Features of the organization of capital construction in the oil and gas industry. Oil industry enterprises

UDC 622.276

Construction of oil and gas production facilities. Tutorial.

The textbook "Construction of oil and gas production facilities" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education to the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs in the direction of training a certified specialist (engineer) 130500 - "Oil and gas business", specialty 130503.65 - "Development and operation of oil and gas fields" ... The manual is intended for part-time and full-time students.

The manual contains a list of objects under construction in oil and gas fields, the features of their construction. The technology of construction of oil and gas production facilities is considered. The tutorial covers in detail the issues of design and management of construction sites, specifies the features of the construction of facilities in the Far North. Recommendations are given on the introduction of complete-block construction of facilities at oil and gas fields, the most effective methods for diagnosing pipelines are shown.

Perm national

research polytechnic


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………. 5

Chapter 1. List of facilities under construction for the extraction, treatment, transportation and sale of oil and gas. List of construction and

installation work ................................................ ................................................eleven

      Gusher wells ……………………………………… ... ………… 11

      Mechanized wells ………………………………. ………… 11

      Arrangement of clusters of oil and gas wells ………. ………… 12

      Group metering unit ………………………………………… 13

      Booster pumping station ……………………………………………14

      Oil and gas pipelines ………………………………. ………… 16

      Underground laying of oil pipelines, connection of two pipelines of the same diameter …………………… .. ………… .17

      Oil track heating unit ………………………………… .18

      Flare systems with pipelines ……………………. ………… .19

      Installation for injecting a reagent into the pipeline …………… .. ………… ..20

      Central point of collection and preparation of oil, gas and water ………… .20

      Objects for maintaining reservoir pressure ………………………… .22

      Objects and structures of power supply and communication ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... .24

      Highways …………………… ... …………… ....... ……… ..26

Chapter 2. Features of the construction of oil and gas production facilities ... ..28

Chapter 3. Concepts and principles of oil and gas construction projects management ………………………………………………………. …………… 34

Chapter 4. Design and survey work …………………. ……. …… .39

Chapter 5. Technology of construction of oil and gas production facilities ... ... 52

Chapter 6. Construction of facilities at the head structures ............................................. 64

Chapter 7. Construction of pipelines for various purposes ………… ..77

Chapter 8. The main types of work during the construction of oil and gas production facilities ............................................................................. 82 Chapter 9. Protection of oilfield equipment and pipelines from corrosion ……………………………………………………………. ………. 88

Chapter 10. Features of construction of facilities in the Far North ………………………………………………………….… .93 Chapter 11. Complete-block method for the construction of oil and gas field facilities .............................................................................. ................... 99

Chapter 12. Diagnostics and testing of pipelines. …………………… ... 101

Chapter 13. Commissioning of oil facilities ………………… ..… ..107

Chapter 14. Materials, machines and mechanisms used in construction ……………………………………………………… .... …… 109

Bibliography ………………………………………………………....113


The role of oil and gas in the life of a person and society.

The fuel and energy complex (FEC) plays a special role in the economy of any state, without its products, the functioning of the economy is impossible. Despite the increasing costs in the search, production and processing of oil and gas, their consumption is constantly growing. In the current year, the total world oil production is expected to be 3.9 billion tons, and gas more than 3 trillion. cubic meters. In the total balance of world energy production, oil and gas are decreasing their share, which is not the case in Russia (Tables 1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3).

Table 1

World energy production

Energy resources

Natural gas

Nuclear power


Other types of energy resources

Total energy production

In the structure of consumption, the dominant position remains with fuel and energy resources of organic origin - more than 90%. The rest is energy from nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants and renewable sources.

In Russia, oil and gas production is increasing annually: 2000 - 323.5; 2002 - 380; 2003 - 421; 2004 - 459.3; 2005 - 470.2; 2006 - 480.5; 2007 - 490.9; 2008 - 488.5; 2009 - 494.2; 2010 - 505.1; 2011 - 509 million tons 2012 - 511 million tons (forecast).

