The minimum size of social scholarships in. Mounted subsistence minimum for social scholarships. Who has the right to receive payments

Most of the poor, incapable, persons with disabilities, which were enrolled in the State University, are thinking about what a social scholarship is and how to make it properly. The legislation of Russia is indicated by a number of people who can receive these payments, among them not only, but also students with deviations and insolvent.

The provision on who has the right to receive additional payments has not changed for 10 years. There are four types of payments to students in total, each of them has its own rates and nuances:

  • support for the President of the Russian Federation;
  • state Academic Assistance;
  • state social benefits;
  • personal scholarships.

There is no social assistance to those students who do not pay anything for training. This is the only type of scholarship, which is not influenced by the learning success of the student.

Who has the right to receive payments

According to Russian legislation, there is a list of the categories of the population that the university is obliged to pay additional benefits:

  • students who do not have any of the parents and they are not under whose guardianship;
  • insolvent people who have deviations and one of the first two disability groups;
  • disability as a result of participation in military or hostilities;
  • those who participated in the elimination of the accident in Chernobyl or was in the city at that time.

At the same time, state universities have the right to add this list to students from poor families. According to the rule, the secondary funding of the family member correlates with the subsistence minimum, after that the student has the right to receive social benefits.

  • persons who have a third disability group;
  • citizens who live in a family where the Father died - the main breadwinner;
  • citizens who live with one of the parents in the subsistence minimum;
  • if a citizen has a parent or guardian has serious diseases or disabilities;
  • if the student officially registered family relationships and gave birth to a child in marriage;
  • if the person has minor child And he brings him alone.
In a personal order, the student can contact the administration of his institution to point out the causes of his position, and this will be solved separately for each issue.

Who is allowed for issuing social payments for students of universities

It is required to pass several stages to obtain additional benefits to man:

  1. Before applying, the applicant must take refinement of information in the authorized bodies at the place of registration, where the documentation is indicated:
  • certification of the student;
  • information about all living in the family together with the data from the house book - this certificate can be obtained in a housing and communal organization;
  • the receipt for the revenue data of all residents living in the family over the past few months is issued at work;
  • confirmation that the student is on learning free type;
  • if necessary, depending on the situation, additional data is requested.

The level of subsistence minimum changes every year, so it should be clarified to specify which currently valid.

  1. After a specialist accepts a statement, the necessary filed documentation is taken into account in the registrant documents, during this time the specialists are checked by all data, family income is calculated and a signature is applied in the form of a form of providing social assistance.
  2. The student then personally gives a certificate in the University's Dean, there it fills the special form according to the template.
  3. The commission on this issue is going to, where they should decide on a specific student, whether it is possible to provide a preferential position or not.

This is a monthly payout that one year apply, in the next year it should be re-issued. The student is obliged to notify the university and submit documentation if there were improvements in the provisions of the low-income family, if the cumulative income increased or the disability, for example, was revoked.

Social payments have the right to stop in case a year for the next course, a student has serious debts threatening with the deduction. After a citizen gives the necessary exams and imposes its situation in the educational institution, he addresses the update and continuation of payments.

In summer, persons pay social assistance. But the right to receive a pension on benefits in the event of problems with study, if they signed an order to contribute to a citizen from the highest educational institution, or when leaving the status of a low-income family.

Size social scholarships in the current year

For two years in Russian Federation For students of colleges, the scholarship rate was 730 rubles every month, for those who receive higher education, Rate 2010 rubles. On social benefit, these payments do not affect. In the current year, the government considered issues of increasing social payments of students to the level of subsistence minimum.

Those who are studying on the first two courses do not have debts, learn to positive marks, can get increased help, its size is denoted from 6000 rubles to 13,000 rubles. Payments depend on the active participation of the person in the life of their educational institution, about its extracurricular successes.

To obtain social payments in the higher educational institution as a poor man should adhere to the rules:

  • Logging based on a budget basis, i.e. Do not pay for learning.
  • Learn in a state institution with accreditation.
  • Day learning form.

