Where to call if a person did not come home. What to do if a close man disappeared. Instruction. Do not place orientations without agreeing with the police and "Lisa Alert"

September 18 in the city announced a disappearance of a student of the University of Samara Artem Stolyarova - Games of the guy are actively chatted on the Internet, and not only relatives and the police were connected to the search, but also students, dean and volunteers of the search squad "Liza Alert". Stolyarov found in two days in another city , lively and healthy, but what we experienced his close in these two days is scary to imagine. "Big Village" produces its investigative methods for the missing: what to do, who to call and how to help find.

The main thing is not to panic.

First, make sure that the person really disappeared, and did not go to walk with friends or lingered at work. You can contact the organs, if none of friends can suggest a location, but it is not possible to contact a person for several hours.

And if there are no three days, then they will not send the police?

Changing the authorities need as quickly as possible. To accept the statement is obliged in any police station - regardless of the place of residence and the degree of kinship of the applicant to the missing person. Any refusals for the reason "wait for three days" are considered illegal.

For a competent statement, as much as possible, describe the appearance of a person and clothes in which he was seen for the last time. Tell us about the details of the disappearance in all details - about the bad habits, valuable subjects with you and special signs it is better not to silence. It is necessary to voice out its version of the disappearance, especially if it is associated with conflicts or debts. Capture a fresh photograph of the missing person and his documents is the most important thing.

Is it possible to somehow help the investigation?

The person came out of the house in the store and did not return, left his work and did not appear at home in the usual time, delayed after training sessions, discos, did not reach the destination - any of these occasions may cause conversion to the internal affairs bodies with the statement On the search for missing. Common sense suggests that, feeling anxious for a native or loved one, it is necessary to take something. In practice, it is enough to call the familiar missing, separation of detoxification (detox) and other medical institutions or duty parts of the internal affairs bodies in order to obtain the necessary information about its location. The loyal attitude towards the alcohol is often ends for a person to bed-place in a detox, an unexpected attack of the disease - hospitalization, quick-tempered nature and legal nygilism can turn into undesirable consequences by law enforcement. Finding out that among patients of medical institutions detained in the ATS citizens there are similar to the missing person, it will only have to make sure that it is really he. Regardless of the listed circumstances of the disappearance, simultaneously with independent searches it is desirable to apply to the internal affairs bodies for involvement in the search for specialists. Among the inhabitants, the erroneous opinion was established that it is possible to refer to the search for the police missing the police only after 3 days from the date of the disappearance of a person. This is nothing more than widespread delusion.

What actions should be taken with a person's disappearance?

First of all, in no case can be amenable to panic, it is necessary to maintain a clear mind and common sense, to behave as restraint as possible, so as not to get confused and not to do nonsense, for example, to give false information or ask for help to those people.

First you need to remember when you have seen a person for the last time, talked with him by phone, whether there was some message from him who had seen him. Relying on this information should immediately contact the law enforcement agencies. It does not matter how much time passed: hour, two, three. If your assumptions and arguments justify appeal, it is necessary to do it immediately. Call the police by number 102. If the missing person is sick, and there is a chance that he can become bad, immediately call in ambulance by Nomeu 103.

You can apply for a search statement in any police department regardless of the place of residence or the place of disappearance of a person. In any case, after compliance with the necessary formalities, materials about the search will be affected by the direct performer.

It's important to know!

  1. The duty is categorically forbidden to refuse the reception of applications. Moreover, the duty officer is obliged to immediately accept the application for the disappearance of a person, regardless of its absence and the place of intended disappearance and register it.
  2. There are no temporary restrictions for filing such a statement.

I left and never returned - it starts almost every story about missing. One did not return from work, another of the school, the third from the store, fourth with a walk. In this case, the main thing is to know what to do in order to find it quickly. Incorrect behavior can lead to irreparable consequences.

site together with the Department of Internal Affairs of Astana, volunteer organizations that specialize in finding people, and IT specialists have prepared an instruction: to whom and in what kind of evidence to seek help, as well as a list of what is not worth spending precious time.

1. How to understand that a person disappeared and time to beat the alarm?

Answer this question is uniquely impossible, because each case is individual. But there are almost always the circumstances that should be alert. There are three main reasons for the disappearance of people: conflict, health problems and abduction.

The main thing is not to panic and not twist yourself. But if a person did not come, although it had long been, he did not respond to phone calls, relatives, friends, acquaintances and colleagues are not aware, where he, if at least one of these circumstances takes place, you need to start acting.

