Top best needlework brands Instagram. How to create a personal brand in instagram and promote it - tips. Registration when creating a personal brand in Instagram - what affects

Concept Stor "Luga" in Moscow opened the doors recently, but his account at Instagram began the store from the moment of developing the concept. For many "Luha" is familiar to the flagship in St. Petersburg. The store has become a kind of Mecca for all fashionistas and bloggers of the northern capital. Now "Lug" is in Moscow, and with it cool shoes, accessories and a large number of clothes from independent Russian and foreign designers.

Follow the formation of the concept Storm Porta 9 could be in the Instagram account. The store mercilessly teased the public in good and affordable shoe brands to the public with stylish photos of procurement. Now the store has already opened its doors at the same time continuing to share new arrivals and prices for the collection.

Brands of clothing

Russian brand fashionable women's clothing Mary Cashleva began his procession on social networks. Wearing popularity in Instagram thanks to active bloggers, Maison de Marie now know many social network inhabitants. The main concept of the brand is universality, comfort and focus on female attractiveness. All this is very much appreciated by the girls of all ages, therefore the audience of subscribers and, as a result, customers are growing very quickly.

Studio Designer Clothing Brusnika is known for its high-quality knitted collections. Photos of cozy knitted things quickly bribed the Russian audience. A large number of people signed on the brand account. You can buy clothing brands directly on the brand website, in Instagram or in a large number of showrooms, in which the brand is officially represented.

Fifty subscribers, dozens of wool coats, as well as clothing and accessories - Brand I Am Studio has long been prescribed in the wardrobes of the most fashionable girls of Moscow. It is possible to try on the clothes from the Russian brand in the company showroom or in the concept storages that implement the collections of the brand.

Lush packs, strict pencil skirts, conservative midi and elegant skirts in the floor - T.skirt company specializes in the wardrobe itself element. Every time, inventing all new and new variations, the brand constantly conquers new subscribers. Endless publications in the media and photos on gloss covers contribute to the growth of popularity.

The young brand, created by two Russian designers, has recently intrigued fashionistas with its own sollets within the showroom on Mercedec-Benz Fashion Week Russia. But the brand was known long before their participation in the fashionable week. An iconic print, classic silhouettes and trendy shades quickly gained their public in a social network. In the comments to photographs dozens of enthusiastic reviews and frequent requests to "postpone this wonderful jacket to fitting."

By entering the Candyshhop brand page, the eyes scatter like a child in a bakery. I want everything immediately. Sweets, bombers, trousers, T-shirts and other basic things have traded their calm temper on non-pie fashion customization. Ice cream, Emodi, causing the dignity of the clarification and panda, is a brand created in order to admire the Internet audience.

You wish to promote any goods or services in Instagram, but you still do not have your brand? You miss many moments of successful promotion of your business. Brand in Instagram is needed now absolutely to all: from teachers to singers and models. In this article, our service site will try to explain why you need a personal brand in Instagram, how to create it and split.

To begin with, we find out why you may need your brand in general. We highlight a few points:

  1. Advantage over competitors. Instagram has now become a pretty competitive area, where everyone is trying to copy a new idea from another. And this is considered quite normal and natural process. A different business will be faced if you have a personal brand. You will be associated with something specific and certain, cause emotions and interest in subscribers. Users will strive to receive goods or service from you.
  2. Increase the cost of goods and services. We all see how the price of the same product can be distinguished. Asking what such a difference, most likely you will receive in response that pay for the brand. Instagram is the same - if you have your brand, you have the right to raise the price tag. But concerns those who really passed the whole way promotion and popularization Your brand, and whose products really correspond to the loud name.
  3. Increase the number of subscribers and customers. The louder and more popular your brand, the greater the number of users tells about it, you can get more positive feedback And people are becoming easier and faster to find your products. All this gives an increase in subscribers and customers, and accordingly, and sales.
  4. Popularity. It is not necessary to develop your brand only to sell something. Many users instagram create and spin their brand to become more popular and receive more Likes, comments and subscribers.

