Well, very smart quotes. Beautiful and fashionable smart words for conversation and communication: phrases, suggestions, expressions with meaning, list, examples. Compliments, proverbs, sayings, phrases from songs, pictures, expressions of wise people smart words smart offer

We ourselves choose our thoughts that build our future life.

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, you need to learn to speak it yourself.

The surest way to the heart of a person is a conversation with him that he appreciates above all.

When trouble happens in life, it is necessary only to explain its cause - and it will become easier for my soul.

The world is bored for boring people.

Learn from everyone, do not imitate anyone.

If our life paths disagree with someone, it means that this person fulfilled his task in our life, and we are in it. New people come to their place to teach us something else.

The hardest person is given what is not given to him.

You live only once, and even in it can not be sure. Marseil Ashar.

If you regret once, I did not say, you regret a hundred times that I did not say.

I want to live better, but you have to go more fun ... Mikhail Mamchich

No person can throw us, because initially we do not belong to anyone except us.

The only way to change your life is to go there where you are not waiting

Let I do not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life.

Life has the price only because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American Writer)

Life is more likely like a novel than our novels for life. J. Sand.

If you do not have time to do something, it means that you should not have time, it means you need to spend time on something else.

There are no fun to live, but you can do so that it does not want to laugh.

To live bad, it is unreasonable, it is impossible - it means not to live badly, but slowly die.

Besle life devoid of illusions. Albert Cami, philosopher, writer

Life is hard, but, fortunately, short (P.S. Pts. Famous phrase)

Nowadays, people are not tortured by Calen. There are noble metals.

It is very easy to check whether your mission is over on Earth: if you are alive - she continues.

Wise quotes about life fill its definite meaning. When you read them - you feel like the brain begins to move.

Understand - it means to feel.

It's so simple: you need to live until you die

Philosophy does not answer the question about the meaning of life, but only complicates it.

Everything that suddenly changes our lives is not an accident.

Death is not terrible, and sad and tragic. Be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, morgues - the top of idiocy. It is necessary not to be afraid of the dead, but to regret them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, without giving accomplishing something important, and those who remained forever to mourn away. Oleg Roy. Powet Lie.

We do not know how to do with our short life, but still wish to live forever. A. France

The only happiness in life is a constant desire forward.

In tears, which each of the women shed down the grace of men, you can drown any of them. Oleg Roy, Roman: A man in the window opposite 1

Man always seeks to be the owner. People need to have houses decorated in their name, cars with the right of the owner, their own companies and spouses chained as a stamp in the passport. Oleg Roy. Powet Lie.

If you do not pay attention to difficulties, they will come and leave ...

No one makes a lock without a key, also life will not give problems without solving.

It is difficult to lead to good morals, easy example.

Planning forever! After all, the rain was not when Noah built the ark.

When we bump into the closed door, the other door opens to us. Unfortunately, we look so long on the closed door that we do not notice the one that is open to us.

Life is fatigue growing with each step.

Life like a bath, boiling water, then ice water.

And only with age you begin to realize,How to turn the crane correctly, but the soul is already ski, and the body is almost glaced.

Abortions protect exclusively those people who themselves were already born. Ronald Reagan.

Beware of a young doctor and an old hairdresser. Benjamin Franklin

. "Of the two angry, I always choose the one that I have never tried before." Benedict Cumberbatch

Who can't change their views, can not change anything. Bernard Show

With a diploma you can make a living. Self-education will make you. Jim Ron.

It is better to pray and seemed fool than to open the mouth and finally dispel doubts. Abraham Lincoln

Patience has more power than power.

Be faithful to those who are faithful to you.

Chaotically move only molecules and assholes.

Death is when a person closes his eyes to everything.

Not for that I live, so that it is for living. Quintilian

The main thing in this world is not where we stand, but in what direction are moving. Oliver Holm

Speak about yourself only good: the source will rush, and the hearing will remain.

Want to avoid critics - do nothing, say nothing and be someone.

The only moment in life when a person tells himself the truth is a moment before death.

If you want to laugh God, tell him about your plans.

A woman should not look defiantly, but a call ...

