DIY chip tuning - you like to ride, love and strain. How to make engine tuning chip and give new life to your car Self-tuning chip tuning

Drivers approach the choice of a car quite responsibly and with great trepidation. However, over time technical characteristics the engine may not be enough. On the other hand, buying a new and more powerful car is an extremely expensive decision. The ideal way out of this unpleasant situation is engine chip tuning, which in last years gained really wild popularity. In this article, we will talk about how to do chip tuning with your own hands and what a novice master needs to know and be able to do in order to prevent annoying mistakes and not ruin the software stuffing of expensive nodes.

Ideal alternative

Not so long ago, it seemed impossible to do chip tuning of an automobile engine. Why? The fact is that modern internal combustion engines without fail are equipped with an ECU, or simply electronic control units. The electronic filling made it possible to programmatically adjust the characteristics of both the internal combustion engine itself and each of its individual units.

The internal combustion engine of old-style cars does not have such electronics, so all settings are made exclusively mechanically. What is the progenitor of chip tuning, and what methods were popular before the advent of electronics in the design of modern engines? Such operations for modifying engines include the use of turbocharging, pistons and connecting rods made of lightweight materials, and other types of intervention in the standard design.

It is almost impossible to do such an operation on your own without certain skills and equipment. In addition, do not forget about the elementary risks: any repair carried out illiterately can have a deplorable effect on the condition of both the engine and the car as a whole.

For this reason, chip tuning is much easier. In addition, in this case, you will not have to interfere with the design of the internal combustion engine, change the parameters of its components and disassemble the complex and sensitive mechanism.

ICE chip tuning is not always done independently, however, in any case, this operation is simpler and faster than the usual methods of ICE modernization. What is it?

The fact is that the electronic engine control unit is endowed with a program, which is a translated binary code and is written to the built-in data carrier using a computer. This program, in fact, controls and changes the operating modes of the internal combustion engine, allowing it to reveal its potential to one degree or another.

The modern automotive industry is trying to make the car transport not so much powerful and comfortable, but rather environmentally friendly and safe for the environment... For this reason, many engine models do not try to make them as powerful as possible, cutting their characteristics artificially for the sake of lower fuel consumption and emissions of combustion products into the environment.

To return the engine to the potential that it possesses, the firmware developers changed the standard programs of the control units in such a way that the internal combustion engine would give out its maximum parameters. At the same time, the amount of emissions increases, but, despite this, the fuel consumption becomes less, and the comfort of control and the dynamics of acceleration are incomparable with those that were before the flashing procedure.

How it's done?

To do chip tuning with your own hands, in addition to the car itself, you must have two important components, without which this operation, in fact, cannot be performed. The first part is a special adapter. Its task is to interact with a laptop or personal computer with the machine by connecting it to its diagnostic connector. Usually, you need to look for such a connector under the steering column, but it will not be superfluous to clarify this point in the documentation supplied with the car.

The second component is software and firmware, which will ultimately be incorporated into the electronic engine control unit. The software that must be installed on the computer is usually included on a CD-ROM along with the adapter itself. If there is no such disk, usually the operating instructions indicate the site from which you can download the desired distribution kit.

With the second part, everything is somewhat more complicated. Several programs usually come on the same CD as the installation file for the computer program. But the problem is that for each individual engine model its own program is used, which may not be in the public domain. Usually, in these cases, the program is purchased on specialized sites, and then transferred to a computer and firmware is produced.

How is the procedure itself performed? The first step is to find the diagnostic connector and connect the adapter to it. Then a laptop is connected to the adapter with running program and wait for the software to "find" the machine and connect to its unit for recording.

The attached program allows you to read only files of a certain format. For this reason, you should not be surprised if an incorrectly selected file will not load or will cause a memory error, which will indicate the impossibility of flashing.

If there are no problems with the format, then the next step will be the actual process of starting the firmware, which can last from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the ICE model, adapter and software version. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to turn off and start the engine. It is also worth monitoring the state of charge of the laptop battery itself, because if the process is suddenly interrupted, the ECU can easily turn into a "brick".

At the end of the process, the program will display a message about the successfully completed operation. If all is well, then the internal combustion engine will start without problems and will not emit extraneous noise. Usually, the difference is felt during acceleration: the car starts to go faster, and its dynamics becomes an order of magnitude better than the old one.

