What does the rich inner world mean. People endowed with a rich inner world, who are they and how to find them? If now it seems to you that your inner world is not so rich

  1. (49 words) in the novel of Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatyana Larina - a girl with a rich inner world. She is raised on high-quality literature, so also counts on a fateful meeting with the hero of "his novel". Tatiana Pensive and silent, but her soul was decorated with bright colors, which he noted by Evgeny himself, preferring to her windy and empty Olga.
  2. (53 Words) in the Comedy of Fonvizin "Nepodelnaya" Prostakova decides to marry his ignorant son Mitrofan on the heir of the richness of the Starugam - Sofye. Unlike Mitrofan, the girl is prudent and virtuous. The character of the heroine clearly speaks of its inner world, rich in true values. Therefore, in the final, she gains happiness, and the simply family becomes as poor externally as internally.
  3. (56 words) Your inner world can be expressed in creativity, as Jukovsky arrived by writing an Elegy "Sea". The enchanted lyrical hero stands on the shore and admires the elements. It is in it that the soul of the poet is revealed: like all the earthly, the sea stretches to the sky and the spirit of the true Creator boil over the bustle. This is one of the deep secrets of the very element of the human element.
  4. (65 words) The inner world of a person can be hidden in his experiences. In the story of Karamzin " Poor Lisa» main character Lives with his feelings. Together with nature, the girl blooms when he feels happy thanks to his beloved erast. However, the chosen one leaves Lisa, which she cannot survive, and rushes into the water. For a girl, love and loyalty is holy, this is the evidence of the wealth of her soul, whom her chosen one did not see in the peasant.
  5. (54 words) The external world of man and the gusts of his soul can absolutely differ. The hero of the poem Lermontov "MTSYRY" lives in the monastery, and he dreams of freedom and return to the depression. His soul is revealed in three days during escape. Meeting with Georgian, endless expanses and battle with Barz enriched the inner world of young men, as a whole life in the wild.
  6. (53 words) Sometimes the essence of a person is manifested in situations where it is able to win anything from the circumstances. So acts xles, the main character Comedy Gogol "The Auditor", when, already sparkling with the role of the verifier, begins to take bribes. And laziness and reluctance of officials work fully reveal the inner world of the power of items. Actions talk about people more than words and promises.
  7. (56 words) loyalty - dignity inner world. Remembering the crying of Yaroslavna from the work of the "Word about the regiment of Igor", we present and admire the nature of the Russian girl who is waiting for their spouse, calling the nature to help him. Not even receiving news, she believes in favor of fate and does not turn away from the difficulties and tests found on her life path. The inner world of the heroine is rich and harmonious.
  8. (55 words) Ancient Greeks believed that every Olympic God had its purpose and spiritual content. For example, Aphrodite is a goddess of love, and Gera is a patronage of marriage. Once the inner world should be in humans, then, of course, it is also from the gods, so people believed that every "Olympians" has its own character quality. For example, the God of Trade Hermes Chither and the deft.
  9. (52 words) The inner world can manifest itself not only in reality, but also in fantasies and dreams. Just like the heroine of Lewis Carolla from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland." The girl meets with unusual characters - Cheshire cat, caterpillar, white rabbit and others. The country of miracles is the inner world of the child, which is so important to maintain an adult person.
  10. (46 words) their cherished dreams embodied the eccentric confectioner Willy Wonka in the work of Roald Dalya "Charlie and a chocolate factory." Wonka is an adult child, so his factory has become a present reflection of his inner hidden peace in reality. Having invested the whole soul into the creation of the plant, Condeter Willie Wonka opened people from the most attractive side.
  11. Examples of life