The person gets used to everything, even to Visilice ... Hells, hangs and stop ...

Do not waste time in vain - this is the material from which the life is worn

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted. Coco Chanel

It is better to talk to mouth-stuffed than to be silent with a naked muzzle.

Watching more, remember that it may not be Olympus, but Vesuviy. Emil Ozier

Life is so short that hardly manage to spoil her.

All the best we are obliged in yourself the lack of worst.

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify.

We only live once, but to the end.

Life goes in English - not saying goodbye

The arrogance is the second happiness of those who have no first.

Old age begins when instead of "tasty / tasteless" you start talking

"Useful / harmful"

Who knows how to own themselves, he can command others. J. Volter.

Who wants to live for others, should not neglect his own life. Hugo

The biggest mistake is to try to correct the error of the other.

Money and care is impossible to hide. (Lope de Vega)

Nothing contributes to peace of mind as a complete absence of his own opinion. (Lichtenberg)

It is necessary to live so as not to be afraid to sell your parrot the biggest gossip of the city. - Yu. Tuwym.

Great science live happily is to live only in the present. Pythagoras

Half of our life lies parents, and the second half - children. Darrow

Apparently, there is nothing in the world that it could not happen. M. Twin

The number of years has not yet indicated about the length of life. The life of a person is measured by what he did in it and felt. S. Smilers.

Most people spend half of their life to make another half of the unhappy. J. Labryuer

It is stupid to build plans for the whole life, without being Mr. even tomorrow. Seneca

Measure of life is not in its duration, but in how you used it. - M. Monten

Life is what people most strive to preserve and the least you caress. - J. Labryuer

Stress is not what happened to you, but how you perceive it. Hans Selre

The main thing in goals is that you have. Jeffrey Albert.

The most important foundation of the formula for success is the ability to get along with people. Theodore Roosevelt

Do not treat life so seriously. You still do not get out of her alive.

The fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.

I was looking for leaders, but I realized that the leadership is to act first.

Try, give at least one chance impossible. You have never thought about how it is impossible, wearily, as it needs us.

Every new day we are building plans for the future. But the future has its own plans.

Loneliness is not just so ... it is to think about ...

You should not be afraid of change - most often they happen at the moment when they are necessary.

Strong come as they want, and weak suffer as they should.

One day you will find that you have only one problem left - you yourself.

Everything needs to be survived on this light, everything needs to be experienced and evaluated ... misfortune, pain, treason, grief, gossip - everything is needed through the heart. And only then, getting up at dawn, you can laugh and love ...

The most difficult thing in life is to appreciate everything you have and at the same time not to be tied to anything. Excessive attachment to anything or who either give birth to a constant concern to lose it.

Yes, not about Tom thinks asked, but about that - for what? Guess - for what, then you will understand how to answer. Maksim Gorky

Deficit good people - Not a reason to cling to whom fell.

A person will never be able to write a new page in his life, if he constantly turns and reread the old one.

A man should be stubborn and firm in life matters. But soft and sensitive with his woman.

It is impossible to wait from humans what is unusual for him. You do not squeeze the lemon to get tomato juice.

Everything as usual. Fear pulls back, curiosity pushes forward, pride stops. And only common sense nervously trample on the spot and swears with a mat.

It is important that coming to the aid when he is not even asked.

If you have enough courage to say "goodbye", life will reward you with a new hello. (Paulo Coelho)

It is easier for me to communicate with a person alone, because only alone he becomes a man.

I do not care about those who leave my life. I will find a replacement to everyone. But those who stayed, I love more life!

Even the most sharp fangs of the animal, never amaze those who love, and people can kill one phrase ...

I prefer to do in my life what I love. And not that fashionable, prestigious or laid. (Moscow does not believe in tears)

Take the present moment with joy. If you understand that nothing can be changed now, just relax and watch everything just happens without any effort from your side.

the keeper of elegant literature

Clever wordsBorrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bare designed to fight the surrounding intelligence of the speaking or writing. And after all, many want to know asking words to communicate and their meaning, but they are simply looking for them on the Internet and use in simple speech. It is time to finally draw up a dictionary of the most incomprehensible words in Russian and their meaning and to memorize them! Where and how will it help you? For example, in reviews for new films, performances and books, in conversations with colleagues, in a talk show on TV and a blogosphere here and there they flashed with an important type of "insight", "excess", "existential" and, of course, the ultramic "cognitive dissonance". And you do not understand a word, but no one wants to feel "near" and ignorant.

