Fathers and children read the content chapter by chapter. A brief retelling of "Fathers and Sons" by chapters: description of events, characterization of heroes. A novel by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Development of the romance line of the novel, departure of Bazarov

The problem of the relationship between fathers and children is eternal. The reason for it lies in differences in life views... Each generation has its own truth, and it is extremely difficult to understand each other, and sometimes there is no desire. Contrasting worldviews- this is the basis of the work Fathers and Sons, summary, which we will consider.

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About the work


The idea of ​​creating the work "Fathers and Sons" arose from the writer Ivan Turgenev in August 1860... The author writes to Countess Lambert about the intention to write a new big story. In the fall he goes to Paris, and in September he writes to Annenkov about the final drawing up a plan and serious intentions to create a novel. But Turgenev works rather slowly and doubts good result... However, having received an approving opinion from the literary critic Botkin, he plans to complete the creation in the spring.

Early winter - period of active work writer, within three weeks the third part of the work was written. Turgenev asked in letters to describe in detail how things are in the life of Russia. This happened before, and in order to be initiated into the events of the country, Ivan Sergeevich decides to return.

Attention! The history of writing ended on July 20, 1861, when the author was in Spassky. In the fall, Turgenev again went to France. There, during a meeting, he shows his creation to Botkin and Sluchevsky and receives many comments that push him to make changes to the text.

In the spring of next year, the novel is published in the magazine "Russian Bulletin" and he immediately became the object of polemical discussion. The controversy did not subside even after the death of Turgenev.

Genre and number of chapters

If we characterize the genre of the work, then "Fathers and Sons" is 28-chapter novel showing the social and political situation in the country before the abolition of serfdom.

Main idea

About what in question? In his creation "fathers and children" Turgenev describes contradiction and misunderstanding of different generations, and also wants to find a way out of this situation, ways to get rid of the problem.

The struggle between the two camps is a confrontation between everything that is well-established and fundamentally new, era of democrats and aristocrats, or helplessness and determination.

Turgenev tries to show what has come time for a change and instead of people of an outdated system, nobles, active, energetic and young people come. The old system is obsolete, but a new one has not yet been formed... The novel "Fathers and Sons" shows us the borderline of epochs when society is in turmoil and is unable to live neither according to the old canons, nor according to the new ones.

The new generation in the novel is represented by Bazarov, around whom the confrontation of "fathers and children" takes place. He is a representative of a whole galaxy of the younger generation, for whom complete denial of everything has become the norm. Everything old is unacceptable for them, but they cannot bring something new.

Between him and the elder Kirsanov, a conflict of worldviews is vividly shown: the rude and straightforward Bazarov and the mannered and refined Kirsanov. The images described by Turgenev are multifaceted and ambiguous. The attitude to the world does not bring happiness to Bazarov at all. Before society, they were assigned their purpose - struggle with old foundations but bringing new ideas and views in their place does not bother him.

Turgenev did this for a reason, thereby showing that before the collapse of something established, it is necessary to find a worthy replacement for this. If there is no alternative, then even what was intended to solve the problem positively will only make it worse.

The conflict of generations in the novel "Fathers and Sons".

Heroes of the novel

The main characters in Fathers and Sons are:

  • Bazarov Evgeny Vasilievich. Young student comprehending the profession of a doctor. Adheres to the ideology of nihilism, calls into question the liberal views of the Kirsanovs and the traditional views of their own parents. At the end of the work, he falls in love with Anna, and his views of denial of everything in the world are changed by love. He will become a rural doctor, due to his own carelessness, he will be infected with typhus and will die.
  • Kirsanov Nikolai Petrovich. Is the father of Arcadia, a widower. Landowner. He lives on the estate with Fenichka, a commoner woman, to whom he feels and is ashamed of this, but then takes her as his wife.
  • Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich. He is the older brother of Nikolai. He retired officer, a representative of the privileged stratum, proud and self-confident, shares the ideas of liberalism. Often participates in disputes with Bazarov on the most different topics: art, science, love, nature and more. Hatred of Bazarov develops into a duel, the initiator of which he himself was. He is wounded in a duel, fortunately the wound will be minor.
  • Kirsanov Arkady Nikolaevich. Is the son of Nikolai... Candidate of Science at the University. Like his friend Bazarov, he is a nihilist. At the end of the book he will give up his worldview.
  • Bazarov Vasily Ivanovich. Is the father of the protagonist, was a surgeon in the army. He did not leave medical practice. He lives on the estate of his wife. Educated, he understands that while living in the village, he was cut off from modern ideas. Conservative, religious.
  • Bazarova Arina Vlasyevna. Is the mother of the protagonist... She owns the Bazarov estate and fifteen serfs. Superstitious, pious, suspicious, sensitive woman. Infinitely loves his son, and worries because he renounced the faith. She herself is a follower of the Orthodox faith.
  • Odintsova Anna Sergeevna. Is a widow, rich... On his estate he accepts friends with nihilistic views. She likes Bazarov, but after his declaration of love, reciprocity is not observed. In the foreground, he puts a calm life in which there are no worries.
  • Katerina. Sister of Anna Sergeevna, but unlike her, it is quiet and invisible. He plays the clavichord. Arkady Kirsanov spends a lot of time with her, while he is passionately in love with Anna. Then he realizes that he loves Katerina and marries her.

Other heroes:

  • Fenechka. The daughter of the housekeeper of Kirsanov's younger brother. After her mother died, she became his mistress and gave birth to a son from him.
  • Sitnikov Victor. He is a nihilist and an acquaintance of Bazarov.
  • Kukshina Evdokia. An acquaintance of Victor, a nihilist.
  • Kolyazin Matvey Ilyich. He is a city official.

The main characters of the novel "Fathers and Sons".


Fathers and children are summarized below. 1859 - year when the novel begins.

Young people arrived in Maryino and live in the house of brothers Nikolai and Pavel Kirsanov. Senior Kirsanov and Bazarov do not find common language, and frequent conflict situations force Evgeny to leave for another city N. Arkady also goes there. There they communicate with urban youth (Sitnikova and Kukshina), who adhere to nihilistic views.

At the governor's ball, they hold acquaintance with Odintsova, and then they go to her estate, Kukshina is destined to stay in the city. Odintsova rejects a declaration of love, and Bazarov has to leave Nikolskoye. He and Arkady go to the parental home and stay there. Eugene does not like the excessive care of his parents, he decides to leave Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna, and

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov was sitting on the porch of a house located in an inn, waiting for the arrival of his son Arkady. He was the owner of the estate and came from the family of a military general. Nikolai Petrovich spent his childhood surrounded by governesses. The thing is that his mother belonged to the type of women "commander". His older brother Pavel went on military affairs.

Kirsanov also planned to make a military career, but as a result of a severe leg injury, he had to abandon this venture and go to university. When his parents died, he married a sweet, educated girl and returned to his home. Nikolai Petrovich's family was friendly, he and his wife gave birth to a son, Arkady, but when the boy was ten years old, his mother died. The guy grew up and went to St. Petersburg to study. And now the father happily meets his son at the inn.

Arkady came to his parent with his friend Yevgeny Bazarov. There was an acquaintance of the elder Kirsanov with a friend of his son. Arkady introduced Eugene as a simple person. Together they go to the estate.

On the way, the elder Kirsanov admires his son and even wants to hug him. Arkady is also glad to see his father, but he tries not to show it outwardly and pays more attention to stories about the talents of his friend Bazarov, who knows a lot about natural sciences and, in particular, in medicine. The elder Kirsanov says that they have a girl named Fenechka on their estate, but if necessary, she can move to another place for a while. Arkady tells his father not to worry. They drive past beautiful fields, and the younger Kirsanov thinks about the changes that are needed in these parts.

Arkady's uncle Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov comes out to meet them on the estate. He looks very good and has a pleasant tone of voice. Bazarov looks thin, his elongated face ends with a wide forehead, and his green eyes show intelligence and self-confidence. Young people go to their rooms to rest a little after a tiring journey. Pavel Petrovich drew attention to the unkempt appearance Bazarov. Dinner is calm, relatives practically do not speak. After him, Eugene confesses to his friend that he has a very pleasant father, but he does not understand anything about managing the estate. In addition, Bazarov noted that Pavel Petrovich dresses too pretentiously for a country setting. The younger Kirsanov tells Bazarov about the romantic adventures of his uncle and about the fact that earlier Pavel Petrovich could often be seen in high society. Fenichka does not leave her room, where she is babysitting her little son, whom they have made together with the elder Kirsanov.

