she also freed from the need to think every time. A stamp was built so convenient that it was enough to fill the gap left in it so that a topical resolution was obtained.

And in the novel "12 chairs" Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov use the expression on its own image "Tabunchik girls":

Circulation operations for this day were completed. The audiences are located on coastal slopes and, over all waiting, noisily expressed their approval of the pharmacy-Negro ensemble. Galkin, Palkin, Malkin, Chalkin and Zalkind proudly glanced, as if saying: "You see! And you argued that the broad masses do not doymut. Art, it always comes! " Then, on an improvised stage, the Columbovts was played by light water waters with singing and dances, the content of which was reduced to how Vavilov won fifty thousand rubles and that came out of it. The artists who dropped off the back of the nicline constructivism played fun, danced vigorously and sang with cute voices. The shore was quite satisfied. The second number was the virtuoso balala retreat. The shore was covered with smiles.
"Baryna, Baryn, - produced a virtuoso, - madam-lady."
Balalaika came to move. She flew behind the back of the artist, and because of the back heard: "If the barin is heard during a chain, then - Barin without a clock!" She flew into the air and for a short flight produced many of the most difficult variations.
There was a turn of Georgettes Tiraspol. She brought tabunchik girls in sundresses. The concert ended with Russian dances.

Lexical combination of words plays a particularly important role in artistic speech. Both in prose and poetic. Studying draft manuscripts, you can make sure of it clearly. In 1961, Mosnoachfilm shot a stunning documentary called "Manuscript Pushkin". It clearly demonstrated as the poet when creating the poem "Copper Horseman" picked up every word.

This black and white film without any complex animation and special effects allows you to literally follow the hand of Alexander Sergeevich. It is with such a scrupulous analysis that it becomes obvious how important the lexical combination of words in the context of artistic creativity is.

Large masters of the artistic word are able to expand the usual borders of the Combination, but this work is truly jewelry, otherwise there is a big risk to ride to a banal speech error. It is necessary to be a real professional so that such experiments give rise to bright metaphors, unexpected images and expressed the necessary expression.

At the end of the conversation by tradition, check ourselves with the help of test for attentiveness and speech literacy. Check out the video and try to find errors:

If the number of correct answers is rapidly crawling upwards, it means that we will continue to increase the expansion of the horizons and speak items about speech errors.

Contamination - This is a connection of two externally similar (formally and meaningful) stable expressions in one thing, which is a speech error. For example:

does not play a role(HC) does not play values

irrelevant (HC) (speech error);

take action (HC) take measures

to take steps (HC) (speech error).

It is necessary to monitor the observance of the lexical combination in its own speech and not to allow its violation.

Speech failure

Speech failure - This is a skip of the word (words) necessary to accurately express thoughts. Speech failure leads to:

the emergence of logical errors (alogombism);

the substitution of concepts, which generates the Comism and the absurdity of the statement. The factory requires two workers: one - for filling; Other - for wrapper.

Speech redundancy

The helplessness in choosing an accurate word leads to another error - multi-dimensions (speech redundancy).

Speech redundancy occurs when re-transmitted by the same thought. Speech redundancy is three species:

pleonasm(from Greek. Pleonasmos is an excessiveness) - this is use in speech close in meaning and therefore unnecessary words ( main essencedark darkness, casual ordinary);

tautology(from Greek. Tauto is the same, Logos - the word) - this is a type of pleonism, repetition of single-handed words ( tell a story, multiply many times).

Highlight hidden tautology - the use of borrowed and Russian words with the same meaning ( leading Leader, Interior Interior, price list prices). Exceptions:

a) traditionally admissible in Russian expressions with hidden tautology: time period, monumental monument, real reality, exhibits of the exhibition And ne. Dr.;

b) phraseological units containing tautology are also used: probs of propagation, serve service, grief bitter, all.

Repetition of words (lexical repetition) - unjustified pending words.


The highest level of speech culture of the speaker testifies, in addition to the skillful use of previous groups of words, the correct use of phraseologism. Phraseologists are the highest stage of the development of sustainable expressions. These are the so-called "frozen" stable expressions that are used in a figurative value ( cat weave - "few", wILLS WATER WATER SUPPORT - "not obvious").

Phraseologist (Frameological speed; from Greek. Phrases - expression, speech turnover) are non-free, holistic units that are not created in the communication process, but are reproduced in the finished form.

The rule of use of phraseologism.

In order not to violate the lexical combination when using the phraseologism in its own speech, it is necessary to reproduce it completely, not to replace the words included in its composition, to others and not change their grammatical forms.

Stylistic norms

Stylistic norms are the rules for the use of language units in accordance with their stylistic color.

Functional style - This is a historically established system of language tools and methods of their organization used in a certain sphere of communication: the sphere of science, in the field of legislation and office work, the sphere of journalism.

