Skurn from here! Stars who smell badly from mouth (photo). Celebrities, from the smell of which the surrounding stars were not good

Julia sews nature resources, so saves water and does not wash for several days in a row. Cute, of course, but, given that most of the time actresses spends in hot california, you can imagine what a wonderful "perfume" comes from her skin. Perhaps the star time to choose?

As for the care of armpits, Roberts in this matter is a real rebar - it was photographed several times with her vegetation (and by the way, it was still in those days when no one was heard about the word "bodipositiva"), but from deodorant she And he refused at all, and not explaining the true cause. Julia just says that she does not like to use them. Well, also position!

Colin Farrell

Farrell colleagues assure that the image cool guy, with the eternal cigarette in the mouth and salted hair, falling on the face, is not just a mask in the public, but the indicator of the actor's real relationship to his hygiene. The shooting partners argued that the artist really does not complain the souls, and silent strands at the face does not consider the reason to turn on the water and take the shampoo. So it is certainly difficult to work with such skunk (without gas mask).

Brad Pitt

It is difficult to believe in it, but a recognized sex character may not be so pleasant to the taste, as is commonly thinking about it. At least, his colleagues in several projects argue that it is barely holding back vomiting when they are on the filming next to the star. Brad does not hide that wash under the shower prefers wipes by children's napkins, and soap and deodorant tries not to use, because I heard about the dangers of toxins included in their composition.

Now seems to be shed light on true cause Pitt's parting and Jolie - maybe she simply could not stand his wife's wildlife? And by the way, we advise the actor after all, not to exclude fully cleaning products from beauty routine: many of them are quite harmless ,.

Jennifer Aniston

At the first ex-spouse, Pitt with smells is also not all right. No, in the shower star just walks, but its breathing from the mouth can be survived each. And they talk about it, by the way, not eloquent anonymous sources, but quite real people - Actors Jason Beitman and Alec Baldwin. The first jen was filmed in the films "More than Friend", "New Year's Corporate" and two parts of "unsuccessful bosses", and the second met, when he starred in the episode "Studio 30" (on the plot, they even had to kiss that Alek was extremely not like ).

So both claim to be near the star is a whole test. I walked the habit of Aniston - at first she smoked for a long time, and now drinks so much coffee that the smell of mouth becomes almost intolerable. Alas, eliminate the unpleasant smell with a rubber band or candy, the artist does not consider it necessary.

Incredible facts

It seems to us that when a person is rich and famous, he should not have problems with deodorant and shower. He can even hire people for this. However, unfortunately, some stars do not mind neglect hygienic procedures.

Few smelling celebrities

1. Britney Spears.

Britney absolutely does not suffer accuracy. Upon returning home, he scatters clothes on the floor. In the same place, as her housekeeper say, pieces of cookies, potatoes fries and residues of hamburgers say. Moreover, the former bodyguard of the star told that Britney smokes a lot, sometimes forgets to clean his teeth, does not like to use a deodorant, does not accept shower for several days and walks with dirty hair.

2. Megan Fox.

In one of his interviews, the star told that she has one very serious problem - Nalada with memory. She admitted that she would forget to wash off the toilet, even being visiting.

3. Robert Pattinson

During the shooting of the famous film "Twilight", his colleagues on the workshop often complained about the smell of Robert. The actor does not like to wash his head, as it does not see much sense in this, so it can walk with dirty hair to 6 weeks.

4. Johnny Depp and Vanessa paradise

Famous actor and his former wife of Vanessa do not consider souls an important need. Johnny was very easy to depict Jack Sparrow, because the latter was also famous for her not love for personal hygiene. Johnny and Vanessa take the shower rather rarely, and Johnny could not change clothes for weeks, so they coincided with the question of personal hygiene, which partly helped them civilian marriage hold out for so long.

5. Russell Crowe

It is said that the actor has not only problems with character, but also with a personal smell. Sources were told by the magazine "National Enquirer", which during the shooting of the "Nokdaun" colleagues on the workshop did not once asked Russell to take a shower, however, these requests remained unsucked.

