What is protein and what is it for? What is the difference between protein and protein: description and differences Proteins and everything about them

If you started going to the gym, then among the people who work out there? you will often hear the term "protein". What it is? and what is protein for? Let's try to figure it out.

What is protein for? Its composition and properties

The less time remains until the summer, the more guys and girls begin to think about the state of their figure. Regular exercise and, of course, sports nutrition will help you to tighten your body, tone your muscles and improve your own health. This includes roughly speaking, it is taken to build muscle mass. How does this happen? The fact is that proteins make up the majority of muscle mass. They are used to lose weight, maintain good physical shape and, as mentioned earlier, increase muscle volume.

How should you take protein?

Let's talk about It looks like a beige powder (color can be changed due to flavors or dyes). Usually, protein is sold in a can of 1-2 kilograms. Natural powder is not cheap. You will have to pay 1000 - 2500 rubles for a kilogram jar of good protein. Of course, you can find places where the product is much cheaper (about 400-700), but often it is a bulk powder without a designated brand, composition and date of manufacture. If you do not want to harm your health, then we strongly advise against taking such protein. Protein can be purchased at any sports nutrition store or online. Let's go directly to the main issue. This protein is usually taken in portions: one serving in the morning, one serving before and after training. If you do not exercise every day, then you should not drink protein, because you can quickly gain fat instead of muscle mass. So, the powder is usually mixed with water, milk or fruit juice (this must be indicated on the packaging of the product you purchased).

The liquid should not be hot, otherwise the protein will simply curl up and lose most of its properties. How many milliliters of liquid to add to a serving of protein should also be indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

Should You Eat Protein?

You already know what this protein is. You will also know what the protein is for. Now let's figure out whether you need to consume. Many people talk about the dangers of this protein. Good, natural protein taken in the right amount at the right time can do no harm. But before taking protein, it is better to consult a doctor for advice if there is a suspicion that the body will not want to perceive protein. Most likely, you decided to take these cocktails to add muscle mass, but remember, even if you start using them, then in a month you do not hope to have a figure like the guy from the package. In order to look like this, they have been eating completely different drugs for years, far from being as harmless as protein. You can also check with your trainer about whether you should be consuming this protein.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

16 Mar 2017 Nov.


Protein is a key participant in important physiological processes, without which the functioning of organs and systems cannot take place. Protein supplements are more popular with athletes as they help improve performance and quickly gain muscle mass.

What are proteins

These substances serve as the most important building blocks of the human body. Proteins are found in every organ and cell, in addition, they serve as irreplaceable sources of energy. If the body does not receive enough protein, the liver converts proteins into fats, thereby forming a supply of a readily available source of energy. The assimilation of a substance begins immediately after it enters the stomach with food and lasts a long time when compared with the process of digestion of carbohydrates. Therefore, when consuming protein food, a person feels full for several hours.

What are proteins made of? The composition of this substance includes amino acids, which are transported by the blood to every cell of tissues and organs. Proteins play an important role in the life and growth of the body, they are able to normalize the water and acid-base balance. Without amino acids, it is impossible to create enzymes, hormones, and this is only a small part of the functions of these substances. The chemical formula of a protein molecule is as follows: H2N – CH (R) –COOH.

What is protein for?

Protein, polypeptides, and protein are the names of one element that is made up of a chain of amino acids. The component serves as the basis of tissues and the main building material of the body. What is protein and what is it for? Regular intake of protein in the human body ensures nitrogen balance and increases the rate of muscle building. Proteins are substances that contain a large number of amino acids. They can be of plant or animal origin.

Why do you drink protein? With the regular consumption of a protein-rich product, athletes increase muscle volume and maintain the energy required for a full workout. At the same time, the required amount of protein for a person involved in bodybuilding depends on the degree of intensity of sports activities. You can consume up to 2-3 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight daily. For amino acids to be properly absorbed, carbohydrates must also be present in the diet.

What does protein help bodybuilders achieve? If you regularly use the substance in parallel with sports activities:

  • an increase in muscle mass will begin;
  • fatty deposits will quickly burn (this is due to the fact that protein suppresses hunger well, in addition, the rate of fat breakdown depends on the volume of muscles: the more there are, the easier it is for a person to lose weight);
  • health will improve (proteins ensure the renewal of every cell in the body);
  • the athlete's body will become more prominent (this is due to the growth of muscle mass and help in losing weight).

Protein shakes for muscle growth

This product belongs to the group of sports nutrition products and is a rich source of protein, while the protein powder does not increase the daily caloric content of the diet. Protein shake is useful for everyone who is seriously involved in sports, seeking to improve their body faster. In this case, the choice of a product should be based on the intensity of training, their frequency and individual parameters of a person (weight, height, etc.).

You can drink cocktails before or after sports for half an hour. It is desirable that the temperature of the drink be about 37 degrees - this will improve the absorption of nutrients. Taking a protein shake at night can only be beneficial if you drink a certain type of product that takes a long time to be absorbed. To achieve the expected effect, the powder must be diluted in 250-300 ml of liquid, then the protein will be absorbed by the body in full.

