Blackcurrant jelly without water. Black currant jelly

Cooking time: 1.5 hours for one or two days

What could be better than a cup of hot tea with a spoonful of blackcurrant jelly, the sweet and sour taste of the vitamin berry gives a summer mood in the middle of winter. The workpiece is very thick and dense, "even cut with a knife", because there is more pectin in black currant than in other berries. Pieces of jelly melt in the mouth, there are no skins and bones, so this dessert is very popular with children. Do not compare with the traditional preparation - black currant, minced with sugar.

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking is not only a delicious and beautiful dessert, it retains the maximum of useful substances of fresh berries. For example, vitamin C, to strengthen immunity and normalize the state of the nervous system. Black currant is the champion in the content of this vitamin among other berries.

In this article you will find a recipe for pitted live blackcurrant jelly with step by step photos, you will find out which berries are most often combined with black currants when preparing jelly, read how to make exotic black currant jelly with orange and lemon and how to make an assorted jelly of red and black currants with raspberries.

How to make blackcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking (recipe with photo step by step)

If you want to get tasty and beautiful blackcurrant jelly, a recipe for the winter without cooking will help you achieve the perfect result.

We collect ripe black currants.

Gently peel the berries from the leaves and stalks so as not to lose some of the juice when cleaning.

We wash my berries, and transfer them directly wet to a stainless steel pan and send them to the stove. For 5 minutes, heat over low heat (do not bring to a boil) and at the same time crush with a crush or a wooden spoon so that the berries burst and soften. Black currants instantly give juice, so no water is required.

We rub the mashed berries through a sieve, we get thick juice with pulp. You can get juice using a juicer, then the berries do not need to be heated beforehand, but many housewives are sure that with this method the jelly will harden worse.

We measure the amount of juice with a jar and with the same jar we measure the amount of granulated sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.5.

Add the sand in small portions to the berry juice and stir carefully with a wooden spoon to dissolve the sugar, the whole process takes about 1 hour. If, already during stirring, the workpiece begins to harden strongly, and this is not the first time you are making jelly from this berry variety, then you can stop at this stage and pour the jelly into jars. However, it is better to leave the workpiece until the next day and check its gelling properties.

Most often, black currants will freeze so that the pan can be turned over. The large amount of pectin in the berry allows you to prepare blackcurrant jelly without gelatin.

Now you need to warm it up a little to melt it. If the jelly is not frozen (which happens very rarely), then add another portion of sugar during heating.

If there is enough sugar in the jelly, then it can be safely stored in indoor conditions- in a closet or under a bed, away from heat sources.

How to make blackcurrant jelly for the winter without cooking with the addition of other berries

You can make a variety of assorted blackcurrant jellies by combining it with berries and fruits that ripen at the same time, or make a blackcurrant concentrate and add it to the jelly at any time to enhance the gelling properties of other berries.

There are other original combinations as well.

Blackcurrant jelly with orange and lemon

A delicious dessert prepared according to this recipe will become a real highlight of the Christmas tea party. Black currant dominates all the ingredients, but when the jelly slice is completely dissolved, the tart citrus aftertaste and the sweetness of vanilla remain in the mouth. This preparation for the winter not only has an amazing taste, but also healing properties- a large amount of berry ascorbic acid and phytoncides from orange and lemon will help to cope with colds.

Cooking process:

  1. It is necessary to combine the juice of black currant and citrus fruits (currants can be rubbed through a sieve, as in the previous recipe, or use a juicer).
  2. Measure the amount of juice, sugar should be taken 1.5 times more.
  3. Put the juice on the stove over low heat, add vanillin and stir in sugar in small doses, the process will take 10-15 minutes. During this time, the granulated sugar should completely dissolve.
  4. Pour warm jelly into jars, wait until it cools down and close with screw caps.

Red currant, black currant and raspberry jelly

Blackcurrant contains so much pectin that it can be used to add almost any berry to jelly - for example, raspberries, which in themselves do not gel well. And if you add red currants to the “berry basket”, a spoonful of this jelly will give you a triple vitamin charge. Such yummy food will not last long on the shelf in the pantry, it will appeal to all family members.


