How to dry young pine cones. Pine cones have medicinal properties and contraindications. When to collect pine cones

Everyone has probably seen what a pinecone looks like. Brown, woody, larger than a walnut. Under the old pines, you can see a lot of dry, loose, with protruding scales of cones.

There are no flowers - it never blooms. But she has strobiles: male - microstrobiles and female - megastrobiles. Cones are the fruit with the seeds collected in them.

The life of a pine cone begins with the formation of a small, millet-sized ball of red color. This is what a pine bud looks like when it's only a few days old. Such an embryo appears at the end of spring, when young shoots begin to form from the buds on the tree. At first, these shoots do not yet have pine needles (needles). Instead, you can see a kind of short stumps, which are whitish, pointed at the ends of the processes. At the top of this shoot is a small lump. In some cases, there are 2 of them. It is extremely difficult to find such a lump - it is barely noticeable. But even if they notice her, they hardly guess what it is. It never occurs to anyone that this little rudiment is the big shot in the future.

How young pine cones develop

During the summer, the pine cone grows and by autumn it already becomes green, reaching the size of a pea. It remains in this stage throughout the winter. With the onset of spring, its development continues further. The fruitfulness becomes much larger. The size of a pine cone at this time is 2.5-7 cm. And at the end of summer it reaches its adult size (8-10 cm in length and 3-4 cm in width). By the next winter she becomes Brown color, quite mature, but not disclosed. Her scales are also tightly pressed, so the seeds still cannot spill out. They can do this only in their third spring, the snow has already melted for years, and the days have become dry and sunny. Compound fruits begin to dry out, as a result of which their scales bulge out and winged seeds fly out into the wild.

Scots pine cones

The tree begins to bear fruit by the age of 15-30. You can notice this by the appearance of small reddish bumps. These are the female cones of the Scots pine. Such a cone consists of a rod (axis) with scales located on it. On them lie unprotected, one might say, naked (hence the name "gymnosperms") ovules, in which eggs are formed.

Male and female pine cones

If the female cones are at the top of the young shoot, then the male cones are at the base. Unlike female cones, male pine cones are smaller, oval, yellow in color and concentrated in close groups.

The structure of male pine cones: the main axis with scales located on it. The underside of each scale has 2 pollen sacs. In these sacs, pollen matures, where later sperm - male reproductive cells - are formed. After fertilization, the male fruit soon dies off.

As you know, fertilization occurs only a year after the pollen from the male cone reaches the female. During all this time, the pollen that got on the ovules was at rest. And only after a year does it germinate, forming a pollen tube that carries sperm to the archegonia. As a result, one fuses with the egg. Further, the embryo begins to develop from the zygote. And the ovules turn into a seed. The embryo itself is located in the tissue of the female gametophyte, where by this time many nutrients have been accumulated. This tissue is also called the primary endosperm. The seed is covered with a hard skin, under which there is a thin film. The film and skin are formed from ovule tissue. They are diploid. The endosperm, as the vegetative component of the gametophyte, is haploid, and the embryo is diploid. At the end of the next winter, the mature female cone will turn brown and reach 4-6 cm.

A mature pine cone of ovoid-conical shape. It has a ripe seed with a transparent wing. With the spreading of the scales of the female cone, it becomes clear that the seeds are located in pairs on top of the scales. On the scales, gray thickenings are clearly visible - a kind of rhomboid shields with 4-6 edges, which are bent downward. Each seed has a wing that is needed to be carried by the wind.

Size, structure, density of pine cones and their difference from spruce, larch

It turns out that not every person will be able to distinguish cones from different ones. It would seem that they should be the same, but in fact, all the fruit trees of conifers differ from each other.

Hanging pine stems, located on a short handle, one or more pieces. Their shape is cylindrical. 8-10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. The scales are hard, woody. The apophyses have a vaulted-convex shape. At the apex there is a convex obtuse navel.

The spruce cone is formed by covering scales, which are arranged spirally; there are 2 ovules in their sinuses. The shape is oblong-cylindrical, pointed. A mature cone is hanging, dry, woody or leathery. Length - up to 15 cm, width 3-4 cm.

Larch seed fruit is round, ovoid, and can be almost cylindrical. Unlike pine, its seed is firmly attached to the wing.

In addition to the shape and structure, the difference between pine cones and, as well as larch, lies in their ripening. If pine cones are "ready" only in the second year, then spruce and larches ripen in the year of flowering.

They also differ in density. Pine is heavier than spruce. So, a bucket of spruce cones weighs about 5 kg, then 5-7 kg of pine. On average, the density of a pine cone is about 600 kg / m3.

