What verbal details are the movement of the feeling of Lisa. The image of Lisa in the story "Poor Lisa" Karamzin. Speech of the main heroine

What phrase, in your opinion, defines the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "poor Lisa"? Justify the answer.

The phrase - "and the peasants can love." Sentimentalists, in contrast to classicists, preferred the cult of feelings before the cult of mind. At the same time, they argued the submission value of a person, its high moral qualities. This key phrase at Karamzin gives a new look at the problem of social inequality. Differences in the social and property situation still do not indicate the superiority of one class over the other. High moral values \u200b\u200bhave a father and mother Lisa, she herself worked a lot. The author describes in detail the development of her love feeling from the origin to despair. For Lisa, loss of love is equivalent to loss of life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is concentrated in the phrase given by us, which has become a formula of sentimental literature.

From the expression of the feelings of the educated young lady. V.I. Korovin explains this by the fact that "the artistic task of Karamzin partly and was to bring the feelings of the peasant to the feelings of the formed young lady and thereby erase the differences in the content and forms of spiritual experiences."

Describe the main heroine story. What artists are chosen by the author to create its external and internal appearance? How is the attitude towards her writer?

The image of Lisa is described by the author in detail. The heroine inherited high moral qualities and beliefs from parents: hard work, honesty, sincerity, kindness. She is clean, naive, disinterested and therefore is poorly protected from the defects that rule around her. It is open to natural manifestations of feelings and therefore tend to delusions, after which the tragic insight comes. The author belongs to his heroine with a gentle feeling, admires, deeply worries her joy and tragedy, constantly worries her fate. Memories of the deplorable fate of Lisa make it "shed tears of tender grief." And in the title itself, the sympathetic and sentimental attitude of Karamzin to Lisa is pronounced.

The characteristic of the external and internal appearance of Liza is made up of the author's descriptions and comments by its actions, as well as through the indirect transfer of removals of the mother or love of Erast. Karamzin notes that Lisa worked, without sparing "the rare beauty of his own, without sparing his tender youth." It says about her beauty and the impression she "did in his heart." A kind of old mother called Lisa God's grace of the feeder, the gloomy old age, prayed that the Lord awarded her for what she was doing for the mother. From this we learn that Lisa is virtuous, that she not only honors the mother, but also frees it from all the worries that are unbearable for its weak health.

What verbal details are the movement of the feeling of Liza to the erasta - from a timid attachment before the straw passion?

An essential detail with which the acquaintance of Lisa and Eras began, there were flowers that Lisa traded. Related by him Please tear flowers only for him, the first feeling in the soul of the girl was taught. She was for her more significant than for Erast, and because the next day, when he did not come, she did not sell the valley to anyone and threw them into Moscow river. Another detail is a timid gaze, which she threw on a young man. Karamzin notes the expression of the feelings of Lisa in appearance - "the cheeks were burning, as dawn into a clear summer evening" - as they are increasing. The kiss of Erast and his first recognition in love responded in her soul of amazing music. As you can see, the color-sound details are important in the transfer of movement of feelings from a timid attachment to anodged passion. Achieving the apogee of love, which led, according to the writer, to the death of the heroine's impurity, is also accompanied by a number of important verbal details. A new word appears rushes. Before that, they hugged them on dates, their hugs were clean and immaculate. Now the changes occur around them and in nature, and in the color-sound row: the kisses began the flames, the darkness of the evening I had a desire; "None of the sprocket shone in the sky - no beam could not highlight errors." After the silent "flashed lightning and rushed thunder. Lisa trembled. " "Strokely rustled storm, the rain raged from black clouds - it seemed that the Nature was compiled about the lost lysine innocence." After such a turning point in the relationship of Lisa and Erast, Karamzin began to transfer the internal state of a young man in more detail in more detail, who became more indifferent to his beloved. From this time, natural symbols have almost disappeared in the narration. Only twice mentioned ancient oaks who have witnessed their love. Epteat Gloomy now belongs to the oak over the grave of poor Lisa.

Pay attention to the role of the gesture in the disclosure of the internal state of the heroes. Analyze this taking of the author.

The gesture in the literature is one of the important techniques in the transfer of the internal state of the character. The Karamzin is widely used. Let us analyze the scene of the meeting of Liza and Erast in the city when she saw him in a carriage approaching the house. Her feeling of joy from the meeting was expressed in gestures: Rushed, he felt in the arms. Although it is said that he felt in his arms, the author thereby emphasizes the swiftness of her joyful action. The swiftness of its movements is the swiftness in the expression of feelings. Further, his gestures become rapidly - he wants to free himself from Lisa, so that no one saw him in the embrace of a simple peasant woman on the eve of a profitable marriage: He took the door, led to the office, locked the door, put the money to her in his pocket, brought out the office and told the servant to spend Girl from the yard. And all this is so fast that Lisa could not even come together.

Is it possible to count the erasta by a villain or a cunning seductor? What does Karamzin outlines, how does the attitude towards him reveal? Match the image of the Erast image with the manner of the heroes in the works of Russian classicism on the example of the works known to you.