In addition to payments to the poor, some institutions provide students with additional training benefits, this assistance is guaranteed by the state. By general ruleIt is provided to persons who do not have parents and guardianship.

Among such material benefits:

    • Free accommodation in the room.
    • Free food in the dining room university.
    • Free movement in public transport in the city.
    • During the holidays, if students visit from other cities, they can get to their city for free and back.
    • Discounts for the purchase of stationery and necessary things for learning.
    • After completing studies and receipt of the diploma, a disposable help is given.

Unfortunately, in our country there is still a considerable number of citizens of the most different age, which relate to the category of needy. Most of the citizens of Russia each month receives assistance from the state as some additives or benefits. Some people 'categories among young people can also be calculated on such material benefits. These are often among students of various educational institutions, requiring additional material assistance, due to those or other life situations.

For them, there is such a type of payments as a state social scholarship, which is paid in all budget universities of the country. We'll figure it out what is similar to material assistance, in which amount it is paid and what documents are needed to receive it.

What is a social scholarship

This type of scholarship is one of the options for payments that are put on students only full-time learning. In addition, a social scholarship is issued only to those students who are trained at the expense of allocations provided from the federal and / or regional and / or local budgets.

The procedure for its extradition is regulated primarily by Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 12. (by text further - Law No. 273-FZ). More detailed procedure for providing these payments approved the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in order No. 1000 dated 28.08.13.

In this regulatory document, in particular, it is said that:

  • the size of the scholarship is appointed by an educational institution, but taking into account the opinion of the trade union of this institution (if available) and the views expressed by the Student Council of the same institution;
  • at the same time, the amount of scholarship cannot be less than those sizes that are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. These standards are set taking into account the current inflation level, for each category of students and the level of their professional formation.

It is possible to get acquainted with the size of social scholarships in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 of 10.10.13. This ruling is made to fulfill the requirements of claim 10 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ.

Social scholarships

In Resolution No. 899 in paragraphs of claim 1, only two values \u200b\u200bof social scholarship were approved, which are differentiated depending on the level of vocational school students and below which cannot be descended when setting the scholarship size subject to actual accrual:

  1. secondary vocational education. It includes all programs related to the preparation of middle-level specialists, as well as employees and skilled workers. Students studying on any of these programs, a monthly scholarship is 730 rubles;
  2. higher education. It includes educational programs of the specialist (5 years of study at full-time), magistracy (2 years of study) and undergraduate (4 years of study). Students who receive higher education on one of the specified programs are guaranteed scholarships 2010 rubles for each month.

It is worth noting that Article 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4520-1 of February 19, 1993, approving state guarantees to persons who live and work in the areas of the Far North and in the territories, which are equal to them, provides an increase in the size of any scholarships on the region of the district coefficient . This coefficient is differentiated depending on the area. In particular for Vologda region It is 1.25; For the Republic of Altai - 1.4, etc. Thus, the social scholarship paid in these areas should be increased by the district coefficient.

In addition, the educational institution may additionally provide other material promotions, but only from its own income that have been earned by the specified institution, and not received from the budget.

Who has the right to receive social advice

Paragraph 5 of Article 36 of Law No. 233-FZ presents a large list of those who have given this scholarship. These faces include, in particular:

  1. children who are officially recognized as orphans;
  2. children who remained without parental care;
  3. persons who have lost their parents in the period of their training for both parents or parent recognized as the only one;
  4. children with disabilities;
  5. disabled students who have the 1st and 2nd groups;
  6. persons who received disability as a result of military injury;
  7. persons who held the contract service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in the army of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, etc. At the same time, the period of passage by these persons must be at least 3 years;
  8. low-income citizens, and other faces.

This list is closed. But in addition, two more conditions are provided for this list that determine the right to receive social advice and must be respected simultaneously:

  • full-time learning;
  • and in the budget department.

If the above faces learn on a paid department and (or), they have an evening or correspondence form of training, they are not entitled to count on a social scholarship. However, when appointing social scholarship students has their own nuances.