Remember the proverb "The word is not a sparrow, will fly away - you can't catch"? Full list The most intelligent words in the world that can be used for conversation and their meaning we will not be able to bring, but we bring to your attention a list of competent smart words to communicate with people (and their meaning) is a mini-dictionary of popular smart expressions.

Smart noun

The most useful stamped words with the values \u200b\u200bthat everyone should know is that names are nouns, because they are the basis of our speech. All these clever words, type, "insight", "collaboration", "frustration" ... So, replenish the vocabulary with long smart words that you need to know on the teeth.


English word addiction characterizes addiction, a detrimental habit, a way to care from reality. Addictions are not only alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction, smoking. Psychologists assure: a similar mechanism of dependence in those who overeat, lives and burns at work, adores extreme sports, freezes on the Internet, loves creativity and ... falls in love. Another thing is that the forms of addiction are divided into acceptable society as the same work rate or love, and unacceptable, as an excessive thrust to alcohol.


Amphibolicism is the ambiguity of any concept, its contradictory interpretation. As a rule, this word is rarely used in dissertations, on the heals in court or in biochemical works. But it is quite good to understand if someone says "this amphibolic" or "amphibolence of this concept puts me in a dead end, because I adhered to a strict one line," and you understand that we are all about the ambiguity of the concept you are discussed.


The "Frenchman" of Vis-A-VIS in Russian can be adverch ("Sit Wisavi", that is, opposite each other), and nouns, and the male and female genus ("My smart visa", "Your wonderful visa"). You have a full right to name the one who is opposite you, with whom you are sitting face to face.


What did Stirlitz mean, when he said: "I have idiosyncrasy to rhyme"? The fact that he is completely deprived of the poetic gift. Locking, of course ... The word with the ancient Greek roots (IDOS - "separate, special"; synkrasis - "Mix") for a long time was familiar only to doctors, but it went into a wide use of how Synonym for the words "Allergy", "rejection": "Yes, he has idiosyncrasy to everything new! "," I have idiosyncrasy on empty conversations. "


Translated from the English "Insight" (Insight) literally means insight, insight. This concept is used in philosophy and psychology to convey the penetration into the essence, a sudden understanding of something that is not derived from past experience. So someone will say: "And then I dares me!" - And someone proudly declares: "I had insight!"


The combination of several equal, independent participants to achieve common goals in fashion, art, business, science and education is called (from English Collaboration - cooperation). For example, at the end of March, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the fantastic franchise "Star Path", the cosmetic company Mas announced the release of the Beauty Collection Star Trek. Makeup options will be borrowed from kinherojin franchises and are embodied with 25 limited tools for lips, eyes and faces. Start of sales - in August 2016.


A phenomenon in which the interlocutor asks your question, although I heard it perfectly. Why does he do it? Scientists say that a person does it consciously or subconsciously to have more time to wording the response. They (or their colleagues) are still arguing, what is the origin of the word. Many connect it with American politician John Kerry, who at the end of 2015 could not immediately answer the question of the Russian schoolboy and asked him several times. If someone wants to blame you in slowness with the answer, answer him that it is nothing more than Carrilism, and you need a couple of seconds to formulate the answer.


Remember this: "Do not rode me, old woman, I'm in sadness." I said this is not Ivan the Terrible, but a lipophrenic. If more, then lipophrenic is a person who feels an insurmountable sadness, longing and does not know the reasons for the appearance of this state. Lipophrenia, which is also called apathy, depression, longing, usually appears from a long stay alone, from routine activities or insufficient activities (which is relevant for modern youth), as well as a lack of positive emotions. If you do not want to wear not exactly the proud name "Lipofrenik", more often do your favorite things, virtual communication Prefer live, walk more in the fresh air.