For weight gain

To increase body weight, it is important to eat a lot of protein foods, but not everyone is able to eat the right amount of food to replenish the lack of protein in the body (especially for athletes). Protein supplements containing a high proportion of protein have been created specifically for this purpose. You can buy protein powder at any sports nutrition store. Nevertheless, it should be understood that proteins for weight gain are only an addition to the usual diet, and not at all a replacement for protein foods (cottage cheese, other dairy products, meat, beans, etc.).

It is most effective to use amino acids in combination with sports, good rest and a balanced diet. A person who decides to drink a protein shake for gaining body weight, but does not play sports, should provide himself at least minimal physical activity (jogging a couple of times a week, daily exercises, developing a specific muscle group). Otherwise, the resulting protein will be excessive, therefore it will not be absorbed by the body, and the fats and carbohydrates in the product will settle as an extra burden on the body in the form of deposits.


Fitness women often use sports nutrition, including protein shakes. Protein for girls is amino acids that are responsible not only for muscle development, but also help:

  • to establish the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restore hormonal levels;
  • deliver trace elements and nutrients to the tissues of the body;
  • improve the protective functions of a person.

There is no difference in the effect of amino acids on female and male organisms: for a person who regularly intensively engages in bodybuilding, the daily intake of the substance should be approximately 1-2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Proteins that enter the body in the form of supplements perform the same functions in men and women, therefore protein powder is not divided into female and male (with rare exceptions in which sports nutrition may contain sex hormones, but this is necessarily indicated on the package).


In addition to gaining weight, a nutritional supplement can serve the exact opposite function and can be used for weight loss. This can be achieved by choosing the right diet, type and intensity of sports training. The consequence of regular exercise and low-calorie nutrition will be getting rid of excess deposits in the body. However, since the body begins to burn muscle as well as fat in a calorie deficit, it is important to consume enough protein while losing weight to prevent muscle loss.

Protein for weight loss for girls and men is needed not only to maintain the existing muscles, but also to build new muscle tissue. Amino acids help the body to properly lose weight, consuming only those accumulations that have a fat structure. At the same time, it is important to actively engage in sports, otherwise the consumed proteins will be deposited in the body by new folds. When consuming protein for weight loss, you need to adhere to this rule: there should be a minimum of harmful carbohydrates in the menu, and you need to consume 15% less calories than is spent per day.

Proteins in sports nutrition

There are a lot of product varieties and additives are divided according to the type of raw material and the degree of purification. In this case, the second factor plays a much smaller role than the first. Protein types and product use are closely related, as each type of supplement is different in its effectiveness and effect. To choose the right protein for a particular task, it is worth making out the characteristics of each type of protein.


The name of the product indicates that it is made from whey. A distinctive feature of this supplement is its rapid absorption (the process takes a minimum of time compared to other types of protein), therefore, it is better to use soluble whey protein immediately before or after training. The product contains meat protein and is therefore not suitable for vegetarians. By the degree of purification, it is divided into:

  • whey protein hydrolyzate;
  • Whey Protein Isolate
  • whey protein concentrate.


This type of food supplement has a higher price than others, but it has a more useful (rich) composition of amino acids. Nevertheless, casein protein takes longer to be absorbed by the body, so you should drink a cocktail in advance before training or even at night. In older people, casein protein can cause allergies, so use the protein with caution. The product is prepared by curdling milk, at home it can be replaced with natural sour cottage cheese (it is less fatty). According to the degree of purification, the product is divided into:

  • calcium caseinate;
  • casein micellar.

Soy protein

The substance is obtained from soybeans, so the product has a relatively low cost. However, plant proteins, including soy protein, lack a complete amino acid profile and are unable to stimulate protein synthesis in the same way that other types of food do. If you increase the dosage of the supplement and supplement the product with lecithin, the effect will be much better. The advantage of soy and hemp proteins is that they swell a lot when kneaded, which is very appropriate during weight loss (the drink makes you feel full).

Which protein is better

According to many athletes, whey protein is the best: the product is well absorbed by the body, saturating the body with useful substances to quickly restore such a source of energy as ATP. In addition, the supplement stimulates anabolism, thereby accelerating muscle growth. However, the main disadvantage of whey protein is its relatively high cost.

It cannot be said that the best protein is the one obtained from whey, because for each athlete one or another type of sports nutrition may be more useful, depending on the goals, systematicity and intensity of the athlete's training. Consider the pros and cons of each type of protein:

  1. Casein. The advantages of the supplement include the presence of all essential amino acids in the protein composition and its constancy, with which the body assimilates the product for a long time. So, taking a portion of protein at night, you don't have to worry about the destruction of muscle tissue - casein will provide the muscles with the necessary components for their recovery. The disadvantage of the supplement is considered to be poor digestibility: when it gets into the stomach, the protein is curdled, turning into a solid lump and slowing down the digestion process not only of its own, but also of all other types of protein. Casein should be used by those seeking to lose weight, as it gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
  2. Whey. The product is divided into three types according to the degree of purification, among which Whey Protein Isolate stands out favorably. Its advantages are pleasant taste, excellent quality and good digestibility. The supplement contains neither lactose nor fat, while the protein has all the necessary amino acids for the development and increase of muscle volume. The disadvantage of the supplement is the relatively high cost and a high probability of purchasing a low-quality product, since some manufacturers mix other types of protein into it.
  3. Soy. It is considered the least effective protein for athletes because it contains an incomplete set of amino acids. In addition, soy protein tends to transform into estrogenic, which is undesirable for male athletes. The advantage of the supplement is its benefits for the body: protein strengthens the immune system, normalizes cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  4. Egg. The advantages of the product are excellent digestibility and rich, perfectly balanced amino acid composition. The disadvantages of the additive include the high price and unpleasant taste.
  5. Fish protein. The disadvantage of the supplement is that the amino acids needed by the athlete's body in its composition are poorly absorbed, therefore the product is practically useless for the bodybuilder.
  6. Rice protein, pea protein, etc. Cereal proteins are not very effective for athletes who want to gain muscle mass, as they have a low biological value. In addition, plant amino acids are slowly broken down and absorbed. Some supplements contain inhibitors that slow down digestion. The advantage of the product is its low price.
  7. Meat. The supplement is practically free of cholesterol and fat and is made from beef protein. The advantage of the product is the presence of creatine in its composition, which further stimulates the growth of muscles and strength. In addition, meat protein is highly digestible and has a rich amino acid profile. The disadvantages of this type of sports nutrition include the high cost.