The meaning of the poor Lisa outlined in the story is that Eras is not a villain and a seducer, but a completely kind and sincere person, but weak and windy. He was looking for pleasures, led a scattered lifestyle, "read the novels, idylls, had a rather living imagination and often moved by thoughts in those days, in which, if you believe the poems, all people were carelessly walked around the meadows, bathed in clean sources, kissed , rested under roses and peace and in a happy idleness all days were held their own. " It was not only an external, but mainly spiritual beauty, her clean, immaculate expression of love. It seemed to him that he found in her what had long been looking for his heart. Erast completely sincerely dreamed, which will live with her as a brother with a sister and with a contemptuous disgust remembered previously tested voluptuous joy. What a writer melted: "A reckless young man! Do you know your heart? Can you always answer your movements? Is there always a king of your feelings? " The vices are rooted not in his own soul, but in the nras of society. When the relationship of Lisa and Erasta reached the sensual level, Lisa retained and even proved his love for him, and above all the spiritual love, and the feelings of the Erast went to the decline, because such relations were not new for him. Erast turns out to be a slave "circumstances", which make him marry a rich bride and so unceremoniously parting with Liza, as he did. However, Karamzin cocts him, because he still sees "good small" in it. Having learned about the suicide of Lisa, Erast deeply and sincerely suffers and "honors himself a murderer." "So the" insensitivity "of society, enshrined in social and property inequality, is losing and destroyed by the people in nature and becomes an overwhelming obstacle to their happiness. But since in front of the reader, a sad story of love of two kind souls revealed, their reconciliation is possible where there is no public conventions and prejudices, where he reigns in its authentic and pure form. Therefore, the story of Karamzin ends with a pacifying chord. "

In the works of classicism, positive and negative heroes are abruptly opposed to each other. And the hero in such situations, of course, was depicted with an exclusive and ruthless seductor.

How is the image of the narrative?

The narrator is a contemporary of heroes of the story "Poor Lisa". He is familiar with Eraste, who tells him this proud story. This is a kind, sensitive, sentimentally tuned man, deeply worried about the mountain of people. The narrator - a person educated and having a life experience, is observed, knows how to give people the correct characteristics. The narrator loves Moscow, its surroundings, the nature of the native land, often walks on foot to admire landscape beauties.

What is the purpose of lyrical deviations in the story?

Lyrical deviations in the story a bit. More from the author of the deployed judgments associated with the image of the love of the heroes, which, however, can be attributed to retreats, for example: "Ah Lisa, Lisa! What happened to you? " But there are direct lyrical deviations, for example, at the beginning of the "poor Lisa". The narrator often comes to Danilov Monastery "In the dark days of the autumn sorce together with nature." This retreat creates a lyric philosophical attitude, the soil for sad thinking about life and death, about the bitter pages of the history of the Fatherland.

What is the role of the landscape in the story? How is he connected with the mood and feelings of lovers?

The landscape creates an emotional background to perceive the plot of the story and the fate of her heroes, harmonizes with the feelings of lovers. At the beginning of the story, for example, the magnificent amphitheater is sharply contrasted with the Zalam domes and the green blooming meadows and a buzzing, ruined hut, in which Lisa lived thirty years ago, was contrasted. From the panorama of Moscow, the narrator throws a look at Simonov Monastery, remembers the history of poor Lisa in connection with him, denotes the nature of his mood, and then directs the gaze to her former housing. So the landscape compositions the approaches to the beginning of the proud story of Lisa and her love for the east. The mood of the author is gradually transferred to the reader through the reading of the landscape and the thinking of the narrator about the paintings seen.

Against the background of beautiful landscape sketches, the love feeling of heroes is born and developed. They meet "on the banks of the river or in a birch grove, but most often under the ride of centenary oaks<…> - Oaks that have a deep pond pond, in ancient times, the focus. " A quiet moon harmonizes Lisa's hair, "Sweets them." Interestingly described the merger of love and nature: Marshmallow and a hand of a cute friend play before the lunar lights of Lisa, which creates an air chasty image of a love feeling. About such a merger of feelings with the perception of nature, we hear in the words of Lisa, containing recognition in love for the erasta: "Without the eyes of your dark, a bright month; Without your voice, the nightingale singing; Without your breath, the breeze is unpleasant. " The literary techniques observed by us are characteristic of sentimentalism.