When to collect pine cones?

When to harvest pine cones depends on the purpose of the harvest. In the spring, after fertilization, the male cone dies off, as well as female “specimens” of the second year of life that have released seeds. Such "spreads" can be collected throughout the summer. However, except for children's crafts and for decorative purposes, they cannot be used anywhere else. Although recently quite often there are ads with the sale of pine cones ... bags. It turns out that they are used in landscape gardening for mulching trees, all the same coniferous forms. By the way, in the old days samovars were heated with pine cones.

But there is something else, more useful application cones. V folk medicine young pine cones have been used for a long time. The resin in their composition makes the bumps effective for treatment colds, bronchitis, joint diseases and even stroke. For these purposes honey, jam, tinctures, balms are boiled from them.

For medicinal purposes, small, resinous, green bumps are used. For jam, you need to take those bumps that are easily pierced with a fingernail or cut with a knife. As a rule, their length reaches 1-4 cm. You can start collecting them from mid-May and the entire first decade of June. From such young green cones, honey turns out to be of a surprisingly beautiful raspberry color. Its consistency is almost like natural. If the spring is cold and late, with prolonged frosts and long melting snow, then the collection of cones can be slightly extended. Conversely, in warm spring, it is better to finish it in early June.

The use of pine cones: ideas and photos

As you know, mulching is necessary to restore the unprotected soil surface, as well as to hide its defects. Recently, it is very common to see pine cones under the trees in the garden. The advantage of such mulching is not only the naturalness of the material, but also high decorative and aesthetic characteristics. In addition, natural natural material increases the physicochemical indicators of the upper soil layer, and also activates the development of microorganisms that are useful for trees. Due to its porous structure, this mulch maintains an optimal moisture level even in dry periods. Pine cones, as a natural material, provide the necessary temperature regime: in winter they protect the soil from hypothermia, and in summer - from negative solar effects and overheating. Mulching with pine material evens out daily temperature fluctuations in autumn and spring, and also inhibits the growth of weeds. The soil under such material breathes, passes

water and air. Natural mulch regulates the acidity of the soil, enriches it with oxygen.

In general, conifer cone mulch has a mass useful properties:

  • Aesthetically beautiful appearance plot;
  • Resistant to rotting processes and mold formation;
  • Since pine trees do not contain an allergen, the mulching material is also hypoallergenic;
  • Mulch has antibacterial properties: wood-boring beetles do not live in it. Therefore, there is no need to chemically treat the mulching material, as it is necessary to do when mulching with materials of other tree species;
  • Contains antioxidants - substances that contribute to the body's fight against aging and the occurrence of various kinds of diseases, which is especially characteristic in conditions of radiation, stress and a polluted environment;
  • Contains natural flavonoids. Once in the respiratory tract, these substances prevent the occurrence of colds and viral diseases.

In addition to mulching and medicinal uses, pine cones can be amazing materials for room design, crafts, and more.

A photo of pine cones clearly demonstrates their singularity and beauty. It is necessary to apply just a little imagination and pine "spreads" will take a worthy place in the house, garden, in the country. You can use them in a variety of ways. You can even divide it into separate small petals and make some kind of composition. And you can use the whole bumps. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that it should be a New Year's composition. There are many options, the possibilities can be limited only by imagination.

They can decorate candlesticks, mirrors, paintings, make panels and other compositions. It is better to fix the cone specimens with the help of reliable glue, since this material is quite specific. You can simply cover the bumps with paint or "silver". This makes wonderful Christmas decorations. Such specimens look great in the garden as decorations. And sometimes they just heat the fireplaces in country houses.

A walk through the forest will cheer you up, fill you with strength, help get rid of stress, and forget about irritability.

It is believed that the beneficial properties of the plant are concentrated in the seeds. Pine stores biologically active substances keeping them in cones from spring to winter.

Phytoncides, tannins, vitamins, essential oils, selenium and magnesium, iron - these are the "treasures" of these small coniferous pantries.

Traditional medicine experts say that pine cones can be used to treat respiratory diseases, joint diseases, and to cleanse the body.

Since ancient times, green pine cones have been used as a remedy for scurvy.

The components contained in this natural medicine help to increase immunity, help to avoid contracting tuberculosis. These properties of buds are the most widely known.

If you are going to use for treatment folk remedies, do not forget about the general rules:

  • consult with your doctor;
  • learn about the benefits and contraindications;
  • do not use folk remedies in acute periods of the disease;
  • use with caution in the treatment of children and people over 60 years of age;
  • start with small doses, gradually increase the amount and carefully observe the reaction of the body;
  • do not take the same herbal preparations for a long time;
  • take breaks;
  • remember the dangerous consequences of self-medication.

