Descendants of Golitsyn in our time. Famous Russian dynasties: Golitsyn. In the XVII century, in front of the Petrovsky rule, four branches of Golitsyn ...

Lion Golitsyn was born in 1845 in the estate of his mother, the old all Lyubovskaya province (Poland). His father, retired headquarters-captain, an offacarious nobleman, Golitsyn Sergey Grigorievich, gave his son an excellent home education: he read freely and spoke Polish, perfectly owned French and nice German.

He dreamed of young Golitsyn to become a legal scientist. At 17, he graduated from the Bachelor's rank at the Paris Sorbonne at the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University, becoming a master of law. To protect the professorship, and then work at Moscow University, where he was invited, continued his studies in Leipzig and Göttingen (Germany). However, fate prepared the prince of other life Path. In Prince, a genuine interest in the viticulture and winemaking of Europe woke up. Since the time of study in France, Golitsyn begins to collect Enotek - a collection of unique and vintage wines from different countries.

Lion Golitsyn loved in "New Light"

In 1876, Lev Golitsyn acquires vineyards and the cottage in Feodosia. In connection with the family circumstances, the Prince in 1878 acquires the estate "New Light" under Sudak, where it quite successfully begins to form his "Novosvetsky Champagne", builds basements, lays around 600 grapes of the grapes of South European and South-Russian varieties as an experimental base for its winemaking. As for serious legal practice, there could be a speech about this in the Crimea.

Enotec Golitsyn, who by 1912 became one of the best in Europe, consisted of the act of transferring more of it, the sovereign "... 45,939 bottles, 675 semi-cute, 216 double bottles and six-quarters".

In his "New World", Golitsyn took up a comparative study of European varieties of grapes and began making from these varieties of the first wines different types - from cutle and sparkling to dry and desserts.

Lion Golitsyn King of Experts

The end of the 19th century became for Golitsyn-winery especially significant. His wines, as well as wine wines, participated in exhibitions both in Russia and abroad. He was elected a member of the jury at all-Russian exhibitions, a member of the jury and the Vice-Chair at World Exhibitions in Paris. Wine Prince Golitsyn received world recognition and were awarded many and many awards, gold medals, big silver medal, "Grand Prix" at the World Exhibition in Paris. And in 1896, the recognized winemaker received an official permission to portray the state emblem of the Russian Empire on the labels of his wines, which gave him the official right to supply his wines to the highest sovereign court.

The first experiments in the champagne winemaking were crowned with success, and in 1882 he receives his first gold medal for champagne wines with the name "Black Small" and "Red Small" at the wines competition in Yalta. The release of his sparkling wines called "Paradisio", "New Light" and "Coronation" on the French Bottle Technology of Champagne, taking into account the experience of the Crimean winemakers allowed him in 1900 to "go to his Wine Olympus" in Paris. Then the champagne "Paradisio" of the Brute "of the 4th champagne circulation of 1899 won the Grand Prix Cup. The names of the wine received, according to the European tradition, not only at the place of growing grape varieties, but also at the place of production of wines. But the "border" was so named after it was submitted during a solemn lunch in Moscow on the occasion of the coronation of the sovereign of Emperor Nikolai second.

For a dinner, given on the occasion of the completion of the work of the World Paris exhibition, which arranged the Chairman of the expert commission on wines Graf Shandon, raising a glass with champagne, said:

Excellent quality of wine that we now drink, we are primarily obliged to those workers who have been working from generation to generation for more than 100 years in our company.

Grafu answered Prince Golitsyn:

All those present were amazed: the expert of French champagne Graf Shandon confused champagne champagne with the Crimean. It was a truly triumph of Prince Golitsyn as winemakers, as well as the triumph of Russia, as a wine-making power. After the exhibition, French newspapers wrote:

Of all the countries of the world, we have least we know Russia. The surprise that entered the wine-making competition was what Russia enters her huge steps. It must be assumed that the steps of the owner.

Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn put in front of himself and other winemakers the task of instilling the culture of the consumption of high-quality grape wines of the Crimea, especially Massandra and New World. Lev Golitsyn did not tire to repeat:

I want the simple people in Russia in Russia good wineand not poisoned himself with a sivery.

In 1898, Prince Golitsyn filed a resignation in view of the end of the contract.

Prince Lion Golitsyn - father of domestic winemaking

The identity of Leo Golitsyn was truly outstanding. His, according to many contemporaries, unreasonably extended tunnels were built by Prince to perspective, even before official marriage, in the hope of having a heir and the successor of his affairs. In the future, he was carried away by the gathering of rare vintage objects, paintings, porcelain, silver in the form of jugs, glasses, ice veloc. Tens of thousands went on the decoration of the tasting hall, on the collection of rare glass and crystal, from which the sovereigns and the state downturns of the Russian throne. Until the end of the 19th century, Golitsyn Tunnels never were completely filled and served in the future more in order to surprise numerous guests than to excerpt wine.

