Interesting events and holidays on April 19. Dates of the Holy Orthodox

The list of Russian holidays for April 19, 2018 will acquaint with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and find out its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays April 19

Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry in Russia

On April 19, Russia celebrates the Day of workers of the scrap processing industry on the basis of an agreement that was issued by the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR in 1922 on this day. But the Day of the Worker of the Scrap Processing Industry is not yet on the list of professional holidays in Russia. But the enterprises that are engaged in the disposal of metal waste independently set the date of April 19 as a holiday in honor of the decree of the USSR Labor and Defense Council, which was issued in 1922.

Day of Russian Printing

The history of book printing in Russia goes back over 450 years. The first printing house was opened in the middle of the 16th century, and already in 1563 work began on the book "Apostle" (descriptions of the acts of the saints), which became not only the first printed publication in the history of the country, but a true masterpiece of typographic art. At the same time, until 2014, Russian workers in the printing industry did not have their own holiday. Only in 2013 a professional forum was held in Moscow, at which it was decided to establish the Day of Russian Printing (with the support of the Ministry of Culture). It was timed to coincide with April 19, when Ivan Fedorov began to print the first accurately dated book.

Snowdrop day

Every year on April 19 all over the world there is a traditional beautiful spring holiday - Snowdrop Day. But the history of this holiday began in 1984 in England. Depending on the climatic zone, snowdrops bloom in the world from January to April. In early spring and during warm sunny days. In the UK, snowdrops bloom already in mid-April, therefore, a holiday was timed to this period - Snowdrop Day.

Eutykhiy Quiet and Erema Proletny

The life of Eutychios took place in the 6th century. In his youth, he received a good education, but at his own request he was tonsured a monk. Years later, the monk was made abbot of all monasteries in Amasya, and later he was given the duties of a patriarch. For disagreements with the Main Church at the Fifth Ecumenical Council, Eutychios was exiled from Constantinople to a monastery, but 12 years later he was returned back to the rank of archbishop. The Lord gave Saint Eutychios the gift of divination and the ability to heal serious ailments.

The story of the martyr Jeremiah is little known. He lived in the 3rd century in Palestine, believed in Jesus Christ. During the period of persecution against Christians, when the pagans forced them to sacrifice to idols and forced them to renounce other religions, Jeremiah was subjected to martyrdom.

Bike day

A bicycle is the most affordable and convenient transport in every sense. In the warm season, a two-wheeled car becomes more and more relevant. Fast, inexpensive and environmentally friendly means of transportation enjoys equal popularity among influential officials and politicians, as well as among the smallest inhabitants on Earth. The main idea of ​​the cycling holiday is to show that the bicycle can be a reasonable transport alternative, contrary to stereotypes.

For the first time, Bicycle Day began to be celebrated in Switzerland in 1973, and then the idea was picked up in many countries around the world. The most "cycling" countries in Europe are Denmark, Holland and Germany, where velik is the most common road means. Such popularity is the result of the current policy, because the actualization of the two-wheeled car leads to the unloading of cities from vehicles, which contributes to the improvement of the environment. Russia occupies the last positions in the European cycling list.

Events in history April 19

April 19, 1970 at the Volga Automobile Plant produced the first car - VAZ-2101 "Zhiguli"


Alexander Pierre Francois Boely- French composer.
Dates of life: April 19, 1785 - December 27, 1858.

Felix Blumenfeld- Russian pianist, composer and teacher. Brother of the composer Sigismund Blumenfeld.
Dates of life: April 19, 1863 - January 21, 1931.

Max von Schillings- German composer, conductor and public figure.
Dates of life: April 19, 1868 - July 24, 1933.

Vasily Damayev- Russian opera singer (lyric and dramatic tenor) and teacher.
Dates of life: April 19, 1878 - October 11, 1932.

Germain Thyfer- French pianist and composer.
Dates of life: April 19, 1892 - November 07, 1983.

Afrasiyab Badalbek oglu Badalbeyli- Azerbaijani composer, conductor, musicologist and publicist.
Dates of life: April 19, 1907 - January 06, 1976.