How to take protein correctly

For the growth of muscle mass, it is optimal for a person to consume 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. It is better to drink protein twice a day, since it is difficult for the body to absorb large amounts of protein at one time. In this case, it is better to use the cocktail between meals: on training days - between breakfast and lunch, and then immediately after class. On ordinary days, you can drink the primary intake of a protein drink instead of a daytime snack, and the second time - before dinner.

How to make a protein shake

To make a cocktail, you can simply mix the powder with water, juice, or milk. Optionally, you can make a multi-ingredient drink using recipes from the network. The main thing is that protein shakes should not be hot, otherwise some of the beneficial properties will be lost. Regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass, making cocktails is no different. Nevertheless, in the first case, you need to replace 1-2 meals a day with a protein drink, in the latter - to supplement the usual diet with amino acids. Cooking method:

  • measure out the required amount of protein with a measuring spoon;
  • add a little vanilla;
  • mix powder with lemonade or milk (200 ml);
  • shake the mixture in a shaker.

Benefit and harm

Protein is an indispensable aid in the process of building muscle tissue, which need additional building material during intense exertion. Like any product, the supplement has advantages and disadvantages. Other than helping to increase muscle volume, protein is useful for:

  • suppresses hunger, helping to reduce the daily calorie intake and thereby contributing to weight loss;
  • lowers blood sugar;
  • can serve as a hearty and healthy snack at work or on a trip;
  • with its help, you can make up for the lack of proteins in the diet, which is especially important for vegetarians;
  • includes a complex of amino acids necessary for the body;
  • quickly absorbed without leaving a feeling of heaviness;
  • helps to increase energy charge, strength, endurance;
  • normalizes insulin levels.

Besides the positive aspects, the protein supplement has several disadvantages. What can be the harm:

  • powder can cause eating disorders (this applies to people who are poorly lactose intolerant);
  • overdose of the supplement can damage the kidneys or liver;
  • chemical sweeteners, flavors and other substances added by manufacturers to the product are negatively reflected on the body.

Side effects

Read the label carefully before buying a sports supplement: the manufacturer usually lists the side effects of the protein. Problems from consuming casein / whey powder can occur in people who have bowel problems or lactose intolerance. In addition, when amino acids are abused, the kidneys are exposed to unnecessary stress. To avoid the development of pathological conditions, you need to control the amount of protein entering the body. Obesity can be another negative effect of too much protein intake.


Knowing what protein is and that a lack of protein leads to various disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems of a person, it is worthwhile to understand, nevertheless, that some protein is contraindicated. People with need to stop taking a sports supplement.

Protein is the most popular sports nutrition in the world. Like anything popular, protein intake has grown into a myriad of myths. Ranging from impotence when taking protein, to "protein - nutrition for jocks." In our article we will tell you what protein is, which foods contain it and why you need it. Let's also talk about the benefits and dangers of protein, and how much protein is absorbed in one meal.

What is Protein?

Protein or protein (in common parlance) is an organic compound consisting of amino acids. Under the name protein, you can combine all amino acids, proteins, caseins, isolates - all of this or protein or its components. Protein consists of 21 amino acids and only 8 of them the body is not able to synthesize on its own, they are irreplaceable. For example, it is only 3 essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine. We wrote about the features of bcaa and the need to use it in.

Protein benefits

Almost everything in our body consists of proteins: organs, muscles, hair, nails, skin, brain. The role of protein in human life is clear without unnecessary explanation.

What is protein responsible for in the human body?

  • Immunity... The antibodies that protect the body from infections are proteins.
  • Construction material... Protein is the foundation of the body.
  • Energy... 4 Kcal comes out of 1 gram of protein, but they are used when carbohydrate reserves are depleted.
  • Transportation... Hemoglobin, which is so important for athletes, is also a protein.
  • Exchange processes... Without proteins, not a single process occurs in the body.

Potential harm to protein

There are studies that suggest the dangers of a high protein diet. There is an increased load on the kidneys and liver, and there is a risk of dehydration. But all these side effects are associated with huge doses of protein (more than 5g per kg of body weight). Risks can be reduced by consuming both plant and animal proteins and by drinking enough fluids on a high-protein diet.

