Book: “Classical Fable. "classic fable" Other books on similar topics

Fable is one of the oldest literary genres, which allowed writers to ridicule social vices in the safest way, with the help of allegory. Moreover, in terms of predation, cunning, greed and unpredictability, people surpass all known animals. So in any era, the fabulist endowed with creative imagination had every reason to give the beast, bird, insect additional "powers": to become allegorical carriers of certain human moral qualities. In the 17th century, primarily thanks to La Fontaine, the fable found a second wind, expanding its own horizons. This genre enjoyed particular popularity in Russian literature from the middle of the 18th century - and reached its peak in the work of I.A.Krylov. Poetic transcriptions by famous Russian poets Lomonosov, Dmitriev, Batyushkov, Krylov, Vyazemsky can be called the "third breath" of the immortal genre. The fables presented in this book belong to Russian literature no less, and sometimes even more, than the literature in the language of which they were originally created. It is no coincidence that VA Zhukovsky's catchphrase "The translator in verse is a rival" first appeared in his review of the translation of La Fontaine's fables by Ivan Krylov. This book was illustrated by two great artists, still little known in our country - the Frenchman Jean Baptiste Hudry (1686-1755) and the Englishman Charles Robinson (1870-1937). The compositional grace and decorative nobility of Jean Baptiste Hudry's works aroused such delight of his contemporaries that King Louis XV allocated the artist an apartment in the Louvre so that he could create only for the glory of France and not be distracted by orders from other royal houses of Europe. English artist Charles Robinson has worked extensively in the genre of book illustration, and each of his works is an example of impeccable taste and honed skill.

Other books on similar topics:

    authorBookDescriptionYearPriceBook type
    Fable is one of the oldest literary genres, which allowed writers to ridicule social vices in the safest way, with the help of allegory. Moreover, as regards predation, cunning ... - @ AST, Astrel, @ (format: 84x100 / 16, 208 pages) @ Masterpieces of world culture @ @ 2011
    596 paper book
    Classical FableFable is one of the oldest literary genres, which is popular with poets and writers of different times. In this collection you can get acquainted with the fables of Aesop, Leonardo da Vinci, Jean ... - @ Dragonfly, @ (format: 84x108 / 16 (~ 205x290mm), 112 pages (color illustrations) pages) @ School program @ @ 2017
    208 paper book
    Krylov Ivan Andreevich, Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich, Pushkin Vasily LvovichClassical FableFable is one of the oldest literary genres, which is popular with poets and writers of different times. In this collection you can get acquainted with the fables of Aesop, Leonardo da Vinci, Jean ... - @ Dragonfly, @ (format: 84x108 / 16 (~ 205x290mm), 112 pages (color illustrations) pages) @ @ @2017
    144 paper book
    Edition 1081. The preservation is good. Translations by M. Gasparov, A. Efros, T. V. Popova. Compiled by M. L. Gasparov, I. Yu. Podgaetskaya. The book includes ancient, Western European and Russian fables ... - @ Moscow worker, @ (format: 60x84 / 16, 382 pages) @ One-volume books of classical literature @ @ 1981
    120 paper book
    From the publisher: We invite your attention to a collection of fables: Aesop, Leonardo da Vinci, Lafontaine, I. Krylov and L. Tolstoy. The book is richly illustrated - @ @ (format: 84x108 / 16 (~ 205x290mm), 112 pages (color illustrations) pages) @ Book as a gift @ @2008
    123 paper book
    A classic fable. Favorites in poetry and proseA fable is a short, most often poetic, moralizing story, starting with a conversation, with verbal communication; this is the oldest genre of verbal art, which has grown from the very depths of history and ... - @ AST, Astrel, @ (format: 84x108 / 32, 608 pages) @ Classics and contemporaries @ @ 2011
    264 paper book

    See also other dictionaries:

      A short prose or poetic story in which symbolic characters act, embodying various human types and illustrating the principles of morality or practical expediency. The moral lesson is either contained in the ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia


      Put on the flesh and blood- 1) who To incarnate in a concrete, living form, to appear in reality. It means that a person, a group of persons, as well as literary characters (X) take a certain real form, exist in reality, in fact. Spoken with approval, ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

      Fairy tale: 1) a kind of narrative, mainly prose folklore (fairy tale prose), which includes works of different genres, in the content of which, from the point of view of the bearers of folklore, there is no strict reliability. Fairy tale folklore ... Wikipedia

      Literature of the era of feudalism. VIII X century. XI XII century. XII XIII century. XIII XV century. Bibliography. Literature of the era of decomposition of feudalism. I. From the Reformation to the 30 Years War (late XV XVI centuries). II From the 30 Years War to the Early Enlightenment (XVII century ... Literary encyclopedia

      To the history of the problem. Definition of the concept. Solving the problem in dogmatic literary criticism. Evolutionary theories of J. Solution of the J. problem by the "formal school". Ways of Marxist study J. Theory of literary J. Thematic, compositional and ... ... Literary encyclopedia

      I. INTRODUCTION II. RUSSIAN ORAL POETRY A. Periodization of the history of oral poetry B. Development of ancient oral poetry 1. The earliest origins of oral poetry. Oral poetry ancient Russia from X to the middle of the XVI century. 2. Oral poetry from the middle of the XVI to the end ... ... Literary encyclopedia

      A type of comic (see. Aesthetics), which differs from other types (humor, irony) by the sharpness of exposure. S. at its inception was a certain lyric genre. It was a poem, often significant in volume, content to ... ... Literary encyclopedia

      The theory of the novel is a heterogeneous literary doctrine that explains the genre nature and history of the novel. Classical literary theory, from the Hellenistic era (beginning of our era) to late classicism (XVIII century), ignores existence ... ... Wikipedia

      Gottfried Ephraim Lessing (1729 1781) is a German writer, one of the largest representatives of the literature of the European Enlightenment (see). Born in the Saxon town of Kamenets into a pastor's family. From 1746 student at the University of Leipzig; ... ... Literary encyclopedia

      Bolshoi Theater in Warsaw. Classicism (fr. Classicisme, from lat. ... Wikipedia

    Series: "Masterpieces of World Culture"

    Fable is one of the oldest literary genres, which allowed writers to ridicule social vices in the safest way, with the help of allegory. Moreover, in terms of predation, cunning, greed and unpredictability, people surpass all known animals. So in any era, the fabulist endowed with creative imagination had every reason to give the beast, bird, insect additional "powers": to become allegorical carriers of certain human moral qualities. In the 17th century, primarily thanks to La Fontaine, the fable found a second wind, expanding its own horizons. This genre enjoyed particular popularity in Russian literature from the middle of the 18th century - and reached its peak in the work of I.A.Krylov. Poetic transcriptions by famous Russian poets Lomonosov, Dmitriev, Batyushkov, Krylov, Vyazemsky can be called the "third breath" of the immortal genre. The fables presented in this book belong to Russian literature no less ...

    Publisher: "AST, Astrel" (2011)

    Format: 84x100 / 16, 208 pages

    ISBN: 978-5-17-074243-1, 978-5-271-35744-2

    On Ozone

    Other books on similar topics:

      authorBookDescriptionYearPriceBook type
      Classical FableFable is one of the oldest literary genres, which is popular with poets and writers of different times. In this collection you can get acquainted with the fables of Aesop, Leonardo da Vinci, Jean ... - @ Dragonfly, @ (format: 84x108 / 16 (~ 205x290mm), 112 pages (color illustrations) pages) @ School program @ @ 2017
      208 paper book
      Krylov Ivan Andreevich, Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich, Pushkin Vasily LvovichClassical FableFable is one of the oldest literary genres, which is popular with poets and writers of different times. In this collection you can get acquainted with the fables of Aesop, Leonardo da Vinci, Jean ... - @ Dragonfly, @ (format: 84x108 / 16 (~ 205x290mm), 112 pages (color illustrations) pages) @ @ @2017
      144 paper book
      Edition 1081. The preservation is good. Translations by M. Gasparov, A. Efros, T. V. Popova. Compiled by M. L. Gasparov, I. Yu. Podgaetskaya. The book includes ancient, Western European and Russian fables ... - @ Moscow worker, @ (format: 60x84 / 16, 382 pages) @ One-volume books of classical literature @ @ 1981
      120 paper book
      From the publisher: We invite your attention to a collection of fables: Aesop, Leonardo da Vinci, Lafontaine, I. Krylov and L. Tolstoy. The book is richly illustrated - @ @ (format: 84x108 / 16 (~ 205x290mm), 112 pages (color illustrations) pages) @ Book as a gift @ @2008
      123 paper book
      A classic fable. Favorites in poetry and proseA fable is a short, most often poetic, moralizing story, beginning with a conversation, with verbal communication; this is the oldest genre of verbal art, which has grown from the very depths of history and ... - @ AST, Astrel, @ (format: 84x108 / 32, 608 pages) @ Classics and contemporaries @ @ 2011
      264 paper book

      See also other dictionaries:

        A short prose or poetic story in which symbolic characters act, embodying various human types and illustrating the principles of morality or practical expediency. The moral lesson is either contained in the ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia


        Put on the flesh and blood- 1) who To incarnate in a concrete, living form, to appear in reality. It means that a person, a group of persons, as well as literary characters (X) take a certain real form, exist in reality, in fact. Spoken with approval, ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

        Fairy tale: 1) a kind of narrative, mainly prose folklore (fairy tale prose), which includes works of different genres, in the content of which, from the point of view of the bearers of folklore, there is no strict reliability. Fairy tale folklore ... Wikipedia

        Literature of the era of feudalism. VIII X century. XI XII century. XII XIII century. XIII XV century. Bibliography. Literature of the era of decomposition of feudalism. I. From the Reformation to the 30 Years War (late XV XVI centuries). II From the 30 Years War to the Early Enlightenment (XVII century ... Literary encyclopedia

        To the history of the problem. Definition of the concept. Solving the problem in dogmatic literary criticism. Evolutionary theories of J. Solution of the J. problem by the "formal school". Ways of Marxist study J. Theory of literary J. Thematic, compositional and ... ... Literary encyclopedia

        I. INTRODUCTION II. RUSSIAN ORAL POETRY A. Periodization of the history of oral poetry B. Development of ancient oral poetry 1. The earliest origins of oral poetry. Oral poetry of ancient Russia from the X to the middle of the XVI century. 2. Oral poetry from the middle of the XVI to the end ... ... Literary encyclopedia

        A type of comic (see. Aesthetics), which differs from other types (humor, irony) by the sharpness of exposure. S. at its inception was a certain lyric genre. It was a poem, often significant in volume, content to ... ... Literary encyclopedia

        The theory of the novel is a heterogeneous literary doctrine that explains the genre nature and history of the novel. Classical literary theory, from the Hellenistic era (beginning of our era) to late classicism (XVIII century), ignores existence ... ... Wikipedia

        Gottfried Ephraim Lessing (1729 1781) is a German writer, one of the largest representatives of the literature of the European Enlightenment (see). Born in the Saxon town of Kamenets into a pastor's family. From 1746 student at the University of Leipzig; ... ... Literary encyclopedia

        Bolshoi Theater in Warsaw. Classicism (fr. Classicisme, from lat. ... Wikipedia

      Fable is one of the ancient species works of art, dating back to the III millennium BC. from Sumerian and Babylonian literature. The fable is always based on morality and storytelling.

      The fable exposes the dark sides of the human character, and since these vices have no power over time, the legends of fables of past years are relevant to this day. They help develop moral and ethical qualities in children and carry a considerable educational role, guiding them on the right path.