He cared little about the organization of the right sales and with great pleasure crossed his wines more often than selling. After the death of his wife Mary Mikhailovna, four juvenile grandchildren and, finally, the premature death of his daughter Sophia (in marriage - Trubetskaya), he cooled to the production of his wines, their representation for contests. Next to him was his youngest unmarried daughter hope, and the prince begins to think about the future of its winery. Golitsyn decided to create a "new light" on the basis of the Russian Academy of Viticulture and Winemaking and become a permanent representative. The base for this was: basements, winery, experting vineyards, specialists, in particular his winemakers Cristo Balgundy and the Australian Dauling Champace. Part of the bank loans was redeemed by the sale of wines.

Justifying in a letter in the letter in December 1911, the possibility of creating the Russian Academy in his estate, the prince in exchange offers the sovereign to take a gift to 113 tits and 200 seeding lands of "New World", where you could build the Academy Corps. In April 1912, Nikolai second with the August family and a retinue was visited by the estate "New Light". Women took place, the sovereign approved the plans of the loyal prince Lion Sergeevich Golitsyn. At the end of 1913, two estates were already on the lands of the new light: the estate "New Light" Prince L.S. Golitsyn and the estate of the sovereign Nikolai second called "Sudatva His Majesty estate", which was transferred to the maintenance of Livadia-Massandrovsky specific management.

Some not quite knowledgeable authors believe that the estate of Golitsyn was transferred to the sovereign due to poverty, but this is not true: according to a notarial testament, after the death of Prince Golitsyn, his heirs remained movable and real estate in the amount of more than 1.5 million rubles. Agree that there can be no speech about poverty.

Prince Golitsyn recognized the "father of domestic winemaking" during his lifetime. Russian winemaking Golitsyn left a lot: its theoretical developments and successful practical results in winemaking, thanks to which he is considered by the ancestor of the best direction for the Russian winery.

Grapes and wine - products of terrain, viticulture and winemaking - science of the terrain, - considered Golitsyn. These statements are relevant today. Prince offered to study the terrain and skillfully used her features, considering it the basis of wine-making success. He warned against blind imitation, indicated the need for a critical attitude to its experience on the basis of comparison of foreign natural conditions With domestic.

Prince loved to repeat:

As a Russian winemaker, I have nothing against that foreign wines fall to us, as high good types You must always have in front of you, but I wish you mainly our go there. The first task is a variety; The second is to study the variety on different soils; The third is to explore the climatic conditions. But this is not enough - you need to be able to make wine, you need cellars, you need the right care, and most importantly, you need to create people. How much will the person cost, so much will cost and wine.

He raised the Crafts of the winemaker to the degree of art when the master "follows not by the emotional prescription rules, but works as an artist, continuously and thoroughly studying his domestic paints, constantly improving the technique of their mixing and in the art of battle showing his creativity.

Prince Golitsyn showed that the most effective method Wine skills upgrades are the upbringing of the taste of winemale of the best samples of wines, the development of acute observation and clarity of analysis by examining and studying the best vineyards and better wine farms. His major merit is to attract the path of specialization in viticulture and winemaking of the mass of educated people, a device for them for long business trips to study the famous wine-and-wine farms in Europe and the world.

On the square of the head plant "Massandra" in 1996, Golitsyn installed a bust on a diorite fee. In addition, in the area in front of the plant "New World" in 2008, a monument to the Great Winemale was established.

Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn himself did not work at the main Massandrovsky basement, the construction of which he gave so much strength and energy. But for several years given by "Massandra", he, together with other winemakers, managed to lay the foundations of the theory and practice of the winemaking of the Southern Crimea. And, which is much more important - to prepare students. It was a whole Pleiad of talented people who created Russian winemaking.

Scans of pages from the general gerbachnik:

Images of copies from the common gerbach

Description of the coat of arms (blazon):

The shield is divided horizontally into two equal parts. In the top in the red field, the coat of arms Lithuanian is depicted, that is: Harding on a white horse Warrior with raised upwards. In the lower part: in the right silver field, the coat of arms of the Novgorodsky, the raspberry colors, the chair, the crucifunct-powered rod and a long cross; Over the chair a triple stand with burning candles, on the sides of the chair two black bear standing on the hind legs, in the left blue field of a silver cross, having in the middle of a black double-headed eagle. The shield is covered with a hatch and a hat with the princely dignity.

The nature of the princes of Golitsyn comes from Gediman Grand Duke Lithuanian. In the pedigree princes of Polotsk and Lithuanian, located in the velvet book, it was shown that this Gedifan or Easter came from the Russian Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich, who to go the Russian land, and put the son of his Izyaslav in Polotsk, from which the princes Polotsk and Lithuanian went from. Grandson of the Grand Duke Lithuanian Gediman, Patrik, Prince Zvenigorodsky, arriving in Moscow in 1408m, joined the service of the Grand Prince Vasilla Dmitrievich. The son of his prince Yuri Patrikievich was married to the dress of the Grand Prince Vasilla Dmitrievich, and had two sons. The grandson of his prince Ivan Vasilyevich, the nickname of Bullshak, had four sons. From the second son of Prince Mikhail Ivanovich Golitsa, was a boyar with great prince Vasill Ivanovich. The descendants of his princes Golitsyn served the Russian throne of various services in the boyars, in Field Marshalch and other the most most significant ranks; They were complained by estates and patrimony. History Russian Empire shows that many of the princes of Golitsyn, both in ancient and in latest times, I was tightened by our glory of the feats and works by the benefit of the Fatherland, both in the military and in the civil service, and the awarded were orders and other signs of honors and monators. The above-mentioned princes of Golitsyn is proved in excess of the history of the Russian, the velvet book and the pedigree of the princes of Golitsynyh stored in Geroldia and printed in the book called the ancient Russian Vivlofi in part IV.