In 2010, 650 billion cubic meters of gas were produced, including 182 billion cubic meters for export. In 2011, gas production amounted to 671bn. m³. It is more reasonable today to sharply increase coal production, but this process is more costly and laborious. The share of the oil industry in the revenues of the consolidated budget of Russia is 32%, plus the gas industry is 9%. A large share of the country's budget is formed at the expense of oil exports: 2000 - 144.4; 2004 - 257.6; 2005 - 253.6; 2006 - 248.4; 2007 - 258.5; 2008 - 243, 2009 - 171.9, 2011 - 210.9 mln. T.

In 2008, 184.4 billion m3 were sold to non-CIS countries. gas, which is 9.4% higher than in 2007, 2011 - 198.2 billion m3. The operational stock of oil wells is 158755, of which 130559 are producing wells. Until a new one is found safe view energy with the intensive development of the world economy, the consumption of gas, oil and oil products will grow.

Scientists propose an increase in oil production in subsequent years. The paper presents four options for the volume of oil production in Russian Federation until 2030 (Fig. 1) The first optimistic option provides for the maximum oil production in the amount of 601 million tons of oil in 2025, in 2030 - 591 million tons. The second favorable option predicts the maximum oil production in the amount of 594 million tons in 2021, in 2030 - 560 million tons. The moderate option provides for oil production in 2030 in the amount of 540 million tons. Assessing the current situation with oil production in companies, the fourth option can be considered the most realistic. Depending on the volume of production, consumption of oil and gas, the volume of construction, construction and installation works will be formed.

Table 2.1

Energy consumption volumes

PER name

PER consumption volume, mln.tons of standard fuel (toe) /%

Industrialized countries

Atomic Energy

Hydropower and other renewables sources


Atomic Energy

Hydropower, etc.

Developing countries

Atomic Energy

Hydropower, etc.

People's Republic of China

Atomic Energy

Hydropower, etc.

Continuation of table 2.1

Atomic Energy

Hydropower, etc.

Table 2.2

Primary energy consumption volumes

Volumes of consumption of primary energy resources (PER) million tons of fuel equivalent

Developing countries,

including China

CIS countries and of Eastern Europe,

including Russia

The world as a whole

Note: t.u.t. (ton of standard fuel) - heat of combustion of one kilogram of solid standard fuel or one cubic meter of gaseous fuel 29.3 MJ (7000 kcal).

Table 2.3

Growth rates of gross domestic product (GDP) and energy consumption rates

Average annual GDP growth rate / consumption rate

Industrialized countries, including

Developing countries,

Including the PRC

CIS and Eastern

Europe, including

The world as a whole

Fig. 1. Forecast of oil production in Russia until 2030

To ensure the planned growth in oil and gas production in the face of declining hydrocarbon production in developed areas, huge capital investments will be required for the development of new areas. Extraction of oil, associated petroleum and natural gas is carried out at oil and gas fields, which are a set of wells and

other numerous objects. The construction of oil and gas wells is discussed in a special course. The discipline "Construction of oil and gas production facilities" studies the design, construction and commissioning of well-equipped well clusters, oil and gas gathering reservoirs, oil and gas treatment facilities, reservoir pressure maintenance systems, tank farms, etc.

After the release of "Clarifications on the identification and classification of hazardous production facilities in the oil and gas production complex", there were even more questions requiring clarification (sorry for the tautology).

In clause 3 of Appendix 2 to Federal Law No. 116-FZ of 21.07.1997, the concept was introduced - "objects of drilling and production of oil, gas and gas condensate". I think many people immediately had a question - what exactly are the objects?

As part of the identification and assignment of a hazard class, it would be logical to use the Order of Rostekhnadzor dated 07.04.2011 No. 168 "On approval of the requirements for maintaining the state register of hazardous industrial facilities in terms of assigning names to hazardous industrial facilities ...". This document contains section 4 "Hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas production complex". Well, seemingly similar concepts - both there and there oil, gas and production. The conclusion suggests itself that the objects referred to in the Federal Law No. 116-FZ are the very objects from Section 4 of the RTN Order No. 168. But that was not the case! Apparently, when Rostekhnadzor began to receive the first applications for the re-registration of facilities, the civil servants began to think, realizing that there were flaws in the legislation. I'll try to explain with an example.

