Jewelry, which can be given to a woman and not guess. Love spell on silver ring silver ring for beloved girl

The best gift that can prevent a man's beloved man is a female ring. It is suitable as a birthday gift or for the day of all lovers. Time when many guys make offers to their girls. To such a case, it is necessary to prepare qualitatively. After all, the ring, presented as a gift, should be, if not expensive, then at least look expensive. What rings in which stores should be bought, you will learn from this publication.

What you can't give a woman

If you decide to present a female ring of your passion, then you should remember that every representative of the fine sex appreciates expensive jewelry. After all, such rings do not spoil, they do not fade and stones do not fall out of them. If you get gilded or silver plated ring, then be sure - literally in a month your girl will be very disappointed in the gift.

The same thing happens if you buy a female ring to which stones or pearls are glued. And those others must be fixed with metal mustache. Better if there are more than four pieces. Printed pebbles are poured six months later. What makes the ring unattractive and inaccient. Wearing such a girl no longer wants. Therefore, choosing a suitable decoration, look at its quality. Only in this case, the girl will be glad to give your gift and understand that you really appreciate it.

Golden or silver? With a stone or without it?

Golden female rings are preferable if we are talking About the gift of your girlfriend. However, every representative of beautiful sex has its own preferences. And if one admires the sunlight of gold, then the other admiring the lunar whiteness of silver. Find out what exactly a particular woman likes, it is quite simple. You just need to see what jewelry it is most often. And it is best to ask her about which of the precious metals she prefers. And then choose a female ring that can like it.

Choosing decorations in the store, you should pay attention to the sample and that it has been clearly engraved on the inner part of the ring. Fuzzy figures indicate poor-quality metal. If you decide the golden female ring to buy, then in order to save it, you can choose a sample product 333. But it is best to purchase 585 samples ring. It will cost more, but it will look better for a long time than what is created from less high-quality gold. When buying, pay attention also to stones. They should not be glass or Swarovski crystals. Better if the female ring will be with gemstone. Pick up the appropriate, you can, focusing on the table placed under this paragraph.

Silver female rings also have a certain quality standard. It is best to buy a female ring of silver 925 samples. See also the stones are not glued, and kept with metal mustache. Silver decorations are often made with glass, so before buying should be asked which pebbles decorate precious metal. It is better to buy a ring with agate than with Swarovski crystal. After all, stones are able to have a beneficial effect on the body and energy, and the rhinestones do not possess such qualities.

If you decide to buy a female ring, but still unpleasure it should be gold or silver, then you should again navigate the date of the birth of the one you wish to give. So, girls born in the warm season - from April to September, the energy should be cooled, and therefore their health will support silver jewelry. The representatives of the beautiful sex, which were born in the period from October to March, are more suitable rings and chains from solar metal - gold.

What finger to buy a ring?

In the case when the guy makes a proposal to the girl, the wedding ring is a female should fit into the middle of the right hand, if the orthodox pair. Catholics prefer to wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand. If a beautiful sex representative buys a ring or husband decided to give her expensive gift, then such a decoration should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand. It is believed that the influence of a person on others increases. And if you put the ring to the index finger, then the woman will send close people by the right path.

How to determine the size of the ring?

Deciding to acquire women's gold or silver rings, you must first find out the desired size. Otherwise, expensive decoration will have to return to the store or change its size by contacting the jeweler. In order to accurately determine the diameter of the ring, you should measure a ruler in millimeters what the girl wears. Do not forget to remember what finger she puts him on. Otherwise, the ring size will be erroneous. The best way Definitions are to take a paper strip, wrap a finger with it and try to spend it along the entire length of the finger so that the circle easily passed on the joint. The resulting strip length is measured by a ruler in millimeters, and then according to the table below, determine how the female ring should be. It should be noted that the most popular is the size of 16.5, because it fits most women.

Where is it better to buy women's rings? Prices

It doesn't matter, you decided to buy a female silver ring, platinum or golden, you should navigate not only on the quality of the decoration, but also on its price. Agree that trinket for several thousand dollars will not bring much joy to a girl who pushes every day in the subway. After all, she will be constantly afraid of her decoration and will take care of a quiet life. It is better to acquire jewels that. The cheapest can be found on any bazaar, but there is a great risk to stumble upon a dishonest seller, selling fakes. In the jewelry store you will not always offer a qualitative thing, because the sellers are trying to sell what it was shut. But in the online store you can buy a high-quality female ring at the lowest price.