Create brand in instagram - the main advantages and cons process

If you were inspired by the previous section of the article and decided that creating a brand in Instagram - what was not enough for you, we suggest a look at all pros and cons of such popularity in instagram


  1. It is pretty cheap. Instagram is an absolutely free social network, where you can safely accommodate, while, for example, for creating and maintaining a site, you will have to lay out a round sum (if of course you are not a webmaster). To create your brand in Instagram, you will just pay for the Internet. The minimum attachments from you will be required only on the initial promotion, for example, when buying subscribers or likes. And we can confidently say that the minimum prices for such services can be found in this section Our site.
  2. Himself a boss. You do not need to collect a whole staff of employees and specialists (designers, marketers, sechars). You can absolutely independently perform all these tasks, and this is saving again.
  3. Speed \u200b\u200band efficiency. Since instagram is a mobile application, then you can work around the clock, because you always have a phone. At any time you can answer users and lay out a new post.
  4. Partnership. In the social network everything develops on communication. Here you do not need to look for the contact data of the person who are interested in the person you are considering as a partner. Found such a user - write him private message


Based on the foregoing, we are all "for" and "against" and decide whether you really want to create a brand in instagram.

How to promote brand in instagram yourself and without cost

You must understand that the construction and promotion of the brand in Instagram is a rather long process. Even if you put in purchase subscribers and likes , instant success they will not bring you. Family in the social network must be achieved and deserve. Therefore, we consider a few moments of this process to learn how to unwind brand in instagram.

  • Start with the design of your account. Load avatarand fill in the settings section "Bio". Photo I. description must fully fit your topics. For example, if you offer manicure services, then you will place the photo of your successful work on your avatar.
  • Be sure to write your name. Do not confuse S. nickname - It can be absolutely anyone. And here username Just and become the name of your brand. Do not necessarily use these data (if you, for example, Vasya Pupkin). You can write a pseudonym, but provided that he is with you for a long time. Yes, and if you have an unusual name, it can serve his memorization and recognition.
  • After the profile, it is necessary to pose content. Everyone already understood that your posts are the most important thing that is in your account. Even if you have thousands of subscribers with three photographs of the profile, on which on hundreds of likes, it will cause at least a suspicion. So take care of the regular placement of new posts, and how to make good photos For instagram, read in one of the articles on the site site - link.
  • Once you are sure that you have, than to interest users and you create really high-quality publications, you can artificially increase the audience and resources instagram. But of course it is necessary to do it as naturally as possible in proven services. You can familiarize yourself with the promotion of instagram and reviews on our website by going to this. section.
  • Acquiring some popularity in instagram, you can take care of cooperation with brands with similar topics. How to choose a partner and what types of affairs in Instagram exist, read in the following material about this theme.

Yet to ask how to unwind brand in Instagram, you must answer yourself. After all, a personal brand is on the personal that the path of development has its own. But we still hope that the above basics will help you in solving the task.

How to create your brand in Instagram so that he become "engine" for your business? I offer 7 account management rules in this social network and more than 10 automatic services that will help you.

Currently, social networks have more than two billion users worldwide. This is almost 25% of the population of the entire planet! And if your target audience is young, dynamic and well reacts to visual effects, and your activity is associated with cooking, travel, fitness, etc., then Instagram is the best platform for promoting your services and your personal brand.

Despite the fact that Instagram has such incredible popularity, only about 30% of companies and private entrepreneurs using social networks have accounts in this application. On the one hand, this is understandable, because Instagram has a number of restrictions: for example, a small number of signs in one post, the inability to put active links, etc. However, despite this, this application is incredible effective way Developing your business, increasing traffic and increase sales. But especially Instagram is useful for growth and scaling your personal brand.

The best way to create your own brand is to give people the opportunity to look at your life. This is an excellent chance to know you real. And if you do not want to spend a few hours a day to create a video for YouTube, and then on the processing of video materials, Instagram is the easiest and most effective tool for brand and business promotion.

7 Account Rules in Instagram:

1. Be real

Even when companies create commodity brands, they are trying to "think", knowing that this is the key to their success. So why are private professionals and entrepreneurs going to their target audience trying to close the logos?

It must be remembered that people feel authenticity for a kilometer, even on social networks. If you really want to succeed in the development of your personal brand and business, you need to learn how to use Instagram correctly.

I understand that "authenticity", "the nature", "naturalness" - already sufficiently brought fashion words. But being authentic is still extremely important in marketing. Fortunately, there are ways to prove your authenticity. And no for this better placethan Instagram.

