Biography of Viktor Yanukovych Jr.: An avid racer with a silver medal

The eldest son of Viktor Yanukovych, Alexander, spoke about the circumstances of the death of his brother Viktor at Lake Baikal. The family of the ex-president of Ukraine for the first time officially commented on the incident

Former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and his son Viktor Yanukovych (junior) from right to left. Archival photo (Photo: REUTERS 2015)

Alexander Yanukovych, the eldest son of Viktor Yanukovych, in an interview with "Komsomolskaya Pravda" told about the circumstances of the death of his brother Viktor on Lake Baikal. According to him, at the moment when his brother was driving a minibus and was driving on the ice on Lake Baikal, the ice began to crunch and crack. “Apparently, my brother decided that he needed to go further, to thicker ice - he“ dragged ”the car to the end, everyone managed to jump out, except him. He went to the bottom when the driver's door was already open, ”said Alexander.

The funeral of Viktor Yanukovych Jr. took place the day before in Sevastopol. “We decided to bury my brother here, because he loved Crimea, and even more so Sevastopol, and he visited St. Nicholas Church [there was a funeral service] more than once,” Alexander Yanukovych said. He added that the mother of Alexander and Victor Lyudmila lives on the peninsula.

On the eve of Reuters about a photo of the alleged grave of Viktor Yanukovych Jr. It is located at the Bratsk Cemetery of Sevastopol. The agency noted that there is no sign of who is buried at this place. “Soon we will put a plate with an engraving, a monument there,” commented Alexander. In addition to the photo of the grave, Reuters published a motorcade with Kiev and Donetsk license plates. Referring to the words of the cemetery employees, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" reported that Viktor Yanukovych himself, his wife Lyudmila, the widow of Yanukovych Jr. Olga and her five-year-old son Ilya came to the funeral of his son.

A source of Komsomolskaya Pravda in the Sevastopol administration said that there is no information about this funeral in the special register of the city. “Apparently, the Yanukovych family negotiated directly with the rector of St. Nicholas Church, since the grave is located on a fenced area next to the church, which does not belong to the city, but is the property of the church. The organization of the funeral, from the delivery of the body from the airport to the digging of the grave, was handled by a private Sevastopol firm, ”he said.

An unnamed grave at the Bratsk cemetery in Sevastopol, in which the son of the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych is believed to be buried (Photo: REUTERS 2015)

On the eve of Interfax's interlocutor, why Yanukovych's son was buried at the memorial military cemetery in Sevastopol. According to an employee of the administration of the Nakhimovsky district of the city, the decision to bury Viktor Yanukovych Jr. among the heroes Crimean War 1853-1856 was explained by the circumstances of his death: the young man died, "saving other people, and helped all the passengers to get out of the car, but he did not have time."

The first about the death of Victor Yanukovych -the junior was reported on Sunday, March 22, by the Ukrainian edition "Left Bank" with reference to four sources, two of which were indicated as interlocutors from the ex-president's entourage in Russia. According to the newspaper, the son of the former Ukrainian leader took part in sports events on Lake Baikal when a Volkswagen minibus, in which there were five other people, fell through the ice. Viktor Yanukovych Jr. drowned, other passengers managed to escape, the newspaper writes. Information about the death of Yanukovych's son on the same day is the interlocutor of RBC from the ex-president's entourage.

The day before, Viktor Yanukovych Jr. appeared on the official website of the Party of Regions (Yanukovych Jr. was a deputy from this party in the Verkhovna Rada). The message indicated that the young man was only 33 years old, and the circumstances of the death were also not disclosed.

On Monday, the Ukrainian TV channel TSN said that the funeral of Yanukovych Jr. will take place on March 23 in Crimea. As pointed out by "Komsomolskaya Pravda", presumably the body of the deceased was delivered from Irkutsk to Simferopol via Ufa on a charter flight.

Born on July 16, 1981 in the city of Yenakiyevo, Donetsk region. In 2003 he graduated from Donetsk National University with a degree in Enterprise Economics.

A family

Family and connections
A family

Yanukovych family

Has a son, Ilya, born in 2010.

Close ties * Igor Franchuk (ex-son-in-law of the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma)
  • Nikolay Katerinchuk (lawyer at NUNS)
  • Alexey Reznikov (deputy of the Kyiv City Council, driver)
  • Shevardnadze Georgy Jr. (nephew of the second president of Georgia)
  • Elbrus Tedeev (People's Deputy)
Godfather * Brother Alexander Yanukovych, treasurer of the "Presidential Family", one of the four Donetsk sub-clans.
  • Vitaly Khomutynnik (People's Deputy from the PRU is another "godson" of the president).

