Tertz is a card game. Free download. Rules of the game. How to play the game. Free download deberz card game deberz game of cards android

The card game Deberts (Deberts or Debchik) is very popular in Russia and the CIS countries (mainly in Ukraine). The game has its own varieties, which are popular in Ukraine - klabor and belote. The origin of the game is not exactly known and has many options, all of which agree that the game originated in the 20th century, mainly in the USSR. The game is logical, where everything depends on the skill of the player, so playing Deberts is quite exciting. Our site hosts regular Debertsu tournaments.

where you can play online Deberc. Compete with live opponents and win prizes!

Deberts terms

Ante - initial bet.
Tertz - the name of a combination of three consecutive cards in rank
Bertz (fifty dollars) - the name of a combination of four consecutive cards
Bide (byte) - a situation in which the player who ordered the game does not interrupt the whistlers
Hanging bide - a situation when the whistlers and the player gain the same number of points
Bella (bella) - the trump queen and the king
The last one is the last bribe
Freza - the bottom card of the remaining deck after all cards have been dealt

Deberc rules

Number of players: from 2 to 4, in a four-player game - doubles
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Seniority of cards: non-trump: 7,8,9, J, Q, K, 10, A and trump: 7,8, Q, K, 10, A, 9, J
The cost of cards in accordance with seniority: no trump suit: 0,0,0,2,3,4,10,11 and trump suit: 0,0,3,4,10,11,14,20
Purpose of the game: be the first to dial 301 (in a two-player game) or 501 (in a three-player and four-player game)
The dealer is selected automatically. Then the dealer changes clockwise. Before the start of the game, all players place an initial bet (ante). Each player is dealt 6 cards (3 cards at a time), the top card from the remaining deck is removed - this is a trump card. The rest of the deck is placed on the table next to the trump card. Bidding begins, where the player has the right to say "pass" or "play". If the player said "I play", then he agrees to play with an open trump card, and the rest of the players become whistlers. If all players said "pass", then each player is asked in turn to choose a trump suit for the game or say "pass". If all players fold again, then the cards are discarded and the next player from the dealer deals the cards in a new way.

The player who ordered the game must score more points than the whistlers together. If the whistlers have more points in total, then the player gets a bide, and his points go to the whistlers and are divided equally. If the player and the defenders have scored the same number of points, then a so-called hanging bide occurs, when the player's points are played in the next round as additional.

After the game is ordered, the players are dealt another 3 cards (in the case of a four-player game - 2), and the bottom card of the remaining deck is opened and placed on top of the deck - a cutter (it is only informative). Next, a circle of announcements of combinations begins, which can bring additional points to the players.

9 cards (in the case of a four-player game - 8 cards) in hand allow you to have the following combinations: tertz, tibia, 2 treads, 2 treads, 3 treads, 1 tibia and 1 third.

A tertz is a combination of three consecutive cards (for example, 7 8 9 or K 10 A. or trump card A 9 J). A top is a combination of four consecutive cards (for example, 7 8 9 J or Q K 10 A). When making a combination, you cannot use the cards already involved in the combinations (thus, you cannot declare, for example, the thirds from the sequence of diamonds 7 8 9 and the thighs from the sequence of diamonds 9 J Q K). If the players have the same combinations, then the combination that has a higher rank wins (for example, a third from J - 8 9 J, older than a third from 9 - 7 8 9). If the combinations are equal in rank, then the trump combination wins. If the combinations are equal in all respects, then the one that was announced earlier wins. There is also a separate combination of cards, which is announced during the game before the player makes a move - bella (trump queen and king). The bertz is older than any grater. If a thigh has been declared, then the player cannot declare a tertz, 2 tertsi and 3 tertsi. Example: The first player announced 2 tertz, the second player also has a tertz and he asks the first "From what?" or "Growth?" The first player is obliged to say from what he has the most senior tertz - for example, "from D". Then, if the second has less, he answers "yours", if more, then he is obliged to say from what - for example, "from K" or "from D in the trump cards." In this case, the combination of the second player is valid, but the first is not. Players must announce all combinations before the start of the draw. The player, whose combination was valid, is obliged to show it to the others with his first move.

Additional points for combinations are counted only if the player took at least one trick and are equal to the following values:
- Tertz - 20
- Bertz - 50
- Bella - 20
Bella points are awarded in any case.

After the announcement circle, the players start the draw. The player who ordered the game goes first.

The rest clockwise must respond with a card of the same suit. If there is no such suit, then the trump suit. If there is no trump card, then any. If the first move was made with a trump card, then the rest of the players who have trump cards of greater value in their hands are obliged to interrupt the card from which the move was made. The Kon ends as soon as all the tricks have been played. For the last bribe (last), the player is awarded 10 bonus points.

