Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet": description, heroes of the work. W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet": description, heroes of the work The main actors of Romeo and Juliet

Escal, Duke Veronsky

Paris, Young nobleman, a relative of the Duke.

Montecs, cabulents, chapters of two hostile houses.

Old man, relative kapulenti.

Romeo, son of moncecement.

Mercutio, relative of the Duke and a friend Romeo.

Benvolio., Monttec nephew and a friend Romeo.

Tybalt, nephew Signora Cappulents.

Brother Lorenzo, Brother Giovanni, Franciscan monks.

Balthazar, Romeo servant.

Samson, Gregor, Kapulenti servants.

Pietro., servant Kormilitsa Juliet.

Abram, Monttech servant.


Three musicians.

Page Mercutio.

Page Paris.


Signora Montecca, Monttec wife.

Signora Kapuletsi., wife Kapuletsi.

Juliet, daughter cabbage.

Kormilitsa Julietta.

Citizens of Verona, relatives of both houses, men and women, masks, guards, hour and servants.

Situation - Verona and Mantua.

Included Khor..

In two families equal to knowledge and glory,

In Verona lush broke out again

Overalls of the last days are bloody

Forced to pour peaceful citizens blood.

From Cresll hostile, under the star of the Zloschvennaya,

Lovers Chet occurred.

By committing their fate terrible

Fathers enjoyed with their death died.

The whole course of the love of them, the death is doomed,

And bright anger of their loved ones that ugas

Only after the death of the couple in love, -

You will take an hour on two, perhaps you.

Kohl give us your attention,

The flaws will be flawed all.

(Goes out.)

Scene 1.

Square in Verona.

Enter Samson and Gregoryarmed with swords and shields.


Believe my word, Gregory, we will not breed beans.


Of course, no, otherwise we would be gardeners.


I want to say: a little - I don't intend to robe, immediately grasping the sword!


Look, have enough, and I got into trouble.


It is worth touched upon me - I'm in a fight now.


Yes, it is difficult to affect you so that you have risen.


Any dog \u200b\u200bfrom the house of Montecca is already affecting me.


Who will affect, he gets rushed off; Brave - stands on the spot. So if you are touched, you will hold?


No, nor from one dog from this house does not run! We will climb on the wall and take the top over any man, over any girl from the house of the montext.


So it means that you are a weak coward: only the weak wall serves as protection.


Right! That is why women, the vessel is me, always and pressed against the wall. So: all men from the house of the moncecement I will cut off the wall, and all the girls - the shire to the wall.


Maybe our owners quarrel, and we are only their servants.


It does not matter. I will show my evil. When I cope with men, I will suffer cruelly for girls; All heads all heads!


Heads share?


Well, yes, the head or something else, understand what you know.


This is how they have to understand, depending on what they will feel.


They will feel me until I hold on. And I'm, it is known, not bad meat!


It is good that you are not a fish, otherwise you would be dried cod. Pull out your sword: Two from the house of the Montecca go here!

Enter Abram and Balthazar.


My sword is ready! Start a quarrel, I am for you.


How do you hide behind me - and there is a nurse?


Do not be afraid for me!


I'm afraid you are depenly.


It is necessary that the law was on our side: let them begin a quarrel.


I'm frowning, passing by them; Let them take it, as they want.


No, how to dream! I'll show them Cukish. They do not squeeze such an insult.


Do you show us Kukish, Signor?


I just show Cookish, Signor.


Do you show us Kukish, Signor?


(quiet, to Gregory)

Will be on our side the law if I answer yes?



No, Signor! I do not show you Kukish, Signor! I just show him, Signor!


Do you want to make a quarrel, Signor?


Susor, Signor? Oh no, Signor!


But if you wish, Signor, then I am at your service. I serve the same good owner as you.


Yes, not the best!


So, Signor!

Includes Benvolio.


(quiet, Samson)

Tell me - the best: here is the nephew of our host.


No - the better, Signor!


You are lying!


Swords naked, if you are men! Gregory, remember your punch.



Stop, fool! Insert swords in the sheath!

Do not know what you are doing!

(The sword's blow embroils the weapon from their hands.)