  • Red currant juice - 300 ml
  • Blackcurrant juice - 200 ml
  • Raspberry juice - 100 ml
  • Granulated sugar - 1-1.2 kg

Cooking process:

  • Juice from berries can be obtained using a juicer or by squeezing red currants through cheesecloth and rubbing heated raspberries and black currants through a sieve.
  • Measure the amount of juice, take 1.5-2 times more sugar, if you plan to freeze the jelly in containers in the freezer, then you can put sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Next, you need to combine three juices in a wide stainless steel saucepan, put on a low heat and heat a little, but do not boil; stir in sugar in small portions along the way. You can almost completely reduce the heat treatment - stir in all the sugar in the jelly without heating (it will take at least an hour, but you can take breaks), leave it overnight, check that the workpiece is gelatinous, and heat it up a little just to melt the jelly.
  • Pour the warm blank into jars, after the jelly has cooled, close with screw caps.

Any of the blackcurrant jelly recipes for the winter without cooking will not only give the taste of fresh berries and improve mood, but also help heal ailments.

Ingredients Blackcurrant juice - 500 ml Granulated sugar - 750 g Cooking time: 1.5 hours for one or two days Yield: 750 ml ...

Red and black currant jelly

Tell me what homeland is

About the semi-steppe night space,

Where home currants bloom,

Where a girl's choir sings on holidays.

Whoever has never tasted currant jelly has definitely lost half his life, this is an axiom that cannot be disputed under any circumstances! If you are just one of those who have lost their happiness, do not rush to despair, this article is just for such unique ones: we will tell you popularly, step by step, clearly and clearly, how to make currant jelly at home, how to prepare it for desserts and for fillings in pies, for the winter and to eat right now, with currant leaves and vanilla, with and without sugar, boiling and without heat treatment.

If you know what currant jelly is and are seriously determined not to be surprised at anything, readjust - “Magic Food” has prepared for you several surprises that will reveal familiar things from a new side.

The benefits and contraindications of currants

The composition of the plant is unique. Firstly, this berry contains a huge amount the right person potassium - twice as much as in bananas, recognized champions in this microelement. Secondly, currants boast a tremendous amount of vitamin C - there is 4 times more of it than in lemons (to satisfy a person's daily need in this matter, it is enough to eat 15 berries a day). Thirdly, there are so many antioxidants in it that you can safely use this plant as an anti-aging serum, as a means to combat age spots, for the prevention of Alzheimer's.

Morodin is a natural antiseptic: for sore throats, for example, its juice is diluted with water and gargled. Folk remedy that helps no worse than expensive drugs. With the help of this berry, they shorten the recovery period after operations, help with bleeding gums, and prevent diseases. of cardio-vascular system... In general, a miracle berry and almost a panacea. On the farm - an absolutely necessary product.

However, if you suffer from thrombophleitis, alas, currants are contraindicated: the berry contains substances that increase blood clotting. In addition, be careful if you have stomach problems: the acidity of this product can be dangerous for gastritis, ulcers and related diseases. In addition, please note that pediatricians do not recommend giving pure currant juice to children - it can cause allergic reactions.

Jelly making utensils

Like any jam, currant jelly does not tolerate aluminum bowls, preferring enamel basins and "stainless steel". Try not to neglect this issue, because it will be a pity for the effort spent if together useful product you will get an indistinct berry something: old grandmother's aluminum is categorically not suitable for making currant jelly, and even if the whole village of old women tells you that they have been doing this for a thousand years, do not believe it.

Another option is copper basins for making jam. Special, beautiful, luxurious. It is clear that few people manage to acquire such happiness, so focus primarily on stainless steel and enameled dishes.

Second important point- the dishes for making jam should be wide. Very wide. This not only ensures better safety and integrity of the berries (the upper ones do not crush the lower ones with a huge weight), but also significantly accelerates the evaporation time of excess liquid, reducing the heat treatment of the jam. In general, have you already realized the need for a large pelvis? And yes, for the same reason, jam is not made in pots and pans.

By the way, do not forget that if you are preparing "live" jelly, it is a good idea to scald the dishes with boiling water - this not only minimizes the risk of jam fermentation, but also removes excess trace elements that probably remain in the dishes after cooking the previous dish.

Preparation of berries

For the preparation of currant jelly, an exceptionally ripe, well-ripened berry, collected from a bush no more than a day ago, is suitable. What the godfather of your uncle's cousin's brother passed on last week does not fit categorically. Only fresh, high quality, selected berries. As a last resort - the same beautiful, ripe and wonderful, which you did not have time to immediately process and, after washing and drying, sent to the freezer.