Operational case

  • With friends I made several all-Ukrainian auto-tuning projects. Improved the 323rd "Mazda" and exhibited it in 1998 in Kiev at an exhibition. Then the son of the governor (henchman of the organized crime group "Lux") was no more than 17 years old.
  • Twice there was information about an accident involving Yanukovych Jr.

Later he was engaged in the construction business, took part in the design of the hotel complexes "Donbass-Palace" and "Victoria" in Donetsk. He worked in executive positions in various companies: Regional Center, BK-Engineering LLC, Elboks, Alarm-Service, common business with Akhmetov and Crimean "any friend" of the head of the PRU Anton Prigodsky, apparently controlling the share of the Presidential Families. (Article about Sasha ibn Vktor)

According to the income statement for 2009, he received 182 thousand hryvnias of the people's deputy's salary, as well as 34 thousand hryvnias of material assistance.

As a result, the question of Yanukovych's behavior was raised even at the session of the Verkhovna Rada. The guards tried to pacify him. After that, as "Phraza" reports, the head of the airport security was fired, "the press service said.

In December 2006, he promised to sue Lilia Grigorovich for libel for alleged libel about the incident in Borispol.


I was dissatisfied with the activities of the Dobkin-Kernes team in Kharkov.

Family estates

Tea house. Yalta



At the end of 2005, the (CEC) declared more than $ 800,000.

He is engaged in car racing (ATL-Trophy 2010), clay pigeon shooting, yachting (according to some sources, he owned the yacht "Centurion"), billiards (Champion of the billiard tournament "Parliament-2006"), wakeboard (a type of windsurfing)

Yanukovych owns an apartment with an area of ​​380 square meters and a residential building with an area of ​​510 square meters. Registered in Kiev on the street of the January Uprising.

He uses Nokia-8800 for 2000 USD. with a titanium case and wears a Zenith watch (from $ 10,000).

Titles, ranks, regalia

  • Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Informatization and Information Technologies.

Operational reports

Reallocation of property

The redistribution of property came to the Ternopil region. People's Deputy Yanukovych Jr. "caught the eye" more agrarian enterprise Ternopil, controlled by the family of ex-President Yushchenko. A son. This is the district of the Byutov's Mikhail Apostol, not under the control of the regionals. Nobody expected the media to find out about it. The first to report on the opportunity with "Mriya" was the Internet newspaper "About everything".

Mikhail Golovko "messed things up" during "communication with the tax authorities." And he screwed up so much that Oleg Tyagnibok personally develops a concept of how to explain to people why the Svoboda People's Deputy defended the business that finances the Party of Regions.

Viktor Yanukovych Jr. vs. Azarov

Viktor Yanukovych Jr. again appealed to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov regarding the abolition of the special duty on the import of cars. People's Deputy Yanukovych believes that the result of the introduction of the special duty is unsatisfactory.

"Since the introduction of the special duty, 3 months have already passed - a sufficient time to understand how effective this event was for the development of the national auto industry. The results were disappointing. Now the sale of cars from the" national manufacturer "has significantly decreased compared to 2012," the politician said. In his opinion, the introduced special duties have already worsened the economic relations of Ukraine with Turkey and cause tension in relations with the EU countries.

The son of the ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, Viktor Yanukovych Jr., died.

As reported by the newspaper "Left Bank" with reference to sources, Viktor Yanukovych Jr. took part in sports events on Lake Baikal when the Volkswagen minibus, in which there were 5 other people besides him, fell through the ice. Viktor Yanukovych Jr. drowned, other passengers managed to escape. Who was behind the wheel is not reported. At the same time, RBC, citing a source in the regional administration, said that the ex-president's son was in a Volkswagen car, which had sunk through the ice the day before. But the source of the publication could not specify the details of the incident and the name of the deceased. On the website of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Irkutsk region, there was a message about the "death of a person on Lake Baikal" on March 20.