This is possible due to the fact that the Internet resource that sells jewels does not need to rent a room and hire several sellers. A couple of people can cope with the design of orders and sending goods. Therefore, it is small and the cost of women's rings. The catalog of jewelry, which is offered in each online store allows you to consider each piece of decoration and choose only the ring that meets all your requirements. When I tried a golden female ring to buy in a conventional jewelry shop, it was dumbfounded. But it was worth opening the websites of online stores, as I calmed down, realizing that my dream would sure come true in the coming days, and I will get my quality ring.

Rings inexpensive women are offered in online stores, links to which are posted under this offer:
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— .

In online stores indicate the size of women's rings. Therefore, choosing the right one can immediately navigate, is there a specific model of the size you need. For about five years I have acquire myself decorations exclusively in the global network. After in a regular jewelry store, I was sold a copper silver bracelet, giving it for a silver, and then a ring with absorbed pebbles, I decided not to experience fate anymore and buy high-quality things at competitive prices in online stores, whose banners you see above . No purchase there, did not overshadow my mood. Therefore, I recommend you to buy precious decorations there, whether it is a female ring, a chain or a nice suspension.

The heart has long been a symbol of loyalty and love. Decoration with this symbolism is a great gift for both holiday and without reason. In the collection of these jewelry there are earrings and suspensions, pendants and rings. Gold and silver, synthetic and semi-precious inserts found a good embodiment in jewelry for lovers.

Jewelry for lovers from Sokolov

Jewelry Always were one of the most popular gifts for the second half. Decorations with the main symbol of all lovers - heart - will remind her of your feelings.

In the Sokolov assortment - romantic and gentle jewelry for the most beloved: rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, charm, key rings, and necklace.

Original paired pendants in the form of two halves of one heart will become a symbol of limitless and loyal love, which combines you, wherever you are. This accessory can be worn every day, regardless of the selected style of clothing.

Favorite will be pleased, since the brand catalog contains decorations from red, white and combined gold, bored and gilded silver, as well as ceramics.

If you are looking for a gift on the anniversary of the wedding, dating or another commemorative date for your pair, it is worth paying attention to the jewelry kits. Romantic decorations are maintained by cutting stones in the shape of a heart. Among products are models with precious, semi-precious and synthetic inserts, as well as with Muranian glass.

Decorations with diamond cut and laser processing transmit a feeling of lightness, similar to the serene state of absolute happiness, so familiar to all in love. A bright enamel coating makes accessories even more noticeable, giving products a dynamic and flirty character.

The heart is one of the characters that children love, so among the decorations for lovers you will find cute models of seryl and pendants for girls, as well as souvenirs for the smallest of the Sokolov Kids collection. By making a baby such a surprise, you give her love to her.

Classic products with a delicate combination of warm shades and spectacular models for original images - you will definitely find a decoration that does not fit the style, but also to the temperament of the one you love.

We are confident that a few rings on one hand are a movieton? How wrong! Today's democratic fashion welcomes eclectics. Elegant female fingers, roaming decorations of different styles, look modern and stylish.

Beauty does not happen much

Elegant silver rings absolutely do not overload the image of a young fashionista. The jewelry made of noble metal is harmoniously combined with other accessories and clothing, it is appropriate to look in the office, and at a party, give the owner of the highlight and unique charm.
Silver rings never happen much. Therefore, if you think about a gift for a girl, such a jewel-win-win version.
Even a student can make a similar gift. Silver is the most affordable jewelry material. At the same time, white metal decorations in the artistic plan are often preserved gold. After all, with silver, the jeweler can afford much more bold design experiments.

Engagement, monitor, robust, cocktail

Silver rings, like golden models, are simple and complex. The first concise and nonsense. The second is more fried. They are distinguished by inserts from stones, suitivated weaves, chasing, engraving, enamel, grain and other decorations.

