Sexual potential - how to determine by appearance. How do you understand by external signs that your loved one is leading you by the nose? Outwardly, but

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to determine a person's character by appearance. There is a whole science - physiognomy, which tells how to determine a person's character by the shape of the fingers, gait, eye color, and so on. Naturally, the conclusions that can be drawn by thoroughly studying a person's appearance will not be able to fully draw up an accurate psychological picture, but it is quite possible to draw some sketches. We will restrict ourselves to the main characteristics.

The character of a person in the eyes

Black eyes

People with black eyes are potential leaders. They cannot imagine their life without a goal and make every effort to achieve it. Black-eyed men and women are very temperamental, passionate lovers. Due to natural magnetism and great energy, such people are always in the spotlight. However, the medal called "activity" has a downside - black-eyed people, unfortunately, often become obsessed with some idea.

Brown eyes

In addition to emotionality and temperament, people with brown eyes, more than anyone else, are characterized by irascibility. It is extremely easy to piss them off - for this, an insignificant reason is enough. However, they calm down just as quickly, continuing to communicate, as if nothing had happened. The same applies to the love of the "brown-eyed". The feelings that these people experience are usually very deep and vivid, but short-lived. In order for the emotions to last as long as possible, a brown-eyed person must definitely feel the return.

Green eyes

This eye color is one of the most interesting. The fact is that green-eyed women and men have completely different personalities. Ladies with this color of eyes are, as a rule, cocky and decisive. In addition, since ancient times, the ability to fortunetelling has been attributed to green-eyed persons.

Men, on the other hand, are very soft and pliable. They will make caring and loyal husbands. But the career of green-eyed men does not go well, since they are completely devoid of healthy stubbornness. The character of a person with green eyes means the owner and jealous, but very hardworking, who always strive to achieve their goals.

Blue eyes

People with blue eyes are very emotional. They can be attributed to constant fighters for the truth, which they will prove even to their own detriment. In general, blue-eyed people are completely devoted to anything - it's very good to be friends with them, but it's not worth getting into the lists of enemies.

Blue and gray eyes

Blue-eyed people are in constant search of themselves, so they can quite often change their occupation, for the sake of a loved one they are able to move mountains. Gray-eyed representatives of the stronger sex are looking for benefits in everything, close relationships with a woman can be no exception, they are pragmatic partners, they are successful.


The owners of wide and bushy eyebrows are usually generous, such a partner will not skimp on gifts. If the eyebrows converge on the bridge of the nose, then in front of you is a man who really appreciates and loves his mother. Therefore, for a long and harmonious relationship with him, you will simply need to find mutual language with his parent. There are quite a few henpecked men among men with fused eyebrows.

If a man's eyebrows are too thick, and they literally hang over his eyes - before you is an adventurer who is used to getting what he wants, and he is unlikely to reckon with your interests. If the eyebrows are narrow and not thick, their owner has a soft character, he is modest and may even be notorious. You shouldn't expect from such a man decisive action.

Personality by appearance: nose, cheekbones, ears and chin

To determine character, pay attention to the nose. Straight noses for stubborn leaders and strong personalities. If you are ready to unconditionally accept the leadership of such a man, it makes sense for you to consider his candidacy as a partner. Aquiline noses are popular with women, but their owners are cunning and often cruel.

They are sexy and attractive men, but rather distrustful in relationships. These are not easy partners. Snub-nosed men of nature are emotional and vulnerable, their money does not stay, because of their innocence and impulsiveness. In general, if you are ready for constant changes in your relationship, this is your man.

A sharp and thin nose betrays a romantic and subtle nature, this man will fill your relationship with tenderness, but he is unlikely to be able to solve some problem when it arises. The character of a man with a nose of a potato - he is a merry fellow, the soul of the company, a little frivolous and windy. Upturned noses speak of temperamental partners living with momentary desires, but a nose with flaring nostrils indicates an amorous and mobile nature.