To make currant jelly, the ideal berry should be sorted out, removed leaves and twigs and rinsed well under running water. After that, the currants are laid out in an even layer on a cotton towel (several disposable towels) and wait for the berries to dry. After that, you can work with her.

There is one more thing to consider when preparing currant jelly. This plant loves sunny, but not at all hot weather - only under such conditions the berry ripens correctly and retains all its properties, moreover, not only healing ones - it comes and its high gelling ability. If the summer turned out to be unsuccessful, it is quite possible that you will get just delicious currant jam, but not jelly at all.

Classic blackcurrant jelly without cooking

Put the prepared berries in a clean bowl, add sugar and grind with a blender until smooth (scroll through a meat grinder). Pour into sterilized jars, cover with lids and put in the refrigerator for storage. Such jelly can stand all winter and always be at hand if necessary - fresh, healthy, fragrant.

Blackcurrant jelly, or five-minute jam

In a light jelly-like syrup of a stunning dark ruby ​​color, whole currant berries float freely ... A frosty winter evening, a boiling teapot, fragrant tea, fresh homemade buns and a jar of currant jelly ... Isn't this a holiday for the soul?

1.5 cups of water.

Mix water with sugar, cook syrup - bring to a boil, reduce heat and boil for at least 7 minutes. The finished syrup should thicken, but in no case darken.

We sort out the berries, wash them and dry them thoroughly, then transfer them to a basin and evenly fill them with boiling syrup. Leave for 2-3 hours, then bring to a boil, reduce heat, boil for 5-7 minutes. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, wrap it in several blankets and leave it to cool completely. Perhaps at first it will be watery, however, during storage it will thicken and become like a light jelly.

Thick currant jelly

We'll have to tinker a little, yes. But what is the result! The jelly is dense, thick, it can be cut with a knife and put on a piece of bread, while purring with pleasure and obscenely greedily absorbing sweet vitamins, unable to stop for a moment.

We sort the berries, wash them, put them in a metal sieve and blanch them in boiling water for about 3 minutes, then rub them thoroughly in mashed potatoes, removing skins and seeds (the cake is perfect for making compotes or pie fillings). Mix the resulting mass with sugar, leave for 2-3 hours, then simmer for 15-20 minutes, making sure that the jam does not burn. We pour it into jars, close it, wrap it with a blanket, leave it for a day, and then put it in the pantry for storage.

Blackcurrant jelly with orange

2 large oranges;

Wash oranges, pour over boiling water, cut into slices and carefully remove the seeds.

We sort out currants from twigs, leaves, wash, dry.

We pass the berries and citruses through a meat grinder, mix with sugar, leave for 2 hours. After that, bring the mass to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes and pour it into previously sterilized jars. We close it with lids, wrap it in blankets, leave it to cool completely, then transfer it to the pantry and store it until you want to feast on a spoonful of jelly from the aromas of summer, sun and heat.

Currant jelly with apple and cinnamon

The first apples, juicy and incredibly fragrant, will make a wonderful company to the currants - the jelly from these fruits will be dense, tasty, with an amazing smell and a rather restrained, balanced taste.

We sort out the currants, wash them, dry them and put them in the basin. Fall asleep with sugar, fill with water. Leave for 3 hours, then bring to a boil and, reducing heat to low, cook for about 10 minutes.

Peel the apples, remove the core, cut into arbitrary pieces approximately the same size... We spread it in a basin with currants. We leave for 3-5 hours, after which we bring the jam to a boil a second time and boil for 15-20 minutes. Leave it for 5-7 hours again, then boil it for the third time (15-20 minutes), then pour the jelly into sterilized jars, close it with lids, wrap it in blankets and leave it to cool completely. After that, currant-apple jelly can be stored in the pantry.

Clear currant jelly

Lightweight, weightless, this jelly looks unusually beautiful in cans, plays in the sun with stunning highlights and cheers up with its one color. There is no need to talk about a delicate bright taste!

1 kg of black currant;

1 kg of red currant;

Wash the berries, sort out, then blanch in boiling water for 2-4 minutes. Throw it back on a sieve and wipe it from skins and bones.

