Treatment of tea. Usage of tea in folk medicine Treatment of tea

Let's talk about a wonderful product.

There is a drink that is relevant at all times of the year. In winter - hot and fragrant - it warms the soul and body

In the summer - cooled and flavored - tones and refreshes. And the most beautiful in this drink is his healing properties. Tea…

2. Potting;

  • In fastening and not very hot tea you need to add lemon, honey or black pepper. It is desirable to drink such a drink during the exacerbation of colds of light and respiratory tract (angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis).

3. diuretic;

  • Lucky, warm tea will help with swells. At the same time, it is allowed to add honey, lemon or black pepper.

4. Antitoxic.

  • Very strong and hot and large amount of sugar will help to cope with alcoholic, narcotic and medicinal poisoning of the body.

Black tea is an excellent feed from headaches. A glass of hot tea drink, drunk by small sips, will save you from painful sensations.

With angina, it is advisable to drink black tea with adding honey, lemon or raspberry. This drink is recommended at elevated temperature.

Black tea will become excellent assistants for young mammies who have problems with lactation. It is recommended to drink on one cup of tea with milk every 4 hours.

Green teait has even more powerful healing capabilities. It is considered much more useful. After all, this drink performs all the same functions as black tea. But besides this, he has such properties:

1. Bactericidal,

2. Bacteriostatic,

3. Antimicrobials.

Such characteristics of green tea indicate the need for its use in acute inflammatory processes and infectious diseases, neurosis, diabetes, obesity, bronchial asthma, hypertension and many skin diseases.

The use of green tea reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. He favorably affects the work of the heart. It has a positive effect on the work of the liver and the mineralocorticoid function of the adrenal cortex.

With dizziness and noise in the ears will help to cope the mug of green tea. The same drink is relevant for those who are inclined to brand.

Cope with toxicosis pregnant will help green tea. It will eliminate unpleasant nausea, pointing in transport.

Treating acute respiratory viral infections (ORVI) will be faster and safer if the patient offers drinking green tea with adding or. Special brewing drink does not require. It is enough to add to tea 2 - 3 tablespoons of mint or melissa and pour boiling water.

Green, the recipe for the preparation of tea is identical to the form of brewing tea with mint and melissa will help with ORVI. You can use herbal tea. For this we need mint, St. John's wort, dill and a chamber.

We take 2 tablespoons of each herb and mix with 2 tablespoons of green tea. Pour boiling water. Add sugar, honey or milk to taste.

Tasty and healthy! Similarly, you can brew tea with viburnum. That's just the berries of Kalina predetermined, pour boiling water and peck for 10 minutes, and it's not worth bringing to boiling berries. Such a drink will be more useful if you take it with honey.

In case you suffer insomnia, you perfectly fit drunk in an hour before sleeping is weakly brewed black or green tea with the addition of chamomile.

Green tea is also an excellent means to reduce pressure. Every day you need to drink one glad of fresh tea.

It will facilitate green tea and flowing such a disease as sclerosis.

Black and green teas have greater demand than red and yellow. In its capabilities, red tea is identified with black, and yellow - with green.

The uniqueness of the treatment of tea is that it is possible not only internally, but also externally.

  • When conjunctivitis, it is recommended to rinse the eyes tightly boiled black tea.
  • Summers from tea can be prepared for removing edema with eyes. Keep such a binding in your eyes is necessary within 15 - 20 minutes.
  • As for hot wraps.
  • Actual problem in the summer - solar burns. It is necessary to apply flannel flannel wipes, moistened in a cold chain. For the preparation of infusion, 4 tea bags are welded with one liter of boiling water.

Tea will help with periodontal disease. One glass of boiling water pour 1 teaspoon of dry tea and a crushed teeth of garlic. Then insist 20 minutes. Rinse time - 15 - 20 minutes.

Green tea can also be drunk for the prevention of destruction of dental enamel and the development of caries. Of course, it is better to use tea without sugar. For a more pleasant taste of the drink and increase its efficiency, it is better to add some milk.

Suffer from? You will help 20% of the infusion of green tea, which must be rubbed by massage movements into the skin of the head. It is better to carry out such a procedure at least 4 - 5 times a week.

Tea treatment is very effectiveAnd the main thing does not require any material costs or physical effort. Determine what kind of tea is most suitable for you and start your day with a cup of delicious, fragrant and useful tea!

So you will not give a chance to damage your body and warn the development of many diseases. And your day is frozen by the forces and invigorating energy!

The usual food soda is a special acidic salt of coalic acid and sodium, as a small crystalline powder white color. Food soda is used in the food, medical, chemical, pharmaceutical industry, in metallurgy, and it is also widespread in retail. For medical purposes, the dietary soda is used as a unique weak antiseptic during rinsing, as an excellent neutralizing agent from increased acidity and heartburn in the gastrointestinal tract.

Undoubtedly, the impact of soda on the stomach hydrochloric acid is neutralizing, but as a result of this process, the inevitable separation of carbon dioxide occurs, which leads to the waters of the skin mucosa and activates the hormone that enhances the secretion of the gastric juice. This process modifies the motorcy and life of the intestinal tract.

The widespread method of treating viral infections is the rinse of the throat with the use of soda, as an anti-infectious agent. This is very easy way Treatment: Half of the teaspoon of soda should be dissolved in a glass of simple warm water and rinse the throat every four hours. In parallel with this, other drugs are often used to get rid of the infectious disease faster. In this case, the food soda is perfectly neutralized by the acid, which is formed in the throat due to a cold, and promotes recovery.

For the same reason, experts recommend using food soda for the treatment of purulent rhushes, various stomatitis, bronchitis, dangerous conjunctivitis.

In addition, it should be noted that this remedy is often used in the prevention and treatment of cancer, alcoholism, exhaustion from smoking, toxicizing and drug addiction, as well as to remove the most dangerous mercury, lead, bismuth and other heavy metals, typical radioactive isotopes, dissolving Different harmful deposits in the joints, as well as stones in the kidneys and liver, bustling bubble.

Food soda is often used to handle small burns. When a hot pan is burning, it is necessary to apply any clean rag or gauze moistened with a soda solution to the burned place. Repeating such a procedure several times before the complete disappearance of the burning disappearance, you can avoid the appearance of large blisters.

In order to take pain in a short time sun burns, It is necessary to moisten a gauze or folded in several layers of a bandage in a miraculous soda solution. To prepare such a solution, you will need 4 tablespoons of soda and a full cup cold water. Swimmed in solution Tampon must be applied to the affected area. To facilitate pain in strong sunburns or with windmill when the patient suffers a strong itch, it is recommended to take a bath with bare warm waterwhere the whole pack of food soda is added.

In order to quickly remove pain from the razor cuts, you need to apply to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin tampon from a piece of wool, well-moistened in soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 cup of water).

Treatment of cancer soda

Traditional modern medicine does not recognize the possibility and effectiveness of the treatment of various cancer tumors food SodaTherefore, if the patient decides on such treatment, he should find those who have experience in this area. For doctors, soda treatment cannot be an alternative to chemotherapy, the result of which is repeatedly confirmed.

One of the Italian doctors of Simonchini believes that the cause of the occurrence of cancer is the candida fungus (familiar to us thrush). This unusual fungus is located in every human body. In healthy people, immunity keeps candida and does not allow fungus to progress. But with a weakened immune system, the reasons may be a great set, the human body does not cope with the fungus. At the same time, the strengthened formation of fungal pathologies in any organ of the patient begins.

Of course, our immune system begins to actively suppress foreign cells and envelops them with a barrier from cells, which has a traditional medical term "cancer". This is the last action that makes the human body towards the neutralization of "other people's" cells. After that, the fungus is distributed throughout the body, and the metastases dangerous to life are formed.

The first step towards the restoration of the body, of course, should be timely restoration of the immune system. Unfortunately, traditional medicine, in particular chemotherapy, kills in addition to cancer cells and the latest resources of the body. The fungus is in the body, and the immunity at this time in a person prevails at a low level. Through a relatively small amount of time, the fungus progresses, the body has no strength to fight him, which in some cases leads to a fatal outcome.

The famous symbonne doctor found a means to fight candida - an ordinary food sodium (sodium bicarbonate). This doctor claims that the fungus absolutely cannot adapt to the presence of soda and inevitably die. To confirm their theory, the doctor applied soda solutions as follows: patients or drank it, or they were swollen in a tumor. The results as a result turned out the most unexpected: all patients were always recovered after a certain period of time.