If you like to visit theaters, dive flowers - it's cool, post about it!

Do you have cool family and children? Better! Talk about them your audience constantly! This is the most favorite topic in the "residents" Instagram.

There is no such thing as the "wrong" post for your personal brand, if it is genuine and reflects you as a person. Remember that your main goal is to allow people to look into your life and get to know you closer. Just be yourself, forget about the narrowness, do not imitate someone, and necessary people themselves come to you.

2. Adhere to one direction in your posts

I watch a lot of entrepreneurs in Instagram, who publish their posts completely inconsistent: that he will come to mind or fall into the eyes, about that they write. Now they publish a post about fitness, in an hour - about marketing, then begins to post photos from a five-year old trips.

Despite the fact that you have a personal, not a corporate account, and you have more freedom in choosing those posts, you still need to choose no more than one professional theme. And it is desirable that it be directly related to your business.

Let's at the examples: Suppose you are a personal fitness coach. You conducted your account consistently, published the right posts (photos from classes, customer reviews, etc.). However, after several years of persistent work, you decided to make a gift and go on a journey around the world, say, three months.

What to do with Marketing in Instagram? There are two options: the first - you can fill your page photos and videos from the trip, turning it into the travel gallery. Or you can save the unity of your account by combining the main theme (fitness) with a new direction in your life (travel). For example, you can publish photographs of training from around the world, or how you conquer sea spaces on a sports yacht, shoot on the video of new asans on the seashore or on a sheer cliff in the Himalayas. Everything is suitable, the main thing is to withstand the unity of the topic.

3. Use hashtegi, but with the mind

This is a very simple way to generate new subscribers of your account and, as a result, new customers for your brand and business. However, hashtegi can also be excessive. I think you understand what I mean. You also watched posts with more than twenty hashtags that have nothing to do with the post or a photo. It looks wildly and causes reverse reaction.

Let's not be so! For the effective work of the post, 4-8 hashtegov is enough for an image, the main thing is that they are selected with the mind.

4. Attract new visitors to your site.

In each publication that you post, it is better to insert small mention of your blog or a site so that people can follow you and hopefully become real clients. Unfortunately, Instagram allows only one link, and it must be in the description of your account.

However, if you have a new service or product, you will definitely tell it first in a separate post, and then refer to all subsequent publications during the week. Just do not do it "Toporn", try to enter it into general content.

5. Do not spam people!

I am sure you have seen some private entrepreneurs (this applies to the masters of manicure, hairdressers, makeup artists, designers, etc.), which during the day there is a huge number of photographs of their work, and often in the format "it was,". And the fact that "was," usually looks just disgusting. And your tape gradually turns into an endless strip of nails, hair and other weddings.

If you do, the same thing is to stop! Otherwise, you risk getting into spam list not only users, but also automated services, which will be discussed below.

6. Use applications, not filters to improve your photos.

Beautiful photos are the key to success in Instagram. No smart hashtegi, geothey and even authenticity you will help you if your images are bad. There is nothing worse than a juicy photo covered with a bad filter.

Do not try to save bad photos Or "Improve" good with built-in filters. Instead, download several special applications that will improve the quality of your photos, making them natural, such as FaceTune or Afterlight.

7. Use mass flow and massolloving services

These services are not paid cheating of bots. This is an opportunity to give a real audience to get acquainted with you and your services. If your account attracts them, your posts and photos will like them, you will get new adherents of your brand.


In the right hand instagram - a powerful tool. You can use it to quickly develop your business and share our own news and stories with thousands of potential customers. The main thing is to be consistent.

Good business, colleagues!

The success of Instagram only confirms the hypothesis that niche seeding is the future of the social media market. As western marketers predicted, social networks begin to share not only by type of users, such as LinkedIn (for professional contacts), but also by type of content, such as "visuals" Pinterest and Instagram. By the way, both are devoted to exclusively graphic content, but it was Instagram that became a terrific successive history.

Instagram subscribers grows with each second. It would be rampant not to use such a "live" platform in the interests of your business, despite the fact that the largest social networks have long and more than successfully apply to brand promotion. Strategies, methods have been developed, created this SMM service industry. Perhaps it was time to take a look at the possibilities of Instagram through the eyes of social media specialists, the benefit of it has long been not one of the billion applications, but a social network capable of, like others, become a powerful marketing channel for brands.