If the defective statements on linguistic grounds collected here are shortly united errors in a single block, we will get two dozen of their varieties, including stylistic, grammatical (management, coordination, improper formation), lexical and accentological, i.e. Error in stress. A single facts are presented violations associated with the grammatical genus abbreviation (one Central Committee instead of one Central Committee, the IMF itself instead of the IMF itself, NATO - it is instead of it and under.; comparative degree adjectives and short form (weak, more weaker, more modest, more worse, more details, is previous instead of the former); with a passing word in the phrase (to make Chernomyrdin instead of making the candidacy of Chernomyrdin; the winds of the wind reached fifteen-twenty meters per second instead of reaching speed; the film "Armageddon" will take place instead of viewing or premiere of the film; the result of our circle of questions instead of the result of consideration; who had the president instead In view of the president, etc.); With a logical contradiction in the statement generated by a hidden mental conflict, or with the contamination of several phrases (I first saw again; the temperature would not be very cold; Gaidar said that I didn't believe my eyes; the internationalistic group of criminals, which includes two Tajik, Georgians , Chechen, Ukrainian and Muscovite).

In the future, the comment will refer to the most frequent error types, but before we would like to highlight two groups of specific violations of the correctness and purity of Russian speech, which, in addition to the frequency of their occurrence and linguistic bases of appearance, are characterized by additional sociopsychological properties that require separate consideration.

Precision errors

So, the first of the two groups of errors unites the words and the designs that we called precision. The term, a few of his rethinking, we took from the theory of translation, where precision calls the language units that require particularly high accuracy when passing them in other languages. This is usually the names of their own, numerical magnitudes and some newly arising names that have not received other than one-to-one equivalents in other languages. All of them require accurate knowledge. In applied to language errors that violate the accuracy of Russian speech, we include words and structures that serve as a stumbling block in mastering literary speech. They are constantly committed in the speech practice of deviation from the rules, as constantly and persistently observed by experts on the culture of speech, eradicated which in Uzus is not possible for a long time. This type of mistakes and serve as a kind of litmus paper, a cultural and speech test for speaking, determining the degree of ownership of the culture of Russian speech. The motto of the group of so understood precision words and forms should be a call:

"It is necessary to learn and know!" These include errors of all levels of language system - grammatical, lexical, orphoepic. Let's start with lexical errors. This is the inadmissibility of use:

Smooth form "lay down";

Verb "wear" [on yourself] instead of "wear": you need to wear another shoes - E. Dodol;

I can wear jeans - V. Tretyak;

I can not dress - A. Pugacheva;

He dressed on himself - Glam;

We watches clock, dress headphones, Open glasses, etc. It must be said that this mistake has a century-old history, and most of the spontaneous speech performing it in practice today are theoretically know that in relation to themselves should use the verb to "wear", since the persistent recommendations of linguists are known to everyone. Such an internal conflict between the common zoom and knowledge sometimes leads to the opposite effect with a punishment sense: "I was so much causing ..., i.e. not worn, but hopes "(instead of clothes);

Take measures instead of taking measures, but take steps or actions;

Sound in the meaning "to call, report, pronounce loud":

candidates who are voiced (N. Ryzhkov); voiced the information that (O. Sittyov); The message voiced (N. Petkov); voiced the point of view (M. Dementiev); And finally, a double mistake - voiced that (Zyuganov). The verb voice in the literary Russian has the meaning to "write down the sound (film) separately from the shooting". Its use in the above sense ("Pronounce") is a gross violation of the norm, distorting the laws of the combination of words and aesthetically insulting hearing of the carrier of the Russian language, but in this erroneous use, he has so loved some politicians and journalists that became an affiliation, a kind of political and journalistic sign "Jarnon".

Apparently, the political "jargon" could be the subject of a separate study. Incoming words and Wordformes perform a special sociopsychological role, serving for those using them with an adequacy to one circle of closely interacting (interacting not only cooperative, but also in different positions in this interaction) and people understand each other. Such a summary, for example, turns out to be a word with the incorrect stress of "intentions" (Y. Maslyukov, Kulik, Y. Luzhkov, Yavlinsky). Similarly, at one time, in a circle of persons close to I. V. Stalin, the pronunciation of the word "taught", which should have emphasized that one thing about whom it is not always firmly follows the general line of the party. To the number of units of political jargon of our time, I would also take an erroneous stress in the form of "accept", failing, fortunately, the tendency to "start", the use of verbs "vote whom" instead "to vote for whom (to vote Stepashin) and" Make someone ( Chernomyrdin) "Instead of" make a candidacy of Chernomyrdin ";

the word "movement" and the design "that" (about this last - below);

Take: this word in a distorted sense "to put pressure, crushing" is often celebrated by specialists as a cultural and speech error, but nevertheless continues to meet in persons who are prone to some manneriness and strife of speech ("... Ivanishevich brings to the Frenchman ... "- S. Cheskidov). In the literary proper use to admonition means "to be self-sufficient, satisfy."

To the number of lexical errors, testifying to ignorance of the form or the importance of foreign words, such consumption can be attributed as:

The last statement is credit ... "Instead of Credo (S. Beloshapkin);

- "Waiting for the expansion of creative people" (M. Margolis);

- Debutors of this bank ... (A. Knyazev), where the error is based on the paronymic rapprochement of the words of the flow rate and debut;

- "The main theme of the rally was the contradiction between Protestants" (E. Glazunov), where the last word in the phrase is a copyright formation from the phrase of the adjective with the noun protest-eating + demonstrants. But at the same time, the speaker did not feel that he created by it by deploying two words into one Okkazionalism coincided with the words already existed in the language with a completely different meaning that he gave rise to difficulties in the perception of the statement by the listeners;

Incorrect pronunciation of the words "Incinted" (O. Mayatskaya) and "compromise" (D. Muratov, N. Petkov) with an excess sound "H" in the root.