Women's rings are:

  • engaged in engagement and wedding. More and more couples, especially young, prefer traditional gold nontrivial and affordable silver;
  • prints. Have a horizontal outer surface with a pattern or insert;
  • vensels. Twisted openwork decorations, reminiscent of the stroke of the pen;
  • supplied inscriptions of religious themes (for example, "save and save"). Such decorations serve as a guard;
  • persteste. Rings with solitary stone, solitator, centered. Sometimes it can be complemented by other smaller minerals;
  • cocktail. Massive, lush, with a large stone and richly decorated rim;
  • phalangies. They are worn on two fingers. It is suitable for young originals and informalkam.

The theme of silver rings may be the most diverse: love, floristic, animal, marine, ethnic, symbolic, even biker.

Buying must be profitable and comfortable

Quietly choose the right quality decoration in a respectable online store GOLD.UA. In a comfortable setting at a convenient time for you, learn the appropriate range on the page Compare prices, photos, product descriptions and choose the optimal present.
Can't decide which model to stop? Order three things to choose from. Seeing the product "live", buy what you like most with the immediate "acquaintance".
Becoming the client, you can purchase promotional products and receive bonuses for subsequent purchases. Very useful option, given the fact that the silver ring is always welcome.

Any woman will be happy if you receive a jewelry as a gift. Even if the jewel box is already full, one more gold earrings or charming suspension will not be superfluous.

But sometimes men do not know what to give. If this is your case, boldly choose any decoration from our list - it is only universal and classic models that are suitable for any woman. Even very arrogant.

Little Gold Diamond Earrings

Diamond and Birthday Earrings, Golden, Diamond Carnation Earrings, Sokolov

"The best friends of girls are diamonds" - here's a guide to action. It is not necessary to choose decoration worth a few hundred thousand rubles. Small, neat earrings with small diamonds will be an excellent gift for New Year. Inspiration Look in Cartier collections - design solutions of this brand willingly repeat more affordable jewelry brands.

Such a model will suit anyone along with your beloved. And how beautiful diamonds are blotted in the sun and with candles, the eye will not tear off!

Pearl cloves

Gold earrings with pearls, Sokolov, Pussy Puses,

Alternative to diamond earrings - Puzzles with pearls. These miniature earrings will fit both in a daily or business image, and in the evening. - Almost the same classic as a small black dress.

Pay attention to the earrings with two pearls. For the first time, this model was introduced into fashion jewelers of the Fashion House of Christian Dior, and since then, decorations in such a style have not lost relevance. Moreover, they appeared from other manufacturers.

Chain and suspension with a name or symbol

Suspension letter E of gold with fianitsa, Sokolov, suspension, "Bronnitsky jeweler"

Decided to give a gold chain? Then buy a beautiful suspension to it. Look for something simple and simple: Choose a pendant in the form of the first letter of the name, in the form of a heart or fish (cats, flower, butterflies).

After the appearance of fashion for alphabetic logos in the jewelry industry (for which we have to say thanks Louis Vuitton) such suspensions are considered excellent and very individual gift.

Someone will say that all this is too trite, but I want something more interesting. Yes, perhaps the idea is not new, but you will not be mistaken.

Agree, it will be hurt, if you buy a big suspension with, and the girl will not wear it.

Bracelet chain

Gold bracelet hollow with parental, 585, silver bracelet, "Bronnitsky jeweler"

You do not want to give a chain on the neck, give a chain to hand. You can without pendants and chammas. Perhaps, and choose a suitable decoration is the easiest way.

Do not buy a very thin bracelet, pay attention to thick chains with original weaving.

Pearl thread

Pearl beads, Bronnitsky Jeweler, Necklace from a large gray pearl,

Consider in detail the spell on the silver ring - with detailed description All magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Unrequited love can be crazy, both in the portable, and in the literal sense of any person. Therefore, many people make love spells on their own, do not trust our own fate magicians and sorcerers.

The love spell is a magic ritual, which is performed in order to change the feelings of the beloved, make him constantly think about another person and strive for him. There are many rituals that are easy to organize independently and at the same time they differ in minimal consequences.