Is it worth it or not?

Of course, chip tuning will not work for free in any case. If you produce it on your own, then an adapter will cost a pretty penny, which is not always easy to find on the free market. If you go to a third-party company, it will cost less. So, usually the cost of the firmware varies from 5 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the make and model of the car.

If a motor is stitched that is not equipped with a turbine, the effect will not be so noticeable. So, on average, the increase in power and torque is 10-15 percent, and fuel consumption is reduced by no more than one liter per hundred kilometers. True, the price of such a firmware will be minimal.

Owners of turbocharged internal combustion engines will feel the difference in almost all cases. On average, the increase in performance is from 30 to 40 percent: twice as much as that of any atmospheric internal combustion engine. In addition, the reduction in fuel consumption is also more noticeable: in various cases, the difference can be up to 30 percent in all driving modes.


Summing up, we can confidently say one thing: chip tuning is the most modern and safest way to increase the potential of a car and its characteristics. Despite the fact that such a procedure is not cheap, it allows you not to interfere with the mechanics of the internal combustion engine and increase its capabilities. The main thing is not to save money and buy official hardware and software: in this case, problems with the firmware usually do not arise.

For most cars, especially foreign cars, the operation of the engine and associated gearbox is controlled by an electronic unit (ECU or ECU). Naturally, everything is based on computer program, which analyzes the current parameters of the motor and gives an installation for their further correction. This happens in real time every your trip. The same system is able to notice errors in the operation of mechanisms, promptly notifying the owner about this. The reported problem code enables car service workers without extra spending time to help.

The program with which the ECU is equipped is called the word "firmware", which is quite common in the world of gadgets. It is she who includes many summary tables of parameters, which she relies on when analyzing the data collected from various sensors and sending further commands to the engine compartment. This allows you to use fuel sparingly and reduce wear on the mechanisms. Accessing these settings and changing them slightly means chip tuning. As a rule, car owners try to accelerate the torque and power of the engine above the level set in the factory program.

2 Difficulties associated with chip tuning

Obviously, in order to exclude a situation when anyone can get into the "brain" of the car control unit and spoil something, there is a kind of protection. This role is played by the checksum of the program. If you change the firmware parameters, the checksum will not converge, and your engine will run in safe mode or refuse to respond to commands at all. The dashboard will give an error of the appropriate type, and this is where all your endeavors will end. No upgrade will work.

To prevent this from happening, you should use special equipment for chip tuning and high-quality firmware. It provides for the correction of the checksum, and depending on the ECU model and software specifications, you can save the basic settings in parallel with the new ones, and even have three control modes. True, to switch between programs while driving, you will need an additional device. StepPower.

Specialized equipment will not force you to search for the necessary tables on your own, in which you can change the parameters during chip tuning, because modern foreign cars can have more than 100 programmed parameters.

3 What to be puzzled with before chip tuning?

Most cars that come to a specialized service rarely get upgraded right away. Surely, the owner will have to "patch up" the health of his transport a little, and the owners of not very old foreign cars are no exception. The thing is that it is possible to reflash the ECU only on an exceptionally serviceable vehicle so that nothing distorts the readings of the sensors, otherwise you may simply not notice the effect of such work.

Therefore, if you ever plan to make a chip tuning, then it is better to do it right after the purchase, and not waiting for the right moment. Some more nuances are important.

  • It is not worth starting to hack the official program without preliminary diagnostics of all car systems, even on a new car.
  • Also, all owners should first make sure that chip tuning is generally possible for their cars, if your ECU is blocked from any intervention, you will not succeed even with the most advanced equipment.
  • And, of course, inquire about how effective this software upgrade is in your car. For some foreign cars, all options are selected and so optimally, and your efforts can be wasted, and even lead to errors.

4 Chip tuning equipment - what do you need?

In order to carry out chip tuning of cars, you will need a laptop, a programmer, the firmware itself on the disk, preferably licensed, and a set of adapters... You should be careful about the choice of programs, because they are very selective, you definitely need to know the type ( Bosch, Delphi, Valeo etc.), the version and modification of the control unit, as well as the availability of additional modules. If you consider yourself a pro, then you can change the ECU settings yourself, and not use ready-made firmware. There is also special software for this, for example, ChipTuningPRO.