In the field of grammar, we discover the solar times, for many years, inexperienced errors:

In case control: according to perennial observations (A. Lebed), according to laws (V. Commissioners, G. Seleznev), where the form of a genitive case is used instead of the duty (correctly - according to the laws); pay for services (Y. Luzhkov) instead of paying for services or pay for services;

In coordination: both departments, both sides (Friendship newspaper, M. Leontyev) instead of both; From seventy cases, two accepted for consideration instead of two cases, but two people.

The greatest number of errors to coordinate are compiled numerals that correctly change on cases of cases, agreeing on the form of their parts, do not know how many journalists, politicians and government officials are not able: to eight hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Moscow (A. Krotov) instead eighty festiveness; In all four hundred and seventy volumes of this case (N. Nikolaev) instead four hundred seventy; Three hundred seventy deputies voted at sixty-three against (A. Andreev) instead of sixty-three, etc. In the statements of V. Sinelnikov, S. Mironova, P. Lobkov, E. Novoselskaya, in the texts "MK". As one of the explanations of the majority of errors in the formation of case forms of complex numerals, it is necessary to keep in mind the following circumstance. Talking wants the number called them to accuracy, without distortion perceived by listening. Oral speech flows in different conditions and often meets with interference - outsiders, distracting the attention of the listener itself, possible pronunciation defects of the speaker, problems in technical means of communication. In order for the transmission of numeric information to reduce the impact of interference to a minimum, speaking, taking into account the interests of the address of speech, pronounces numeral as immutable words. This circumstance naturally does not justify the error, but somehow helps to understand her possible reasons (Recall that in the language of professional military to avoid distortion, it is forbidden to inclust the names of settlements and numeral, transmitting digital designations.).

From the syntax area to the group of precision errors, I relate to the above forbidden from the window ("Looking out the window, I flew the hat") and the design "that". You can "talk about what" you can "tell" or "hear", but not all verbs of the transfer and receipt of information allow such management. Increased in a public "that" the increasing number of "information" verbs, becoming a promising political and journalistic jargon, is now transformed into a massive tendency, which puts pressure on the literary norm, and in relation to using this design is not enough likely a rigorous attitude. To your own speech. Such expressions should be considered unacceptable: they discussed that (B. Berezovsky); argue that (A. Ankudinov); understood / It was understood that (S. Sorokina, A. Kroshenin, V. Tokmenov); In that period of time, which you indicate (V. Putin); means that (M. Zadornov); Do not believe that (A. Lukyanov); expected that (V. Ilyukhin); An error is made that (P. Gusev), voiced that (Zyuganov); Speaking about what I noticed (E. Kiselev).

Finally, the last species of the unexpected expressions in this group make up mistakes in the emphasis. Generally accentological errors,

the material recorded in the considered material is quite diverse, but I relate to the precision, which are found in a small group of words, but repeated constantly and with which speech culture professionals are fighting decades. These words in the right pronunciation (contract, quarter, funds, intentions, linguistic, accept, start) It is necessary to simply see those who sin with these mistakes, adding a group of communities that pronounced often with the wrong accent on the root - and root - The Vedas, whereas the regulatory sound requires the formulation of strokes on the suffix (conducted, applied) or at the end (given, erected, was submitted, etc.). The word "start" has a complicated accentological paradigm with a movable stress in different forms, and although the wrong initial form "start" has become the arrival in the towns and spawned a plurality of jokes, an error extinguished on the door flies in the windows of its other words: the fire began (and . Medvedev) - instead started or began; The neglected negotiations (A. Stepanenko) - instead of the beginning; Began to be carried away (V. Wulf) - instead of start, etc.

Although the precision errors noted in our material are no more than 10%, they are most acutely cutting the speaker of the language. Any of those listed in this section of words and expressions can be used to test speech literacy speakers: "How do you utter the word" means "in the plural?" In general, these precision words need to know, learn times and forever.

Contamination of words and forms

The second group of violations of the correctness and accuracy of speech unites the phenomena of other than the above, nature and is one of the most numerous, accounting for about 20% of the entire array. This type of errors is no longer connected with static knowledge or ignorance of rules and specific words, but is determined by the dynamics of the language competence of the speaker, its ability to control and develop its speech. In other words, the nature of such errors is not only linguistic, but also psychological. The language competence, in addition to knowledge and experience, includes the ability to reflect on the form of the pronounced text and the ability to self-esteem said. In conditions of airtime deficit, a TV presenter or interviewable politician, formulating the thought, seeks to express it extremely briefly, but this is the case when the "sister of the talent" turns out to him not native and close, and distant, consolidated: "I will not pour a lot of words", - Says A. Asmolov. This statement is the result of a reduction, compression of approximately such regulatory and normal text: "I will not pour water and talk a lot of words."