Ritual to attract love

You can make a spell not only on a particular person, but also to attract love to your own life. To do this, cook a silver ring and white new flap fabric. After that, you need to wait the full moon to dug a small hole in the ground and burn a silver ring wrapped in the flap. Having done all the actions, you should think about the alleged beloved person, his character, appearance and try to present future relations in a positive perspective. The sword ring is needed on top to pour a small amount of wine or milk.

At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are sentenced:

The ring must be in the ground before the next full moon. After that, the bundle needs to dig and dress the ring. It is necessary to wear it until a loved one appears in life. It will happen very soon and then the ring can be removed and saved as a memory.

Such a spell does not have negative consequences, since it is not distinguished by directional impact on another person. With it, a person attracts love to his own life, and this is, as you know, a good deed.

White and black love spells

Thus, in a white love spell, the main thing is to be confident in the correctness of actions and during the love spell positive setting. But on the other hand, there are love spells that belong to Black Magic. They are easily recognized by conspiracies in which there are wishes to wish, dry and suffer away from the chosen one. The consequences of black love spell on love, especially in the case when he was carried out ineptly - very serious. Fortunately on our site there are a lot of safe love spellors.

With a black spell, if a strong energy field has a strong energy field, then instead of love, the spell can cause subconscious hatred. This means that there may be a not a full-fledged person next to you, and the broken creation, which implies the inexplicable force to you on the one hand, and on the other hand overwhelms the sense of depression, anxiety and disgust, as he cannot change anything. Such a state may continue indefinitely and can lead to depression, alcoholism, impotence and other dangerous changes in the body.

The consequences of love spells are dangerous for the artist Ritual. The interlacing of energy fields leads to a return wave, which awakens the feeling of guilt, with which it is very difficult to live. Therefore, constant apathy and indifference can develop to the whole world, which, in turn, can lead to violations in the body.

But all these terrible consequences are by no means a rule, often everything goes successfully and without serious consequences, the trouble is that it will be difficult to predict everything smoothly or you have to pay there any opportunity. Therefore, in most cases, it will be better for help for an experienced MAG, which is able to make a ritual so to protect you from any dangers.

Black Love

Lovely - Ancient art, allowing to achieve love unity due to the app of spiritual forces

Used competently, can bring benefit in relationship, save the family. Make a spell is one of the primary tasks love magic. In the materials of the site you will find not only the opportunity to seek help with a love spell to the MAG, but also various information about an independent burning.

Privors with ring

Love magic collects many different rituals and ways to influence your loved one. There are vintage rites, ethnic and even religious impacts that can connect beloved with each other or eliminate rival.

It is not surprising that love spells and challenges are very popular magical rituals, because the feeling of love is strong in nature, is a serious incentive to update a person. Even formed personals with a well-minded character and gazes on life are capable of changing as a result of love and the development of love.

It must be said that in love magic, special items are often used: items - symbols and items - talismans. One such common love talisman is a ring, which is a symbol of communication, union, promises. Therefore, in religious rites, the rings are often used as a talisman family relationships, Sign of marital loyalty and family harmony.

In love magic, the rings are also widely used in rites and rituals. Today I will introduce you to several love spells that can be done with the ring.

What you need for love spell

Love spell with ring - This is a magical ritual, in the center of which is the object, the most ring, through which the magical impact is transmitted to man. Therefore, for the attitude with the ring, it is necessary, of course, the ring. The ring is used either a new one that will be presented to a person who is directed by the action of the Awriter, or such a ring that belongs to the involved, does not have its energy.

Another condition is the holding of a love spell - to do it you need to grow in the growing moon. In addition, the ritual can be held at night or day. It depends on what force you appeal to.

You may need a candle or a few candles, the best red color, but you can use the usual white candle, even paraffin. Candles in such rituals are often used as a source of flame, the power of fire element.

To purify the new, only purchased ring, in front of the ritual itself can be placed for a short time in the usual table salt, or hold under running water. These elements in magic are used just to clean items, eliminate energies that could be fixed on them before the subject got to you.

The ring that has already been used by your beloved person and with which you do magic work, no need to clean.

Ritual on the wedding ring

Let's make a love spell using the wedding ring. It is possible to use a ritual if you fell as your spouse, he left, or you just want to strengthen his feelings for you, feel cooling.