II. That Instagram gives brands

Instagram in its potential is a "nonpaugeous field" of various possibilities for both B2C brands (aimed at the end user) and for companies oriented companies (with a competently built business strategy). By the way, in contrast to the methods, the goals that can be achieved using the service are largely identical to the fact that they are put in the standard marketing campaign in social networks, namely:


Although there is no advertisement in Instagram, to join some of the fame from here you can: you need to give such content so that users themselves subscribe to you (it is important not to ride the account with funny pictures). Everything complicates the absence of a viral effect, since to decaying (placing other people's posts in its tape) requires a special application. In what situation the user will hurry to install it? Perhaps, if you only take a picture of him and he wants to get a picture of his beloved. Output one: become the most best, most interesting, most useful.


This is such an interesting thing when people love your brand. Not products, not employees, but just a brand for what it is. Yes, not every online bearings store will be able to repeat the success of Apple. But to fall in love with the buyer and you need to try, and here the visual content to you to help. Today, when people have no time to read, communication through the pictures can be considered to be the beginning of flirting.

# Reputation and feedback

Any impact on someone else's opinion gives rise to instant opposition, as in Newton's mechanics. You can make the most wonderful product (which we do not doubt), but there will still be critics. It is necessary to react to angry reviews (no matter, fair or not). Answer questions about the company, products and services and your holy debt and the ability to place a potential client.

It makes it difficult to the process limited search functional in Instagram. This is the principle of "Housteg or nothing", which also gives good results.

# Lidogeneration (receiving target calls to the company)

Let's start with disappointment: to sell directly from Instagram is quite difficult. Of course, the service indirectly can represent the product to a potential client, only the question of the transition to order / purchase will have to solve indirect methods (personal appeal to the account moderator, call for visiting the site, reverse call, etc.). The main difficulty is in the absence of the opportunity to make a targeted effect directly from the service.

As such, the transitions on the links cannot be considered. Yes, and the active link in principle is placed only one - in the description of the account in the profile. But no one bothers under the photo to sign that the goods appeared on the website or in any store, tell about the new model, etc.

III. How to keep account

The main difference between Instagram is that people come here exclusively for a cute eye content, while other social. A networks serve several goals: communication, entertainment, receiving information (for example, to consult with friends, which pan is a gift). That is why to promote the brand you should do anything, but give the user the most delicious picture. You help several tools.


Before registering an account in Instagram, you need to understand what can be your "chip". If you plan to upload photos of your product in different angles, you will not achieve anything (better immediately give the budget to someone who urgently needs money). At this stage, you can not do without a clear digital strategy, sharpened under this social network. Consider its main components.


Look at successful brands accounts or simply instagram bloggers with many thousands of subscribers who may not be well-known personnel. Each of them has some kind of idea. Perhaps the most famous example is the Murad Osmanna photographer account and his project "Follow me."

Of course, some Madonna will simply take a picture of himself in the mirror in the bathroom. If you are not Madonna, you will have to work much, much more. You must provide a really interesting content, in extreme cases - useful, and at the same time not to go far from your brand. Let you have an online sweets store: Do not take pictures of the counter or copy the catalog of the candy. Remove many beautiful still lifes with a different mood and lay out a couple of pair.

# Content plan

This simplifying life thing is usually always prescribed when drawing up a strategy. So, so that you have promised enterprising advertisers, remember: Instagram account is when it's better less so better. Just imagine yourself at the site of the user who, yawning, opens in the morning Instagram tape and instead of Selfi friends on every second photo sees, in fact, advertising content is some brand. Remember how the news feed looks like on a smartphone. It is really a tape where you need to scroll through the photo from one to another, from an interesting to even more attractive, and everything will immediately be in place. That's right: everything is boring and obsessive will cause irritation and the desire to immediately refuse such a subscription.

As an example, we give the accounts of the manufacturer of household appliances KORTING. According to the concept and content plan, a photo of appetizing dishes with pleasant wishes was laid out in a community several times a week and only on Thursdays - branded content decorated in the company's stylist.