One of the well-known methods effective treatment The thrush, recommended and traditional, and alternative medicine, is considered to be treated with ordinary food soda. This unique method is used in relation to both infants, which in the period of breastfeeding are inseparably related to the mother's organism. Of course, in this case, the baby needs to show a doctor, however, before the admission of a specialist, each mother can try to relieve the condition of his baby.

To do this, take one teaspoon of simple food soda, dissolve it in warm boiled water, well miss the bandik and process the cavity of the mouth of the child if he has a white flare. This method will not cause any harm.

With the help of douching and wash with soda solution, it is possible to reassure itching into the vagina and for a certain period of time to free yourself from unpleasant curd secretions. Sick women are recommended twice a day to arrange soda water, for cooking you will need to take 1 tsp. on 1 l of water. Thus, unpleasant woofers will be washed.

Another equally effective way to prepare a soda solution: one complete tablespoon of food soda, one almost full teaspoon of iodine, all mix in one liter of boiled water. Then pour the resulting solution into a large pelvis and, loading the genitals, sit in it about 20 minutes.

This solution used can be used on the second day, after adding 1 tbsp. A spoonful of food soda, 1 tsp of iodine and 1 liter of boiling water. Sit in such a healing basin on the second and subsequent days for at least 15 minutes. It is necessary to repeat this procedure at least 5 times.

Some doctors recognize that the treatment of food soda of the thrush is a rather effective method for about 50 percent of women who constantly suffer from candidiasis. The benefits of such a wonderful treatment are based on the negative effect of the soda solution (alkaline medium) on the candid, which cannot survive and dies.

The apparent minus of such treatment of the thrush can be the regularity and systematic of the execution of these procedures. A sufficient number of doctors advise to paint at about once a hour. There is no point in taking care of soda and interrupt it after the immediate disappearance of the main signs. Experts strongly recommend continuing the treatment of soda at least two weeks, because Claims amaze several layers of skin, including the mucous membrane of the vagina itself.

And you should not forget that this treatment of candidias needs to be carried out by both spouses. If soda methods do not help get rid of the fungus, then you should contact your doctor, especially those who have the symptoms are secondary or recurrent. It is undesirable to bring the thrush to the chronic stage. It is possible to use the soda solution to the soda solution simultaneously with modern drug treatment, which will appoint a specialist.

Treatment of fungus Soda

A rather large number of people suffer now. There is such a feet fungus for various reasons. For such reasons, it is possible to rank long wearing too narrow shoes, long-term stay in a high humidity atmosphere, all sorts of stop injuries, very low immunity as well as elderly age. It can be mentioned that the feet of the feet is quite simply transmitted, so always adhere to the rules of elementary hygiene.

For effective treatment, the fungus stops exist beautiful recipes of traditional medicine. For example, you can take 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. Salt, dissolve in water and make simple baths in a cool solution. After that, the leg should be rinsed with warm clean water.

You can offer another great recipe. We take half a teaspoon of manganese, on one tablespoon of food soda, a household soap, grated on a grater, two tablespoons of dry mustard and dissolve in 5 liters of warm clean water. With fungus stop, you need to regularly make foot baths before bedtime.

At present, the dietary soda is not only an excellent method for getting rid of many diseases, but also a common weight loss means. Effect of this simple way Really confirmed, it is proved that people will lose weight much faster. However, nutritionists warn that such weight loss is fraught with quite serious health problems in a very near future. Gastric acid not only food digested, but does not miss numerous microbes into the human body.

Therefore, in the consumption of soda, the body is subjected to a serious risk of forming various infectious diseases Stomach and intestines. Long-term use of soda inside always has negative consequences, since the eaten food soda easily turns the acidic water medium into an alkaline, which gives failures in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is always fraught with the appearance of the ulcer of the stomach, and in the future and the emergence of the gastric cancer, the esophagus or the 12-pans. Those who are sick of the ulcerative ulcer of the stomach, the 12-rosisse use of soda is categorically contraindicated.

It is also undesirable to use the soda to people who have chronic renal failure. Unfortunately, today few people pay attention to these quite serious contraindications. The most famous procedure to get rid of excess weight It is the use of a bath with food soda and salt, as well as regular wraps with the addition of soda. Such a procedure will not have any harm to health.

Repeated use of soda mortar from heartburn is not recommended because it causes negative consequences. This is the so-called "acid reaction", in which carbon dioxide is highlighted in large quantities, the bloating of the stomach, and many gastric acid is released. Method of treating soda a lot, however, the main thing is to find a reliable way for yourself, because health needs to be preserved independently.

Why did tea in antiquity called "medicine from the darkness of diseases"?
Nowadays, tea, along with coffee and cocoa, is the top three most popular drinks. But while coffee and cocoa can give adverse side effects, tea, while complying with several simple rules, it is useful to all from Mala to Velik. Caffeine in tea is a bit, but it is enough for the Spirit to stay beyond, and the head is fresh. The vitamins C, P, B1, B2 are contained in tea. Tea is well dissolved fats and therefore contributes to digestion, theophylline improves the permeability of the coronary artery, strengthens the heart and gives tea a diuretic effect.
Thanks to these and other properties, tea is an excellent wellness drink. In ancient times, it was treated as a miraculous medicine. In the "Book of the Dynasty of Sui (VI-VIIIVV. AD)" is given the story of the Suyan emperor Wen-di, the suffering of which could not alleviate any medicines. In the end, the emperor resorts to tea and heals completely. Chen Tsangi, the doctor of the Tang dynasty (VII-IX centuries. AD) praises tea as a "medicine from Disease Darkness". He writes: tea "... quenching thirst and expels the disease. Sometimes tea is valuable! ... each medicine is from his illness, and tea is a medicine from the darkness of diseases. "
If you believe ledge, in China, in the homeland of tea, it was used as a medicine for four thousand years ago, when tea was still a wild plant. Subsequently, people began to "prepare beverages-brave," and little tea began to turn into a medicinal product into a healing drink. The art of cultivation of tea bush, or, as they say in China, was gradually improved, or, as they say in China, tea tree, and accumulated knowledge about the beneficial effects of tea on the body. GU Yuan-Qing, Ming dynasty (1368-1644 centuries) in the "Register of Tea" described in detail describes in detail: "It can thicken thirst, digests food and eliminates inflammation, reduces sleep and opens the road to the urine, clarifies vision and beneficial For thinking, eliminates nervousness and expelled boredom. " Modern scientists confirm the multilateral prophylactic and therapeutic effects of tea on the body. In Japan, tea is generally treated as "cinnabis of spirituality and a medium of wisdom", healing disease and extending life.

What does tea treat?
In addition to the fact that tea is easy to prepare, economical and hygienic, it leads from the body with radioactive elements and is rich in many nutrients extending life. According to scientists estimates, tea leaves contain about three hundred ingredients, including proteins, fats, more than 10 types of vitamins, as well as tea phenol, thein and lipid sugars. Therefore, tea nourishes the body, regulates physiological processes and has a common health effect. Especially useful tea people of middle and old age.
Vitamins C, E, D, Nicotinic Acid and Yoda tea is obliged to their reputation for a drink of longevity. Phenols contained in tea leaves are absorbed by radioactive substances, taking out of the body even laid in the bones of strontium-90. According to research, 1-3% of Tanin in the stomach is removed from the body with a fee of 30-40% strontium. Therefore, tea is indispensable in a severe environmental situation of modernity.
Thein is expanding the vessels, activates oxygen exchange and improves muscle tone without the increase in pulse and increase pressure. Tea also has a streaming and diuretic effect, stimulates the kidneys, strengthens the heart and stomach, helps to remove toxins. Thein in combination with tea phenol prevents improving cholesterol levels in the body and therefore tea can be used to prevent myocardial infarction. Tea phenol, like vitamin D, also contributes to good vessels.
Thanks to the action described above, tea has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic function, strengthens the muscles and bones, supports the function of the thyroid gland. Especially bright wellness effect of tea is manifested at middle age when a person often, which is called, "Dobret". Fullness increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and malignant neoplasms, and thein and other tea components serve as a good preventive tool of listed diseases. In addition, tea is cheerful, removes fatigue and has a bactericidal action, so at middle age it is recommended to increase the consumption of tea.
The beneficial effects of tea is summed in the following 15 positions:

  • Tea is cheerful, increases the activity of the brain, improves memory.
  • Tea relieves fatigue, stimulates the metabolism, normalizes the activity of the heart, blood vessels, digestive system.
  • Tea effectively prevents caries. According to the results of studies conducted in England, in children, regularly drinking teaThe incidence of caries is reduced by 60%.
  • Tea is rich in useful trace elements.
  • Tea suppresses the growth of malignant tumors, and significantly reduces the risk of revering cells into cancer.
  • The tea contains zinc necessary for pregnant women.
  • Tea slows down the process of aging cells and therefore contributes to longevity. Tea leaves give the effect of rejuvenation, 18 times greater than this impact of vitamin E.
  • Tea slows down the formation of body healing on the inner surface of blood vessels, thus reducing the probability of sclerosis, hypertension and brain thrombov.
  • Tea stimulates the central nervous system and increases the mobility of the joints.
  • Tea well reduces weight and improves skin condition. A particularly noticeable effect gives tea Puer and Ulong (black dragon).
  • Tea can be used to prevent cataracts.
  • Tea tanin kills many bacteria, and therefore prevents stomatitis, angina, enteritis and other intestinal infections.
  • Tea supports the hematopoietual function of the body. In addition, there is also substances that neutralizing harmful radiation, so tea drinking before the TV is turned on protects against irradiation and retains vision.
  • Tea supports the acid-alkaline blood balance due to the content of alkaloids such as caffeine, theophylline, theobromin. In the body, tea is quickly absorbed, as a result of which substances are formed at a concentration sufficient for the timely neutralization of acid waste entering blood.
  • Tea has a cooling effect. A few minutes after the cup of hot tea, the skin temperature drops by 1-2 ° C, which gives a feeling of coolness and freshness. With cold tea, such an effect is not observed.

How many varieties and types of tea in China? How do they act on health?
China is no wonder called the "tea king." As a result of long cultivation of tea, more than 350 species of tea bushes were derived, and the number of tea varieties produced at the present time exceeds a thousand.
By processing method, Chinese teas can be divided into the following categories:

  • Fermented tea.
  • Halffermented tea.
  • Pretty well stored due to low moisture content.
  • Nefermented tea.
  • Teas from undiscouched leaves and young kidneys.
  • Gentle tips and holted kidneys are collected from bushes at the beginning of spring, when the temperature is still low, and dried outdoors on the cool breeze.
  • Teas, softened to a pair and then compressed.
  • They are produced from coarse hard leaves with heating for a couple and pressed. Designed mainly for the convenience of transportation in remote areas, are designed for long storage.
  • Teas with additives natural fragrant colors.

This classification helps a little to figure out the sea of \u200b\u200bteas, but only if you do not forget that it is often used with other classifications:

  • on the grade of tea bush: Guo-blin (melon slicing), da-fan (big square), mao-jian (dyeing tips), mao-feng (dyeing peaks);
  • according to the final form of tea leaves: Chan-Chao-Qing (young, dried long), Yuan-Chao (dried round), Polar-Chao-Qing (young, dried flat), Zhu Cha (pearls);
  • at the place of production: Si-Hu Long Jing (Dragon Well, Lake Si-Hu), Du Jun Mao Jiang (Duzzyun village tips), U-and-yan cha (Rock tea y-and);

Things of different varieties differ greatly in composition and, as a result of this, on the effects on the body. So in the lui cha (green tea), the content of vitamin C and tea phenol is much higher than in Hong Cha (red tea), and due to this, green tea has a much more pronounced antibacterial, anti-radiation and anti-ski effect, it is more efficiently reduced by blood sugar and Improves blood composition. Since flower teas (Hua Cha) are made on the basis of green, they possess the same medical propertieslike green tea. But the elderly, especially suffering constipation, strong green tea can be harmful, as it has a fixing effect. On the other hand, red tea strengthens the stomach and is a good diuretic. Therefore, red tea is indispensable in old age.
It is clear from the foregoing that the choice of teas should be approached individually. In general, children and teenagers specialists recommend drinking weakly boiled tea, as well as rinse the mouth of the mouth. In the period of growing, green tea is particularly useful, and red tea can not be brewing firmly. At this time, adolescents have a very unstable psyche, and therefore flower tea is well suited. It cleans the liver and removes toxins, thereby normalizes physiological processes, and also contributes to the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle in young girls. Flower tea is also useful to men suffering from prostatitis. Women after childbirth useful red tea with yellow sugar. For people with gastric diseases, tea is well suited with mint, and suffering from liver diseases - floral. Those who are engaged in physical labor should drink red tea, and workers of mental labor better drink green. Those who wish to lose weight are perfect Ulong and Puer. The Japanese are generally called the Ulung tea "magic medicine of beauty and health." Frenchwomen are called Yunnan Puer's "Enemy of Fat", "Slimming tea." Puer does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, and the Ulunsky tea, in addition, has a diuretic effect. Since the caffeine content in these teas is low, they are not contraindicated to anyone.

What is explained by the anti-cancer effect of tea? What kind of tea varieties are best for cancer prevention?
Among modern long-livers and the elderly people with strong health a lot of passionate tea lovers. This group, among other things, is characterized by a high proportion of men and low risk of cancer. Study of the lifestyle of fifty - sixty-year-old people showed that it is tea that is an effective means of cancer prophylaxis. Studies on this topic are actively conducted in China, Japan, America, England, France, Russia, Canada, Turkey, South Korea.
Recently it turned out that green, pressed, floral, ulunung and red teas prevent the formation and neutralize the effect of nitroso compounds, which are powerful carcinogenic substances. In tea stored for about a year, this ability decreases only by 10%. At room temperature, this ability drops significantly in the first three hours after brewing, and in the next 24 hours it decreases only by 15-34%. Medical studies show that 1 grams of tea, poured three times with water portions of 150 grams, gives a partial preventive effect, and 3-5 grams completely neutralize nitros compounds. In animal experiments, there was a significant slowdown in the growth of tumors in the food tract of rats, especially pronounced for Fujian tea, those Guangiain, Hainan Green Tea, Hong-Sui Chao and Tea-Qing Tea from Khan Zhou.
And yet the championship in this area, as scientists believes, holds green tea. Starting from 1986, in the Chinese Medical Institute for Prevention and Research Institute food products And hygiene is conducted studies of anti-cancer properties of various types of tea. The average coefficient of opposition to the formation of nitroso compounds is 65%, but if the red tea is 43%, then the green - on average, it reaches 82%, and in individual grades of green tea exceeds 85%.
Green tea generally occupies one of the first places among foods with anti-cancer properties. In the study of the anti-cancer properties of 108 different products conducted by Chinese medical remedies, it was green tea that showed the most pronounced effect, leaving behind the red tea, the Wooden Mushrooms of the Syan-Gu, Hou-Tue and Lin-Ji, the beans are golden.
What explains the pronounced anti-cancer effect of tea? Most specialists indicate a high, reaching 20%, the content of tea phenol, the main components of which are various chainsions. Theines slow down the oxidation process and due to this may prevent the formation of carcinogenic substances in the body, kill cancer cells and inhibit their growth. In addition to tea phenol, there are many vitamins C and E, lipid sugars, it also has a small amount of zinc and selenium. Apparently, the anti-cancer properties of tea are generated by a combination of all these substances with tea phenol. According to the latest research, the best results give green tea, especially elite varieties. 3 grams are recommended for two fills 150 grams of water, after some time after meals. In this amount of tea, there is an optimal daily dose of tea phenol - 500 milligrams.