Decoctions, tinctures, syrups and jam from pine cones have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, immunomodulatory medicinal properties. They can be used for various diseases:

  • cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • joint diseases.

In folk medicine in medicinal purposes both old and young cones are used - the last ones remain green, unopened all summer.

Usually, young specimens from 1 to 4 cm long are harvested in May-June (the optimal time for the middle strip). They should be easy to cut with a knife, be soft. In the "field" conditions for checking such cones are scratched with a fingernail or try to bite through.

Give preference to dense, tarry and sticky bumps. These are females. They can be easily identified by their ribbed scales.

Healers advise to collect the formed, but not yet aged pine fruits on the day of Ivan Kupala. It is believed that at this time their medicinal properties maximum.

Solid green specimens can be used to make tinctures. If you are going to use the tincture to prevent a stroke or in the recovery period after this disease, go to the forest from June to September. The buds will already ripen, accumulate tannins (they play a key role in the fight against the death of brain cells), but they will not open and will not lose their seeds.

Cones age one year after formation: they darken, change color and open. By this time, you will no longer find seeds in their hard cavities.

Pay attention to the tree itself. Sometimes pines are attacked by pests. It is better not to use medicinal raw materials from such trees.

You can use the beneficial properties of pine cones in different ways. You will be surprised how many options there are for their use in traditional medicine.

Tinctures are prepared with alcohol or vodka. Broths are recommended for use if alcohol is contraindicated. You can cook them in water or milk. Used for bronchitis and pneumonia, cold cough, pulmonary tuberculosis.

In the East, decoctions of green pine cones are considered good remedy to cleanse the skin. If for 10-14 days you drink a glass of broth daily, irregularities and rashes on the face will disappear, a blush will appear, and small mimic wrinkles will be smoothed out.

To cleanse the skin, you can prepare a decoction with flower honey (just 1 tsp per glass is enough).

Alcohol tincture is taken for the prevention and treatment of strokes, but not at the initial stage of the disease.

Like other herbal medicines, decoctions and infusions from green and mature pine cones have contraindications. The main ones are kidney diseases, as well as:

  • hepatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • age (under 7 and over 60).

Individual intolerance will supplement the above contraindications.

Large doses must be avoided. Otherwise, it may appear headache or symptoms caused by stomach inflammation.

Attention! The benefits of medicinal decoctions will not replace medications prescribed by your doctor.

Use natural remedies with care.

Do not forget to consult a specialist. Self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Traditional medicine recipes Healing broth

Rinse 4-5 green cones well, chop, add 1/2 liter of water, wait until the water boils, hold the broth for 5 minutes over low heat.

Drink a quarter glass every morning after meals. Take up to 3 times a day.

For the prevention of stroke, take 1 tsp. every morning after meals. In the post-stroke period, it is recommended to take it three times a day. The benefits of using this infusion will be only with prolonged use: at least six months.

I would like to warn against thoughtless use of the tincture. Remember that only a doctor can confirm the medicinal properties of a tincture.

Before going to bed, drink a glass of tea with honey and a teaspoon of this tincture.

Cough syrup

Green pine cone jam and syrup, while pleasant to the taste, are a medicinal remedy. Therefore, it is recommended not to feast on them, but to take them for a cold cough, pneumonia and bronchitis. These natural sweets have excellent expectorant properties.

Making syrup is easy. Cut the young cones collected in spring, put them in a jar, sprinkle each layer with sugar. It is better to store the syrup in the refrigerator.

For children with colds, give 1 tsp, but it is better to start with small doses. Do not forget about contraindications for children under 7 years old.

Pine cone jam is prepared in the same way as fruit jam. Just don't try to cook as much as possible. 2-3 liters for a family is enough for the winter-autumn period, when there is a danger of contracting the flu or colds. Using 1 tsp. with a glass of tea, you will strengthen the immune system.

Pine is one of the most common plants in our forests. Its needles and resin, not without reason called sap, have been used since ancient times to strengthen the body's defenses, treat vitamin deficiencies, anemia and many other diseases. V last years folk remedies made from pine cones have gained wide popularity. The "fruits" of a coniferous tree contain a huge amount of vitamins, biologically active substances, antioxidants, phytoncides and other useful components. In this article we will tell you about the most famous recipes medicines from pine cones.