You need to take the ring of your spouse and spend the ritual at night. Put the candle, you can take a consecrated church, burn it, and next to put a glass with clean water. Water is better to take the spring, but only from such a spring or source, which is suitable for drinking.

In the water, put the ring of your spouse and say a plot:

"Voddy, Voddy, Help Love is rejected.

Through the ring through the ring,

The power of the love spell on it is guaranteed.

I ask you, you feel the feelings of my husband (the name of the spouse) by the power of your own,

Love is passionate and ardent to me (your name) give as soon as possible.

Let him miss me, I'm striving home, the rivals will await.

Amen (if you use a church consecrated candle and water) or

Yes, it will be so (if the water is spring, and the candle is ordinary). "

This spell will act on the strengthening of a love feeling to you and also like love spell to home. Create a craving K. family life and homely comfort will help protect your relationship from rival actions.

After reading the conspiracy, do not pour water, and add a little in drink to your beloved. And give a ring too, let him wear, because through the ring the influence of the love spell on your beloved.

Love spell on the ring

The second ritual of the love spell you can do on a completely new and non-engagement ring. You need to make such a purchase in the jewelry store. Choose a ring of gold, beautiful and quite expensive, but not so much that B girl refused him.

New ring hold in salt or under running water about five minutes.

During the day on a sunny day, it is better to cut a small straightener of my hair at noon and tie it with a ring, put a ring on the palm of your right hand, which fell on it sunlight (It is better to do somewhere in nature) and read a probation:

"Ring - the ring, through you I will (the name of your beloved, for example, Tatiana) Heart,

You will serve me to serve me, you will be your favorite friend.

You will be worn, in my heart love to me (your name, for example, Nikolay) raise.

Pulls her feelings and soul with me to be

I will not be able to forget me, break out, change.

Ring wrap in the fabric and wear with you until the moment is presented to have a good chance and the opportunity to give the ring of your sweetheart. Of course, before making a gift, remove the pigtack of your hair from the ring, and put a gift myself in a beautiful box. While this love mascot will be with your girlfriend, the spell will work, will help her feelings to grasp and protect from change.

Suggested rituals are not black magic. But they help well in complex situationsbelong to white attractions that are still called love spells without harm.

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Love spell. Love magic. Love conspiracy

Previously, there was already a little concerned about the topic of the rituals of the attitude, in which the witch brings the magic influence on the subject. The subject for love is a gift that after the ritual gives the intended object of influence, or a lining that is imperceptibly tied up with his beloved (or beloved) to the house.

There are simple signs for which you can choose the most successful ring on which you will get a love magic.

  1. The ring should like it, because if you make magic to the subject that replies you, then internally you will fight all the time and remove from ourselves as the ring itself and the person with whom it will be connected.
  2. The material for the ring should be made of precious metals. And the choice here is small - I advise silver or gold. Do not use exotic metals and alloys.
  3. There should be no stones on the ring, because the stones, even natural, although artificial, will modify the energy of the subject, and therefore the magical influence. Only an experienced witch may choose a ring with a stone for the attitude, so that the effect of magic and natural material supplemented each other.
  4. The ring should be your size, because you put it in the future.
  5. Wearing the ring you need on the middle or nameless finger of your left hand, so immediately decide on the right size.
  6. Before buying, try on the ring, look at it, feel how you call it. Is there a feeling that this is your subject, or do you feel rejection?
  7. Do not use old rings, family jewels. For the love spell only a new ring.

So, you took advantage of my prompts and chose a ring for the love spell. What's next?

What will be required for love

You already have a ring. Before holding a ritual, place it in the flow water for 10 minutes. And while it is cleared, put a red wax candle on the table, and between it and the place where you will place, put a photo of your beloved.

Conducting ritual

The ritual itself is very simple. Remove the ring out of the running water, wrap it with a clean cloth and put it on a photo of your loved one in such a way that a circle was in the heart of the heart. This circle will clone the work of its heart chakra on the subject, in this case, the ring. A, through the subject, on its owner. That is, since you are the owner of the ring, then you will be the hostess of lovely feelings of your man.