Does tea contribute to longevity?
Transfer that during the reign of Da Zhong "Great Medium" of the Tang Dynasty (VII-IX centuries. AD) from the eastern capital, Lo-Yana, a 130-year-old monk arrived. Emperor Xuan-Zong, seeing the vigor and the fortress of the monk, asked: "What kind of miraculous medicine allows you to enjoy life for so long?" Monk, laughing, answered: "I'm out of a poor family, and he didn't drink medicine. I just love tea very much. " Xuan-Zong assigned to him the Buddhist name of Cha-U-Shi-Jin "50 Jinee Tea" and settled longevity in the monastery.
The revolutionary of the old generation Zhu DE, tasted in the mountains of the Lu-Shan tea Yun-y "Cloud curtain," immediately at the table took over the pen and wrote a poem with such lines: "Cloud curtain tea from the mountains of Lu-Shan / with thick taste and life Action - / is like a beverage of immortality. / It is a way to gain long-life life. " Zhu Dae lived up to 90 years. Tea and he brought health and longevity.
Tea prevents the development of many chronic diseases, since regular tea consumption supports a stable level of amino acids and vitamins, which is especially important in old age. Tea is rich in minerals and just those that are not often found in other food products: copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, zinc, calcium, and the elderly people often lack these mineral substances. You should not forget about such medicinal components as caffeine, tannin, Vitamin R. Caffeine is an excellent vasodilator, it accelerates breathing and raises the mobility of muscles, not a student at the same time heart rhythm and without increasing blood pressure. The joint action of caffeine and Tanina prevents the level of cholesterol and during this tea prevents the development of heart disease and coronary arteries. In addition, tea improves cell's protective functions, has a pronounced anti-cancer effect, prevents the formation of fatty bunches and can increase the temperature of T-shaped lymph cells. Caffeine and Catechin have a strong anti-oxidative effect, and the tannin is responsible for the astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.
In the "Chinese news of hygiene", the results of experiments conducted by a small research group of the Specialized Institute of Air Medicine were published. During these experiments, the impact on the sale of red, floral and green teas on the life expectancy of experimental animals was studied. All these teas not only decreased mortality and extended animal life, but also significantly raised the level of activity of old animals. At the same time, the best results gave red tea.
Japanese researchers found that the tannin contained in tea leaves is much more efficient slows down the aging of tissues than vitamin E. Hood of cells from the liver of white rats placed into a solution that helps oxidation. When the solution is added to one liter of 5 milligm vitamin E, the oxidation of fat decreased by 4%, and 5 milligram tannin slowed down the oxidation process by 74%, that is, more than 18 times compared with vitamin E.
So, regular use (but not abuse) tea undoubtedly pushing the occurrence of old age. If you add other reinforcing drugs to tea, you can achieve even more striking results. Such recipes in which tea is combined with various medicinal substances, a lot has been developed for a long history of Chinese medicine. In most of them, the strengthening and nutrients of the sweet taste and neutral nature are added to tea, which beneficially affect the liver and kidneys, blood and qi, regulate the yin-yang balance, retain the seed and nourish the Spirit, increase the intellect. When translated into the language of modern medicine, the effects described above corresponds to an increase in the production of antibodies and improving the work of the immune system, and this is directly related to the slowdown of aging processes.

How did tea spread the world?
It is believed that drinking tea began on the territory of the modern Chinese province of Sichuan (four streams). According to historians' testimonies, the tradition of drinking tea goes into the past for more than two thousand years. Mentioning tea is found from the Spring and Autumn era (VIII-VVV. BC), but the works dedicated to tea and the art of tea appear much later: "Oda tea" refers to IV century. AD, and the famous "canon of tea" was written already under Tanah (VII-IXVV. N.EE). The author of the latter treatise, Lou Yu, discusses many associated tea issues. His main principles: "Transparency and loose - good, in moderation - beautiful; After eating smaller drinking, before bedtime - not to drink at all; brewing, drink, drinking, brew ", etc.
Tibetans consider tea along with mashed oil and zsamba (barley flour) as three main foods. They have long understood that tea not only helps digestion, but also significantly reduces the danger of influence on the skin intensive ultraviolet radiationcharacteristic of high-mountain plateau of Tibet. Tibetans love to say that without milk you can live three days, but without tea you will not give up one.
For a long time, by the sea and on land, the tea was taken out of China in various directions. According to historical sources, we first were the main focus of exports. The famous Silk Road began in the modern province of Shaanxi, passed along the corridor to the west of Juanhe, through Xinjiang led to Central and West Asia, Afghanistan, Persia, and further in Rome.
Approximately V c. AD The Chinese began active tea trading on Mongolian borders with Turkish merchants. Judging by the Japanese records, during the days of the dynasties of Sui and Tan (VI-IX centuries. AD), the tea drink culture begins to penetrate into Japan: a certain monk of high rank founded a monastery in which tea bushes bred. In the VI-VII centuries. AD Custom tea drinking reached Koreans. And soon Korea appealed to a powerful neighbor send the seeds of tea bush to cultivate tea. In Europe, tea is mentioned for the first time in "travel notes Mark Polo". Approximately in the XVII century. The regular import of Chinese tea in Europe and America began. The first tea was opened in London. And from that time tea gradually becomes one of the most popular drinks in the world.

How is the tradition of tea drinking today?
First of all, the range has expanded. On the one hand, instant tea and teas appeared in bags, on the other hand, there were refreshments with ice, flavored teas, medicinal teas, got the spread of drinks and tea based foods, such as, for example, carbonated tea water, tea hits, tea Ice cream, tea bars soup, tea cookies, tea syrup.
In Japan, a new trend is gaining strength. Instead of "drinking tea", people prefer "there is tea." Ulong, red and green teas are used as additives to various food products from noodles to chocolate. The first tea products of this kind were released to the Japanese market in 1953, and since then their range is constantly expanding. In Tokyo, for example, the French restaurant is very popular, in which traditional French cuisine is prepared with the addition of tea chips.
Tea crumb serves not only a wonderful natural dye, but also gives food products a unique nostalgic aroma that creates the impression of freshness and sophistication. In addition, the addition of crumbs of green tea to food makes it possible to increase the consumption of vitamins and prevents the occurrence of unpleasant odor in the mouth.

Is it useful to drink tea to children?
It is believed that tea is harmful to children, as it has too pronounced exciting effects. Parents are also afraid that tea can damage the spleen and stomach, which are very gentle in childhood. In fact, there are no grounds for these concerns.
The tea contains phenolic derivatives, caffeine, vitamins, protein, sugar, aromatic compounds, as well as zinc and fluorine necessary for the development of a children's body. Therefore, tea, when compliance with moderation, is undoubtedly useful for children. In general, you should not give children more than 2-3 small cups per day, you should not brew tea firmly and even more so give it to drink in the evening. In addition, tea should be warm, not hot or cold.
Small children are often distinguished by high appetite and easily overeat. In this case, tea will help, as it dissolves fats, improves the peristalsis of the intestine and increases the separation of digestive secretions. The vitamins and methionine contained in tea effectively regulate the fatty exchange and reduce the sense of discomfort after oily meat food. Tea also removes "Fire", from the excess of which children often suffer. The symptom of fire (according to traditional Chinese medicine) is the dryness of the feces, which leads to difficult defecation. To get rid of this problem, some are trying to give children honey and bananas, but it gives only a one-time effect. The best way Elimination of "Fire" - regular consumption of tea, which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, "Gorky and Cold", and therefore removes fire and heat. In the people, the effects of tea on the body are described as follows: "At the top cleans the head and eyesight, in the middle improves food digestion, and below improves urination and defecation," and these words undoubtedly have grounds. In addition, for the growth of bones, teeth, hair, nails are needed, as you know, trace elements, and the content of fluorine in tea, especially in green tea, is much higher than in other plants. Therefore, tea consumption not only strengthens the bones, but also prevents caries.
Of course, children, especially kids, you can not drink a lot of tea, you should also avoid strong or cold tea. A large amount of tea increases the water content in the body, thereby increasing the load on the heart and kidney. Strong tea stimulates the central nervous system of the child, hearts the heartbeat, strengthens the urge to urinate and can cause insomnia. In a growing child, all organism systems have not yet mature, and therefore regular overexcitation and the more insomnia lead to the overruns of nutrients and negatively affect the growth process. It is impossible to insist tea for too long, because at the same time there is too much tannin into the solution, and tea with a high concentration of Tanin can lead to the compression of the mucous membrane of the food tract. Connecting with food proteins, the tannin gives a protein of tannic acid, which, falling into the sediment, suppresses appetite, negatively affects the digestion and learning of food. In addition, the tighter the tea is brewed, the less in it vitamin B1, and the worse, therefore, the iron is absorbed.
So, a little frowning kids will benefit, but strong tea, and even in large quantities, only harm will bring.