The character of a person with high cheekbones means that he is power-hungry, in communication he is used to dictating his terms, he has a complex character. Low cheekbones, on the contrary, indicate a lack of will and courage. Such a partner will keep the family to the last, and in most cases, in such a pair the leader is a woman. If the cheekbones are low and not low, then you have a man who embodied both willpower and strength of character and at the same time modesty and the ability to compromise. Dimples on the cheeks indicate good nature and the ability to rejoice, with such a man it will never be boring.

The shape of the ears can also tell a lot about a person's character. Powerful and even cruel men have fleshy large ears. Pointed upward is a sign of intelligence and prudence. The owner of tightly pressed ears is cold-blooded and cunning, the most, perhaps, ideal are ears close to a quadrangle, the owners of such ears are noble, kind and firm in their decisions. Men with long ears are stingy and envious, and protruding ears indicate innocence and frivolity.

The chin

This part of the face attracts as much attention as the nose. Women like men with strong-willed chins and this is absolutely justified. A well-defined chin really indicates willpower and the ability to achieve goals. Men with a square chin are determined and firm in character. A protruding chin is common in people who are cunning, clever and sharp-tongued. An expressionless chin indicates that the man is most likely weak-willed and you will be able to twist ropes out of him.

The character of a person on the lips

We all know that by appearance you can determine the character of a person. One of the most important parts of the face is the lips. It's no secret that the male part of the population is almost the first to pay attention to the lips of girls. Indeed, the entire beauty of the face depends on the shape of the lips, their thickness and shape. In addition, as physiognomists say, lips can determine a person's attitude to life.

For example, the owners of plump lips are distinguished by passion and sexuality. At the same time, such women know their own worth, they try to surround themselves with luxury, and they like to get real pleasure not only from love, but also from life. This also applies to men.

Those who possess subtle and narrow lips by nature they are very stubborn, withdrawn and suspicious. Such people, women in particular, pursue their own sweat.

But, despite all these qualities, having made friends with such a person, you can be confident in him, he is very responsible in his work and will fulfill all the set goals in a timely manner. But it is almost impossible to talk to this type of people, as they are silent and thoughtful.

There are people whose upper lip is slightly larger than the lower one, such people, as a rule, are purposeful and self-confident. Unfortunately, they elevate these qualities to the absolute, that is, they become self-confident and feel their own superiority over others. It is useless to get involved in an argument with such people, because they will never change their point of view, it will seem to them that they are 100% right.

And those with a protruding lower lip are distinguished by selfishness, imbalance and unpredictability, they can change their mood at any time, and very often they do not know what they want.

The character of a man on the hands

To determine the character of a person by their appearance, pay attention to the shape of the hands and fingers. Holders of a large palm with thick short fingers, as a rule, have an undeveloped intellect, are prone to superstition and rudeness. A person who owns wide palms ("spade-like") with blunt fingers is energetic, hardworking and determined. Cowardice is alien to him.

Flexible palms with long fingers are more often found in sensitive, creative and impulsive individuals. Rough square-shaped palms are inherent in people obedient, conservative, possessing developed willpower, but limited intellect. A palm with well-defined, "knobby" joints of the fingers speaks of restraint, hard work, honesty and developed thinking.

Long, pointed fingers are found in individuals prone to religiosity, daydreaming, unadapted to life. But most often there are people with "mixed" variants with very different characteristics.

How to determine the character of a person by hands, depending on their softness. As a rule, the owners of soft hands are distinguished by sensitivity, suppleness, carelessness and impressionability. If a person's hands are rigid from birth (and not acquired rigidity as a result of work), this indicates moderate sensitivity and susceptibility, sometimes bad manners.

The color of the skin of the hands and the severity of blood vessels. If the skin of the hands is too red, this indicates excessive nervousness. If the skin is pale, the person is weak, anemic. If the veins on the hands are too bulging, this may indicate health problems, such as alcohol abuse or kidney disease.

How to find out the character of a person by hand, depending on the humidity of the palms. Dry and emaciated skin on the hands can also indicate health problems, in particular hormonal imbalances. She also indicates poor nutrition and problems in the intimate sphere. Wet skin of the hands speaks of excessive anxiety, pathology digestive system.