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  2. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is a representative of the sentimental-romantic line of Russian literature of the XVIII century. In his work, the artistic possibilities of sentimentalism are fully and brightly disclosed. Sensitivity - so ...
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  4. V.A. Kaverin in front of the mirror Lisa Turaeva and Kostya Karnowsky met on the gymnasium ball. They bleed together all evening, and then decided to correspond. Fate gave ...
  5. Considerable success for readers of the beginning of the last century, the story of Karamzine "Poor Lisa" was used, which had an essential impact on the formation and development of new Russian literature. The plot of this ...
  6. In the vicinity of Moscow, the once young Lisa girl lived near Simonov Monastery with his old mother. After the death of the lysine father, a rather wealthy postlane, a wife and ...
  7. Analysis of the work This story is one of the first sentimental works in the Russian literature of the XVIII century. The plot was not new, since he had met more than once ...
  8. N. M. Karamzin Poor Lisa The author argues how good the neighborhood of Moscow, but the best of all about the gothic towers ... Nova of the monastery, hence the whole Moscow is seen with an abundance ...
  9. N. M. Karamzin in the story "Poor Lisa" tells the story, the plot of which at all times gave food for fantasies of writers, - the history of love of a disheartal girl from ... Turgenev girl ... This concept is associated with readers with a clear, decent, kind and Gentle, thinly feeling, but at the same time smart, bold and decisive ...
  10. Karamzin had a huge impact on Russian literature, he transformed the Russian language, coaling him with a stilly of the Latin design and severe Slavs and approaching living, natural, ...
  1. What phrase, in your opinion, determines the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing "poor Lisa"? Justify the answer.
  2. The phrase is "and the peasant to love the mind." Sentimentalists, in contrast to Sicists, preferred the cult of feelings before the cult of mind. At the same time, they approved the extrallinary value of a person, his high moral qualuity. This key phrase in Karamzin is a new look at the problem of social inequality. Differences in the social and property situation are not yet witnessing about the superiority of one sublea over the other. Father and mother Lisa possessed high moral values, she herself worked a lot. The author describes in detail the development of her loving feeling from nucleation to despair. For Lisa, love loss is equivalent to the terrestrial life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is concentrated in the phrase given by us, which has become a formula of sentimental literature.

    It is important for understanding the author-position and manner of the smelling of feelings, which is peculiar to the main character in conducting: by his vocabulary, according to the concepts and ideas, it does not differ from the expression of the feelings of the educated Ba-Rushny. V. I. Korovin explains this by the fact that the "artistic assignment of Karamzin partly and was to approximate the feelings of the peasant to the feelings of the developed young lady and thereby erase the differences in the content and forms of shower experiences."

  3. Describe the main heroine story. What artists are chosen by the author to create its external and internal appearance? How is the attitude towards her writer?
  4. The image of Lisa is described by the author in detail. The heroine inherited from the parents of you-juice moral qualities and beliefs: diligence, honesty, sincerity, pre-bullshit. She is clean, naive, faceless, and therefore is poorly protected from the defects that dominate her. It is open to natural manifestations of feelings and therefore tend to delusion-holes, after which the tragic insight comes. The author belongs to his heroine with a gentle feeling, admires, the globory-ko is going through her joy and tragedy, standing in standing around her fate. Ra-remembering about the deplorable fate of Lisa makes him "shed tears of tender grief." And in the title itself, the story of the story of the sympathetic and sentimental detention of Karamzin to Lisa.

    The characteristic of the external and internal appearance of the Lisa is made up of the authors of the descriptions and the comments of its workshops, as well as through the indirect transfer of from the sizes of the mother or the love of the Erast itself. Karamzin notes that Lisa worked, without sparing "the rare beauty of his own, without sparing his tender youth." The impression that she "did in his heart" says her beauty. A kind of old mother called Lisa God's grace of the feeder, the gloomy old age, prayed that the Lord awarded her for what she was doing for the mother. From this, we learn that Lisa is virtuous, that she not only honors the mother, but also frees it from all the worries that are unbearable for its weak health.

  5. What verbal details are the movement of the feeling of Lisa to the erasta - from a timidly lingering before the dust of passion?
  6. An essential detail with which the acquaintance of Lisa and Erast began, were Cee-you who traded Lisa. Reconnected by him please tear flowers only for him, the first feeling in the soul of de Vushki. She was more knowledgeable for her than for Erast, and therefore at the next day, when he did not come, she did not sell the valley to anyone and threw them into Moscow River. Another detail is a timid gaze, which she threw on a young man. Karamzin notes the expression of the feelings of Lisa in appearance - "The cheeks were burning, as dawn into a clear summer velach" - as they are increasing. The kiss of Erast and his first recognition in love responded in her soul of amazing music. As you can see, the color-sound details are important in the transfer of movement of feelings from a timid attachment to anodged passion. The achievement of the apoto-gay of love, which led, according to Pisate-la, killed in the death of heroine, is also accompanied by a number of important verbal details. A new layer appears (in his arms). Before that, they hugged them on dates, their hugs were clean and immaculate. Now the treason occurs around them and in nature, and in the color-sound row: the kisses were flames, darkness of the evening (unlike a quiet moon, a bright month) Pital and Lania; "A single sprocket shone in heaven - no beam could not illuminate for wondering." After the silent "gloss-zero zero, thunder rushed. Lisa Zadro-sting. " "Strokely rustled the storm, the rain lil-Xia from the black clouds - it seemed that the Nature was complained about the lost lysine innocence." After such a turning point in the relationship of Lisa and Erast, Ka-Ramzin began to transmit the internal state of a young man in more detail in more detail, who became more indifferent to his beloved. From this time, in different ways, the native symbols are practically disappeared. Only twice are mentioned by ancient oaks, former witnesses of their love. Epteat is gloomy now at-tolerate an oak over the grave of poor Lisa.