Nuances of appointment of social budget

Law No. 233-FZ provides for the case when the social principle can be paid in excess of the established standards. This case includes needy students of the 1st and 2nd courses, which are trained in full-time, budgetary department and receive higher education under undergraduate programs and specialized. At the same time, these persons should have estimates on their achievement at least "well and excellent." Social scholarship increases such students to 6307 rubles (excluding the district coefficient). And it is appointed according to the results of intermediate certification.

But to get this scholarship, you need to document the financial situation of the student family.

If a student falls on vacation due to his child (before reaching the child of a three-year-old), for pregnancy and childbirth, or takes an academic leave, then for this period, social scholarship is not stopped. So installed in paragraph 16 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1000 of 28.08.13

As for the production of scholarships in non-resident students, then in law No. 273-FZ and in other accepted in accordance with it regulatory documents It has not been established for the receipt of social scholarships on the criterion of registration. Therefore, the specified student receives social principles on the general basis.

Social scholarship rules

First of all, a scholarship is assigned from the date when the student submitted a document to the educational institution, which confirms his compliance with one of those categories of persons listed in Law No. 233-FZ in Article 36. This document is a certificate issued by local social protection bodies.

To get this help, you will need:

  • passport (or other identity document);
  • help, where the form of learning, course and other similar data is indicated. This document is issued to an educational institution where the student is studying;
  • a certificate of scholarships over the past three months. It is issued by the accounting department of an educational organization.

For nonresident students will additionally need:

  • a copy of the certificate of registration in the hostel, or a certificate in form number 9. This form is a document confirming the local registry of a non-resident. Get it at the place of registration;
  • receipts confirming payment of accommodation in the hostel. Or you need to submit a certificate issued by the passportist at the place of stay by the student, that he does not live in the hostel.

For poor citizens, additionally should be submitted:

  • certificate of family composition. This document is issued at the post of registration of the student. It is valid for 10 days;
  • information about the family budget over the past three months, which precede the month of appeal to the student for the scholarship. This information is submitted as a certificate of income from the place of operation of each of the parents - in form 2-NDFL. If parents do not receive a salary, then other documents confirmation of income (pensions, benefits, etc.) are submitted. How to get this information should suggest in the social protection authority. They must also submit a complete list of documents required for the preparation of sociality.

As soon as everything is assembled, the body of social protection issues a certificate for a social scholarship, which is transmitted by the student to his educational institution. It is worth noting that it is very often necessary to submit the specified certificate during September, so that the student can quickly get the necessary assistance. These deadlines should be clarified in the educational institution itself.

Once the reference is presented, scholarship is appointed. The basis of the actual payment of this income is the administrative local act published by the head of the educational institution. The scholarship is paid every month. But the duration of the certificate confirming the right to the social principle is designed for only one year. And therefore the next academic year Again will have to make it.

It is worth noting that the cessation of scholarships can be made if the student is expelled or there is no reason to receive it (i.e., a certificate of social protection organ) is not presented).

About who can receive this species State aid, told in the following video material:

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides extensive measures to support the population experiencing material plan. Such citizens enjoy medical, social, housing and educational - these measures are designed to compare the possibilities of needing people with the rest and help them maximize their potential. One forms of such support is the accrual of certain types of scholarships for students in medium and higher educational institutions of people.

Initial target different species Scholarships - Stimulate students, promote their full implementation in the educational sphere, facilitate the living conditions of students. Types of scholarships differ depending on the contingent of the students who claim them. The list of the main types of scholarships that are provided in almost every educational institution of the country are:

  • state academic scholarship - the basic view of the monthly scholarship, which is automatically paid to successful students who study throughout the years of study;
  • increased academic scholarshipone-time payout Particularly distinguished students who showed significant results in educational, scientific, cultural and other activities related to the development of educational programs;
  • scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the presidents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the governments of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • personal scholarships;
  • state social scholarship.

State social scholarship It is assumed to students who experience special social and material plan. In this case, the preparation of this type of payments is usually possible regardless of the current student performance.