Mix the resulting puree with sugar, leave for 5 hours, then bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars, close with lids and wrap in several blankets. After cooling completely (about a day), the jars can be transferred to the pantry for storage, while you should strictly ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the currant jelly.

Sugar-free currant jelly

Troubled, yes. But it is beautiful, natural and very bright. Natural taste, concentrated aroma, quintessence of usefulness.

Press the prepared berries (washed and dried) with a potato grinder or pass through a meat grinder. We put the resulting puree in the largest jar that you only have on the farm, put the jar in a stainless steel bucket, on the bottom of which cotton fabric is laid. Pour water over the "shoulders" of the jar, bring to a boil and boil the jelly over minimal heat to the desired degree of consistency, but not less than 4 hours. After that, we pour the jam into small sterilized jars, close the lids, wrap them with several blankets and leave until they cool completely, then the jars can be transferred to the pantry for storage.

Sugar-free currant jelly goes very well with raspberries - for this, add pure raspberries to the same jar and cook the jam together.

An old recipe for currant jelly

Simple and unusual recipe currant jelly. Add a dozen leaves from a bush to a saucepan with berries - the taste of the jam will be extraordinary!

about 1.5 kg of sugar.

A clean berry is spread on the bottom of a wide saucepan and pressed with a lid smaller in diameter than the diameter of the pan. Start heating slowly. The berries will burst when the temperature rises - as soon as the juice boils, it should be drained into sterilized jars, directly from the pan, without lifting the lid. We fill the jars to half, fill the remaining space with sugar. Stir with a clean spoon until the sugar dissolves, after which we close the jars with lids and wrap them with several blankets. After cooling completely, the jelly can be transferred to a cool, dark place and stored until use.

The remaining berries are reused to make jelly - add a cup of water and bring the juice to a boil again, then repeat the procedure in the same way. It is not recommended to cook jelly from the same berries for the third time, but they are great for compotes.

Blackcurrant jelly in a slow cooker

A totally lazy recipe for a delicious winter treat, cold medicine and grated pie filling.

1/2 glass of water

Put the washed and dried berries without stalks, twigs and leaves in a multicooker bowl. Fall asleep with sugar. We pour water. We turn on the program "Jam", setting a delay of start for 3 hours. After the readiness signal, pour the resulting jelly into the jars, cover with lids, wrap with blankets. A day later, we transfer it to the pantry for storage.

If your multicooker model does not have the "Jam" program ("Jam", "Jam"), currant jelly can be prepared using the "Stew" program.

Everything about currant jelly, red and black - recipes, cooking tips, secrets, benefits and contraindications.

Berry jelly recipes for the winter

We are pleased to share our recipe for making a simple, but incredibly tasty delicacy - black currant jelly for the winter. How to cook it ...

4 h 30 min

70 kcal

5/5 (1)

My mother-in-law, an avid summer resident, handed over a whole bucket of black currants. In our family, we love this berry very much, not only for its pleasant sweet and sour taste, but also because it champion in vitamin C content, which is so necessary for our body in the cold season to resist colds and other diseases.

As usual, I froze part of it, and put it on compotes for children. And I decided to make some jelly. I am pleased to share my recipe for making this simple but incredibly tasty delicacy.

How to make blackcurrant jelly for the winter?

Choice of black currant berries for jelly and required ingredients

There is a little trick when choosing berries. The berry does not have to be fully ripe... Let the slightly immature ones also be found in it. This is even a plus, it is thanks to them that the jelly will harden better. We also don’t spend time cleaning the twigs, this will not affect the quality of the jelly. But it is still worth checking for the presence of small insects.

For making delicious blackcurrant jelly required:


How to make blackcurrant jelly: a step-by-step recipe

How to cook blackcurrant jelly:

  1. Before cooking, rinse the berries thoroughly, put them in a colander or sieve and let the water drain. Tip: after washing, it is better to re-weigh the berry, since the weight may change due to water. Already taking into account the new weighing, we adjust the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Pour the berries into a saucepan or basin and knead slightly with a crush so that they let the juice out. Advice: do not use enameled dishes for cooking berries, our jelly will surely burn in it. It is better to choose dishes with a wide bottom. The wider the bottom, the faster the liquid will evaporate, the faster our jelly will cook.
  3. We put the dishes with berries on the fire and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for another 10 minutes. Tip: to give the jelly bright and unusual shades of taste, you can add a little spice to the juice before boiling: cinnamon or cloves. But this is not for everybody.
  4. We filter the berry. The most effective option: Throw the berry in a colander covered with gauze. Tip: It is important not to rush to filter the juice. Leave the berries in this state for at least 4 hours, and preferably overnight. You can speed up the process and help the juice pass through the colander by pressing down with a spoon, but then the juice will turn out to be less transparent.
  5. We filter the resulting juice through several layers of clean gauze.
  6. We put the juice on low heat and boil it down to 1/3 of the original volume. Do not forget to stir and remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
  7. Gradually pour sugar into the juice and, stirring, bring to a boil. Tip: You can test the mixture for pectin formation (which affects the thickening of the jelly). This is easy to do: pour a spoonful of jelly onto a pre-chilled plate and put it in a cold place. After a couple of minutes, a film should appear on the surface, the mixture should grab, when pressed with your finger, slightly press in. If this effect does not work, you must continue to cook.

Where to store and what to eat blackcurrant jelly with

After the jelly has reached the required consistency and has passed the test, you can lay it out in advance sterilized dry jars... By this time, the jelly usually thickens so much that it begins to stick to the walls. This is another indicator of the readiness of the jelly.

Close with lids (screw or nylon), cool and put in a cool place.

Blackcurrant jelly has long been considered one of our favorite vitamin desserts. I learned the first recipe for the winter from my grandmother, when neither gelatin nor other thickeners were added to the blanks, and there were no multicooker, everything was cooked on the stove in a large basin. There was always a sea of ​​berries, only had time to roll up the banks. And after all, everything was eaten, the delicacy was more accessible than sweets.

Housewives with children love to cook blackcurrant jelly. Glowing jelly, beautifully laid out on a plate, everyone wants to try right away. It is not at all difficult to cook it, it is not necessary to add thickeners, because the currants have enough of their natural pectin. And it also contains the whole group of vitamins that help us out in winter.

How to make blackcurrant jelly

Of course, a big plus is that there are a lot of pectins in the berry and it gelates itself. But it gives up its juice hard. Therefore, you always have to tinker with the berry. But the result always justifies our labor costs.

To separate the juice, they use different methods, stew the berry, rub it through a sieve, grind it in a food processor or pass it through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice using a juicer. Any method has the right to exist, you need to choose the one that is more convenient for you. Let's take a look at recipes with different methods of juicing.

Blackcurrant jelly, recipes

For this type of workpieces, you can take a slightly unripe berry, the juice from it gelates better and the result is persistent.

Traditional recipe for currant jelly

You will have to calculate the ingredients during the preparation process, it is not so difficult

We will need:

  • Black currant
  • A glass of water for every kilogram of berries
  • Sugar, 500 grams for each liter of juice

How we will cook:

First we sort out the berry and rinse it. In this case, I do not cut off the ponytails, all the same they will remain with the cake. I put the washed berries in a colander, shake them a little so that the excess water glass faster.

After that, the berry must be weighed to find out how many glasses of water to pour. Pour everything into a bowl or where we will cook and fill the berry with water. It needs to be boiled, boiled for about ten minutes so that the berries burst the juice flowed out.

Then I rub the berries in portions into a stainless steel pan, where the jelly will cook. This can be done with a wooden spoon or spatula. The amount of juice also needs to be measured in order to know how much sugar to add. I measured it by eye in advance, pouring water into the pan with liter cans.

We introduce sugar little by little, in portions into the already hot juice, continuing to heat until everything boils, you need to cook at a low temperature and stir all the time so that the sugar dissolves evenly. I boil the jelly by a third of the total volume, by the way, so that evaporation goes faster, it is better to take a wide and low pan.

The whole process of boiling takes about an hour. Then I immediately pour hot jelly into jars and roll them up. jars should be sterile and dry, preferably warm. Then they do not need to be turned over and generally touched while the gelling process is in progress.

I found good use of the cake left over from the berry. I put it on a baking sheet and dry it, then store it in a glass jar. In winter, it makes an excellent aromatic tea.

Blackcurrant jelly recipe - five minutes

A simple recipe and always works. It takes very little time, sometimes I make jelly using only this recipe.