Temperature of the palms. Cold hands often refer to a person's "cold" and tough personality, as well as circulatory problems and hormonal disorders. Hands that are very warm indicate tenderness, excessive sensitivity, and a lack of trace elements. If the skin is prone to the appearance of "goose bumps" - this may indicate increased nervousness.

How to recognize a drug addict by appearance and behavior? Sometimes it is very easy. Characteristic changes in the eyes, face and physique, changes in lifestyle and character - all this can give out a person who has begun to use prohibited substances.

How to recognize a drug addict: what to look for first?

There are several ways to tell a drug addict from a non-addict.


How to recognize drug addicts by outward signs? Pay attention to the eyes (primarily the size of the pupils), complexion, skin condition, physique, as well as the places where drug addicts usually inject (elbow folds of the arms, popliteal folds). How to find out which substances a person takes, based on his appearance, is described in the following sections of the article.

Sometimes, outward signs can even betray a former drug addict. Too wrinkled face that does not correspond to the passport age, scars on the hands, acquired cardiovascular diseases at a young age - all this can be the consequences of drug addiction. However, these symptoms can occur for completely different reasons. Therefore, there is no one hundred percent way to find out whether a person has taken drugs in the past or not.


It immediately betrays a person who uses prohibited substances. Even a beginner addict can be calculated by his behavior. If your son or another relative has become not the same as before: more aggressive or, conversely, too calm, think about what could have provoked such a sudden change in character. While it may be difficult for you to even imagine your child is a drug addict, do a substance use test to see if he or she is taking anything.

Personal belongings

How to identify a drug addict? Sometimes everyone can tell his personal things for him. Further in the article, you will find out what items will help you understand that a person needs to be urgently saved from drug addiction.

Drug test

Now you can buy it at any pharmacy. This is the only one hundred percent way to identify a drug addict. In case of any suspicion, it is better to immediately check whether the person is using any substances. After all, the sooner the fact of drug addiction is confirmed, the easier it will be to cure it.

Do you suspect a loved one of drug addiction?

Describe the signs of his behavior and find out! Free consultation:

Common signs of drug use: a detailed overview

The modern illegal market offers a wide range of prohibited substances. All of them have a different effect on the body, so the signs of drug addiction can be different. However, the first external symptoms of a drug addict will already give you a reason to check the person and, if necessary, urgently begin treatment.

  • Sudden changes in behavior. Due to the use of drugs, a person becomes not the same as before: more aggressive, often “freaking out”. Or, on the contrary, he is too calm - he does not react even to serious problems. Although adolescents can normally change their style of behavior dramatically due to the crisis of adolescence, sometimes this can be the first alarm bell.
  • The emergence of new friends about whom the person does not want to tell anything.
  • The use of slang words that were previously absent in the vocabulary.
  • Violation of sleep and wakefulness. The person may suffer from insomnia due to the use of stimulant substances, or they may sleep for days on end after using opiates.
  • Disorders of appetite. For example, a person consumes a lot of sweets (which can give away the weed user) or refuses to eat (which is a symptom of taking psychostimulants).
  • A sharp increase in expenses for unknown needs. If your child started asking more money and does not say why he needs them, or you notice the loss of valuable things from the house - think about it. You urgently need to take appropriate action. The best thing is to do a drug test and, if suspicions are confirmed, immediately begin drug addiction treatment. You may also need to work with a family psychologist yourself. Do not assume that the addict is the only one to blame for the drug use. Most often, it is the mistakes of parents that push adolescents to rash acts.
  • Changed eyes. Dilated or constricted pupils, changes in gaze, the appearance of an unhealthy shine or "veil" in the eyes - all these are symptoms of drug addiction and substance abuse.
  • Changes in body weight. Stimulant addicts are usually overly thin.

What drug addicts look like: distinctive features of the eyes, face, body

What kind of substances a person uses can be roughly determined by the eyes and characteristic changes in the face.