High doses of protein are no more harmful than high doses of fat or carbohydrates, but none of these are beneficial. All the scary stories about protein have no basis, especially the rumors about impotence. From meat, milk, cottage cheese, such problems never arose, but from protein they suddenly arose. It came from the field of bodybuilding, where, in addition to protein, more serious and harmful drugs are used. They just have such side effects, only they do not talk about their intake, and ordinary people see only protein. Protein, like meat, milk and other protein products, on the contrary, has a positive effect on all processes in the body, including reproductive functions.

List of foods that contain protein

You can cover the need for protein from proteins of plant and animal origin. If animal protein is complete, then vegetable protein does not have a complete amino acid composition. Therefore, vegetarians and vegans need to properly balance their diets and consume protein mixtures.

Below we have compiled lists of the most protein-rich foods. This does not mean that you need to eat only them, but most of the protein should come from them.

Animal protein: food list

  1. Hen... 20 g per 100 g A healthy and affordable product with a low fat content. The healthiest part is the breasts. Can be used in any form.
  2. Red fish... 22 g per 100 g Slightly more protein than chicken, but higher fat content. Fat is extremely useful (omega-3). For the price, not everyone is available for regular use, but you should not forget about this product.
  3. Beef... 19 g / 100 g A well-known, low-fat protein source. Beef steak is the food of any athlete.
  4. Cheese... 25 g per 100 g Due to its high fat content, this product is far from being the leader in sports diets. But do not forget to sprinkle the cheese on the pasta or season the chicken breast occasionally.
  5. Cottage cheese... 17 g / 100 g The best source of casein is a slow-digesting protein. We recommend to use it at night and in large intervals between meals. The satiety and nutrition of the muscles are guaranteed.
  6. Milk and kefir... 3 g per 100 g Milk is the fastest-digesting protein source. Not suitable as a standalone source, but ideal for scrambled eggs and protein shakes.

What foods contain vegetable protein? Grocery list

  1. Quinoa kernels... The most balanced vegetable protein. The amino acid composition is close to dairy products, and the protein content is 16 g per 100 g of product. Not the highest content, but the richest amino acid composition.
  2. Chia seeds... Protein content - 20 g per 100 g of product. In addition, they contain more calcium than dairy products. Recommended for vegans and vegetarians!
  3. Peanut paste... Protein 25 g per 100 g There are several disadvantages: high calorie content and a lot of fat. Although this fat is healthy, it is not recommended for those who count calories. But for marathoners, skiers, swimmers - a great snack.
  4. Chickpea... Lots of useful vitamins and minerals, plus 19 g of protein per 100 g of product.
  5. Peanut... More than 20 g of protein per 100 g. Delicious and healthy.
  6. Lentils and beans... Contains 17-23 g of protein per 100 g, depending on the variety

How much protein is absorbed in one meal?

There has long been information among athletes that it makes no sense to consume more than 30 g of protein at a time. Allegedly, everything from above will not be assimilated. Is it so? How much protein can our body actually absorb in 1 meal?

If a person does not assimilate more than 30 g of protein, then how do people who eat 3 times a day survive? And these are the majority, especially those who are engaged in hard physical labor. Based on this theory, for 3 times the body receives no more than 90 g of protein. Moreover, this is at best, and with a balanced diet. The protein norm for high physical activity is at least 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. In this case, there would be a constant protein deficiency and problems arising from it.

If this were so, then humanity could have long disappeared long ago. Our body is a complex system, much more complex than it seems at first glance. The digestion process is a whole chain of chemical reactions that are regulated by special hormones. Digestion can be artificially slowed down by the body in order to absorb as many nutrients as possible. Therefore, a person consuming 120 g of protein at a time and taking 4 times 30 g each will receive the same amount of protein. Both will survive and both will be healthy. The first will have one long digestion, the second 4 short ones.

Of course, it is better to split meals, not overeat or overload the digestive system. But you took 50 g of protein or 25 g - there is no difference for the body, the main thing is that you took it.

Eat right and be healthy 🙂 If you have something to add or object, write in the comments, we will discuss.

In today's article on sports nutrition, we will try to understand what protein is and what it is for. We will also learn about its importance in bodybuilding, types, method of administration, dangers and side effects.

Protein is a protein (derived from the English "protein")... It is a building material that any cell, tissue and organ of our body cannot do without. A large amount is found in seafood, meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, dairy products. It is also present in legumes (peas, beans), but the proteins in them are defective, in contrast to animal products. What does "inferior" mean? The set of amino acids is replaceable, that is, the human body can synthesize them itself. But in protein obtained from meat or fish, the amino acid composition is irreplaceable. Therefore, it is better to consume animal protein.

Why you need protein

In bodybuilding, protein is needed to build new muscle tissue and gain muscle mass. Bodybuilders eat in large quantities, at least 6 times a day. It is not always possible to prepare food or time to dine. In addition, any protein obtained from regular food takes time to be absorbed. And after sleep, for example, an instant flow of building material is needed, which will enter the bloodstream within 10-15 minutes and prevent catabolism. That's when supplements come to the rescue - protein powders.

You can learn more about how protein supplements are made.