List of characters "Romeo and Juliet"

Characters located in the region

  • Romeo Montecca - The main character of the play. All the deaths and events of the play are connected with it. Unlike Juliet, except for the death of Romeo, the events with it are associated indirectly.
  • Juliet Kapuletsi. - main character. In Italy, it is customary to call the first Juliet, and then Romeo, only if we are talking about the play.
  • Mercutio - One of the main characters play, the best friend Romeo, a relative of the prince, very active, the image of the Italian time. Fur with Tibalt on an equal footing, but when Romeo intervened, Mercutio was injured by Tibalt from Under the hands of Romeo. Before death, pronounces curse. Pushkin considers it the best character after two lovers.
  • Benvolio. - Romeo and his cousin. Does not play an important role, a lot appears, along with Mercutio. Does not respect Tibalt and believes that he in turn learned to fight on the book, but unfortunately he is mistaken. In the musical, Benvolio says Romeo that Juliet is dead, and Shakespeare has Balthazar. It is allocated from all twice all twice, and then not for a long time.
  • Tybalt "One of the main negative characters of the play, the son of Brother Signora Capuleti, was killed Romeo, who was meant for the death of Mercutio. One hour was a relative of Romeo, as Romeo married Juliet.
  • Nurse - Nanny Juliet. The play plays a very important role, which you can not say on the musical.
  • Count Capulety "Father Juliet, wanted to marry her for paris." Also a receiving father of Tibalt.
  • Lady Kapuletsi. - Mother Juliet, Tibalt's adoptive mother.
  • Count Montecchi. - Father Romeo, appears in films and in the play itself, but in the musical appeared only in the English version.
  • Brother Lorenzo - Franciscan monk who favors Romeo and Juliet. Secretly crowned them. After the murder of Tibalt and the expulsion of Romeo advises the young man to hide in the neighboring town of Mantua. When Juliet is ready to take poison so that only not to go beyond the paris, the monk saves a girl, giving her a potion that will immerse the girl in a dream, such a death, for three days. In the meantime, Romeo comes with a letter.
  • Prince Escal - First Veronian Prince, Father Paris and Uncle Mercutio. Also punished by heaven lose two loved ones. Also says the final phrase. Especially does not show itself. It comes only three times after the main events.
  • Paris "Groom Juliet, after her" false death "comes to the grave with PJ, meets Romeo and wants to take revenge. Romeo says that he does not want fights. But Paris does not calm down. And Romeo kills him. Romeo performs the last request of Paris, as Paris relatives Mercutio. It appears only twice.
  • Lady Montecca - Mother Romeo, Aunt Benvolio. There are only three phrases in the play. Her husband says she died when it comes to the tomb of Juliet.
  • Balthazar - Assistant and one of Romeo's friends, is very devoted to him.
  • Pietro (Peter) - Assistant Nanny, the main among the servants and the only servant of the nanny, among all the servants.
  • Abram "One of the servants, the only one of the servants of the montext, not counting Balthazar, whose name mentioned in the play.
  • Gregory - One of the servants of Kapulenti, Friends Peter and Samson, smart, cowardly and the only understanding all says Tibalt.
  • Samson "One of the servants of Kopletti, a friend of Gregory, does not like to think a lot and" hit the face in the dirt ", as they say in the play itself.
  • Joan. "Francician monk, she had to deliver a letter to Lorenzo to Mantua Romeo, but lingered in another city because of the plague quarantine.
  • Pharmacian - Character selling medicines, which bought the "poison" Brother Lorenzo.
  • Uncle Kapuletsi. - Uncle Juliet.
  • Death - Appears in musicals, where Eya is enlarged, especially in the first French. In the play she was not like a separate character.
  • Stefano - Kameo role, Page Paris.
  • Page Mercutio "Mercutio calls him that he would go beyond the doctor."
  • Khor. - They read knasts, to 1 and 2 act of play.
  • Three musicians - Kameo characters, appear twice, playing on tools.
  • First town - Kameo role, one of the high-ranking citizens of the Prince.
  • Citizens of Verona - Kameo role, neighbors of two cabins and moncells.
  • First, second and third servants - Capuli servants, prepare room to the ball.
  • First, second and third ward - Present at the death of Romeo and Juliet.
  • Guardies - It is known that both houses have a guard. In Shakespeare's book, it is, but it appears for just a few seconds.
  • First Picky - The man who has followed the order in Verona. Says and appears only once.
  • Outlined - Unnamed people, appear on the ball at Kapuleti.
  • Foreckers - People appear in 4 Shakespeare scene.
  • Boy with a drum - Also, as the structures appear only in the play of Shakespeare.
  • Servants - Characters, their appearance was. As if theoretical, they were, but it was not indicated that they were. In the play, no one, besides the above servants, there was no replica.

