Kirill Sarychev: oatmeal with protein, press and scales for the powerlifter. Bodybuilding porridge Protein shakes for weight loss: features

We recently talked about how, and also talked about. Today we are sharing recipes for a dish that everyone associates with waking up in the morning. Below are 5 recipes that will make your usual oatmeal tasty, satisfying and healthy, as well as energize the whole day!


3. Oatmeal with banana

If you love adding banana to your oatmeal, then this recipe is for you! This way of making oatmeal tastes like warm, freshly baked banana bread. And if you add cinnamon, nutmeg, and sweeten everything with brown sugar, breakfast instantly turns into a delicious dessert.


1 ripe banana
½ cup instant oatmeal
1 glass of water or milk

Cooking method:

1. Peel, chop and crush the banana, place on the bottom of the oatmeal bowl
2. Add a glass of water or milk to the oatmeal, stir
3. Put in the microwave for 2.5 minutes
4. Stir, add nuts and dried fruits (optional)

4. Pumpkin Oatmeal

No need to wait for autumn to feast on pumpkin. This oatmeal recipe can be enjoyed all year round! Pumpkin will not only make your morning taste like crisp October, but it will also energize with just 50 extra calories.


½ cup pumpkin puree
½ cup instant oatmeal
1 glass of water or milk

Don't forget about the squirrel!

The benefits of protein powder can hardly be overestimated - at the very least, it helps you build muscle and burn fat. Unfortunately, protein is still viewed by many as a tasteless substitute for real meat - especially for vegans, weightlifters and skinny people. And this, of course, is not entirely correct: at the moment there are an infinite number of very different types and tastes - enough to open your own culinary show. Here are nine recipes to spice up your protein diet.

1. Oatmeal for breakfast, oats for dinner

Oats contain soluble fiber and tons of nutrients - just what you need in the morning. Here's a great breakfast recipe: Add a scoop of protein to ground oatmeal or your hot breakfast and you'll be full until noon. Alternatively, you can put all of the above in yogurt in the evening - you will get excellent muesli in the morning. (We recommend serving with fruit).

Advice: To avoid lumps, mix the protein powder with water or milk, beat with a mixer and then mix with the oats.

2. Fritters and pancakes

Shrovetide, of course, is behind us, but this is not a reason to give up with jam. Especially if these pancakes are made with protein powder and are healthy. A child can also cope with their preparation: do everything according to your favorite recipe, but first add protein powder to the flour (and preferably ground cereals, such as oats).

3. Protein latte

Great breakfast drink - nutritious enough to replace your breakfast in case of need. Just mix the protein powder with the coffee (we recommend the vanilla flavor - it's a classic) and add some ghee and spices.

4. Protein soups

Let's make a reservation right away: you won't get tasty borscht with protein powder. And the pickle is unlikely to work. Protein powder will brighten only the thickest soups like tomato, onion or puree soup. Yes, you get something like a hot smoothie. If you are not ready for this, add the powder to the soup with meat: seafood soup or vegetable stew with stew is a good choice.

Advice: Add protein powder at the very end, when the soup (or whatever you got there) cools down properly - the powder should be protected from heating. And carefully calculate the portions: one tablespoon per person is more than enough. One last thing: do not pour the powder directly into the soup - first mix it with the broth or, in extreme cases, water, and beat well in a mixer to avoid lumps.

5. Protein Pasta Sauce

Pasta, of course, is not the most athletic food - and not at all suitable for people on a low-carb diet. However, if your Italian blood haunts, keep two life hacks in this case. First, take a substitute instead of pasta (there is golden bean fettuccini pasta or, for example, zucchini noodles) - this will spare your diet. Second, add protein powder to the sauce (again, one tablespoon per person is sufficient). And remember about the temperature - don't cook the protein sauce on the fire.