Alex Corner(Alexis Corner; Alexis Andrew Nicholas Korner) is a British rock musician, founder and leader of Blues Incorporated.
Dates of life: April 19, 1928 - January 01, 1984.

Alan Price Is a British musician, songwriter and actor. He was a keyboard player in the group The Animals.
Date of birth: April 19, 1942.

Jean-Pascal Tortelier- French violinist and conductor.
Date of birth: April 19, 1947.

Valery Polyansky- Russian conductor and music and public figure, artistic director, chief conductor and founder of the State Academic Symphony Capella of Russia.
Date of birth: April 19, 1949.

Sergey Rudnitsky- Soviet and Russian composer and arranger, leader and keyboardist of the Lenkom ensemble "Araks".
Date of birth: April 19, 1955.

Sergey Skachkov- Russian rock musician, soloist and frontman of the Zemlyane group.
Date of birth: April 19, 1956.

Africa Bambata Is an American DJ who, along with Kool Herc and Grandmaster Flash, is called one of the three founders of hip-hop music.

Tony Martin(Anthony Martin Harford) - British vocalist, known for his work in the group Black Sabbath.
Date of birth: April 19, 1957.

Vadim Sorokin- Soloist of the Russian group "Ex-BB".
Date of birth: April 19, 1959 - March 06, 2007.

Anna Gerasimova, she Umka, - Russian singer, rock musician, poet, literary critic and literary translator.
Date of birth: April 19, 1961.

Oleg Chinyakov- Russian guitarist, member of the Secret-99 group.
Dates of life: April 19, 1964 - January 12, 2016.

Roman Zhukov- Russian musician, singer and composer.
Date of birth: April 19, 1967.

Marijonas Mikutavicius- Lithuanian singer, TV presenter and journalist.
Date of birth: April 19, 1971.

Irina Nelson(Irina Tyurina) - Russian singer, songwriter and producer.
Date of birth: April 19, 1972.

Yuri Usachev- Russian composer, DJ and producer.

Pavel Sokolov- Russian artist, singer, dancer and musician. Ex-soloist of the Na-Na group.
Date of birth: April 19, 1974.

Haruna Kojima- Japanese singer and actress, member of Team A of the Japanese pop group AKB48.
Date of birth: April 19, 1988.


Johann Peter Kellner- German organist and composer. Father of Johann Christoph Kellner.
Dates of life: September 28, 1705 - April 19, 1772.

Lord Berners(Gerald Hugh Thewitt-Wilson) is a British composer.
Dates of life: September 18, 1883 - April 19, 1950.

Haykanush Danielian- Armenian and Soviet singer.
Dates of life: December 15, 1893 - April 19, 1958.

Israel Nestiev- Soviet Russian musicologist.
Dates of life: April 17, 1911 - April 19, 1993.

Louis Applebaum- Canadian composer and conductor.
Dates of life: April 03, 1918 - April 19, 2000.

Benny hill(Alfred Hawthorne Hill) - English actor, singer and comedian. Creator of the popular Benny Hill Show.
Dates of life: January 21, 1924 - April 19, 1992.

Richard Anthony(Richard Anthony; Ibrahim Richard Btesh, Ibrahim Richard Btesh) - French singer of Egyptian origin.
Dates of life: January 13, 1938 - April 19, 2015.

Levon Helm Is an American musician and actor. He was a member of The Band.
Dates of life: May 26, 1940 - April 19, 2012.

Niels-Henning Oersted-Pedersen(Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen) - Danish jazz bassist, also known as NHØP.
Dates of life: May 27, 1946 - April 19, 2005.

Greg Ham Is an Australian musician, songwriter, saxophonist and flutist for Men at Work.
Dates of life: September 27, 1953 - April 19, 2012.

El Duce(Eldon Hawke) - American singer and drummer, member of The Mentors and The Screamers.
Dates of life: March 23, 1958 - April 19, 1997.