Sports supplements include different types of protein. The most popular are three of them:

  • Whey - has a high degree of breakdown, due to which amino acids quickly enter the bloodstream. Promptly provides muscle mass with nutrients.
  • Casein - absorbed for a long time, about 6-8 hours, providing an even background of amino acids entering the blood. It is rarely used, as it can be replaced with cottage cheese.
  • Soy is a balanced variety with excellent absorption rates, but not as effective or popular as casein and whey. Nevertheless, it has a significant advantage - it is good at lowering cholesterol levels and helps with osteoporosis.

How to take protein correctly

An ordinary person leading a measured lifestyle needs at least 1 gram of protein for every kilogram of weight. For an athlete, this figure is 2 times higher (ideally 2.5 grams per kg of weight). And proteins obtained only from animal products are usually considered. For example, 100 grams of chicken breast contains about 22 grams of protein.

An athlete weighing 90 kilograms needs to consume about 180-225 grams per day, which equals 800-1000 grams of chicken breast. Theoretically, it is quite possible to overpower so much food, but it gets boring and, as mentioned above, sometimes protein is needed here and now, after sleep or before starting a workout.

When and how much protein to take? Everything will depend on the scarcity of your diet. But remember that supplements should not be more than 40-50% in the diet. The ideal time to take is immediately after a night's sleep. Your body has used up all the nutrients overnight and immediately needs building material.

After taking a serving of whey protein (30-40 g), wait 30 minutes and have a full breakfast. After training, be sure to go with fast carbohydrates such as bananas. The most delicious protein powder is mixed in 300-400 ml of milk, which will also add calories to the diet. For strict adherence to calorie intake, use ordinary water. Before going to bed, you need casein protein or a pack of cottage cheese, excluding carbohydrates.

The benefits and harms of protein

The more your muscle mass, the more protein you need. Protein deficiency causes various problems (with skin, body, nails, hair). It will literally save the muscles from drying out. This is especially true for those who regularly work out in the gym. Drinking a glass of sugary shake is often easier than eating a full meal with the same amount of protein.

There is practically none, except for its intolerance or abuse. It is important to remember that too much protein in the body should not be - this is unsafe for the kidneys. And low calorie content can rather be attributed to pluses than minuses.

Side effects

Of course, like any other product,. It directly depends on the composition of the powder used, therefore, before buying, you must carefully study the instructions. If you are allergic, for example, to milk, then you should not take casein protein - in this case, intestinal problems (pain, bloating, upset stomach) may appear. But given the low percentage of people who are allergic to casein, this supplement is safe in most cases.

If your body does not tolerate lactose (milk sugar) well, then you should refrain from taking whey protein, replacing it with whey isolate - it does not contain lactose. In this case, the side effect will be about the same as from dairy products, which is also extremely rare.

Protein nutrition is necessary for strength athletes to solve several main tasks: restoration and growth of muscles, increase in strength indicators, maintaining shape, burning subcutaneous fat. If an athlete does not get enough protein from simple foods, protein powder comes to his aid. You will learn about what this sports supplement is, how to take it, what to combine with, and also about many other things, you will learn from our article.

First, let's figure out the concepts.

Protein (translated from English - protein) is an organic compound consisting of a set of amino acids. In fact, the body builds its cells from this substance, including muscle fibers. Natural proteins are found in meat, fish, shellfish, cottage cheese, and plant products.

In the sports nutrition world, protein refers to powder supplements used as sources of high quality protein. In this article, we will talk about protein as a supplement for bodybuilders, powerlifters, and other strength athletes.

So, we figured out the concepts. Now let's look at the assignment. Once in the stomach, the protein is broken down into polypeptides by the action of hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin. After passing into the small intestine, the polypeptides are separated by digestive enzymes to separate constituents - amino acids.

Free amino acids are absorbed in the small intestine and into the bloodstream. Then they are carried throughout the body to perform their functions: tissue repair, building new cells, maintaining immunity, forming hormones, stimulating brain activity, strengthening the nervous system, and participating in metabolic processes.


The main ingredient of the powder is dried purified protein (60 to 95-98% per serving). Note that this sports supplement can be made from different products: beef, whey, eggs, soy. In addition, there are multicomponent mixtures that combine several types of protein compounds.

Manufacturers, as a rule, add various substances to the "base" ingredient that improve the taste, color, texture and nutritional value of the powder. These ingredients are sweeteners, flavors, vitamins, minerals, BCAA complex, digestive enzymes for better absorption.

It is worth noting that additional ingredients are not always beneficial. For example, sweeteners can slow down the weight loss process. Therefore, those who want to get a 100% safe product should purchase pure powder without impurities. This protein is tasteless and can be used in common meals.

Choose your product:

Production technology

Let us remind you that different products (meat, eggs, whey, soy) act as a raw material for protein. But in any case, production is based on the separation of protein compounds from fat and carbohydrates using special filtering membranes. After filtration, the protein is dried. Additional ingredients are added to the resulting powder and packaged in cans.

As an example, consider the manufacturing technology:

  • As a "source" used milk whey, which remains after the production of cheese or sweet butter;
  • The serum is heated to 72 ° C (pasteurization) to destroy bacteria, microbes;
  • Then the disinfected mass is split into proteins, fats, carbohydrates using ultrafiltration;
  • The final stage is the drying of proteins to a powdery state.

Meat and vegetable proteins are produced using a similar technology. The only difference is in the raw materials. In the first case, high-quality beef is used, in the second - soybeans, peas, wheat.