6. Sweet and spicy protein ice cream

Is it healthy to eat ice cream instead of a normal lunch? In the opinion of our fellow journalist Seth Porges, this is a great option. Porges himself dines on ice cream three times a week as part of his protein-based, low-carb diet. His favorite recipe, he also invented, is Sugar-Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream - it includes unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 100% cocoa powder, and spicy vegetable ice cream made from succulent cabbage or spinach and Japanese matcha tea powder. Sounds magnificent, doesn't it? Here's the whole recipe:

  1. 360 ml sugar-free vanilla almond milk
  2. 120 ml coconut oil
  3. 90 ml heavy cream or coconut cream
  4. 90 ml cream cheese
  5. 3 tablespoons peanut butter (or nut butter)
  6. 2 tablespoons 100% sugar-free cocoa powder
  7. 1 measured dose of protein powder
  8. 2 tablespoons psyllium husk
  9. 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  10. 2 tablespoons of flaxseed flour
  11. 1 teaspoon xanthan gum (optional)
  12. 1 tablespoon stevia (to taste)
  13. 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder or vanilla extract
  14. Mix all ingredients and add to ice cream maker

If you're not bold enough for your kale ice cream, replace it with chocolate and add peanut butter, cinnamon and stevia.

7. Protein muffins and cookies

If you can't deny yourself a dessert, try at least eating a sweet tooth - you can keep your blood sugar in the normal range by switching to muffins, cookies and cakes made from protein powder. (Basically, you can use any sweets that can be prepared without yeast.)

Advice: Protein powder is not a substitute for flour, so a rash as much as the recipe says is not a muffin protein alone.

8. Homemade protein bars

Of course, you can just buy them in the store - but making them yourself is much more interesting! If you (like us) are annoyed by their thick and sticky filling, you have something to replace it - mix protein powder with brown puffed rice, rolled oats, almond flour, nuts and cereals!

For these reasons, it is a very good pre- and post-workout meal. Pre-workout - energizes muscles without unnecessary heaviness in the abdomen. Post-workout - replenishes energy levels, nourishes muscles and improves recovery. In addition, oatmeal is suitable for a proper breakfast, for an afternoon meal and for dinner, that is, it will be useful at any time.

How to make oatmeal with protein


  • ¼ cups of oatmeal;
  • ½ milk;
  • ¼ cup vanilla whey protein;
  • 1 piece of candy crushed into several pieces;

Cooking method:

  1. In a non-stick saucepan, bring the milk and oatmeal to a boil, simmer for 3-5 minutes until the porridge is cooked through.
  2. Remove the porridge from the heat and let cool before adding the whey protein, otherwise it will curdle.
  3. Crumble the candies on top, you can start eating.
This is the fastest and most delicious oatmeal recipe!

Porridge can be made from oatmeal (grain) or oatmeal. Oatmeal is crushed and parboiled grains that have been prepared in advance. I recommend using instant oatmeal. Firstly, they are better absorbed, and secondly, they need to be cooked for only 1-2 minutes. But if you like cereal porridge more to your taste, then this is also a completely normal option. Oatmeal porridge is cooked from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the processing of the grains.

For these reasons, it is a very good pre- and post-workout meal. Pre-workout - energizes muscles without unnecessary heaviness in the abdomen. Post-workout - replenishes energy levels, nourishes muscles and improves recovery. In addition, oatmeal is suitable for a proper breakfast, for an afternoon meal and for dinner, that is, it will be useful at any time.

How to make oatmeal with protein


  • ¼ cups of oatmeal;
  • ½ milk;
  • ¼ cup vanilla whey protein;
  • 1 piece of candy crushed into several pieces;

Cooking method:

  1. In a non-stick saucepan, bring the milk and oatmeal to a boil, simmer for 3-5 minutes until the porridge is cooked through.
  2. Remove the porridge from the heat and let cool before adding the whey protein, otherwise it will curdle.
  3. Crumble the candies on top, you can start eating.

This is the fastest and most delicious oatmeal recipe!

Porridge can be made from oatmeal (grain) or oatmeal. Oatmeal is crushed and parboiled grains that have been prepared in advance. I recommend using instant oatmeal. Firstly, they are better absorbed, and secondly, they need to be cooked for only 1-2 minutes. But if you like cereal porridge more to your taste, then this is also a completely normal option. Oatmeal porridge is cooked from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the processing of the grains.


Now watch how they cook it on YouTube. As well as recommendations for cooking.

Calorie calculator for foods:

Enter the name of the product (for example "Oatmeal") and click the "Add" button

Ordinary tasteless breakfasts are a little boring, in the truest sense of the word! So please your taste buds with these six breakfast dishes.