Anatoly Kuleshov- Russian musician, choirmaster and backing vocalist of the Lyube group.
Dates of life: June 18, 1959 - April 19, 2009.

Pavel Usanov- Russian musician, bass player of the Lyube group (1996-2016), founder and artistic director of the Vstrechny Boy rock group.
Dates of life: August 11, 1975 - April 19, 2016.


1948 - the 1st All-Union Congress of Soviet Composers opened in Moscow.

1980 - Brian Johnson officially became the new vocalist of AC / DC.

1980 - The 25th Song Contest was held in The Hague.

more about these musicians and events - .

This event, which took place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Easter week in 1917 in the hall of the Merchant Assembly (now the National Philharmonic of Ukraine), became an epoch-making milestone in the national revival of Ukraine, one of the most important events of the initial stage of the Ukrainian revolution. All-Ukrainian national congress became the first representative forum of the Ukrainian movement in Ukraine, which turned the Ukrainian Central Rada (established in Kiev on March 17, 1917) from a regional to an all-Ukrainian organization. The Congress, which brought together 900 delegates from political, cultural and professional organizations from all over Ukraine, as well as from Ukrainian Bessarabia, Don and Kuban, strongly spoke in favor of granting Ukraine an autonomous status within the framework of the future Russian Federal Republic and proclaimed the Central Rada an all-Ukrainian regional representative body. At the same time, the re-election of the Presidium of the Central Council took place. Mikhail Grushevsky remained the chairman, while radical social democrat Vladimir Vinnichenko and social liberal Sergei Efremov became his deputies. From that moment, feeling broad local support and foreseeing the creation of a wide network of Ukrainian committees at the village, county and provincial levels, the Central Rada began to perceive itself as the highest representative body of the Ukrainian people in those territories where Ukrainians constituted the majority of the population. Consequently, her future confrontation and struggle with the Council of United public organizations, whose meetings at the end of spring the representatives of Ukrainian organizations stopped attending, became inevitable.

Today is Remembrance Day Methodius(about 815-885), preacher of Christianity, Archbishop of Moravia, Slavic educator and creator of the Slavic alphabet, elder brother of Cyril. If Cyril was one hundred percent humanist - he was educated at a school at the imperial court of Constantinople, and then worked as a patriarchal librarian and taught philosophy, and then even in the diplomatic service, then Methodius was at first a military man, the ruler of one of the Slavic regions near Thessalonica. However, a brilliant military career satisfied him and he, in search of the meaning of life, decided to become a monk. But he did not have to remain an ordinary monk for long - he had a sharp mind, organizational talent, and was also very pious - and he was appointed abbot of the Polyhorn monastery in Asia Minor. Subsequently, the brothers united in educational activities - they translated service books into the Slavic language, wrote original works themselves, preached Orthodoxy, opposing the German Catholic clergy, opened schools at churches, and trained students. The brothers' original works have not survived, but there is an opinion that Methodius was the author of the anthem in honor of Dmitry Solunsky. The brothers translated the Gospel, the Apostle, the liturgy, the service book, fragments of the gusli and the missal. Methodius, together with his disciples, translated the Bible. By their activities, Cyril and Methodius laid the foundations of the original Slavic writing and literature, in particular Bulgarian. The Order of Cyril and Methodius, one of the most honorable state awards, has been established in Bulgaria. The name of Cyril and Methodius was kept secret political organization Ukrainian intelligentsia in Kiev - Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood (Taras Shevchenko was also a member of the brotherhood). The memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius is celebrated annually on May 24 in all Slavic countries. At the same time, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated in Ukraine.