    1. (63 words) The inner world can be expressed not only in character, but also in creativity. I admire the pictures of the Netherlands artist Vincent Van Gogh, we can consider the particles of his soul, elegantly drawn by strokes. Van Gogh is self-taught, he took reviews of critics too close to heart, although his self-expression met numerous fans. Seeing his "boot", we understand that the painter expressed fatigue and disappointment, and not just portrayed shoes.
    2. (48 words) to turn out the soul inside open with a music language, as many artists do. The British rock band The Beatles would no longer in love with millions of people in themselves and their songs. Large success served not only the form, but also the content of the tracks. The musicians opened their inner world to the listeners, so they were so warmly adopted by the public.
    3. (44 words) Walt Disney not only shared his gift in cartoons, but also embodied his ideas. Disney pleased billions of children and adults the incarnation of their fantasies, giving the world of fairy-tale characters who came to the amusement park. The inner world of Walt Disney turned the real world of each of us.
    4. (54 words) When you first get acquainted with people, for example, I do not open it immediately. At first, they see only appearance, and over time, when I begin to share my impressions, stories, interests, they notice a person in me. Just trusting loved ones, I will reveal my secrets and, thus, I invite them to visit your inner world, like an amusement park.
    5. (59 words) Not so long ago I met a girl who told me that when she reads a poem or any other text, it periodically represents what color is inherent in every letter. The letter "A" it sees only in black color, and the letter "and", for example, exclusively in red. A little repaid door in her imagination, I realized that this person has a rich inner world.
    6. (50 words) Many in childhood gave names to their toys. What is it, if not our own inner world? By comparing a separate group of toys, we represented their family, satisfied with them meetings and built their plans for life. Our imagination is the inner world, therefore, from the earliest age, anyone is interested in his soul.
    7. (65 words) Dreams are an integral part of the inner world of a person. One girl told me that he wanted to learn to sing and dance. In childhood, her scene was a room, a microphone - a comb, and the audience - its reflection in the mirror. Over time, she decided that it was time to go seriously to make a favorite thing. Now she is engaged in vocals and dances and rejoices that he did not leave the part of his world in her room, but tried to realize it.
    8. (65 words) My dad said that since childhood I imagined a certain image of my beloved: the spouse should be carried away by the same as he himself. At the historical faculty, he met my mother and immediately fell in love. Dad realized that she was the same girl from the world presented. Just he was lucky to meet her in real life. So do not be afraid of your inner "I", you need to give him the will to reveal.
    9. (44 words) dreams - the most important element of the inner world of man. I remember, I had a dream that the reverse side of the moon was covered with white chocolate, and there was a deep lake of a light green color nearby. Then, I, of course, found out the truth, but my fictional stories about a particular location remained in my inner world a bright fantastic web.
    10. (59 words) One boy told me how the comics adored. He was seriously fond of many characters: he studied the story, the ability of each of them, and in childhood he sincerely believed that only they were capable of a miracle. The boy did not imagine his world without superheroes, so I decided to become it in real life - help people. Sometimes our inner entity will develop in the vocation, you just need to give it the right to vote.
    11. Interesting? Save on your wall!

Each thoughtful person has its own inner world. Someone he has a bright and rich, rich, as psychologists say, "man with a subtle spiritual organization." In some, on the contrary, a small room filled with phobias and imposed stereotypes. All different, unique, and therefore, the world inside is different. How to understand this manifold, who is who?

What is the inner world of man?

Some call it to the soul, but it is not quite like this: the soul is unchanged, and attitude to the world, leading man In life, may change.

A set of internal qualities of character, image of thinking, moral principles and life position in aggregate with stereotypes, fears - that's what is the inner world. It is multifaceted. This is a worldview, a mental component of a person who is the fruit of his spiritual work.

The structure of the inner world

The subtle mental organization of a person consists of several segments:

Based on the listed, it can be concluded that the inner world is such a clear page, an information matrix as the basis of a human being. In aggregate with the soul and physical body, they form a person as an individual.

Some people have a very developed emotional sphere: they thinly feel what is happening and notice the smallest changes in emotions from others. Others have extremely developed thinking: they are under the power of the most complicated mathematical equations and logical tasks, but if they are poor on sensory plan, they cannot love from all his hearts.