At the end of the round, the points are counted. The next person to score is the one with the highest score. If the player who ordered the game scored fewer whistlers in total, then a bide is written to him, and his points are equally distributed between the whistlers. If the whistlers and the player scored the same number of points, then this situation is called a hanging canoe and the player's points will be played in the next knight. Those who whistle their glasses always write. The game is downloaded as soon as one of the players scores more than 301 points in the case of a two-player game, or more than 501 in the case of a three-player or four-player game.

If the game is on a pair, then the pairs form diagonally. When one player orders a game, his game partner automatically becomes a player, and the other pair becomes whistlers. The players, respectively, must score more than the whistlers in total, otherwise they write themselves a bide, and their points are distributed equally between the whistlers.

During the game, if the game is ordered at the first trump, the player who has the trump seven has the right to replace it with the announced trump before his first move (except for the game of four).

Additional rules of the game

Change trump 7k - allows you to replace it with the announced first trump card before the start of the turn.
Bella after a bribe - Bella can only be announced after a bribe.
Mandated - The last player cannot fold when choosing his trump.
The cutter is visible - the bottom card of the remaining deck after all cards have been dealt (when playing with four players, the cutter is not visible).

Tertz is a game for intellectuals. The story of his origin has created a romantic reputation for him: Tertz was born in late XIX centuries in the penal prisons of Sakhalin and Siberia. They play tertz only together with a deck of 32 sheets.

The lot determines the donor. A total of 9 cards are dealt in each hand, three at a time. The sender himself receives the cards last. The rest of the deck (coupon) is placed on the table. The top card in the coupon is revealed - this is how the trump card is determined. The first to move is the deliverer's opponent. They walk one card at a time. After each move, the cards are removed from the deck - up to nine.

Cards are put in suit regardless of their seniority or are beaten with a trump card, but only until the last card is taken from the coupon.

After the first trick is played, the player who did not take it removes several cards from the deck and puts them under the bottom of the deck. This is called “breaking the deck”. The trump card remains on top, and the cards get from underneath. The one who took the first trick does not take cards from the deck until it is broken. When the deck is over, new rules come into play.

You can move suit in suit. There is no suit - to beat with a trump card. And only when there is no suit or trump card can any card be discarded. The opponent's card must be interrupted. At will, the player can put only the jack of trump. If a player has a trump seven, he can replace it with an open trump at any time before his move. Such a replacement is possible until only two cards remain in the deck. During the game, partners can watch bribes each other, but only as long as the deck contains at least four cards.

The game is considered over when any of the players scores 500 points or more. If bribes are taken into account when calculating points, then 501 points must be collected.

The seniority of the cards is different in the trump and non-trump suits. Non-trump suit: ace - 11 points, ten - 10 points, king - 3 points, queen - 2 points, jack - 1 point. Nine, eight and seven are not scored in points.

Trump suit: jack - 20 points, nine - 13, all other cards are evaluated in the same way as in the non-trump suit.

Points in tricks are calculated by adding all cards in tricks, as well as for the announced combinations. The last trick is worth 10 points.

Before his move, a player can declare the received combination, but points are awarded only to the player who has the highest combination. The combinations by seniority are distributed as follows:

  • 4 jacks - 200 points (the player says: two hundred jacks);
  • 4 aces - 100 points (one hundred aces);
  • 4 kings - 100 points (one hundred kings);
  • 4 ladies - 100 points (one hundred ladies);
  • 8 cards of the same suit in a row - 100 points (announced: one hundred - eight);
  • 7 cards of the same suit in a row - 100 points (one hundred - seven);
  • 6 cards of the same suit in a row - 100 points (one hundred - six);
  • 5 cards of the same suit in a row - 100 points (one hundred - five);
  • 4 cards of the same suit in a row - 50 points (fifty);
  • 3 cards of the same suit in a row - 20 points (tertz).

Mariage - a combination of a trump king and a queen is estimated at 20 points. Maryage does not interrupt a single combination, but he himself cannot be interrupted.

With the same number of cards in combinations, the highest of them is the one in which older card... With a sequence, the suit is higher, the one that is longer. With equal length and equal merits, the combination that has a trump card is more appreciated. With trump suits in a similar situation, the advantage is given to the one that was announced earlier.

It is permissible when one card from a sequential combination is included in the combination at its value. Marriage can be included in any combination, in this case the seniority is not determined.