Pseudo-characters - appeared, but did not say anything

  • Husband Kormilitsy - Now the deceased, Kormilitsa tells about him in the play Signor and Signore Capuletsi.
  • Count Anselmo and his sister - were invited to the ball, the play was exactly indicated that the count came.
  • Signor Martino - was invited to the ball, I know that he came.
  • Valentine "Mercutio's brother, was invited to the ball, he knows that he came.
  • Signora Martino
  • Daughter Signora Martino - was invited to the ball, and came or not not known, most likely yes.
  • Signora Vertruvio - was invited to the ball.
  • Signor Plachenio with sisters - were invited to the ball, the play was not indicated that they came.
  • Wife uncle Kapuletsi. - was invited to the ball, the play was exactly indicated that she came.
  • Rosaline - mentioned like Love Romeo. But did not appear and did not say. Because of this, erroneously in the French musical was indicated as a dumb.
  • Libya - Sister Rosalina. It was invited to the ball.
  • Signora Valencio. - Brother Tibalt. Was invited to the ball.
  • Signor Lucio and his daughter Elena - were invited to Kapulently Ball.
  • Gatekeeper "The first servant asks that the second servant asked the gatekeeper to skip Susanna Grandston, Nelli, Anton and Float.
  • Unsecured guests - Susanna Grandstone, Nelli, Anton and Pontpen. They were without inviting and were detained by the gatekeeper.
  • Tiberino "The Kormilitsa said when Juliet had asked who it was."
  • Petruchcho - To the end it was not known whether he was known, since the Kormilitsa replied Juliet like. But most likely he.

Characters appearing only in musicals and films

  • Servants - Mass aim.
  • Leonard "One of the servants of Montecca sings on the ball to Romeo to meet Juliet." It appears only in the film of 1968.
  • Brother John - Also one of Frankian monks. It appeared only in the 1968 movie.
  • Death - Appears in musicals, where Eya is enlarged, especially in the first French.
  • Uncle Montecci - He is first killed on the street. It appeared only in the 1968 movie.
  • Ted Montecci - Appears only in the 1996 film Romeo + Juliet. Romeo relatives.

Plays adaptation

  • Movie King Lion 2: Simba pride - is the adaptation of the plot and most characters.
  • In the 6th season 3 series of television series are happy together (television series) - the name and some characters are taken.
  • Series Give Sanny Chance - is a hidden parody - two shows, an internecine feud and two characters fall in love.
  • In the Simpson comic, there is a release with the plays of William Shakespeare, where there is a play "Romeo and Juliet".


  • In 1 act in 2 scene, Benevolio says: on the festival of ordinary cabins, among Veronian recognized beauties. For dinner and Rosalina will be beautiful, beloved to you. It follows from this that Romeo to a meeting with Juliet was in love with Rosalin.
  • Shakespeare attributes Mercutio's words. Some English superstitions for example, Mercutio says: ... like worm worms living in the lavits under the nails. - There was belief that worms are farming in the lazy girls in the fingers. Collunas that are dangerous to calculate. - In England it was believed that it was dangerous to calculate such a koltun for human life.
  • Shakespeare adds English heroes - for example, the first servant mentions Ponpen - the judovo characters, which are derived from Shakespeare in small plug-in scenes like this, are purely English names even when the basic characters are the Italians and the French. Sometimes the names of these individuals have a comic meaning. For example, the name of the sweat is made up of two words meaning "pot" N "Pan".
  • Some phrases of Mercutio speak French - it is not correct, since up to the 16th century they were mainly spoken in Italian, and the actions occur in the 14th century. But Shakespeare writes in the 16th century, when the transition from fashion italian to fashionable French.

The story of tragic love - writers and poets of all times and peoples appealed to such a plot. It was not an exception and tragedy of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". Far from the classic became a source of such a plot. But the ability to show the all-consuming happiness of loving people, which can even overcome the sad end - such an idea of \u200b\u200bShakespeare's work.

History of creation

He loves her. She loves him. Relatives against their union. Lovers solve this problem in their own way: imaginary death beloved, which led to the true death of the young man. This plot is known since the time of Ovid, so by the history of the love of the love of Pram and Fesba in his "Metamorphosis". The difference with the Shakespeare Plot was only that the poison was not the cause of the death of a young man in love, and the sword.

Of course, Shakespeare was familiar with the work of Ovid. But he also studied the novel of the Italian Luigzho yes, who in 1524 described the love of Romeo and Juliet from Verona in the "Stories of two noble lovers." This novel has been subjected to change many times (Juliet first was 18 years old, before his death she had time to talk to Romeo, but then dies from longing for the beloved).

The main source served as the basis for the Immortal Work of Shakespeare was the poem Arthur Brik "Romeo and Juliet", created by him in 1562. Shakespeare several reworked the plot: Events occur in summer within 5 days (Brick - 9 months in winter). He graduated from work on the work in 1596 (the exact date of creation is unknown, but it was printed precisely then).