2. To whom and where to go?

The first thing about the disappearance of a person must be informed of the police by calling the number "102" or personally in the nearest branch. If there is reason to believe that there is a better to call in trouble, it is better to call the law enforcement officers to begin to act immediately, and only after that go to write a statement, since it will have to observe this formality.

Important: According to the legislation, officially wanted is declared if a minor during the dayif adult - for three. But to search for them should begin immediately after receipt of the signal, without waiting for the documentary.

3. What should I know, stating a person's disappearance?

The information that is important to submit to the police is conditionally divided into two categories: personal data of missing is the name, surname, patronymic, age, hair color, special signs in the form of moles, scars or tattoos and information about the circumstances in which the person disappeared. By law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to report absolutely everything that is known: who and where he had seen it for the last time, where he was dressed, where he could go if there were any health problems, financial problems - every detail could help in search.

If a minor disappears, you must provide good quality A photograph of the wanted. It does not prevent this and in the case of adults, despite the fact that the pictures of all adults are already available in a special database.

4. What should not be done?

The biggest mistake that those who are looking for a person can do is spend time on self-searches or contact the psychics and fortune tellakam, instead of writing a statement to the police. The experience of search services and volunteer movements shows that appeals to people with so-called supernatural abilities have never helped to locate the disappeared, whether he was alive at that time or no longer.

It is seriously complicated by the search, when they did not agree to the police. For example, a wife may not tell that her husband has a mistress, mother - about the problems with drugs in a son or daughter, that Earlier, Chado has already run from the house. Not knowing about these or other important facts, law enforcement officers can go on a false path and look at all where disappeared. In a situation where a person disappeared, first of all it is necessary to think about the salvation of his life, and not reputation.

5. Selling children differ from adult search?

By receiving a statement about the disappearance of a person, law enforcement agencies should begin investigating a criminal case on the so-called article "Three scratch or missing". The article will remain "zero" until new circumstances find out. If it turns out that a person has kidnapped, the article retrain the appropriate, in the case of attacks, beatings, killings. This is the order, regardless of whether an adult or a child disappeared.

As for the differences, in addition to the deadlines, officially assigned to the announcement of the search, more specialists are involved in search of minors. Children and adolescents are looking for not only the search divisions of the police, but the cynological services with dogs are also connected, as well as the entire personnel of the juvenile police. If near the alleged place of disappearance, there are forests or reservoirs, soldiers come to the rescue National Guard, rescuers and divers.

6. Do hospitals and morgue call?

Having accepted a statement about the disappearance of a person, the police are obliged to check themselves through the database, whether wanted to be wanted in one of the hospitals or commodities of the city. But the practice shows that the seeker would not be reduced, it is desirable personally visiting these institutions. If the missing has chronic diseases, First of all, you should go to medical institutions specializing in their treatment, for example, in cardiology, if the core disappears.

Bypassing the morgues is recommended to start with those where unidentified faces are delivered. Visit hospitals and morgues best with harvested information in paper About the missing and his photo so that employees of institutions are easier to navigate. Even if they don't have this person now, but he will come later, they will probably report. In certain cases, it will be worthwhile to call the detoxes or read the diaries, notebooks disappeared.

The participation of relatives, friends and acquaintances in the search for missing will only benefit, if, of course, they will agree on their actions with the police. It is important that the law enforcement officers coordinate the search operation, and the not indifferent only helped them, but not vice versa. The seekers can walk along the routes that often used the missing, to visit those places he visited, stores, clubs, refueling, ascertaining possible eyewitnesses: service personnel, janitors, concierge, locals.

It is best to take leaflets with a message about the disappearance to not only show passersby surveys, but also to put them in places for ads. Set the circle of communication missing: remember all his friends and acquaintances. One of the loved ones should remain during the search for the house in case the missing will return.

7. How to attract more assistants?

Always, ready to come to the rescue, always much, however, everyone will do only what is in his power, so it is important to know who and for whom. Distribution of information B. social networks With a request for reposts will allow you to mobilize Internet users who easily reproduce the ads, the editorial board will inform their audience - all this often helps to find those who, anyway, knows something about the missing.

Volunteer movements are free of charge to search: the dissemination of information on the Internet, to put up photos of the missing photos on the bulletin boards, and if necessary, to other terrain. Kazakhstan has various public organizations that are ready to help at the same time knowing how to cooperate with the police in order to help, and not interfere.

Some work locally, such as, for example, Public Security Council (sob) - Only in Almaty and Almaty region. You can contact them by writing in social networks into special groups.

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