The next day, Bazarov woke up quite early and, in the company of the courtyard children, set off to catch frogs, which he needed to conduct scientific experiments. Fenichka informs her that she is not well and that she will not come out for tea. Arkady decided to go to the girl himself and find out that he had a younger brother. The young man reproaches his father for not telling him such important news. Further, a touching scene takes place between the relatives.

Pavel Petrovich comes out to the table and everyone starts drinking tea on the terrace. Uncle Arkady says that he once heard about Dr. Bazarov. Clarifies whether this is Eugene's father? The younger Kirsanov says that his friend is a nihilist and does not recognize any authorities. Pavel Petrovich is not a fan of the new trend. Fenichka comes up to the table and brings cocoa to Uncle Arkady. After she went into the house, silence reigned at the table, after which Bazarov came up to the table, who announced that he would join the tea party when he finished experiments with frogs.

After Bazarov's return, the audience begins to discuss issues of science. Eugene says that the Germans have succeeded in this matter, and the Russians should learn from them. Uncle Arkady replied to him that almost all Germans went into science and completely forgot about literature. Bazarov contradicts him and says that chemistry is much more useful than poetry. After the end of the tea party, the younger Kirsanov calms the ardor of his friend a little and tells him to behave more calmly with his uncle. Then Arkady told Bazarov a story.

In St. Petersburg, Pavel and Nikolai Kirsanovs lived together, but their interests were fundamentally different. Pavel Petrovich was a secular lion and shone at various balls and receptions. Women went crazy for him, and in men he caused envy. Once Paul was destined to meet Princess R., who lived with an elderly husband and had a strange character. In the daytime, she attended balls and fell in love with her gentlemen, and at night she cried alone. Pavel Petrovich really liked this lady, and he gave her a gift - a ring with a sphinx. At the same time, he clarified that the princess really resembled this mythological creature in some way. After a short meeting with Paul, the woman broke up with him. The young man was very worried about this, even retired from military service and pursued the princess wherever she went. After a while, the lady disappeared without a trace. Then he heard rumors that the princess had a severe mental disorder, from which she died. Through mutual acquaintances, she returned to Pavel Petrovich the ring presented to her, on which a cross was scratched. At the same time, Arkady's mother died, and the brothers began to live together on their estate. It seemed to Bazarov to be reckless to ruin his life because of a crazy woman. Eugene considers love to be a stupid invention of weak-willed romantics.

After a conversation with the manager, Pavel Kirsanov decided to drop in to Fenechka, which embarrassed the girl a little. His brother entered the room, and Pavel Petrovich left there. The elder Kirsanov kissed his little son Mitya and Fenichka's hand.
About three years ago, the innkeeper and her daughter moved to the Kirsanovs' estate to conduct business. Once a spark of fire hit Fenichka in the eye and Nikolai Petrovich helped her. The girl liked the elder Kirsanov, and after the death of her mother, Fenechka was left alone on the farm. Kirsanov and the girl began a relationship.

In communication with Fenichka, Bazarov offered her his help in case of the child's illness. According to Arkady, the father must formally formalize his relationship with the girl. Unlike his friend, Bazarov does not consider the institution of marriage an important part of human life. From the elder Bazarov's room the sounds of a cello were heard, to which Arkady smiled sweetly, and his friend laughed merrily.

Two weeks have passed since the friends were at the Kirsanovs' estate. Bazarov has already become his domesticated person here. He helped cure Mitya of convulsions, talked a lot with local peasants and gave various advice to Nikolai Petrovich. Uncle Arkady could not stand his friend and, most likely, the same attitude towards Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov was. Once the elder Kirsanov became an accidental witness to a conversation between two friends. Bazarov told Arkady that he respects his father, but this is a man who already has everything behind him. Nikolai Petrovich was greatly upset by this opinion of Eugene, since he considered himself a man of advanced views. In the evening over tea, a dispute arose again between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich over nihilism and the aristocracy. According to Uncle Arkady, nihilists are very harmful to society, and their main goal is to destroy everything that was created earlier, but they do not offer anything in return. Bazarov defended the nihilists and said that these were people, not words, but deeds. Then Evgeny decided to interrupt the useless conversation with Pavel Petrovich. The elder Kirsanov remembered his quarrels with Arkady's mother and said that they, too, did not always understand each other, as now he cannot understand his son.

Nikolai Petrovich sat in the gazebo and thought that an insurmountable abyss had arisen between him and Arkady. He does not understand why it is necessary to give up painting, literature, and the beauties of nature. Eugene invites Arkady to go to the city at the invitation of his friend. The next day they set off.

Bazarov's comrade Matvei Ilyich receives his friends very cordially. After a while, they receive an invitation to the governor's ball. Bazarov and Kirsanov meet Sitnikov, who considers Evgeny to be his teacher. He invites young people to visit Evdokia Kukshina and together they go to this girl.

As it turned out, Kukshina is a young woman of unkempt appearance who jumps from one topic to another in conversation, asks many questions and does not expect an answer, but continues the conversation as if nothing had happened. Eugene likes pretty girls, and a new friend advises him to Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, who, in her opinion, is very attractive, but insanely stupid. Sitnikov tries to joke unsuccessfully during the conversation and constantly has fun. During the singing of the romance by Kukshina, Bazarov and Kirsanov quietly leave.

Arkady, Evgeny and Sitnikov come to the ball, but they are not going to dance, they are just watching what is happening. Odintsova arrives. This is a tall woman wearing a black dress. Bazarov draws attention to her difference from other ladies present at the ball. Sitnikov introduces the younger Kirsanov to Odintsova. As a result of their conversation, it turns out that Anna Sergeevna heard a lot good reviews about the elder Kirsanov. Odintsova is calm and cold in communication. Arkady tells her about his relatives and friend, after which the woman invites them to visit.

While visiting Anna Sergeevna, Yevgeny felt a certain awkwardness, which was not typical for him. Odintsova's father was an avid card player, as a result of which he lost his fortune and moved to the village. Anna Sergeevna's mother died long ago, after which her father went to the next world, who bequeathed his estate to two daughters Ekaterina and Anna. The girl became the wife of a rather wealthy man named Odintsov, after whose death she turned out to be a wealthy heiress. Together with her sister Ekaterina, Anna went on a trip to Germany, and then returned to her parent's nest. As a rule, Bazarov never spoke to unfamiliar people first. This time he changed his traditions and talked with Anna Sergeevna for a long time. The younger Kirsanov was very surprised by this circumstance. The woman invited Arkady and Eugene to visit her Nikolskoye estate and they decided to go there in a day.

In addition to Anna Sergeevna, her sister Ekaterina and the old princess lived in Nikolskoye. Odintsova is talking with Bazarov about dividing people into smart and stupid. They pay tribute to the old princess, but they do not perceive her speeches at all. The owner of the neighboring estate Porfiry Platonich comes to visit Odintsova. Anna Sergeevna meets with him from time to time to play cards. Anna Sergeevna's sister decides to play a sonata for the younger Kirsanov and is a little embarrassed. Odintsova invites Bazarov to take a walk in the garden the next day and talk about plants. The younger Kirsanov is fascinated by Anna Sergeevna, and Yevgeny calls the woman a “grated roll”. Madame Odintsova is very curious about such a type as Bazarov. After returning from a walk with him, the owner of the estate was simply beaming with joy, and her companion was in a great mood. Young Kirsanov noticed this and was a little upset.

Evgeny and Arkady stayed at the Odintsova estate for almost two weeks. They were not bored here, and the hostess tried to accustom them to her own daily routine. Kirsanov noticed that Bazarov for this a short time changed a lot and assumed that his friend was in love. Arkady meets with his father's clerk and learns that he is worried about his son's absence for too long. Anna Sergeevna does not want to part with Bazarov and tells him that she lives without a purpose in life and therefore is unhappy. She is not able to love, since for this it is necessary to completely devote her life to her beloved, and for her it is unbearable. She asks Bazarov about whether he can fully live with the interests of a loved one, Eugene does not answer this question.