  7. Pay attention to the role of the gesture in the disclosures of the internal state of the heroes. Analyze-those this technique of the author.
  8. The gesture in the literature is one of the important techniques in the transfer of the inner state of the character. The Karamzin is widely used. Let us analyze the meeting of the meeting of Liza and Erast in the city when she see him in a carriage going to the house. Her feeling of joy from the meeting was expressed in gestures: Rushed, he felt in the arms. Although it is said that he felt in his arms, the author thereby emphasizes the swiftness of her joyful action. The rapidness of its movements is the swiftness in the wonders of the senses. Further, his gestures become rapidly - he wants to free himself from Liza, so that no one saw him in the arms of a simple peasant woman on the eve of a profitable marriage: He took the door to the office, he led the door, polo-lived money in his pocket, brought off the cab -This and ordered the servant to spend a girl from the courtyard. And all this is so fast that if it was not able to come to his senses.

  9. Can ERAST be considered a villain or a covar seducer? How does the Ka-Ramzin outlines, how does the attitude towards him reveal? Match the Manera image of Erast with a mana image of heroes in the works of Russian classicism on the example of the works known to you.
  10. The meaning of the poor Lisa outlined in the story is that Eras is not a villain and a seducer, but a completely kind and sincere person, but weak and windy. He was looking for pleasures, a scattered lifestyle was led by "Roma, Idyllia, had a rather living alive, and often moved by thoughts in those days (formerly or not former), in which, if you believe the verse, all Breadlessly walked around the meadows, bathed in clean sources, kissed, like mountains, rested under roses and peace and in a happy idleness all days were borrowed. " Not only its external, but mainly spiritual beauty, her clean, immaculate expression of love, was attracted to Lisa. It seemed to him that he found in her what had long been looking for his heart. Erast completely sincerely dreamed, which will live with her as a brother with a sister and with a despicable disgust remembered already es-defenders previously voluptuous joy. To which the writer is magnificently commemmember, roval: "A reckless young man! Do you know your heart? Do you always be able to answer your movements? Is there always a mind of your king of your feelings? " In Rocky, it is rooted not in his own soul, but in the nras of society. When relations Lisa and Erasthe reached the sensual level, Lisa retained and even there was still a love for him, and above all the spiritual love, and the feelings of the Eras went to the decline, because such relations were not new for him. Erast turns out to be a slave of "circumstances", which make him marry a rich bride and so devaverly to part with Liza, as he did. However, Karamzin compassionates him, because he still sees in it "Dob-Rogo Small." Having learned about the suicide of Li Ze, Erast deeply and sincerely suffers and "honors himself a murderer." "So the" inappropriateness "of the society, enshrined in the social and property inequest-ve, is separated and destroyed by the people of people and becomes an overwhelming pre-stamilt for their happiness. But since in front of the reader, a sad story of love of two kind souls revealed, then their reconciliation is possible where there is no general conventions and prejudices, where he reigns in its genuine and clean. Therefore, the story of Karamzin ends with a pacifying Akkor House "(V. I. Korovin).

    In the works of classicism, ordinary and negative heroes are abruptly opposed to each other. And the hero in such situations, of course, was brought by an exclusive and ruthless seductor.

  11. What is the image of the vatal-body image?
  12. The narrator is a contemporary of heroes of the story "Poor Lisa". He is familiar with the Eras-Tom, who tells him this reservoir story. This is a kind, sensitive, sentimentally tuned man, deeply worried about the mountain of people. The narrator - a person is obstended and having a life experience, is observed, knows how to give the right characteristics. The post-Wowper loves Moscow, its surroundings, the nature of the native land, often walks the foot of the scene to admire the landscape crashes. Material from site.

  13. What is the purpose of lyrical deviations in the story?
  14. Lyrical deviations in the story are not much. More from the author of the deployed narrations, concomitant of the image of any heroes, which, however, can include and to retreat, for example: "Ah Lisa, Lisa! What did you do with you? " But there are direct lyrical deviations, for example, at the beginning of the "poor Lisa". In the opponel often comes to Danilov Monastery "In the gloomy days of the autumn-to-mine with nature." This retreat creates a lyric philosophical attitude, the soil for sad thinking about life and death, about the bitter pages of the history of the Fatherland.

  15. What is the role of the landscape in the story? How is he connected with the mood and feelings of in love?
  16. The landscape creates an emotional background to perceive the plot of the story and the fate of her heroes, harmonizes with the feelings of in love. At the beginning of the story, for example, the Majestic Amphite-Ath is sharply contrasted with the Zalad Domes and the Green Blooming Meadows and the Rouge, Ra-Zornaya Huts, in which Lisa lived thirty years ago, lived. From the Panorama of Moscow, the narrator bro-Sayet look at Simonov Monastery, Po-mines, in connection with him, the story of the poor Li, denotes the nature of his reference, and then directs the gaze to its former housing. So the landscape compositions the approaches to the beginning of the proud story of Lisa and her love for the east. The author's structure ("tender grief") post-pensioners are transmitted to the reader through the reading of the landscape and the thinking of the narrator about the paintings seen.