Let's try to assign the class of the OPO "Complex gas treatment area", considering that this is "an object of drilling and production of oil, gas and gas condensate." The object is identified by the receipt and use, storage and transportation of hazardous substances. Suppose that the maximum amount of a substance (natural gas with a hydrogen sulphide content of less than 1 percent) at the facility is 250 tons, equipment operating under a pressure of up to 1.6 MPa (theoretically) is used. In clause 1 of Appendix 2 to Federal Law No. 116-F there is an interesting phrase in brackets: "(except for the objects specified in clauses 2, 3 and 4 of this appendix)". It turns out that for the identification of our object it is absolutely not important how much of a dangerous substance is circulating on it. In this case, the hazard class is established in accordance with paragraphs. 3 and 5 of Appendix 2 to Federal Law No. 116-FZ. In view of the above, it turns out that our facility needs to be assigned a IV hazard class! It turns out that a complex technological system for the preparation of natural gas, in which an explosive substance is circulated, is an object of low danger ?!

So Rostekhnadzor became thoughtful ... In addition, questions began to arrive with a request to clearly explain the term "objects of drilling and production of oil, gas and gas condensate." Thought and thought, and at this time the Ministry of Justice registers the Order of Rostekhnadzor "On the approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety" Safety rules in the oil and gas industry ", reg. No. 28222 of 04/19/2013, and besides, it also takes place official publication on June 17, 2013. In six months (12/18/2013) it will enter into force. So in this very document two concepts are introduced:

  • drilling and production facilities;
  • field facilities for the collection, treatment, storage of oil, gas and gas condensate.

After that, clarifications were issued, in which Rostechnadzor refers to this (not yet entered into force) document. Roughly speaking, various wells belong to drilling and production facilities, and everything else to field facilities. Wow clarification! As part of the identification and assignment of a hazard class, everyone is interested in linking to the Order of Rostechnadzor No. 168, i.e. what specific objects from this order relate to drilling and production facilities. What happened? In Order No. 168, there is no such type of HIF as a "well". Well, there is a "well stock". Let us assume that the well stock is a drilling and production target. But what about the field pipelines through which well products are transported? Are these already field facilities? Or not?

In general, I would like to receive more intelligible and detailed explanations on emerging issues from Rotsekhnadzor. In the meantime, such explanations will be published, referring to inactive normative documents, moreover, signed by various acting authorities. and Vrio, not backed by any seals, but capable of changing the requirements of the Federal Law, order in the field of industrial safety will not come soon ...

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Organization of construction of oil and gas industry facilities

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Chapter 1. Theoretical basis organization of construction of oil and gas industry facilities

1 Requirements for the design of oil and gas industry facilities

2 Basic materials, products, machines and mechanisms used in the construction of oil and gas industry facilities

Chapter 2. Organization of construction of oil and gas industry facilities on the example of OAO Gazprom

1 Organization and performance of work at OAO Gazprom for the development, review and approval of projects normative documents in the field of design, construction and operation of facilities of OJSC "Gazprom"

2 The procedure for including national standards in the base of regulatory documents in the field of design, construction and operation of facilities of OJSC Gazprom


List of used literature


Oil and gas have become the main sources of energy for human society and the most important source of chemical raw materials.

The further development of the oil and gas industry is associated with a new stage, the main features of which are the need to involve in the development an increasing number of small fields, fields with significant well depths, fields with high-viscosity oils, with oils saturated with aggressive media. For the development of the industry at this stage, a sharp increase in oil and gas recovery of reservoirs and additional development of numerous depleted and currently being developed fields are of decisive importance.

At the same time, workers in the oil and gas industry still face many unresolved problems to increase the efficiency of exploiting oil and gas deposits.