Drug group
What are the pupils of drug addicts
Other appearance features
Marijuana (weed, plan)
The addict's eyes are red, the eyelids are closed, the face is reddish, the eyes are either sluggish or agitated
Stimulants: amphetamine (hair dryer), pervitin ("vint" - an injection drug), salt (psychostimulants in powder form), ecstasy (psychoactive pills), cocaine
When they are taken, as well as during withdrawal, the pupils dilate
Excited and "running" gaze, joyful, surprised or aggressive gleam in the eyes. With prolonged use from insomnia appear blue bags under the eyes. When using powder drugs - red, sore nose, possible bloody issues from the nostrils
Heroin, desomorphine ("crocodile") and other opiates
The pupils of opiate addicts are constricted
A sluggish look. Poor skin condition (pallor, earthy tint, dryness, flaking). Puffiness. Lowered corners of the lips. Unkempt appearance. Bruises on the arms in the area of ​​the veins

Drug addict behavior

Usually, a person who uses illegal substances can be recognized by their behavior.

How drug addicts behave:

  • During the period of action of the substance, a person can be overactive, too talkative, or, conversely, lethargic and drowsy. The addict may look like a drunken person, but the characteristic smell of alcohol from the mouth is absent.
  • During withdrawal, the addict's behavior changes dramatically. He becomes irritable and jittery. Further, all other symptoms appear: anxiety and anxiety, dilated pupils, insomnia, chills, sweating, muscle pain, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes, vomiting, diarrhea.

Does your son use drugs?

You need to take immediate action and seek help:

The hallmarks of heroin addicts

The most common symptom of heroin or other opiate use is injection bruising on the body. They can be located in such places:

  • elbow folds;
  • knee bends;
  • the area of ​​the inguinal veins.

The most inventive drug addicts begin to inject themselves into the hyoid veins so that no marks on the body are visible.

Eyes under heroin become peculiar: pupils may narrow to tiny, barely noticeable dots.

The skin becomes dry, pale, flaky and flabby. Wrinkles appear early.

Human behavior also allows one to suspect that something is wrong:

  1. Heroin users often experience itchy skin. This makes the person itch all the time.
  2. A person can wear long-sleeved clothes even in 30-degree heat - to hide bruises on the veins.
  3. Sometimes drug addicts wear sunglasses all the time without removing them indoors. Thus, they try to hide the constricted pupils.
  4. During the period when a person has the opportunity to regularly receive a dose of the drug, he is constantly lethargic, sleepy, speaks little and indistinct, coordination is impaired. The heroin addict looks like a drunken person, but the characteristic smell of alcohol from the mouth is absent.

The following things can give reason to suspect a person of injecting drug addiction:

  • a lighter, if a person does not smoke, is used to heat the drug before injection;
  • syringes;
  • antiallergic drugs (most often - Diphenhydramine) - many drug addicts use them to relieve itching - one of the side effects heroin.

Characteristics of a weed addict

External distinctive features:

  1. As marijuana dilates the blood vessels, the eyes of the weed user literally “get bloodshot” and turn red. The eyelids drop and close - as if the person is sleepy. The pupils are dilated.
  2. The face becomes flushed as marijuana dilates the vessels located in the skin. In case of an overdose, it is possible, on the contrary, that the skin turns pale.
  3. The look can be sluggish or, conversely, agitated.

Behavior features:

  1. Laughter for no reason and inappropriate response to events.
  2. Increased appetite. Under the influence of the drug, a person's taste sensations change, everything seems tastier than usual, so you want to eat a lot. Especially marijuana smokers love sweets.
  3. Thirst. When the effect of the drug has already come to naught, the person begins to "dry".
  4. Unstable mood. When a drug addict is under the influence of weed, his emotional state is changeable: gigginess and excitement can suddenly give way to lethargy and calmness, and then abruptly flow into anxiety and panic. During periods when a person does not use drugs, he becomes hot-tempered and irritable.
  5. Memory impairment. Under the influence of marijuana, a person becomes distracted: he may lose his things or forget what he just wanted to do. This usually goes away completely when the drug stops working. However, long-term regular use of marijuana can trigger chronic forgetfulness. Memory disorders appear especially quickly in adolescents, since their nervous system is not yet sufficiently developed.