The next day, Anna Sergeevna asks Evgeny to come to her office in order to return to yesterday's conversation. She does not believe that such an extraordinary person as Bazarov will be able to drag out the existence of a district doctor. Eugene says that he does not think about his future. Odintsova cannot understand the reason for the young man's tension and Bazarov decides to confess his love to her. He completely surrenders to passion and attracts a young woman to him. But, she frees herself from his embrace and tells Eugene that he did not understand her correctly. The young man leaves the room and hands Anna Sergeevna a note, which says about his imminent departure. Odintsova does not want this and thinks that it is in her power to reciprocate this man, but a carefree lonely life is more important for her.

After lunch, everyone decides to go for a walk in the garden. Eugene apologizes to the owner of the estate and plans to leave here as soon as possible. Sitnikov suddenly appears, who asks for forgiveness for his unexpected appearance. Kirsanov does not want to part with his sister Odintsova, but he decides to support his friend and leave with him, as he sees his difficult relationship with Anna Sergeevna. The next day, the guests say goodbye to the hostess, who does not lose hope for another meeting with Bazarov. On the way from Odintsova's estate, the young people thought each of them about their own.

Friends come home to Bazarov's parents. They are met by his father Vasily Ivanovich. He tries not to show his joy too much, because he knows that Eugene does not like this. But Bazarov's mother, when she saw her son, almost fainted from happiness. During lunch, Vasily Ivanovich talked incessantly on various topics, and Yevgeny's mother, Arina Vlasyevna, silently admired her son.

In the morning of the next day, Bazarov's father decided to talk to Kirsanov about his son. Arkady describes in very warm words all the virtues of his friend. Vasily Ivanovich is very pleased to hear this. Friends spend half a day together, and Eugene tells Arkady about his childhood. Kirsanov really likes the Bazarovs' estate. He admires the local nature. Evgeny reproaches his friend for being overly sentimental and does not compare him very well with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Arkady stands up for his uncle. The dispute of young people almost comes to a fight, but the appearance of the elder Bazarov calms the young people. They go to dinner. The next day, Evgeny is going to go to the Kirsanovs, since he has no opportunity to work at home due to the constant attention of his parents. The Bazarovs are very upset by the departure of their son.

Arriving at the inn, Kirsanov asks his friend in which direction they should go - to his father or to Odintsova's estate. Eugene gives the right to decide this to Arkady himself. He decides to go to Anna Sergeevna. Upon arrival, they realize that they are unexpected guests. The owner of the estate apologizes that she cannot receive them now and asks to come another time. Upset friends go to the Kirsanovs' estate, where they are eagerly awaited.

Arkady's father complains about the bad things in his household. It is necessary to harvest bread, but there are not enough working hands. The peasants have stopped paying their rent and do not want to work, the manager is a thief and a lazy person. But young Kirsanov is not thinking about that at all. His thoughts are occupied by the inhabitants of the Odintsova estate. Several days pass, and he decides to visit Nikolskoe alone without warning. This time he was welcomed here rather warmly.

Eugene is not offended by Arkady, for the fact that he went to Nikolskoe alone. He understands it and continues his experiments. Pavel Kirsanov tries to fit in with Bazarov and even takes part in his experiments. Evgeny has established good relations with Fenechka, and she tries to avoid Pavel Petrovich. One morning, a woman was sorting roses in a gazebo and saw Eugene, who spoke to her about aging. After that Bazarov decides to kiss Fenichka. At this time, Pavel Petrovich's cough is clearly heard from behind the lilac bushes. Fenichka quickly runs away from the pavilion while reproaching Bazarov for his behavior. Eugene is embarrassed and recalls a similar scene with Anna Sergeevna.

Pavel Kirsanov enters Bazarov's room and challenges him to a duel, although he does not name the true reason for such an act, since he believes that the young man himself must guess about it. In order for it not to look stupid in the eyes of the rest of the inhabitants of the estate, he invites Bazarov to start a scandal. The young man accepts the challenge of Pavel Petrovich, and they discuss all the details of the duel, and as a second, Kirsanov offers the valet Peter. After Uncle Arkady leaves, Eugene talks about what happened in a comedic tone. He thinks that Pavel Petrovich is not indifferent to Fenechka.
Early in the morning, the duelists gather at the appointed place. Bazarov considers what is happening to be complete absurdity, but does not fear death. Kirsanov shoots first, but misses. Bazarov shoots at random and wounds his opponent in the leg. Pavel Petrovich proposes to continue the duel, but Yevgeny believes that now is not the time and examines Kirsanov's leg. They decided to announce to their loved ones that the reason for the duel was political differences. Uncle Arkady is taken home. The doctor arrives and says that there is no danger to Pavel Petrovich's health. Bazarov says goodbye to the Kirsanovs and leaves for his parents. Pavel Petrovich in a conversation compares Fenechka to Princess R. Nikolai Petrovich hears this and thinks that his brother is simply delirious. The woman explains to Pavel Petrovich that she loves his brother, and he asks Nikolai to marry Fenechka. The elder Kirsanov is at a loss, since earlier his brother was a categorical opponent of unequal marriages. Pavel Petrovich decides to go abroad after the wedding.

Arkady and Katya are sitting in the garden and talking about Bazarov. Kirsanov tries to compare the two sisters, and Katya asks him not to. The girl says that she would never get married just for the sake of wealth. She wants to do it for love. Upon returning to his room, Kirsanov sees Eugene in it. A friend tells him about the duel and decides to part with him, but he has no desire to see Anna Sergeevna. But, such a meeting still takes place. Evgeny asks for forgiveness for his actions and hints to Madame Odintsova that Kirsanov likes her. Anna Sergeevna says that she did not notice this.

The next day, Arkady has a conversation with Katya, during which they hear a conversation between Evgeny and Odintsova, during which Anna Sergeevna says that she is glad that she is the object of Kirsanov's sympathy. Arkady decides to ask Katya for her hand and heart. The girl gives her consent. Anna Sergeevna does not oppose this marriage. Evgeny leaves his friend and, before leaving, tells Arkady that he is not suitable for Bazarov's new ideas.

Bazarov's parents receive their son very warmly and joyfully. They try not to interfere with his experiments. Subsequently, Bazarov and his father are engaged in medical practice. Eugene participates in the autopsy of a peasant who died of typhus and accidentally cuts his hand. Senior Bazarov says that one should immediately cauterize the wound with a hot iron. His son replies that four hours have passed since the time of the cut, and if he is infected, then there is no point in moxibustion. After a while, Bazarov really gets sick with typhus and realizes that he will not survive. He asks to send for Anna Sergeevna. A woman arrives at the Bazarovs' estate with a doctor, who states that the young man has no chance of recovery. Eugene confesses his love to Odintsova and asks to kiss him. Then he falls asleep and dies.

Six months have passed. Nikolai Kirsanov married Fenechka, and Arkady married Katya. Pavel Petrovich is going to leave and on this occasion they arrange a farewell dinner. Odintsova is getting married again and again not for love. The younger Kirsanov decides to take up the farm and gradually comes out on a good profit. A child appears in his family, who is named Nikolai in honor of his father. Katya in good relationship with Fenechka. Pavel Kirsanov settles down in Dresden, Kukshina also ends up abroad, and Sitnikov marries a rich bride. At the grave of Bazarov, you can often find two sobbing old people.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was a nobleman, whose condition did not cause regret. He had a stable, steady income and was engaged in writing for his own realization.

For a long time, the author limited himself to writing short stories and short stories. He seemed to be accumulating strength and life experience for his novels, which brought him worldwide fame. Even his first novel "Rudin", the writer at first defined as a story. Later, the author began to get along with the novels, and one after another, in ten years, he wrote six works.

The history of the creation of the novel "Fathers and Sons"

Turgenev began to publish his novels starting in 1856, and all his works became an integral and important part of Russian literature.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" became the fourth novel in the writer's literary activity. The years of its creation are 1860-1861, when the writer began to feel more confident. By right, this novel is considered the pinnacle of his work, where all the writing manners are perfectly visible. And to date, this novel is the most famous work Ivan Turgenev, and his popularity is still growing, since the plot raises very important issues that are relevant today.

The author tried to convey a lot to the reader. He perfectly portrayed how relations develop between people belonging to different social strata. I tried to reflect modern reality, and touched on those topics that people are still interested in. But then Ivan Sergeevich himself repeatedly emphasized that it is very important for him to show his writing skills in the book, and not just to gain fame and popularity by discussing pressing problems.