Have you met the stones in the form of a heart or a tomato with a nose? If so, you halfway to the awareness of the word "natiform". But here more private case, After all, the natiform is a natural education that resembles the outline female body or its parts. It may be a tree that you looked at a certain angle and saw your shoulders, chest, waist, hips ... or stones in a rock looks so quaint that you remind you of your former. These are all natiform.


We noticed some people that they repeat one word or phrase almost in each sentence? If not, you are lucky, and if we met with it, congratulate your friend: he has a Palinofrazia. It is not contagious, but it is absolutely unpleasant when in each sentence you will say "sir-s" or "And I said that ...". And so in a circle. As a result, you will not hear other words, lose the essence of the narrative and generally lose all interest in the conversation.


When this word is called, it is usually recalling his arithmetic "formula": 1 + 1 \u003d 3. Ancient Greek Synergy translates as "cooperation, community". It means an amazing effect that occurs when several subjects or objects interact. This summable effect exceeds the return on the actions of each participant in the process separately. Example of synergies: You mastered several secrets of the application of the consistent, and your friend knows all the details about the mascara. Sharing Lifehaki, you both, without losing the previous experience, will gain and new, that is, grow up in the art of the visa.


Philosophical Current Ancient GreeceThe followers of which were famous for the ability to curb the scientific disputes in the ability, gave the name of verbal allegations based on focusing facts, simplifications, logic disorders. Other Sophist (from ancient Greek Sophia - "skill, skill, tricky fiction, trick, wisdom, knowledge") is brilliantly able to prove obvious absurdity: "half-empty there is the same as half-weld. If half are equal, it means that are equal and integers. Consequently, there is an empty the same as complete. " Therefore, the sophistine in a figurative sense is called all the speech, which is built on false conclusions, but is masked under the right, logical.


Borrowed from the sports field The word "carcass" (Touchér in French - touch) fails to hell with a certain dispute when one of the interlocutors recognizes the rightness, the superiority of another after the decisive argument or verbal injection - suddenly you competed not in the knowledge of the topic, and in wit? Tusk, the argument is counted how fencing injections or throws on the back in the wrestlers made in all the rules are counted.


Flove into the state of frustration (Latin frustratio - deception, failure, vain expectation) means to experience a whole range of negative feelings due to the inability to achieve the desired one. For example, you planned a vacation to the sea, have already collected a suitcase, and suddenly the authorities of the whip and gingerbread tolerate your holiday a month later because of an important project in which you can not do without you. Naturally, you feel anger, despair, anxiety, irritation, disappointment and hopelessness ... The frequent experience of such states, psychologists say, spoils character, strikes by self-esteem.


The namesake of Egoist Egocentric (from the Latin words of EGO - "I" - and Centrum - "Center") is still not similar to it. Egocentric focuses on his own inner world, point of view, your interests, needs and does not notice other people's own, but it is able to "move", help others, hear them if they ask for support. Egocentrism in one way or another inherent in each. The egoist sees other people's interests, but deliberately ignores them, opposes itself to others, always putting his person in first place.


Latin Excessus means "output, evasion". In Russian, the consonant "process" the word has two meanings. The first is the extreme manifestation of anything: "It is not literature, but the Graphomian Excess!" The second is an emergency, violation of the normal course of events: "Her gossip caused a real excess in the team."


Cuddling, shocking, provocative, timeline in the taste of El Salvador Dali, Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus, for example, a rotten herring on a hat or dress from raw meat- This is an escapa. The French word ESCAPADE has a second meaning - a trip with adventures - in our language is not demanded.

Smart adjectives

After the nouns, it is time to see a dictionary of smart adjectives for every day and their meanings, because it is the presence of adjectives in your speech that offers you among other interlocutors. Decorate your speech by little-known smart words, believe me: this will help you in all spheres of life. Summary unfamiliar intelligent words (and their meanings) will help to increase your status as among friends and among colleagues.


Educated from english adjective Upscale - "High-quality, first-class, exclusive". It characterizes the absolute embodiment of the desired properties in any subject, object: an apskeletal interior design, an arsqueal sound, an apskeleton image.