    Against the background of beautiful landscape scoops, a lover feeling of heroes is emerging and developing. They are found "on the banks of the river or in a birch grove, but the already under the ride of centenary oaks<…> - Oaks that have a deep squeeze pond, in ancient times, isoban. A quiet moon harmonizes with a hair-Mi Lisa, "Sweets them." Interestingly described the merger of love and nature: Marshmallow and a hand of a cute friend play before the lunar lights of Lisa, which creates an air chasty image of a love feeling. We hear about the holy feelings with the perception of nature in the words of Lisa, containing at the knowledge of the love of the lifestyle: "Without the eyes of your dark, a bright month; Without your voice, the nightingale singing; Without your breath, the breeze is unpleasant. " Watching literary techniques for Sentimentalism are observed.

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What phrase, in your opinion, defines the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "poor Lisa"? Justify the answer. The phrase - "and the peasants can love." Sentimentalists, in contrast to classicists, preferred the cult of feelings before the cult of mind. At the same time, they argued the submission value of a person, its high moral qualities. This key phrase at Karamzin gives a new look at the problem of social inequality. Differences in the social and property situation still do not indicate the superiority of one class over the other. High moral values \u200b\u200bhave a father and mother Lisa, she herself worked a lot. The author describes in detail the development of her love feeling from the origin to despair. For Lisa, loss of love is equivalent to loss of life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is concentrated in the phrase given by us, which has become a formula of sentimental literature. It is important for understanding the author's position and the manner of clarifying the feelings, which is peculiar to the main character of the story: in his vocabulary, according to the concepts and ideas, it does not differ from the expression of the feelings of the formed ladies. V.I. Korovin explains this by the fact that the "artistic assignment of Karamzin partly and was to bring the feelings of the peasant to the feelings of the formed young lady and thereby erase the differences in the content and forms of spiritual experiences." Describe the main heroine story. What artists are chosen by the author to create its external and internal appearance? How is the attitude towards her writer? The image of Lisa is described by the author in detail. The heroine inherited high moral qualities and beliefs from parents: hard work, honesty, sincerity, kindness. She is clean, naive, disinterested and therefore is poorly protected from the defects that rule around her. It is open to natural manifestations of feelings and therefore tend to delusions, after which the tragic insight comes. The author belongs to his heroine with a gentle feeling, admires, deeply worries her joy and tragedy, constantly worries her fate. Memories of the deplorable fate of Lisa make it "shed tears of tender grief." And in the title itself, the sympathetic and sentimental attitude of Karamzin to Lisa is pronounced. The characteristic of the external and internal appearance of Liza is made up of the author's descriptions and comments by its actions, as well as through the indirect transfer of removals of the mother or love of Erast. Karamzin notes that Lisa worked, without sparing "the rare beauty of his own, without sparing his tender youth." The impression she "did in his heart" says about her beauty. A kind of old mother called Lisa God's grace of the feeder, the gloomy old age, prayed that the Lord awarded her for what she was doing for the mother. From this we learn that Lisa is virtuous, that she not only honors the mother, but also frees it from all the worries that are unbearable for its weak health. What verbal details are the movement of the feeling of Liza to the erasta - from a timid attachment before the straw passion? An essential detail with which the acquaintance of Lisa and Eras began, there were flowers that Lisa traded. Related by him Please tear flowers only for him, the first feeling in the soul of the girl was taught. She was for her more significant than for Erast, and because the next day, when he did not come, she did not sell the valley to anyone and threw them into Moscow river. Another detail is a timid gaze, which she threw on a young man. Karamzin notes the expression of the feelings of Lisa in appearance - "The cheeks were burning, as dawn into a clear summer evening" - as they are increasing. The kiss of Erast and his first recognition in love responded in her soul of amazing music. As you can see, the color-sound details are important in the transfer of movement of feelings from a timid attachment to anodged passion. Achieving the apogee of love, which led, according to the writer, to the death of the heroine's impurity, is also accompanied by a number of important verbal details. A new word appears rushes (in his arms). Before that, they hugged them on dates, their hugs were clean and immaculate. Now the changes occur around them and in nature, and in the color-sound row: the kisses were flames, the darkness of the evening (unlike the quiet moon, a bright month) of the desire; "A single sprocket shone in heaven - no beam could not highlight the delusions." After the sighted "flashed lightning and rushed thunder. Lisa trembled. " "Strokely rustled storm, the rain raged from black clouds - it seemed that the Nature was compiled about the lost lysine innocence." After such a turning point in the relationship of Lisa and Erast, Karamzin began to transfer the internal state of a young man in more detail in more detail, who became more indifferent to his beloved. From this time, natural symbols have almost disappeared in the narration. Only twice mentioned ancient oaks who have witnessed their love. Epteat Gloomy now belongs to the oak over the grave of poor Lisa. Pay attention to the role of the gesture in the disclosure of the internal state of the heroes. Analyze this taking of the author. The gesture in the literature is one of the important techniques in the transfer of the internal state of the character. The Karamzin is widely used. Let us analyze the scene of the meeting of Liza and Erast in the city when she saw him in a carriage approaching the house. Her feeling of joy from the meeting was expressed in gestures: Rushed, he felt in the arms. Although it is said that he felt in his arms, the author thereby emphasizes the swiftness of her joyful action. The swiftness of its movements is the swiftness in the expression of feelings. Further, his gestures become rapidly - he wants to free himself from Lisa, so that no one saw him in the embrace of a simple peasant woman on the eve of a profitable marriage: He took the door, led to the office, locked the door, put the money to her in his pocket, brought out the office and told the servant to spend Girl from the yard. And all this is so fast that Lisa could not even come together.