Currently, recoverable oil reserves do not exceed 45-50% of the absolute. Much remains to be done to utilize all gas produced together with oil, to automate the facilities of gas and oil production enterprises and to introduce an automated control system (ACS) for the oil and gas industry.

Every year, the enterprise develops plans for the introduction of new equipment and technologies, the implementation of which is monitored by the management of the enterprise. Work is underway to introduce rationalization proposals, as well as to obtain patents for new inventions.

Target test work it is the study of the organization of construction of objects of the oil and gas industry.

Research objectives:

study the requirements for the design of objects of the oil and gas industry;

learn the basic materials, products, machines and mechanisms used in the construction of oil and gas industry facilities;

To study the procedure for including national standards in the base of regulatory documents in the field of design, construction and operation of facilities of OJSC "Gazprom"<#"justify">Chapter 1: Theoretical Foundations of Organization of Construction of Oil and Gas Industry Facilities

1 Requirements for the design of oil and gas industry facilities

The following requirements are imposed on the design of oil and gas industry facilities, in accordance with the safety rules of the oil and gas industry, developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" dated July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ:

prospecting and development of oil and gas fields should be carried out in accordance with projects for the development, prospecting and construction of fields, which include measures and solutions to ensure labor protection, industrial safety, subsurface resources and the environment;

the design of the production of the oil and gas industry (reconstruction, construction, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities) should be carried out only by those organizations that have a license and the right to conduct the mentioned activities;

design documentation should be developed on the basis of a design assignment issued by the subsoil user (customer);

the developed project documentation must be subjected to an industrial safety examination that fully complies with the "Rules for conducting an industrial safety examination" approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

approval of project documentation is a prerequisite for starting the design and construction of oil and gas industry facilities;

technological, technical, environmental and organizational resolutions are final and binding on all enterprises and organizations involved in the project implementation process;

in the event of the introduction of new regulatory documents, the revision of the current project is carried out in the manner prescribed by law;

in any given situation, any deviations from the design documentation are not allowed;

in the event that new technology, equipment or materials are used in the course of production activities that are not provided for by the project, it is possible to draw up Additions to the project documentation, which are subject to the aforementioned expertise and agreement with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia;

design organizations engaged in the design of hazardous production facilities are obliged to ensure control over the quality of the documentation provided;

the subsoil user (customer), in turn, is obliged (in accordance with the Federal Law of February 21, 1992, N 2395-1 "On Subsoil") to ensure compliance with the project documentation;

facilities for the development and exploration of oil, gas and gas condensate fields containing hydrogen sulfide and other harmful substances must be identified in accordance with the hazard classes of possible emissions into the atmosphere, established by state standards, SNPs and sanitary norms.

Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia has the right to approve the expert opinion on the following objects:

oil, gas and gas condensate fields, as well as underground gas storage in a porous medium;

industrial facilities for the collection and treatment of oil and gas, which contain aggressive impurities (in particular, hydrogen sulfide over 6%);

wells and fields on the shelf of the seas, which contain more than 6% hydrogen sulfide in reservoir fluids, fields with high-pressure horizons, having an anomaly coefficient of more than 1.3, as well as fields containing productive sediments at depths of 4000 m and more.

2 Basic materials, products, machines and mechanisms used in the construction of oil and gas industry facilities

Since many construction operations are carried out in the arrangement of oil and gas fields, various building materials are accordingly used for this.

Lumber (boards, beams), wood products: floorboards, plinths, platbands, window boards; joinery (door and window blocks, partitions), plywood.

Metals, metal alloys. Range of metals used in oil and gas field construction: sheet steel, profile steel (angles, I-beams, T-beams, rails, channels, etc.); high-quality steel (round, square, strip); metal products (hardware) (bolts, nuts, washers, cotter pins, anchors, ropes, cables, etc.); oil country tubular goods (drill, casing, tubing); steel pipes general purpose(seamless cold-drawn, rolled, hot-rolled, electric-welded with a straight seam, electric-welded with a spiral seam, stainless, water and gas pipes, pipes made of non-ferrous metals and alloys (copper, brass); bimetallic (copper-steel).