Events of the day:

On April 19, 1943, the Warsaw ghetto uprising began, which lasted until May 16. It was brutally suppressed by regular SS units. One of the leaders of the uprising, Mordechai Anelevich, wrote in a letter to his deputy Yitzhak Zuckerman: “What we have experienced surpassed our wildest expectations ... and led the fight in all its greatness and glory. " One of the rebels, Aria Vilner, remarked: “We are not going to save ourselves ... None of us will survive. We want to save the honor of the people. "

Anniversaries of the day:

24 6 birthday anniversary David Ricardo (1772-1823), English economist, one of the founders of classical political economy. Main work - "Fundamentals of Political Economy and Taxation." Follower and at the same time opponent of Adam Smith. Supporter of the labor theory of value. David Ricardo knew about finance and economics firsthand: he was born into a Portuguese-Jewish family of a stockbroker. Was the third of 17 children. Before his birth, the family lived in Holland. In this country, he studied until the age of 14. Then he came to London and started helping his father on the London Stock Exchange. At the age of 16, he was already the right hand of his father and could independently conduct certain trading and exchange operations. However, at the age of 21, David abandons traditional Judaism, converts to Protestantism and marries an Englishwoman. For the family, this was an annoying surprise. The father deprives him of the right to inherit, the mother does not speak; he is kicked out of the house. But by that time, David had managed to earn and save certain funds (about £ 800), which allowed him to support his family without outside support. He was also a talented stockbroker. Until the age of 38, David Ricardo becomes a prominent London financier. At 42, he retired from active work, devoting himself scientific research in the field of economic theory. His fortune exceeded a million pounds, he bought a large mansion in Gloucestershire and led the life of a wealthy landowner. In 1819 he was elected a member of the House of Commons (he bought a deputy, but then began to oppose such a custom). He often spoke on economic issues. David Ricardo began to take a serious interest in economics in 1799 after reading the book "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith. Ricardo was a supporter of the concept of complete economic liberalism, an opponent of any government intervention in the economy.

87 birthday anniversary Rostislav Ivanovich Dotsenko (1931-2012), Ukrainian translator and critic. He translated the novels "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" by Wilde, "The Last of the Mohicans" by Cooper, "The Thieves" and "Home" by Faulkner, "Great Expectations" by Dickens, collections of stories by Edgar Poe, and Irish short prose.

Death anniversary:

Day of Remembrance Nikolai Kostomarov (1817-1885), Ukrainian historian, ethnographer, writer, public figure, one of the founders of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood (wrote his program documents "The Book of the Life of the Ukrainian People", "Rules" and two appeals). Graduated from Kharkov University. Adjunct Professor at Kiev University. Professor of St. Petersburg University, employee of the Osnova magazine, editor of the collection Acts of Southern and Western Russia. The huge scientific heritage of Kostomarov contains fundamental works on the history of Ukraine of the 16th-18th centuries - "Bogdan Khmelnitsky", "Mazepa and Mazepa", "Hetmanate of Yuri Khmelnitsky", "Pavel Polubotok" and others. Author of collections of poems "Ukrainian ballads" and "Vetka" , historical dramas "Savva Chaly", "Pereyaslavskaya night", stories, fairy tales. Almost 10 recent years life Kostomarov lived in the village of Dedovtsy near Priluki (family estate of his wife), where he was recovering from a stroke. Contemporaries of the historian in their memoirs willingly talk about Kostomarov the man, noting his phenomenal memory, and at the same time numerous "professorial" eccentricities. Living in Dedovtsi, Kostomarov loved to walk in the woods, picking flowers, which he stuffed into the eyelets and pockets of his jacket, or into his hat. He was afraid of the heat and quarreled with his family for open windows; contrary to the prohibition of doctors every morning he doused himself cold water... He was capricious with food: he always demanded that the fish, before being cleaned and fried, must be alive (the same was required when it came to chicken broth). In his declining years he was very absent-minded.

On this page you will learn about the significant dates of the spring day April 19, what famous people were born on this April day, events took place, and we will also tell you about folk signs and Orthodox holidays this day, public holidays different countries from around the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them is remembered for something, not an exception was the spring day of April 19, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and society development.