Declarations are made by the player before his turn if he has nine cards in his hand. It is necessary to speak briefly and clearly: "tertz", "one hundred ladies." Combinations can be interrupted by the enemy. If the partner does not understand the seniority of the combination, the opponent must name the highest card. If the partner has a higher combination, he must declare this and show his cards. In case of an unbroken combination, the player who made the statement can immediately write down the points. In this case, it is necessary to explain what he writes for. Show cards when requested.

Marriage is declared before any move, as long as the player has the cards of this combination in his hands.

At the end of the game, a summary is made. The total number of points is 150. The player who has the fewest bribes counts his points. The second player determines his score by subtracting the first player's total from one hundred and fifty. The points earned after each game are added to the total. The amount in three is rounded. If the number ends in five, then rounding goes down.

New cards are dealt by the one who took the last trick.

There is a system of penalties in tertz. For a false announcement, the opponent scores himself as many points as was in the false announcement. The person who made a false announcement must write down a "hundred uphill" for himself: to end the game, he needs to score one hundred points more.

For "someone else's rise" (a card taken out of turn) the player is punished very seriously: his game is considered lost. If a player has an extra card in his hand, then his game is also considered lost. For incorrect counting (or recording) of points, the sum of the assigned points is deducted, and the opponent adds it to his sum of points.

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Tierce - card game. Free download. Download game Tertz Number of decks: 1 Number of cards in a deck: 32 Number of players: 2 Precedence of cards: in non-trump suit - 7, 8, 9, V, D, K, 10, T; in a trump suit - 7, 8, D, K, 10, T, 9, V. Target games: Score 501 or more points first. Tertz game is gaining more and more popularity in the category Card... On this moment already over 11 users rated the game with a 3.3-star rating. And with the update dated January 15, 2014. the game just got better! Decided download? Now all you have to do is download game Tertz on android, and it's as easy as shelling pears to do it. You just need to click on one of the buttons, and the download will start immediately full version games! Here you can play online deberts is free with friends, as well as take part in online Debertsu tournaments. Card game deberts online. Description games. Tierce- the name of a combination of three consecutive cards Bertz. Encyclopedia "Gambling House" (Game-Wiki) is a unique publication of this kind. Here are the rules games, both widely known and almost unknown. Cards, dice, backgammon, majiang, poker, blackjack and roulette Numerous solitaire games and fortune telling - all this is combined under one cover, provided with a lot of information about the role games in the life of famous people: Russian writers and tsars, actors and generals.

Deberts is one of the most widespread card games among the CIS countries, and we invite you to play it on your devices.
You can play with your friends at any time convenient for you, whenever you want!
Compete, build your reputation among other players, and become the best!

Features of the game:
- Multiplayer;
- real time mode;
- big (1001) game, small (501) game and distribution;
- excellent graphics and pleasant soundtrack;
- intuitive interface;
- an Internet connection is required;
- Game Center


Number of players:
Deberts can be played by two, three, four.

Card seniority:
In a non-trump suit: ace, ten, king, queen, jack, nine, eight, seven.
In the trump suit: jack, nine, ace, ten, king, queen, eight, seven.

Purpose of the game:
In a game consisting of several deals, the first player to score 501 or 1001 points.

tertz: three cards of the same suit in a row, for example 7,8,9 (20 points).
fifty kopeck: four, five or six cards of the same suit in a row, for example 7,8,9,10 (50 points).
Bella (pronounced Bella): Trump Marriage, that is, the Trump Queen and the King (20 points).
deberts: seven trump cards in a row (end of the game).

The first one is set by the initiator of the game and passes the deck clockwise for the next game.

When a game is announced with a trump suit open upon delivery, any player who has a trump seven has the right to exchange it for a trump card opened on the table.

Combination declaration:
If the players have combinations, then they declare the highest card in the combination and the combination. Only one player who has a higher combination and a card, all his combinations are counted, the rest do not count anything.

The precedence rules are as follows:
Any fifty dollars is older than any grater. If the combinations are equal, the higher card has an advantage. In case of equality of combinations, the trump combination has the advantage. If both identical combinations are not trump cards, then the combination will be considered by the player in the order of the deal.

Bella is not announced before the start of the game: her player has the right to declare in the game.

The game:
During the game, players take bribes. The first move is made by the player sitting behind the dealer on the left hand. On the card put by the player, the next player puts his card in the suit, in the absence of a suit - a trump card, in the absence of a suit and a trump card - demolishes any card. The bribe is taken by the one whose card is higher. If the move is made a trump, and the next player has a smaller trump and a larger trump, then the player is obliged to play with a larger trump.

The players add up the points of the cards contained in their tricks.

The cards are scored as follows:
seven, eight and nine (not trump cards) - 0 points
ace - 11 points
ten - 10 points
king - 4 points
lady - 3 points
jack (not trump) - 2 points.
Jack of Trump - 20 points
nine trump - 14 points

Bonuses for combinations and a bonus for the last trick "Last" (10 points) are added to the points that make up the sum of the cards.