A striking example of this is his novel Fathers and Sons, which was published in 1862. At this time, the political situation in the country was tense. Finally, serfdom was abolished, Russia and Europe began to converge. Hence the various philosophical trends that began to emerge in Russia.

However, the main action of the novel dates back to the time before reforms took place in Russia. The actions of Turgenev's novel can be roughly attributed to 1859. It was Ivan Turgenev who first introduced such a concept as "nihilism", which is becoming a new direction in public life country and gains popularity.

The protagonist of Turgenev's novel is Evgeny Bazarov. He is just a nihilist. Young people of that time took him as an example to follow, highlighting in him such moral qualities as

uncompromising, lack of any respect or admiration for what older or authoritative people say.

Turgenev's hero puts his views above all else. Everything that can be useful or beautiful, but does not coincide with his worldview, everything recedes into the background. This was unusual for the literature of that time, which is why the phenomenon depicted by the author found such a lively response among readers.

The plot of Turgenev's work "Fathers and Sons"

The action takes place in 1859. Two friends - nihilists come to the Kirsanovs' estate, which is located in Maryino. Arkady met his new friend Yevgeny Bazarov at the institute, where he studied to be a doctor. Nikolai Petrovich, who missed his son very much, was looking forward to this arrival. But unfortunately, Evgeny's relationship with the older Kirsanovs does not go well, and Evgeny decides to leave their hospitable home and moved to a small town in the province.

Arkady leaves with him. Together they have a great time in the company of youth and beautiful girls... But one day at the ball they meet Madame Odintsova, both fall in love with her and go to her estate, accepting the invitation. For some time they live in Nikolskoye, but Eugene's explanation does not receive reciprocity, so he leaves. This time he goes to his parents, and Arkady goes with him. But the love of the old Bazarovs soon begins to irritate Yevgeny, so they again return to Maryino to the Kirsanov family. Bazarov, who is trying to find a way out of the love he has for Anna Sergeevna, kisses Fenechka. Pavel Petrovich sees this and challenges him to a duel. All this led to a scandal, and the friends part.

But Arkady, who has been visiting Nikolskoye for a long time and is fascinated by Katenka, once meets Bazarov there. After Arkady's explanation and his declaration of love in Katenka, Bazarov returns to his parents. He decides to forget Odintsov, so he begins to act decisively and helps his father treat patients with typhus. Once he became infected when he opened a dead peasant from typhus. He tried to invent a drug that could heal everyone. He is ill for a long time, and then dies. Before his death, he asks Odintsova to come and she fulfills his request. Arkady marries his sister Odintsova, and Nikolai Kirsanov finally decides to legalize his relationship with Fenechka. His older brother leaves the country for good and settles abroad.

Heroes of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons has a large number of heroes. Among them are the main characters who influence the entire plot of the novel. There are episodic ones that add flavor and allow the author to express their thoughts even brighter and more accessible.

The main characters of the work "Fathers and Sons" include the following persons:

★ Bazarov.
★ The Kirsanov brothers: Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich.
★ Arkady Kirsanov.

Bazarov is a student, a nihilist. He is going to become a doctor in the future. Evgeny Vasilievich practically has no friends. But now he meets the Kirsanov family. So, he first meets Arkady, who is easily influenced, so he tries to impose his views on him as a nihilist. He does not understand and does not at all want to accept people of the older generation, does not take into account the opinion of his parents. Bazarov is a commoner, that is, a person who has broken away from his previously familiar environment. But falling in love with Odintsova suddenly changes his views, and soon it turns out that a real romantic lives in his soul. After his death, a religious ceremony is performed over his body, like an ordinary and ordinary person.

Nikolai Petrovich is one of the main characters in Turgenev's novel. Kirsanov is the landowner and father of Arkady. He adheres to conservative views, and therefore does not accept Bazarov's nihilism. His wife died long ago, but there is another love in his life - for Fenechka, a peasant woman. At the end of the novel, despite all the conventions of society, he marries her. He is romantic, loves music and has a good relationship with poetry. His older brother, Pavel Petrovich, is very different in character. Pavel Petrovich was once an officer, but now he is retired. He is aristocratic, self-confident, proud. He loves to talk about art and science. Once he was in love, but love ended in tragedy. His attitude to other heroes is different: he loves his nephew and brother. She also treats Fenechka well, because she resembles that woman, the princess, with whom he was once in love. But he openly hates Bazarov both for his views and for his behavior, even challenges him to a duel. In this battle, Pavel Petrovich was slightly wounded.

Arkasha Kirsanov is a friend of Bazarov and the son of the younger brother of the Kirsanovs. He will also become a doctor in the future, but for now he is only a student. The nihilist Bazarov exerts a tremendous influence on him and for some time he adheres to his views and ideas, but, once in the parental home, he refuses them.

There are other characters in Turgenev's novel, which cannot be classified as episodic, but they do not have the main role for the disclosure of the plot:

⇒ Bazarov, father of the nihilist Eugene. Vasily Ivanovich was once a surgeon in the army, and is currently retired. He is educated and smart, but not rich. He loves his son, but does not share his views, adhering to conservative ideas.

⇒ Arina Vlasyevna is a devout woman mother of Bazarov. She has a small estate, which is managed by her husband and 10-15 serfs. Superstitious and suspicious, she is very worried about her son.

⇒ Odintsova. Anna Sergeevna prefers a calm and measured life. When she listens to a declaration of love from Bazarov, she refuses him, although he was still sympathetic to her. She is rich and inherited this wealth from her husband.

⇒ Katenka Lokteva is a quiet and almost invisible girl who is always in the shadow of her sister Odintsova. Arkady is in love with her, who was not immediately able to understand his feelings, because of Odintsova's passion for Anna. Katya will marry Arkady.

There are many episodic faces in Turgenev's novel:

Viktor Sitnikov is an adherent of nihilism.
Kukshina is a nihilist, but Eudoxia adheres to these ideas only for her own good.
Fenechka. She gave birth to a child for her master, and then became his wife. Because of her, the eldest of the Kirsanovs and Bazars fights.
Dunya, Fenichka's maid.
Peter, servant in the Kirsanovs' house.
Princess Nelly R, with whom the elder Kirsanov was once in love.
Kolyazin is a city official.
Loktev is the father of two young and beautiful heroines of Turgenev's novel.
Avdotya Stepanovna is the aunt of the young heroines, a princess, but an evil and very mischievous old woman.
Timofeevich, clerk.

Critical reviews and ratings

Turgenev's work was perceived in different ways. For example, readers did not approve of the protagonist of Turgenev's novel, who stepped over many values. But the youth, on the contrary, tried in every possible way to support him, believing that the main character works are a vivid reflection of the world in which they live.

The opinions of the censors were also divided. An unusual and stormy dispute flared up on the pages of the Sovremennik magazines and the famous Russian Word. At this time, riots broke out in the city on the Neva, when unknown aggressive young people staged a pogrom. As a result of the riots, people died. Many believed that Ivan Turgenev, who wrote the novel "Fathers and Sons", was also to blame for this, because only his new phenomenon, like nihilism, could lead to such a result. Some even believed that Turgenev's novel could not be called a work of fiction.

But there were also those who defended the writer and his novel, believing that these riots would have taken place without Turgenev's work.

The critics agreed on one thing - the novel was written very worthily, from the point of view of artistic literary language. That is why the novel written by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev a century and a half ago for his contemporaries remains relevant today.

Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" was written in 1861. He was immediately destined to become a symbol of the era. The author especially clearly expressed the problem of the relationship between two generations.

To understand the plot of the work, we suggest reading "Fathers and Sons" in a summary of the chapters. The retelling was made by a teacher of Russian literature, it reflects all important points works.

Average reading time is 8 minutes.

main characters

Evgeny Bazarov- a young man, a medical student, a vivid representative of nihilism, a trend when a person denies everything in the world.

Arkady Kirsanov- a recent student who came to the estate of his parents. Under the influence of Bazarov, he is fond of nihilism. At the end of the novel, he realizes that he cannot live like this and abandons the idea.

Kirsanov Nikolay Petrovich- landowner, widower, father of Arkady. Lives on an estate with Fenechka, who bore him a son. He adheres to advanced ideas, loves poetry and music.

Kirsanov Pavel Petrovich- an aristocrat, a former military man. Brother of Nikolai Kirsanov and uncle Arkady. A prominent representative of the liberals.