After ritual

That's all your simple action. When you do everything, just relax in front of the candle flame and imagine that everything happened. Think about how your life and life of your beloved changed. You can also hold two hours, depending on the mood. And then leave everything on the table, let the candle burn until the morning. You need to go to rest

Love love person yourself

To return the lost love or like it, many women are resolved on the most extreme measures, and even resort to the help of love magic. There is a great set of love spells of your beloved person yourself and at home that can bring the desired result.

What is a "love spell of his own independently"?

Surely in the life of every person we had a minute when the hands were lowered, and he did not know how to solve the problem situation. Quite often and in love people suffer fiasco, and to be near the object of passion, are ready to commit magic action.

Privotes can be both completely harmless and designed for the origin of sympathy, and strong inherent, up to the death of one or both participants of the rite. But many try not to think about the upcoming spreadsheet, which sooner or later will inevitably come. In independent love spells, two sides of the medal:

  1. Home witchcraft usually has a less weak impact than a worker of an experienced magician;
  2. Often, the "sorcerer" is not quite sure in its actions and allows for a mistake that may later be fatal.

Many inans are known from antiquity, and in our time are greatly popular.

Love spell your loved one by photo

To carry out this spell, it is necessary to have a single photograph of the narrowed close-up. The girl puts the image on the ground, presses the left foot without shoes and pronounces the words of the conspiracy:

"My cute face with me,

Let him love me

And forever with me will be.

For a second from me will not go away

And otherwise, the longing is worn out. "

Words pronounce nine times in a row, at the same time drawing the image of his beloved. This is a magical impact on attracting the attention of the necessary man, begins to work in a few days.

Love spell of your loved one on your own silver ring

For the ritual you need:

  1. Silver ring of small sizes;
  2. A piece of white cloth;
  3. A glass of wine.

The girl hides the ring into a white fabric, bursts into the ground, thinking in generally thinking about the object of his feelings, pours the wine and says:

"True and honesty - I like my mother,

I brought the earth a small gift.

Let my favorite (his name)

Always keeps me loyalty, shows love,

And I will give my heart forever,

As I did. "

Finally, say "Amen"! And go, not looking back. Further, after thirty days, come, dig a ring and begin to wear without removing. It is desirable that the magic is reinforced by at least random meetings.

Love spell on the water

Before you go to sleep, go to the glass should take a glass into my hands, fill it with half and leading with an unceasing right hand on the rim, to pronounce the name of the beloved. After that, the liquid put on the windowsill so that during the night the water is soaked with love energy. The next day of the beloved is called visit and treat tea, which is unnoticed by a few droplets of the conspiracy water. And be sure to look a couple of times on the bridge of a young man.

Love spell on your loved one yourself to remember

After the onset of midnight, the girl becomes opposite the opened window or on the balcony, to blow the head wind, and pronounces the following conspiracy:

"There is a pure field, where the prosperity is reigning and exploring.

There are four oaks grow there, they are blown by four vortices.

Let four oak and four vortices go

And they deal with my cute (the name of the affected),

Put in the heart of his beloved sadness and sadness,

So that he gave about the servant of God (name)

And the day, and long night.

I close my actions for forty castles,

And I give the key to fish-pike so that she cares him carefully,

And no one spoke about the perfect. "

This love rite needs to be done for three days and the result will not make yourself wait!

Love lovely person on your own castle

A love spell is in the store and buys a small mounted castle. Subsequently, opens and places under the rug of its input door. This is done when a cute heart is about to appear on the threshold. As soon as the event happened, the lock is locked on the key and pronounce the words of the inherent:

"Let no one can open the castle,

Like a favorite (name) will never be able to leave me.

We will not argue with him and do not disperse.

The key is in the river at the bottom,

The fire flares out the day of day is stronger - in the ground.

The castle remains with me, locked by my words,

Forever fastened with acts, and saints are sainted. "

Then the key is thrown into an open reservoir either by the river, and the castle hide away from prying eyes and stored in immunity.