Therefore, it is important if a person wants to reveal the potential laid in each, and expand its inner world to unprecedented horizons, in parallel to develop all segments of its being.

What does rich inner world mean?

Under this term, it is meant that a person lives in harmony with himself and the outside world: people, nature. He lives consciously, and does not swim by the flow, artificially created by society.

This person knows how to create a happy space around him, changing the outside world. The feeling of satisfaction with life, despite all the peripetics, does not leave him. Such a person is trying daily to become better than yesterday, consciously developing in all spheres of his inner world.

The principle and worldview is the same thing?

Principles are template subjective minds of the mind on the situation, people and the world, which often manage man. They are individual for everyone, add up in the process of education and are laid deep into the subconscious of life experience.

The worldview has no templates - it is flexible, but at the same time sustainable, like a bamboo: it can be severely bend, but to break it, you will have to try to very much. These are moral values, priorities in choosing life path and ideas about what life should be.

What is the difference between the external and inner world of man?

What is the outside world? This is a human surrounding space: houses, nature, people and cars, sun and wind. This also includes social relations and interaction with nature. Cognition organs - vision, tactile sensations and smell - also belong to outer peace. And how we react to them, experiencing various emotions, feelings are already the manifestation of the inner world.

At the same time, the inner world of the individual is able to influence the external: if a person is satisfied with life, then he is going to go, work - in pleasure and people surround positive. If, inside a person annoyed or in anger, he condemns everyone and everything, he does not work in everyday life, failures pursue him. Destructuring affects the inner world of phobias and complexes: they distort the perception of peace and people.

Everything with a person occurs in life is the reflection of its internal state, and if there is a desire to change the world, then you need to start with yourself - with the transformation of the indoor space.

How to develop your inner world?

What is so unusual to commit so that the spiritual world began to change? Actually make quite ordinary things:

  1. Proper nutrition. Often the food that people eat, poisons not only their body, but also consciousness. A person with a subtle mental organization will never allow himself to eat another creature, so vegetarianism is the first step.
  2. Walk outdoors. This also includes traveling to other cities or countries, tourist campaigns and just trips outside the city or to the sea. Only with one difference is not gastronomic tours: eat kebabs, drink beer with friends, try all pizza in a new city. Communication with nature is important: to lie down on the grass, admire sunset or dawn, watch animals.
  3. Meditation is one of the most powerful development tools. Just do not confuse this process with closed eyes and crossed legs waiting when the lesson will already end. Meditation is self-analysis, the path inside: a person is immersed in watching his emotions, thoughts or just breathing (in the first stages of mastering his mind).
  4. Reading spiritual books. This does not mean that you need to read the "Bible" or "Bhagavad-Gita", each book is your time, and "Pollyanna" or "Little Prince" are the same highly oral creations.
  5. The ability to be grateful everything surrounds, everything that happens. Even if it goes against the plans. The universe knows what way to send a person to development.

The development of the inner world implies a bright desire, desire and subsequent actions with a complete awareness of what is happening. One "I want" here is little here: "I do" and "regularly" should follow.

Wise men of ancient times said: "What inside, then outside." Psychologists are still guided by this rule, since the world becomes such as the eyes of the looking eye perceive. And the person is often watching through the prism of his own fears, beliefs and other mental plants, which make up its inner world ..

Psychologists noted that the inner worlds different people differ. The inner world should be called the activities of the mental sphere of a person who is most clear that everyone has their own set of beliefs, installations, worldviews, attitudes towards themselves and peace, people, emotions, ideas about themselves and what world he lives in. Simply put, the inner world is emotions, sensations, perception, idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves and about the world, as well as desires, beliefs and principles, values.