Such facts generated by the desire of the speaker to combine, "merge into a single word" meaning of the deployed, verbose expression, received a special name in Linguistics - unpleasure. The tendency to universities has its advantages, responding to the principle of "saving effort" - one of the fundamental laws of the development of language and speech practice. Compare: We say "discharge" instead of "discharge of international tension" or "philfak" instead of the "Philology Faculty" and others. But the positive effect can turn into its opposite, and the units leads to the distortion of the right Russian speech in situations when the speaker They have thoughts "rival plans of pre-quiculation", or "conflict speech intentions", as psychoanalysts are expressed.

In a linguistic terms, this phenomenon qualifies as contamination, i.e. Intersection and overlaying each other two equally possible, correct ways to describe an event or fact, for example, in the phrase "with the end of the football match, the number of callers should be activated" (V. Ilinsky). The conflict of speech intentions join the idea of \u200b\u200bactivating the audience calling in the studio, and, as a result, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe growth of the number of calls. The correct design would look like this: "With the end of the football match, the viewers should be activated and the number of calls will increase" or the phrase "there is one millionaire in dollars" (V. Commissioner) should be transformed into the right "we have one rich man here whose condition is calculated in millions of dollars. " Compare also "What income do you earn?" (V. Matvienko) - the question in which two parts are hidden: what is your income + how much do you earn?

Competing intentions of the speaker manifest themselves most often in mixing and imposing such units of languages \u200b\u200bthat have increased expressiveness:

Two stable combinations or phraseologisoms: life put in front of Tatiana unresolved deadlock - V. Commissioners (from "put an unresolved question" + "put Tatiana in a dead end"); say you found mutual language in the tribe of the cannibals - E. Kiselev (from "Find a common language with a tribe" + "find an understanding of the tribe"); I considered it necessary to bring until the opinion of the president ... - G. Yavlinsky (from "bring to the attention of President +" to find out his opinion ");

Two synonyms or synonymous expressions requiring different verb controls: people become enemies in opponents - D. Yakushkin (from "becomes opponents" + "turn into opponents"); "I would not call that this is a criminal area - I. Ivanov (from" I did not call this area criminal "+" did not say that this is a criminal area "); "We want to draw society to this problem" - Yavlinsky (from "Pay attention to" + "to draw attention to"); "This nomination is big and important" - I. Vernik (from "occupy an important place" + "to be important"); Compare two expressions: "This is still coming in that" (V. Commissioners) and "The question is only about one ..." (V. Gerashchenko). In both statements, an error caused by contamination of synonymous revolutions " we are talking about "and" the question (lies) is that ";

Two single and loved ones in the meaning of words: "And you do not arise that it happened that it happened?" - A. Maximov (from "You do not have a resentment" + "you do not (becomes); "And we somehow got bored for this" - V. Ilyukhin (from "I got used to this" + "with it got sick"); "They will cope with their responsibilities" - M. Dach (from "Send duties" + "to cope with the duties").

The above error samples show that in the absence of control over its speech, the speaker can turn the richest means of image, the forces, the expressiveness and accuracy of the Russian language - phraseologisms, trails, synonyms, shades of semantics of words, word-forming opportunities - in evil, in the instrument of its distortion and destruction, Having gave rise to ridiculous combinations of type "Power will go to it" (V. Ilyukhin), "smuggling drugs" (V. Glusheker), "Not the last word will play" (A. Venediktov), \u200b\u200b"Decide Resign" (E. Kiselev), "You don't matter" (V. Kryuk), "Many muscles" (V. Gusts), "Install the hope of someone" (V. Commissioners), "Products here give the injignment" (A. Shalesev) and others. Champion V. Commissioners turned out to be at the contamines-nation errors: in our collection of 80 errors of this type 13 belong to him.

Errors in grammar

Errors associated with the formation of the forms of the word (declining and hiding), with an improper connection of words in the phrase (combination) and the construction of entire proposals (syntax), although less rushing in the eye compared to the above-mentioned norms of violations of the norm, but create the same Interference on the transfer of information to listeners and as negatively characterized by speaking.

The greatest number of grammatical errors falls on personal and verb phrases, i.e. on the proposed-case and verb management. Compliance with the prescriptions of the language system and codified rules for building phrases requires the use of well-defined case forms: if the verb "is" is used, then it must combine the word in the nominative case with the word in the hardware - "that / who is what / whom"; If the speaker uses the word "touch", then the nouns with the pretext "before" must be in combination with it, and the verb "say" can be connected to a personal addition or in the vinuaten - "say that" or in the proposed - "talk about what" but not "talking for what", so the impression of the slope of speech and inaccuracies of explanations leave the phrase from the listener:

- "The criterion for assessing the activities of our divisions is the disclosure of crimes" (V. Kolesnikov);

- "It is only worth touching the balance of the two authorities" (M. Bhalam);

- "And we really will be the responsibility of those who say for it" (O. Sysuev).

The reason for this kind of mistakes can, of course, be a psychological conflict of two rival speech intentions: compare, for example, the phrase "to blame them could only be the need for drugs" (M. Sagittarius), where a couple of phrases "blame for something" comes in a contradiction and "punish something", and the result of the conflict becomes inappropriate for the management of "blame for", but the main reason is still the inattention to their speech, to the plan for building the phrase (and there is any speaker always) and the lack of control For his implementation: the speaker does not hear himself, his linguistic consciousness does not feel the very "responsibility", which he says. This reason can be eliminated. To learn yourself to hear, which means, to experience responsibility and respect the interests of the listeners in a state, everyone competent (and our linguistic authorities "everyone studied little by little") the carrier of the Russian language. We just need to want it.