Love lovely person on wildflowers

This simple ritual for the return of the prodigal spouse is quite simple in performance. When the full moon occurs, the girl goes early in the morning in the pure field (up to 12 o'clock in the afternoon) and the bouquet of wildflowers and healing herbs. You only need to choose those plants for which the eye "took place." Personal mint, pyrhem or therapeutic sage will be especially well. When drawing up the flower composition, conspiracy continuously:

"My Field Flowers, Daughter Fluid!

I ask you, take my passion immediately,

I call for help all natural forces!

I wish that the narrowed returned back to me,

And the union again became strong and unshakable. "

After collecting the bouquet go home and cook magic potion, tirelessly stirring and presenting mentally that the beloved husband has already returned back to the family. The spell spoken in the field should be repeated without end until the fingers are slightly numb.

Then the Verevo is certainly insisted, and the woman bathes in the bath about half an hour with the addition of the beam. The body must be clean already before the water procedure is adopted! Finally, in any container, some water from the bath is recruited, hides in a secluded place, and at a suitable case, it is immediately sampling.

Independent love spell of your loved one

The girl, before going to bed, pronounces the words of the conspiracy:

"Let I have a lying with your favorite bed,

And I will warm it in liberal and love.

Let our souls find each other in a dream

And they will pass the eternal eternal,

To reveal with the narrowed, we were together forever! ".

In conclusion, says "Amen!".

Independent love spell on the needle and church candle

In advance, get the church fine candle and in the direction of the wick, on top-down, stick the name of the beloved with a new needle. It is focused to the ears itself in parallel to an insecured fit. Next, count words of conspiracy:

"Today I drilled not a candle with a needle,

And the heart of his narrowed (chosen name).

From now on I will not miss alone,

Let my beloved comes to me

And will remain forever with me. "

The spell is pronounced seven times in a row, the candle is lit, then it must be sorted out. The needle is required to throw up the threshold of the house of its narrowed to strengthen the action of the witchcraft char. Despite the seeming simplicity of execution, this rite cannot be produced "from nothing to do", otherwise the highest forces can be angry and send trouble in a gusty or her cute.

Love spell on the ring

The spell on the ring, the ritual of which will be described below, is one of the vintage love spells, which is perfect for using magic to make false female objects.

Of course, if you are sure that the chosen one will answer your feelings of reciprocity, you can, without any wisdom, go to the jewelry salon, buy a ring and present him as a gift to the girl. However, in the event that you suffer from unrequited love, then such a gift is best to speak to stand in order to shock the girl who love. There are several love spells on the ring that you can implement at home without resorting to the services of magical professionals.

Spell on the ring and hair

To begin with, you should buy a ring. And it should be certainly silver. Do not be afraid to seem to be stupid in the eyes of the girl (they say, it came to wonder, but saved on gold). It will be not just a ring, but a special, melting magic force of a probitive conspiracy. Just with silver and black, and white magic "is friendly" more than with gold and other jewels.

Now cut strands from your head (Lysis men will have to take advantage of another spell on the ring shown below). Hanging the hair around the ring, say: "That that will be worn, and thought, and the heart will be with me. The one that will be caught will prescribe me and soul, and the body. The one that will be worn is not fade away, will not change, not suitable, will not forget, to another man will not leave me. " Without removing the hair, wrap the ring into a piece of matter and wear with yourself until the ability to give it an object of the attitude (for birthday, for example, or any other date you yourself choose). On the appointed day, cut the hair strand from the jewelry, wrap in the same matter and hide in a secret place. The ring is presented to your beloved, which will now answer you reciprocity, but only until the bag with a straight is intact and is unnecessary.

Love spell on ring and roses

Purchase a silver ring (perhaps in your family there is such a relic, which is inherited - it can also be used for the purposes of the attitude). Buy or make two roses in the garden. They will be on long stems or not, with spikes or without - no matter, the main thing is that they were different colors (For example, white and red, pink and white, etc.) and at the same time were representatives of one of a variety of roses. Clear one rose - by your name, and the other is the name of the attitude.