Protein-filled morning meals are sure to make the most important meal of the day (and breakfast is the main meal of the day!) Even more special.

Don't get hung up on whipped up protein shakes and milk-based oatmeal. Make delicious and nutritious meals to keep your morning bright and vibrant.

1. Protein pancakes with chocolate syrup.

Who doesn't love chocolate, especially for breakfast? You don't need special ingredients for a simple recipe. Pancakes can be made with ingredients that are close at hand: egg whites, protein, and pancake syrup. This is the anabolic favorite of NPC member and bodybuilding contestant Vinnie Russo. Remove the supplies from the pantry and start cooking.

    Egg white - 5 pcs. Protein Powder - 1 Scoop (36 g) Chocolate Syrup - to taste

1. Mix egg whites with protein powder.

2.Pour the dough into a skillet and cook until it looks like a pancake.

3. Drizzle over chocolate syrup and serve.

Outcome: nutritional value per serving (1 pancake)

Caloric content - 128; Fat - 1.4 g; Carbohydrates - 3.6 g; Protein - 25.3 g;

2. Oatmeal muffins.

Not all muffins settle in the folds at the waist. This healthy forbidden treat recipe is one of the favorites of UK Bodybuilding & Fitness Champion Emma Peverly. The combination of oatmeal and eggs is great for breakfast, and the addition of protein powder turns them into the anabolic core of your morning arsenal. Cupcakes are nutritious and can be taken to work. Most importantly, they cook very quickly!

    Oatmeal - 2/3 cup Flour - 1/8 cup Protein powder - 2 scoops (72g) Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon Baking powder - 1/4 teaspoon Egg white - 2 pcs. Medium banana (sliced) - 1 pc. Milk (2% fat) - 120 ml Sweetener - to taste

1. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl.

2. Add the liquid ingredients to the dough and mix again.

3. Bake in the oven at 175 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes.

Outcome: Nutritional information per serving (1 cupcake)

Caloric content - 85 Fats - 1.2 g; Carbohydrates - 12.5 g; Protein - 8 g;

3. Fried tortillas.

Fried tortillas have never been considered a wholesome food, but this is fixable. The protein-rich version of the regular meal will help muscle growth and fuel your workouts. Use an occasional recipe to indulge yourself with this treat, or make tortillas part of your daily diet.

    Flour - 1 cup Protein Powder -1 Scoop (36g) Coconut Oil - 1 Tbsp. Salt - 1 teaspoon. Baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon Warm water - 1 glass. Cinnamon - 1/2 tablespoon

1. Place all dry ingredients in a bowl.

2. Punch a hole in the center, add coconut oil and water.

3. Mix by hand or with a blender. Add water if necessary to make a pliable dough.

4. Remove the dough from the bowl, dust the chopping board with flour and place the dough until it is nice and fluffy.

5. If necessary, add more flour to prevent the dough from getting too sticky. Roll out the dough into a very flat sheet and let it rest for a few minutes. Cut the dough into small squares and toss them into boiling coconut oil.

6. For a slightly healthier option, try baking in the oven!

7. Serve with honey, natural jam or preserves.

Outcome: nutritional value per serving (1 square)

Caloric content - 560; Fat - 17 g; Carbohydrates - 81 gr; Protein - 34 g;

4. Oatmeal with strawberries.

If you have little time in the morning, this recipe is definitely for you. Mix ingredients and refrigerate overnight. A blend of oatmeal, milk and berries is a sweet treat to wake up to!

    Protein powder - 1 scoop (36g) Milk (skim) - 240ml Oatmeal - 80g Greek yogurt - 150g Blueberries - 40g Strawberries - 40g Cinnamon - to taste

1. Soak oatmeal in milk and add a pinch of cinnamon.

2. Add halved strawberries, Greek yogurt, and protein powder in the morning.

3. Sprinkle blueberries and leftover strawberries over the top.

Outcome: nutritional value per serving (1 cup)

Caloric content - 803; Fat - 26 g; Carbohydrates - 90 gr; Protein - 44 g;

5. Banana pancakes.

Pancakes are rarely included in the ratings of wholesome and healthy food, but this does not mean that they should be completely excluded from the "fitness diet". Strictly speaking, protein pancakes will even bring you closer to your goals. Don't believe me? One of the lovers of this treat is NPC bodybuilder Shane Raymond, who adores them.