To a tree with fluffy kidneys, this adjective relationship does not have, but to our speech very much. Latin Verbum is translated as "word", so "verbal" is verbal, oral. For example, verbal thinking, verbal intelligence, verbal method. There is also an adjective "non-verbal" - non-verbal expression: non-verbal communication, non-verbal signals.


What do they mean when they talk about deviant behavior? The French word Deviation characterizes the deviation from the norm, be it the position of the arrow of the compass, the course of the aircraft or the sea vessel, as well as the peculiarity of the human psyche. In other words, deviant behavior destroys the identity and health of the one who prefers the asocial lifestyle, and also causes moral and material harm to others.


Translated from Latin Colognitio is knowledge, knowledge. The adjective "cognitive" describes a person's ability to acquire knowledge, to know the world And himself. This psychological term would not be so popular without his companion "Frenchman": Dissonance means "disorder, disharmony, inconsistency."

It turns out a peculiar situation "My Your Your Your Association", when the former experience, already accumulated knowledge, conflict with new information, with new circumstances. In your head, two opposite ideas about the same thing. Suppose your friend emphasizes that it really appreciates punctuality, you like it, and at the same time you do not remember a single meeting when he would not be late. So consider it to be punctual, organized, faithful to the word and justify his behavior of accidents or not? Need to choose something one, evaluate and interpret the newly obtained picture becomes the cause of mental discomfort.

Synonym for "Cognitive dissonance" can be called another stable phrase, the value of which not everyone knows. This is a "template break." This is a wider concept, but the essence of the same: you had some kind of scheme in my head regarding a person, concepts, phenomena, and overnight this scheme collapses due to new knowledge. It turns out that two two are not always four. Like this?..


FROM english word "SMART" is translated as "smart", "smart." It is just this meaning of the word "smart" is now used in Russia. It cannot be said that it firmly in the minds of Russians, but if you do not know what "smart watch" or "smart-television" is, and even more so "smartphone", shame and shame to you. If we say simply, the prefix (or part in the word) "Smart" means "smart": smartphone \u003d smart phone, smart watch \u003d smart watch etc. As you probably noticed, the word "smart" is used precisely with high-tech items, so using it, follow the context.


Adclusive with English roots (Transparent - transparent) in honor of politicians, bloggers and even cosmetologists. The first to conclude transparent agreements and voiced transparent positions without secrets and underwent, the second swirls promise to be the most open, sincere with the audience. And the transparent, that is, the transparent powder does not look like a mask on the face and at the same time perfectly mattes it. Yes, she is impossible to hide skin imperfections, but this is another topic for conversation.


There is a good understandable word "incomprehensible". And when outside the philosophical dispute, I want to give the speeches of intellectual depths, some flaunt the Latin "transcendent" (transcendentis) with the same meaning. And now I already talking either writing and his audience is accepted to search and discuss transcendental meanings, communications, feelings ...


Banal, boring, ordinary, primitive, ordinary - this is how many synonyms for the adjective "trivial". It has a French pedigree, and in the native language trivial means the same thing - something ordinary. Smaller your interlocutors with trivial thoughts and jokes, theatrical productions and a filmmaker with a trivial plot!


Another philosophical concept associated with the Being life of a person. The Latin word Existentia is translated - "existence". Many affects our days, but the use of epithet "existential" adds to these "agents of influence" of universal scale. Existential problems, crises, experiments are the phenomena that exists at the heart of the world, manifested in reality and often beyond the ability of a person.


In general, if not all new words could immediately meet in the head, we advise you to draw up a dictionary of complex intellectual words for a conversation that few people know, with their meaning, of course, and as much as possible use them - in correspondence, when recorded in the diary, in conversation . Only that will not be empty information that you will forget by closing this page. And by the way: do not think that it is galloping or narrowed. It is not at all to seek to seek and memorize wisdom words with definitions to seem smart. After all, the request "complex words with explanations for smart people" is found in RuNet very often. Note, for already "smart people", stupid such will not even look for.

This is what they would not advise you to look for on the Internet, so these are smart words for the status of a girl who no one knows. If nobody knows them, why write them in status? By the way, there is another list with very smart synonyms for simple words that you need to know to shine in a conversation, but about it somehow another time.