Plot works

Two noble families from Verona, Montextures and Cappulets, Many centuries. Even the servants of the Lord are tightened to the conflict. After another traveling, the Duke Veronsky Escal warns that the culprit will be punished with the price of his own life.

Romeo, a representative of the family of moncecement, is in love with Rosalind, which is a girlfriend Juliet. Mercutionian friend and brother Benvolio are trying to drive sad thoughts from Romeo with all possible ways.

At this time, the kapulent family is preparing for the holiday. Invitations are sent to all noble people Verona. At the celebration of the 13-year-old daughter Senor Kapuletsi, Juliet, must introduce a bridegroom - a count of Paris.

Romeo with friends comes to the cab in Kapulenti. After all, he hopes to meet Rosalinda, which is the master's nephew. To nobody recognize them, young men decide to take advantage of masks. Their plan was exposed by cousin Juliet - Tibalt. To prevent a possible conflict, the owner of the house is trying to stop Tibalt.

At this time, Romeo meets Juliet. Sympathy is born between young people. But on the way, fortunately there is a huge barrier: a century-old female montext and cabbage.

Romeo and Juliet swear to each other in loyalty and decide to marry, believing that it would put an end to the bad relationship between their relatives. Romeo through the Kormilitsa is negotiating with the monk Lorenzo on holding a rite.

A few hours after the wedding, the young man becomes a witness, as Tibalt kills his friend Mercutio. Romeo in rage causes a deadly blow and Tibalt himself.

Tragic events led to the Duke decide on the expulsion of the young man from Verona. Monk Lorenzo offers Romeo to wait a certain time in Mantua.

At this time, the parents of Juliet reported to her that they were preparing to issue her marry Paris. In desperation, the girl addresses Lorenzo. He gives her a special scenery drug, to imitate death with it. It does not know Romeo.

When the young man saw the sleeping Juliet, he decided that she had died. Romeo kills Paris and takes poison himself.

Juliet wakes up and sees the lifeless body of Romeo. In desperation, she chalves himself. The death of lovers reconciles the family of montextures and cabins.

main characters

The daughter of Senior Capulti, surrounded by childhood with love and care of loved ones: parents, cousin, cousin, cormalts. In his incomplete 14 years she has not yet met love. The girl sincere, kindly and does not delve into the conflict of families. Poorently follows the will of parents. Communicating Romeo, she was completely given to the first feeling, because of which as a result and dies.

Romantic young man from the family of moncecement. At the beginning of the novel in love with Rosalinda - Kuzina Juliet. Love for Juliet turns him out of a frivolous walk in a serious young man. Romeo is sensitive and passionate soul.


Monttec nephew, a friend Romeo. The only one of all characters that does not support the hostility of families and is trying to avoid conflict. Romeo is entirely trusted by Benvolio.

Niece of Prince Verona. Groom Juliet. Shakespeare describes his handsome and with a good soul: it also does not support the conflict of families. Dies from Romeo's hand.

Monk Lorenzo

The confessor who takes an active part in Romeo and Juliet's life. Secretly crowned lovers. He is ready to pray for everyone, and dusty wants to stop the war between montects and cabbage.

Tybalt- Cousin Juliet, supporting blood hostility between families. Mercutio kills, and himself dies from Romeo's hand.

Mercutio- Romeo friend, young horse, narcissistic and sarcastic. Was killed by Tibalt.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows true human values \u200b\u200bthat are able to destroy traditions. Love has no barriers: no prejudice is scared. Young people are ready to go against society for their own happiness. Their love is not afraid of any life or death.

The action of the tragedy covers five days of one week, during which a rocky series of events occurs.

The first act begins with the scuffle servants, which belong to two enemy families - montextures and cabins. It is not clear that it was the cause of hostility, it is obvious only that it is long and irreconcilable, pulling into the whirlpool of passions and young, and old. Slisters are quickly joined by noble representatives of the two houses, and then their chapters themselves. At the July Sun, a real battle boils the square. Citizens, tired of retail, hardly manages to disperse. Finally, the Supreme Ruler of Verona arrives - the prince, which orders to stop the collision under the fear of death, and the angry is removed.

On the square appears Romeo, son of moncecement. He already knows about the recent age, but his thoughts are busy with others. As it should be at his age, he is in love and suffers. The subject of its unrequited passion is a certain impregnable beauty Rosalina. In a conversation with a friend, Benvolio, he shares his experiences. Benvolio good-naturedly advises to draw the gaze to other girls and laughing at the objections of a friend.