Such a psychological plant will save the speaking of the appearance in his speech strange for the Russian ear, and sometimes ugly combinations capable of bringing a smile on the "ruddy mouth" to the listeners to him:

- "Such a thought came to me ..." (Yu. Menzhova), as if the "thought", like a little girl, taped barefoot on the grass and grabbed his hand;

- "I am not up to date about this information" (Yu. Skuratov);

- "This was stated by the head of the Tax Service Georgy Boss" (A. Dadyko). We can say "the doctor came," and "CHAPTER", of course, "could" declare, if she were not George Boss, but a woman.

Because of violations, in coordination, especially suffer complex sentenceswhich in oral speech should not be too long because rAM A person can not keep the syntactic links of great depths under the control. So, in the sentence, "and even the strongest woman, to which I rank myself, I want to be weak and vanity" (A. Mrkhov) violated the relationship between all three fragments to which it was broken. A similar error is visible in the phrase "Although as an example I will bring a visit to the Bolivian delegation, during which we surprised to find out that" (A. Smebash), where the apparent proposal is not consistent with the word to which it applies, but with the word "delegation" As a result, it turns out a distorted combination "visit, during which ...". Another sample matching in the phrase of the same author: "The Bolshoi Theater sent him to a retirement, where he no longer dance" - no comment.

Errors in the formation of wordforms are less frequent, but not less curious:

- "Izmazing all the mud, we are now mistaken, where the truth is, and where the lies" (S. Dubinin) - instead of "Izmazav";

- "Evgeny Maksimovich spoke with Mr. Mountains" (V. Yakovlev) instead of "with Mr. Mountain", since men's surnames in Russian are inclined;

- "I will note from the most recent" (Bosor) - the adjective "last" does not have degrees of comparison;

- "There are concerns to which we do not always respond adequately" (Y. Maslukov) - the word "concern" does not have the form of a plural number in the regulatory language just as the word "support" (cf. "We can not exist without financial support" - I. Lisp), although in the professional language of ballet and may probably exist different kinds "Supports". However, it should be noted, however, that the disseminated cases of the formation of a plural from words that were previously not used in multiple could indicate a certain tendency in the language system, which thus implements one of the reserves of its development.

The incorrect use of predictions also leads to curious combinations: "I will not remove my signature from under this document," (V. Semago), "NATO Aviation continues to bomb the Albanians for which (instead of which - Yu.K.) and Military campaign was launched "(B. Andreeva); "We already receive suggestions today from our regions" (Seleznev) - instead of our regions, etc.

But there are more complex cases when the external ones on the surface of the retreat from the cultural and speech rate is hidden by the subconscious desire of the speaker to change the subject and the object of action, disguising the "valid" and submitting an event as flowing completely objectively, regardless of its active participant. Wed, for example: "The most important political event of the week was to be a discussion in the Committees of the State Duma of the budget, it was postponed, but nevertheless the work would be severe" (V. Ryzhkov). Language mistake here is that a passive form is formed from the verb "to postpone", which does not have such a form. So, from the active construction of the "workers built house" you can form a passive - "house built by workers", but with the verb "to postpone" exactly the same transformation is impossible, and the design "deputies (we) postponed the discussion" can be converted into passive, only using a persistent Communion, - "The discussion was postponed by deputies (us)." The combination of "Discussion was postponed" is perceived as ambiguous, since the form coincides with the combination "event deposited (in memory). The psychological content of such a wording, such a non-disconnecting wording - "The discussion was postponed" is that it does not imply, simply removes the questions "Who postponed and why?"

Such leading sometimes to errors The desire to disguise, remove from the advance, to push the subject of the subject of the action to the greater the policy of the policy than other genres of public speech: "It is necessary to continue the negotiations that we have been reached by certain results" (I. Sergeyev). It is significant in this phrase "We" reservation, which, completely destroying the grammatical structure of the phrase, remained in it from the "other plan of articulation": to say that "we have achieved the results" it seems immodestly, and not quite consistent with reality. But the phrase purified from this reservation, the meaning of which is that "the results are achieved by negotiations", contains a grammatical error in management, since "results are achieved in negotiations", and not "negotiations". Hidden from the listener The subject of action and in the phrase "time does not have such an opportunity," where the real act is "we": it is "We do not have the opportunity because of the time that time does not allow us to use it," but so critically evaluate themselves It is unreasonable, and therefore the role of a grammatical subject is transmitted to "time", which flows objectively and from which the bribes of the smooth, and "we" here seems to be.

An intricate game in "subjects-objects" can also receive other orientation in which the subject, on the contrary, is put forward to the fore, the subject is attributed to the quality of the object. So, in the phrase of A. Krushchenina "I was eloquent, argued" This "I" absorbs not only the evaluation of the "myself" itself (eloquent), but also the characteristic of your own speech: after all, the speaker was argued, and not he himself; As a result, grammatical, and logic error. Cf. Also: "Viktor Stepanovich, you have good human qualities, do not burn them in the Duma horn ..." (N. Kharitonov). The call "Do not burn" can be addressed here only to Viktor Stepanovich, but the author turns it to "good human qualities", replacing the transition verb "burn" with its non-transverse conversion "burn" and generating a ridiculous statement.