Insert both roses in the ring and say this impressive conspiracy: "These are different roses, so you are looking for a difference with me. As the ring joined the two flower in one bouquet, it will connect our destinies into one. From now on forever. " Rose, which is informed by the name of the woman, remove and put at home in the vase, preferably in the room where your view will fall as much as possible on the flower, for example, in the kitchen or in the bedroom. Other rose Together with the ring, present the actuature object. A rare woman will not put a flower in a vase and will not wear a jewelry. And since you just need it, the spell will begin to act immediately on two fronts. First, the ring, put on the finger of the attitude of the attitude, will charge it with magic energy aimed at an inexplicable sympathy / attraction to you. Secondly, a rose that will stand in her house will constantly remind you of you.

Do not forget that for a spell on the ring, like any magic action you are fully responsible. No matter how much you are in love, you should first find out what are the implications of the implications.

Love spell on the ring: normal and wedding

Many girls suffer from unrequited love. To achieve the location of your loved one in the course of different techniques. These are frank outfits, sexy underwear, familiarity with his close environment. But sometimes all efforts are in vain, and the guy fall in love with yourself. Then some representatives of beautiful sex are decided to resort to the help of magical conspiracy on love. Pretty popular among them is a spell on the ring, independently, which is completely simple.

Love spell on guy ring

To carry out the ritual, you need to choose a ring. The main criteria for its choice include:

  1. The product must be made of precious metals. It is better to stop your choice on gold or silver.
  2. The ring should you like. Seeing it you immediately should have a desire to buy it.
  3. It should not have pebbles both natural and artificial.
  4. The ring should be your size, because after holding a ritual you will need to wear it on an average or unnamed finger of the left hand.
  5. Before purchasing a product, try it out. You must feel that this is your subject. Just buy after that.
  6. You can not use old rings or family jewels. The ring should be new.

When you bring home decoration, place it for 10 minutes in a tank with ordinary water. After that, you can spend a spell on the ring. It is necessary to do it alone, in a quiet and relaxing atmosphere. For the ritual you will need:

Sit down at table. Put the candle in front of you and burn it. Next to put a photo. The ring must be placed in the photo so that it lay in the heart of the hitted guy. So you will close the work of its heart chakra on the ring. And since you are his owner, then all the thoughts and feelings of men will be directed in your direction.

Look at the candle flame. Imagine that you are not looking at the flame, but on feelings of your loved one and see how they beat up with a new force. Run your hand to the fire and feel the heat from it. Now you need to read a plot:

Now it is necessary to pierce the finger on which you plan to wear a ring and drop a blood droplet on a photo in the heart of the guy.

Now the candle can be attached. Photo and candle hide at home. And the ring is dressed on your finger and try to wear without removing.

During the week, the spell on the ring must act.

Love spell on your beloved or husband

This ritual can be held on the ring that belongs to the guy. Most of all, it is suitable for couples who live together, but the senses of men began to quiet or his other appeared. The ring on which the spell will be made should belong to a man and he must be regularly worn.

The spell on the ring is carried out on the growing moon. Take the ring in the left hand and press it in the heart area. Looking for a young month, tell me:

Now leave the ring in the prominent place. Shortly after the guy puts himself, the feeling in his soul will flare up towards you with a new force.

Love spell on the wedding ring of your beloved

Many girls wonder how to bring the husband with the help of a wedding ring? For this purpose, a simple ritual can be held. Take the wedding ring of the husband and lower it into a glass with holy water. After that, read the plot:

Now the ring should be put on your ring finger and wear until the spouse returns to you.

This rite is suitable if the husband first gone out of the family. If it repeats many times, another ritual is suitable

Love spell on the wedding ring husband

To hold it, you also need a wedding ring of a spouse that needs to be wrapped in a red fabric and go to church with him. To defend the service there, keeping all this time ring in your right hand. After that buy three church candles. In the evening of the same day, put the candle on the table so that they formed a triangle. On the left candle, put the ring of your beloved, on the right - your own. Light candles and tell me:

Love spell on the ring

As you know, all the fair sexes are padded on jewelry. But to start the heart of the beloved present in the form of a ring may not be enough. In this case, you can give a conspiracy decoration.

For the rite you need to buy a silver ring. It should be beautiful and like a girl. Take a strand of your hair, wrap the decoration and tell me:

After that, wrap the ring into the white cloth and wear it with you. At the first opportunity, it must be presented to the girl. Just before it cut your curls from the ring.

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