You can also identify a weed addict by the things found on him:

  • foil, empty plastic bottles, smoking pipes - used for consumption;
  • matchboxes - drug addicts store weed in them;
  • eye drops- are used to hide redness of the eyes.

Common signs of psychostimulant addicts

Substances in this group include:

  • powders (amphetamine, methamphetamine, salts);
  • pills (ecstasy);
  • injections (pervitin, in slang - "screw").

A drug addict who uses pills, powders or injections with a stimulating effect can be recognized by the following behavioral features:

  • Emotional swings. During the action of drugs, a person is overactive, talkative, cannot sit still, shows aggression, and when the effect of the substance ends, he is lethargic, lifeless, irritable and apathetic.
  • Insomnia.
  • The use of sleeping pills or sedatives. Drug addicts who regularly take psychostimulants for a long time simply cannot fall asleep naturally.

Signs of an amphetamine addict (hair dryer)

The first distinguishing feature by which a powder addict can be recognized is a red and sore nose.

The skin on it can be scratched and damaged, as the addict who sniffs often worries about itching in the nose. Long-term use of drugs damages the mucous membrane, which can lead to frequent bleeding from the nostrils.

You can also recognize a drug addict using a hairdryer by the eyes. After a person has taken amphetamine, the pupils dilate greatly. However, many drug addicts know how to shrink their pupils after a hairdryer, and they use special drops for this, so you should not rely heavily on this symptom.

Signs of a salt addict

A salt addict can be recognized in the same way as an amphetamine addict.

The only difference is that the effects of amphetamine last longer than the effects of the salts. Therefore, an amphetamine addict stays longer in a state of activity and excessive vigor, and a salt addict is more irritable and apathetic.

New material, made of porous concrete, has managed to prove itself from the very best side. Houses built from foam blocks are warm and durable. In summer they are cool, and in winter, the owners save up to 30% of heating costs due to the fact that foam concrete retains heat well. A few tips when purchasing foam concrete blocks ...

In terms of environmental friendliness, foam blocks are on the same level with a tree, but at the same time they are fire safe and durable. Compared to brick, walls made of this material are laid out much faster, moreover, it is lightweight and well processed. And this is far from all the advantages that foam blocks have. You can think of soundproofing, frost resistance, convenience in delivery, etc.

Foam concrete has long been recognized as an excellent building material abroad, especially in the cold countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. One can only wonder why these porous "bricks" are still not leading in terms of sales in our country. The reason is very easy to explain. The listed advantages are inherent only in high-quality foam blocks, the production of which did not violate the requirements of the technological process. Otherwise, these blocks will not be better, but worse than traditional bricks.


When buying materials for construction, no one wants the laid out wall to crack in two or three weeks. How to determine the quality of foam blocks visually, having only a tape measure at hand? To do this, you need to feel the surface of the proposed product. It must be smooth and even. Length, width and height measured on several units should not differ from each other (tolerance is ± 2 mm). In this case, the laying will be carried out as expected using construction glue. And the wall itself will turn out to be warm, without "cold bridges".

If the surface of the foam block is pressed with a finger, this does not mean that it is bad, but such material is not suitable for laying load-bearing walls. You need to look for the one with a higher density (900 - 1200 kg / m3). The presence of traces of machine oil on the edges of the porous "brick" indicates that the manufacturer saved on a special lubricant for molds. The plaster will not stick to the wall lined with such blocks; you will first have to nail the netting. And, finally, a pack of foam blocks should be wrapped in foil during final drying in order to ensure the hydration process and normal strength development. Otherwise, the blocks will be covered with cracks and lose strength.