When is tea harmful?
Tea is good for health, but not everyone, not always and not in any quantities. Some categories of people should drink less tea or exclude it in general from their diet.
Pregnant women - in tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, which, stimulating the fruit, negatively affects its development. Often you have to hear that because in the red tea caffeine is less, it is not harmful. But, in reality, red and green tea do not differ much on this indicator. According to Japanese researchers in five cups of strong tea, drunk in the day, contains such a quantity of caffeine, which can lead to weight failure in the infant. In addition, caffeine raises heartbeat and enhances urination, which increases the load on the heart and kidney, and thus increases the likelihood of toxicosis.
Affecting ulcers - although tea contributes to digestion, but suffering from the stomach ulcer and duodenal gut, as well as high acidity in the stomach, moderation should be observed. The healthy stomach contains a compound of phosphoric acid, which reduces the secretion of gastric acid in the cells of the stomach walls, but the theophylline contained in tea can suppress the function of this compound, the result of which is an excess of gastric acid, and the increased acidity of the gastric juice prevents the healing of the ulcers. Therefore, yazuvengers make sense to limit tea consumption and in no case drink strong tea. It is better for them to drink tea with milk and sugar, as well as Puer, as this partly removes the stimulation of the secretion of gastric acid characteristic of tea.
Suffering atherosclerosis and hypertension in heavy form - patients with a similar diagnosis should also drink tea with caution, and during periods of exacerbation to refuse to eat red and firmly brewed tea. This is due to the fact that in tea contains theophylline and caffeine, which actively act on the central nervous system. And when the cerebral cortex comes to the state of excitement, the blood vessels of the brain are narrowed, which is dangerous for suffering atherosclerosis and can cause the formation of blood clots in the brain.
He sufferers with insomnia - insomnia may have a variety of reasons, but regardless of its reasons should not drink tea shortly before departure to bed - due to the exciting effect of caffeine and aromatic substances. A cup of strong tea before bedtime leads the central nervous system and the brain into the arousal state, the pulse is readily, the bleeding is accelerated, it becomes almost impossible to fall asleep.
Patients with high temperature - heat is accompanied by an expansion of surface blood vessels and an increased sweating, so the high temperature leads to the overflow of water, dielectrics and nutrients, which causes thirst. It is believed that strong hot tea is well quenched thirst, and therefore is useful at elevated temperatures. But this is far from reality. Recently, British pharmacologists have established that strong tea not only does not benefit with suffering heat, but, on the contrary, theophylline contained in tea increases the body temperature. Theophylline also has a diuretic effect, and therefore it makes any anti-efficient or low efficient drugs.

What tea can not drink?
You can not drink tea with burner taste, as well as moldy tea. When when drying tea sheets is not withstanding temperature mode, the leaves are burning or acquired smoked smell. If there is too much wood coal smoke in the drying process, carcinogenic substances of the benzene group are settled on the tea leaves. Such teas are harmful to health.
With improper storage of tea, especially in high temperature conditions, tea absorbs a large amount of moisture. Already at 8.8% of water in tea leaves, the processes of formation of toxic substances become possible, and at 12%, if the temperature allows, the process of reproduction of mold fungi proceeds very quickly. The moldy tea contains a large amount of various toxic fungal formations. Such tea can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, and in serious cases even disease internal organs.
You can not drink a hot tea 70 ° - this leads to a panese and throat cancer. Let's cool tea, it's seriously !!

How much to drink tea?
No matter how much tea is useful, do not forget about moderation. Excessive tea use means the heightened load on the heart and kidney. Strong tea leads to the excitation of the brain, rapid heartbeat, frequent urination, insomnia. Caffeine in large doses, as shown by the latest medical research, contributes to the emergence of certain diseases. Therefore, with tea, you should know the measure.
On average, the benefit, especially the middle-aged person, go 4-5 cups of not very strong tea during the day. Some can not do without strong tea, since otherwise there is no taste. In this case, it should be limited to 2-3 cups, at the rate of 3 grams of tea leaves per cup, thus, 5-10 grams of tea leaves per day. Tea is better to drink a bit, but often and always freshly. Of course, you should not drink tea for the coming dream. Elderly people are useful in the evening to drink just boiled water, it is best short enough to this boiled and then cold to room temperature.

How to drink tea in accordance with the seasons
The effects of tea varies greatly depending on the time of year, so for better results You should choose tea in line with the season.
In the spring it is useful to drink fragrant floral teas with thick aroma. They eliminate the harmful cold for winter and stimulate Yanski Qi "Energy".
In summer, green tea is useful. On hot days, a clear pure infusion with green leaves gives a feeling of freshness and coolness, and thanks to a strong astringent effect and high content of amino acids, green tea helps to endure the heat.
For autumn, ideal Oolong or Qing Cha. In terms of its properties, it occupies the average position between green and red tea, that is, by nature it is not cold and not hot. Therefore, it eliminates excessive heat from the body and restores various secretions. To obtain a similar effect, you can also brew a mixture of green and red teas.
In winter, it is best to drink red tea. Holding a sweetish taste and warm nature of red tea feeds the yoke energies of the body. Reddish infusion and dark leaves give a warming feeling. Red tea is well combined with milk and sugar, which increase heat in the body, and the high content of protein and sugars has a beneficial effect on the digestion and the absorption of fats.

What is fresh tea? Old tea? What kind of tea is better?
Usually, freshly referred to as the tea produced this year, but consumers are accustomed to consider the fresh tea of \u200b\u200bthe spring collection coming on sale in April-May. Old tea is tea that has been stored for more than a year. The proverb says: "Wine than older, the most fragrant; Tea than older, the worse. "
Fresh tea that has just entered the sale, has a clean color, it is transparent and saturated, aromaten and pleasant to taste, drinking it - true pleasure. It is clear why the Chinese prefer to drink fresh tea. But fresh tea in large quantities can "intoxicate", as in the newly assembled and recycled tea leaves, the content of such active substances such as tannin, caffeine, alkaloids. Thein and aromatic compounds of freshly powdered tea easily lead a human nervous system into an excitation state, similar toxication - with a steady blood circulation, rapid heart rhythm, quick change of emotions. In addition, alkaloids of fresh tea are highly active and have a strong impact on human physiology. Their accumulation in the body leads to intoxication with such symptoms as elevated temperature, dizziness, powerlessness, abundant cold sweat, insomnia and even trembling. In addition, in tea, recently removed from the bush, phenols, aldehydes and alcohols are still quite aggressive and stimulate the stomach and mucous membrane of the intestine, easily causing pain in the stomach and teaching of the abdomen in people with a weakened intestinal function and with chronic gastric diseases. Such people should use tea collected at least 15 days ago. During this time, the aggressiveness of biologically active substances in tea sheets falls and precisely such tea has ideal properties.

What tea is better to drink - strong or weak?
From the point of view of maintaining the health and prevention of various diseases, it is better to drink weak tea. Weakly brewed tea burst, restores mental and physical forces, but does not excite and does not affect sleep.
The high concentration of caffeine in strong tea leads to overexcitation and can cause violations in the work of the central nervous system. People with weak nerves, habit of drinking strong tea in the evening threatens chronic sleep disorder.
The use of hard-brewed tea, among other things, can lead to the fact that the tannin contained in tea leaves will come into a response with protein from food, the formed connection of Tanin and Protein hardens and falls into a precipitate, which adversely affects appetite and digestion, Reduces food digestibility and leads to constipation. In addition, strong tea is rapidly rhythm and causes an increased separation of gastric acid, which is detrimental to suffering from rapid heartbeat, patients with coronary heart diseases, with ulcers of the stomach and duodenalist.
Since theine increases the body temperature, the strength tea can be very loosen or completely suppressed the action of antipyretic agents.
Therefore, in the people's popular "Lookups" there are lines: tribute to Cha Wen Yin / Tzu Yan Yan, "It will best support warm fastening tea." And others: He of Cho Nun / Fan Cha Yin, "Drink too strong tea - We will become Chamen"
In one glass of strong tea contains approximately 100 milligrams of caffeine, which is approximately the dose used in medical practice. About 10% of chaments drink more than two cups of strong tea per day (that is, 200 milligrams of caffeine). Such a number of caffeine is fraught with hypersensitivity, increased anxiety, irritability. Among those who drink 10 cups per day (1000 milligrams of caffeine), 10% suffers from noise in the ears, Breda, sparks in the eyes, rapid heart Rhythm, steady breathing, voltage of muscular tissue, uncontrolled trembling.
Mortal caffeine dose is equal to 10 grams, it is 200 cups of strong tea for several minutes. It is almost impossible to die in this way, but caffeine is addictive and about half of tea lovers can get into a vicious circle of increasing caffeine need, which is hard to affect health.
On the other hand, strong tea can be very effective when used in therapeutic purposesFor example, in the case of poisoning, when the central nervous system is suppressed, heartbeat and respiration is strongly slowed. And the compresses from strong tea well helps with sunburns. So, the strong tea is better to leave the doctors, and at the usual time to brew tea is quite weak.