At this time, Kapulenti causes a visit to the relative of Prince Graf Paris, who asks the hands of the only daughter of the owners. Juliet has not yet been fulfilled and fourteen, but the father agrees to offer. Paris is impressed, rich, handsome, and the best groom can not dream. Capulinte invites Paris on the annual ball, which they give this evening. The hostess goes into the daughter's chambers to warn Juliet about the matchmaker. Threesome - Juliet, Mother and Kormilitsa, who growed up a girl, - they are vividly discussed news. Juliet is still serene and obedient to the parental will.

There are several young people from the enemy camp in the house of the enemy camp, including Benevolio, Mercutio and Romeo, penetrate the magnificent ball carnival. All of them are hot, the isa in the tongue and are looking for adventures. Especially mocked and speech Mercutio - the nearest friend Romeo. Romeo himself is covered on the threshold of the house of Cappulent strange anxiety. "Do not wait for good. Unknown something, / which is hidden while still in darkness, / but it originates from the current ball, / untimely shorten the life / wines of some strange circumstances. / But the one who sends my ship, / already raised the sail ... ".

In the pinch of the ball, among the random phrases that the owners exchange, guests and servants are exchanged, the views of Romeo and Juliet are intersecting for the first time, and, like a dazzling lightning, love is striking.

The world for both is instantly transformed. For Romeo from this moment there are no past attachments: "Did I like at least once until then? / Oh no, there were false goddesses. I didn't know the true beauty from now ... "When he utters these words, his vote will know the cousin Juliet Tibalt, immediately enough for the sword. The owners quit him not to raise noise at the holiday. They notice that Romeo is known for nobility and there is no trouble, even if he visited the ball. A vulnerable Tibalt takes offense.

Romeo in the meantime, it is possible to exchange with a Juliet multiple replica. He is in a monk costume, and for the hood she does not see his face. When a girl slip out of the hall at the call of Mother, Romeo from the Kormilitsa will find out that she is the daughter of the owners. A few minutes later, Juliet makes the same discovery - she finds out the same crumline that Romeo is the son of their sworn enemy! "I am an embodiment of the hated strength / inappropriate by the way to unborn love."

Bennolio and Mercutio leave the ball without waiting for a friend. Romeo at that time silently climbs over the wall and hides in a dense kapulent garden. The flair leads him to the balcony of Juliet, and he, having silent, hears how she utters his name. Without sustaining, the young man responds. The conversation of two lovers begins with timid exclamations and questions, and ends with an oath in love and the decision immediately connect their destinies. "I am not subject to what I own. / My love without the bottom, and kindness - like a wider sea. / What I spend more, the one becomes vast and richer, "says Juliet about the feeling of her feeling. "Holy Night, Holy Night ... / So exormably happiness ..." - Romeo ends. From this point on, Romeo and Juliet act with an extraordinary hardness, courage and at the same time caution, completely obeying the loving listed. From their actions involuntarily leaves the childhood, they suddenly transform themselves in the highest experience of people.

The monk Brother Lorenzo, the confessor Romeo, and the Kormilitsa, the Juliet, are becoming the monk. Lorenzo agrees to secretly marry them - he hopes that the union of young montextures and cabins will serve the world between the two families. In the master of Brother Lorenzo, the rite of marriage is committed. Lovers are filled with happiness.

But in Verona is still a hot summer, and "Blood boils in the veins." Especially in those who already quick-tempered as gunpowder and looking for a reason to show their bravery. Mercutio progresses time on the square and argue with Benvolio, which of them loves a quarrel anymore. When a tibalt appears with buddies, it becomes clear that it is not necessary without a shock. The exchange of cabriques was interrupted by the arrival of Romeo. "Complete! Here I need a man, "says Tibalt and continues:" Romeo, the essence of my feelings for you all expressing in the word: you are a bastard. " However, Pride Romeo is not enough in response to the sword, he only tells Tibalt that he is mistaken. After all, after the wedding with Juliet, he believes Tibalt his relative, almost brother! But no one else knows. And Tibalt continues to bullying until the furious Mercutio interferes: "Cowardly, despicable humility! I must wash off her shame! " They fight on the swords. Romeo is horrified from what is happening rushed between them, and at this moment the Tibalt from under his hand deftly strikes Mercutio, and then quickly hiding with his accomplices. Mercutio dies on Romeo's hands. The last words that he whispers: "Plague of your family is both!".