#The target audience

It is important to reach out before your audience so that your content is interesting and useful to it - this rule is valid for the entire marketing in social media, it also applies to Instagram.

Be sure to take a profile photo - your business card is bright and memorable. There will be a company logo in its pure form, some of its variations or the image in the framework of the chosen account strategy - to solve you. But remember: the overwhelming majority of users look tape from the screen of their smartphones, and they are quite small. The second chance of producing the first impression on potential customers will not be exactly - think this moment in advance. As an example, we give the brand Forever "21: Bright, recognizable and at the same time a laconic profile photography, which perfectly fits into the overall concept of the account.


Instagram has two types of content: photo and video. The ability to shoot the video appeared not so long ago, the timing of the rollers is limited to 15 seconds, and you will not do anything about it. Undoubtedly, on this moment The photo has a huge advantage over video, as it requires smaller costs and when creating, and when viewing.

Uniqueness. We have already talked about the uniqueness of your content as defining the property of successful promotion in Instagram. So this is actually very important: the content must be really original. If you take some existing pictures, they do not have to be shortened at least. Here you need to help various photo banks, and a great set in the network.

Description. It is often useful, in addition to hashtegov, add a description to each photo (some kind of brief explanation, question or comment). Of course, the option of simple posting photos also has the right to life, but it is better to somehow manifest itself. The main thing, do not confuse Instagram with Facebook and do not write long posts. Couples offers enough. But remember: users prefer to lick rather than comment.

# Photocontent

It can be interesting to all or narrow-grateful, useful or exclusively entertaining. One thing is important without a doubt - it must be high-quality both in meaning and in terms of the quality of photographs. Yes, there are individuals that create content for Instagram exclusively through the camera of their smartphone. Of course, this is a personal matter of everyone, but there should be no blurred pictures, pixelization and other joys of pseudophotograph in your branded account.

Use different options - still lifes, collages, portraits - anything that can attract attention. Do not close to photographing your products, think somewhat wider. Play charaks with your brand, act on associations. See how the accounts of various Western brands look like, for example, the "delicious" page of the company OREO:

But less well-known, and even local brands may not give up marketing titans. Here is a stunning instagram-showcase of the American clothing store Topo Designs. This account is just interesting to be signed. The best photos of users are placed here, that's why it all looks so attractive. Note, they manage to do it without actively promoting their own hashtegov. But there is also a small trick that you can safely take into armaments. Along with the glossy, account attracting users, the second is already specifically representing the goods from the store.

Do not place the image of your logo instead of photos. Even if your boss is pleased, who else is interesting? And at all, it is not necessary to overdo it with branding: Remember, the viral effect in Instagram is negligible. If a person subscribed to your account, it means that he has already expressed a certain degree of trust and do not disappoint him. For example, the RED .BULL energy page reflects the concept and emotional promise brand:

Now imagine how the account would look like, whether in it photos of jars with energy.

We will talk about contests, stocks and bonuses further, and as part of a conversation on content, you can mention this form of an interactive, such as the publication of the subscribers selected on any other criteria. Best photo. month, hundredth shot, first photo of the day - no matter. The main thing is that the picture from the user's tape laid out in your account is at least the joy of the author of the masterpiece and interest in what happened from all his subscribers.

# Video connt

This format appeared not so long ago, in principle, is already popular, especially in brands that have everything necessary for its creation. The most interesting video is famous for Western accounts Oreo, Lego, National Geografic, GO Pro, etc.

Additional features

# Hashtegi

Hashtegi is one of the main magic forces Instagram, so let's talk about them in more detail. It is with the help of these words, and sometimes the phrases communicate residents of this kingdom.

Why do you need hasties? This is a kind of cataloging within the social network. When you look for text, for example, VKontakte, theoretically you can find it according to the words that it includes. With photos are more complicated. Therefore, arbitrary hashtags are affixed under each snapshot: they can relate to what is shown in the photo (# cat), display any mood (#happy), season, weather, event - anything. Top Hestegov can be seen here.

With the help of hashtegov, you can search for images and marvel your pictures to find you. You can be stailed under your images of Hesteg with the name of the brand or come up with some kind of own as part of the current advertising campaign. Each hashteg is an active link. Clicking on it, the user sees all the images that they are noted.