In general, the most important link is the programmer, your peace of mind and the result depend on its abilities. If you have made up your mind to the manufacturer of chip tuning cars, then you will have to master the interface of this device. Depending on the cost and complexity of these devices, you can either simply read the data and enter the parameters of new firmware, or even get into closed processes. In a set, such equipment, as a rule, has all the necessary pads and adapters.

The intermediate class of devices will cost you $ 120, there is quite decent functionality, it serves the ECU of foreign cars and domestic cars. Programmers have proven themselves well in this price range Galletto series MASTER... Well, for those who want to perform a minimum of operations and are not going to experiment, a simpler device is suitable that does not penetrate "deeply", but is able to make the optimal minimum for ECU firmware. An example is Galletto 1260, costing no more than $ 40. The only drawback is the limited set of serviced types of ECUs, but this can be solved simply, you need to choose the equipment you need.

  1. Notebook.
  2. Programmer.
  3. Adapters.

Equipment can be purchased. But if you do the chip tuning with your own hands because of the savings, then it is doubtful. Option - ask friends or acquaintances. But even with all the components in place, there may not be enough experience that professional chip tuners have gained over the years. The risk of incorrect firmware increases. There are many cases in practice.

  • You can learn new things;

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Many people want to make a chip tuning of the engine with their own hands. Car owners find flashing an ECU on their own as a simple matter. "The master did it in half an hour, so I can do it myself." The desire to save money and do it yourself is typical for the owners of those cars that do not open when flashing. In difficult cases, the number of enthusiasts drops sharply. For example, among the owners of Suzuki Vitara.

What you need for self-chip tuning

  1. Official and professional firmware. Nobody will give a guarantee of the relevance and performance of versions on torrents. ADACT firmware can only be downloaded through the official store. Distribution via the Internet is not possible; a special SenseLock key is used for protection.
  2. Notebook.
  3. Special software.
  4. Programmer.
  5. Adapters.

Equipment can be purchased. But if you do the chip tuning with your own hands because of the savings, then it is doubtful. Option - ask friends or acquaintances. But even with all the components in place, there may not be enough experience that professional chip tuners have gained over the years. The risk of incorrect firmware increases. There are many cases in practice.

There are those who are so well versed that they can independently flash the car without any problems. But there are only a few such car owners.

Pros of DIY chip tuning

  • Slightly cheaper if you have the equipment;
  • You can learn new things;
  • If you like it, you can become a professional chip tuner.

Cons of DIY chip tuning

  • The risk of choosing the wrong firmware if you take it from the public domain;
  • Time spent to understand the process;
  • The risk of errors, for the correction of which you will have to contact a professional.
  • Savings in the case of purchasing equipment are negligible or absent.

Whether to do the chip tuning yourself is up to you. We do not recommend doing this if you are not 100% sure of your knowledge and skills. Lack of experience will lead to sad consequences. Contact the professionals at ADACT. We have favorable prices. The savings are not worth the potential risks and time spent. See for yourself. Check out the average chip tuning prices for your model.

Some self-taught motorists successfully diagnose the power units of not only their car, but also close friends and relatives. Those who want to increase their knowledge base and their abilities often think about how to do this, however, they do not even know where to start, they do not know what they need for this and what minimum savings will be needed to purchase special equipment.

It is much easier to master the basics of chip tuning for someone who has at least minimal knowledge in the field of internal combustion engines, knows how to work with electrical equipment, read electrical circuits, is an active computer user, knows how to work with electronic databases and various diagnostic devices. A person conducting diagnostics and chip tuning should know well the features of the engine device, understand modern systems injection.

Chip tuning is a simple procedure, but it still requires some experience for a high-quality result.

In the article below, we will consider the basic concepts that will help every interested motorist understand the basics of chip tuning.

Specialist training

In addition to hardware and special software, anyone who wants to learn chip tuning is interested in the issue of training. True, even despite the fact that some companies recruit groups of car owners for training in chip tuning, in fact, few of them receive useful knowledge that will help in the future to provide high-quality services to other motorists. Most often, the person who makes the chip tuning, the training takes place directly in practice, by trial and error learns to "understand" the power unit, change its properties, etc.