Romeo is shocked. He lost the best friend. Moreover, he understands that he died because of him that Mercutio was devoted to him, Romeo, when he defended his honor ... "Thanks to you, Juliet, I am too soft ..." - mourns Romeo in the rustling, bitterness and rage. In this moment, Tibalt appears on the square. Starting the sword, Romeo flies on him in the "Firewill". They are fighting silently and incense. After a few seconds, Tibalt falls dead. Benvolio in fear Meld Romeo urgently run. He says that the death of Tibalt on the fight will be regarded as murder and Romeo faces execution. Romeo leaves, depressed to all that happened, and the area fill out the perturbed townspeople. After explanations, Benvolio Prince makes sentence: from now on Romeo was convicted of exile - otherwise death is waiting for him.

Juliet learns about the terrible news from the cormal. Her heart is compressed from death. Sorrowfully about the death of his brother, it is nevertheless adamant in justifying Romeo. "Spouse to condemn me? / Poor husband, where good to hear the word, / when the wife does not say and the wife in the third hour of marriage ... ".

Romeo in this moment gloomily listens to the tips of Brother Lorenzo. He convinces the young man to hide, obeying the law until he is granted forgiveness. He promises to regularly send Romeo letters. Romeo in despair, exile for him - the same death. He languishes from Juliet longing. Only a few hours manage to hold them together, when at night he secretly makes his ways to her room. Trell Lark at dawn is notified by lovers that it is time for them to part. They can't break away from each other, pale, tormented by the upcoming separation and disturbing premonitions. Finally, Juliet itself persuades Romeo to leave, fear for his life.

Lady Capulti's daughter entered into the bedroom caresses Juliet in tears and explains it grief because of the death of Tibalt. The news that the mother reports, forces Juliet to get cold: Count Paris hurries with a wedding, and his father has already decided on the wedding the next day. The girl pray for parents to wait, but those are adamant. Or immediate wedding with paris - or "then I am no longer a father." The Kormilitsa after the care of the parents persuade the Juliet not to worry: "Your new marriage eclipses with its benefits of the first ..." "Amen!" - Notes in the answer of Juliet. From this minute in Kormilice she sees no more friend, but the enemy. The only person remains who can still trust, - Lorenzo's brother. "And if a monk does not help me, / have a means to die in my hands."

"Everything is the end! Hope is no more! " - Juliet says lifeless when there is alone with a monk. Unlike the breadlinks, Lorenzo does not comfort her - he understands the desperate position of the girl. With all your heart, sympathizing with her and Romeo, he offers the only way to salvation. She must pretend to be a submissive will of the Father, prepare for the wedding, and in the evening there is a miracle solution. After that, she should plunge into a state resembling death, which will last exactly forty-two hours. During this period, Juliet will be buried in the family crypt. Lorenzo will give you to know about all Romeo, he will arrive at the time of her awakening, and they will be able to disappear to the best pore ... "Here is the output, if you are not a orobore / or do not confuse something," concludes a monk, without hiding the danger of this secret plan . "Give me a flaw! Do not talk about fear, "Juliet breaks down. Wrought by new hope, it leaves the bottle of the solution.

In the house of Kapuletsi are preparing for the wedding. Parents are happy that the daughter is no longer stubborn. Kormilitsa and mother gently say goodbye to her before bedtime. Juliet remains alone. Before the decisive act, it covers fear. What if the monk deceived it? Or elixir does not work? Or will the action be other than he promised? What if it wakes up ahead of time? Or worse - will remain alive, but will lose a mind from fear? And yet, do not hesitate, she drinks the bottle to the bottom.

In the morning the house announces the reserves of the crumbles: "Juliet died! She died! " The house covers confusion and horror. There can be no doubt - Juliet is dead. She lies in bed in a wedding dress, stuck, without bleeding in his face. Paris, like everyone else, is depressed by terrible news. Musicians who are invited to play at the wedding are still awkwardly, waiting for orders, but the unfortunate family is already immersed in the accident. The next Lorenzo pronounces words of sympathy close and reminds that the late man is time to carry in the cemetery.

... "I saw a dream: my wife came to me. / And I was dead and, dead, watched. / And suddenly, from the hot lips, I came to life ... "- Romeo, who is hiding in Mantoua, does not suspect, which prophetic will be this vision. While he does not know anything about what happened in Verona, but only, burning in impatience, waiting for the news from the monk. Instead of a messenger, a servant Romeo Baltazar appears. The young man throws to him with questions and - about the grief! - finds out the terrible news of the death of Juliet. He gives the team to bargain horses and promises: "Juliet, we will be together today." At the local pharmacist, it requires the most terrible and fast poison and in fifty-ducats get a powder - "In any liquid, pumped, / and be in you forces for the twentieth, / one sip will put you instantly."