"Last night, a car with a driver and five passengers in it crashed in the water area of ​​Lake Baikal near the northern tip of Olkhon Island. In the area of ​​Cape Khoboy, the car fell into a crack. The depth in this place is more than 20 meters," the message says. Rescuers note that five passengers managed to escape. The only victim was the minibus driver. The incident on the lake was confirmed by the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation in the Irkutsk region, Alexei Tsarovin. But, according to him, the name of the 33-year-old deceased Viktor Davydov is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Note that the mother of the ex-president's wife Lyudmila Yanukovych had the surname Davydova. Viktor Viktorovich Yanukovych is a People's Deputy of Ukraine of two convocations, the son of ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. After the events of Euromaidan, he left Ukraine and stayed in Russia. The youngest son of Viktor Yanukovych was born in 1981 in Yenakiyevo, Donetsk region. Graduated from Donetsk National University. He headed the youth organization of the Party of Regions. In 2012, he headed the Federation of Motorists of Ukraine. Known for his passion for extreme sports. European Union sanctions imposed against Yanukovych Jr.

Nestor Shufrich confirmed the information about the death of Viktor Yanukovych Jr.

The leader of the "Novorossiya" movement Oleg Tsarev and adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Viktor Gerashchenko confirmed the death of the son of the ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych Jr.

“I phoned my friends who are in contact with Yanukovych, and they confirmed the not very good news to me,” Oleg Tsarev said, adding that he did not personally contact Yanukovych after the change of power in the country. Before the "Maidan" Tsarev was the deputy chairman of the Party of Regions.

Viktor Gerashchenko also confirmed that the person who died on Lake Baikal was Viktor Yanukovych Jr.

“Viktor Yanukovych Jr. had a rest in the area of ​​Lake Baikal. At this time, you can ride on the ice. He, one might say, was unlucky. Judging by the information from those people who survived this tragedy, he got to the place where the old ice borders on the new ice. And there this tragedy happened. The car began to fall through the ice, falling on its side. It was a Volkswagen Multivan. Four people jumped out at once, one was pulled out of the water, and Yanukovych was strapped in and went to the bottom with the car, "Gerashchenko said.


Viktor Viktorovich Yanukovych
Viktor Yanukovych


politician and entrepreneur

Date of Birth:

July 16

Place of Birth:



the USSR

The tragic death of the son of former President Viktor Jr., it would seem, should not cause gossip. Nevertheless, the headstone installed on the grave raises many questions.

Yanukovych Jr. is buried in Sevastopol. It is known that he was born in Yenakiyevo near Donetsk, for a long time he lived in Kiev and practically nothing connected him with the city in Crimea. According to rumors, his mother, the wife of the former president, Lyudmila Yanukovych, lives in Sevastopol. Perhaps this influenced the choice of the place for the grave - the burial of the son of the fugitive president under the new government would hardly have gone smoothly.

Viktor Yanukovych Jr. was buried at the memorial Bratsk cemetery, where the heroes of the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War and the Great Patriotic War are buried. Now only outstanding military leaders and famous residents of the city will be buried on this. How the relatives of the president who fled the country managed to get a job there is unknown. The tombstone was erected only three and a half years after the death. The Yanukovych family is unlikely to be in poverty, but for a long time there was an ordinary wooden cross on the grave, a plate with the name and date of life was installed a month after the funeral.

Even more questions arose with the construction of the monument. The bust of the deceased is framed with a round frame with a quote from the 15th chapter of the Gospel of John: "There is no more love than if someone lay down his life for his friends." An employee of the administration of the Nakhimovsky district of Sevastopol, on the territory of which the cemetery is located, told reporters in 2015 that "according to eyewitnesses, he died saving other people: he helped all the passengers to get out of the car, but he did not have time."

Viktor Yanukovych Jr.

According to the widespread version, the 33-year-old son of the ex-president, who was several times elected as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, died on Baikal while traveling. On March 20, 2015, a Volkswagen van fell under the ice 200 meters from the coast of Olkhon Island. Five passengers of the car were able to get out, but Yanukovych Jr. drowned. Many publications wrote that the son of the former Ukrainian president died "out of stupidity." Usually they drive on the ice with the doors open - in case the ice breaks and the car starts to sink, you can quickly jump out. Yanukovych Jr. drove the car not only with the door closed, but was also fastened.

But even this version of death has no official status. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the deceased was a native of Moscow named Viktor Davydov. The mother-in-law of Yanukovych Sr.wore such a surname in girlhood, and there is a version that the son of the former president changed his surname immediately after arriving in Russia. In addition, the police did not confirm that the deceased was the son of the ex-president - local sources reported on the death and funeral of the media.