Is tea get used after alcohol? Does tea help you sneak?
Some resort to tea in order to quickly sneak. According to Chinese medicine, according to the teachings about Yin-Yang, alcohol has a sharp taste, which primarily goes into the lungs, lungs correspond to skin and interact with a thick bowel. As for tea, it contributes to the rise of Yansk energy and stimulates blood circulation, it is hurt to taste and belongs to Yang. When drinking tea after alcoholic beverages, it has an exciting effect on the kidneys, the kidneys are controlled by water, water gives rise to heat, as a result of which the cold strokes arise, which lead to the turbidity of urine, excessive feces, impotence. In the famous treatise Lee Shi-Zhen, "Ban-Cao Gan-Mu" is written: "Tea after wine harms the kidneys, the loin and thighs are poured, bladder It is cold and hurts, and besides the sputum accumulates, and the swelling appears from the drinking liquid. "
Modern medicine offers several different descriptions. Firstly, the alcohol contained in alcohol has a strong stimulating effect on the heart and blood vessels, and strong tea gives a similar effect. Therefore, when the effect of tea is added to the action of alcohol, the heart gets even stronger stimulation that people with a weakened heart function do not promise anything good.
Secondly, tea after alcohol adversely affects the kidneys. So much of the alcohol is converted first in the liver into acetic aldehyde, then into acetic acid, which decaying carbon dioxide and water, is then excreted through the kidneys from the body. Theophylline contained in tea accelerates the process of developing urine in the kidneys, which leads to the fact that they can get another unsecured acetic aldehyde, which has a strongly exciting harmful effect on the kidneys, in some cases pose a threat to life.
Therefore, alcoholic beverages should not be interfered with tea, and in particular, with strong tea. It is best to eat fruit - sweet mandarin, pears, apples or even better, drink watermelon juice. In extreme cases, fruit juice or sweetened water will help. The Chinese pharmacology for rapid rubbing also recommends a decoction of the colors of Liana "Kudza" or a decoction from the Kudza root and Masha (Golden beans). If the intoxication is characterized by such alarming symptoms as slow motion, infamous, weakening the pulse, cold sweat on the skin, should be treated as soon as possible.

Is it possible to brew tea with boiling water?
It is believed that vitamin C is easily split at high temperatures, therefore, they say tea can not be boiled water. Japanese researchers have shown that boiling water destroys the vitamin with slightly: in the first 15 minutes in the brewed tea, with a constantly maintained temperature of 100 ° C, 30% vitamin C is disintegrated, and only in 60 minutes it will fall apart almost entirely. But vitamin C dissolved in ordinary water with a temperature of 100 ° C decays in 10 minutes by 83%. That is, when welding tea boiling water, the content in it vitamin C falls not so much. This is explained by the fact that the tea phenol enters into interaction with iron and copper ions, accelerating the decay of vitamin C, so the tea phenol slows down the rate of decay of vitamin C.
Brewing tea boiling water significantly increases the solubility coefficient of the beneficial substances contained in tea leaves. In addition, more valuable substances are allocated to the liquid, tea also gives a more pronounced aroma and taste. The relevant experiments have shown that in the same time in tea, boiled boiling water, from the leaves into the solution, it turns out almost three times more valuables than in tea, with a lower temperature with a lower temperature.
Tea phenol, amino acids, caffeine and sugars are important components, on which the quality of tea leaves and the taste of tea depends. Experiments conducted by Chinese scientists have shown that the content of tea phenol, amino acids, caffeine and sugars increase with an increase in temperature in the tea solution. All these substances, except sugars, give the greatest solubility coefficient at a temperature of from 90 ° C to 100 ° C. Thus, the use of boiling water for brewing tea increases the content in the beverage of valuable biological substances and makes tea stronger.

What water is best brewing tea?
In ancient times, people who know in tea, gave great importance to the water on which tea was preparing. We had a lot of comments on this topic. For example: "Mountain water is the best, river - medium, well - worst." It also happened that the grade of tea was associated with a specific source. For example, in Khan-Zhou Tea Lun-Jing on the water from the source of Hu-PJO "Run Tiger" is called Shuang-Jui - "exceptional pair".
Research recent years Confirm the estimates of the ancients. The key and spring water, filtered through rock and sand, becomes transparent, and the content of minerals and oxides in it is significantly reduced, which makes it soft. Tea, boiled on such water, has perfect color, aroma and smell.
Rain, plumbing, lake or river water is tough, that is, there is a lot of calcium bicked and bicarca of magnesium. But since with boiling, most of the impurities contained in it breaks up or settling, forming a scale, water also becomes soft. Such water at least does not spoil good tea leaves.
However, in cities, tap water after purification and disinfection often contains a large number of chlorine ions, it smells like a chlorine or has other unpleasant odors. Therefore, if you use to brew tea with tap water, it is better to defend it during one day that chlorine leaves it or use the water purification filter.
Well water, especially water from deep wells, is not suitable for brewing tea, as there are many minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, and oxides. When brewing on the surface of tea, a thin film is formed, which spoils and the color and taste of tea.

What kind of dishes are best brewing tea?
In China, the assortment of tea dishes - kettles, glasses, cups are unmann. Already in ancient times, tea dishes differed diverse. Metal dishes are most common - made of gold, silver, copper, tin, alloys - and ceramic - black, white or purple sand clay. In addition, the dishes for tea were made from varnish, jasper, mountain crystal, agate and other materials.
In the period from the dynasty of Tan (VII-IX centuries. N.E) and up to the Sun dynasty (X-XIII centuries), tea was cooked, and therefore the teapots were made mainly from the metal, and gold and silver teapots were considered the best . Subsequently, along with the custom of brewing tea, ceramic teapots were distributed, which were used separately from the dishes for boiling water. Until now, preference is given to ceramic tea dishes.
Some, especially in winter, brew tea right in the thermos, believing that it prevents the cooling of tea. But the color, aroma and taste quality of tea deteriorate from constant high temperature. Some brew tea in enameled dishes, believing that it can be heated when it wanted, or keep on slow heat. However, enamel does not pass the air, which affects the taste of tea, and tea, asking, allocates too much tannin, which, when absorbing the walls of the digestive tract, can enter into a reaction with food proteins and, in the end, settles in the digestive tract, suppressing appetite and Negatively affecting the digestion, right up to constipation.
It is best to brew tea in the teapots from a cinnabar (red clay), as the cinnaker passes the air very well, so in cold weather, such a kettle retains warmth, and tea protects tea from the dishes in the heat. Over time, the kettle is becoming more smooth and acquires the grace of antiquity, and the flavor of the brewing tea becomes more pronounced and exquisite, up to the fact that even the empty boiling water poured into the kettle becomes a gentle odor. Today, most tea lovers prefer teapots of purple clay, which is famous for both absolutely antitoxic material. Almost in itself, the use of teapots from clay of this variety prolongs life, so they always appreciated among lovers of tea. Fayans, porcelain, glass is not distinguished by special advantages, but also do not spoil the taste of tea, so quite common in everyday life.

What is "tea intoxication"? What to do in the case of intoxication of tea?
"Tea intoxication" can be caused by strong tea in large quantities or incorrectly cooked tea. It is also harmful to the human body, as well as severe alcohol intoxication. Tea on an empty stomach, strong tea on a full stomach, the impact dose of strong tea for the unusual organism can lead to intoxication with such symptoms like anxiety, dizziness, impotence in the limbs, easy sensations In the stomach, unharmed standing on the legs, hunger. Since these symptoms are not so bright, as with alcoholic intoxication, they usually do not pay special attention. As for various varieties and methods of tea consumption, the greatest danger is a strong tea on an empty stomach, as well as the improper use of Gong-Fu tea, which is much stronger than other teas. The most susceptible to tea intoxication weakened people with emptiness in the kidneys. In the manifestation of the symptoms described, it is necessary to eat something immediately - either the finished dish or candies or fruits.

How to choose tea?
First of all, you need to learn to distinguish fresh tea from the old and real tea from the fake. The leaves of fresh tea produce the impression of freshness, they have a bright color, good shape and form a rather dense structure. Old tea leaves dull, different shapes, solid. Fresh tea to the touch soft and alive, if you lose it in my fingers or rub on your palm, it is usually not painted easily. Old tea is dry, and it easily turns into powder.
When brewing fresh tea quickly gives a pronounced pure fragrance, the leaves unfold, the tea solution is transparent; Initially, clean color of transparent jade slowly goes into a yellowish tint. Fresh tea is a soft taste. The old tea smell is muted, the leaves are sluggish, turbid liquid. Just brewed old tea has a deaf yellow shade. The present tea leaves have a toothed edge, the fake edge of the sheet does not have a specific form. In addition, thein and essential oils give the present tea the characteristic fragrance, which is not at odd tea.
If you are still not confident in tea, try the following way: Take a pinch of dubious tea and the pinch of the present, brew both twice, insisting both samples for 10 minutes. After that, lay out the leaves on a white plate with clean water and consider the shape of leaves, streak, teeth. The present tea has a bright drawing similar to the network, the main residence is accurately in the top of the sheet, the side of approximately two thirds of their length diverges on the parties, and then arcuately bend up and connected with the branches going upwards, the back of the sheet of some tea varieties is covered White Pushhek, cloves along the edges of the sheet are pronounced, below the leaf teeth are rare. At fake tea, the bodies do not act clearly, the side streaks usually go straight to the edges, the teeth over the edge are either not clear, or too rude.