Each person has its own inner world, which is definitely unique and unlike the inner worlds of other people. The reason for this becomes many factors:

  1. Genetic features.
  2. Inclinations.
  3. Features of development.
  4. Acquired interests.
  5. Features of education.
  6. Influence of social values.
  7. Life experience.
  8. Features of the work of the highest nervous system.
  9. Ideals.

Also on the development of the inner world, which will be very diverse and quite complicated, affects how a person himself personally perceives the surrounding reality. Through the senses, all people perceive the surrounding information. It only notes that each person analyzes in its own way and draws conclusions in a situation in which another person will perceive otherwise. In the same situation, people perceive the world around differently, that is, through the prism of their own sensations, installations, ratings "bad" and "good".

The inner world affects how a person will perceive the surrounding circumstances and people, while the environment affects what the inner world will be formed and becoming in person.

"Why is the world so cruel?" - Often you can hear from people who have just suffered some defeat in their lives. The loss of something valuable and important, the inability of a person to achieve the desired, makes thinking about the fact that the world is cruel. "It's somehow wrong," says a man who does not understand why the world does not help him live happily, as he wants. And indeed: this world is such a cruel or a person doing something wrong, because of what his life is not as colorful, what would he want to see her?

The world seems to be cruel, because in it he cannot realize those desires that he learned from fairy tales. Man wants to live, as in a fairy tale. He studied the fabulous world well, which was invented, was fictional, because of what could not understand why the real world is not adjusted for him, does not succumb. In the fairy tale, everything is not like in the real world. But since modern man Parents and society are increasingly raising in the spirit of "fabulousness" and "childhood", it is increasingly protected from the real world, which does not look like a fabulous.

Please note that there were previous people earlier, burned on the bonfires, and were crowded. And it was a normal phenomenon for any child of those times. Why? Because the people of those times lived. Each child's parents did not protect them from the knowledge of the real world. If murders occurred, then the children watched these murders. And, growing, they considered it a normal phenomenon.

The modern man is ashamed of fairy tales, lies and romantic stories. It is fencing from the real world. He is instilled the illusory world. Therefore, for such an adult person, the world seems cruel and unfair, since it exists not by the laws that act in the fabulous world. The collision of the fabulous and real causes a person to horrity and understand that the real world is cruel, because he is also.

Why the world is cruel? He is not cruel, it's just not like a fabulous world. And so that this does not cause your unfortunate and unsuccessful existence, you just need to study the real world, not a fabulous one. After all, he always existed, but fairy tales are invented by people. And the world is normal, it's just not like in fictional stories. Therefore, you need to believe not in fairy tales, but to study the real world, so that the desire to make realistic.

The world creates people. The nature itself is harmonious and calm. Therefore, the world in which you live is created by the same people as you. And what will you create the world? Will he be cruel for your children?

What is the inner world of man?

The inner world of man is called his thoughts, ideas, desires, emotions, a globility, an idea of \u200b\u200boneself, other people and the world as a whole. The inner world begins to be born from the first day of life when a person appears on the light. First of all, its formation affects the genetic features and activities of the highest nervous system.

Gradually, a person begins to perceive the world around the emotion. Something he likes, I don't like something. Then the person faces beliefs, fears, complexes and plants of parents. He begins to absorb them in the same way as the principles and moral values \u200b\u200bof society. As a person, a person enriches his inner world by constantly facing various views, installations, understanding what is good and bad.

Often a person changes his inner world. Of course, this is not a cardinal way, but only in some aspects when it is constantly faced with failures and wishes them to exclude from their lives by changing themselves. However, there are individuals, which, on the contrary, under the onslaught failures are increasingly immersed in their established inner world, perceiving the environment as evil and merciless.

The inner world is how a person feels, sees and perceives the world around. It is impossible to say that the inner world is a copy of the external, since it is often a man distortedly perceives the surrounding circumstances, even often comes up with itself what happened and never happened.

The inner world is first formed on the basis of physiological features, then under the influence of the environment (including society), and then as a result of actions, conclusions and conclusions of the person himself.