Natural stone materials: sand, gravel, crushed stone, rubble stone, wall blocks, facing slabs.

Ceramic materials and products: artificial stone materials obtained from clays or from mixtures with mineral and organic additives by forming and subsequent firing.

Mineral binders: finely ground powdery materials that, when mixed with water, form a plastic dough that gradually hardens to a stone-like state; on the basis of binders, mortars, concretes, and various cements are made.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures (building material in which hardened concrete and steel reinforcement are combined into a single whole); reinforced concrete products (beams, trusses, block rooms, foundations, etc.).

Inorganic thermal insulation materials (mineral wool, cellular concrete, plexiglass, asbestos materials); organic (fiberboard and chipboard, gas-filled plastics); mixed (fiberboard, perlitoplastic concrete).

Organic binders and products (bitumen, tar, mastics).

Roofing and waterproofing products (perhaline, roofing felt, roofing felt, waterproofing, isolating, foilgoizol).

Plastics (polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene).

Finishing materials (fiberglass, fiberglass, wood-laminated plastics,

Paints and varnishes (colored powders, varnishes, drying oils, adhesives, solvents, oil paints, enamel paints, silicate, synthetic, emulsion paints).

Construction machines and mechanisms

Transportation of building materials and products to places of use is carried out by all types of modern general-purpose transport (rail, road, water, etc.). During the construction of oil and gas field facilities, various specialized machines are used: concrete mixer trucks, concrete trucks, bucket and rotary excavators, bulldozers (Fig. 1), scrapers, graders,), excavators (Fig. 2), concrete pavers, pipe layers (Fig. 3), dump trucks, pipe carriers, panel carriers, wicker carriers.

Figure 1 - Bulldozer Komatsu D375A-5

Figure 2 - Bucket excavator Eksmash E 200 C

Figure 3 - Komatsu D355C pipelayer

During installation work, they are used different types and various lifting capacity cranes, hoists, loaders. Within the construction site, materials and products are moved with the help of small intrabuilding vehicles (conveyors, concrete and mortar pumps, winches, cargo motor carts and motor scooters, micro tractors).

Chapter 2: Organization of construction of oil and gas industry facilities on the example of OJSC "Gazprom"

1 Organization and performance of work at OAO Gazprom for the development, review and approval of draft regulatory documents in the field of design, construction and operation of OAO Gazprom facilities

Work on the development of OAO Gazprom standards in the design, construction and operation of OAO Gazprom facilities is carried out in accordance with the rules.

The organization of work on the development, review and approval by Gazprom of draft national standards of the Russian Federation and draft interstate standards, in which Gazprom is interested for application in the design, construction and operation of Gazprom facilities, is carried out by subdivisions (Departments and functional departments) of OJSC Gazprom, which manage one or another area of ​​OJSC Gazprom's activities and perform the functions of a customer in accordance with the program for the development of new and updating the existing regulatory documents of OJSC Gazprom in the field of design, construction and operation of OJSC Gazprom facilities (hereinafter referred to as the functional customer). At the same time, the functional customer performs the work provided for in Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation"<#"justify">Conclusion

In general, there are no serious comments on the structure of the enterprise, it fully corresponds to the type of activity of the enterprise,

The existing production structure of the oil product supply system (oil depots, sales organizations, transportation system) allows to ensure a stable supply of consumers in the regions of Russia in the volumes stipulated by the Energy Strategy. The main direction of the development of this system is the timely modernization of its production facilities.

New economic conditions require a transition to new forms of organizational structures in oil and gas production, new methods and technologies in management systems. This corresponds to the organization of vertically integrated oil and gas companies that unite different industries and subsectors of the industry: oil production, gas production, oil refining, petrochemistry, oil engineering, sales of finished products. The backbone of the oil and gas complex is a vertically integrated oil company that unites enterprises with the above types of activities (from oil and gas production to petrol stations).

List of used literature

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