What phrase, in your opinion, defines the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "poor Lisa"? Justify the answer.

The phrase - "and the peasants can love." Sentimentalists, in contrast to classicists, preferred the cult of feelings before the cult of mind. At the same time, they argued the submission value of a person, its high moral qualities. This key phrase at Karamzin gives a new look at the problem of social inequality. Differences in the social and property situation still do not indicate the superiority of one class over the other. High moral values \u200b\u200bhave a father and mother Lisa, she herself worked a lot. The author describes in detail the development of her love feeling from the origin to despair. For Lisa, loss of love is equivalent to loss of life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is concentrated in the phrase given by us, which has become a formula of sentimental literature.

It is important for understanding the author's position and the manner of clarifying the feelings, which is peculiar to the main character of the story: in his vocabulary, according to the concepts and ideas, it does not differ from the expression of the feelings of the formed ladies. V.I. Korovin explains this by the fact that the "artistic assignment of Karamzin partly and was to bring the feelings of the peasant to the feelings of the formed young lady and thereby erase the differences in the content and forms of spiritual experiences."

Describe the main heroine story. What artists are chosen by the author to create its external and internal appearance? How is the attitude towards her writer?

The image of Lisa is described by the author in detail. The heroine inherited high moral qualities and beliefs from parents: hard work, honesty, sincerity, kindness. She is clean, naive, disinterested and therefore is poorly protected from the defects that rule around her. It is open to natural manifestations of feelings and therefore tend to delusions, after which the tragic insight comes. The author belongs to his heroine with a gentle feeling, admires, deeply worries her joy and tragedy, constantly worries her fate. Memories of the deplorable fate of Lisa make it "shed tears of tender grief." And in the title itself, the sympathetic and sentimental attitude of Karamzin to Lisa is pronounced.

The characteristic of the external and internal appearance of Liza is made up of the author's descriptions and comments by its actions, as well as through the indirect transfer of removals of the mother or love of Erast. Karamzin notes that Lisa worked, without sparing "the rare beauty of his own, without sparing his tender youth." The impression she "did in his heart" says about her beauty. A kind of old mother called Lisa God's grace of the feeder, the gloomy old age, prayed that the Lord awarded her for what she was doing for the mother. From this we learn that Lisa is virtuous, that she not only honors the mother, but also frees it from all the worries that are unbearable for its weak health.

What verbal details are the movement of the feeling of Liza to the erasta - from a timid attachment before the straw passion?

An essential detail with which the acquaintance of Lisa and Eras began, there were flowers that Lisa traded. Related by him Please tear flowers only for him, the first feeling in the soul of the girl was taught. She was for her more significant than for Erast, and because the next day, when he did not come, she did not sell the valley to anyone and threw them into Moscow river. Another detail is a timid gaze, which she threw on a young man. Karamzin notes the expression of the feelings of Lisa in appearance - "The cheeks were burning, as dawn into a clear summer evening" - as they are increasing. The kiss of Erast and his first recognition in love responded in her soul of amazing music. As you can see, the color-sound details are important in the transfer of movement of feelings from a timid attachment to anodged passion. Achieving the apogee of love, which led, according to the writer, to the death of the heroine's impurity, is also accompanied by a number of important verbal details. A new word appears rushes (in his arms). Before that, they hugged them on dates, their hugs were clean and immaculate. Now the changes occur around them and in nature, and in the color-sound row: the kisses were flames, the darkness of the evening (unlike the quiet moon, a bright month) of the desire; "A single sprocket shone in heaven - no beam could not highlight the delusions." After the sighted "flashed lightning and rushed thunder. Lisa trembled. " "Strokely rustled storm, the rain raged from black clouds - it seemed that the Nature was compiled about the lost lysine innocence." After such a turning point in the relationship of Lisa and Erast, Karamzin began to transfer the internal state of a young man in more detail in more detail, who became more indifferent to his beloved. From this time, natural symbols have almost disappeared in the narration. Only twice mentioned ancient oaks who have witnessed their love. Epteat Gloomy now belongs to the oak over the grave of poor Lisa.

Pay attention to the role of the gesture in the disclosure of the internal state of the heroes. Analyze this taking of the author.

The gesture in the literature is one of the important techniques in the transfer of the internal state of the character. The Karamzin is widely used. Let us analyze the scene of the meeting of Liza and Erast in the city when she saw him in a carriage approaching the house. Her feeling of joy from the meeting was expressed in gestures: Rushed, he felt in the arms. Although it is said that he felt in his arms, the author thereby emphasizes the swiftness of her joyful action. The swiftness of its movements is the swiftness in the expression of feelings. Further, his gestures become rapidly - he wants to free himself from Lisa, so that no one saw him in the embrace of a simple peasant woman on the eve of a profitable marriage: He took the door, led to the office, locked the door, put the money to her in his pocket, brought out the office and told the servant to spend Girl from the yard. And all this is so fast that Lisa could not even come together.

