Ana Ivanovich photo session playboy. The best photos of Anna Ivanovich, who completed a tennis player. Hobbies and hobbies

Rumors that Serbka and her husband German football player MLS Club "Chicago Fire" became parents, walked all weekends in social networks. Serbian and German fans of athletes competed with each other in coming up with all new information. Someone reported that her son Ana and Bastian called Marco, others wrote that his name is Stefan, the third onions. However, there was no official confirmation to all these rumors, while on the night from Sunday for Monday for Moscow time did not publish a message in his instagram: "Welcome to the world, our little boy. Words do not describe the happiness that we experience in our hearts. " His message The young mother accompanied the cute photo with a bunch of children's toys.

Well, in an hour after this message, the spouse for the first racket of the world has placed in their social networks A snapshot, on which caring parental hands stroke the little legs of a newborn son, whose name, by the way, did not report yet.

Immediately after these messages, "Instagram" and "Twitter" literally broke themselves from all sorts of congratulations and wishes to new parents. Anu and Bastian congratulated the Russian woman Elena Vesnina, Briton Naomi Broedy, ex the first racket of the world, the winner of Roland Garros and Wimbledon Garbinj Mugurus And, of course, they themselves not so long have become the masses of tennis players Victoria Azarenko and Yarmil Wolf.

At all, life Path Ana with all the lifts and drops could be a great basis for the good-quality Hollywood drama. Ana, one of two children Miroslav and Dragans Ivanovichi, was born in Belgrade and began to play tennis at the age of five after saw on television performance Monica Selesh.. And then the war came ... and her native three months lived under the American bombing. 11-year-old girl, despite the incessant shell explosions in Native Belgrade, found time for tennis. But one day, having come to the training, instead of his court, Ana discovered several chosen from the rocket fragments. After that, the family of Anna from the dilapidated Belgrade managed to move to Switzerland, from where she began step by step climbing the tennis top.

At the end of 2002, Ana won its first youth tournament - Eddi Herr International, which was held in the USA. In 2003, at Junior US Open, she reached the quarterfinal. And a year later made his way into the final of the Junior Wimbledon, in which he lost to Ukrainian Katerina Bondarenko.

Already in early 2005, Ana won his first WTA tournament in Canberra. Total Serbian tennis player became the winner of 15 WTA tournaments alone and one - in a pair (and together with another tennis mother - Maria Kirilenko: Hertogenbosx-2006).

There were advances on "big helmets" too. At Roland Garros -2007 Serbka reached the final, where she lost to Belgic Justine Enen.. The following followed by the decisive match of Australian Open-2008, in which Russian woman was stronger than Anna Maria Sharapova. Well, in the next Roland Garros, the long-awaited title came to Ivanovich - another representative of Russia was defeated in the final - Dinara Safina.

Due to this success, together with the conquered "helmet" simultaneously managed to climb to the top of the WTA rating, where she summed up 12 weeks.

In team competitions, Ivanovich did not become the winner, but it was twice the finalist. At first, she made a significant contribution to the success of the Serbian national team in the Russian Cup draw - 2012. Together with Elena Yankovich, they were removed from the road a strong team of Russia. Only in the decisive match, they could not do anything with Czech. Well, in the Hopman Cup - 2013 together with Novaka Djokovic As part of the National Team of Serbia Ana again reached the final, where the Serbian duo gave way from Spain (Medina Harriez / Verdasko).

Immediately after the appearance of Anna Ivanovich in the women's tennis tour, she formed a whole army of fans. Fans attracted not only Sports success Serbka, but also its charm, friendly, openness, goodwill. Today she has 1.4 million subscribers in "Instagram" and 2.78 million in Twitter.

In 2010, following the results of a survey on the Tennis website, Ivanovich was recognized as the most sexual tennis player of the planet.

It is not surprising that such a beauty attracted the attention of the most famous men in the world. At different times, Ivanovich attributed novels with tennis players Novak Djokovich, Fernando Verdasko, Wanterist Wanney satisfaction. The most long-term relationships that lasted almost two and a half years turned out to be Roman Ana with a golfish Adam Scottom.

But everything changed with the appearance in the life of the German football player Bastian Schweinsteger in the life. For the first time, they were together were seen in September 2014 in New York.

2016 became the last in the professional career Ivanovich. In December, she announced that she decided to fully accelerate the racket. "I am sure that I will be very missing friends in the tour. But we will definitely meet. Whatever it was ironic, but I will miss travel, although now I want to spend at home for more time. "

But, as they say, "Never say" Never. " Who knows - if Serena Williams and Victoria Azarenko managed to return to the court after the birth of children, will they follow their example? Today's women's tennis tour is clearly lacking.