A kilogram of young green bumps is poured into 2 liters cold water and leave for a day. Then the infusion is drained, 1 kg of granulated sugar is added and the syrup is boiled, into which, after boiling, the cones are dipped. The jam is cooked for 1.5-2 hours on low heat. The foam that forms when the mixture is boiled should be removed. As a result, the delicacy has a pleasant amber color, a wonderful smell and taste, reminiscent of strawberry jam.

There is another way to make healing jam. It can be cooked according to the five-minute principle, that is, boil the cones in pre-prepared syrup for 5-7 minutes and let it brew for a day, repeat the whole cycle 2 more times and pour the finished jam into a dry sterilized container.

Young pine cone jam is an excellent immune stimulant. Taking as little as a tablespoon per day can significantly reduce your risk of seasonal colds. In addition, the agent is used to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and to restore strength after illness.

Tincture and decoction of green cones

The drug perfectly helps with obsessive cough, bronchitis, any inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. It is also used for pain in the heart, high temperature(as a diaphoretic), vitamin deficiency.

The tincture is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of chopped (chopped) cones is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and insisted for 12 hours in a warm place. It is desirable that the mixture does not cool down, so the container with the future medicine is placed in a saucepan with boiling water, to which new portions are regularly added hot water... Take a tincture of 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

Unfortunately, the aqueous tincture of green buds does not store well. To stock up on a healing agent, a decoction is prepared by boiling (the mixture described above is boiled for 2-3 minutes over high heat, and then filtered). The broth can be stored in the refrigerator, mixing the required portion with a small amount of honey before taking.

Tincture of mature buds

The healing properties of this composition have become known not so long ago, but its exceptional therapeutic and prophylactic effect has already been clinically confirmed.

For cooking, use mature cones (hard, brown, slightly opened) and 70% alcohol (can be replaced with vodka). There are several recipes. Here are two of the most famous:

  • fill a one-liter jar with cones and fill it up to the shoulders with alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, then strain. Take a teaspoon once a day after meals;
  • Pour 5 large cones with a glass of alcohol and put in a dark place for 10 days. Strain the solution and add a teaspoon of apple cider or grape vinegar to it. The mixture should be taken at night in a teaspoon, dissolving in a glass of warm weak tea (with honey).

Both drugs are used for the prevention of stroke and after suffering a cerebrovascular accident. It was found that in patients who took such a tincture for six months after a stroke, the lost motor functions and speech were successfully restored, the general tone of the body increased, and the process of destruction of brain cells stopped.

The drug prepared according to the first recipe is also used for rubbing and compresses for joint diseases accompanied by swelling and pain.

Healing elixir (syrup)

The syrup is made from green buds and honey (sometimes mixed with sugar). The washed cones are placed in three-liter jar, filling it by 2/3, and add 900 g of high-quality liquid honey (or 800 g of honey and 100 g of sugar). The container is tightly closed, left in a well-lit place (for example, on a windowsill) and the mixture is infused for 3-4 months, shaking the jar daily to mix the contents. During this time, beneficial substances are extracted from the cones and transferred to honey.

At the end of the process, the resulting syrup is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. The tool gently relieves cough, helps with colds, helps to normalize metabolism and overall health of the body. It is recommended to give it to children (of course, in the absence of allergies to bee products).

Green cones in middle lane Russia is harvested until mid-July. As a rule, they are plucked (or cut) from young, short pines. Cones should be soft (easily damaged by a nail), length - no more than 4 cm. Raw materials cannot be stored, they must be processed on the first day after collection.

The use of drugs made from pine cones has a number of contraindications. They should not be taken for kidney disease and hepatitis. You can not treat with such drugs babies under the age of one year, pregnant women and nursing mothers. People who are prone to allergic reactions should also be careful.

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Pine is an excellent raw material for medicines. Almost all of its parts are used: bark, needles, and flowers. But today we will look at the medicinal properties of young pine cones. They were first used to treat people in the Caucasus. The inhabitants of this region have long been famous for good health and longevity, and an important role in this is played by the systematic use of infusions, decoctions and other preparations from pine cones.

All parts of pine, including cones, are rich in resinous substances. They also contain a wide variety of macro and micronutrients. They also contain borneol, bornyl acetate, terpene compounds, aromatic substances, etc.

Green pine cones

Rich chemical composition made pine cones a valuable ingredient in a variety of medicines. Their water and alcohol extracts have an expectorant effect, thinning viscous mucus in the bronchi, and also increase urine output, working as a diuretic. Pine cones contain many biologically active substances that have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect on the body. This allows them to be used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis.

Ripe pine cones can be used as a primitive hygrometer - they open up from moisture, and shrink in dry air.