    Banana - 2 medium cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg - 1/2 teaspoon Baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon Protein powder - 2 scoops (72g) Egg white - 2 pcs. Coconut oil - 5 gr

1. Send bananas to a bowl and use a fork to puree them.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix.

3. Place the coconut oil in a large non-stick skillet and heat over low heat.

4. Pour mixture into skillet, fry until golden brown, then turn over.

5. After frying on both sides, place on a large plate.

6. Serve with fruits, berries, honey, and low fat Greek yogurt.

Outcome: nutritional value per serving (1 donut)

Caloric content - 475; Fat - 6 g; Carbohydrates - 60 gr; Protein - 45 g;

6. Protein cinnamon pancakes.

With the arrival of autumn, nothing sets you up for a wave of coziness and comfort like a mountain of pancakes with cinnamon. This is the favorite recipe of sportsman and cover model Meli Kologlu. In addition to its beneficial effects on glucose metabolism, a small pinch of cinnamon makes the taste truly homemade.

You can feast on these crêpes in the morning, or use them as a worthy reward for a good workout. Either way, you will love this recipe.

    Egg white - 2 pcs. Cinnamon - 2/3 teaspoon Vanilla extract - ½ teaspoon. Banana (ripe) - 2/3 pcs. Oatmeal - 1/8 cup Protein Powder - 1 Scoop (36g)

1. Combine banana, egg whites, cinnamon, vanilla extract, oatmeal, and protein powder.

2. Sprinkle cooking spray on the pan. Pour the dough into the pan.

3. Turn the pancakes over when they are browned.

4. Fry evenly on both sides.

5. Serve with sugar free syrup and enjoy!

Outcome: Nutritional value per serving (1 pancake)

Calories - 148 Fats - 2.3 g Carbohydrates - 15.2 g Proteins - 16.6 g

Protein is an organic compound that contains various variations of 21 amino acids. Protein is a part of any tissue: muscle, epithelial, cartilaginous, nervous and others. Protein is responsible for these functions in the body:

"Protection. Protein is part of immunological factors. which provide protection against pathogens.

»Building material for cells and organelles.

»Energy source. One gram of protein provides 4 kcal of energy.

»Transport of nutrients and oxygen.
»Cleansing cells. Proteins bind toxic substances and waste products of the body and remove them.
»Metabolism. Proteins take part in all processes of anabolism and catabolism and maintain a stable state of the body

Protein shakes account for up to 50% of your daily protein requirement.

Protein shakes for weight loss: features

Benefits of protein shakes for weight loss:

»Low calorie content
»Acceleration of metabolism
»Prolonged feeling of satiety
»Maintaining muscle mass
»Reducing the percentage of fat
»Prevention of surges in glucose and insulin

Protein shakes for weight loss are consumed in the morning as breakfast. The combination of a cocktail with the following products is allowed:

" Fruits
" Whole wheat bread

Protein shakes are drunk 2 hours before training and an hour and a half afterwards to increase energy levels, endurance and maintain muscle fibers.

Protein shakes for muscle growth: features

Protein shakes contain pure protein needed to synthesize new muscle fibers. Since protein is not stored in the body, continuous and regular supplementation is required. To accelerate muscle growth, calculate the amount of protein needed per kg of body weight.

Protein shakes for muscle growth:

»In the morning on an empty stomach to prevent muscle catabolism.
»Snacks between meals.
»After training for muscle growth.
»At night as a supply of plastic material.

Main components of drinks

Protein shakes are made up of the following ingredients:

»Milk is the main source of protein and fat. It is recommended to choose the product with the lowest fat percentage. Milk has a high glycemic index due to lactose and often causes digestive problems.
»Curd is a fermented milk product, contains less lactose and fat, is easier to digest and does not cause sudden surges in insulin.
»Egg whites. A medium egg contains up to 6 grams of protein. Eating fresh egg whites increases the risk of contracting salmonellosis. Whole protein contains antitryptase and avidin, which inhibits the release of digestive enzymes and reduces the absorption of biotin (vitamin H).
»Carbohydrates provide energy and improve protein absorption. Adding fruit, berries or honey will enhance the taste of the drink and enrich it with beneficial nutrients.