One of the most ancient names. Could arise from the ancient word Golitsa (Galicians) - "Leather bare mittens for work." The surname was a boyars, then the widespread noble. With the abolition of serfdom in the central regions, the surname Golitsyn was assigned a multitude of peasants.

Golitsyn - Princely Rod, originating from whose son is Narimund, in the baptism of Gleb († in 1348), was Prince of Novgorod, Ladoga, Orekhovsky, etc. His grandson Patrica Aleksandrovich, Prince Zvenigorodsky (on Volyn), from 1408 he entered to Lithuanian citizenship. The grandchildren of the latter were the name of the princes of Patriceev, and one of the great-grandfather, Bulgak Bulgak, was the son of Mikhail Ivanovich, who was called "Golitsa", who was the name of the name of the name of the city in the 5th generation from the Rod, Branches, of which three exist. From the kind of this it was 22 Boyarin, 3 okolnichih, 2 kravichi. According to the princes of princes G. (see "the genus of Princes of Golitsyn", Op. KN. H. H. Golitsyn, St. Petersburg., 1892, t. I) In 1891, there were alive 90 male persons, 49 Princess and 87 Prinjeon Golitsyn. One branch in the person of the Moscow Governor General Prince Dmitry Vladimirovich (see) received title of lightness in 1841. Prince Grigory Sergeevich (born in 1838), Lieutenant-General, Senator, during an irrevengement of 1891. Symbath was with special powers to Siberia; Now - a member State Council. About other princes of g., For those known, see special articles. The princes of the city was included in the V part of the pedigree book of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tverskaya, Kursk, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Smolenskaya, Tambov, Tula and Chernihiv province (Hercobov, I, 2).
"Brockhauses and Efron"
The coat of arms of Golitsyn princes. The shield is divided horizontally into two equal parts. In the top in the red field, the coat of arms Lithuanian is depicted, that is, the warrior with a raised up the sword on a white horse. In the lower part, the perpendicular feature is measured: in the right silver field, the coat of arms of the novgorodsky, the raspberry colors, the chair, the crucifunctive shod and the long cross; Above the chair is a triple candlestick with burning candles, on the sides of the chair two black bear standing on the hind legs, in the left blue field of a silver cross, having in the middle of a black double-headed eagle. The shield is covered with mountainous mantle and crown of princely dignity.
Land holds of the genus Golitsyna are shown in Word format, this information is kindly provided by Maxim Olenev.
Additional Information.Some nobles end XIX. century with this surname. At the end of the line - the province and county to which they are attributed.
Golitsyn KN., Osterman, c. Mstisl. Valere., From. Major, (5 hours), St. Petersburg., M. Italian. St. Petersburg province. Schlisselburg county.
Golitsyn, KN. Alder Bor., SS, Yuryevsk. county. The leader of the nobility, with. Sima, Yuryevsk. y Vladimir Province. Shui county.
Golitsyn, KN. Al-her dm, Moscow. Chernihiv province. Novgorod-Seversky County.
Golitsyn, KN. Boron Nicl., PST., S. Lomca. Tula province. Novosilsky county. Gg Nobles with the right to vote.
Golitsyn, KN. You. DM, Moscow. Chernihiv province. Novgorod-Seversky County.
Golitsyn, KN. You. Surfactant., P. Dubbing. Ryazan province. Casimovsky county.
Golitsyn, KN. Vlad. Emman., Ryazan. Chernihiv province. Novgorod-Seversky County.
Golitsyn, KN. Dm. Mih, ds., S-Tso Semenovka. Tula province. Novosilsky county. Gg Nobles with the right to vote.
Golitsyn, KN. Leo Lv., Henman., DSS., Gubernsk. The leader of the nobility, Saratov. Saratov province. Balashov district.
Golitsyn, KN. Lion Serg., Master, Railway rights. Vladimir Province. Murom County.
Golitsyn, KN. A lion. Serg., Master. chase rights. Vladimir Province. Gorokhovetsky county.
Golitsyn, KN. Mich. Mich., G. S. -Petherburg Vladimir Province. Vladimir County.
Golitsyn, KN. Nicl Serg., (5 hours). Poltava province. Piryatinsky county.
Golitsyn, KN. Nicl Emman., Ryazan. Chernihiv province. Novgorod-Seversky County.
Golitsyn, KN. Surfactant. Pav., Maryinsk. ox. Novgorod province. Novgorod county.
Golitsyn, KN. Surfactant. Pav., From gv. PST, Village Maryino, Novgorod. y St. Petersburg province. Luzhsky county.
Golitsyn, KN. Serg. Mich. Yaroslavl province. Romanovo-Borisoglebsky county.
Golitsyn, KN. Serg. Mih, ds., P. Galun. Tula province. Novosilsky county. Gg Nobles with the right to vote.
Golitsyn, KN. Serg. Mih., S. Slavnovo, Arinensk. ox. Tver province. Tver county.
Golitsyn, KN. Emman. You., GW. PLC., (5 hours). Chernihiv province. Novgorod-Seversky County.
Golitsyn, KN. Aldra you., (5 h.). Chernihiv province. Mallzy county.
Golitsyn, KN. Aldra you., (5 h.). Chernihiv province. Nezhinsky county.
Golitsyn, KN. Aldra you., (5 h.). Chernihiv province. Surazhsky county.
Cm. also