The incorrect choice of the word coupled with syntactic disorders leads not only to errors causing laughter, but also creates ambiguous statements that are not always deciphering the listeners. "The multiple situation is aggravated by the one ...", "says Y. Bush, and to understand whether he has in mind the" situation ", which repeatedly repeated, or the situation that is repeatedly" exacerbated "is difficult. This also includes a completely mysterious thought of V. Zhirinovsky "Nobody withstands the national moment ..." and the ambivalent phrase B. Berezovsky "With those people who depend on ...", for a syntactic error in which two understanding is hidden: "People, from whom" questions (their solutions) depend, or, on the contrary, it is "people, for whom" questions (and their decisions) depend. A classic sample of junction can serve as a statement of N. Kharitonov: "Primakov applied not to engage in the president's impeachment, since in this situation it will glorify our state." The similar effect causes the phrase V. Ilyukhin: "... ORT was obliged to pay the President of the dividend to him ...", where, in addition to the wrong pronunciation of the last word, the listener faces the "giving dividends", i.e. Dividends who are "damaged" are engaged in "exemptions", obviously, at the same time, with those "finances" that "sing romances."

Stylistic defects

Stylistic roughness, inaccuracies, direct deviations from style literary standards constitute in our chronicles of errors from 20% to 25% of all cases recorded in it. At first glance it may seem that errors in the stylistics are not so linguistically rough as grammatical or lexical. Moreover, since they are only the inconsistency of the functional-genre orientation of speech and do not affect directly systemic patterns of the language, they should be treated rather to violations of the canons of communication than to the generally linguistic incorrectities. It is not for no reason when evaluating school essays, they are not equal to grammatical errors, nevertheless, they have the same negative impact on the listeners, as well as other error types considered by us. The fact is that the stylistics covers the aesthetic and ethical qualities of speech, and they directly characterize the speaker. It became a banal, but from this did not cease to be a true thought "style - this is a person" quite corresponds to our position in the assessment of the stylistic slope, which leaves the same impression as the dirt under the nails at the interlocutor.

The varieties of stylistic defects in our material are not too numerous, and half of all marked cases fall into two of them - the Oblossous vocabulary, i.e. What used to be called "obscene brand", and annoying repeats in the close neighborhood in the phrase of the words of the same root. It is clear that the two these groups are extreme points on the scale of rude stylistic disorders. If the repeat is type:

"The President addressed the radio", "contrary to the current situation, which was now", "" Little historical excursion in the history of Anastasia "," I heard the rumors "," the value of the allocation of money IMF Russia does not matter "," they expressed their readiness in The fact that they are ready ... "," he stated a curious statement "," ask the question "," there is a crisis at the closest review ... "," we chase in pursuit of this happiness "," you need to invest in those The industries that quickly give the return "," Now the Kremlin actively leads an active struggle, "- can cause a light annoyance at the listeners, testifying only to the insufficient attention of the speech speaking, then obscene expressions (although in the absence of censorship such a designation sounds somewhat strange) in Radio and television, as in the printed text, in the newspaper, responded to a murmur echo in a multimillion audience, make the effect of slapper, which you were put on hand, evolved in something unpleasant to the sticky.

Reints affect the aesthetic sense of the listener. Lingvo-psychological mechanism of their occurrence has an unconscious basis: in general, one of the repetitive units turns out to be doubled and has signs of sustainable turnover, which is used by speaking as a single, whole education, as a separate word; Compare: To make a value, express readiness, active struggle, historical excursion, with a closer look, by rumors, chase for happiness, etc., so the speaker does not always hear himself hears the repetition. Oblastism and simply "strong words" are inserted into a public speech consciously and fulfill the role of a weapon prohibited by a public contract, directed against real and potential opponents of the speaker and destroying ethical and aesthetic expectations of listeners. Thus like stylistic error We can only qualify again, while the public use of the fecal-genital lexicon should be attributed to immoral acts.

Among other deviations from the stylistic standards of the literary language, the use of various types of jargonis, among them:

Stationery and bureaucratic turnover and words: "He did a report on the government ..." (S. Kolosov); "In Nikolai Svanidze, red analysts decided to work more specifically ..." (E. Karamyan); "... Questions about tranches were discussed ..." (E. Primakov); "It is impossible to make privileges at the point of view of the speed of consideration of cases" (M. Bhalam);

Vocabulary of youth and professional jargon: "But the first call to these suckers dispelled dreams" (I. Barmina);

"Those who have crafted the show with dressing, waited for the bummer" (A. Vilchinskaya); "Tell me, Yula, do you write music and text yourself?" (Spencer);

Vocabulary of the criminal world. Pretty wide recently, its distribution could be understood, given the relevance of relevant themes in our society. But the trouble is that this vocabulary broke out beyond the discussion of crime issues and began to be used (which, however, is very significant) in the policy language: "There is no need to wet each other ..." (A. Shokhin), " The evening air of the Grozny TV company "Caucasus" Shamil Basayev again hit Aslan Maskhadov "(S. Minaev); "Investors, HTR holders do not want to deal with people who shook them and quenched" (A. Shokhin); "In the fight against cosmopolitans, parliamentarians are willing to dance domestic printing" (N. Shipitsyn).