33 protein shake recipes

Milk curd base mix

»Milk - 350 ml
»Low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g

Oats with cranberries

»Milk - 100 ml
»Frozen cranberries - 50 g
»Oatmeal - 50 g
»Curd - 150 g

»Boil milk.
»Pour hot milk over the oatmeal and leave for 5-10 minutes.
»Use a blender to grind cottage cheese, berries and flakes until creamy.

Oats with bananas

»Honey - 10 ml
»Milk - 200 ml
»Banana - 1 pc.
»Curd - 120 g
»Oat flakes - 50 gr

»Boil the milk and pour over the oatmeal.
»Cut the banana into cubes.
»Grind banana, cottage cheese and oatmeal with a blender.
»Add honey and whisk again.

Oat Wheat Cocktail

»Cottage cheese - 250 g
»Milk - 250 ml
»Oatmeal - 25 g
»Wheat bran - 25 g
»Linseed oil - 20 ml

»Boil milk.
»Mix oatmeal with wheat bran and cover with milk. Leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes.
»Use a blender to grind the mixture of cereal and cottage cheese, pouring in a thin stream of flaxseed oil.

Kiwi honey

»Kiwi - 1 pc.
»Honey - 10 ml
»Soy milk - 300 ml
»Cottage cheese - 200 g

Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients and grind in a blender.


»Raspberry - 100 g
»Vegetable milk - 200 ml
»Curd - 200 ml

Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients and grind in a blender.

Flax with strawberries

»Vegetable milk - 100 ml
»Curd - 100 g
»Flax seeds - 30 g
»Strawberry - 100 g

»Boil milk.
»Pour milk over the flax seeds and leave for 10 minutes.
»Grind all ingredients with a blender.

Blueberry cocktail

»Milk - 250 ml
»Greek yogurt - 250 ml
»Blueberries - 100 g

Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients and grind in a blender.

Tangerine cocktail

»Soy milk - 300 ml

»Ricotta - 150 ml
»Mandarins - 2 pcs.
»Linseed oil - 5 ml

Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients and grind in a blender.

Strawberry with pineapple

»Soy milk - 100 ml
»Greek yogurt - 100 ml
»Strawberry - 100 g
»Pineapple juice - 30 ml
»Honey - 5 ml

Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients and grind in a blender.

Banana with spinach and avocado

»Milk - 250 ml
»Curd - 100 g
»Banana - 1 pc.
»Spinach - bunch
»Avocado - ½ pc.

»Bring milk to a boil.
»Cut the banana and avocado into cubes.
»Pour the spinach over with boiling water and chop into small pieces.
»Chop the banana, avocado and spinach in a mixer.
»Combine fruit mixture with other ingredients and whisk with a blender.

Peanut butter cocktail

»Coconut milk - 280 ml
»Blueberries - 80 g
»Peanut butter - 15 g
»Kiwi - 1 pc.

Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients and grind in a blender.

Nuts with seeds

»Soy milk - 250 ml
»Almonds - 4-8 kernels
»Pumpkin seeds - 15 g
»Sunflower seeds - 15 g
»Flax seeds - 15 g
»Banana - 1 pc.
»Honey - 5 ml

»Soak the seeds in water overnight.
»Cut the banana into cubes.
»Whisk all ingredients into a homogeneous mass using a blender.

Cocoa cocktail

»Almond milk - 200 ml
»Curd - 300 g
»Cocoa - 15 g
»Water - 200 ml

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients and beat with a whisk.

Banana Chia Smoothie

»Greek yogurt - 150 ml
»Skim milk - 100 ml
»Peanut butter - 15 g
»Banana - 1 pc.
»Chia seeds - 15 g
»Cinnamon - ½ tsp.

Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients and grind in a blender.

Egg cocktail

»Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
»Cashew nuts - 5 pcs.
»Cottage cheese - 200 g
»Milk - 50 ml

»Separate the yolk from the protein.
»Grind the nuts in a blender.
»Pour the rest of the ingredients into a blender bowl and whisk until frothy.