The nineteenth of August, in the framework of the celebration of the 600th anniversary of Russia's ministry of the genus Golitsyn, in the first grad hospital, for the first time in a hundred years, descendants of Russian princes of Golitsyn gathered. The most who once had this hospital and founded - she was even called Golitsyn Revolution. About a hundred people, some of whom carry another name or do not speak Russian, being here, went through hospital corridors, looked into the office of their ancestor and the community museum of mercy, prayed in the temple, and so they could feel like a single family again

Ninth, as part of the celebration of the 600th anniversary of Russia's ministry of Golitsyn (in 1408, their ancestor, lithuanian Prince Patrica, the grandson of the liberator of Lithuania Gedimin, came to Moscow and began to serve the great Moscow prince Vasily Dmitrievich, son of Dmitry Donskoy), the descendants of Russian princes of Golitsyn gathered in the first grad hospital for the first time in a hundred years. The most who once had this hospital and founded - she was even called Golitsyn Revolution. About one hundred people, some of whom carry another surname or do not speak Russian, being here, passed through hospital corridors, looked into the office of their ancestor and the community museum of mercy, prayed in the temple, and so they could again sense themselves with a single family.

The surname Golitsyn is about half of the gathered. The rest of the Golitsans on the mother or changed the surname, coming out married. In total, about 300 Golitsyn and half live in Russia. Men and women among them are approximately equally. Here is a geologist, physicist, banker, anesthesiologist, an artist - in general, all people of mental labor, intelligentsia.

What does this meeting mean for Golitsyn? What place in their - the hereditary benefactors and patrons - life takes a charity? The aristocrats of the XXI century are divided by their thoughts about this.

Ivan Illarionovich Golitsyn, artist, one of the organizers of the meeting
It turns out a hundred years ago, in the midst of the war of 1914, Peter Immanuilovich Golitsyn sent all the other Golitsyn letters with the project of the association. When the text of the letter is not lost - they show modern Golitsyn, then no one can determine the date of its creation - its main provisions seem so modern and timely. Although at that moment when he was written, it also seemed to everyone that the first world was the worst thing that could be ...

Now much is done. We have compiled a list of impoverished golitsyn, found all these grandmothers. In the most difficult, hungry years regularly purchased them food. We turned to the KGB and received archival documents on Golitsyn shootings. Personally, I have no opportunity to charuit financially, so the beneficial about its time. Emit memoirs, organizing the exhibition.

If we carry out such projects and collect meetings in which 2-3 generations of Golitsyn participate - we will be able to leave our children a normal country, because along with the revival of religion it is absolutely necessary for the revival of family, relational culture. Only the war began, and I'm absolutely not sure that we will succeed ...

Anna Georgievna Golitsyn. Programmer
We are absolutely united. Golitsans live in France, England, America, Serbia, Canada. All Moscow Golitsans are the descendants of my great-grandfabbank and her husband, the governor, and then the Moscow urban head of Prince Golitsyn Vladimir Mikhailovich. Moscow about a hundred people know all of everyone, because my great-grandmother, Anna Sergeyevna Golitsyn, lived an outdoor house, and each Easter collected all Golitsyny at one table. Personally, I know all my three-minded relatives, all uncle and everyone. it characteristic feature All noble childbirth. The quality we inherited after the year.

Vladimir Palei. Gallery owner, US citizen
There was such a figure, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, he wrote that it was necessary to destroy the aristocrats because they are bad or good, but because they are class enemies. The fact that the genus is preserved, I think God's miracle. Read, for example, the "notes of the surviving" Sergey Mikhailovich Golitsyn. We were taken away from us, actually robbed. Therefore, now ask what we do for the people are somewhat incorrect, we no longer have the possibilities. Nevertheless, Golitsyna retained in the West a lot from the imperial heritage. Golitsyn always helped impoverish representatives of the family. This congress showed that we are a family that the connection is not lost.

Prince Peter Dmitrievich Golitsyn. General Director of the Russian representative office "BASF". Thanks to his efforts, Golitsans who live outside Russia were able to gather
After the revolution, we were opened all over the world. At first, there are a lot of golitsy village in Yugoslavia, but the second world again scattered them. Who was in the east, went to China, in Harbin - there are still the streets there are Russian names. And when communism began in China - they moved further - to Japan.