For example, the well-known Western brand of Forever youth clothing .21 leads its account under the Wear IT motto. Share IT ("Wash"), implementing it using your own hash # F21xMe. It is also interesting that this heshteg does not just voicate the brand. He helps to feel their buyers with him, as if by saying: "This is Forever 21 in my performance."

# Definition of location

Instagram functionality allows you to determine the place where the photo was made. You can choose the current location or create a new one using the proposed options (directly in the service interface, at the stage of preparation of the photo to publish).

How can this be used in marketing? Many options. Let us give an example: a new store opened in your network? Very convenient to make beautiful pictures and mark the location. Also under an interesting photo of the goods can be noted, in which store it is sold, etc.

# Go beyond Instagram

Instagram "beside itself" gives ample opportunities to accommodate the available content on other sites. You can:

  • Place photos from the account on the company's website
    It is very easy to do directly from the Instagram web interface (from the official site, and not from the mobile application). In this case, you will receive a clicable photo from Instagram with a link leading to your profile. In order to receive this link, you need to open the desired photo, press the button with three dots and select Embed - a window opens with a link to be inserted into the site page code.

What does it give? Photos from Instagram can be used for a variety of purposes: from summing up the competition to a selection. Handles, with a view to covering any interesting eventThe pictures from which users were loaded into the application (with a specific hashteg).

The photos inserted in this way will save both likes, and a link to the profile, and since they often removed on the phone and are far from excellence, it is better to designate it separately.

However, photos can be saved and directly from the Instagram tape. However, this allows you to get the image only in a separate tab (without likes and comments), which can be saved as a picture. On the mobile devices This can be done using various applications, for example, InstaSave works on iOS and Android. In the web interface, it is enough to open the source code of the page and there find a link to the photo itself, for example, // _720656284_n.jpg:

An even easier way to download a photo - take advantage of a special service, for example,

Be pretended: With the technical support of the social network, it is extremely difficult to contact. Frankly, in Russia, compliance with the rules can not always be monitored or not so fast. However, this does not exclude risk, and the likelihood that sanctions will be applied, remains quite high.

IV. Promotion techniques in Instagram

After you have decided on a strategy, content and other main points, a natural question arises: how to make it all at least someone else? Yes, there soon will be advertising in Instagram. However, no one calls exact deadlines, but it is impossible to estimate its actual efficiency. However, millionic accounts exist. How did they achieve such results?

Methods of attracting subscribers to the account, strictly speaking, only two. Conditionally divide them on artificial and natural.

Artificial attraction of subscribers

In this category can be included as quite effective methods paid placement of posts in popular accounts and meaningless cheats of subscribers (and likes). We will understand more.

# Cheat number of subscribers

Method, frankly, controversial. It is in the purchase of subscribers, and simply -boot. These accounts are either initially registered for promotional purposes, or redeemed or stolen from their owners. And if at first glance, especially a non-specialist, they may seem quite natural, for the most part there are no sense from them, but your account for cheating can block.

If you have to resort to such a method (for example, to promote the "zero" account, creating visibility of activity), then it is necessary to do it extremely carefully, but better to refuse at all.

Therefore, although this method exists, it, as in other social networks, at best can perform auxiliary, but, most likely, nothing but harm, spending time and money will not bring you.

Paid publications in Instagram

If you already use Instagram and signed on any public pages or celebrity accounts, then you probably saw paid posts. But even if you have not encountered anything like this, pay attention to such a format of promotion - he has shown well in practice.

In fact, it is quite simple. Similarly, advertising is bought on public pages in other social networks, be it Facebook, VKontakte or classmates. To begin with, you need to make a list of thematic accounts (find them on hashtags or in the list of popular) and contact them. The second option is to take advantage of the advertising exchange in Instagram - the site, which will be intermediary between you as an advertiser and owners of interesting accounts to you.

Further is easier. In the right account there is a post, you (your account) is celebrated in the image (in the description). As a result, you get coverage, subscribers and other bonuses - depending on the purpose, quality of content and the correctness of the site selection. For example, the promotion of the Oh service account, My Master! In the official profile of a well-known model, the leading and fashion-blogger Victoria Boney gave excellent results (including to attract new subscribers).