Vasily Bazarov- retired army surgeon, father of Eugene. Lives on his wife's estate, is not rich. Engaged in medical practice.

Bazarova Arina Vlasyevna- Eugene's mother, a devout and very superstitious woman. Little educated.

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna- a rich widow who sympathizes with Bazarov. But he values ​​calmness in his life more.

Lokteva Katya- Anna Sergeevna's sister, a modest and quiet girl. Marries Arkady.

Other characters

Fenechka- a young woman who has a little son from Nikolai Kirsanov.

Victor Sitnikov- an acquaintance of Arkady and Bazarov.

Evdokia Kukshina- Sitnikov's acquaintance, who shares the beliefs of the nihilists.

Matvey Kolyazin- city official

Chapter 1.

The action begins in the spring of 1859. At the inn, the small landowner Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is awaiting the arrival of his son. He is a widower, lives on a small estate and has 200 souls. In his youth, he was promised a career in the military, but a small leg injury prevented him. He studied at the university, got married and began to live in the village. 10 years after the birth of his son, his wife dies, and Nikolai Petrovich goes headlong into the economy and raising his son. When Arkady grew up, his father sent him to St. Petersburg to study. There he lived with him for three years and returned to his village again. He is very worried before the meeting, especially since the son is not traveling alone.

Chapter 2.

Arkady introduces his father to a friend and asks him not to stand on ceremony with him. Eugene is a simple person, and you can not be ashamed of him. Bazarov decides to go in a tarantass, and Nikolai Petrovich and Arkady sit in a carriage.

Chapter 3.

During the journey, the father cannot calm down his joy from meeting his son, all the time he tries to hug him, asks about his friend. Arkady is a little shy. He tries to show his indifference and speaks in a cheeky tone. He always turns to Bazarov, as if afraid that he will hear his reflections on the beauty of nature, that he is interested in affairs on the estate.
Nikolai Petrovich says that the estate has not changed. Stammering a little, he informs his son that the girl Fenya lives with him, and immediately rushes to say that she can leave if Arkady wants it. The son replies that this is not necessary. Both feel uncomfortable and change the subject.

Looking at the desolation that reigned around, Arkady thinks about the benefits of transformations, but he does not understand how to implement them. The conversation flows smoothly into the beauty of nature. Kirsanov Sr. is trying to recite a poem by Pushkin. He is interrupted by Eugene, who asks Arkady to light a cigarette. Nikolai Petrovich falls silent and is silent until the end of the journey.

Chapter 4.

No one met them at the manor house, only an old servant and a girl who appeared for a moment. Leaving the carriage, the elder Kirsanov leads the guests into the living room, where he asks the servant to serve dinner. At the door, they encounter a handsome and very well-groomed elderly man. This is the elder brother of Nikolai Kirsanov, Pavel Petrovich. His impeccable appearance stands out strongly against the background of the unkempt-looking Bazarov. An acquaintance took place, after which the young people went to put themselves in order before dinner. Pavel Petrovich, in their absence, begins to ask his brother about Bazarov, whose appearance he did not like.

During the meal, the conversation did not go well. Everyone spoke little, especially Eugene. After eating, everyone immediately went to their rooms. Bazarov told Arkady his impressions of the meeting with his relatives. They quickly fell asleep. The Kirsanov brothers did not sleep for a long time: Nikolai Petrovich kept thinking about his son, Pavel Petrovich looked thoughtfully at the fire, and Fenechka looked at her little sleeping son, whose father was Nikolai Kirsanov. The summary of the novel "Fathers and Sons" does not convey all the feelings that the heroes experience.

Chapter 5.

Waking up before everyone else, Eugene goes for a walk to explore the surroundings. The boys follow him and all go to the swamp to catch frogs.

The Kirsanovs are going to drink tea on the veranda. Arkady goes to the said sick Fenechka, learns about the existence of his little brother. He rejoices and blames his father for hiding the fact of the birth of another son. Nikolai Kirsanov is moved and does not know what to answer.

The senior Kirsanovs are interested in the absence of Bazarov and Arkady talks about him, says that he is a nihilist, a person who does not take principles for granted. Bazarov returned with the frogs, which he carried to the experiment room.

Chapter 6.

During a joint morning tea, a serious dispute flares up in the company between Pavel Petrovich and Eugene. Both do not try to hide their dislike for each other. Nikolai Kirsanov tries to turn the conversation into another direction and asks Bazarov to help him with the choice of fertilizers. He agrees.

In order to somehow change Evgeny's ridicule about Pavel Petrovich, Arkady decides to tell his friend his story.

Chapter 7.

Pavel Petrovich was a military man. Women adored him, and men envied him. At 28, his career was just beginning, and he could go far. But Kirsanov fell in love with a princess. She had no children, but had an old husband. She led the life of a windy coquette, but Pavel fell deeply in love and could not live without her. After parting, he suffered a lot, quit the service and for 4 years traveled for her all over the world.

Returning to his homeland, he tried to lead the same way of life as before, but upon learning of the death of his beloved, he left for the village to his brother, who at that time became a widower.

Chapter 8.

Pavel Petrovich does not know what to do with himself: he is present at the conversation between the manager and Nikolai Kirsanov, he goes to Fenechka to look at little Mitya.

The story of the acquaintance of Nikolai Kirsanov and Fenechka: three years ago he met her at a tavern, where things were going badly for her and her mother. Kirsanov took them to the estate, fell in love with the girl, and after the death of her mother began to live with her.

Chapter 9.

Bazarov meets Fenechka and the child, says that he is a doctor, and if the need arises, they can contact him without hesitation. Hearing Nikolai Kirsanov playing the cello, Bazarov laughs, which causes Arkady's disapproval.

Chapter 10.

For two weeks everyone got used to Bazarov, but treated him differently: the servants loved him, Pavel Kirsanov hated him, and Nikolai Petrovich doubted his influence on his son. Once, he overheard a conversation between Arkady and Eugene. Bazarov called him a retired person, which greatly offended him. Nikolai complained to his brother, who decided to rebuff the young nihilist.

An unpleasant conversation took place during the evening tea. Having called one landowner "rubbish aristocrat", Bazarov displeased the elder Kirsanov, who began to assert that following the principles, a person benefits society. Eugene, in response, accused him of also living meaninglessly, like other aristocrats. Pavel Petrovich objected that the nihilists, by their denial, only aggravate the situation in Russia.

A serious dispute broke out, which Bazarov called senseless and the young people left. Nikolai Petrovich suddenly remembered how a long time ago, being just as young, he quarreled with his mother, who did not understand him. Now the same misunderstanding arose between him and his son. The parallel between fathers and children is the main thing that the author pays attention to.

Chapter 11.

Before going to bed, all the inhabitants of the estate were busy with their thoughts. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov goes to his favorite gazebo, where he remembers his wife and reflects on life. Pavel Petrovich looks into the night sky and thinks about his own. Bazarov invites Arkady to go to the city and visit an old friend.

Chapter 12.

The friends left for the city, where they spent time in the company of Matvey Ilyin, a friend of the Bazarov family, visited the governor and received an invitation to the ball. Bazarov's longtime acquaintance Sitnikov invited them to visit Evdokia Kukshina.

Chapter 13.

They did not like visiting Kukshina, since the hostess looked untidy, had meaningless conversations, asked a bunch of questions, but did not wait for answers. In conversation, she constantly jumped from subject to subject. During this visit, the name of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova was first heard.

Chapter 14.

Arriving at the ball, friends meet Madame Odintsova, a sweet and attractive woman. She shows attention to Arkady, asking him about everything. He talks about his friend and Anna Sergeevna invites them to visit.

Odintsova interested Eugene in her dissimilarity from other women, and he agreed to visit her.

Chapter 15.

Friends come to visit Odintsova. The meeting made an impression on Bazarov and he, unexpectedly, was embarrassed.

Odintsova's story makes an impression on the reader. The girl's father lost and died in the village, leaving the ruined estate to the two daughters. Anna was not at a loss and took up the household. I met my future husband and lived with him for 6 years. Then he died, leaving his fortune to his young wife. She did not like urban society and most often lived on the estate.

Bazarov behaved differently, which greatly surprised his friend. He talked a lot, talked about medicine, botany. Anna Sergeevna willingly kept up the conversation, as she was versed in the sciences. She treated Arkady as a younger brother. At the end of the conversation, she invited the young people to her estate.