It was not difficult to collect foreign members of the surname, they all took this idea with great excitement, which, as it turned out, has long been twist in the air. Everyone was very happy to feel part of something more than their family and blood relatives. Especially yesterday, when everyone gathered with me. The task number one is executed. Everyone got great pleasure, learned a lot from their history. Now the address book will be created, and each Golitsyn will receive an instance.

Most of the golitsyn in one form or another is engaged in charity. Personally, I take part in the program "Rural Church", the main task of which is the conservation of collapsed churches. The "rural church" is fundamentally engaged only by the temples located outside of Moscow. In those places where there are no rich benefactors, it rains with parishioners from the ceiling - it is especially important if you do not restore the temple, then at least stop its further destruction. Funds for the program are coming including from charity balls that we arrange in the embassies of various states in Moscow. The entrance ticket to such a ball costs 100 dollars.

Peter Dmitrievich Six children, whom he brings up in orthodox faith. The family is so established that half of the summer children work on themselves, and half of the summer work for others, that is, become volunteers. For example, this summer, the eldest daughter worked in a hospital with children with various diseases of the central nervous system.

"I'm just delighted, especially from the church," says Tatyana Petrovna, daughter Peter Dmitrievachagolitsyn, studying the architect- From what they do here! And also with such cheerfulness, such a positive mood! Be sure to help them - without it there will be much worse. From the relatives personally and my sister and I supported the connection only with American. Before this meeting, we knew little about Golitsyn abroad and therefore I was very glad that they were going. The revolution is so scattered around the world. "...

Currently, Golitsans are the most ancient and numerous noble birth of Russia. About 100 representatives of the genus came to the meeting from different countries

Golitsins collected in front of the temple of Tsarevich Dimitria

Left: This representative of the ancient kind of Golitsyn lives in France, where he owns a jewelry store. The cross in the jewelry execution in her neck is also one of the samples. Soon there will be an exhibition of crosses and jewelryin which she will take part

Left: A tour of the building begins, in which Tsarevich Dimitria temple is now located, Dimitrievskaya School, Dimitriev Sisters Sisters of Mercy, Editorial Board Zaurel "Neskural Garden"
Right: The descendant of the genus Golitsin from England

Museum of Sisters Sisters Mercy

Teacher of the school E. Krylova tells the descendants of the school benefactors

About the role of princes of golitsyny

The direct ancestor of the princes of Golitsyn appeared in Russia in 1408. The solemn arrival in Moscow "Courage" Prince Patrike from Lithuania is also seen for the bulk of the chronicles. He came to the service for the great prince of Moscow Vasily - the son of the famous Dmitry Donskoy "with all his home": close and long-distance relatives, with a courtyard and a friend, households and fiery, servants and chelyads. The solemn entrance did not cost, it is necessary to think, and without the princely stags, on which the knighting knight was depicted on the horse and with a raised sword. This knight is the traditional Lithuanian "fauna", adorning, by the way, and the generic coat of arms of the princes of Golitsyn, and the state coat of arms of the current Lithuanian republic, was a heraldic sign of the Vlaborny Lithuanian sovereigns: Prince Patrica was the great-grandfather of Gedimin - the Grand Prince Lithuanian, a long-length master and ruler Lithisha.

The Moscow Sovereign accepted Prince Patrice "with the Great Honor", and he immediately took one of the first places in the Russian State Hierarchy. The reason for this is not only the high origin of the "arrival" prince, not only a political calculation: Moscow was advantageous to attract Lithuanian nobles to his side. Prince Patricae was a relative of the family of Moscow sovereigns, Sofia Vitovovna, the wife of the Grand Duke Vasily. Immediately add that the son of Prince Patrica Yuri married later on the daughter of the Grand Prince Anna and thus finally consolidated the relationship of immigrants from Lithuania with the Moscow Grand Duct.

The nearest descendants of Prince Patrickya became thence of many princely genera, well-known in Russian history under the collective name "Gediminovichi" - Khovan, Pinsky, Wolish, Charters, Golitsyn, Trubetsky, Kurakina ...

Actually, Golitsans lead their own genus from the great-grandfather of Yuri Patriceevich - Prince Mikhail on the nicknamer Golitsa. Goltsians were called iron mitches that knights worn in battle. According to legend, Prince Mikhail received his nickname because she put Golitsa only for one hand.

Golitsynye's source was the rally of the Grand Prince Vasily III and unhappy governor: September 8, 1514 in the sadly famous battle with Orsha Lithuanians defeated russian armywho commanded the prince Mikhail Golitsa and Boyar Chelyantin. N. M. Karamzin In his "History of the Russian State", telling about this battle, notes that there was no consent between both governors that they did not want to help each other and acted with a communice. In addition, in the fervor of the Battle of the Chelyantorn, it seems that Prince Mikhail betrayed and ran from the battlefield. This, however, he did not save him - both of the governors and another and a half thousand nobles came to Lithuanian captivity, and everything was lost on the day of thirty thousand warriors. Prince Mikhail Golitsa spent in captivity of 38 years and returned to Rus only in 1552, when his four-humid brother King Ivan IV Grozny conquered the Kazan Khanate.