The day of April nineteenth, left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, as well as who was born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the nineteenth spring day of April 19 April, what events and memorable dates he was celebrated and what he remembered, who was born, the signs characterizing the day and much more, what you should know, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on April 19 (nineteenth)

Roman Vladimirovich Zhukov. Born April 19, 1967 in Orel. Soviet and Russian musician, singer, composer

Rivaldo (19.04.1972 [Paulista]) - Brazilian footballer, attacking midfielder and striker

Shannon Lee (04/19/1969 [Los Angeles]) - American actress

Roberto Carlos Braga (19.04.1941 [Cachueiro de Itapemirin]) - popular Brazilian singer and composer

Jane Mansfield (04/19/1933 [Bryn Mawr PA] - 06/29/1967) - American film actress, Hollywood sex bomb of the 50-60s

Erich Hartmann (04/19/1922 - 09/20/1993) - German pilot-AS

Lina Baskett (04/19/1907 [San Mateo] - 09/30/1944 [San Mateo]) - American actress, silent film star

Vivienne Segal (04/19/1897 [Philadelphia] - 12/29/1992 [Beverly Hills]) - American actress and singer

Alexander Ptushko (04/19/1900 [Lugansk] - 03/06/1937 [Moscow]) - Soviet film director

Nikolay Yezhov (04/19/1895 [St. Petersburg] - 02/04/1940 [Moscow]) - People's Commissar of the NKVD

Henry Deterding (19.04.1866 [Amsterdam] - 04.02.1939 [St. Moritz]) - Dutch industrialist

Vsevolod Miller (04/19/1848 [Moscow] - 11/18/1913 [St. Petersburg]) - an outstanding Russian scientist, folklorist, ethnographer, linguist and archaeologist

Mikhail Muravyov (04/19/1845 - 06/21/1900) - Count, Russian diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs (1897-1900)

Mikhail Villiers (04/19/1838 [St. Petersburg] - 1852) - Russian landscape painter

Nikolai Blagoveshchensky (04.19.1837 [Moscow] - 07.20.1889 [Vladikavkaz]) - Russian writer, journalist

Franz Gerstner (19.04.1796 - 12.04.1840) - Austrian engineer, builder of the first railroad in Russia

in 1946, actor Tim Curry was born in Cheshire, who played Nigel Thornberry in The Wild Thornberry Family, Roger Corwin in Charlie's Angels and Cardinal Richelieu in The Three Musketeers

On April 19, 1957, the famous and popular actor of Soviet and Russian cinema and theater was born - Sergei Feliksovich Batalov

in 1968 in Granada Hills was born actress Ashley Judd, who played Natalie in the movie "Divergent", Margaret Asher in the movie "The Fall of Olympus" and Curly in the movie "The Tooth Fairy"

in 1978, actor James Franco was born in California, who played Dave Schilark in the movie "Interview", Oz in the movie "Oz: The Great and Terrible" and Franco in the TV series "General Hospital"

in 1979, actress Kate Hudson was born in Los Angeles, who played Liv in the movie "Bride Wars", Alexis in the movie "My Best Friend's Girl" and Carolyn Ellis in the movie "The Key to All Doors"

in 1981, the actor Hayden Christensen was born in Vancouver, who played David Rice in the movie "Teleport", Clay Beresford in the movie "Narcosis" and Anakin Skywalker in the films "Star Wars"

In 1982, the actor Ignacio Serricio was born in Buenos Aieres, who played Tommy in the TV series "Witches of the East End", Alex Chavez in the TV series "The Young and the Restless" and Rafa in the movie "The Whale"

in 1987 in Leningrad, actress Oksana Akinshina was born, who played Vera in the film "8 First Dates", Tatyana Ivleva in the TV series "Vysotsky: Thank you for being alive" and Favor in the film "Hipsters"

On April 19, 1987, the popular Russian theater and film actress Oksana Aleksandrovna Akinshina was born

On April 19, 1987, Maria Yuryevna Sharapova was born - the most popular Russian sportswoman in the whole world, the "pride" of Russian tennis.

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with the days (dates) of the celebration.Orthodox and Catholic Easter, as well as the Holy Trinity until 2035 ...