The right to receive social scholarships in 2019

Right for receipt This type of scholarships have the following categories of citizens who are students in the country's educational institutions:

  • students with category;
  • contract servicemen who served in the army of the Russian Federation or other military formations, or organs of the FSB and state protection of Russia 3 years and more;
  • students who are lower than 10 328 rubles. For 2018.

Social Scenade in 2019 (Table)

Social scholarships in 2019 will be indexed by 4%.

The state is determined minimum size All types of state scholarships provided for in vocational education institutions. So, the size of social scholarships from January 1, 2019 for needing students is:

  • 890 rubles per month - for student colleges, technical schools, schools or other institutions of secondary vocational education;
  • 2452 ruble per month - For students of universities (students on specialists, bachelors and masters).

These set amounts are only minimum threshold Permissible payments for socially unprotected students in 2018. In general, every educational institution of the country establishes the optimal Size social scholarship Individually. For the size of the general scholarship, the Government of the Russian Federation is responsible, as well as municipal authorities of the self-government of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Based on individual financing, the final decision on the establishment of the size of social scholarships takes the management of each individual university or a sussa - as a rule, the rectorate in collaboration with the training department.

Type of scholarship

Size in 2018

Size in 2019 (indexation + 4%)

Students of technical schools and colleges
Students of universities
Graduate students, agarter assistants and residents
Graduate students of technical and natural-scientific directions

The procedure for issuing social scholarships

Stages that student passes to obtain additional social benefits, include:

  1. Closing session (if such debt is available).
  2. Obtaining a certificate of student status (issued in the school).
  3. Certificates about the sum of all the resulting scholarships over the past three months of training (is issued in educational accounting).
  4. Certificates of family composition indicating the year of birth of each member (if there is no such reference).
  5. The certificate demonstrating the low income of each family member (these payments should include all sources of income of a separate person) over the past half of the year, as well as copies of labor books of unemployed family members.
  6. Certificates and all necessary evidence testifying that the applicant may apply for accrual social scholarship.
  7. Appeal to USZN for registration of a certificate of socially unprotected status.
  8. Providing a certificate obtained in USSN to the educational department of the university or suza.

List of documents

The needy student who has decided to begin registration of this type of scholarship, provides the following package of documents to the public protection authority:

  1. Photocopy of passport.
  2. Copy of student ticket.
  3. Statement.
  4. Certificate of Student's status issued in Deanate.
  5. Certificate of marital status.
  6. Help demonstrating low family income.
  7. Certificate of disability or other documents proving the social vulnerability of the student.

Example on the topic of social scholarships to students

Denis learns on 1 course Technical school free of charge. He is a minor, there is no parents (lives with a grandmother). Grandma Works B. children's garden And gets minimal salary, and grandson is a scholarship, which is not even enough for food and office. Since learning passes through a full-time, to work up Denis also can not. Citizens live in the village of Rövna.

In this situation, a child who has lost his parents, legislation provides for assistance in the form of a social state scholarship. This question is regulated by Article 36, clause 5. For such a measure of social support collects the following references:

  • about family composition;
  • about income for the last quarter;
  • on the transfer of guardian rights;
  • on the training and receipt (absence) of scholarships.

Grandma Denis gathered the necessary certificates about income and guardianship. Denis, in turn, received a certificate of learning and receiving scholarships in the dean of the university. Collected paper citizens were transferred to social protection bodies. As a result, Denis began to receive additional 2237 rubles scholarship. The amount is small, but tangible for residents of the countryside.


Social scholarship student- An important measure to help unprotected social persons, students in educational institutions of the country. The main information on the procedure for its provision is as follows:

  • the possibility of paying a social scholarship provides every secondary and higher educational institution of the Russian Federation;
  • minimum scholarship size - 2452 rubles For universities I. 890 rubles for the souses;
  • social scholarships are paid regularly during the training semester, after which they must be reissued;
  • receive this scholarships can children-orphan children, children with disabilities, students with military service life from 3 years, victims of radiation incidents, children from low-income families.