At this very time, Lorenzo's brother is experiencing no less horror. A monk is returning to him, which Lorenzo sent to Mantua with a secret letter. It turns out that the rock accident did not allow to fulfill the order: the monk was locked in the house on the occasion of a plague quarantine, since his comrade cared for the patients.

The last scene takes place in the tomb of the Kapulent family. Here, next to Tibalt, just put dead Juliet in the tomb. The bride who delayed in the coffin takes the Juliet with flowers. Hearing a rustle, he hides. Romeo appears with a servant. He gives the Baltazar a letter to his father and sends him, and scrabble himself opens a crypt. At this point, Paris speaks out of shelter. He blocks Romeo's way, threatens him arrest and execution. Romeo asks him to leave good and "not to tempt the crazy." Paris insists on arrest. The duel begins. Page Paris in fear rushes for help. Paris dies from Romeo's sword and before his death asks to bring it to the crypt to Juliet. Romeo finally remains one before the coffin of Juliet, he is amazed that she looks like a living and as beautiful in the coffin. Scroll evil forces that took it the most perfect of earthly creatures, he kisses Juliet for the last time and with the words "I drink for you, love!" He drinks poison.

Lorenzo is late for some moment, but he is no longer able to revive the young man. He suggests just to the awakening of Juliet. Seeing the monk, she immediately asks where her husband, and assures that everything perfectly remembers and feels cheerful and healthy. Lorenzo, afraid to tell her a terrible truth, hurries her to leave the crypt. Juliet does not hear his words. Seeing Dead Romeo, she thinks only about how to die the most. She annoys that Romeo one drank the whole poison. But next to him lies the dagger. It's time. Especially since the voices of the watchlogs are already audible outside. And the girl is stuck in his chest dagger.

Founded in the tomb found dead Paris and Romeo, and next to them still warm Juliet. Lorenzo, who gave free, Lorenzo told the tragic history of lovers. Montextures and cabins, forgetting about the old straws, stretched out their hands to each other, mourning the dead children without it. It was decided to put on their graves along the golden statue.

But, as the prince noticed rightly, the story about Romeo and Juliet will remain sad in the world ...

Ballet in three actions with a prologue and epilogue

Libretto S. Prokofiev, L. Lavrovsky, A. Piotrovsky and S. Radlova


Escal, Duke Verona

Paris, young nobleman, groom Juliet.


Wife Capuletsi.

Juliet, their daughter

Tibald, nephew cabping

Kormilitsa Julietta


Montextian wife

Romeo, their son

Mercutio and Benevolio, Romeo Friends

Lorenzo, Monk

Samsona, Gregorio, Pietro - servants Cappuletsi

Abramio, Baltazar - MONTEKEKI

Page Paris

Page Romeo

Girlfriends Julietti

Kabachka owner



Youth in battle

Merchant Green

Major, citizens.

In the middle of the orchestral entry, the curtain is moving away, opening the audience a three-skate picture-triptych: right - Romeo, on the left - Juliet, in the center - Lorenzo. This is the epigraph to the spectral.

Verona in the early morning hour. The city is still sleeping. Do not sleep one Romeo. He wanders aimlessly in the deserted streets, immersed in the dreams of love.

Streets are gradually coming to life, early passersby appear. Lazily sipping, with difficulty parting with a dream, the servants of the restaurant cleaned the tables.

Gregorio, Samson and Pietro come from the house of Kapulends. They are kindly with the maids and underdese the dance. On the other side of the square, from the house of Montecca, Baltazar and Abramio come out.

The servants of the two enemy families touch each other, looking for a reason for a quarrel. Kherside jokes are moving into the passage, someone pushed someone - and a fight rose. The weapon is naked. One of the servants is wounded. Benvolio, a montext nephew, dispelled and tells everyone to disperse. The servants displeaset with grumbling obey.

But Tibald, nephew cabbage. An adventure seeker and Zabiyaka, he only waits for a chance to fight with hated monteches. The case has introduced himself. The battle begins. Monttecs and cabins run out of their houses. The battle flares.

The whole city came in motion. Distribute severe beats of Nabat. The Duke of Verona appears. The movement of the sword he gives a sign to fold the weapon. From now on, the Duke announces, the one who with a weapon in his hands will start a fight, will be devoted to the execution.

The people, pleased with the order of the Duke, diverge.

Juliet room. Drazhable Juliet merrily teases his feeder, throws the pillows into it, runs away from her, and that, clumsily overtooking, trying to catch her.

Merry fucking violating mother Juliet. Stepodo and strictly she relieves her daughter to stop pranks: after all, Juliet is already bride. Her hands asks such a decent young man as Paris. Juliet laughs in response. Then the mother solemnly brings her daughter to the mirror. Juliet can make sure herself - she is completely adult.