First, make sure that you know how to speak at all, and then begin to saturate your speech with the concepts of metaphysics. Without some basic speaker skills, you can not do. Watch it during a private conversation. The interlocutor often does not understand you? Do not hear what you tell him? Is it alien to your humor? Are you too inferior to the interlocutor and let him be a conversation alone? So it will not go. No one will listen to your smart speeches if you will pronounce them quietly, for yourself, shy everyone in the world.

You can also put and learn to own yourself on the acting courses for lovers, in classroom with an individual teacher, with familiar students. Now, fortunately, there is an Internet. There you can find out the price, and bring acquaintance with professionals. The brilliant mind without the ability to speak will not bring you the glory of the speaker.

The speech was set, now draw it to the content of it. Well, if you already have two and certificates of several additional educational programs. However, do not think that this is your job. First, you need from all that intelligent, which is already sitting in your head, select the desired one. Talk smart things to the Nefple -. You will not make a speech behavior. Therefore, take into account the topics of the conversation or report, do not stick out not in time and do not reset the way: usually, trying to seem smarter than it is, a person gets victims and remains at the broken trough.

Do not forget about the decoration of your speech. Topopic speech professor at the lecture will not cause interest. Use proverbs, sayings, but avoid Pokhabshchina. It is appropriate only in a certain circle of the closest friends, and even when the conversation is not about the highest matters, but about something landed.

Check out the basic concepts of poetics, insert the metaphor into speech, epithets, colorful and indicative comparisons. At the initial stage, it is quite possible, you will have to record the text of speech or outlined for yourself the terms of themes and expressive means, but then all this you will do on the machine.

If you have nothing to talk about anything, urgently take yourself to the Yellow Mittens. Someone, of course, will be able to "pour water" and pretend to be erudite, but such a person will soon break down, and then mutual disappointment is inevitable. Therefore, get an education, read more good literature, do not let the brain of sleep for watching the next series. Remember that you can say cleverly about well-known things. In this case, you have the first step. But it is better to have real knowledge and real life experience over the shoulders, so as not to hit the face in the dirt.

The section is filled

Smart phrases and statements in our lives

Every day we hear thousands of various phrases, words, proposals. Each of them carries any information, and this information can be useful for one person and is completely useless for the other. Among the huge number of incoming information, we choose only what is really important for us and will be useful in the future. It is completely different if we hear smart phraseswhich sounds not as often as I would like. Basically such statements are quotes of great and well-known actors, poets, philosophers, as well as folk wisdom, sayings and proverbs. People pronounce the phrases only in relevant and suitable situations, without scattering them on the left and right. Smart phrases about life Make raid and emphasize human weaknesses, indicate that the majority lives do not correctly and does not appreciate what they really need to appreciate, but the material values \u200b\u200bdisplaces spiritual. Smart phrases of life include many philosophical statements that characterize and describe life from different sides, as well as the actions that we do in life. Sayings and proverbs can be safely attributed to smart phrases of life, but they still need to understand and analyze as smart phrases with meaning In the form of proverbs and sayings most often have a figurative meaning. For example, such a statement, as "not to the other pit, you can get into it" can be conveyed in other words: "Do not do another bad, since this most you can do badly."

Smart phrases of smart people

In addition to popular statements, it is possible to allocate the statements of smart and educated people. Such people include philosophers of antiquity, great rulers of the past, Russian and foreign writers, poets, composers. It was these people once said the smartest phrasesWe use so far. These phrases and statements can be seen in their works, in lines of songs, in the books where they carry their reflections on life, love, death and hatred. Well, who of us at least once in life did not utter such smart phrase V. Washpira: "To be or not to be - this is the question"? Over time, she, of course, changed a little, but the meaning remained the same. Smart phrases are funny Could be redone from already known expressions, such as "drinking or not to drink." Funny phrases with meaning much easier are perceived by the people, but at the same time they do not give way to serious and significant expressions and in them, usually, the deep meaning is laid.

Appreciated in any society. A person who knows how to properly and competently compile a dialogue, is easier to find a job, get promotion on the service staircase, tie new acquaintances. It is more likely to listen to others, the monologue will never seem inappropriate or stupid.