The most popular question and answer to it on social scholarships to students

Question: We are a young family, both at the moment are studying in one of the state universities in Moscow. We live in the family hostel of the university. I work in the time-free time, however, money for a decent existence is still missing. Can we receive any additional scholarship, given that both have no problems with health and other significant grounds that guarantee us these payments? What is the maximum size of these scholarships?

Answer: Each educational institution independently accepts social scholarship decision Submitted to students. Usually, payments are enough to provide in the authority of the population, in addition to mandatory documents, a certificate of low-income family and proof of living in a hostel. For families, it is necessary to make a marriage certificate.

Social scholarship size is established individually for each individual university. However, "On the establishment of standards for the formation of a scholarship fund due to the budget allocations of the federal budget," defines the minimum amounts of payments without establishing the upper strap - 2452 rubles For students who receive higher education in Russia.

List of laws

Samples of applications and blanks

You will need the following sample documents:

Students from poor families have a state social scholarship if their family received state social assistance. It is appointed for one year. And from the date of receipt of social assistance, the family must pass no more than a year.

This legislative norm entered into force on January 1, 2017 - on the basis of amendments made to the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

In Khabarovsk, the Center for Social Support provides the following types of state social assistance to low-income families:

  • address social assistance
  • state social assistance on the basis of a social contract,
  • regional social surcharge to pension (abbreviated RSD);
  • ensuring rest and recovery of children from poor families;
  • subsidy to pay for residential premises and utilities.

If, during the year, someone from the family (we emphasize the family, and not a person personally) received one or more of the listed types of assistance, it means that it is assigned to the category "poor". And this gives a student from this family the right to appoint state social scholarships.

In order for the student to appoint this scholarship, he needs to take a certificate in the social support department of his area about the state-owned and submit it to an educational institution. Help is valid for a year. Social scholarship is appointed from the day of reference and for the year from the date of appointment.

The certificate for obtaining a state social scholarship is issued to those students who are recipients of one or more species of state social assistance or are members of poor families, which contains recipients of the above state social assistance (with the exception of recipients of regional social surcharges, since the general financial support of the pensioner is calculated individually).

In addition to the social scholarship, the low-income student is relied on material assistance for food, acquisition of clothing and shoes. And the state social scholarship, and material assistance appoints an educational institution. Moreover, it concerns material assistance - then within the limits of the limit of funds for the establishment of education allocated for these purposes.

Documents required for accounting for income and calculation of the magnitude of the per capita income of families of students:

  • passport with registration in the Khabarovsk Territory;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificates of income of all family members, including revenues from property owned by the family or its individual members.

Who is taken into account in the family

As part of the family, persons related to relatives or property are taken into account. These include together living and leading joint household spouses, children and parents, adopters and adopted, brothers and sisters, stepsing and stepdaughter.

What is taken into account in the average income

  • the income of the student and his family members for the three months preceding the month of filing an application for a certificate issuance;
  • the income of each family member, obtained in both the monetary and natural aid.

How income is calculated

The calculation of the average family income is calculated by dividing one third of the income of all family members for the estimated period by the number of family members. What does one third mean? Since income certificate is filed in three months, and incomes in each month can be different, they are summed and divided by three to find out the average monthly income. And then he is already divided into all family members to find out how many per month on average goes to one person.

Suppose that the family received an equal income every month. For example, a student receiving a scholarship (800 rubles per month) lives with a mother, receiving salary (25 thousand rubles per month), and a schoolgirl sister. The family also receives a subsidy for paying housing and communal services in the amount of 1200 rubles per month - that is, state social assistance.

Family income per month: 800 + 25000 + 1200 \u003d 27000 rub. If this amount is divided into three family members, it will turn out to be 9,000 rubles per month - the average income.

Now this amount is compared with the size of the subsistence minimum installed in the Khabarovsk Territory. For the II quarter of 2017, it is:

  • for the working-age population - 13807 rubles;
  • for children - 13386 rubles.

We consider: (13807x2 + 13386): 3 \u003d 13666.67 - the cost of living on a family member. And it is lower below. So, a certificate of the classification of a student to the category "Mostly" will be issued to him.