How to keep tea?
Since tea easily absorbs odors and moisture, even the most good tea quickly loses its qualities and taste with improper storage. Factors affecting the safety of tea, a lot. Temperature, humidity, specific odors, lighting, air, microbes - all this can have a negative effect. Tea absorbs moisture and smells of the environment, it is easily strung out, and it is possible to store tea leaves correctly, only by taking into account these features.
The tea sheet has a rather sparse structure, in addition, it contains substances - "friends of water", intensely absorbing water. And when the water content in the tea sheet exceeds 12%, the processes of toxic rebirth begin. Therefore, tea leaves should be stored in a dry ventilated place.
In any case, tea is not stored for a long time. It is best to drink tea for one month after purchase, since with long-term storage aromatic substances, chlorophyll and tannin are gradually oxidized, and together with them, the taste, aroma and transparency gradually go.
In order for tea to be selected, it should be stored in hermetically closing dishes without access light. In the tea sheet, they contain terpenes, porous substances that, easily absorb any odors. Keep so tea away from soap, kerosene, alcohol, seasonings and other fragile substances. In addition, it makes sense to separately store teas of different varieties and quality. It is best to store often to be stored separately from the one you currently drink infrequently. Thus, tea will be less exposed to air. To avoid fragrance loss, it is best to squeeze a small amount of tea into a small separate jar and fill it as necessary. For storage, tea containers are best suited to storage, try not to keep tea in iron and wooden dishes.

Hello, dear our readers. We have already considered in previous articles, which this plant is Ivan-Tea (a narrow-walled cyprus), its benefit for humans, a unique chemical composition. Today we have prepared for you a more detailed article about what Ivan-tea treats and its action in the treatment of various diseases and of course, how to make and make preparation methods.

The properties of Ivan-tea are very well known for those people who suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of the stomach and digestion. The mucus, tanning and other substances contained in its composition are very good to cope with the foci of inflammation of the stomach and intestines and envelop the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is prescribed as an effective auxiliary agent for the treatment of ulcers, gastritis and enterocolitis. Taking beverages from Ivan tea (Cyprus) they have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the processes of digestion, fight constipation, flatulence, diarrhea.

Recipe Ivan tea for the treatment of gasts

You will need:

  • leaves Cypria finely chopped - 2 tablespoons;
  • boiling water - 2 glasses.


To prepare a recipe for a drink with a good astringent effect, you need to mix two glasses of boiling water with 2 tablespoons of finely chopped leaves Cypria and leave them broke in a thermos for 6 hours.

How to use:

In this case, treatment, such herbal tea should be taken on 1/4 cup 4 times a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe treatment for Ivan-tea Gastritis, ulcers and their prevention

You need to take:

  • water Ivan Tea - 3 Art. spoons;
  • hot water - 1 cup.

How to brew and take:

For the treatment of symptoms of peptic ulcer and gastritis should be taken by decoction of Ivan-Tea. Cooked 3 tablespoons of overwhelmed dry tea poured 1 cup hot waterBoiled for 15 minutes, flicker and add so much water to get the initial volume of the drink. 2 tablespoons of the obtained funds should be taken in the morning, at lunch and evening right during meals. By the way, this remedy can be used to treat headaches, rinse the throat with acute tonsillitis and wound healing on the skin (in this case compresses are made).

Action Cypria on the nervous system

For good abilities to have a soothing effect on people with increased nervousness and excitability of Cyprus are often prescribed as part of the complex treatment of various kinds of neuroses and even mental diseases. In stressful situations, Ivan tea will help to cope with a nervous state and normalize sleep. This contributes to the presence of protein and a large number of vitamins and minerals, the action of which has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person.

Recipe for the treatment of the nervous system Ivan-tea

Have to take:

  • water boiled hot - 1 cup;
  • dry chopped Ivan tea - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

How to cook and take a decoction:

If you for a long time feel constant fatigue, irritation and lack of healthy sleep, try to drink a decoction for 1 month, prepared from 1 cup of hot boiled water and 1 tablespoon of crushed greenery Ivan tea. The drink must be insisted for half an hour, then strain and consume 1/3 cup daily in front of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Ivan tea in the treatment of the organs of the urogenital system

The same protein, as well as the presence of such elements needed elements, like iron, calcium, potassium, boron, sodium and others, makes Ivan tea (Cypria) an indispensable healer of the genitourinary system of both men and women. He helps to fight the prostatitis and adenoma prostate, significantly improves the potency and restores male power. The wonderful half of humanity Ivan-Tea is recommended to be used if they have problems with the systematic menstruation, negative side effects arise with PMS and Klimaks. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is an excellent tool for the treatment of cystitis and disease caused by harmful bacteria.

Treatment of prostatitis with Ivan tea - recipe:

It is necessary for the recipe:

  • cyprus dry - 1 tablespoon;
  • 2 glasses of boiling water.

How to cook and accept:

To prepare the healing composition, which is able to save a man from prostatitis, you will need the following ingredients: 1 tablespoon of dry Cyprus, 2 glasses of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be insisted for 10-15 minutes, then skip through fine sieve or gauze and put it in a cool place. It should take it twice a day - in the morning in front of breakfast and in the evening half an hour before the departure to sleep.

Another recipe treatment of diseases of urinary organs. One tablespoon of dry leaves is taken, boiling water is poured, it insisters two hours and focuses. Doses and the use scheme also defines a doctor.

Treatment of Ivan-tea ENT diseases, eye diseases

Since Ivan-tea is famous for its effective antiseptic effect on inflamed organs, therapy with its use is also prescribed to patients with diseases respiratory system, with ordinary cold and ORVI, diseases of the ears, throat and even eyes. The drinks prepared on the basis of this plant are used as an antipyretic agent at high temperature. Rinsing by these same compositions are able to significantly improve the state of the oral cavity, prevent the appearance of caries and periodontalism, as well as to have a healing effect during stomatitis.

Treatment of sinusita


  • ivan-tea dried - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiled water - 1 cup.

How to apply Ivan tea in the treatment of sinusitis:

For the treatment of sinusitis, the following means is used: 1 tablespoon of dried Ivan-tea is poured 1 cup of boiling water, it is half an hour, filled with 1/3 glasses 3 times a day per hour before meals.

Treatment of conjuctiewita

The same composition can be flushed with the conjunctivitis. When inflammation of the middle ear, it is recommended to take only a warm infusion, as it is used to wet your cotton swabs that are placed in the ears.

Positive effect of Ivan-tea on the blood system

Due to the unique combination of Vitamins and Minerals, Cyretes successfully copes with such diseases as anemia and anemia. Regular reception of beverages from Ivan tea helps to increase the level of hemoglobin, the normalization of all systems in general, increases immunity and fills the body with cheerfulness and force. The increased content of antioxidants makes it an active fighter with free radicals capable of preventing the destructive effects of these particles on cells and protect them from premature aging. His positive impact It is manifested in how fast Ivan tea (Cypria) purifies vessels and other organism systems from slags, toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Recipe for Ivan tea in the treatment of Malokrovia

Have to take:

  • ivan Dry or Fresh tea - 1 tablespoon;
  • water boiled - 1 cup.

Prepare and accept:

A recipe for a decoction used for anemia, as well as the above: 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh Cyprus poured 1 cup of boiling water, it insisted for 2 hours, passed through the gauze and placed in the refrigerator. This mixture should be taken on 1 tablespoon in the morning, at lunch and evening.

The duration of the course is best to discuss with the attending physician.

Skin diseases of their treatment Ivan-tea

Being an excellent antiseptic, Ivan-tea has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It helps in the treatment of diseases such as dermatitis and eczema, regardless of the nature of their origin. Also, drinks from Cyprus are recommended to take a patient with psoriasis, as it significantly facilitates the course of the disease and unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

In addition to decoction and info, it is prepared from it tools for outdoor use, which are used for washing open wounds, scratches and abrasions. Such compresses are not only accelerated healing, but also rejuvenate the skin, making it more elastic and smooth. The useful substances contained in this plant can accelerate the synthesis of collagen, due to which the skin becomes less susceptible. age-related changes And longer retains a young and attractive look.

Ivan tea in the treatment of oncology

One of the most important properties of Ivan-tea is the ability to deal with cancerous tumors. It is usually included in fees from several herbs and are used to prevent and treat oncological diseases (as a rule, as an additional means to medical drugs). Although some adherents of traditional medicine argue that Cyreyre is successfully fighting with malignant formations and independently, without adding other ingredients.

Recipe for the treatment of cancer with Ivan tea


  • ivan-tea of \u200b\u200bfresh collection - 10 gr;
  • water is 1 cup.