Special equipment

If a car enthusiast does not know where to start carrying out chip tuning, he should at least roughly know about the amount that will be useful to him later. As practice shows, most vehicle owners will gladly give their car to a qualified specialist who, using modern technologies, will be able to qualitatively diagnose the power unit, even if you have to pay a lot of money for it. Professional repairs and chip tuning are in demand much more than the subjective opinion of a specific "specialist" who relies solely on his skills and carries out the procedure for checking the engine only through his intuition and knowledge.

The fundamentals of chip tuning cannot be considered separately from the configuration of the diagnostic area. It is worth noting that the equipment intended for high-quality diagnostics and chip tuning of the power unit is divided into three main types. Any modern site for engine chip tuning cannot do without such devices, which is why it is advisable to have at least one representative of each type, which will optimize the process and clarify the verification results. So, the types of diagnostic equipment for chip tuning:

  • scanners;
  • motor testers;
  • gas analyzers.


Any modern scanner is capable of checking the electronic control unit of the motor, informing the diagnosing specialist about the current state of the power unit. Using the scanner in your work, you can:

  • see the signals coming from the system sensors, as well as track their changes over time;
  • learn about the functioning of various executive elements of the system through visual control;
  • check the unit malfunctions by reviewing the codes stored in the system;
  • find out the identification data of the ECU.

Those who are interested in chip tuning for beginners should understand that the readings of any scanner are nothing more than a display of the data stored in the ECU. In this connection, the specialist conducting diagnostics and chip tuning does not perceive the displayed values ​​as real values ​​of certain parameters. The scanner is only capable of displaying data, without first determining it the way measuring instruments do. In addition to displaying parameters, scanners are aware of the codes of the existing malfunctions. True, one should not treat all the codes indicated by the scanner as an inducement to urgently replace or repair one or another motor part. Any reading from a scanning device should, first of all, prompt a specialist to think further and search for real threats.

There are portable and software chip tuning scanners on sale that cannot function separately from a PC. When purchasing software, you need a laptop equipped with a COM port or a PCMCI-COM adapter. Along with this, you will have to purchase a K-Line adapter with many wires and connectors.

To carry out chip tuning, each technician must undergo training in various diagnostic software. Some people choose low-cost applications for work, like SMS-Diagnostic (allows you to check new VAZ / GAZ ECMs). If a car enthusiast is going to diagnose various foreign cars, then he will most likely need to buy either several highly specialized scanners, or one universal unit that has fewer capabilities.


The basic concepts of chip tuning can be disclosed only with a full study of all types of devices necessary for work. For example, motor testers are measuring instruments that read data directly from the powertrain, while identifying those malfunctions that no scanner can detect. Motor testers determine voltage waveforms, sensor currents, display high voltage and pressure waveforms in cylinders. In addition, these multifunctional devices contribute to the measurement of fuel pressure, starter current and UOZ (which must be taken into account when carrying out chip tuning).

For example, the motortester allows you to indirectly evaluate the ignition and combustion of the fuel-air mixture, for which the device provides for the presence of secondary voltage oscillograms. Thanks to the graph obtained after measurements, you can understand:

  • whether the timing phases are correctly set;
  • what is the state of the cylinder-piston group;
  • is there an air leak in the intake tract;
  • what are the indicators of the back pressure of the exhaust system;
  • state of a corner of an advancing of ignition.

The motor tester easily (within a few minutes) detects the presence of an open or interturn short circuit in the injectors, carries out a high-quality measurement of the starting current (thanks to this, the diagnostic specialist evaluates the condition of the battery and starter). In addition, the device checks the functionality of various sensors, which makes chip tuning a simpler and easier procedure.

Those who are interested in chip tuning for beginners should be prepared for the fact that buying a motor tester will require huge costs. There are many different devices on the Russian market; Quantex Laboratory devices have a good price-quality ratio.

Gas analyzers

As for this device, the four-component devices showed themselves best of all. Previously actively used for chip tuning two-component units together with carburetors are no longer found in more or less "cool" service centers. Therefore, it is necessary to buy only high-quality gas analyzers, which allow not to "adjust CO", but only to become a source for diagnosed information.