1. Make sure the blocks have the same size
To do this, put several blocks on one flat surface (table, board, etc.) close to each other, first on one edge, and then on the other. At the same time, good blocks adhere to each other with the entire surface without gaps and the upper surface should be completely flat without steps. If there are steps, then you can roughly understand what the minimum thickness of the masonry joint will be. This is the step size multiplied by 2, plus 3mm for glue and 5mm for masonry mortar. That is, if the dimensions of the blocks differ by 2 mm, then the seam thickness: 2 * 2 + 3 = 7mm for glue and 2 * 2 + 5 = 9 mm for mortar. It turns out that the glue overrun is 2.3 times. And the solution - almost 2 times. And further. If the house is faced with brick, it will be necessary to make thicker seams in the brick facing, which will not only increase the cost of construction, and even spoil appearance at home.

2. Blocks should not be brittle
If you can grind a small piece of the block between your fingers, then this indicates that the manufacturer has saved on cement, or pours a lot of water using an imperfect production technology. The minimum block strength for low-rise buildings should be 15kg / cm2.

The presence of cracks in the blocks indicates an incorrect drying mode and the presence of internal stresses, which during operation can lead to the destruction of the block. Be sure to ask how many blocks on average reach the consumer intact - get an indistinct answer - look for another manufacturer.

Look at the chipped block. Notice the structure at the top and bottom of one block. The structure should be the same. If there are differences, then you have a "sandwich" with a strong but cold bottom and a warm, but not durable top. The structure should represent evenly distributed bubbles of the same size and as small as possible, the size of the bubbles should not exceed one millimeter, and it is desirable that their maximum size was less than 1 mm. The bubbles should be spherical. If they are oval-shaped - note - this greatly affects the strength of the blocks.

3. There should be no grease streaks on the walls of the blocks.
The walls of the blocks should not differ in color from their core. The presence of these signs suggests that all kinds of "rubbish" are used for lubrication. Later, you will also find out that plaster does not fit on this so-called lubricant, so you will have to spend money on the plaster mesh and additional work.

4. Pay attention to the packaging
A manufacturer who respects his work and you will not be stingy to put blocks on pallets and pack them in foil. There is another plus in the film - the blocks do not dry out so quickly, and since cement reacts with water for a long time, the block that remains wet for a long time increases its strength during storage due to deeper hydration of the cement. Block dried quickly - more likely to crack.

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Concrete products:

Vladimir (Mytishchi)
I ordered blocks from this enterprise this year. There were only 8 broken lines out of 900. There is a small error in "geometry" but not critical. Thank you so much.

Maria (Moscow)
All perfectly!

Valentin (Krasnozavodsk)
I have not bought foam blocks yet, but I am already pleased with the call, what a pleasant attitude of the manager to the client!

Vitaly (Novosibirsk)
I bought foam blocks from you, they are really good, although several pieces had broken edges. In any case, grateful!

Vasily (Kostanay)
I purchased foam blocks through you. We can say for the first time and was pleasantly surprised how quickly and in what excellent form they arrived to me. Thank you!

Helpful information:

Why does the house turn out warmer from our blocks?
The thermal conductivity of walls made of foam concrete blocks is influenced by the following factors: density of foam concrete (kg / m3), structure of foam concrete (size and number of air bubbles in foam concrete mass), thickness and quality of masonry joints. In general, we can say that the thermal conductivity of a material directly depends on its density, the lower the density, the less heat is transferred by the material.

Why is it cheaper to build from our blocks?
The price per square meter of a house wall is made up of: the cost of blocks, the cost of masonry mortar, the cost of plaster and putty. Experience shows that when buying blocks at a cheaper price, people face such a problem as a large number of blocks that fell apart during delivery on the way to the construction site.

Comparison of various technologies for producing foam concrete.
There are several technologies for producing foam concrete. Generally speaking, they can be divided into two groups.

How to determine the quality of a block based on external signs?
The new material, made of porous concrete, has managed to prove itself from the very best side. Houses built from foam blocks are warm and durable. In summer they are cool, and in winter, the owners save up to 30% of heating costs due to the fact that foam concrete retains heat well. A few tips when purchasing foam concrete blocks ...

The relationship between the technology of production of foam blocks and ecology.
We are interesting creatures - PEOPLE. We try not to eat low-quality products, we do not buy rotten crumbling cars, we are interested in the environmental conditions in the area of ​​the acquired land plot, on which we are going to build a house for ourselves.