The inner world affects directly on how a person lives in principle. How successful is the human life? How proud is he proud of? As far as he is pleased with how does it live? Sauters and happiness are the results of what a person came to come after all his reflections and actions. And the actions and decisions of a person always accepts and makes committed from their inner world (for which he pushes a person, what allows you to see what attention does and what allows you to have?).

What does rich inner world mean?

People often use such a concept as a "rich inner world." What does he mean? A rich inner world can be called a person's ability to not just argue about the world and individual aspects, but also to make valuable conclusions, be useful for others. The wealth of the inner world is formed due to the fact that a person is constantly in contact with the outside world. It can be said that the wealth of the inner world is:

  1. Abundance of knowledge.
  2. The development of numerous skills.
  3. The flexibility of the approach to any situation.
  4. The diverse perception of the same situation (a person knows how to respond differently on the same circumstances).
  5. The ability to see the essence of the problems and solve them.

Under the wealth of the inner world is often understood by the wisdom of a person who has seen a lot, through a lot, already knows life in all its diversity and knows the answers to all questions.

All people live on the planet Earth. But only a small part really lives the whole planet, and not the little world that she created herself. Do not go to another extreme, which is that only traveling person knows the world. In order to live an infinite life, it is not necessary to be everywhere and see everything. Not a territorial location indicates how unlimited your world is, and how you feel this world with your chute.

And how unlimited your world is? How to determine?

  • Your fears are the first factor that narrows your perception of the world. What is afraid, you do not want to notice hard. You see your fear and try to avoid it. And this is already depriving the completeness of life, because you are striving to protect yourself from what is afraid.
  • Your feelings and emotions are a second factor limiting the framework of your world. You are experiencing negative feelings and emotions and try to leave there, where these sensations arise. But sometimes the feelings arise not because something is unpleasant to you, and sometimes due to the fact that other people tuned you on a negative way. You were told, for example, what is better not to communicate with a specific person, and you are trying to avoid him, although you really don't know, you like this person or not.
  • Your prejudices and errors are the third factor. "Do not do this, otherwise ...", "Do not do so more, because ...", "After that, I do not communicate with you" and other phrases from adults are absorbed by little children. Naturally, each person as he gradually generates various rules and prohibitions that act on the principle of "if you do so, then you will get it." And often people teach negative programs. A person does not know what to do in order to achieve the desired goal, but he knows that if he is, it will like a limited circle of people. Such a kind of belief and delusion significantly limit the world of any person, because he "slows down" himself in manifestation of his feelings, desires and actions that can harm.
  • Your desire to be, like everyone, obey and like everyone - the fourth factor, limiting your globility. Do you want to live like people? Then see how poorly and sorry many live. Do you think that other people's opinions and evaluations are more correct than your own about yourself? Then why these " smart people»Do not live happily and harmoniously? Do you think it is important to be attractive to others, and not for yourself? Look, and you will see that you are trying to attract those people who do not care for themselves. The thought "I want to do something for the sake of others" makes you forget that you yourself think about yourself and about life: Do you like yourself, how do you personally want to live your own life?

You limit our own world by desires and opinions of other people who contradict each other. It is not surprising that schizophrenia develops from such a variety of thoughts. And what do you think at the expense of any question, especially if it concerns you?

Obviously, the person does everything in order to limit himself in a worldship. Your world is ultimately narrowed to the point (house and circle of friends), which can be fit into one three-room apartment. But the planet is much more than a three-bedroom apartment, and there is much more opportunities in it than you can imagine. So, why limit your own fears, negative emotions and misconceptions?

How to develop your inner world?

The inner world is present in every person. And it does not depend on how much man is engaged in the development of its inner world. You can generally do not do, it will be formed by itself and influence the behavior, reaction and thoughts of the individual. And you can engage in its development.