About whom from Golitsyn, who inscribed their name in the history of Russia, mention in this short sketch? The historian wrote that "Golitsynsky genus is the most numerous of Russian aristocratic childbirth" (the second in terms of the number of representatives is the genus of princes of dolvalukov). In addition, Golitsans have always been "in sight", they always occupied significant government positions, were near the royal, and later the imperial throne. Even dry numbers indicate the meaning of the genus and its role in the history of our Fatherland. In Golitsynsky, there were 22 Boyarin: no other genus is of the Russia of so many boyar, the nearest advisers of the Moscow sovereigns. Among the Golitsyn there were two Feldmarshal, 50 Generals and Admirals, 22 St. George Cavaller Order St. George was given only for tact merit. Many Golitsyn participated in Patriotic War 1812, four fell in her battles, two of them - on the Borodino field. Prince Alexander Borisovich Golitsyn, the entire campaign was a permanent adjutant of the commander-in-chief of Field Marshal Kutuzov and left interesting "notes about the Patriotic War."

Golitsans have always been disturbing the honor of the kind as it was understood in one or another historical era. In times, one because of this even suffered, but did not drop the dignity of the last name: Duma boyar Ivan Vasilyevich Golitsyn, categorically refused to sit behind the royal wedding table "below" by the princes of Shui. He chose not to appear at all because of this to the wedding of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich in 1624, for which he was exiled with his family to Perm, where he soon died.

Such cases, however, was a bit. More often, the Moscow sizards pledged Golitsyn and even issued their relatives for them. Already mentioned the relationship of Prince Patrica and Patrichevich with the house of Moscow Rurikovich. By continuing this topic, it is possible to indicate the kinship of Golitsyn on the women's line with the Romanov dynasty. Prince Ivan Andreevich Golitsyn, for example, was married to the nearest relative of the wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich - Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya, Princess Praskovna Dmitrievna Golitsyn was married to Fedor Naryshkin and accounted for a teachy Peter Great, and Princess Natalia Golitsyn was his cousin.

One of the Golitsyn - Prince Vasily Vasilyevich foreigners called "Great." In Russia, however, this nickname after it was not entrenched for obvious reasons. However, his merits in government management were really great, and the role of course did not boil only to the proximity to the Tsarevna Sophier Alekseevna, how primitively try to present other historical novelists. Prince Vasily Vasilyevich served the Fatherland and the throne for more than 30 years. That's just a list of his posts and titles: Sovereign Slashnik and Czachnik, Sovereigns, Chief Clause, Boyarin Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, Head of the Embassy Order, the yard and, finally, the "royal state larger germinator savings, governor of Novgorod and Middle Boyar." After Peter first sharpened the princess Sophia to the monastery, her "right hand" Prince Vasily Vasilyevich was deprived of the ranks, ranks and property (but not princely dignity) and exiled into distant northern cities.

But at the same time, the cousin of the Opponia-Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn was raised. He was the educator of Peter the Great, his closest adviser, and became the last in kind, who was granted a boyars - shortly after that, the states of the Boyarskaya Duma went down to history, and the Petrovsky government density was replaced.

Three Mikhailovichi brothers played a prominent role in Russia. Senior, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn was first the household of Peter the Great, then became the captain of the Preobrazhensky regiment, later - by Senator, a real secret adviser, president of the Commander-College and a member of the Supreme Secret Council. In this capacity, he became the initiator of the first attempt in the history to limit the autocracy of the Russian sovereigns. Together with other members of the Supreme Secret Council, he forced Empress Anna Ioannovna before joining the throne to sign the so-called "Conditions", who obliges it, managing the country, to reckon with the opinion of the highest nobility. As you know, this attempt failed, the Empress refused to perform the "Conditions", but did not forget their authors. Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich in a few years was accused of treason and sharpened in the Shlisselburg fortress, where he died in 1737.

The second of the brothers Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich was also a majorist and a "prince drummer" of Peter the Great, later it turned out to be among the heroes of the Poltava battle and was celebrated by the king, participated in many other battles of Petrovsky and the postperetrovsky time, he served to rank Field Marshal (1 class on the table On ranks) and was the president of the Military College, that is, the military minister of Russia. And finally, the third - Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich Jr. repeated his older brother's career, but not in the ground forces, but on the Russian fleet. He was a sailor and a fleet, he wore the highest Geng of the Admiral General of the Russian Fleet (also grade 1) and was the president of the Admiralty College, or the Maritime Minister.

With Empress, Catherine II became famous as a major commander Prince Alexander Mikhailovich, who was a cavalier of all without exception to Russian orders. His brother Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich for thirty years was the Russian ambassador under the Austrian courtyard in Vienna, in his testament and his funds in Moscow was founded by the All Golitsyn Hospital, which until 1917 was held at the means of princes of Golitsyn and still serves its appointment . And their cousin, too, Alexander Mikhailovich for more than 15 years represented Russia in Paris and London.