The basics of chip tuning imply the presence of all three types of devices, which, using completely different methods of determining the data, are able to give different information to the motorist. Naturally, there are parameters that can be equally accurately determined by all three units, however, in most cases, all data for each device is unique. It should be understood that competent troubleshooting should be based solely on the analysis of the obtained data and measurements.

Auxiliary devices

In addition to the main equipment, those who begin to carry out the chip-tuning procedure of a car can purchase various auxiliary devices that allow them to optimize their work, including:

  • fuel pressure gauge;
  • a device that allows you to clean the nozzles;
  • stands, contributing to the quality check of spark plugs or ignition modules;
  • ampere-voltmeter;
  • high-quality tools;
  • various devices and devices used by experienced craftsmen, manufactured exclusively "for a specialist".

Additional expenses

If a motorist knows what chip tuning is, the basic concepts of which he has already mastered in practice (most likely, by diagnosing the power unit of his car), in order to fully check the engines, he will have to buy such devices as:

  • control unit programmer with flash drive ( trial version applications can be downloaded from a thematic web resource, and, after a while, having accumulated knowledge and customers, you can purchase a full commercial version);
  • ROM programmer;
  • an ultraviolet lamp to erase the EPROM;
  • special tools for soldering.

It is worth noting that all of the above devices are not needed for diagnostics and chip tuning of new cars, however, in the absence of them, it will be very difficult to check the state of the power unit of foreign passenger cars of the 90s.

At the same time, even chip tuning for beginners cannot do without a complete set of all kinds of firmware, selected absolutely for all types of ECM. The type of equipment purchased, which can be both free and commercial, depends on the abilities and capabilities of the master. It should be noted that some specialists use exclusively their own developments.

In addition to a list of cool software applications, any craftsman should have decent quality locksmith tools. Many motorists who turn to re-flashing the "brains" of the motor are brought to the service center by a banal engine malfunction. The chip tuning master should be ready not only for diagnostics, but also for the forced repair of the engine.

The principle of diagnostics for beginners

A person diagnosing a car must not only with all programs and devices, he must necessarily collect information and process it, and then make a final decision.

If a client comes to a chip tuning specialist, the first step is to conduct a survey to find out about the essence of the problem, ask about when and how the malfunction manifests itself.

It is also necessary to visually inspect the engine compartment. The foreman must make sure that there is no visible damage associated with electrical wiring, hoses and high-voltage wires.

Working with tools and software applications should be the third step, first, using the scanner, you will need to determine the type of ECU and system. After establishing the type of factory firmware, it is necessary to remember its advantages and possible disadvantages, composition and features.

At the fourth stage, you need to check the candles, a specialist must by sight determine the amount of carbon present on them and the color of the resulting coating. Attention should be paid to breakdowns on the insulator.

After carrying out such a complex procedure, the diagnostic car specialist receives a lot of data that he will have to compare with each other in order to make a detailed analysis and conclusion.


It is difficult for a novice master to understand all the intricacies of chip tuning, it will take some time to learn how to properly perform such a procedure and provide high-quality "chipovka" service to other car owners. If there are doubts about the functioning of a particular part, it is advisable to replace the faulty part of the unit in order to re-check the data issued by the devices.

Everyone knows the phrase of one famous hero - "A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation!" For many car owners appearance his "iron friend" is an expression of his own individuality. Someone needs a solid, someone elegant and even aggressive. However, any exterior of a car loses all meaning if it does not have the main advantage - excellent engine characteristics, ease of control.

All this can be achieved by tuning (tuning) the engine. These works are in high demand.

The produced serial engine on the car is designed for a decent margin of safety and is designed to preserve the engine's resource. And the majority of car owners do not need maximum performance when driving on comfortable paved roads every day. There are two main tuning techniques to increase the engine power - by constructive modifications and reconfiguring the electronics. Let's figure it out in more detail. These are just two technical ways.

What is chip tuning and what does it give

Chip tuning is tuning or reconfiguring the electronics of the engine.

Chip tuning is performed to improve the following engine characteristics - improve the cooling fan performance, stabilize the cold start and idle modes. Professional programs, purposefully written, improve about fifty operating parameters of the engine.