The phrase is "and the peasant to love the mind." Sentimentalists, in contrast to Sicists, preferred the cult of feelings before the cult of mind. At the same time, they approved the extrallinary value of a person, his high moral qualuity. This key phrase in Karamzin is a new look at the problem of social inequality. Differences in the social and property situation are not yet witnessing about the superiority of one sublea over the other. Father and mother Lisa possessed high moral values, she herself worked a lot. The author describes in detail the development of her loving feeling from nucleation to despair. For Lisa, love loss is equivalent to the terrestrial life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is concentrated in the phrase given by us, which has become a formula of sentimental literature.

It is important for understanding the author-position and manner of the smelling of feelings, which is peculiar to the main character in conducting: by his vocabulary, according to the concepts and ideas, it does not differ from the expression of the feelings of the educated Ba-Rushny. V. I. Korovin explains this by the fact that the "artistic assignment of Karamzin partly and was to approximate the feelings of the peasant to the feelings of the developed young lady and thereby erase the differences in the content and forms of shower experiences."

  • Describe the main heroine story. What artists are chosen by the author to create its external and internal appearance? How is the attitude towards her writer?
  • The image of Lisa is described by the author in detail. The heroine inherited from the parents of you-juice moral qualities and beliefs: diligence, honesty, sincerity, pre-bullshit. She is clean, naive, faceless, and therefore is poorly protected from the defects that dominate her. It is open to natural manifestations of feelings and therefore tend to delusion-holes, after which the tragic insight comes. The author belongs to his heroine with a gentle feeling, admires, the globory-ko is going through her joy and tragedy, standing in standing around her fate. Ra-remembering about the deplorable fate of Lisa makes him "shed tears of tender grief." And in the title itself, the story of the story of the sympathetic and sentimental detention of Karamzin to Lisa.

    The characteristic of the external and internal appearance of the Lisa is made up of the authors of the descriptions and the comments of its workshops, as well as through the indirect transfer of from the sizes of the mother or the love of the Erast itself. Karamzin notes that Lisa worked, without sparing "the rare beauty of his own, without sparing his tender youth." The impression that she "did in his heart" says her beauty. A kind of old mother called Lisa God's grace of the feeder, the gloomy old age, prayed that the Lord awarded her for what she was doing for the mother. From this, we learn that Lisa is virtuous, that she not only honors the mother, but also frees it from all the worries that are unbearable for its weak health.

  • What verbal details are the movement of the feeling of Lisa to the erasta - from a timidly lingering before the dust of passion?
  • An essential detail with which the acquaintance of Lisa and Erast began, were Cee-you who traded Lisa. Reconnected by him please tear flowers only for him, the first feeling in the soul of de Vushki. She was more knowledgeable for her than for Erast, and therefore at the next day, when he did not come, she did not sell the valley to anyone and threw them into Moscow River. Another detail is a timid gaze, which she threw on a young man. Karamzin notes the expression of the feelings of Lisa in appearance - "The cheeks were burning, as dawn into a clear summer velach" - as they are increasing. The kiss of Erast and his first recognition in love responded in her soul of amazing music. As you can see, the color-sound details are important in the transfer of movement of feelings from a timid attachment to anodged passion. The achievement of the apoto-gay of love, which led, according to Pisate-la, killed in the death of heroine, is also accompanied by a number of important verbal details. A new layer appears (in his arms). Before that, they hugged them on dates, their hugs were clean and immaculate. Now the treason occurs around them and in nature, and in the color-sound row: the kisses were flames, darkness of the evening (unlike a quiet moon, a bright month) Pital and Lania; "A single sprocket shone in heaven - no beam could not illuminate for wondering." After the silent "gloss-zero zero, thunder rushed. Lisa Zadro-sting. " "Strokely rustled the storm, the rain lil-Xia from the black clouds - it seemed that the Nature was complained about the lost lysine innocence." After such a turning point in the relationship of Lisa and Erast, Ka-Ramzin began to transmit the internal state of a young man in more detail in more detail, who became more indifferent to his beloved. From this time, in different ways, the native symbols are practically disappeared. Only twice are mentioned by ancient oaks, former witnesses of their love. Epteat is gloomy now at-tolerate an oak over the grave of poor Lisa.

  • Pay attention to the role of the gesture in the disclosures of the internal state of the heroes. Analyze-those this technique of the author.
  • The gesture in the literature is one of the important techniques in the transfer of the inner state of the character. The Karamzin is widely used. Let us analyze the meeting of the meeting of Liza and Erast in the city when she see him in a carriage going to the house. Her feeling of joy from the meeting was expressed in gestures: Rushed, he felt in the arms. Although it is said that he felt in his arms, the author thereby emphasizes the swiftness of her joyful action. The rapidness of its movements is the swiftness in the wonders of the senses. Further, his gestures become rapidly - he wants to free himself from Liza, so that no one saw him in the arms of a simple peasant woman on the eve of a profitable marriage: He took the door to the office, he led the door, polo-lived money in his pocket, brought off the cab -This and ordered the servant to spend a girl from the courtyard. And all this is so fast that if it was not able to come to his senses.