Pine cones are also used to treat rheumatism. Methods of treatment and prevention of strokes with their help are well described. But in this case, self-medication is not worth it, home medications can be taken only after the approval of the attending physician.

Those who are literally pursued by acute respiratory infections and colds in winter simply need to have pine cone jam at home.... Yes, and it will not harm other people, since this is a delicious delicacy, which, among other things, has a general strengthening effect. It saturates the body with useful substances and strengthens its defenses.

There are many recipes for preparing this potion, but we will choose the simplest and most popular. But be prepared that you have to work a little - making jam from pine cones is much more difficult than from berries or fruits.

Pine cone jam

To prepare a delicious medicine, we need 1 kg. young cones, 1 kg. sugar and 2 liters. water. First, the cones must be washed and the needles removed, and then filled with cool water so that it covers them by 2-3 cm. In this form, you need to leave them for a day to infuse.

In order for the medicines to be as useful as possible, the cones must be collected at a strictly defined time - best of all in the second half of June.

At the end of the day, pour the water into another saucepan, where we mix it with sugar and bring to a boil. Add cones to the bubbling mass and continue to cook over low heat, stirring constantly. It should be cooked like this for a long time - about one and a half to two hours, until the jam acquires a pleasant amber color. During the cooking process, do not forget to remove scale or so-called "foam".
Ready-made cone jam, like any other, must be rolled up in sterile jars and stored in the refrigerator or in another cool, dark place.

Stroke is a formidable disease that very often leads to death and disability of the patient. Preparations based on young pine cones help to minimize the consequences or even prevent it.... Alcohol tincture is quite effective and easy to prepare.

To get it, you need to finely chop 5 young cones and put them in a dark glass bowl with a fairly wide neck. Then pour 200 ml there. ethyl alcohol 70%. We put a tightly closed bottle in a dark and warm room with a temperature of about 20-22 degrees. It is necessary to insist for two weeks, shaking the vessel several times daily. This should be done as often as possible - then the tincture will be more effective. Take such an infusion in a teaspoon three times a day after meals for several months, but not more than six months.

When collecting cones, be sure to pay attention to the tree on which they are located. If it looks sick, damaged by insects, or rotted, it's best not to touch it.

For those who categorically do not accept alcohol, you can advise a decoction instead of alcohol tincture... To prepare the medicine, you will need 5 young bumps. They must be finely chopped, kneaded into a saucepan, poured over with half a liter of water and brought to a boil. After that, boil for 5 minutes and pour into a glass container. The container must be tightly closed and stored in a dark, cool and dry place. Take such a decoction three times a day after meals for a quarter of a glass. The duration of treatment can range from 2-3 months to 6 months.

Preparations based on young pine cones have long been known as an excellent expectorant.... Therefore, with bronchitis and inflammation of the respiratory tract, they are simply irreplaceable. The simplest medicine is an infusion of cones. You need to take a tablespoon of well-crushed raw materials and pour two glasses of water. The medicine will be ready in 12 hours. Take such an infusion in a full tablespoon 3-4 times a day, preferably warm and before meals.

Such a medicine will come in handy for pain in the heart, as well as for scurvy.... It can be taken as a diaphoretic, choleretic and hemostatic agent. It is useful for rheumatism and arthritis.
For bronchial asthma, infusion of green pine cones is also often recommended. For its preparation, two tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured with a full glass of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. Take it in a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

Pine cones will also help with an obsessive dry cough... You can prepare yourself a tasty and healthy medicine, for this you need to take 50 g of fresh raw materials, grind and pour half a liter of boiling water. After everything is infused for about 2-3 hours, strain it and add 500 g of sugar and 50 g of honey, and then boil it again to make a thick syrup. After cooling it down, take a full tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Pine cone tincture

Also, with the urge to cough, you can drink a simple infusion of cones. To prepare it, you will need a tablespoon of fresh crushed raw materials and a glass of boiling water. All must be mixed and insisted for 40 minutes. Then, as soon as you want to cough, you need to take a sip of the infusion.

A little decoction of cones can be added to the bath - this will help relieve fatigue and improve skin condition.

A decoction of pine cones can also be used for liver diseases, except for hepatitis. To prepare it, you need to take 20 g of raw materials and pour a glass of water. Then you need to boil everything for 2 minutes. The finished medicine is filtered and taken 2 tablespoons three times a day.

Although pine cones are a cure for many diseases, in some situations they can be harmful. Treatment with drugs from them is not recommended for those who suffer from kidney disease. You can not use drugs from pine cones and patients with hepatitis, diseases gastrointestinal tract and digestive disorders.