The most traditional of paid species promotion is to promote blogs, using PR articles on sites. These are all sorts of promotes, the inclusion of your account in the selection from the category of "10 most fashionable accounts in Instagram to which you need to subscribe" on any popular resource. It can be an active link to the photo from your profile inside the material or on the site where your target audience is concentrated. It is desirable that the resource you place is accomplished by adaptive layout for mobile devices.

Natural ways promotion

If all previous methods united the fact that for them, as a rule, you need to pay, here the situation is reverse: it all depends on your skills and your coolness. But in any case, such ways to promote require certain labor costs, consider.

# Use of popular hashtegov

About where to see this list, we have already spoken, but you can resort to other ways, for example, to use search engines. To give the top 100 hashtegov right here we do not risk: it is constantly changing and from the moment of writing the book until it will be able to endure several times.

The search for hasties works perfectly - users love it, it is comfortable for both brands. When placing any content in accordance with the selected strategy, it will not be superfluous to put the hashtag from the list of popular. So you can significantly increase the coverage of publication, get new huskies and even subscribers if your content has to do.

Also, the unequivocal effect may not give too common hashtags like #Happy. It is difficult to find your target audience when such labels use every third user worldwide.

# Subscriptions and huskies

If the mountain does not go to you, then collect a backpack and go to the mountains. Go to subscribers, Laika their photos found on thematic hasties, subscribe to their accounts. Too complicated? However, it works and more than effectively: advertising personalization is an excellent reception. At a minimum, the user will see who subscribed to it.

It is impossible to measure such an important metric as coverage. Here we would recommend resorted to the use of various statistics collection services, for example, known from SMM specialists J.conosquare. Due to the novelty of this type of promotion of such tools for Instagram is much less than for others social networksHowever, from the available you can choose the one that you are more convenient.

# Contests, discounts, bonuses

Pleasant "buns" still remain good to a tool involvement, because everyone loves to receive gifts. Discounts, bonuses for subscribers, draws of an invaluable prize - here fantasy is not limited. As for the methods of holding contests, at the moment there are most often found two main:

  • Using special hashteg
    The main condition of the competition is to post any (specified) a photo in a personal account with an empty of a certain hashteg.
    Great, if it contains the name of the brand. Also one of the mandatory participation conditions may be a subscription to a promotable account.
    But in such competitions there is a weighty motivation (a good prize, bonus) and a simple task. Few people want to sew a Batman's costume and climb in it to highlight because of the corporate lighter.

An example of such a technique can be a competition in the Korting household appliances manufacturer account. Participants were offered to upload photos of various dishes with pleasant wishes and hashteg # cutemeal. The order of foul pictures was posted, and the most active participated in a professional culinary master class.

  • Using the application for repost
    On the wave of distribution such applications began to gain popularity and contests of the type "Make a repost of this record and get a pink elephant." Actually, this phrase describes the whole essence. In this way, you can get great coverage, however, there is one "but": the user must have the same application for repost.

McDonalds, Zara, Dove, Gopro, Clinique - How are world brands lead their pages in Instagram? We learn from the example of successful companies.

SMM in companies of different scale is very different. For example, if I have the most delicious echers in the world in the world, I can take a picture of them, make a post in Instagram - and take orders to the next game directly in the direct.

At the same time, McDonalds, exposing photos of its harmful tastes, is unlikely to expect to get questions in the spirit: "Wow, how much does it cost?", "How to order?", "And there is a delivery?".

Large companies put the image of the image and the brand recognition among a large number of people. Small business - directly an increase in sales.

Nevertheless, it is a large business that has the ability to create interesting and high-quality content that clins users of social networks. What global brands are doing in Instagram - I'll show you in this review.

, 380 thousand subscribers

SPRITE actively uses leaders of opinions on its page in Instagram. Nothing amazing, tell me, but in the signatures, the brand focuses on the fact that these are leaders of opinions, and they will definitely affect you.

In all posts, the company is trying to joke, shows the shots of filming (in the photo below you can see how Sprite remains cold on photo shoots) and almost every third post contains video.

TWIX, 246 thousand subscribers

It seems that the TWIX strategy is to publish everything that falls under the arm. Therefore, in the profile there are perfectly outflowed frames with the product, and the rollers recorded on the phone on some kind of en.

What attracted my attention is short graphic videos that are accompanied by funny signatures.

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