In the Palace Kapulent declared the ball. Know Verona in festive clothes heading for a celebration. Accompanied by singers and musicians go to the ball girlfriend Juliet and Paris with their PJ. Lively chatting and laughing, Mercutio runs away. He is dissatisfied with Romeo, his sadness is incomprehensible to him. And Romeo himself cannot figure out what happens to him. His tomatov sinister premonitions.

The action is transferred to the hall of the house of Cappulets. Solemnly recreation behind the tables, guests lead a genous conversation. Take dancing. Guests are asking for Juliet to dance. She agrees. In Dance, Juliet reveals her cleanliness, charm, poeticity. Romeo entered in Hall is unable to tear out eyes from her.

Nadev's scolded mask, Mercutio to tears merry the guests. Using the fact that all the attention of all captured Mercutio, Romeo comes up to Juliet and agitantly tells her about the feeling in him. Mask randomly falls from Romeo face. Juliet is amazed by beauty and nobility of Romeo. In the heart of Juliet also lit love.

Tibald, an invalid witness of this scene, recognized Romeo. Owing mask, Romeo disappears. When the guests diverge, the cormalist informs Juliet that Romeo belongs to the family of Montecca. But nothing can stop Romeo and Juliet. On the lunar night they are found in the garden.

Juliet is all in power first broken feelings. Unable to endure even the most brief separation with your beloved, Juliet sends a letter to Romeo, which should convey to him the cormal. In search of Romeo Kormilitsa and the accompanying Pietro gets into the smallest of carnival fun.

On the square dancing Tarantella, sing, the hundreds of citizens are spinning. Under the sounds of the orchestra performs a procession that bears the statue of Madonna.

Some mischills tease with the cormal, but she is busy with one - looking for Romeo. And here he is. A letter is handed. Revivalry reads Romeo Message Juliet. Occurate to become his wife.

In the Clay Patera Lorenzo comes Romeo. He tells Lorenzo about his love for Juliet and asks to marry them. Romeo and Juliet, touched by the purity and power of feelings, Lorenzo agrees. And when Juliet enters the cell, Lorenzo blesses their union.

And on the squares of Verona, the carnival sparkles and sparkles. Among the fun-having Veroness Friends Romeo - Mercutio and Benvolio. Seeing Mercutio, Tibald climbs a quarrel and causes it to a duel. Romeo at this time is trying to take quarrels, but Tibald mocks Romeo, calling him a coward. And when Romeo takes Mercutio's sword to prevent bloodshed, Tibald inflicts Mercutian fatal blow. Forceing pain, Mercutio is trying to joke; He dances, but his movements weaken, and he falls dead.

Do not remember yourself from grief, mushy for a beloved friend, Romeo comes into battle with Tibald and kills him.

Mother Juliet runs out of the cabinets. She calls for revenge. Benvolio takes Romeo, who must immediately hide.

At night, Romeo Thai makes his ways to the Juliet room to see her beloved before separation ... Dawn is nearing. Lovers are forgiven for a long time. Finally Romeo leaves.

Morning. It includes the cormal, and after her - the parents of Juliet. They inform that her wedding day with Paris was appointed. Juliet begs his mother and father to spare her, not forced to the union hated by her unloved. The will of parents is adamant. Father raises his hand on Juliet. She resorts to Lorenzo in despair. He gives Juliet Drug, drinking which, she will plunge into a deep sleep, similar to death. Only Romeo will know the truth. He will return to her and takes the secret of the open crypt. Juliet with joy takes the Lorenzo plan.

Returning home and pretending to be submissive, it gives consent to marriage with Paris. Left alone, Juliet drinks the drug. When girlfriends come in the morning to dress it up to the crown, they find the bride dead. The news of the death of Juliet reaches Mantu, where Romeo ran. Covered by grief, he hurries in Verona.

Moving a mourning tuple. In the open coffin, Juliet is resting. The coffin is installed in the family tomb. All go.

Night. Romeo runs on the cemetery. He falls to the tomb, says goodbye to Juliet and drinks poison.

Juliet wakes up. Do not immediately come back to her consciousness and memory. But having seen himself in the cemetery, she remembers everything. The look of her falls on Romeo. She rushes to him. Saying goodbye to him, saying goodbye to life, Juliet is chained by Dagger Romeo.

Old men of montext and cabbage are suitable for the grave. In horror, they look at the dead children. Then stretch each other's hands and swear in the name of life, in memory of two beautiful creatures forever stop the hostility.

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