After that, Rene Zellweger, who was his film partner, insisted that a dubler was filmed in love scenes. However, Crow's friends defend him, saying that there are no problems with personal hygiene, and it can smell from it exclusively curry or alcohol after a party.

Celebrity Business Shoulders

6. Gwyneth Paltrow

This beautiful actress always looks immaculate, but colleagues often complain about not a very pleasant smell emanating from her. The actress itself told that deodorants do not complain, as they contain carcinogens and aluminum.

7. Jennifer Aniston

The actress is very proud of his appearance, she actually looks great for his years. However, Men actors Alec Baldwin and Jason Beitman somehow confessed that Jennifer suffers from unpleasant odor From mouth, judging throughout the course of coffee consumed too much.

Even no less sensitive details of the life of the star "Friends" shared her former neighbor in the room. The woman said that the actress across the entire room spread her underwear, and once he even stole chicken cutlets from the supermarket, hiding them in a bra. Aniston denies all rumors.

8. Leonardo di Caprio

The famous actor obsesses the idea of \u200b\u200benvironmental protection. His obsession reached the point that he simply does not want to spend water. For this reason, Leo takes shower only a few times a week. In addition, the actor independently processes his garbage, which of course also has an impact on the overall smell.

9. Mind Tomman

The colleagues of the star say that the mind is no difference that it is worn. She often comes to shoot with stains on clothes, and sometimes there are both the rest of the food!

10. Brazy Cooper

The actor once admitted himself that he could feel unpleasant smell from himself, but nothing to do. He tries to often take a shower, but deodorant does not use.

11. Cameron Diaz

Interestingly, the singer is practically obsessed with the purity of his house. She does not touch the door handles in public places, so as not to catch some kind of infection. The actress, at the same time, does not follow it carefully for his clothes and its body. She admitted that for about 20 years he did not use a deodorant. In the same clothes she can walk 4 days. Therefore, photos with sweats of sweat often appear.

12. Cheryl Crow

This celebrity is a famous fighter for the ecology. In one of his interviews, she stressed that when visiting the toilet, it is necessary to use only one square of toilet paper, and in exceptional cases their number should not exceed 3. Saving paper is very good, but any person will say that even three squares is very And very little.

Rumors about celebrities

13. Alicia Silverstone

In 2011, the Son was born with the actress. However, when she told the public about the way she feeds her son, people were shocked. Alicia chewed food and like a bird gave her son directly from his mouth. At the same time, she admired: "For thousands of years, he fed his children for thousands of years. The son literally runs up to me while eating and as if attacking my mouth."

14. Zac Efron

This actor once again confessed one of the most sexy men. But there is a sail behind him. Zak very active personHe likes to play basketball, but take a shower after training it is just too lazy. It uses wet wipes, however, with a persistent smell of sweat, there is little that the napkin will cope, because it smells sometimes very bad.

15. Jessica Simpson

Many people can confuse the snow-white smile of the star, in fact Jessica very rarely cleans his teeth. She does not like the feeling of smoothness of the teeth after cleaning, so it prefers the freshener for the mouth. The celebrity says that her breathing is always fresh. However, it is worth thinking what will happen to her teeth in more respectable age.

16. Matthew McConakhi

The famous actor admitted that for more than 20 years it does not use deodorants, and to combat sweating at his disposal there is a salt stone. Just he does not like when he somehow smells. At the same time, he adds that if someone does not like his smell, he will definitely take a shower.

As it turned out, some stars can only look great in public, but the smell emanating from them, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. Moreover, it is explained by the noble gusts of the soul - the struggle for the purity of the environment, as well as an increase in the level of the fortress of their own health ...

Johnny Depp

Despite the fact that for many decades Johnny Depp was a hearty, he is not a lover of personal hygiene. As people say from his surroundings, he does not particularly like to take souls and does not consider hygiene questions with priority. In addition, the actor is also a smoker. Some say that the actor smells bad, however, Johnny in an interview with "US Weekly" defended himself: "Yes, I was told that I would look like a tramp, but I smell well!"