Bonus conditions:
Points for tertsi and fifty dollars are recorded to the player only if he took at least one, even if it is empty. Points for Bella are recorded in any case if she was announced. The points received by the players are recorded in the table.

In each deal, the player who announced the trump card must take the most points. If the player who announced the trump took fewer points than the opponent, then the player's points are recorded to the one who took the most points, and the player is recorded (Bide), indicated by the letter "B" in the table. The baids are summed up and after the second baid each subsequent one subtracts 100 points from the player's total score. If there is a rare situation, the so-called "eggs", when the player's opponents scored the same number of points, then the player's points are recorded separately (the so-called hanging bide). They will be received by the one of the rivals who will score the most points in the next deal.

In the absence of a bribe, the player receives "Ski" and minus 50 points from the player's total score.

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Number of players: 2
Card seniority: in a non-trump suit - 7, 8, 9, V, D, K, 10, T; in the trump suit - 7, 8, D, K, 10, T, 9, V.
Purpose of the game: score 501 or more points first.
Rules of the game. The first donor is determined by lot, then the player who takes the last trick deals. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and 9 cards are dealt to each player. The sender himself receives the cards last. The rest of the deck becomes a ticket and is placed on the table. The top card of the deck is removed and placed next to the deck. This card is a trump card. The first move belongs to the deliverer's opponent. They walk one card at a time. After each turn, the cards are drawn from the coupon to nine. Cards in response must be put in a suit, if there is no such card, then you must put a trump card, but only until the card runs out in the coupon. When the cards in the coupon run out, it is necessary to interrupt the opponent's card: put the card senior suit, or put the highest trump card, if the card is a trump card. At will, the player can put only the jack of trump. After the first trick is played, the player who did not take it removes several cards from the deck and puts them under the bottom of the deck, this is called breaking the deck. The player who took the first trick does not take cards from the deck until the deck is broken. If a player has a trump seven, then he can at any time before his turn replace it with an open trump, but provided that there are at least two cards in the deck. During the game, players can watch each other's bribes, but only if there are at least four cards in the deck. The game is considered over if one of the players scores 501 points or more. Points are calculated in the course of the game for the drawn cards and for the shown combinations. A player can declare his combination before his move if he has nine cards in his hand, if the opponent has a higher combination, then he must declare this and show his cards, points for the combination are awarded only to the player who has the highest combination. Marriage is declared before any move. The points are calculated as follows. The total number of points is 150. The player who has the fewest bribes counts his points. The second player determines his score by subtracting the first player's total from one hundred and fifty. The points earned after each game are added to the total points. The sum of points is rounded down by 5 units. For example, if the sum of points ends in 135, then round up to 130.

Points for cards in non-trump suit: ace - 11 points, 10 - 10 points, king - 3 points, queen - 2 points, jack - 1 point, all other cards have no points.
Points for cards in a trump suit: jack - 20 points, 9 - 13 points, ace - 11 points, 10 - 10 points, king - 3 points, queen - 2 points, all other cards have no points.
The last bribe- 10 points.

Points for combinations

20 points - the trump queen and the king (mariage).
20 points - 3 cards of the same suit in a row (tertz).
50 points - 4 cards of the same suit in a row (fifty).
100 points - 5 cards of the same suit in a row (one hundred and five).
100 points - 6 cards of the same suit in a row (one hundred and six).
100 points - 7 cards of the same suit in a row (one hundred and seven).
100 points - 8 cards of the same suit in a row (one hundred and eight).
100 points - 4 ladies (one hundred ladies).
100 points - 4 kings (one hundred kings).
100 points - 4 aces (one hundred aces).
200 points - 4 jacks (two hundred jacks).

Maryage does not interrupt a single combination and cannot be interrupted by himself. If the number of cards in the players' combinations is the same, then the highest combination is the one in which the card is higher. In sequences, the suit is higher than the one with the longer suit. With equal length and equal value, the combination that has a trump card is more appreciated. In the trump suits, the advantage is given to the one that was announced earlier. It is allowed when one card from a sequential combination is included in the combination of value. Marriage is included in any combination.


For a false announcement, the player is recorded as many points as was in the false announcement. For example, a player who made a false announcement is recorded as "one hundred uphill" and before the end of the game he needs to score 100 points more.
For "someone else's rise", that is, a card taken out of turn, the player is punished with a loss. If the player has an extra card, then the player is also considered a loser.
For incorrect counting or recording of points, the amount of assigned points is deducted, and the opponent adds it to his total points.

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