Powdered milk

»Milk - 500 ml
»Powdered milk - 50 g
»Raw egg white - 1 pc.
»Fruit syrup - 30 ml

Method of preparation: beat all the ingredients with a blender.

Cherry cocktail

»Curd - 100 g
»Soy milk - 100 ml
»Cherry juice - 100 ml
»Cherry (sweet cherry) - 100 g
»Egg white - 1 pc.

Ricotta with blackberries

»Milk - 200 ml
»Kefir - 200 ml
»Ricotta - 100 g
»Olive oil - 15 ml
»Blackberries - 100 gr

»Heat the blackberries until soft and rub through a sieve.
»Combine berry puree with other ingredients and beat with a blender.

Peach Protein Shake

»Soy milk - 200 ml
»Cottage cheese - 200 g
»Fresh peaches - 4 pcs.
»Oatmeal - 200 g
" Vanilla sugar

»Rinse peaches and scald with boiling water. Remove the skin, remove the bone and cut into cubes.
»Pour oatmeal with warm milk and leave for 10 minutes.
»Mix all ingredients and beat with a blender.

Almond mixture

»Almond milk - 200 ml
»Curd - 100 g
»Almonds - 100 g
»Dark chocolate - 50 g

»Fry the almonds in a skillet without oil, peel them.
»Grind the kernels in a mixer.
»Melt the chocolate in a water bath with 10 ml of milk.
»Pour all ingredients into a blender bowl and whisk.

Energy cocktail

»Coconut milk - 200 ml
»Banana - 1 pc.
»Avocado - ½ pc.
»Cherries - 100 g
»Egg white - 2 pcs.

Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients and grind in a blender.

Nuts with coconut

»Almonds - 20 kernels
»Coconut pulp - 100 g
»Cinnamon - ½ tsp.
»Honey - 60 ml
»Chia seeds - 30 g
»Milk - 400 ml
»Water - 100 ml

»Soak the almonds overnight. Drain the water in the morning and peel the kernels.
»Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Spirulina with apple

»Spinach - 2 bunches
»Green apple - 1 pc.
»Spirulina powder - 10 g
»Chia seeds - 30 g
»Nut milk - 200 ml
»Hemp powder - 30 g

Method of preparation: combine all the ingredients and grind in a blender ..

Spinach and flax

»Soy milk - 200 ml
»Coconut water - 150 ml
»Spinach - 100 g
»Flax seeds - 15 g
»Coconut milk - 50 ml

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients and beat until smooth.

Apple with cinnamon

»Oatmeal - 100 g
»Cold water - 100 g
»Cinnamon - ½ tsp.
»Nutmeg - ½ tsp.
»Almond oil - 15 ml
»Coconut milk - 100 ml
»Apple - 1 pc.

»Peel and core the apple.
»Mix oatmeal and water in a blender and beat for 2-3 minutes.
»Add the rest of the ingredients and beat until smooth.
»Pour into a glass and top with cinnamon and nutmeg.

Coffee with nuts

»Coffee - 100 ml
»Cocoa powder - 15 g
»Chia seeds - 30 g
»Pine nut - 100 g
»Almond milk - 200 ml
»Curd - 100 g
»Cashews - 20 pcs.

»Soak cashews overnight.
»Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and beat until smooth.

Strawberries with chia

»Creamy curd - 100 g
»Almond milk - 200 ml
»Strawberry - 100 g
»Chia seeds - 30 g
»Brown sugar - 15 g

»Preheat oven to 220 degrees.
»Rinse the strawberries, cut in half and place them on baking paper on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with sugar.
»Bake for 15 minutes.
»Place strawberries and berry juice in a blender bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and beat.

Hot chocolate

»Kefir - 600 ml
»Egg - 3 pcs.
»Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.
»Vanilla extract - ½ tsp.
»Honey - 15 ml

Papaya and ginger

»Papaya - 150 g
»Greek yogurt - 100 ml
»Ginger - 2 tsp.
»Lemon juice - 15 ml
»Agave nectar (honey) - 5 ml
" Mint leaves

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients and beat with a blender.


»Whole milk - 200 ml
»Curd - 100 g
»Pomegranate seeds - 100 g
»Pomegranate juice - 50 ml

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients and beat with a blender.