Dates April 19

Primrose Day is celebrated in the UK

In the USA - Dutch-American Friendship Day

Venezuela celebrates - Day of the beginning of the movement for independence

In Uruguay - 33 Patriots Disembarkation Day

Swaziland - Birthday of King Mswati III

According to the popular calendar, this is Eutykhiy the Quiet or Erema flying

If on this day it is calm and clear, then an early harvest of spring crops is expected

April 19 events happened - historical dates

in 1563, the pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov opens his printing house in Moscow, leaving Lvov

George Byron died in 1824, english poet who described Child Harold's pilgrimage and swam across the English Channel

in 1882, Charles Darwin died, a naturalist who put forward a bold hypothesis about the origin of man from ape

in 1906, the physicist Pierre Curie died, and not from radiation, but simply falling under the wheels of a carriage

in 1919 the Poles captured the capital of Lithuania Vilnus

in 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru's party decided to divide India into India proper and Pakistan

in 1971 the first space orbital station "Salyut" was launched

in 2000, the largest gold deposit in Europe was discovered in Romania

in 2005, 265 was elected Pope - Benedict XVI, before that simply Joseph Ratzinger.

April 19 events

April 19, 1563 - The Moscow printing house of the first printers Pyotr Mstislavets and Ivan Fedorov began its work

In 1564, the first Russian printed book called "The Apostle" was published. Pyotr Mstislavets and Ivan Fedorov were directly involved in its creation, thanks to which they went down in history as the first printers. Historians have proven that the work on the "Apostle" was carried out for about a year.

Many believe that it began on April 19, 1563. And such a long printing of the book is explained very simply - the primitiveness of the first equipment. The "Apostle", after he was published, began to be actively used to train the clergy. The first printed book became a valuable model for subsequent editions. Researchers have established that the work on the book was carried out in an independent printing house.

This date is the birthday of the legendary Spartak club, which has won the love and approval of millions of Russian fans.

The sports society "Spartak" in some types of sports (football, water polo, hockey, chess, baseball, sports dances, etc.) repeatedly became the winner of various championships. By the way, the name "Spartak" was invented by one of its founders - NP Starostin.

April 19, 1943 - The beginning of the armed uprising of the prisoners of the Warsaw ghetto against the Nazis

The armed uprising of the prisoners of the Warsaw ghetto, which began in 1943, was the most widespread and was considered the most desperate. Four years before it began, fascist troops entered Warsaw, where about 400,000 Jews lived at that time.

The Germans carried out massive anti-Jewish events, including forced labor, the branding of Jewish dwellings, shops and clothing, as well as the confiscation of property, and more. In 1940, the Germans allocated part of Warsaw for the Jewish ghetto, in which all the Jews of the city and the surrounding area were imprisoned.

Within two years, about half of the slaves died from hunger and disease. And in the spring of 1943, an armed uprising broke out in the ghetto. The Nazis suffered huge losses. For almost a month, the prisoners fought for their own freedom, but in the end the resistance was suppressed. Those who survived were taken out and destroyed.

Signs April 19 - the day of Eutychius the Quiet, Yerema Proletny

Usually, it was the weather on that day that judged what the harvest of spring crops, vegetables, clover, and bread would be.

Usually, by this time, apple trees began to bloom everywhere in the gardens, and they were usually correlated with girlish beauty, innocence. Often a wedding song, in which the apple tree symbol was present, was associated with the bride. The girls sometimes wondered about their betrothed, followed the signs, many of them were preparing a dowry, preparing for the wedding.

IN Orthodox Church April 19 is the day of Saint Eutychios, who performed many healings and miracles during his lifetime. For example, once a woman who was constantly giving birth to dead children turned to him for help.

It was Eutykhiy who helped her give birth to two healthy sons. After that, two deaf-and-dumb youths, whom Eutykhios was able to heal, turned to the elder. They said that once he even saved a talented artist from cancer.

He was also able to fight mental illnesses - crazy people were brought to Eutychius, and he expelled demons from them. He did not shy away from helping drunkards and homeless people, people, thanks to Eutychius, cleansed themselves of leprosy, got rid of alcoholism and other vices.