Who else has a state social scholarship

State social scholarship is laid not only to students from low-income families. This category has been introduced from 2017 in addition to previously existing.

The right to it have the following students:

  • orphans and children left without parental care
  • faces from the number of orphans and children left without parental care,
  • lost in the period of training both parents or the only parent,
  • disabled children,
  • disabled I and II groups,
  • disabled since childhood
  • exposed radiation due to disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation catastrophes, due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsky landfill,
  • who are disabled due to military injury or disease obtained during the period of military service,
  • competition veterans,
  • held within three years (at least) military service under contract, etc.

"Human learning, and not learning - shadow," as he says the main character The series "Real Guys". But, now we will talk not about this, but about a more urgent question regarding the world of material. I think everyone knows that the scholarship is to stimulate college students, colleges, institutes and universities. And that distinguish between several types, the main and the main is academic, and if the student falls under the category of needy - for such citizens an additional social has been provided for such citizens. Support regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

And today we would like to tell you what documents will be needed by a low-income student to receive social scholarships in 2018. We also consider the list of citizens who have the right to count on it and its dimensions. But, for starters, let's start with the fact that it represents? Simple language - This is a monthly cash payment, which is one and a half times more academic, but at the same time comes to the account with it. And hence it follows that financial assistance turns out only to state employees!

How to arrange?

First of all, it is worth noting that on the basis of the Federal Law 03.07.2016 No. 312-FZ, only those students who received state social assistance can apply for it.

Who is supposed?

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 28.08.2013 No. 1000 and approved procedure, may claim:

  • Syroids and children who are left without parental care
  • Disabled children and disabled people I and II groups
  • Students recognized as low-income, that is, the income of each family member does not exceed the size of the subsistence minimum.
  • radiations for Chernobysia
  • who have become disabled due to injuries received during the passage of military service
  • served at least three years in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under the contract

Also, do not forget that payments are possible only if you learn from a full-time compartment and a budget basis. For architects and evening, such an opportunity is not provided.

Also, on the basis of paragraph 16 of this order, with academic leave, maternity leave before reaching it for 3 years, payments are not stopped!

Let us dwell in more detail on the category of poor. After all, it is for this criterion that the vast majority of students are drawn, and there are always problems and issues in its design.

Required documents

At first glance, it seems that only two references are required. But to provide them in their deanate will need to be pretty work and collect several documents.

  1. Application (you can find a sample below)
  2. Help from the social protection body of the population indicating that you are a recipient of state-owned.

When contacting the body of social protection, you need to provide a package of documents:

  • Personal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Help from the dean confirming that the student really is
  • Registration registration information at the place of residence
  • An extract from the accounting of your university or Dusza for the last 3 months and a certificate of income of all family members for the same period
  • An extract about the composition of the family, which can be obtained on the website of the State Service, in MFC either in the FMS at the place of registration.

Sample application

After her readiness, you should attribute it to the dean and the money will be accrued to your account from next month.

Size and accurate payout amount

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation under No. 899 of 10.10.2013, the following minimum standards are established:

  1. For medium-professional educational institutions, which should include (colleges, colleges, technical schools) - 730 rub.
  2. For universities - 2010 rub.

It is paid monthly within one calendar year, after which it is required to re-arrange a certificate and get the approval of the Commission.

In the case of training in the regions of the Far North, any territories to them equivalent, payments can be increased on the size of the district coefficient (RF Law of 02/19/1993 No. 4520-1)


Also, students are 1 and 2 courses of universities, full-time learning that has "good" and "excellent" estimates can count on increased social support in the amount of 6307 rubles., In the event that they fall under the required criteria indicated above. The amount may vary depending on the site of learning.

If your parents are divorced, it will be necessary to present a copy of the divorce certificate, and if your surname does not coincide with the Famhood of one of the parents, then your birth certificate and the same document of your parent will also need. In standard instructions and positions, these docks are not spelled out, but it is better to have them with them if necessary.

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