The violation of the genre-style color of the public speech by the impression of the spaticral elements is sometimes integrated into it and is dictated by the desire, especially among artists, emphasize their proximity to the "simple people", their "democraticity": "Silk tie and give them to them tie?" (P. Mamonov); "Take it to my head ..." (S. Suponev). But the situation of a relaxed conversation in front of the television chamber itself is more often about their use: "There is no line ..." (S. Sorokina);

"This sister merged together: it is impossible to fulfill the economic nor political obligations" (A. Lebed), "This is a question related to the regions" (A. Prokhorov); "Why then this question is not risen?" (S. Sorokina).

The reason for the appearance of defective statements may not only be the inclusion of stylisticly reduced elements into speech, i.e. Zagalonism and spacious, but also erroneous, often absolutely not necessary and generated only by the "neurosis of originality", the desire to "speak beautifully", the use of "high" - book and poetic - vocabulary or "fashionable" foreign words: "I understand that even the most There are not enough simple intentions ... "(I. Rodionov). The word "stock" means "high, pompous" and does not agree in meaning with the content of this phrase; or "In all likelihood, the work of these two people will raise as far from the world's famous act of Monica Levinsky" (D. Gusev), where the word "raise" turns out to be clearly not in its place, because it is possible to raise an intention or desire, but No way consequences. Compare Also saying: "I am a lot of negative moments" (K. Titov), \u200b\u200bwhere and the word "image" is not used in exact value, and "negative points" are strongly given by senseless office.

Lexical mistakes

"Not the words and not in that place" - a common mistake in spontaneous speech, and it differs from the reservation, which is of interest primarily for psychoanalysts, by the fact that it is not related to some deep processes in the unconscious, but is based on simple superficial The mixture of words with something in common in the sound, in the morphological composition, in semantics or in the syntactic position. Another difference of this type of errors from the reservation is that the reservation is usually fixed by the attention of the speaking itself, and he corrects himself. The lexical mistake in his own speech speaking is not noticed and is not corrected, because it arises due to the ignorance of the exact meaning or the form of a used word: it seems to him that in his speech it is all right.

On listening to this kind of inaccuracies, it is not very impressed by a very smooth, maybe a little bit of "cordial" speech, but still alarming him, forcing him with a greater fraction of criticism to treat the speech and identity of the speech.

The classic source of lexical errors is paronymy, i.e. The presence in the language of such words, which have some similarity and in sound, and in the content, but differences in their semantics are still so great that the use of one instead of another distorts the meaning of the entire statement. So, when I. Shabdurasulov says: "I will achieve the possibility of objectivistism to explain what is happening," the listeners, of course, will understand that he did not mean at all that, "explaining what is happening," he will create visibility that comes from the objective Prerequisites and assessments of the real situation, although in fact it will be guided by some other considerations. It is exactly these features that are different from each other. Word couples Objective and objectivist, objectivity and objectivity, objective and objectivistism, where every first word in a pair is a positive meaning and expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bimpassiveness in opinion and evaluation and accurate compliance with the existing state of affairs, while the second members of these The steam transmits a value in which the claim for objectivity is only emphasized, in the absence of a subjective interest and external adherence to the principles of impersonal.

Paronimia in the same way congestives G. Zyuganov, who in the phrase "we hoped to get the answer to these danger " Using the last word instead of a single, but significantly different from him in terms of paronym - fears.

In general, the confusion in the use of single-handed words - and not actually by paronims - leads to the construction of broken, "untidy" phrases, the meaning of which, although comes to the listener, but leaves the best impression of the speaker:

- "The more chances you have to win our prize, which make up From yourself T-shirt with the logo "Radio-7". (Schastvtsy) - VM. presents.

- "Don't you think that these laws are in power put outin society? " (A. Smebash). In this statement, the listener guess a deaf szvuk saying: "Out Cat of Myshkina Tears ", but at the same time the erroneous control of the verb (the proposed case of VM. Vinitive) makes it look for replacing this verb, and the listener can find it in the word affect.

- "You would wrapped out from each other as the charges of the same name. " (Y. Menshov) - VM. repelled. Of course, the prefix distributed has a large figurative potential than from-, In the painting of discrepancies in different directions of the two elements (in this case, two people), but the verb with such a prefix comes in contradiction with the entire structure of the phrase.

The desire to create a certain image that would be able to strengthen the exposure to the statement, the natural installation of the speaker. But on this path, it is impossible to forget about the so-called lexical compatibility, according to the laws of which, not any grammatically error-free phrase will be correct and in meaningful. Wed, "There was a misunderstanding that turned out, unfortunately, to such a terrible final" (P. Krasheninnikov). "Misunderstanding" can "pour" to something And such a phrase realizes the erased image of the "misunderstanding" as something liquid, fluid. But it can not turn out to the final it can lead Such an inconvenience is experiencing a listener, perceiving the following phrases:

- "... an outstanding Russian artist, whose brush handed over all those places where Turgenev visited, where a figurative phrase transmitted place Sounds somewhat strange, if not ambiguous.