Therefore, it is not surprising that they often prayed to Saint Eutychios on April 19, asking for health for relatives and friends. Often they went to church for this.

Folk omens April 19

Folk omens on Eutykhiy the quiet and Erema Proletny

They said on April 19: "If it is calm on Eutychia, then the early bread will be abundantly born, and Erema is windy - he will knock down the ears of grain."

We also observed wild ducks and if they were well-fed on April 19, then the spring days will be long

Arrived ducks nest in places with a lot of water - expect a drought in summer

A calm and sunny day is a sign that spring crops will be born well

Windy weather - the ears will knock down, and there will be no rich harvest

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were you satisfied with what you read? Agree, it is useful to learn the history of events and dates, as well as those of famous people who were born today, on the nineteenth day of April, April 19, what a trace this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you to understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the reliability and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more that is necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading broadens your horizons and develops imagination, learn about everything, develop versatile!

What is interesting and significant in world history on April 19, science, sports, culture, politics?

April 19, what events in world history, science and culture is this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can you celebrate and celebrate on April 19?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on April 19? What religious holidays are celebrated on April 19? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the popular day of April 19 on the calendar?

What folk omens and beliefs are associated with the day of April 19? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on April 19?

What are the significant historical events April 19 and memorable dates of world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial day of which famous and great people on April 19?

Who of the great, famous and famous died on April 19?

April 19, Memorial Day of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

We offer dates for the Great Easter Holy Orthodox Trinity for the next time period, you may be interested to learn about them, about the days of these important church holidays for every Christian believer, or just out of curiosity. You will find out in the link the day of the Orthodox Easter of a particular year, also about the Catholic Easter, the date of its holding for Christians, Catholics ... holiday dates in links ...

Dates Orthodox

Easter until 2035

Bright Resurrection of Christ

Dates of the Holy Orthodox

Trinity until 2035


Events of the day April 19 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2017, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day April 19 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2018, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day April 19 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2019, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the nineteenth month.

Events of the day April 19 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2020, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twentieth year.

Events of the day April 19 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2021, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day April 19 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2022, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth day of April in the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day April 19 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2023, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day April 19 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2024, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day April 19 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2025, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day April 19 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2026, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day April 19 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2027, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day April 19 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2028, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the twenty-eighth month.

Events of the day April 19 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2029, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day April 19 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2030, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the thirtieth year.

Events of the day April 19 2031 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2031, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day April 19 2032 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2032, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day April 19 2033 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2033, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day April 19 2034 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2034, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day April 19 2035 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of April 19, 2035, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the nineteenth April day of the month of the thirtieth year.

Today, April 19, the whole world celebrates the very first flower holiday - Snowdrop Day, and on the same day, the March of Parks is celebrated in all parks in the world, and in Russia, scrap processing workers celebrate their Day. April 19 is a holiday for the Cubans - the anniversary of the victory in Playa Giron. Let's celebrate this day with a cheerful smile with a holiday - the Day of the traveling smile. The funny holiday of the label reader is also celebrated on April 19.

Snowdrop day

Every year on April 19 all over the world there is a traditional beautiful spring holiday - Snowdrop Day. But the history of this holiday began in 1984 in England. Depending on the climatic zone, snowdrops bloom in the world from January to April. In early spring and during warm sunny days. In the UK, snowdrops bloom already in mid-April, therefore, a holiday was timed to this period - Snowdrop Day.

March of the parks

This year, the March for Parks takes place on April 19. Officially, the March of Parks holiday is called the Days of Reserves and National Parks, it is an international public action that is held annually on a set day. The purpose of the action is to attract the attention of all inhabitants of the planet, funds mass media, authorities and commercial organizations to the problems of protected natural areas and provide them with real practical assistance in preserving protected areas. The Parks March is annually held in almost all countries of the world, including Russia, hundreds of thousands of people take an active part in it.

Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry in Russia

On April 19, Russia celebrates the Day of workers of the scrap processing industry on the basis of an agreement that was issued by the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR in 1922 on this day. But the Day of the Worker of the Scrap Processing Industry is not yet on the list of professional holidays in Russia. But the enterprises that are engaged in the disposal of metal waste independently set the date of April 19 as a holiday in honor of the decree of the USSR Labor and Defense Council, which was issued in 1922.

Anniversary of the Victory in Playa Giron.

USA after the victory of the Cuban Revolution of 1953-59. tried to use political, economic and military means to strangle the first socialist revolution in the Western Hemisphere. Planes with American pilots and Cuban markings bombed three Cuban airports on April 15, 1961. It was actually an artillery barrage. Fidel Castro said at the April 16 mourning ceremony for the seven Cuban deaths that a socialist revolution had taken place. After the events of April 16, a counter-revolutionary pro-American landing landed in Playa Giron to overthrow the government of F. Castro.

Traveling Smile Day

Remember today the words of a kind children's song "From a smile it will become light for everyone ...", and also Friendship begins with a Smile! Smile today as often as possible, let your smiles travel around the world.

Holiday label reader

Remember today how difficult it would be to live without labels - a graphic or text mark that is applied to a product in the form of a sticker, tag or coupon.

Right to work day
We have the right to work, but for some reason we like to rest more. This unusual holiday can be celebrated with shock work, but at the same time, we will not forget about rest today.

April 19 got its name in honor of the saints - Archbishop Eutychios of Constantinople, who lived in the 6th century, and in honor of the martyr Jeremiah, who died in the 3rd century for his faith. Our ancestors, according to the day of Eutykhios and Yerema, judged the future grain harvest. For this they observed the weather. On this day, the absence of wind was a good omen. The peasants said: "If Eutykhios is quiet, then there will be a harvest of early grain, and if Erem is beaten by the wind, he will knock down an ear of corn."

Usually, apple trees bloom on Eutychia, which were a symbol of girlish beauty and innocence in Russian folklore, so the bride in wedding songs was often compared to a tree in bloom. The peasants respected the apple tree that day, they went to the garden to bow to it and paint the trunk to protect it from harmful insects, prop up its fragile branches so that they could withstand the next harvest in the summer. On this day, it was supposed to take a bite of soaked apples - if, they were preserved by the owners until spring.

Name days on April 19 at: Gregory, Eremey, Ivan, Methodius, Paul, Peter, Prokhor, Sevastyan, Yakov

1563 - The Moscow printing house of the first printers Pyotr Mstislavets and Ivan Fedorov began its work

1783 - Catherine II published a manifesto on the annexation of Crimea to Russia

1935 - Day of foundation of the voluntary sports society "Spartak"

1943 - The beginning of the armed uprising of the prisoners of the Warsaw ghetto against the Nazis

1947 - The Indian National Congress Party agreed to divide the country into India and Pakistan.

1970 - the first car "VAZ-2101" was produced at the Volga Automobile Plant - the legendary "Kopeyka"

1971 - Launch of the first Soviet orbital station Salyut.

Born on April 19
Alexander Ptushko (1900-1973) - Soviet film director and storyteller. Before joining the cinema, Ptushko managed to prove himself in the fields of journalism and art (he was a decorator). Soon he became interested in creating puppet images, and a year later he made his debut as a director of a new series of animated films. His first work, and very successful, was the feature film New Gulliver. In this film, along with his dolls, live actors also played. In addition to Gulliver, Ptushko shot a number of other films, such as The Guy from Our City, Zoya, Sadko, The Scarlet Flower, Ilya Muromets, Ruslan and Lyudmila and many others.

Georgy Markov (1911-1991) - Soviet writer. The author of the novels "Salt of the Earth", "The Strogovs", "Siberia", etc. Many of his works were subsequently filmed. Despite the fact that Markov was an influential literary functionary, twice awarded the "Hero of Socialist Labor", he was known as a simple man and always remained true patriot of their homeland.

Maria Sharapova (born 1987) is a Russian tennis player. Winner of the US Open (2006), Wimbledon (2004). In 2005, as well as 2007, she was in the lead in the ranking of WTA tennis players.

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