Serbian professional tennis player Ana Ivanovich won many awards for his career. Since childhood, Ana loved tennis and decided to become the best in this sport. The achievements of the athlete speak so far, despite the completion of the career.

Childhood and youth

Ana Ivanovich was born on November 6, 1987 in Belgrade (SFRY). Usually future athletes pushing to classes at a young age, but an ana is not the case. Ivanovich was fascinated by tennis relatively early, at the age of 5, seeing the game on television. The sports idol of Young Serbka was the compatriot Monica Seleshest.

Girl's parents are in no way connected with tennis: the mother in the profession is a lawyer, and the father is a businessman. Ivanovich has a brother Milos, he is 4 years old.

Ana learned to play during the Yugoslav conflict, honing skill in Spartan conditions. According to the girl, she was engaged in early in the morning, so as not to get under the bombardment. It is not surprising that in such conditions, an ana has developed the features that in the future have favorably reflected on her career: iron character, determination and desire to go to the end. Despite this, Ivanovich is extremely superstitious, the girl does not occur on the line that outlines the court.


At the age of 13, Ana Ivanovich performed on youth tournaments, but then did not differ in significant successes. The first victory tennis player won in 2002 in the United States.

Going to the final of the Wimbledon tournament among juniors, Ana played with Ukrainian - Katerina Bondarenko. In this match, Ivanovich gave way to the opponent. However, the girl manifested himself well in a professional game and ranked a hundredth position in the ranking.

Next year, Ana received the official status of professional tennis players and began to participate in adult tournaments. She managed to achieve good results. In 2005, Ana made a big leap in a career: won in Canberra and received the status of a qualified WTA tennis player. Ivanovich in the "Big Slam" tournaments was able to reach the quarterfinal. At the end of the year, Serbka occupied the 16th place in the world rankings.

Next, the ana fixes the success and approaches the cherished dream - to become a leading racket of the world. She managed to win the Russian tennis players - and the hope of Petrov. After that, Ivanovich ranked Honored 4th place in the world.

The next year was marked for anna by the performance of cherished desire - she won on the 1st Slot tournament in a single discharge on Roland Garros. This victory made it possible to take the cherished first place in the world ranking, forever remaining in the biographies with a grand moment. Then Ana was popular and constantly in the spotlight. Journalists celebrated her excellent game with the right hand, with a gorgeous supply and Forend.

Boots of Anna Ivanovich

After the rapid takeoff, the stage of the clutter came. The first serious defeat of the tennis players occurred in August 2008: in the second round of US Open Ana lost to the Frenchman Juli Kuang, then at 188 positions of the world ranking.

The next year was marked for a girl with a decrease in results and new injuries: Serbian took the 20th place. Despite the health problems, the tennis player tried to increase the indicators. Only in 2014, the fame began to return to Anna. In Melbourne, the girl first won the match with the first racket of the world.

In Stuttgart, Ana reached the final, but lost in the match with, which received Porsche. During the season of the same year, Ivanovich dissolved the agreement with the coach of Nemnya Kontich. The girl admitted that he felt the need for a change of mentor to climb the next level.

Personal life

At the beginning of the tennis career, Ana was extremely shy and negative about the persecution of curious journalists. She did not like to be the center of attention and interventions in a personal life. Over time, the girl revised the principles, began to openly communicate with fans, give interviews and posing with popular glossy magazines.

At the age of 20, Ana was fascinated by a tennis player from Spain - Fernando Verdasco, who heard the famous Lovelas. The couple officially announced the novel in the fall of 2008, after which the tennis player introduced Verdasko with his parents.

The young man often attended the girls' matches, tried constantly being nearby. Journalists assumed that Fernando had serious intentions. But these relationships have adversely affected the career of the girl, so during one of the tournaments, young people reported parting and remained friends.

However, An Ana never remained without attention. A friend of tennis players once introduced her to Mark Stillitalo. With this young man, Ana met for a long time, relations quickly ended.

Then a long-lasting novel with Australian golf by Adam Scott, acquainted with which occurred during the shooting of the Rolex advertising. Valveled almost everywhere were together, spending a lot of time with each other. But the relationship was prevented by a career of both, so in the spring of 2012 a couple broke up.

Ana is shortly left alone, the Serbian Water Polistus Vanya Udovichich became the next enthusiasm. But Ivanovich did not build a strong family with him, young people diverged.