Chapter 16.

In Nikolskoye, Arkady and Bazarov met other inhabitants. Anna's sister Katya was shy and played the piano. Anna Sergeevna talked a lot with Yevgeny, walked with him in the garden. Arkady, who liked her, seeing her fascination with a friend, was a little jealous. A feeling arose between Bazarov and Odintsova.

Chapter 17.

While living on the estate, Bazarov began to change. He fell in love, despite the fact that he considered this feeling a romantic bileberd. He could not turn his back on her and imagined her in his arms. The feeling was mutual, but they did not want to open up to each other.

Bazarov meets the manager of his father, who says that his parents are waiting for him, they are worried. Eugene announces his departure. In the evening, a conversation takes place between Bazar and Anna Sergeevna, where they try to understand what each of them dreams of getting out of life.

Chapter 18.

Bazarov confesses his love to Odintsova. In response, he hears: "You did not understand me," and feels extremely uncomfortable. Anna Sergeevna believes that without Eugene she will be calmer and does not accept his confession. Bazarov decides to leave.

Chapter 19.

There was a not entirely pleasant conversation between Madame Odintsov and Bazarov. He told her that he was leaving, he could stay only on one condition, but it was impossible and Anna Sergeevna would never love him.

The next day Arkady and Bazarov leave for Evgeny's parents. Saying goodbye, Odintsova expresses hope for a meeting. Arkady notices that his friend has changed a lot.

Chapter 20.

They were well received at the house of the elders Bazarovs. The parents were very happy, but knowing that their son did not approve of such a manifestation of feelings, they tried to keep more restrained. During lunch, the father talked about how he was doing the household, and the mother only looked at her son.

After dinner, Eugene refused to talk to his father, citing fatigue. However, he did not fall asleep until morning. Fathers and Sons does a better job of portraying intergenerational relationships than other works.

Chapter 21

Bazarov spent very little time in his parents' house, as he was bored. He believed that with their attention they interfere with his work. There was a dispute between friends, which almost turned into a quarrel. Arkady tried to prove that it was impossible to live like that, Bazarov did not agree with his opinion.

Parents, having learned about Evgeny's decision to leave, were very upset, but tried not to show their feelings, especially his father. He reassured his son that if he had to leave, then he had to do it. After leaving, the parents were left alone and were very worried that their son had abandoned them.

Chapter 22.

On the way, Arkady decided to turn into Nikolskoye. Friends were greeted very coldly. Anna Sergeevna did not go down for a long time, and when she appeared, she had a displeased expression on her face and it was clear from her speech that they were not welcome.

In the estate of the Kirsan elders, they were delighted. Bazarov began to deal with wholesalers and his own frogs. Arkady helped his father in managing the estate, but he constantly thought about the Odintsovs. Finally, having found correspondence between his mothers and Madame Odintsova, he finds an excuse to visit them. Arkady is afraid that they will not welcome him, but one of them was greeted warmly and cordially.

Chapter 23.

Bazarov understands the reason for Arkady's departure and devotes himself completely to work. He retires and no longer argues with the inhabitants of the house. He treats everyone badly, making an exception only for Fenichka.
Once in the gazebo they talked a lot, and, deciding to check his thoughts, Bazarov kissed her on the lips. This was seen by Pavel Petrovich, who silently went into the house. Bazarov felt uneasy, his conscience awoke.

Chapter 24.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is offended by Bazarov's behavior and challenges him to a duel. Confess home in true reasons they do not want to and say that they fought because of political differences. Evgeny wounds Kirsanov in the leg.

Having completely ruined his relationship with the Kirsanov elders, Bazarov leaves for his parents, but on the way turns to Nikolskoye.

Arkady is more and more interested in Anna Sergeevna's sister, Katya.

Chapter 25.

Katya talks with Arkady and convinces him that without the influence of a friend he is completely different, sweet and kind. They try to declare their love to each other, but Arkady gets scared and hurries away. In his room, he finds Bazarov who has arrived, who told him about what happened in Maryino in his absence. Having met with Madame Odintsova, Bazarov admits his mistakes. They tell each other that they want to be just friends.

Chapter 26.

Arkady confesses his love to Katya, asks for her hand in marriage, and she agrees to become his wife. Bazarov says goodbye to his friend, viciously accusing him of not being suitable for decisive matters. Eugene leaves for his parents' estate.

Chapter 27.

Living in his parents' house, Bazarov does not know what to do. Then he begins to help his father, heals the sick. Opening a peasant who died of typhus, he accidentally wounds himself and becomes infected with typhus. A fever sets in, he asks to send for Madame Odintsova. Anna Sergeevna arrives and sees a completely different person. Before his death, Eugene tells her about his real feelings, and then dies.

Chapter 28.

Six months have passed. Two weddings took place in one day, Arkady with Katya and Nikolai Petrovich with Fenya. Pavel Petrovich went abroad. Anna Sergeevna also got married, becoming a companion not out of love, but out of conviction.

Life went on and only two old people constantly spent time at the grave of their son, where two Christmas trees grew.

This brief retelling of "Fathers and Sons" will help you understand the main idea and essence of the work, for deeper knowledge we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full version.

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Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 41087.

On May 20, 1859, at the inn, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is waiting for his son Arkady. The fate of Nikolai Petrovich was not always easy. His father is a fighting general, so a military career was a priority in the family. The older brother, Pavel, had a predisposition for this type of activity, but the younger brother, Nikolai, was far from military service and a little cowardly for this. A leg injury chained him to the bed for 2 months (later, he remained lame) and saved him from "military service". At the age of 18, he entered the university. The father suddenly died of a stroke, and the mother did not live long after that - soon the brothers were left orphans. As soon as the days of mourning passed, Nikolai married the daughter of the official, Prepolovensky. For ten years, the couple lived in perfect harmony, then Kirsanov's wife died. Having barely survived the loss, Nikolai Petrovich returned to the village - he found consolation in his son. When Arkady grew up, his father took him to the university. For three winters he lived with him in the city, on the fourth he returned to his estate.

Chapter II

Arkady meets with his father. Nikolai Petrovich is very excited. The son introduces him to his friend Yevgeny Bazarov, about whom he "often wrote." Bazarov will stay at the Kirsanovs' house indefinitely. Arkady sits down in his father's carriage. Eugene continues to ride the tarantass.

Chapter ІІІ

Emotions overwhelm Nikolai Petrovich - he is happy with the arrival of his son - all the time trying to hug him. On the way, he asks Arkady about his affairs, a new friend. Bazarov is a future doctor. In general, he is a curious and versatile person. The father informs his son about the death of the nanny and that the girl Fenya lives in the house. Nikolai Petrovich had to sell the timber - he needed money. This news saddens his son. “Sorry for the forest,” he says.
Eugene asks Arkady for a match. Bazarov lights a cigarette, Kirsanov the son keeps him company. Nikolai Petrovich never smokes, so the acrid smell of tobacco is unpleasant to him, but he tries not to show it so as not to offend his son.

Chapter IV

Nobody came out to meet the newcomers. Nikolai Petrovich leads Arkady and Eugene into the house. There he gives the order to the servant to prepare dinner. A well-built, neatly dressed man comes out to meet him. This is Arkady's uncle, Pavel Petrovich, who decided to greet his nephew who had arrived.

Acquaintance with Bazarov did not bring positive emotions to his uncle, he did not like Eugene. At dinner everyone was laconic, especially Bazarov. After that, everyone went about their business. Arkady and Yevgeny went to the rooms. Bazarom shares with Arkady his impressions of his relatives. With a sneer he speaks of his uncle: “What panache in the village, just think about it! Nails, nails, at least send them to the exhibition! " Arkady gently stands up for his uncle, explaining that Yevgeny simply knows little about Pavel Petrovich, so he seems eccentric to him. The friends went to their rooms. Arkady falls asleep with a happy smile on his face. Eugene was also awake for a short time. Nikolai Petrovich, impressed by the arrival of his son, could not sleep for a long time. His brother sat for a long time after midnight - he had a magazine in his hands, but he did not read it, but studied the lights in the fireplace. Fenichka slept restlessly - from time to time she glanced at her little son.