Difference of protein from gainer and amino acid complexes

Gainer- protein-carbohydrate product. The composition contains 20-30% protein, everything else is fast carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. The supplement is intended for lean athletes who find it difficult to gain weight. If your goal is to grow lean muscle, take pure protein. A gainer will not work for you, as it will increase your total body weight due to the accumulation of body fat.

The order of prices for gainers:

Amino acids (additive)- This is a protein that is broken down in production into smaller components. Chemically, there is no difference between AA and protein. But thanks to the structure, amino acids are absorbed faster, which is beneficial during and immediately after training. AK complexes are used when you need to quickly replenish the body's protein stores and prevent muscle breakdown (catabolism).

The cost of amino acids:

Protein in common foods

If you want to build muscle, you don't have to buy beautiful cans of protein. You can get the amount of protein from your regular diet. We offer a selection of products with the highest protein content. The calculation is presented for 100 g.

Products Protein content (g) Products Protein content (g)
Veal20 Tuna23
Pork14,5 Squid17
Chicken21 Mussels24
Chicken egg13 Octopus30
Turkey22 Soy35
Beef20 Beans22
Herring20 Cheese26
Pink salmon22 Cashew25
Red caviar32 Almond18

Protein in sports

In the introduction, we pointed out what protein powders are used for in strength disciplines. Now we will consider each item separately and in more detail.

Muscle recovery and growth

It is believed that muscles grow during strength training. In fact, this is not the case. Overcoming heavy loads, the athlete only "injures" the muscle fibers. After training, over the next two days, the body restores damaged tissues, building new cells in place of "microtraumas" (and with a margin). Thus, the muscles gradually increase in volume.

But the body cannot create new muscle fibers out of nothing. Therefore, the athlete must consume a large amount of protein foods. At the same time, high quality is desirable. If the athlete's diet is well balanced, then he does not need to take sports nutrition. But if the body does not receive enough protein from food, then the protein powder is indispensable.

Strength growth

As noted, protein helps repair and build muscle fibers. But everything is interconnected in the body. This means that not only muscles grow, but also ligaments and tendons are strengthened, innervation increases (the germination of nerve endings into cells). As a result, the neuromuscular connection improves and the athlete's strength characteristics increase.

Keeping in shape

It is unusual for the human body to gain excess muscle volume, since these tissues require a large amount of energy. Therefore, at any opportunity, the body will try to break down precious muscles for each athlete. To prevent this from happening, you must ensure a surplus of nutrients and, in particular, proteins. High quality protein is best suited for this purpose.

Burning subcutaneous fat

Protein supplementation helps to saturate the body without using heavy carbohydrate foods. As a result, the athlete reduces the total daily calorie intake, which contributes to the launch of weight loss processes. In addition, the body spends a lot of energy on the breakdown of protein into amino acids, which also helps to get rid of hated fat deposits in problem areas.

Do ordinary people need protein?

If a person who is not engaged in physical activity has a balanced diet in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, then there is no need for additional intake of sports supplements. If there is a constant shortage of protein compounds, then a protein powder may be useful. At the same time, the consumption rate of the supplement should be slightly lower than that of strength athletes. The recommended norm for ordinary people is about 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. If you drink large amounts of protein without exercising, it is likely that some of the supplement you take will be wasted.

It is worth noting that due to the dollar exchange rate, all protein powders are sold at rather high prices. You can get the same amount of protein from regular foods and at a lower price. Yes, protein is convenient, fast, but if the financial factor is decisive, then it is best to get the protein norm from natural meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese. In addition, it is undesirable to eat only one protein for a long time. The fact is that in addition to protein, natural products contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats. Without the use of these substances, the risk of developing serious diseases increases.

Protein benefits for men and women

The main benefits of protein consumption for men are the restoration of damaged fibers after training, as well as the construction of new cells. In addition, the supplement has a positive effect on the hormonal system. As a result, the production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for sex drive, muscle growth, character, mental acuity, and motivation, increases. We also note that a sufficient amount of protein in the diet maintains the nervous system in a healthy state, thereby helping a man to overcome stressful moments.

Protein powder is also recommended for women suffering from a lack of protein compounds. Firstly, when doing fitness, this supplement will help to keep the shape. Secondly, protein contributes to the maintenance of healthy hair, nails and skin. Thirdly, taking the powder saturates the body and reduces the total calorie content of the menu, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Fourth, regular consumption stimulates a high metabolism, which is also beneficial for reducing body fat.

As a rule, people who are far from sports and medicine talk about the dangers of protein. In this case, the main argument is the alleged chemical origin of the additive. In fact, there are no chemical reagents in the technology for the production of protein powder. The main manufacturing processes are pasteurization (heating to kill germs and bacteria), ultrafiltration using special membranes and heat drying. In addition, proven natural products are used as raw materials for the production of protein mixtures.

Side effects and overdose

Typically, protein powder does not have any negative effects on the body. But with regular, systematic excess of the consumption rates indicated by the manufacturer, problems with the kidneys and liver may occur. The solution in this case will be a significant reduction in the dosage of the additive.

Side effects of protein include digestive upset in people with lactose intolerance. In addition, whey formulas can cause allergic reactions on the skin or respiratory tract. Therefore, allergy sufferers are best off focusing on beef or egg proteins.