When journalists noticed Anu Ivanovich in the company of the football player of the German "Bavaria", rumored about the novel. In addition, at that time, the young man raised himself with Sarah Brandner, the relationship with which was continued for about 7 years.

Wedding Anna Ivanovich and Schweinsteger

Young people began to meet, and in 2014, Ana agreed to marry Bastian. The solemn event took place in the romantic atmosphere of Venice, and the pictures from the wedding for a long time were discussed by the fans of the couple.

Ana Ivanovich now

Tennis player completed his career in December 2016, informing this information on social network

"After 13 years of playing tennis at a professional level, I went to an incredibly difficult solution to complete my career. I began to dream about tennis when I was five and I saw Monica Selesh. on TV. My parents always believed in me throughout the career, and when I became the first racket of the world and won the "Roland Garros" -2008, then reached heights that he never even dreamed. I won 15 WTA tournaments, played three times in the final of the Greater Helmet tournaments, in the FDA Cup final. Not bad for a small slender girl from Serbia!

But the achievement of such heights in any professional sport requires excellent physical form. It is no secret that I had a lot of injuries. For myself, for my fans and for all those young boys and girls, which look at me, as I once watched Monica, I can only play when the game matches my own high standards. I can no longer play at such a level, so time to move on.

Where to? Tennis has always been my love, but I am very intrigued by what is waiting for me further. I will become an ambassador of sports and healthy image Life, and I will try myself in business, fashion.

Of course, I will continue to pay the time of charity and my work with UNICEF.

I want to thank all my wonderful fans who supported me throughout this incredible adventure. We shared victories, defeats, smiles and tears together. Thank you for the fact that they remained on my side, despite the results and for believed in me all these years.

Despite the fact that the competitive part in my career came to an end, tennis and my love for it will still stay very close to my heart - I will not completely disappear! I am also very much designed by new challenges and tracks, which is to be laid. Thanks to my family, managers, sponsors, fans and friends for everything. With love, Ana, "it was this letter on December 28, I said goodbye to professional tennis.

But the tennis player will not have to miss the tennis player - she has new achievements in a business environment ahead, and the interest of fashionable magazines to Ivanovich will not pick out the cessation of a career. We remember the brightest moments from the life of one of the most popular WTA-tour tennis players.

Childhood and family

Usually, future champions do not choose tennis - for them this choice is made by parents or relatives, who or begin to deal with children themselves, or dismiss them in the section. Ana is an exception. She grew in heavenly time - in the midst of the collapse of Yugoslavia. However, tennis was broadcast on television, and a five-year-old girl saw Match Monica Cell. In the breaks advertised the Tennis Academy, the phone of which the Ana Remember. Because of the bombardment, she could only train in the morning. And in the winter she had to play ... in an abandoned pool, because there were simply no other places for the lesson tennis.

Despite all the difficulties, the Parents of Anna managed to provide her and her youngest brother Miloha happy childhood.

Brother and sister and years one years communicate very warmly and try more often to spend time together.

Successes on the court

The main success in the career of Serbka came to her at Roland Garros -2008. In the semifinals, she moved his compatriot in the hardest match. Elena Yankovich And ensured the title of the first racket of the tournament. Every day Ana did not stop on the achieved and did not leave chances Dinar Safina In the decisive duel.

The last title of Career Ana won in 2014 on large tournament in Tokyo. It was in that season that she managed to return to a high level and finished the year in the top 10. In total, Ivanovich won 15 WTA tournaments, and in the final TBS played three times.

Hobbies and hobbies

Serbian tennis player is a versatile personality. In addition to success on the court, ana can play a guitar.

And cook sophisticated dishes.

After completing the career, the ana will not disappear at least because they are subject to any profession.

Fashion & Style

Ivanovich always brought the attention of sponsors and glossy magazines, which were placed more than once with a serb on their covers.

Analya is involved in more frank photo sessions.

Life after tennis

"To be honest, I often looked at my career, and every time it triggered me, because I know how hard I worked to achieve all that I have. But it's not just the achievement of goals. It is important to remain as you are. I think that all the good and bad moments make you a personality, a stronger person. I feel like I was lucky that all these trials fell on my share. Bad moments allowed me to know better. You will find out how your real friends, you know what to do to cope with difficulties. These things tennis taught me from the most young years.

I will miss my friends in a tour with whom we have passed a long way, but I believe that we will meet again again. Quite funny, but I also will not have enough flights. Now I will be happy at home and very much, but I will miss travel, because I love to visit different places, and Australia, for example, in this list in the first place, "in the first interview after the request for the completion of the career Ana admitted that the decision was not matured overnight, she went to him for a long time.