Chapter V

Eugene woke up before everyone else and went for a walk. He quickly ran around the entire courtyard and found him not in the very in the best possible way- only the gazebo was in good condition. Bazarov met local boys, they all go together to catch frogs for experiments.

Nikolai Petrovich comes to his son's room and finds him already dressed. They go down to the veranda to drink tea. Arkady suspects that Fenya is not accidentally ill. His father confirms his guess: "she is ashamed." Therefore, Arkady goes to her room, where he meets his brother. Returning, the young man reproaches his father for not telling him about his brother. Seeing the joy of his son, Nikolai Petrovich was moved. Pavel Petrovich comes to the veranda, he joins the embracing ones. Father and uncle learn that Bazarov is a nihilist (a person who denies any principles and authorities). For the older generation, this trend looks strange. Bazarov returns with frogs.

Chapter vii

Eugene joins everyone. The conversation over tea does not go well. Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov begin to argue desperately. “A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet,” says Eugene. Pavel Petrovich tries to defend his opinion, but Evgeny's monosyllabic answers act depressingly on him. Nikolai Petrovich does not give a final quarrel. He tries to translate the conversation by asking Bazarov for help in matters of agronomy. He agrees, but, critically notes: "First, you need to learn the alphabet and then take up the book, but we have not yet seen the basics." “Well, you, I see, are like a nihilist,” thought Nikolai Petrovich. However, he did not express his opinion on this matter.

Left alone with Arkady, Eugene expresses bewilderment at his uncle's behavior. Arkady is trying to stand up for Pavel Petrovich. “You have already treated him too harshly,” says Arkady, but Bazarov is not embarrassed by this fact, he is sure of the correctness of his deed.

Chapter vii

To change the attitude of a friend to his uncle, Arkady tells the story of his life. Pavel Petrovich, like his brother, received his primary education at home, then his training continued in military service. “From childhood he was distinguished by remarkable beauty; besides, he was self-confident, a little mocking and somehow funny acrimonious - he could not help but like him. " Soon Kirsanov became popular, they wanted to see him as a guest in many decent houses.

Once he met Princess R. Not the most decent rumors circulated about her. And to be honest, she led a strange life. "She had a well-bred and decent, but stupid husband and had no children." Kirsanov fell madly in love with her. Unfortunately, this feeling was not mutual. Pavel Nikolaevich was jealous of the princess, followed her all the time and soon tired of her. After parting, Kirsanov's life went downhill. He left the service and traveled for four years for his beloved abroad, but never achieved reciprocity. Pavel Petrovich returned home hoping to live the same life. The news of the death of Princess R. finally knocked him out of the rut - he came to live with his brother in the village.

Chapter VIII

Pavel Petrovich does not know how to have fun. Out of boredom, he goes to Fena to look at his little nephew Mitya: "What a butuz". Suddenly Nikolai Petrovich enters Fenechka's room.
Arkady's father met Fenya three years ago. He had to stop at a tavern.

The cleanliness and order that reigned everywhere surprised him pleasantly, so he offers a job to Fenya's mother, Arina, on his estate. Things were going badly in their inn, so she agrees. After a while, Arina dies, and Kirsanov falls head over heels in love with a young girl.

Chapter IX

Bazarov meets Fenya. He liked the girl. He, with her permission, takes Mitya in his arms. The boy sits calmly in Eugene's arms, which surprises Feni and Dunya. Arkady also decides to take his brother, but the baby throws a tantrum. Bazarov tells Fene that if something happens she can safely turn to him for help. After, he and Arkady leave. From the house came the sound of a cello. This is Nikolai Petrovich playing in free time... Such an occupation for a 44-year-old man causes an attack of ridicule on the part of Bazarov, "but Arkady, no matter how much he reveled in his teacher, this time did not even smile."

Chapter X

Two weeks have passed since the arrival of Arkady and Eugene. People around him had a double impression of Bazarov. The courtyards loved him, Fena liked him too. Once the girl had to wake up a young doctor - Mitya "had seizures." Bazarov successfully provided assistance, helped Fena to sit with the child.

Pavel Petrovich hated the guest, and his brother was afraid of Eugene and his influence on Arkady.

Nikolai Petrovich becomes an accidental witness to the conversation between Arkady and Eugene. The latter calls him a retired person. Kirsanov Sr. is offended. He shares his impressions with his brother. Arkady, on the advice of a friend, brings Buchner's brochure to his father to read, but the reading does not cause positive impressions.

At supper Bazarov was laconic. An inadvertently spoken phrase about the usefulness of aristocracy (he called one of the representatives of the aristocrats "rubbish aristocrat") was immediately picked up by Pavel Petrovich. There was a scandal. Bazarov accused the aristocrats of living their lives senselessly, and Pavel Petrovich reproached Bazarov for belonging to nihilism that people like Bazarov aggravate the state in Russia.

After the departure of Evgeny and Arkady, Nikolai Petrovich recalls a desperate quarrel with his mother, who did not understand the newfangled tendencies of immediate development. Now such a generational conflict arose between him and Arkady. “The pill is bitter - but you have to swallow it. Now our turn has come, and our heirs can tell us: you say, not our generation, swallow the pill, ”Kirsanov sums up.

Chapter XI

Nikolai Petrovich goes to his favorite gazebo - he recalls his young years and his first wife Maria. "He wanted to keep that blissful time with something stronger than memory." Feni's voice take him out of the dream world. After some time, Kirsanov returns to the house. On the way, he meets his brother, who notes that Nikolai is very pale.

Eugene convinces Arkady to go to the city. There are two reasons for this. The first is an invitation sent to Nikolai Petrovich by Matvey Ilyich Kolyazin. The second is the occasion to see an old friend of Eugene. Friends decide to go.

Chapter XII

Comrades come to the city. They pay a visit to Matvey Ilyich. The absence of Pavel and Nikolai Kirsanov first surprises Kolyazin, then he notes: "Your dad has always been an eccentric."
Arkady and Evgeniev visit the governor and receive an invitation to the ball. Suddenly, on the street, friends meet a friend of Bazarov - Sitnikov. The young man takes them to visit Kukshina.

Chapter XIII

Avdotya Nikitishna Kukshina is an eccentric person. Arkady did not like her: she looked untidy, did not know how to conduct a conversation at all - she asked many questions and did not give the opportunity to answer them, constantly changed the subject, even her gait and plasticity had an irritating effect on Arkady. It seemed to him that the girl looked like an elephant in a china shop, meanwhile, the young man thought, the girl herself, perhaps, considers it rather cute. Evgeny and Viktor (Sitnikov) behaved very cheekily, practically indecent, but this did not embarrass the hostess, but it embarrassed Arkady.

Chapter X IV

The action takes place at a ball given in honor of Matvey Ilyich. Since Arkady dances badly, and Eugene cannot dance at all, there is nothing left to do but watch the audience. Sitnikov joins his friends. Victor sarcastically criticizes everyone present - this process brings him pleasure. Everything changes after the arrival of Odintsova Anna Sergeevna. Sitnikov introduces Bazarov and Kirsanov to the woman. Arkady spends about an hour in conversation with her and falls in love. Bazarov Odintsov is also of interest. He recommends that a friend take advantage of Anna Sergeevna's invitation and pay the woman a visit to the hotel.

Chapter XV

The meeting with Anna Sergeevna made an impression on both friends. Arkady noticed with surprise that Yevgeny was embarrassed. Yevgeny himself was also amazed at his reaction, “There’s one time for you! women were scared! " he thought.

From the lyrical digression, the reader learns about the vicissitudes of fate of Anna Sergeevna. Her father lost a lot at cards and soon died. The girls were left orphans - their mother died earlier, even at a time when the family's well-being was good. Anna, at the time of her father's death, was 20, and her sister Katya was 12 years old. The girls had no experience in housekeeping, so Anna resorts to the help of her aunt. Anna marries of convenience and after six years of married life remains a widow. She leads a measured life and avoids the bustle of the city.

During his visit, Bazarov behaved very strangely: he did not resort to his favorite criticism and nihilism, but all the time talked about medicine and botany, which aroused Anna's unprecedented interest in his person. To Arkady Odintsova reacted kindly, it seemed that she took him for a "little brother" and nothing more. Anna invites young people to her estate.