Angelina Jolie

She can be one of the most beautiful women In Hollywood, but, apparently, it is impossible to say about her breathing. Even her ex-husband Brad Pitt touched her the theme of breathing and once presented his wife on Valentine's Day mint candy.

This story is a pleasant reminder that the main thing is to find someone who loves you for what you are, even with unpleasant breathing.

Jessica Simpson

Just think - the famous blonde does not consider the regular cleaning of the teeth with something necessary. On one of the television shows, she even admitted that he could brush the teeth only two or three times a week. Why? She just hates this "slippery" feeling that appears immediately after cleaning the teeth. Therefore, instead of a toothbrush, she uses the rinse daily and chews a gum, despite the fact that Jessica does not smoke.

Naturally, with such an attitude towards hygiene, its breathing is difficult to name fresh.

Hugh grant

"The Guardian" argues that the actor Hugh Grant literally "killed" colleagues on the workshop with his terrible breathing. During the presentation of the Oscar in 2002, the unpleasant smell of Grant was such that his colleagues directly asked him to do something.

Ben Affleck

Rumors that Ben Affleck suffers with Halithoz, have been going for many years. The first on it complained to Sandra Bullock after joint filming with Affleck.

Not one actress complained about the unpleasant smell of Affleck. And now think about those who have to be filmed with him in close scenes. Are you still complaining about your work?

Jennifer Lawrence

This actress is either very inattentive, or a lover of joke. Otherwise, how to explain the constant complaints of her "Hungry Games" partner Liam Hemsworth? He repeatedly said that when he needed to kiss Jennifer, she always had some kind of "terrible smelly food, after which her breathing was unpleasant." I want to believe that this is just inattention Jennifer to shooting partners, and not health problems.

Britney Spears

Those who work with the singer say that her breathing problems are caused by an unhealthy diet. When she was preparing for shooting in "X-Factor" as a judge, she had to sit on a diet, which consisted of scanty 600 calories per day! It is worth noting that the average adult should consume from 1600 to 2400 calories per day, and 2000 calories is an average. Regular consumption of less than 1000 calories are considered dangerous and can have pretty unpleasant consequences. Yes, it includes an unpleasant smell of mouth.

Lamar Odom

The whole family of Kardashian complained about his smell of his mouth and wondered how Chloe could live with him. Therefore, the whole family sighed with relief when a couple broke up.

Jason Sigel

Jason Sigel's bad breath was unsuccessful by-effectcaused by smoking. It was a problem for the actress Alison Hannigan, who played his wife in "How I Met Your Mother." Hannigan, who did not smoke, stated that he would not get closer to Jason until he would quit smoking. Given that these two were configured to play a couple in love, Hannigan did not leave a siegel choice - he threw smoking. By the way, after that his breathing improved noticeably.

Based on:

These people became famous for the whole world, and almost every person on the planet knows about their existence. However, eyewitnesses argue that these celebrities were supposed to have such a disgusting smell that, when they appeared, the eyes began to get a path.

Holy Benedict Aniana

Catholic monks in the eighteenth century gave their own interpretation of the teachings of St. Joseph. They considered immersion in water, not associated with the sacrament of baptism, mortal sin.

Benedict Anian, who lived back in the VIII century, was canonized for his leafing lifestyle. He constantly walked in rags, did not wash at all, rarely took food and carried into the people the teachings of Jesus Christ.

King of France Heinrich IV

Heinrich IV is one of the most famous French kings. He became famous for building his board in such a way that "every citizen of the kingdom had the opportunity on Sunday there is a chicken for lunch." His faithful servant daily brought a fresh shirt for the king, but despite this, the whole royal yard witnessed that a peculiar and very disgusting smell came from the king. The king loved her hunt very much and after returning did not consider it necessary to take a bath. The first spouse said that Heinrich smells like Padal. And the second wife literally bathed in spirits to spend the first wedding night with the king, without experiencing the strongest disgust.

Howard Hughes.