Pine with cones

We should also remember about pregnant women and nursing mothers. Most drugs are contraindicated for them, and preparations based on pine cones are no exception. The use of such drugs is not recommended for those who are allergic to their components. Although allergies to pine or conifers are generally not very common, it is best to start treatment with a small dose. If there are no unpleasant side effects, then you can continue.

Anyway, before starting treatment folk methods, it is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly adhere to his recommendations.

Pine is a majestic tree in our forests and a renowned healer. Resin, needles, buds and cones have useful properties. Moreover, in the last days, the pine accumulates active substances for future use, thanks to which they become valuable for the treatment of diseases. There are few contraindications to this type of medication.

The buds contain phytoncides that have antimicrobial and immuno-strengthening properties. Tannins are healing substances that improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of thrombosis. In addition, the pycnogenol complex of substances contained in the cones is effective in cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol. Also, the fruits are rich in vitamins important for humans: A, B, E, C, K, oleic and lenolic acids, iron, essential oils and lipids. Sometimes the treatment with pine fruits is more effective than the use of expensive drugs.

For medicinal purposes, both young and mature pine cones are usually used; it is important that they do not open. They are effective for the following diseases:

  • colds and flu
  • bronchitis, asthma
  • pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis
  • diseases of the gums and throat
  • polyarthritis
  • atherosclerosis, hypertension
  • stroke prevention
  • low hemoglobin, vitamin deficiency

Healers use pine fruits in recipes for healing balms that are effective in combating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bones, and respiratory organs. According to some reports, bumps have an anticancer effect, and more recently, Italian scientists have discovered amazing possibilities in the treatment of retinopathy.

It is interesting

Moldovan girls use pine pollen to preserve youth and beauty. In the spring, they collect young pine cones, dry them in the sun to reveal the scales, and sprinkle the pollen. Take the drug at the tip of a knife 3 times a day before meals.

The collection of cones is carried out away from the city, roads and businesses. Young cones, up to 4 cm in size, are harvested in the middle lane in May and June. Check the softness with a knife or bite or scratch, you need to take those that are easy to cut. It is better to choose females, they have ribbed scales and a more sticky surface. Healers also collect more mature fruits on Ivan Kupala, from which tinctures can be prepared. Choose pines that are not damaged by pests.

There are many known recipes using this natural medicine. They are used to prepare alcoholic tinctures, decoctions, syrups, jam and honey.

Take 5 pieces of green cones, wash thoroughly, grind and pour 0.5 liters of clean water. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat and turn off. Drink three times a day for ¼ glass after meals. The broth has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is used to treat colds, coughs, and tuberculosis. You can store the finished broth in a cold place for no more than 3 days.

To soften the nasopharynx, relieve puffiness and dilute sputum, inhalation is done with a decoction of pine cones.

Cut soft cones into 2 parts, pour water in a saucepan and bring to a boil under the lid. Boil over low heat, do not open the lid. After 15 minutes, remove from heat and sit over the pan, covered with a blanket. Inhale with your nose, exhale with your mouth.

Used for the prevention of stroke, post-stroke conditions, therapy of cardiovascular diseases.

The cones will need mature, with seeds, but not yet opened, they are harvested after the day of Ivan Kupala and until September. These fruits contain more medicinal tannins.

For tincture, you need to take 5 cones. They need to be washed, cut and filled with 1 glass of good 70% alcohol or high-quality vodka. Then the vessel with the tincture is placed in a cool dark place, remembering to shake it several times a day. After 14 days, the resulting tincture must be filtered.

In order to prevent stroke, take a teaspoon after meals a day. In the period after a stroke and with cardiovascular diseases, the intake is increased up to 3 times a day. The effect is observed with long-term treatment, after 6 months of use. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is advisable to obtain the approval of the attending physician before use.

Infusion for bronchitis or asthma

Rinse the green cones, put them in a thermos, add a small piece (no more than 2 cm) of resin to them, pour 0.5 liters of boiling milk all over. Stir well and leave to brew. After 4 hours, strain the infusion through cheesecloth folded in 4 layers.

Take a tablespoon 2 times a day for 1-2 months. In asthma, it is recommended to repeat the course after a short break.

Put 20 cones in a large saucepan, pour 3 liters of water over them, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for 20-25 minutes. Cool to a comfortable temperature, pour into a basin and soar your legs; to keep warm, you can wrap yourself in a blanket.