Under the emperors, Alexandra and Nicolae Pavlovichi almost a quarter of a century, the Moscow Governor General was Prince Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn - the builder of the first-hearth, patron of science and art. According to almost all memoirists first halves XIX. Centuries, he did a lot for Moscow - built it, lapped, cared for Moscow University, helped Moscow theaters, founded the Italian opera in the city ... For merits in the development of Moscow, Nicholas I complained to his title of the brilliant prince with the right to transmit it to descendants.

Golitsyn, Nikolai Mikhailovich

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Wikipedia has articles about other people with the surname Golitsyn.
Nikolai Mikhailovich Golitsyn
Oberhof Marshal
1768 - 1775


Prince Nikolai Mikhailovich Golitsyn (January 8, 1727 - January 2, 1787) - Russian court from the genus Golitsyn, Ober-Gofamarsal and the secret adviser.

The seventeenth child of General Field Marshal Mikhail Mikhailovich Golitsyn Elder, his mother - grandson of Prince Boris Ivanovich Kurakina, one of the leaders of the foreign policy of Petrovsky reign. Among the older brothers - Field Marshal A. M. Golitsyn and a major diplomat D. M. Golitsyn.

Camera-Juncker from December 22, 1761, Captain Izmailovsky Regiment, from 1763 Camger and Hofamarshal. On the coronation of Catherine II put the evan. In the diary, the poreshit is referred to as a frequent guest of the entry of the heir, with whom there was a conversation about trigonometry, Hungarian wines and other subjects.

In 1768, the Empress complained Golitsyn in Ober-Hofamarshal, i.e. He made the main regulator of the court life. During the court he was known under the nickname "fat man" (MR LE GROS). Kavaler of the Order of St. Anna, in 1773 he was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. Nikolay Mikhailovich Golitsyn
Oberhof Marshal
1768 - 1775
Predecessor: Karl Efimovich Sivers
Successor: Gregory Nikitich Orlov

Band to Order St Alexander Nevsky.png Order of Saint Anne Ribbon.png

Fired after all posts on August 12, 1775. In his pamphlet, Prince Shcherbatov argues that Golitsyn lost his position at the court because of the conflict with Potemkin: "The negligence to prepare him some beloved dish has submitted him to give it to a resignation from Potemkin and forced to resign."
Barbara Nikolaevna, daughter
Ekaterina Nikolaevna, daughter

Prince Golitsyn was a major landowner, had a manor in the Moscow region, in the Meshovsky and Kozel counties (20 thousand fortress peasants). He died in January 1787 in St. Petersburg and was buried next to his wife on Lazarevian cemetery.
Family and Children

Since 1753, he was married to Catherine Alexandrovna Golovina (1728-9.09.1769), daughters and heiress Admiral A. I. Golovin. Children:

Varvara Nikolaevna (07/25/1762-4.01.1802), a wonderful beauty, married to Knyazhmäster Sergey Sergeyevich Gagarin (1745-1798), their sons of Nikolai and Sergey.
Ekaterina Nikolaevna (11/14/1764-7.11.1832), married to the bright prince S. A. Menshikov (1746-1815). According to the testimony of contemporaries, was one of the most beautiful women His time and differed in a free way of life.
Anna Nikolaevna (11/15/1767-18?) Was married to the Graph A. A. Musin-Pushkin (1760-1806), but the offspring did not leave. Being ruined by managers, died in poverty.
Alexander Nikolaevich (September 6, 19769-12.04.1817), Camger and the rich, known for his insane wasting, for which he was nosted in Moscow by the name of the opera, former in great fashion, "Cosa-Rara". He was married to the princess Mary Grigorievna Vyazemsky (1772-1865), after a divorce with him, in 1802 she married Count L. K. Razumovsky. In the 1800s, he broke up and at the end of his life received a pension from his three-rich brother Prince S. M. Golitsyn.

I will not continue the listing, especially since the next generations of Golitsyn - mainly about the generation of his grandfathers - briefly tells in the chapter "Family" and the author of the "Notes". Yes, and in general, the listing will add little to overall characteristic This kind, belonging to the ancient Russian nobility - the class, which for centuries formed the move historical Development Russia. Under this angle of view, it seems, and should look at Golitsynsky today. "You can't throw a word from the song," says the proverb. Similarly, do not cross out russian history and Golitsyn. To them, as well as other ancient birth, should be treated today as an integral part of the history of the Motherland.

Already were - and not so long ago! - Attempts to "reset from the ship of our time" the nobleman Pushkin, declare "Barskaya", and therefore the anti-people's almost the entire Russian culture of the last century, "not to notice" of those or other historical figures because of their belonging to the "OPERATIONAL Class". Our today's Breakless and Wildness is largely a consequence of just such an approach that has recently been considered "the only right".

Destroying temples, destroying the material monuments of the past, washing the most memory of the past, the Soviet government decades eradicated and "live monuments" domestic history - the offspring of Russian historical childbirth. Yes, they forgive me now Healthy Golitsans and Baryatinsky, Trubetsky and Volkonsky, Sheremetev and Meshcherskaya such comparison, but still something in common between the Stone Witness of the Past and the living heir of the ancient surname is, and this is common - belonging to history.