This hero of the twentieth century is a former millionaire. It turned from a graceful and attractive twist of the pilot, and later the director, in the very real hermit. In 1957, Howard, armed with chocolate and milk, locked in the studio and looked through movies for a long time. After graduation, he went into the world and refused to take a bath. It is said that he began to sink hair and nails only once a year. Having become a hermit, he lived on the bugs. After he died, his body was impossible to identify, the police had to resort to the help of fingerprints.

King France Louis XIV

He ruled 72 years, and this Epoch was marked by the creation of an absolute monarchy in Europe. Louis Xiv. It was famous for which the Versailles Palace built and came out the winner of several wars. However, there are rumors that the water led him to horror. In all life, Louis took two or three times a bath, and then at the insistence of doctors. He preferred to use aromatic powders and rub the face with a rag impregnated with alcohol. There is a story that even after he began Gangrena, who subsequently carried his life, Louis did not allow the doctors to wash his defeated leg.

King of Prussia Frederick II

Thanks to the efforts of Friedrich II, Prussia from the European outsider turned into a strong and powerful state, which really cost fear. After the commission of this miracle, the king settled in the Palace of San Susti with a bunch of his favorite dogs. He constantly scolded servants who tried to remove traces of their livelihoods. A layer of dog feces in separate sites of the palace could reach 25-30 cm. Most likely, the King Friedrich went crazy. He stopped taking baths and could not change clothes for several years. After his death, in 1786, the Camperner discovered that the shirt on the back of the king simply noticed from sweat.

Ludwig van Beethoven

All world is known this composer. Suffering from deafness, Beethoven wrote magnificent romantic music. Fearing pain from lead poisoning, he was afraid to take baths. In his time, the pipeline system consisted of lead pipes. Perhaps because of this mental illness, the composer was so quick-tempered. One situation reflects well how difficult to bear the presence of Beethoven: a few of his friends who had access to the house of the composer, they snuck up to him while he slept, and folded his clothes.

Karl Marx

The creator of communism, experiencing sympathy for the lower class, suffered from skin diseases. On his body constantly drowned purulent furuncules, which practically did not go. Most likely, it was caused by constant smoking and daily drinking alcohol, as well as the belief that it reads that purity is a bourgeois privilege from which it is necessary to refuse. Marx was even proud that his first handwritten works keep footprints to himself, extruded in the process of writing with sores on the body.

Maillin Monroe

The embodiment of female beauty. In his years, she was considered a sex symbol of that time. For her life, she visited the bed of many men, including the mistress of Joe Dimadzhio and President Kennedy. How could this charming woman be in such a shameful list?

If you believe the Clarki Gablo actor, one of the main conquerors of female hearts of that time, then Marine Monroe was an extremely nonginian man. Marilyn often suffered from diarrhea and irritable intestinal syndrome. She rarely bathed, but he was fed without getting out of bed. Most likely, the wrong food has played a decisive role here.

Incredible facts

Famous beauties and hearts of Hollywood. We admire their beauty and elegance on the screen.

And we do not even mind that one of them can have such a terrible defect as an unpleasant smell of mouth.

Just imagine how difficult it is to their partners in films, especially in scenes with kisses.

2. Ben Affleck: Horrible Nautable Breath

Unfortunately, in addition to the huge talent, which possesses Ben Affleck, you need to mention another, not very pleasant thing: the famous Hollywood actor and producer allegedly has a disgusting smell of mouth!

As reported, this was somehow mentioned Sandra Bullock, his partner in the film forces of Nature. You can only imagine how difficult it was to her scenes with kisses. The actress even allegedly gave Ben mint candies to at least partially correct this problem.

Other actors also confirm that Ben does not smell very pleasant.

3. Jessica Simpson: irregular oral hygiene

They say Jessica Simpson just three times a week cleans his teeth. In her opinion, too frequent cleaning of the teeth causes her not very pleasant sensations. Therefore, instead of a toothbrush and paste the actress uses a special rinse lotion for rinsing, as well as tooth thread.

Of course, the lack of hygiene affects the smell of mouth. Many complain that Jessica has one of the most unpleasant breathing among the stars of Hollywood.

4. Robert Pattison: Netless breathing

Will the vampires sin unsaveaway breathing? How is it possible if they are so afraid of garlic?