It is worth noting that some manufacturers add wheat starch, which contains gluten, to their products for better consistency. This vegetable protein is toxic to people with celiac disease. Therefore, before buying, be sure to read the composition on the back of the package.

How to calculate an individual dose

The optimal formula for athletes of both sexes is 2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. However, most of the protein should come with regular foods. The rest should be taken from the protein powder. Let's look at an example:

Initial data: an athlete weighing 80 kg, protein products in the daily diet - 10 chicken eggs, 200 g of chicken fillet.


  • The weight of an athlete is 80 kg, which means that he needs to eat 200 g of protein per day (80x2.5 = 200);
  • We calculate the amount of protein consumed from natural products: 10 eggs = about 50 g of protein, 200 g of fillet = about 50 g of protein;
  • Since the athlete receives half of the norm from natural products, it means that he must get another 100 g of protein from the protein;
  • A single serving of powder is usually 30-35 g. Therefore, the required daily amount of protein will be equal to three servings. You can add a fourth meal of a protein shake to 100% meet your body's needs.

Note that we took into account beef, egg and whey proteins. The amount of protein in these supplements is close to 100%. If you take a powder from plant materials, for example, from soybeans, then the numbers will be different. Soy protein contains an average of 20 grams of protein per serving. So, for the example presented, the recommended number of servings is five to six daily.

Ordinary people who are not involved in strength training, but have a lack of protein in the diet, should take 2 standard servings of whey protein (30-35 g each) in the morning and in the evening between snacks.

For athletes who regularly engage in physical activity, we recommend that you adhere to the following supplement regimen:

  • In the morning after waking up... Type: whey or multicomponent. The goal is to slow down the catabolic processes (muscle breakdown) that began at night. Note, in addition, you should eat carbohydrates (for example, oatmeal) to fill the body with energy;
  • Before training 30-40 minutes... Type: whey, beef or egg. The goal is to provide the body with protein to maintain muscle during exercise. In this case, it is also necessary to additionally consume carbohydrates;
  • It makes no sense to drink protein powder during training. because it takes a long time to digest. Better to take a serving of amino acids or a BCAA complex;
  • Immediately after training... Type: whey, egg or beef. The goal is to stop the processes of catabolism, to provide muscles with nutrition for growth and recovery;
  • Before bedtime... Type: casein or multicomponent. The goals are to block the processes of catabolism at night, to provide the muscles with slowly digestible nutrition.
  • On days of rest and recovery take the supplement between snacks.

A few words should be said about the liquid in which the protein is mixed.

  1. The easiest way is to dissolve the powder in clean boiled water.... The advantage of such a cocktail is the absence of additional calories, the disadvantage is not the most pleasant taste.
  2. The second cooking option is with milk... The plus of this drink is great taste, minus the extra calories. Therefore, protein with milk is not recommended for athletes who are on strict "drying" before the competition.
  3. The third way is to stir the protein powder in fruit juice.... The advantage is a pleasant taste, the disadvantage is the high content of fast carbohydrates. If the athlete is not drying, it is permissible to drink protein and juice after training to close the "carbohydrate window".

Combination with other supplements

We offer effective protein bundles with other types of sports nutrition:

  • With gainer... If you have a low protein gainer, you can add half a scoop of pure protein to it. The result is a high-energy post-workout product. This cocktail has enough protein for muscle recovery and fast carbohydrates for energy replenishment;
  • With creatine... The "blend" gives the muscles extra energy and nutrition. The quantity is selected individually. But, as a rule, 1 teaspoon (5 g) of creatine with a serving of protein is well absorbed. Reception time: one hour before training;
  • With BCAA Complex... The protein already contains a small amount of BCAA, but a combination of the two is acceptable. In theory, in such a mixture, the nutritional value of protein increases, which helps to more effectively restore microtrauma and increase muscle volume;
  • With L-carnitine... A common combination among bodybuilders. Such a bundle allows you to speed up weight loss, as it promotes the utilization of fats. Carnitine is sold separately in capsules. Mix one portion of each of the additives;
  • With glutamine... This amino acid stimulates the production of growth hormone and supports the immune system. The simultaneous combination with protein is prohibited. First, you should drink a portion of glutamine, after 35-40 minutes you can take a protein shake;
  • With fat burners... Do not drink both supplements at the same time. The fat burner is usually taken on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Protein should be consumed several times a day between snacks;

But protein should not be combined with complex amino acids. In essence, such a bundle is completely meaningless, since the protein powder is composed of AA. It is best to drink both supplements separately. For example, whey isolate before and after workout, and an amino acid complex during strength training to support muscles.

How to replace protein shakes

If there is no money for sports nutrition, then it is best to get protein from natural products: meat, poultry, eggs, fish, shellfish, cottage cheese, nuts. They contain all the essential amino acids, as well as vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

Protein can also be replaced with an amino acid complex. But let's note right away that no one does this. Because the price of AK is high. To get the same amount of protein as from protein, you have to eat several servings of amino acids, which is very expensive.

How to choose protein

Novice bodybuilders acquire sports nutrition either on the advice of experienced comrades, or under the influence of advertising. But very often it turns out that the chosen product does not suit them. We propose to analyze the factors affecting the quality of a protein powder. The information provided will help you find the right supplement.