Chapter XVI

Friends do not miss the opportunity and go to Nikolskoye to Odintsova. Here they meet her younger sister Katya and her aunt. Anna devotes more time to Bazarov. She willingly keeps up a conversation on the topic of biology and geology. Eugene is flattered by such attention, he does not behave as usual. Arkady has mixed feelings: resentment and jealousy. He has no choice but to spend time with Katya. She is a sweet and modest girl, plays the piano well. Music becomes the link that allows them to keep the conversation going.

Chapter XVII

The time spent at Odintsova's estate flies by unnoticed. Friends feel at ease here, despite the fact that they have to adjust to the existing schedule of the day. Eugene notes that it is rather boring to live according to the regime, meanwhile, Anna claims that only in this way can one not die of boredom in the village.

Eugene changed dramatically, the reason for this was his love for Anna. He began to avoid communicating with Arkady, there was a feeling that Bazarov was ashamed and felt uncomfortable. Eugene's love is mutual, but Anna is in no hurry to admit this and is trying to maintain at least a minimum distance in relation to Eugene.

Arkady is sad, he is hurt by the fact that preference was given not to him, but to a friend. Over time, Kirsanov finds pleasure in spending time with Katya: he can discuss with her what Bazarov does not encourage - music and nature.

The manager of Bazarov's father meets Yevgeny and informs him that the parents are worried about the absence of their son and are looking forward to his arrival. Eugene decides to go.

Chapter XVIII

Anna invites Bazarov to continue yesterday's conversation about the goals of life. He agrees. During the conversation, Eugene confesses his love, but does not receive a return move. Anna decided that "calmness is still the best in the world" and therefore reduced the whole situation to the fact that Bazarov misunderstood her, and she Bazarova.

Chapter xix

Odintsova can hardly restrain her emotions. The situation is saved by the arrival of Porithy Platonovich, a neighbor who loved to play cards. The newcomer jokes a lot, tells all sorts of stories, thus relieving the atmosphere that arose after the explanations of Eugene and Anna.

In the future, the unpleasant conversation of the lovers reinforces the depressing impression - Eugene secretly wishes Anna to invite him to stay and not leave, but Anna pretends not to understand. “After all, excuse my insolence, do not love me and will never love” - as a result Bazarov tells her.

Sitnikov arrives and this a little saves the tense situation again. In a private conversation, Evgeny tells Arkady that he is leaving. Kirsanov decided to keep him company. Arkady expresses bewilderment at the arrival of Victor. “We need the Sitnikovs. To me, you understand this, I need such boobies. It is not for the gods, in fact, to burn the pots! " - Eugene answers him.

We bring to your attention the story of I. Turgenev "Asya", which talks about the uneasy relationship between the girl Asya and the narrator.

After this phrase, Kirsanov gets a feeling of bewilderment: “So we are gods with you? that is, you are a god, and am I a fool? "Yes," repeated Bazarov sullenly, "you are still stupid."
On the way to Bazarov's parents, Arkady notices that his friend has changed a lot. "Nothing! Let's get better, ”says Eugene.

Chapter XX

Friends are coming. Bazarov's father and mother meet them. The mother was very moved - she constantly tries to hug and kiss her son.

“Well, full, full, Arisha! Stop it, ”her husband calms down. The parents received the newcomers well. Despite the fact that they did not expect any guests today, the mother managed to set a good table. After lunch, Evgeny's father (Vasily Ivanovich) wanted to talk to his son, but he, citing fatigue, refused. Eugene himself could not sleep until morning - bitter memories of Anna haunted him.

Chapter XXI

Arkady woke up and saw that Vasily Ivanovich was digging up the beds. Kirsanov went out into the street. He talks with Eugene's father about his son: he expresses his admiration for him and predicts his future fame. Bazarov's parents made the best impression on Arkady.

In a conversation with a friend, Kirsanov tries to convey the idea that Yevgeny's life is absurd. Bazarov allows himself to speak extremely rudely towards his friend, and to exalt himself. "You are a gentle soul, a brat, where can you hate! .. You are shy, you have little hope of yourself" - he asserts.

Eugene reproaches his friend for his ability to speak beautifully, compares him to Pavel Petrovich, and at the end calls his uncle an idiot. Such treatment offends Kirsanov, Yevgeny tries to expose the current situation in the light of kindred feelings, convincing Arkady that he stubbornly refuses to accept the obvious.

The resulting dispute turned into a quarrel. The unexpected appearance of Vasily Ivanovich prevents the further development of the conflict.

Evgeny and Arkady are leaving. The parents are upset that their son has left, but they are unable to change the situation: “the son is a cut-off piece”.

Chapter XXII

On the way, friends stop by at Nikolskoe. Anna Sergeevna is extremely unhappy with their arrival and does not seek to hide it. The inhospitable reception intensified the state of despondency and melancholy.

In Maryino (the Kirsanovs' estate), visitors were welcomed - they had time to miss them and were looking forward to their return. After asking about the trip, life returned to its usual course: Eugene again took up experiments with frogs and ciliates, Nikolai Pavlovich was busy with hired workers, Arkady tried, if not to help his parent, then at least to create such an appearance. In one of the conversations with his father, Arkady learns that they have letters of correspondence between Arkady's mother and Anna and Katerina Odintsov's mother. He decides to take the letters to Nikolskoye, because he missed him, and the letters became a great reason for the trip. On the way, the young man is afraid that he will be an unwanted guest. But everything turned out differently. Surprisingly, Anna spoke to him "in a gentle voice and went to meet him, smiling and squinting from the sun and wind."

Chapter XXIII

The real purpose of Arkady's trip to Nikolskoye was not hidden from Bazarov. After the district of Kirsanov, Evgeny fell into research and solitude. He ceases to argue with the tenants, but he still has a dislike for them. The only person to whom he treats favorably is Fenya. Gradually, he becomes closer to a woman and falls in love with her. Fenya also has a liking for Bazarov. She feels easy and at ease with him.

Once in the gazebo, Eugene, under the pretext of sniffing a plucked rose, contrives to kiss Fenya. Pavel Petrovich becomes a witness of this scene. Evgeny and Fenya leave the gazebo.

Chapter XXIV

Pavel Petrovich comes to Bazarov's room and challenges him to a duel. The real reason was a kiss in the gazebo, however, another version was put forward for those around him: dislike caused by disagreements.

In a duel, Eugene wounds the opponent in the leg. Pavel Petrovich loses consciousness. Bazarov helps him.

By evening, the patient's condition worsened, although neither Bazarov nor the visiting doctor found the wound dangerous.

Pavel Petrovich is talking with Fenya. He tells her that he saw a kiss in the gazebo, asks her never to leave her brother: "What could be worse than loving and not being loved!"
Pavel Petrovich asks his brother to fulfill his request - to marry Fen.

Chapter XXV

Katya and Arkady became very close. Bazarov arrives unexpectedly. He decided to personally tell Arkady about what happened in Maryino. Evgeny thinks that Kirsanov has come to explain himself to Anna Sergeevna and this makes him angry. Arkady tries to convince his friend that Anna is not the object of his adoration, but Eugene does not believe. Bazarov talks about Arkady's love for Anna to Anna herself and, seeing her amazement, realizes that Arkady did not lie to him.

Chapter XXVI

Kirsanov talks about his feelings to Katya and learns about their reciprocity. He intends to marry a girl. Bazarov leaves for his parents.

They say goodbye to Arkady, with no hope of meeting ever again.

Chapter XXVII

The Bazarovs are very pleased with the return of their son, which cannot be said about Eugene. He misses his parents' house and does not know what to do with himself. Gradually begins to help his father in the treatment of patients. “Bazarov once even pulled out a tooth from a visiting peddler,” which became a matter of pride for Vasily Ivanovich.

An accidental cut caused Eugene to contract typhus.

He realizes that he does not have long to live and asks through his father to convey the request to Odintsova. Eugene wants to see her. Anna Sergeevna is coming. Eugene is already in serious condition, he tells the woman about his real feelings for her and falls asleep. “Bazarov was no longer destined to wake up. By evening he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died. "

Chapter XXVIII

Six months have passed. On the same day Nikolai Petrovich and Fenya, Arkady and Katya got married. Pavel Petrovich recovered and went abroad. Arkady became interested in the affairs of the estate and not without success - soon things went smoothly. Anna Sergeevna, over time, also got married, but, it is true, not for love. For everyone, further life turned out well, except for two old people who came to the grave and sobbed long and inconsolably. There, under a silent stone, their son Yevgeny was buried.

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