Whatever recently we had an attitude to representatives of Russian childbirth for anyone no secret. At best, they were outcasts and suspicious "former." Already mentioned the pedigree painting recently in Paris in Paris of some Russian noble childbirth. Significant

Part of this volume is devoted to Golitsyn. And against many, very many names - fiwers. Not only in Paris there is no information about the fate of tens and dozens of representatives of the Golitsynsky clan, tightened to the Out of the revolution, there are no them in Moscow. Where are they? What happened to those who in 1917-20 did not wish to leave his native land?

To some extent, the answer to these questions give "notes". But their author was lucky: he was alive. Not everyone pulled out such a "happy" ticket. Representatives of historical childbirth have recently pursued simply "for the surname", pursued by the entire power of the state punitive machine. It was enough to be called Golitsyn or Sheremetev to be an enemy to be destroyed.

Prince Andrei Kirillovich Golitsyn has been trying to learn anything about the fate of his disappeared relatives and relatives for several years. Copies of its requests in a variety of facilities occupy whole folders. Dozens, maybe hundreds of requests ... and answers. The curtain of the mystery begins to raise.

For example, the answer to the request for the fate of Dmitry Alexandrovich Golitsyn. The prosecutor's office of the Jazkazgan region of Kazakhstan: "By the decision of the Troika UNKVD in the Karaganda region, he was sentenced to the highest punishment. The verdict is carried out on January 7, 1938. April 21, 1989 rehabilitated. " The answer is applied by the official "death certificate", in the column "the cause of death" is "execution".

The answer from the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan to request about the fate of Vladimir Lvovich Golitsyn: "On March 4, 1935, a special meeting was convicted at the NKVD of the USSR for 5 years, sent to Karlala NKVD, on May 22, 1937 sentenced by the special three NKVD to the execution of counter-revolutionary agitation among prisoners, Spreading rumors about cruelty in the camp, about poor nutrition and
Duty labor, which violated the normal course of work on the Crafa's exploration field. " August 13, 1937 shot. In 1959, the sentence of a particular three is canceled as unreasonable.

The response of the military prosecutor of the Odessa Military District at the request of Sergey Pavlovic Golitsyn: "He worked as an actor at the Theater of the city of Nikolaev, according to the decision of the NKVD of the USSR and the Prosecutor of the USSR on January 4, 1938, was repressed. January 16, 1989 rehabilitated. "

Answer from Ukraine to a request for the fate of Konstantin Alexandrovich Golitsyn: "Arrested on December 15, 1930 on unreasonable charges, as a participant in a counter-revolutionary monarchical organization. Troika under the GPU college is sentenced to shooting. The sentence is carried out on May 9, 1931. "

The response of the Moscow branch of the FSB for an inquiry of Anatoly Grigorievich Golitsyn: "An accountant of the Moscow Case Association A. Golitsyn was arrested on August 26, 1937, unreasonably accused of three under the USSR UNXD in counter-revolutionary activities, sentenced to VMN. The verdict was carried out on October 21, 1937 in Moscow. In 1960, rehabilitated. "

Reply to request about Alexander Aleksandrovic Golitsyn: "Technician-builder of the branch of the Zholitsyno in Lipetsk A. A. Golitsyn Arrested on August 7, 1937 for the conduct of anti-Soviet agitation. Sentenced to the highest punishment. The sentence was carried out on October 10, 1937. In 1956, rehabilitated. "

For many requests, as the prince of Andrei Kirillovich hopes, the answers will still come. And the speech in them is often not even about individuals, but about entire families. Fully, for example, the Gregory Vasilyevich Golitsyn's family disappeared. Nothing is known about the family of Sergei Sergeyevich Golitsyn, about the families of Alexander Petrovich, Lev Lvovich and many others.
No need to think that the repression fell only on men. One of the women of Golitsynsky genus Irina Aleksandrovna Vetchinina, who worked as a zootechnology in one of the collective farms of the Kirovograd region, was arrested and sentenced to shooting for "anti-Soviet propaganda". Propaganda was expressed in the fact that in a letter to the mother who lived in Prague, she told about her distinguished position. This postcard has been preserved in the case, and we can quote it today: "My dear, my mommy, did not write you for a long time, because I did not want to write that I feel bad. Everyone was waiting for my position, and it all worsens ... With us, mommy, now it's so bad, as never happened: big frosts, and I go to the canvasy raincoat and almost barefoot. Mommy is sweet, maybe you have something warm old so that I am overwhelming this winter ... "

These lines in the postcard, underlined by the investigative pencil, became the basis of the death sentence.

So gradually, step by step is filled with those white spots in the Golitsynian pedigree about which we spoke on the first pages of these notes. And let him not please such a truth, let the same bitter answers: Shot - rehabilitated, shot is rehabilitated, they are still better than unknown. At the very least, they allow without embellishment, in all the urgent and cruelty to imagine the attitude of the Bolshevik authorities to people whose very name belongs to the history of Russia.

Based on materials b n Kraevsky
In the photo Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn (1721 - 1793), the son of General Field Marshal KN ...

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