And now seriously: Robert Pattinson, by rumors, very unpleasant smell of mouth! Famous actor once met with his vampire saga partner Kristen StewartAnd now it is in relations with a talented artist.

However, none of his beloved people never complained about his unpleasant smell! Well, at least publicly.

Unfortunately, that many people smell unpleasantly from the actor, many people complain. It is concerned that the unstaging smell occurs not only from the cavity of the actor's mouth, but also from his things.

5. Angelina Jolie: Kill Breath

Can you imagine what one of the most beautiful women of the planet can be kill with breathless breath?

But it is most likely true! This is spoken by many who personally familiar with the icon of beauty and style. It is concerned that the smell of the mouth of Hollywood beauty is so bad that sometimes it is simply impossible to stay next to her.

In addition, the former husband of Brad Pitt actress often teased Angelina about this. And one day I even pretended for Valentine's Day my wife a box with candy for fresh breathing.

6. Hugh Grant: disgusting breath

Once a handsome Hugh Grant got the best roles in the movies.

Hugh became particularly popular in the 90s, and he almost always played the roles of not particularly smart but very attractive guys in romantic comedies.

On the shooting platforms, he overshadowed dozens of excellent actresses, including his ex-wife Elizabeth Herley.

However, oddly enough, all these ladies stand only to sympathize. Presumably, Hugh has a reputation as one of those actors who have a very unpleasant smell of mouth.

7. Jennifer Aniston: Coffee and Cigarettes

It turns out that Brad Pitt's first wife also has problems with breathing freshness.

According to rumors that go in Hollywood, Jennifer Aniston uses a lot of coffee and often smokes. This is reflected on the freshness of her breathing. After all, after that, the actress simply forgets to rinse the mouth.

Alec Baldwin's filters and Jason Beitman somehow noted that Jennifer Aniston often smacks coffee and cigarettes.

I wonder what the new husband Jennifer, Justin Tero also says about this.

8. Julia Roberts: Peanut Butter

The fact that the ideal Julia Roberts came to this list is a special surprise.

The recognized beauty of Hollywood has its own quirks, including food, without which she just can not do!

During the filming of the film "Nothing Personal" with Claiv Owen, it turned out that Julia Roberts suffers from unpleasant smell of mouth. And it is not surprising if we take into account her tendency to eat sandwiches with peanut butter in the interruptions between the filming of different episodes.

Although peanut butter sandwiches, undoubtedly, delicious delicacy, kissing who ate them is not very nice.

It has been reported that Julia often had to refresh the breath with the help of mint candies before shooting scenes with kisses.

By the way, she often asked these lollipops from Klyiv Owen, with which Roberts had friendly relations.

9. Johnny Depp: Bad Personal Hygiene

Although Johnny Depp is famous for his talent and extraordinary charisma, he is also known for the fact that terribly slightly.

It is rumored that Angelina Jolie even insisted that this talented actor to use layerin, as well as refreshing lollipops before being filmed in scenes with kisses in the film "Tourist".

The former wife of Amber Hoard also asked her husband to make it better care about the hygiene of his mouth, because sometimes it simply could not take this unpleasant smell.

Johnny Depp smokes a lot, which provokes even more breathing already more.

10. Beyonce: An unpleasant smell of mouth

Is it possible that the talented singer and actress had such a terrible defect as an unpleasant smell of mouth?

According to rumors, Beyonce suffers from Galitoza, as a result of which her breathing is not the most freshest. Bayonce's show business stars are considered one of the most talented singers and charismatic women. And, apparently, flicker breathing does not spoil the overall impression that the diva produces.

11. Puff Daddy: Form

Puff Diddi also got into this list.

Is it not true, the beauty of Jay Lo is fabulously "lucky"? At first she met with Puff Dedi, who, by rumors, terrible smell of mouth. Many years later, Lopez became beloved Ben Affleck, a guy with exactly the same problem.

It is said that Puff Deddy, like Beyonce, suffers from Halitoz. Many of his Hollywood colleagues are trying to observe the distance because of his unpleasant smell of mouth.

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