This tuning method is designed for most modern engines controlled by an electronic unit, designed to maximize resource savings, minimum fuel consumption and low emissions. He, as conceived by the manufacturer, is not set up to get the maximum. Replacing the engine control program is the task of reconfiguring this block.

Thus, the solution to this problem is to reprogram this electronic microcircuit containing this program. And this replaced program should take into account a lot of features, and most importantly - the capabilities of this engine model.

Such tuning is a very important task. It is simply dangerous to use programs written by amateurs - after all, only a professional can perform the optimal combination of interaction of technical factors. Therefore, such chip tuning by car manufacturers, as a rule, is carried out for a fee. It is with the manufacturer that such tuning will be the safest for each specific engine model.

It should be understood that as a result of the chip tuning performed, both a decrease in the resource and an increase in fuel consumption will occur to one extent or another, from one liter or more for every 100 km of track. In addition to the fact that the engine will start to work at increased revs (this is the reason for the increase in power), the very possibility of pressing the pedal provokes a high-speed driving style. It should also be understood that the requirements for the brand of fuel may also increase. However, with the help of chip tuning, you can moderate your appetite, but as a rule, the most economical settings are set at the factory.

On turbocharged engines, chip tuning gives greatest effect, since the program will be able to control the moments of turning on the turbo boost more optimally, as well as the value of the maximum pressure. This factor gives an increase in power up to 30%, and torque - up to 40%.

How to do chip tuning with your own hands

First of all, we must warn you that doing chip tuning with your own hands is a very risky undertaking, but if you are confident in your abilities and that you can figure it out, then why not give it a try. As a last resort, it will be possible to give the car to the service so that everything can be restored there.

In addition, it should also be said that the expediency of do-it-yourself chip tuning is only if you have available necessary equipment and software or if you know where all this can be borrowed. The software can be downloaded free of charge, but in this case you yourself understand - no one will give guarantees that everything will work.

Buying everything you need for chip tuning is unprofitable, since it will be more expensive than doing this procedure in a car service. Therefore, before deciding to make your own chip tuning, you should still think carefully, do you need it?


If, nevertheless, you decided that it was necessary, and the spirit of Kulibin prevailed over you, then this is what should be done ...

1. Explore up and down specialized forums dedicated to chip tuning with your own hands, for example, this one: Be sure to find the section dedicated to your particular car model.

2. Decide what kind of software and what equipment you need.

3. Install the software on your laptop, make sure it works correctly

4. To connect the laptop to the diagnostic port of the car, a special device is used - a K-Line adapter or another, depending on the car. This device, as a rule, also requires installation on a laptop. Make sure to remove the correct device for your vehicle

5. After installing all the necessary programs and drivers, you can go directly to the chip tuning. It is better to do this procedure in the garage in order to be able to connect the laptop to an outlet.

6. Make sure the laptop is securely in place and will not move anywhere. Check that all connections are secure (to the vehicle diagnostic port and to the laptop) so that none of the wires jump out during the calibration program.

7. Turn on the ignition

8. After that, you can start the engine calibration program in accordance with the instructions for it. After that, it remains only to wait for the end of the program. This may take about 20 minutes.

9. When the program finishes its work, turn off the ignition and leave the car alone for 5 minutes. At this time, you can turn off the equipment.

10. After 5 minutes you can start the engine and enjoy the result. You have made a chip tuning with your own hands!

If some malfunction occurs during the procedure, then you need to turn off the ignition, wait 5 minutes. Then turn on the ignition and repeat the procedure again. But it is better to do everything possible so that there are no failures. To do this, use only proven software.

In addition, you need to know that chip tuning can be done by replacing standard elements with ready-made tuning ones, or by adding some special devices. But this is already for each individual car purely individually and on the chip tuning forums you will find this information without difficulty.

Chip tuning video

In this video, the price of the chip tuning is one million rubles, but it comes about Belarusian rubles, which is approximately 3500 Russian rubles.

In conclusion, it remains only to say that chip tuning is most effective on engines that, by their characteristics, allow at least to change something. If we take, for example, the engine of the VAZ nine, which produces 81 hp, then it is hardly possible to achieve any tangible results. To see this, watch this video:

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