Some women are interested in whether it is really possible to judge the dimensions of the male "household" just by looking at the face, arms or legs of a young man. Is it real and how to determine the size of the penis by external signs?

Some women claim that the size of the penis can be determined by the degree of hairiness of the male body.

It is widely believed that the size of a man's penis can be determined by some external data. To date, this information has only been confirmed by Korean scientists.

In their experiment, they compared the size of the penis with the size of the hands and found that if the ring finger is longer than the index finger, then the length of the penis will be impressive. In addition, there are several more guesses about the relationship between the dimensions of masculinity and some external signs. So, it is believed that:

  • the size of the penis can be compared with the size of the legs;
  • if a man has a thin and long nose, then the penis will be like that, and if the nose is a potato, then the penis is thick, but short;
  • some women believe that it is possible to rely on the degree of hairiness of the male body;
  • lips can serve as a guide: if they are thin, then the penis is the same, and if full and plump, then the size of the penis is impressive;
  • there is a theory that if the length of the thigh is greater than the length from the knee to the foot, then the man has impressive dignity.

So, how to determine the size of the penis by external signs? We need to consider this issue in more detail.

Is it possible to know the size of the penis by the legs?

Some of the fair sex are interested in how to determine the size of their boyfriend's penis by evaluating the size of the legs. But the fact that, as a result of such a comparison, reliable information is obtained is explained by the correspondence of the data to the average size indicators in men. If a representative of the stronger sex has non-standard sizes, then their definition by the length and width of the foot comes to a standstill.

Tokyo scientists propose a calculation formula, which, in addition to the parameters of the leg, includes several more points. It looks like this:

R = 35 * (S + 3 * N) / M,

  • S is the size of the shoe worn by the man;
  • N is the length of his nose;
  • M is body weight.

According to scientists from Tokyo, the body mass index in this formula is necessary because as the amount of subcutaneous fat increases, the size of the penis decreases.

It is important to know that this formula is very arbitrary. First of all, the factor of race should be considered. According to the average statistics, Asians' penises, as well as their height, are smaller than those of the Caucasian race. How to find out what a man has a penis size? First of all, you should be guided by race.

In addition, a significant error arises when determining the size of the penis of an obese guy with an average height and a sporty man with a height of more than 1.9 m. And this is because their shoe size and weight can be in the same range. Therefore, this formula does not work for CIS residents.

Is it possible to know the size of a man's penis by his hands and fingers?

Numerous materials on the Web tell girls how to determine the size of a penis by a guy's hand already on the first date. According to some sources, you need to pay attention to the thumbs, it is by their size and shape that you can determine the dimensions of the dignity. To get an approximate figure, the length of the thumb should be multiplied by three.

Another common method is to measure the distance between the tips of the thumb and forefinger when spaced at right angles. According to the theory, it is this figure that will be equal to the length of the penis.

Experienced women recommend paying attention to the palms and wrists of the man in general. According to their observations, if the palms are small and the fingers are short, then the dignity simply cannot be impressive. Most likely, such a man has a medium or small penis.

How to find out the size of the penis by the nose?

Ladies always pay attention to the facial features of a man. And some researchers argue that this feature of behavior will determine the size of the dignity of a young person. An approximate size classification has been developed, taking into account the length and shape of the nose and fingers.

It should be borne in mind that full-scale studies on this topic have not been carried out, therefore all these methods are very relative and cannot be at least any guarantee that a man's visual assessment is able to give a more or less accurate idea of ​​the size of his penis. When thinking about how to determine the size of the penis by the nose, it is important to consider other features.

Many women mistakenly believe that by the calm state of the penis, you can determine what size it will reach in an excited state.