How to cook and accept:

Even many doctors offer patients with such a diagnosis 3 times a day shortly before meals take the following decoction: pour 1 glass warm water 10 grams of fresh greenery Ivan tea, bring the mixture to boil, hold it on a weak fire for another 15 minutes, then insisted in For 1 hour and strain. Recommended dose - 1 tablespoon of a beverage for one reception.

More useful and therapeutic recipes Ivan-Tea

Treatment of purely male diseases. For the preparation of a healing drink, 15 g of dry tea and 200 ml of steep boiling water are necessary. The composition of the water is insisted for one hour, then faster and take on one tablespoon three times a day after eating.

Treatment of otitis, stomatitis, angina. In this case, 2 tablespoons of tea are poured by a pair of glasses of boiling water, leave for insteading for 6 hours, filtered and accepted according to the prescription of the doctor.

Preparation of painful and soothing infusion. 1 tablespoon of finished dry tea is poured with a glass of boiling water, it is left for 45 minutes, I'm passed through the gauze, and is accepted on 1 tablespoon three times a day. Especially effective is the remedy for insomnia and nervous disorders.

Cooking infusion for steam bath in front of a cosmetic massage. 1 tablespoon of flowers is poured with a glass of hot water and use immediately until the mixture has cooled.

Making an anti-inflammatory mask. To do this, it is necessary to pre-insist 10 ml of flowers Cyprus on alcohol or vodka, then add half a small spoon of salt and tool. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed to the state of the liquid sour cream and apply to the face for about 10 minutes.

When still use Ivan tea

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are usually not recommended to be carried away by herbal fees, as they can have a negative impact on the health of the baby, but these prohibitions do not apply to Ivan-Tea. Studies have shown that during its moderate use, no side effects were revealed. In addition, thanks to the universal combination of beneficial components, it is capable of having a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and the child, to increase the production of breast milk and facilitate the condition of the kids during the breakdown of teeth.
Everyone who wants to always be vigorous and full, is recommended twice a day to use Cavory tea, which is preparing on a very simple recipe: 1 teaspoon of dry Cyprus poured 1 cup of boiling water in a regular brewing kettle and insistan as ordinary black tea. The positive effect of receiving this drink is felt a few days after starting to apply a decoction.

Man has always been looking for means of getting rid of ailments. Since ancient times, herbs and fruits were not only food, but also a medicine. They were prepared, insisted, weaved - so therapeutic tea was obtained.

In principle, tea is called any drink in which the prepared vegetable mass is brewed. And therapeutic tea becomes when it starts to help the body to drive everything unnecessary. It removes slags, toxins, unnecessary acids.

According to the principle of impact on the body, therapeutic teas are divided into cereal, diuretic, choleretic, tonic and wound-healing.

For the preparation of therapeutic tea, a mixture of several herbs is used, strictly following the recipe. However, no matter how good the traditional medicine was not, before the treatment of herbal fees, a physician consultation is necessary.

It is equally important to such a detail as the concentration of infusion or decoction. Sometimes, medicinal teas insist to an hour. Drink useful infants for half an hour before meals and almost never stored. Starting the medicinal charges for accurately follow the recipe and cooking method, then the benefits of tea is guaranteed!

In my distant childhood of purchased tea from the store never picked. Summer I spent my grandmother in the Belgorod region. And there instead of traditional tea drank only herbal teas from flowers Linden, Hypericum, souls. It's truth to say, the fact that this is a soul man, I learned quite recently. Banuli, with their hoklyatsky pronunciation, the flower is called - Motherboard.

Not every plant is attributed to all healing action. For example, St. John's wort is called a cure for ninety-nine sores. In China, ginseng is considered to be an elixir of immortality.

Our beauty chamomile helps with inflammation in the mouth, eye diseases, headaches and even as a hair rinse. Fresh greenery helps healing wounds and ulcers.

The northern beauty of the lingonberry aggravates the vision, is used as a diuretic, it helps for gout and rheumatism.

Raw materials for future tea should be high quality, have a pleasant smell. In no case can not be brewing old, moldy herbs.

For the preparation of tea, the brewing kettle should be hot. Remember how small tea teapot is rigorous - in the technology of cooking therapeutic chains as well.

Recipes for sweetest and rheumatic chains

Flower tea elder

To prepare this drink you need to take:

  • Bezina flowers - one tablespoon
  • Lime color - one tablespoon
  • Hypericum Grass - one tablespoon

Herbs need to grind and mix well, the resulting mixture and there is a drug collection.

In a well-haired kettle, put one tablespoon of the mixture and pour the glass of boiling water. Insstruct the tea half an hour, additionally cover the teapot towel.

Radian root tea

recipe 1.

This drink lowers the pressure and contributes to a rich sweating.
Tea is preparing quite simply, in a heated kettle, you need to put a tablespoon of crushed roots of the ribbies.

Raw materials pour steep boiling water in the number of one glass, brew and insist fifteen minutes.

recipe 2.

For cooking you need:

  • Roots of the Big - one tablespoon
  • Bereza leaves - Two tablespoons
  • Water 250 gram

Roots and leaves are well crushed, mix. Components put in an enameled pan or kettle. Put on fire and boil one, two minutes. Remove from the fire and breed about 15 minutes.

If you wish, you can replace the birch leaves on the lime.

Recipes of tonic and wound-heating chas

recipe 1.

For making tea, it will be necessary:

  • Rosehip fruits - eight tablespoons
  • Blueberry leaves - Two tablespoons
  • A series - two tablespoons
  • Leaves Kolyovnikov - Two tablespoons
  • Chabret - one tablespoon
  • St. John's wort - half a tablespoon

Herbs and berries need to grind, mix. In a hot kettle, pour steep boiling water from the calculation of 3/4 volume.

Depending on the volume of the kettle, add a cooked mixture. On liter of water you need to take one and a half tablespoon of collection.

This tea heals the wound well, helps in adjusting the metabolism, it is very useful to drink after the bath.

recipe 2.

For the preparation of fragrant and tasty tea required:

  • Strawberry leaf - three tablespoons
  • Blackberry sheet - Two tablespoons
  • Blueberry sheet - two tablespoons
  • Roots drinking - Two tablespoons
  • Grass Arbitants - Two tablespoons
  • Currant sheet - one tablespoon
  • Chabret - one tablespoon

Herbs crushed, mix evenly. On liter of boiling water, one and a half tablespoons of the collection should be taken. High teapot warm, pour 3/4 volume with steep boiling water and add a drug.

This tea helps in the fight against any inflammation, tones and regulates the metabolism.

recipe 3.

Blueberry leaves tea helps to relieve fatigue, returns strength, increases the body's resistance to infections and diseases. And he is delicious forever!

For making tea you need:

  • Blueberry sheet - one tablespoon
  • Sheet black currant - one tablespoon
  • Leaf Cypria (Ivan-Tea) - one tablespoon
  • Chabret - half a tablespoon

Grind herbs, mix. Pour into the heated teapot 3 \\ 4 steep boiling water, and the drug fee Add one and a half tablespoons per liter of water from the calculation.

Recipes of universal seizures of rose hips

Rosehip B. folk medicine Doctors ailments from time immemorial. It is useful in riding literally everything: fruits, roots, branches, flower petals.

Rosehip Natural concentrate of vitamins - here lives ascorbic acid, Carotine, provitamin A, vitamins of group B, E, K, PP. There is no shortage of sugar, pectin, organic acids (apple and lemon). There are cobalt, copper, iron and manganese in Rosehip. That's where the storehouse of useful substances! Truth?! 🙂

recipe 1.

Spreads and riding leaves dry, crush. Take a pinch of grass and put in a warm kettle, pour boiling water. Insist the future healing tea to cover the teapot towel.

When the infusion cools up to about 30 degrees, add two teaspoons of honey to the kettle and in five minutes you can drink useful therapeutic tea.

recipe 2.

For this recipe will be required:

Herbs crushed and mix. Take a tablespoon of a ready-made dry mix in enameled dishes and pour a glass of water. Put on small lights and boil 10 minutes. Then remove from the fire, tea must cool and laugh at half an hour.

Tea from the collection of richness is universal, very pleasant to the taste, its color and aroma is beautiful. After a good bathhouse, it is useful to drink therapeutic teas, they will strengthen and secure the wellness, positive effects of bath procedures. In short, the benefits of the bath guaranteed! Therapeutic teas are cleaned and vitaminized our body.

Have a nice and tasty tea drinking!

In Russia, the drug has begun to restore the age deficit of the structure of tissues

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