The tennis world will be very lack of a dazzling smile of Anna and her shouts "Ihere!" After won points. But the most important thing is that in the life of Serbian beauty, married a German football player Bastian Schweinsteger., starts a new, bright chapter in which main character Surely succeed. Otherwise, just can not.

Ana Ivanovic.

Tennis player Date of birth November 6th (Libra) 1987 (32) Place of birth Belgrade Instagram @anaivanovic

Ana Ivanovich is a famous personality in the world of big sports. Early tennis passion allowed the young star to conquer many titles and awards. Interest in this sport appeared by chance, when a five-year-old baby saw the game racket on TV. Soon she began to try himself in this area, and very successfully. An example for the imitation was the legendary tennis player Monica Cell. Watching the games of an experienced athlete, the girl dreamed like sometime and herself will play on a large court.

Biography Anna Ivanovich

Ana is the famous Serbian tennis player. The girl was born in the city of Belgrade in 1987. Her birthday is October 6. From the young age, the future star loved tennis and was actively engaged in them. Already in 2008, she received the title of the first racket of the world in a single discharge, and also won the Open Championship of the same year Roland Garros. In addition, the Ana twice became the finalist of the Tournaments of the Greater Helmet.

In 2004, an unknown girl reached the final of the youth Wimbledor tournament, losing Katerina Bondarenko. During this year, the number of victories of Anna reached 26.

Since 2005, a young athlete's career was rapid, one after another she received titles, beating his rivals thanks to the individual style of the game.

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Ana Ivanovich was sick for the German national team during the match against Ukraine on June 12. Support for beloved brought its fruits - Schweinsteiger struck Andrei Pyatov's gate at the 92nd minute of the meeting. The game ended with the victory of the Germans with a score of 2: 0 Fishka: The famous German football player Bastian Schweinsteiger promised a long standing beloved, Serbian tennis player Anya Ivanovich, that they will get married immediately after the Euro finals -2016. Unfortunately, the German national team, the captain of which Bastian is, ...

Personal life Ana Ivanovich

About the personal life of tennis players, Ana Ivanovich knows a little. She carefully hid everything connected with her, and in every way leaving answers to uncomfortable questions.

Journalists managed to find out that the girl was closely talked with Novakki Djokovic and a Wateroscolist from Serbia satisfaction. But these relationships from the side were more like friendship. As the Ana is recognized, she is looking for a special person and does not want to spend his life on a man who does not see as a permanent partner.

Several times anonya tried to build relations with Adam Scott, but it did not work out the perfect union. A couple diverged several times and converged. In 2012, young people finally broke up, after which the athlete especially carefully hid all the details of his personal life.

In full swing one of the most unpredictable and sensational Wimbledons for last years. This is especially true of the beautiful half of the British tournament. In addition, this week has noted his 40th anniversary - WTA - Women's Tennis Association. The solemn event passed, of course, in London - the birthplace of the most snow-white tournament of the Grand Slam - on which all the star heroines of world tennis were invited. This event suggests the top of the sexiest participants of this Association. And he opens his most that there is a disturbance of the calm of the current Wimbledon.

Sabin Lisitsky

This charming German of Polish origin is conquered exclusively her grass - she is the only tennis player, which is stable on every Wimbledon knocks out top players from the tournament - be it in the first round or third. And this time, Sabin managed to hit someone, and Serena Williams himself and for the first time in his career to reach the final of a big helmet, to win in which she has every chance.

Gabriela Sabatini

The legend of tennis of the end of the 80s - early 90s, by the shoulders of which 27 titles, the third line of the rating and many promotional contracts, thanks to the beautiful Latin American appearance of the burning brunette.

Daniela Gantukhova

Famous fashionista, owner of endless legs and a career helmet in a mixture (pair discharge).

Anna Ivanovich

This beautiful Serbian had managed to visit the first racket of the world, win 11 tournaments and one big helmet. He is a favorite of tennis fans worldwide.

Maria Kirilenko

Our Masha only this year entered the top 10 world rankings. That does not detract from her visible advantages, otherwise there would be no more beautiful victories in a single discharge, nor 12 in the pair, like a bronze medal of the Summer Olympic Games 2012. Also, she managed to melt the heart of the famous Macho Alexander Ovechkin, which is recently recently Made his beloved official proposal of hand and hearts.

Maria Sharapova

Other Our Maria Yuryevna will be rattling, and already is one of the best tennis players of all time. Four big helmets are you not huhry-flies. And Masha's advertising contracts already go legends. How much does it earn on their unique combination of sex and professionalism, probably not earned no one.

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