"This is dictated by the desire to settle some sentiment in society," says A. Shokhin. The expression is definitely bright, it asks to be embodied in the newspaper caricature. Just like to portray sedded mood?

Sometimes lexical discomfort occurs at the listener due to the fact that saying, wanting to avoid certainty, uses words devastated by semantically, the words are very general, almost an abstract meaning, of which the listener is difficult to extract specific content and which in the proposal, developing a certain topic, Like foreign: Wed:

- "There was a chairman of Gazprom. It vel. here contactson this occasion, "(E. Primakov). If in this statement of the word contacts and occasion To consider the words of generalized-abstract meaning, approaching the location, then from the components of its 11 words b turn out to be pronounced. Combination Same led contacts In addition to lexical incorrectness, it carries a plaque of Politzhargon.

- "I think you are still denote Holiday (March 8. - Yu.K.), although it remains for several days "(P. Gorelov, referring to Y. Luzhkov). What did the correspondent mean, using the word denote The listener, of course, understands (i.e., mention, say o), but also understands that the combination identify holiday - Typical stationery, distinctly exposing the formal-bureaucratic attitude of the speaking talk.

Completing the section dedicated to vocabulary, I will bring some more examples of how because of the wrong choice of the word "breaks" the whole phrase.

"Our museum performs all those features as other museums" (L. Chumachenko), VM. it has features or performs functions.

- "Psychosites do not need to hang people" (E. Stroyev) - VM. to attribute to people.

- "Over the years, such an image was created about me - a person who creates children" (E. Nodranko) - VM. erroneous about me perhaps perhaps myth.

- "All others put a deep doubt that he will cope" (Zyuganov) - VM. set doubt should expressed or doubt was expressed.

- "Let's hang such a rhetorical question to the government" (A. Smebash) - VM. hang The question followed putthe question is, and then not to the government, but before the government.

- "M. Khlebnikov is a beautiful exception to the rule that was just listed by Alexey Kortnev "(V. Pelsh) - one rule, of course, should be formulated or read, but not listed.

- "This disinformation is poured today on all threads" (G. Seleznev) - phrase, born, apparently, from a complex "game" flows and canals, i.e. In the revised version it might look like this: This disinformation flow is poured today on all channels.

2.6. Errors in stress

Russian emphasis in its current time inherited the patterns of different historical eras, and part of these patterns dates back to Praslavyansky period. Relying on modern accentology, or the doctrine of Russian stress, one could sum up the appropriate rule for each of the focused errors recorded in our chronicle. But this is exactly the situation when the study and knowledge of the rules - because of their complexity - will not facilitate the position of the speaker. Therefore, in this case it is easier to specify an error and bring the correct option to remember that the error does not repeat.

Error stress

Proper stress

posted (I. Malashenko)


exterior week (V. Lajak)


cream (Irina, leading program "Colored Boulevard")

nuns (M. Oskin)


the plane rose (A. Sorokina)


Stroke (V. Long)

it started this time (V. Seven)


began negotiations (a. Stepanenko)


award (P. Marchenko)


the schedule introduced (Y. Kopylov)

means (Y. Luzhkov)


establishment (Fr. Kusnashvili)


sophisticated (Y. Gordon)


include (S. Rumyantsev)

the fire started (a. Medvedev)

began / started

significant products (N. Boltyanskaya)


on debt obligations (P. Zhuravlev)

on debt

applied Punch (L. Abalkin)


intentions (Yavlinsky, etc.)


need change (O. Sherommer, B. Yeltsin)

according to the petitions (V. Shenderovich)

by petitions

production volumes (M. Zadornov)

penage of People (O. Romanova)


manuscript Sold (O. Morozova)

rank (V. Commissioners)


pros of aggression (S. Kondratyev)

no capacity (O. Romanova)


rattling tanks (V. Gavrilov)


waited freedom (N. Nikolaev)


began under protection (M. Simonova)

having spent more than half an hour (D. Pisarenko)

collected (S. Dorenko)

the process will be aggravated (V. Draganov)


as a result, Aphor (M. Zheleznova)

strive for the supremacy (a. Abrasimov)


treaty (Y. Luzhkov)

ready (Y. Luzhkov)


amended (M. Osokin)


with editors (N. Svanidze)

with editors

in the modern period (E. Podorochina)


take measures (Y. Masyukov)

created conditions (Yavlinsky)

speak about Zemsky Cathedral (M. Osokin)

about Zemsky

military Tools (M. Romanova)


due to the impairment of the ruble (a. Shokhin)

due to the impairment

graduate of the Seminary (A. Cherkizz)


balanced (A. Cherkizz)


six-hour negotiations (E. Primakov)


important (B. Nemtsov)

signal (E. Primakov)

take measures (V. Chernomyrdin)


easy fate (E. Podorochina)


began to get carried away (V. Wulf)

Film foot (P. Lobkov)


conferators (Y. Luzhkov)


separation of profits (Y. Luzhkov)


did not accept (M. Evdokimov)

did not accept

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