For him you need:

  • Kilo berries
  • 0.3 kg sugar
  • Half a glass of water

How to make jelly:

I sort out the berries and wash them well, pouring them into a colander, under the tap. Then I pour it into a cauldron or saucepan, pour water into it, start heating it very slowly so that the berry gives off its juice, it takes about 15 minutes.

Blackcurrant jelly through a meat grinder

For him you need:

  • Liter of squeezed juice
  • 0.45 grams of sugar

How to cook:

I sort out the berries, leave the tails, sometimes even twigs, there's nothing wrong with that. I pass it through a meat grinder. It turns out a thick mass, bones and skins still come out, the juice is very difficult to separate. I pour the mass into a wide basin, add a little water there. If there was a five-liter bucket of berries, then you need water from a glass.

Slowly heat the mixture, then let it boil for about ten minutes. during this time, the juice is already well separated. After that, it remains only to squeeze everything through cheesecloth, I fold it in 4 layers. Already pour sugar into the resulting juice, cook over medium heat until a thick film begins to collect on the surface, which means the jelly is ready and it's time to pour it into the jars.

Raw Blackcurrant Jelly

Yes, I do that. In this case, all vitamins are perfectly preserved. Only here you need to observe special sterility, pour boiling water over all objects that will come into contact with the berry. The berry itself needs to be sorted out very well, tails off and select overripe ones, as they provoke fermentation.

For this you will need:

  • Liter of juice
  • Half a kilo of sugar

How to make raw jelly:

In this case, the juice is separated through a juicer, if there are seeds, then you still need to pass it through cheesecloth, which needs to be boiled.

Next, grind the sugar into powder using a coffee grinder. You can also fall asleep whole, but it will take longer to dissolve. Add the powder to the juice, start heating until everything is completely dissolved. We do not bring it to a boil and immediately pour it into sterile jars. I keep this jam in the refrigerator.

Blackcurrant jelly, my favorite recipe

Blackcurrant jelly for tea for breakfast on site

Black currant is an amazingly fragrant berry with a slight sour taste, a valuable source of vitamins that are so necessary for the human body, especially the growing one. But these same growing organisms do not really want to consume this wonderful berry, turning their noses away from it. So my precious daughters do not want to replenish their bodies with natural vitamins that live in black currants. Therefore, after thinking a little, I found a way out: I made jelly from these berries.

There are no pieces in it, and the taste of jelly is much sweeter due to the presence of sugar. This is the only way my daughters crush him.

To make blackcurrant jelly, you just need berries and sugar in a ratio of 1 / 1.2

Composition of products for jam - jelly:

1 kg. berries / 1.2 kg. Sahara.

Blackcurrant jelly on the site

How to cook from blackcurrant jelly according to the photo recipe steps in a hurry:

And to prepare this delicious jelly, it will not take much time, except for a little physical effort.
We wash the currant berries under cold running water and leave for a while in a colander to drain the water.

Blackcurrant jelly on the site
Blackcurrant jelly on the site
Blackcurrant jelly on the site

We install a sieve on a stainless steel pan (you can also enamel). Pour berry puree into a sieve and wipe.

Blackcurrant jelly on the site

As a result, berry juice flows into the pan, and the rest of the berries are put in a separate bowl. They can be used when cooking compote.

Blackcurrant jelly on the site

Chopping and passing the available berries through a sieve, fill them with sugar, mix and set to cook.

Blackcurrant jelly on the site
Blackcurrant jelly on the site

After boiling, it is enough to boil the jelly for a quarter of an hour, not forgetting to remove the foam formed on the surface. In the meantime, the jelly is being cooked with soap, we wash the jars with lids plus a glass (with which we will pour the finished jelly) and, after rinsing them with boiling water as a sterilization, we put them on a clean dry towel.

Blackcurrant jelly on the site
Blackcurrant jelly on the site

Pour the finished jelly into the jars with a glass and, tightly closing the lids, turn it upside down.

Blackcurrant jelly on the site
Blackcurrant jelly on the site

After a little cooling, the jelly becomes thicker and very tasty. What could be tastier and healthier with a cup of tea !?