  • Can ERAST be considered a villain or a covar seducer? How does the Ka-Ramzin outlines, how does the attitude towards him reveal? Match the Manera image of Erast with a mana image of heroes in the works of Russian classicism on the example of the works known to you.
  • The meaning of the poor Lisa outlined in the story is that Eras is not a villain and a seducer, but a completely kind and sincere person, but weak and windy. He was looking for pleasures, a scattered lifestyle was led by "Roma, Idyllia, had a rather living alive, and often moved by thoughts in those days (formerly or not former), in which, if you believe the verse, all Breadlessly walked around the meadows, bathed in clean sources, kissed, like mountains, rested under roses and peace and in a happy idleness all days were borrowed. " Not only its external, but mainly spiritual beauty, her clean, immaculate expression of love, was attracted to Lisa. It seemed to him that he found in her what had long been looking for his heart. Erast completely sincerely dreamed, which will live with her as a brother with a sister and with a despicable disgust remembered already es-defenders previously voluptuous joy. To which the writer is magnificently commemmember, roval: "A reckless young man! Do you know your heart? Do you always be able to answer your movements? Is there always a mind of your king of your feelings? " In Rocky, it is rooted not in his own soul, but in the nras of society. When relations Lisa and Erasthe reached the sensual level, Lisa retained and even there was still a love for him, and above all the spiritual love, and the feelings of the Eras went to the decline, because such relations were not new for him. Erast turns out to be a slave of "circumstances", which make him marry a rich bride and so devaverly to part with Liza, as he did. However, Karamzin compassionates him, because he still sees in it "Dob-Rogo Small." Having learned about the suicide of Li Ze, Erast deeply and sincerely suffers and "honors himself a murderer." "So the" inappropriateness "of the society, enshrined in the social and property inequest-ve, is separated and destroyed by the people of people and becomes an overwhelming pre-stamilt for their happiness. But since in front of the reader, a sad story of love of two kind souls revealed, then their reconciliation is possible where there is no general conventions and prejudices, where he reigns in its genuine and clean. Therefore, the story of Karamzin ends with a pacifying Akkor House "(V. I. Korovin).

    In the works of classicism, ordinary and negative heroes are abruptly opposed to each other. And the hero in such situations, of course, was brought by an exclusive and ruthless seductor.

  • What is the image of the vatal-body image?
  • The narrator is a contemporary of heroes of the story "Poor Lisa". He is familiar with the Eras-Tom, who tells him this reservoir story. This is a kind, sensitive, sentimentally tuned man, deeply worried about the mountain of people. The narrator - a person is obstended and having a life experience, is observed, knows how to give the right characteristics. The post-Wowper loves Moscow, its surroundings, the nature of the native land, often walks the foot of the scene to admire the landscape crashes.

  • What is the purpose of lyrical deviations in the story?
  • Lyrical deviations in the story are not much. More from the author of the deployed narrations, concomitant of the image of any heroes, which, however, can include and to retreat, for example: "Ah Lisa, Lisa! What did you do with you? " But there are direct lyrical deviations, for example, at the beginning of the "poor Lisa". In the opponel often comes to Danilov Monastery "In the gloomy days of the autumn-to-mine with nature." This retreat creates a lyric philosophical attitude, the soil for sad thinking about life and death, about the bitter pages of the history of the Fatherland.

  • What is the role of the landscape in the story? How is he connected with the mood and feelings of in love?
  • The landscape creates an emotional background to perceive the plot of the story and the fate of her heroes, harmonizes with the feelings of in love. At the beginning of the story, for example, the Majestic Amphite-Ath is sharply contrasted with the Zalad Domes and the Green Blooming Meadows and the Rouge, Ra-Zornaya Huts, in which Lisa lived thirty years ago, lived. From the Panorama of Moscow, the narrator bro-Sayet look at Simonov Monastery, Po-mines, in connection with him, the story of the poor Li, denotes the nature of his reference, and then directs the gaze to its former housing. So the landscape compositions the approaches to the beginning of the proud story of Lisa and her love for the east. The author's structure ("tender grief") post-pensioners are transmitted to the reader through the reading of the landscape and the thinking of the narrator about the paintings seen.

    Against the background of beautiful landscape scoops, a lover feeling of heroes is emerging and developing. They are found "on the banks of the river or in a birch grove, but the already under the ride of centenary oaks<…> - Oaks that have a deep squeeze pond, in ancient times, isoban. A quiet moon harmonizes with a hair-Mi Lisa, "Sweets them." Interestingly described the merger of love and nature: Marshmallow and a hand of a cute friend play before the lunar lights of Lisa, which creates an air chasty image of a love feeling. We hear about the holy feelings with the perception of nature in the words of Lisa, containing at the knowledge of the love of the lifestyle: "Without the eyes of your dark, a bright month; Without your voice, the nightingale singing; Without your breath, the breeze is unpleasant. " Watching literary techniques for Sentimentalism are observed.

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