Under the development of the inner world it is understood that the person will enrich his life experience and control the thoughts and emotions arising within him. It should also be engaged in the flexibility of thinking in solving various situations. Do not react to them unambiguously and lightningly, but to allow yourself to think about and then come to the conclusion how to react to them.

This will help:

  1. - The way to calm your thoughts and emotions.
  2. Maintenance healthy image Life, since the state of the body affects the state of the psyche.
  3. Clash S. real Mir, not escape from him. Here we use travel, dating with a lot of people, reading books, etc.
  4. E and the desire to achieve goals. When a person seeks a person to something, he inevitably becomes obliged to change and supplement his experience with new knowledge and skills.


The inner world is the mental activity of a person who is expressed in thoughts, ideas, emotions, desires, fantasies, ideas about themselves and the surrounding world. The inner world affects how a person evaluates the surrounding environment, which solutions takes and action makes. At the same time, everything that happens in the external environment of a person directly affects what its inner world will become.

Not everyone can call himself a spiritually rich man. Sometimes such controversial definition criteria are mixed or replaced by knowingly incorrect. What signs are the most accurate and what is a spiritually rich man telling the article.

What is it, spiritual wealth?

The concept of "spiritual wealth" can not be interpreted unambiguously. There are controversial criteria, with which the definition of this term is most often given. Moreover, they are individually controversial, together with their help, there is a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual wealth.

  1. Criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man in terms of other people? Often here include such qualities as humanity, understanding, empathy, the ability to listen. Is it possible to consider a spiritually rich man who do not have these qualities? Most likely the answer is negative. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs.
  2. Education criteria. Its essence is that the more educated the person, the richest. And yes, and no, because there are many examples when a person has several formations, he is smart, but his inner world is completely poor and empty. At the same time, the stories are known for individuals who did not have the formation, but their inner world was similar to the flowering garden, the flowers from which they were shared with others. Such an example may be nanny A. S. Pushkin. A simple woman from a small village had no opportunity to get an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in his knowledge of folklore, stories that, perhaps, her spiritual wealth was sparking, lit the flame of creativity in the poet's soul.
  3. Criterion of the history of the genus and homeland. Its essence is that it is impossible to call a spiritually rich man who does not carry knowledge about the historical past of his family and the Motherland.
  4. Criterion faith. The word "spiritual" happened to the word "spirit". Christianity defines a spiritually rich man as a believer living on the commandments and the laws of God.

Signs of spiritual wealth in people

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man, it is difficult to say in one sentence. For each main feature is something your own. But here is the list of damn, without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

  • humanity;
  • empathy;
  • sensitivity;
  • flexible, live mind;
  • love for the motherland and knowledge of her historical past;
  • life according to the laws of morality;
  • knowledge in various spheres.

What does spiritual poverty behave

In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person there is a disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

Understanding what it means to be a spiritually rich whole person, it is impossible to reveal without negative qualitieswho should not be present in life:

  • ignorance;
  • worn;
  • life for their pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
  • ignorance and inosphection of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

This is not the entire list, but the presence of several traits can define a person as spiritually poor.

What does the spiritual depletion of the people behave? Often, such a phenomenon pushes to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to his death. So the man works, that if it does not develop, does not enriches his inner world, it degrads. The principle "Do not go up - roll down" here is very fair.

How to deal with spiritual poverty? Someone from scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only kind of wealth, which is impossible to deprive a person. If you fill your inner world with light, knowledge, good and wisdom, then it will remain with you for life.

Methods of spiritual enrichment quite a few. The most effective of them is reading worthy books. This is a classic, although, many modern authors also write good works. Read the books, respect your story, be a man with a capital letter - and then the spirit of the Spirit will not touch you.

What does it mean to be spiritually rich man

Now we can clearly outline a person with a rich inner world. Spiritually rich man, what is he? Most likely, a good interlocutor, knows how not only to say, so that he was listening to, but also listen to with him I wanted to talk. He lives on the moral law of society, honest and sincerely with his surroundings, he knows what empathy is, and will never pass by someone else's trouble. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily due to the resulting education. Self-education, constant food for mind and dynamic development make it one. A spiritually rich man is obliged to know the history of his people, the elements of his folklore, be versatile formed.