Blackcurrant jelly, the recipes of which we bring to your attention, is an excellent alternative to traditional homemade preparations. Its taste is in no way inferior to jam, jam or confiture, but the cooking process is much simpler and more accessible. The busiest housewives should pay attention to the "five minutes" and methods without cooking, and for those who have plenty of time, it makes sense to take note of the "thick" options and recipes with gelatin. On cold winter days, these preparations will delight you with their juicy freshness and give the body a supply of vigor, energy and vitality.

Concentrated blackcurrant jelly for the winter - step by step instructions with a photo

Guided by this step-by-step instruction with a photo, you can cook a very rich and concentrated blackcurrant jelly for the winter. There is no water in the recipe. Instead, natural currant juice is used. This provides the delicacy with a brighter taste and a pronounced berry aroma.

Essential Ingredients for Concentrated Blackcurrant Jelly for Winter

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • black currant juice - 200 ml
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

Step-by-step instructions with a photo of how to make jelly from blackcurrant berries for winter

How to make blackcurrant jelly without cooking - a recipe for the winter through a meat grinder

Blackcurrant jelly, made without boiling according to this recipe, solidifies perfectly and without any problems "survives" until deep winter cold. The natural preservative here is granulated sugar. Turned into powder, it is instantly absorbed into the berry juice and gives the currant mass the necessary density. Its volume is twice the weight of the berries and, due to this, the workpiece does not ferment and does not sour even during long-term storage.

Required ingredients for cooking blackcurrant jelly without boiling with a meat grinder

  • black currant - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 3 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for jelly from currant berries without cooking

  1. Wash the berries very thoroughly in running water, after removing twigs and leaves from them. Then spread out in one layer on several napkins so that excess moisture is absorbed into the paper as much as possible.
  2. Install a fine grate in a meat grinder and scroll the dried berries through it twice. Place the released juice separately from the denser part of the berries.
  3. Using a coffee grinder, turn the granulated sugar into powder and pour it into the liquid juice of the berries. Stir the mass very thoroughly so that it becomes smooth and uniformly flowing.
  4. Combine the liquid and dense parts of the berries together and mix until smooth.
  5. Arrange in clean, sterilized jars, close the lids and send them to the refrigerator or basement, where the temperature never rises above 2-3 degrees.

Thick black currant jelly with lemon juice - a recipe for the winter

To make blackcurrant jelly especially thick, it is not at all necessary to add gelatin or other components of such a plan to it. You can simply follow the advice of this recipe and first turn the berries into a homogeneous puree using kitchen equipment, and then boil them with sugar over very low heat and naturally evaporate almost all the liquid from the composition. Of course, this is a long and painstaking business, but the end result is well worth the effort.

Essential ingredients for a thick blackcurrant jelly for the winter with the addition of lemon juice

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • lemon - 1 piece

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for making thick blackcurrant jelly for winter

  1. Remove twigs, leaves and small debris from currants, wash the berries very well and dry them on a paper towel. Then grind into a soft puree using a blender or food processor.
  2. Introduce the freshly squeezed juice of one large lemon into the currant mass, add water, mix with a wooden spatula, put on low heat and bring to a boil.
  3. Remove from the stove, cool slightly and rub the composition through a sieve. Put the cake aside, it will no longer be useful. And add sugar to the liquid part, stir thoroughly and return to the stove.
  4. Over very low heat, stirring continuously, evaporate the liquid and boil the mass until thickened.
  5. When the jelly begins to turn tightly in the pan, pack it into sterilized jars, seal with lids and, covered with a bath towel, leave to cool completely. For winter storage, take it to the closet.

Simple blackcurrant jelly - a five-minute recipe for the winter

In literally five minutes, following the tips of this recipe, you can cook black currant jelly for the winter. The finished product will turn out to be very aromatic, rich and tasty due to the fact that the berries will undergo heat treatment for a minimum amount of time and simply will not have time to boil down much and lose their natural juiciness and freshness.

Essential Ingredients for a Simple Five-Minute Blackcurrant Jelly for Winter

  • black currant - 12 tbsp
  • granulated sugar - 15 tbsp
  • water - 1 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to easily make a five-minute jelly from black currant

  1. Sort the berries, discard the rotten ones, and free the whole and neat ones from the twigs, rinse in cold water and put on a paper towel so that excess liquid is absorbed faster.
  2. Pour dry currants into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add half a portion of sugar, pour in a faceted glass of water, make high heat and bring to a boil.
  3. When the mass boils, boil for exactly 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Add the second part of the sugar to the hot mass and stir very well with a wooden spatula so that the crystals are completely dissolved in the fruit juice.
  4. Quickly pack the product into sterilized jars, screw it under metal lids, turn it over and, wrapping it in a thick cloth, cool to room temperature.
  5. Store in a dark, cool place, protected from direct sunlight.