There are several other less popular options for determining the size of the penis:

  1. Lengthwise, from the tip of the middle finger to the wrist. How to find out the size of the penis by hand by measuring the length from the middle finger to the beginning of the wrist? It's impossible. This method is incorrect, since the average distance is about 27 cm. If this were true, the average penis size would be different.
  2. By voice. Some believe that the lower a man's voice, the more dimensional his dignity will be. This theory is supported by the argument about the amount of testosterone in the body of a man. But this is just a fiction. It is impossible to determine that the man sitting opposite the man has a long penis, only by the deep baritone.
  3. Along the length of the penis at rest. Many ladies mistakenly believe that if the penis in a calm state is quite long, then in an excited state it will correspond to the original idea. But this is absolutely not true. There are also opposite cases, when a small penis in its usual form can pleasantly surprise a girl in a state of erection.

It is also widely believed that a man's height and the size of his penis are interrelated concepts. This is actually the case. If a man is short or of medium height, then it is very likely that his dignity will correspond. In extremely rare cases, it is the other way around. This can be traced to the racial example. So, African Americans are not just tall men, but also have large penises in average. But this cannot be said about Asians.

Entering a frozen body of water is always accompanied by the risk of falling through the ice. Therefore, when moving along a lake or river in winter, you must observe safety measures, be vigilant and careful.

In order for the ice to withstand a person, it is necessary that its thickness reaches at least 10-15 centimeters. Ice is considered safe if it is 25 centimeters thick.

First of all, any person making even a short crossing over a frozen body of water must have a stick with him. Do not under any circumstances test the ice density with a kick. Tap the ice with a stick: if a puddle of water has formed under it, then the ice is not strong enough. If moisture appears, immediately leave the place where you are standing, sliding, without lifting your feet from the surface.

There are several external signs that can be used to determine the strength of ice. Clean and transparent ice, which has a bluish or greenish tint, is formed in frosty, calm and rainless weather. Such ice crunches underfoot. Even in thin areas, it does not break through immediately, but, as it were, warns of the danger of radial cracks spreading underfoot.

Ice with shades gray, matt white or yellow almost twice as weak as transparent. Such ice forms during frosty weather with snowfalls and is frozen snowflakes. It is especially cunning as it collapses without warning crackles.

Absolutely fragile spongy ice, which is snow frozen during a blizzard. Areas of such ice must by all means be bypassed.

The thickness of ice, even in one reservoir, is not the same everywhere. Thin ice is found near the banks, in the area of ​​rapids and rapids, at the confluence of rivers, on bends and bends, near frozen objects, trees and reeds, in the area of ​​underground springs, in places of discharge into water bodies warm waters and sewage. The danger is represented by holes, ice holes, holes, cracks, which are covered with a thin layer of ice. Try to get around such places as far as possible to avoid trouble.

Ice under snow and drifts is unreliable. Snow, covering the ice, acts like a blanket. Therefore, ice under it grows much more slowly.

Basic rules for safe behavior on ice:

Children must not be allowed out on the ice without an adult escort;

You can't go out on the ice in dark time days and in poor visibility;

It is safest to stick to the beaten track or follow an already paved track;

Once on the thin, crackling ice, you should carefully turn back and with sliding steps return along the traversed path to the shore;

When a group crosses a reservoir, it is necessary to maintain a distance from each other (5-6 m).

IT IS FORBIDDEN: go out on the ice in a state of alcoholic intoxication, jump and run on the ice, gather a large number of people at one point.

If you fall through the ice, keep calm and cool. Even a poorly swimming person can stay on the surface for some time due to the air cushion formed under the clothes. And only as the clothes get wet, a person loses additional buoyancy. This time is usually enough to get out of the hole. It should be remembered that the first minutes of staying in cold water before the clothes got wet, the hands were not frozen, the weakness and indifference characteristic of hypothermia did not develop.

Try to breathe slowly and deeply. Spread your arms wide to the sides and try to catch on to the edge of the ice so as not to dive headlong. Turn in the direction you came from. The ice was strong enough in this direction up to the emergency section. This means that he must withstand you on the way back. You don't have time to check other routes. Try to gently, without breaking off the edge, without sudden movements, crawling with your chest, lie on the edge of the ice, throw one and then the other leg onto it. If the ice has held up, slowly roll away from the edge and crawl (or roll) towards the bank.

Press service of the Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Mari El.

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