With colds, it is difficult to force children to take medication. Try this unusual sweet bump syrup, which boosts your immune system and has an expectorant effect on coughs.

Spring green cones are washed, cut and put in a jar, alternating layers with sugar. After a while, the juice will stand out, that's what we need. You need to store the syrup in a cool place and give the children 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Can be added to a small amount of tea or warm water. Pieces of sweet buds can also be eaten. If the child is still young, be careful when trying new treatment recipes.

Cut the washed young cones into rings, cover with sugar (1: 1), leave to extract juice. Cook over low heat. If there is little juice, you can add water (no more than 0.5 l). Cook for 1.5-2 hours, skimming off the foam during the cooking process. To prevent colds during the season, take a teaspoon three times a day with a warm drink. Or added to tea.

Pine honey

  1. Take 1 kg of green cones, which need to be washed and filled with cold water for a day. Then the syrup is boiled from 1 kg of granulated sugar and 10 glasses of water. Drain the water from the cones and put them in boiling syrup, boil, stirring, until the fruits open. Do not remove limescale. In a too thick mass, you can add a little boiled water. The honey turns out to be dark brown. Keep refrigerated.
  2. Pour a half-liter jar of small bumps with water and cook until soft (but not completely boiled) for about 20 minutes. Cook separately the syrup from 1 kg of granulated sugar and 2 glasses of water. Remove the soft buds with a slotted spoon, put them in boiling syrup and cook for another 25 minutes.
  3. Cut the prepared young green cones and cover with granulated sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Insist for 24 hours until juice appears, then boil the honey for 40 minutes. It should be rolled up in jars.

Honey is effective for strengthening the immune system, for colds, coughs and polyarthritis. Children are given a teaspoon 3 times a day, adults - in the dining room.

The most delicious pine honey

Contraindications to bump treatment

The pine cone treatment is not for everyone. When used internally you should be careful

Avoid using medicinal products in large quantities, abuse is fraught with headaches, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines. Discontinue use if unpleasant symptoms occur. It is contraindicated to use cones.

  • during pregnancy and lactating women;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis;
  • in acute kidney disease.

In addition, there may be individual drug intolerance. In any case, monitor the reaction of your body, take breaks between courses. Before starting treatment, seek the advice of a specialist to avoid the unpleasant consequences of self-medication.

With external use of tinctures from pine fruits, no contraindications have been identified.

It can be concluded that pine cone treatment is an effective, inexpensive and safe method. Try it, heal and be healthy!

Colds, joint pain. It has always been very popular among the inhabitants of Siberia. Cones and traditional healers, who prepared infusion, jam, balms and other remedies from them, were considered a valuable tool.

The conifer cone is a modified shoots that ripen in the second year. It was then, under the influence of a dry wind, that they gradually begin to open. But those who are wondering when to collect buds for treatment should take into account that only young buds are used for treatment. They contain resin, which has a unique healing effect. Therefore, tinctures from cones are widely used for pressure, for the treatment of diseases of the joints, bones, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, etc.

Funds based on this component are also a fairly effective cure for. This quality has been scientifically proven, because experts devoted separate large-scale studies to the study of such properties of cones. Currently, work is underway to create special tablet forms that are easy to use and produce a pronounced effect in the treatment and prevention of strokes.

The current situation with the incidence of stroke

Currently, the prevention of stroke and other diseases of blood vessels and heart is a very important link in the fight for the health of the nation. After all, ailments of the cardiovascular system are widespread among people of different ages. According to statistics, every year a stroke is recorded in 450 thousand residents of Russia of different ages. About a third of patients die one month after a stroke. A third of people who have had this dangerous disease require careful additional care and remain dependent on others. Another 9% have a recurrent stroke throughout the year. If we evaluate the general picture of the rehabilitation process after a stroke, then the severity of this disease is clearly evidenced by the fact that only 8% of patients after a stroke do not need additional help.

How is pine cone stroke treated?

Pine is a phytoncidal plant recognized by specialists. Phytoncides - These are substances that produce a very powerful antimicrobial effect. They destroy pathogenic microbes and at the same time have pronounced tonic properties. Phytoncides have a beneficial effect on general state the immune system. In the summer months, a lot of substances useful to the body gradually accumulate in the cones. In addition to phytoncides, they contain a lot, essential oils , tannins ... It is due to the presence of tannins in the cones, which have unique properties, they are used as a cure for stroke and as an effective preventive measure. Researchers have confirmed that they contain new varieties of tannins that stop the death of brain cells in people with stroke.

Immediately during and after a stroke due to acute disturbance cerebral blood flow, brain cells die off very intensively. Moreover, while the rehabilitation period is underway, the process of cell death continues and even intensifies.