Carrot cake

»Grated coconut - 30 g
»Walnuts - 30 g
»Carrots - 1 pc.
»Greek yogurt - 100 ml
»Orange - ½ pc.
»Honey - 5 ml
»Coconut water - 100 ml
»Cinnamon - ¼ tsp

»Peel and finely grate the carrots.
»Chop the walnuts.
»Peel and slice the orange.
»Whisk all ingredients with a blender.

Acai with kale

»Almond milk - 100 ml
»Banana - 1 pc.
»Raspberry - 50 g
»Blueberries - 50 g
»Kale cabbage - 100 g
»Flax seeds - 15 g
»Chia seeds - 15 g
»Acai powder - 15 g
»Cinnamon - ¼ tsp

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients and beat with a blender.

Protein Shakes Benefits

»Fast Calorie Counting
»Long-term preservation of a feeling of fullness
»Overeating prevention
»Compliance with the drinking regime
»Promote the formation of new cells
»Prevention of premature cell degeneration and decay
»Improving the condition of skin, hair and bones
"Increased energy levels and stamina
"Improving power performance
»Low time spent on cooking


Protein shakes should be used with caution in such cases:

»Lactose intolerance
»Egg white intolerance
»Disruption of the kidneys and liver
»Violation of the digestive

Porridge is suitable for nutrition of athletes of all sports! This is a great start to the day for people who prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle. Like Protein Porridge is a completely new product.

You have not tried this yet!

Protein cereals are available in three flavors:

  • Chocolate;
  • Banana;
  • Berries.

The product has an excellent, rich taste. Does not contain harmful substances, perfectly satisfy hunger and energize. In addition, oatmeal can be mixed to create a new, unique flavor. The basis for porridge is whey protein. Each serving contains 25% natural protein. The product contains the right slow carbohydrates and vitamins. The main advantage of Like protein cereals is convenience. One packet is equivalent to one serving that can saturate the body. In addition, the price of the product is acceptable and anyone can afford it.

Benefits of protein cereals Like:

  • Benefit. Each serving is packed with vitamins, protein and carbohydrates.
  • Taste. The natural rich taste of porridge will allow you to enjoy your meal at any time of the day.
  • Convenience. One serving is 50 grams. This allows you to feel full and not overeat.
  • Price. The cost of the product is acceptable for everyone.

After breakfast with Like oatmeal, you will feel a burst of energy, vigor and good mood! It is also useful to eat oatmeal during the training field. The product will help you quickly recover and recharge your batteries. A great way to train yourself to start the day right.

The manufacturer reserves the right to change the appearance of the product and its composition. We try to make changes in the description of the goods in time, but if you find any discrepancy - let us know.

a brief description of

Taste - wild berries

  • Energy value - 377.60 kcal
  • Fat - 8.2 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 49.8 g
  • of which sugar - 6g.
  • Dietary fiber - 4.43 g.
  • Protein - 23.59g
  • Sodium - 210.6 mg
  • Magnesium - 51.5 mg
  • Iron - 86.2 mg

Taste - chocolate

  • Energy value - 388.19 kcal
  • Fat - 8.7 g.
  • of which unsaturated - 4.99 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 51g
  • of which sugar - 6.8 g.
  • Dietary fiber - 4.43 g.
  • Protein - 23.9g
  • Sodium - 210.6 mg
  • Magnesium - 51.5 mg
  • Iron - 86.2 mg

Taste - banana

  • Energy value - 387.36 kcal
  • Fat - 9g.
  • of which unsaturated - 4.99 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 50.1g
  • of which sugar - 4g.
  • Dietary fiber - 4.43 g.
  • Protein - 23.9g
  • Sodium - 210.6 mg
  • Magnesium - 51.5 mg
  • Iron - 86.2 mg

Ingredients: oat flakes, not requiring cooking, whey protein concentrate 80%, skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, sugar (3.4g); taste - wild berries: dried raspberries, dried black currants, flavoring additive identical to natural: wild berries; taste - chocolate: cocoa powder, flavoring additive identical to natural: chocolate; taste - banana: ground dried bananas, flavoring additive identical to natural: banana.


Consume with breakfast and after exercise.

One sachet should be filled with 80 ml. boiling water or milk, mix thoroughly and let stand for 3 minutes, covered with a lid.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product.

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