Protein type by purification method

To obtain pure protein, fats, carbohydrates, and ballast substances are removed from the feedstock. Depending on the filtration method used in production, one or another type of protein is obtained:

  • Concentrate... Has a low filtration rate. Because of this, the amount of protein in the finished powder does not exceed 80%. Such a product is assimilated within one to two hours. The advantage of the concentrate is its low cost;
  • Isolate... At least double-cleaned. Due to this, the powder has a high nutritional value - the amount of protein is from 80 to 95%. The product is absorbed rather quickly (30-40 minutes). Has an affordable price;
  • Hydrolyzate... It goes through several stages of purification and is additionally processed with enzymes to break down amino acid chains. Thanks to this technology, the product practically does not contain impurities and is quickly absorbed (25-35 minutes). The amount of protein in the powder can be up to 98%. The disadvantage of such an additive is its high cost.

The concentrate is intended for those who cannot purchase a more expensive type of protein (for example, students). For experienced athletes who want to get the purest product with a high absorption rate, we recommend either a hydrolyzate.

Release form

There are three forms of protein. Each has its own pros and cons. Let's consider them in a little more detail:

  • The most common is powder... This product is sold in plastic cans and bags. Plus - high nutritional value. Minus - the need to stir;
  • Liquid protein is considered less popular.... Usually sold in small bottles. Advantage - easily soluble in water, disadvantage - high cost;
  • The third form is protein bars... Benefits - Saturates well, can be used as a complete snack. The disadvantage is a large amount of carbohydrates.

We recommend powder isolates for beginners. These supplements are high in protein and relatively inexpensive. Liquid protein is typically used by professional athletes when they need to fuel their muscles for long strength training sessions. The bars are suitable for everyone and are used when it is not possible to eat a full meal.

Protein type by feedstock

On cans of sports nutrition, you can find the inscriptions Casein, Whey, Soy, Beef and others. All these designations speak about the raw materials from which the additive is made.

  • Whey... Raw materials: whey left over from the production of cheese and butter. The advantage of this powder is its high-quality amino acid composition. It should be noted that whey powder contains a large amount of immunoglobulins (molecules that support the functioning of the immune system);
  • Casein... Raw material: milk used to make cheese. Depending on the purification technology, there are two different proteins: micellar casein and calcium caseinate. A micellar-based powder is considered preferable, since no chemical reagents are used in its production. The main advantage of all casein shakes is slow absorption, which allows you to use them before bed;
  • Beef... Raw materials: high quality beef. The production process is similar to the technology for making whey powder (pasteurization, filtration, drying). The advantage of the beef supplement is its high nutritional value. It is believed that this type of protein is 12-15% better "absorbed" by skeletal muscles than whey. The disadvantages of the additive include only the high cost;
  • Soy... Raw material: soybeans. The powder has a fairly high nutritional value, similar to whey protein, but it is slightly less digestible. Since the source is vegetable raw materials, the final product is free of lactose and cholesterol. It should be noted that soy protein is "heavy" for the stomach, therefore, with prolonged regular use, digestive system disorders are possible;
  • Egg... Raw materials: egg whites. This type of sports nutrition is recognized throughout the world as the standard for amino acid composition. The supplement does not contain carbohydrates, cholesterol, ballast substances. Egg powder is suitable for athletes who are allergic to dairy products. The disadvantage of the powder is considered to be a rather high cost. This is due to the price of raw materials and the complexity of the production technology;
  • Multi-component (Multi)... Raw materials: different types of protein (animal and vegetable). Such a powder, due to its complex composition, has a full amino acid profile, close to ideal. That is, the combination of different proteins increases the nutritional value of the supplement, making it more effective for muscle development. The multicomponent powder can be taken at night as it breaks down slowly.

We recommend whey isolates for novice athletes, as these supplements have a high nutritional value and are well absorbed. Beef and Egg Powders are great for professional bodybuilders looking for the best anabolic muscle response. Soy protein is useful for girls, as it contains isoflavones - substances that support women's health. Casein and multicomponent powders are suitable for everyone. They are best used as a bedtime snack to maintain muscle mass at night.

Protein rating

We have selected the popular protein supplements of 2018 for you:

  • MuscleTech Nitro-Tech (RUR 3400);
  • BPI Sports Best Protein (3700 rubles);
  • MuscleFarm Combat Powder (3000 rubles);
  • Dymatize Nutrition Elite Whey (RUB 4100);
  • Weider Day & Night Casein (4000 rubles);
  • BSN Syntha-6 (RUB 3200);
  • MuscleMeds Carnivor (3900 rubles);
  • Optimum Nutrition Gold Standart Whey (RUR 3700);
  • Dymatize Nutrition ISO-100 Hydrolyzed (RUR 3600);
  • Weider Gold Whey (3000 rubles).

Prices may vary depending on the volume of the package. More protein and current prices follow the link. The presented products are in deserved demand all over the world. Each of them will help you build quality muscle mass.


At the end of the article, we want to give one last recommendation to novice bodybuilders - do not take a large amount of supplements right away. High doses of protein can cause various types of allergies and eating disorders. Therefore, before buying a 4-5 kilogram jar, try to take a small 900-1000 g package. Carefully monitor your well-being, note all negative points. If taking a supplement is uncomfortable, ditch that manufacturer and try another one. So, gradually you will be able to choose sports nutrition that is ideally absorbed by your body.

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