Delicious blackcurrant jelly with gelatin for the winter - step by step instructions and a recipe with a photo

A recipe with detailed step-by-step instructions and a photo will tell you how to make blackcurrant jelly with gelatin for the winter. Such a dessert in frosty weather will decorate the traditional home tea drinking and will become a pleasant, bright addition to rich, hot baked goods. Due to the gelatin included in the composition, the delicacy will turn out to be quite dense in consistency and can be used as a filling for pies, buns and puffs.

Essential ingredients for making winter currant jelly with the addition of gelatin

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • edible gelatin - 100 g
  • water - 1 l

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for blackcurrant jelly with gelatin

  1. Place the gelatin in a separate container and soak in cold water for 45 minutes so that it swells properly.
  2. Carefully sort the berries, twigs, leaves, debris, remove spoiled fruits, and wash the whole ones well in running water, discard in a colander and dry. Then rub through a kitchen sieve.
  3. Pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl and leave for now, and put the pulp in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for 1-2 minutes, remove from the stove, cool to room temperature and strain through a thick layer of gauze. Throw away the cake from the berries.
  4. Pour the entire volume of sugar into the broth and boil again over low heat.
  5. When the composition is actively bubbling, add the swollen gelatin and cook, stirring occasionally, until the granules dissolve in the liquid.
  6. At the end, pour in the juice remaining after the initial rubbing of the berries, boil, pour into dry, sterilized jars, roll up under tin lids and cool, wrapping a blanket on top.
  7. For storage, take it to the cellar or basement.

How to cold make blackcurrant jelly - a simple recipe for the winter

Making blackcurrant jelly for the winter in a cold way according to this recipe, you can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, the finished product will turn out to be very juicy, rich and tasty, and secondly, the berry, which is not subjected to heat treatment, will retain its maximum useful properties and will help protect against seasonal colds and strengthen weakened immunity during severe frosts.

Essential ingredients for the cold method of making currant jelly for winter

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a winter currant berry jelly recipe

  1. Sort out the currants, leaving only dense, whole fruits. Remove the twigs and leaves, and wash the berries themselves very well in running water and put them on a clean linen towel so that the fabric absorbs all excess moisture.
  2. Rub absolutely dry berries through a kitchen sieve.
  3. Combine the liquid part with sugar and mix very well, trying to absorb the sugar crystals into the juice and dissolve in it.
  4. Using a mixer, turn the dense part of the berries remaining in the sieve into a homogeneous puree and pour into the currant-sugar juice.
  5. Mix thoroughly to obtain a soft, creamy consistency.
  6. Pack in dry, sterilized jars, pour a thick layer of sugar on top under the neck and tighten with screw caps.
  7. For storage, send to the refrigerator or any other place where the average temperature does not exceed 1-2 degrees Celsius.

Fast blackcurrant jelly "Pyatiminutka" - recipe in a slow cooker

Very busy housewives who do not have the opportunity to stand for hours at the stove will undoubtedly like the five-minute recipe, which tells how to prepare currant jelly for the winter. In addition to speed, this method is also attractive because the berries do not grind into a homogeneous mass, but remain whole and look very beautiful in clear juice.

Required ingredients for cooking currant jelly in a slow cooker in 5 minutes

  • black currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 400 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook five-minute blackcurrant jelly in a slow cooker

  1. Free the black currant berries from twigs and leaves, wash thoroughly in running water and put in a kitchen sieve to quickly drain the water.
  2. Fold the berries into a deep container, cover with sugar and leave for 6-8 hours to release the juice.
  3. When this happens, drain it and pour it into the multicooker bowl. Add water there and, without closing the lid, boil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Then carefully introduce the berry-sugar mass, select the "Multipovar" program, set the heating at 120 degrees, boil without closing the lid, boil for exactly 5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars, seal with tin lids, wrap in a blanket and cool to room temperature.
  5. Store in a refrigerator or cellar.

What berry do you most often use to make desserts?

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