But the paradox is that in order for others to perceive you as a smart and educated person, it is enough to replenish your vocabulary in just about fifty words. It is enough to use some to communicate to seem in the eyes of those surrounding an extraordinary, creative personality.

The art of competent communication

Severe it, if desired, will not work. Much more important will be confidently delivered voice, clear diction and relevance of the application of certain words. Surely you came across in life with a situation where a person, conducting a dialogue, is trying to use abuse words to communicate, using them sometimes not at all to the place and in improper decline. Look such attempts ridiculous and funny. So that this does not happen to you, armed with a vocabulary for all occasions, do not be lazy to find out the exact meaning of words, their synonyms and antonyms, declination, genus and emphasis. Only so you will be able to correctly and competently use them in a conversation.

Get rid of banality

The first thing you have to do is try to minimize the beaten expressions and words that use in your everyday life. For example, a banal set of words like "good", "beautiful", "smart", etc. can be replaced by less brought, alternative options, because each of them can be intelligent dictionary Pick up at least a dozen synonyms.

For example, the word "beautiful" depending on the situation can be replaced by "bright", "elegant", "luxurious", "unmatched", "magnificent", "delightful". "Useful" in a daily conversation can well be used as "profitable", "fruitful", "feasible", "practical", "necessary". Even K. simply word "Smart" There are many synonyms. We should remember and appeal them as needed. Here are some of them: "witty", "resourceful", "smart", "pretty", "wise", "sensible".

It will not hurt to learn some thanks to which you can make the necessary effect on others:

Idiosyncrasy - intolerance.

Transcendental - abstract, mental, theoretical.

Esoteric - mystical teaching.

Treism is a well-known fact, a statement or opinion.

Eufemism - replacement of sudden, coarse words and expressions, more acceptable and soft.

Sophisticatics - the ability to make a dispute, skillfully juggle with words.

Eclectication - a mix of different-type theories, views or things.

Homogenic - homogeneous.

Increusion - Brand, obscene Rugan.

Decadence - decay.

Hyperbole - exaggeration.

Frustration - disappointment.

Discourse - conversation, conversation.

First time, using smart words to communicate, you can experience some awkwardness in a conversation, your language will be as if drove and stumble about "new expressions". It is not scary, a new colloquial form, like a new pair of shoes, should be cut. After some time, you, without thinking, will pick up more successful synonyms and expressions to express your opinion.

Tearing speech expression

The most difficult in this process may be learned to notice them in their own speech. If they independently do not succeed, it may be necessary to assume the help of loved ones with whom you often communicate, or a voice recorder. At the next stage, you should learn them or skip them, or replace into smart words to communicate, to secure the result, it is also necessary to periodically listen to your own monologue recorded on the voice recorder. In the process of mastering the organization and putting your own speech, try to speak thoughtfully, logically building each phrase, only so after a while you can master the art of competently conduct a dialogue.

Having learned clearly to build proposals using smart words to communicate, getting rid of the spectacles of expressions, you can make an excellent impression, because the more competently person talks, the more intelligent and successful he seems to be his interlocutors.

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Red currant is small shrubs, whose leaves are falling in winter. It refers to many years old, and his closest relative is. Unlike black currant bushes, these higher, as if pulling up. Every year they grow n
Beer effect on female organism: benefit and harm
Beer refers to the category of alcoholic beverages, so many believe that it can be drunk without restrictions. However, this opinion is far from the truth. Experts are convinced that any type of alcohol is dangerous to human health in abuse. it
Carrots: benefits and harm to the body, useful properties of juice and boiled carrots
To maintain organs of vision, it is necessary to make carrots and blueberries permanent elements of their own. They have a beneficial effect on tired eyes, help preserve vision, prevent the development of hazardous diseases. Choosing between blueberries and carrots, Potcher
Pros and cons of tattoos for neck Minus color tattoos
The first tattoo was made more than 6,000 years ago, as the scientists of archaeologists were installed during excavations. So the art of the tattooja leaves its roots in the most antiquity. Currently, many do not mind decorate their body. But the tattoo is a serious decision