Many not completely clear circumstances of the death of the son former head Ukraine gave rise to a rumor that the death was staged. Last year, the Ukrainian edition of Fakty wrote that Yanukovych Jr. was allegedly seen in Canada after his “death”. According to this version, random people witnessed how the son of the former president with two friends bought an expensive car at a car dealership. Yanukovych Jr. was also noticed when buying the mansion, Fakty reported.

Many Ukrainians live in Canada, and now a considerable number of Ukrainians travel to permanent place residence in this country. Would the government of Canada only start hiding the son of the fugitive president, while almost immediately after the coup in Kiev, it supported the new government? A weak argument in favor of the fact that Canada did grant asylum to Yanukovych Jr. is gratitude for the arms purchases during his father's presidency. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada, in 2011 smooth-bore weapons were supplied to Ukraine in the amount of $ 82 thousand. Why Ukraine, which has enough weapons factories, and millions of units of various barrels have been stored in warehouses since Soviet times, needed a couple of dozen smooth-bore Canadian guns, is another mystery of the Yanukovych family. But it is possible that it is she who is the key to other secrets, including those related to the fate of the Ukrainian president's son.

Yanukovych Jr. died at the wheel of a car. However, as he lived most of his life.

Victor Jr. began his business with the car business: he was engaged in the sale of cars, motorsport and technical improvement and tuning of cars. At the age of 17, he first exhibited at an exhibition in Kiev a Mazda tuned by him.

He was a member of the Presidium of the Automobile Federation of Ukraine.

What cars did Yanukovych Jr love?

In 2005, the Internet Reporter website posted a list of cars that Viktor Yanukovych Jr. allegedly used in turn.

According to the newspaper, Viktor Yanukovych Jr. went to:

Chevrolet Suburban (license plate number 000-09 ЕО, then changed to a new sample);
- Audi A6 (registered license plate, PAX 28);
- Hummer H2 (number 002-01 EO);
- JEEP Wrangler (license plate 002-03 EO);
- AUDI A8 (license plate 000-09 EE);
- J EEP Cherokee (license plate 028-xx EO).

Then the son of Yanukovych assured that he drove many cars, but was not their owner.

Ex-president's son and politician

It is clear that being the son of the president, Victor Jr. also went into politics. It all started with the Orange Revolution, when the son of Yanukovych was accepted into the ranks of the Party of Regions, he was engaged in campaigning for his father, according to him, he even handed out leaflets and unloaded cars with campaign materials. In 2006 he was ranked 28th in the Focus rating as a promising young Ukrainian politician.

This year Yanukovych became the people's deputy. He was a parliamentarian in the next two convocations.

Victor Jr. and scandals

In the Rada, the regionals had their own interests in relation to IT-technologies. During his second term in the Rada, he began to actively promote the idea of ​​state support for the national IT sector.

Then, on the sidelines, it was said that the president's son was associated with the loudest Internet scandals of 2012: with the closure of the largest domestic file hosting service and tax inspections of the well-known online store ROZETKA.UA.

The wife of the deceased

The fugitive president's son was married to Olga Korochanskaya (a lawyer at a law firm in Donetsk). Together they raised their son Ilya, born in 2010.

Despite the fact that Yanukovin Jr. was fond of cars, his wife is interested in equestrian sports.

Property of Yanukovych Jr.

According to official data, in 2011, Viktor Yanukovych received an income of 233,306 hryvnias. And his family members - 746 hryvnia. Victor Jr. owns land plot(1610 sq. M), apartment (379, 1 sq. M), garage (20, 5 sq. M), other real estate (510, 8 sq. M).

Yanukovych Jr. and the behavior of a typical major

In November 2006, information appeared that Yanukovych Jr., with his acquaintance and two girls, made a scandal at the Borispol airport.

Viktor Viktorovich allegedly behaved inappropriately towards the flight attendant. The question of Yanukovych's behavior was raised even at the session of the Verkhovna Rada.

However, Yanukovych Jr. denied all this.

Yanukovych and entertainment

In July 2011, Yanukovych Jr. was filmed completely drunk. See how it was in the video.

Hobby of Viktor Yanukovych Jr.

Besides drunks, Yanukovych's son had many hobbies. He was engaged in autocross, circuit racing, clay pigeon shooting.

He was fond of billiards, photography, wakeboard and cooking.

He loved extreme sports.

Victor Jr. loved "Lyuba"

Among the musical preferences of the deceased: Rosenbaum, Vysotsky, the Lyube group (Putin's favorite group), HIM, Rammstein, DDT, Time Machine, Green Gray, VV.

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