Instead of imprisonment

Nowadays, it may seem that material wealth is valued above the spiritual. To some extent it is so, but another question, who? Only spiritually depledy man will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material benefits will never replace the latitude of the soul, wisdom, moral purity. Sympathy, love, respect is not bought. Only spiritually rich man is capable of manifestation of such feelings. Material things are stranded, tomorrow they can no longer be. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his whole life, and will cover the path not only to him, but also to those who are next to him. Ask yourself a question that means being a spiritually rich man, put yourself a goal and go to her. Believe me, your efforts will be justified.

The question of spirituality is currently being considered very widely. Everyone in his own way understands what it means to be a spiritually rich man. For some, this concept is inextricably linked with faith in God, someone expands the boundaries of their soul and is improving with the help of Eastern practices, and someone simply acts, as the interests of others puts above their own, for example, as Mother Teresa did.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man?

Spiritually rich because it is rich that the first plan puts the needs of the soul, not the body. For it, the importance is not material values, but those that contribute to the improvement of the soul. Showing interest in religion, painting, music, other types of art, a person will know the environment and public phenomena. As a result, his inner world is filled, a person develops from different sides, becomes an interesting interlocutor who thinks with all his point of view.

A spiritually rich man is committed to self-improvement. He knows a new, using the works and discoveries of famous artists, writers, poets. Actions and actions of such a person are responsible and meaningful. Thoughts and motives always have a positive color, because he understands that the real store is not material values, but the inner world, the strength of the spirit and spiritual values. But those who are interested in which there should be a spiritually rich man, it is worth saying that the soul's fullness is achieved not only by knowledge. Most often to this come through suffering. Tests change the worldview, as they say, turn over the world from the legs.

Those who wonder what means to be spiritually rich, it is worth answering that the luggage of knowledge man can collect all his life and not to achieve improvement, and sufferings do it for more short term. It happens that one-sole event turns all the mentality, crosses last lifeBy sharing it on "to" and "after". Often, people after that come to God, considering spiritual well-being as a relationship with a single Creator.

Distinctive features of a person with a rich inland spiritual world
  1. Such people emit some inner light that leaks through a good smile, a look of wise eyes and a desire to share their wealth with others.
  2. Highly morality is what is characteristic of such people. They are endowed with honesty and responsibility, they feel the dignity, which is expressed in a respectful attitude to other, goodwill and devotion.
  3. Such people do everything not from the mind, but from the heart. They understand the true meaning of the commandments of God "Love your neighbor, like yourself" and follow it.
  4. Modesty and all-things - that's what distinguishes them. Wherein we are talking Not only about the forgiveness of other people, but also himself. They realize the depth of their mistakes and first turn in front of them.
  5. In their heart lives peace and harmony. There is no place for low-lying passions and emotions. They understand all the meaninglessness of the feeling of guilt, aggression or anger and carry only good into the world.

Of course, to become a man with a rich soul is not easy. Here the collection of all factors - upbringing, and piousness plays. You can be a pious person, but do not understand what is the meaning of faith, and you can read a lot and develop, increase your intellectual level, but remain worn in the soul and hate everyone. In general, spiritual wealth is inseparable from condescension, wisdom, patience and readiness at any moment to stretch their neighbor hand help. Only giving, not requiring anything in return, you can get rich.

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To maintain organs of vision, it is necessary to make carrots and blueberries permanent elements of their own. They have a beneficial effect on tired eyes, help preserve vision, prevent the development of hazardous diseases. Choosing between blueberries and carrots, Potcher
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The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as the scientists of archaeologists were installed during excavations. So the art of the tattooja leaves its roots in the most antiquity. Currently, many do not mind decorate their body. But the tattoo is a serious decision