      The founder of the fable is considered to be Aesop - the ancient poet-fabulist Ancient Greece(VI-V centuries BC), who wrote his works in prose. The original plots and the wisdom of his works, which have passed through many centuries, served as the basis for the plots of other famous authors-fabulists J. La Fontaine and I.A. Krylov.

      Read Fables Online

      In this section you will find best selections fables of Krylov, Aesop, J. La Fontaine, for children of any age, which will be useful in the process of developing and raising a child.

      We love to read Krylov's fables since childhood. Krylov's images are stored in our memory, which often pop up in our heads in various life situations, we turn to them and every time we do not cease to be amazed at Krylov's insight.

      It happens that the Pug will be remembered, which barks at the Elephant in order to give the impression of being brave and fearless, or suddenly a Monkey pops up in front of our eyes, which scoffed at itself, not recognizing the reflection in the Mirror. Laughter, and more! And how often there are meetings that are involuntarily compared with the Monkey, that out of her own ignorance, not knowing the value of the Points, she smashed them on a stone. Krylov's little fables are short in size, but not in meaning, because the Krylov word is sharp, and the morals of fables have long turned into idioms... Krylov's fables accompany us through life, have become akin to us and at any period will find understanding in us and help us to re-realize the values.

      Krylov - famous writer... Of all the children's poems and fables, Krylov's works are always the best, they are etched into memory and emerge during life when they meet human vices. It is often said that, they say, Krylov did not write for children, but is the meaning of his fables not clear to children? Usually morality is clearly written, so even the smallest child can usefully read Krylov's fables.

      On our site we post the best works of the author in the original presentation, and also separately highlight morality for convenience and better memorization of sometimes philosophical thoughts. Both a child and an adult will find a lot of meaning in these little life stories, in which animals symbolize people, their vices and ridiculous behavior. Krylov's fables online are remarkable in that they contain not only text, but also a remarkable picture, easy navigation, cognitive facts and reasoning. After reading, the author will surely become your favorite, and his life essays in the form of humorous fables will be remembered for many years.

      The fabulist led an absolutely open life, communicated a lot, printed books one after another and did not shy away from his obesity and laziness at all. The curiosities that happened to Krylov were expressed by him in instructive scenes, the simplicity of which is deceiving. He was not a fabulist, he was a philosopher-thinker, capable of comically describing the shortcomings of people in an amazing form accessible only to him with childish unobtrusiveness and ease. There is no need to look for only satire in Krylov's fables, their value does not end there. The content and meaning are philosophical rather than humorous. In addition to human vices, truths of being, the foundations of behavior and relationships between people are presented in a light form. Each fable is a combination of wisdom, morality and humor.

      Start reading Krylov's fables to a child from an early age. They will show him what to watch out for in life, what behavior others condemn, and for what they can encourage. According to Krylov, the laws of life are natural and wise, he despises artificiality and self-interest. Morality, cleansed of any impurities and influences, is clear and laconic, contains a division between the right and the wrong. The remarkable manner of writing has led to the fact that every morality has become a popular proverb or a cheerful aphorism. The works are written in such a language that, although they look like literary forms, in fact they carry intonations and ridicule inherent only to the great popular mind. Krylov's little fables changed the general view of this genre. Innovation manifested itself in realism, philosophical note and worldly wisdom. Fables became small novels, sometimes dramas, in which the accumulated wisdom and cunning of the mind were manifested for centuries. It is remarkable that with all this, the author did not turn the fable into satirical poem, but managed to preserve a deep meaningful part, consisting of a short story and morality.

      Krylov's fable penetrated the essence of things, the characters of the characters and became a genre practically unattainable by other authors. Despite the satire, the fabulist loved life in all its manifestations, only he would very much like simple and natural truths to finally be replaced by low passions. The genre of the fable under his pen has become so high and perfected that, after rereading the fables of other authors, you will understand that there is no other such thing, and it is unlikely that there will be.

      In the section of Krylov's fables online, we invite you to get acquainted with folk wisdom... Short philosophical works will not leave indifferent either children or adults.

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