The use of tannin is justified by the fact that this substance can reduce cell death. Scientists have proven this by conducting a series of experiments on experimental rodents. If we consider the results of the experiment, then in mice receiving tannins, only 20% of brain cells died, and in those rodents that did not receive such treatment, about 70%.

According to the scientists who conducted this study, the whole point is that tannins are capable of blocking one of the brain cells that determine the process of vital activity. This makes it possible to reduce the intensity of their death. And the tannins in pine cones work just that way. This property of pine cones was confirmed by scientists from California.

However, those who plan to use such medications should remember the following: if treatment and recovery after a stroke is carried out, folk remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor. After all, preparations prepared on the basis of cones have contraindications. So it is not always possible to apply them and not to everyone.

Pine cones: medicinal properties and contraindications

Useful properties are due to those components that are contained in the composition of modified pine shoots:

  • essential oil, which includes borneol, limonene, pinene, bornyl acetate, cadinene and other substances;
  • resinous acids;
  • bitterness;
  • phytoncides;
  • tannins;
  • a number of vitamins (group B, A, K, P, C);
  • starch;
  • resin;
  • mineral salts.

There is a wide range of pharmacological effects, therefore, pine cones are treated for various diseases and conditions. The following effects of funds based on them have been proven:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • blood-purifying;
  • calming;
  • antiseptic;
  • insecticidal;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • distracting.

From a stroke

Stroke treatment with pine cones is due to the presence of tannin in them, which stops decay neurons after stroke. This allows you to prevent or suspend development. For stroke, alcohol tincture from pine cones is most often used. The use of pine cones tincture on vodka or alcohol is advisable, since alcohol is able to "reveal" the beneficial properties of tannins. Tincture of pine cones on vodka is also used as a means to strengthen blood vessels and the heart, from pressure, to strengthen memory, etc.

Folk recipes for stroke also include the use of other cone-based remedies.

Against cough

In folk medicine, there are also many cough recipes that are effective for lung diseases. It is advisable to use them when, pneumonia ... Sometimes such folk medicines are prescribed as part of the complex treatment of patients. What kind of recipes to use in this case, the attending physician will tell you.

At high pressure

Since funds based on this component produce a hypotensive effect, it is used to normalize blood pressure. Apply it with preventive purpose... You can buy pine cones for the preparation of products in the pharmacy chain. You can buy a ready-made infusion based on this component at the pharmacy.

For diseases of the digestive system

This remedy has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach and pancreas. Tincture is sometimes recommended for use when, peptic ulcer ... But it is important to consider that with such treatment, an exacerbation is possible. Therefore, before using it, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

With varicose veins

When the veins are affected, nodes are formed, the vascular wall becomes thinner, it is advisable to use tinctures inside, and also use this agent for the preparation of medicinal baths.

Local treatment

This agent is also used externally as an irritant, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, pain reliever. The broth is used to treat the skin when, deprive , allergic reactions ... Tinctures are used for rubbing with inflammation of muscles and joints. Decoctions and infusions are useful in inflammatory diseases for gargling.

As a rule, infusions and inhalations are prescribed for children when they cough. Children can be given pine cone jam, the benefits and contraindications of which are the same as those of other remedies based on this component. There are different recipes for pine cone jam, but the doctor should still give recommendations on how to take the jam.

Almost every pine cone jam recipe is based on mixing cones and syrup. However, despite the fact that the beneficial properties of pine cone jam are undeniable, you must adhere to a strict dosage so as not to provoke allergic reactions. Since this product is quite tasty, children eat it with pleasure. But for those who take pine cone jam, the benefits and harms of this product must be taken into account.

To strengthen the body

You can also take such funds as fortifying. They are able to restore the body's defenses after infections, prevent the development, strengthen. Pine essential oil is useful as a deodorizing agent, because it perfectly disinfects the air.


Even folk remedies must be taken responsibly and correctly, taking into account all the contraindications. Medicines with pine cones should be carefully drunk by those who have certain kidney problems. Alcohol-based products should not be taken by those who are sick. hepatitis ... Also, people with individual intolerance should not be treated with such means, those who have already turned 60 years old.

In any case, it is important to strictly follow the instructions when taking such funds.

When to collect?

During the warm months, beneficial substances with medicinal properties accumulate in the buds. For the treatment of stroke, green cones are used, which have already formed. They are suitable for making tinctures. During the rehabilitation period after this formidable disease, already ripe cones are used, which have not yet opened, but they have seeds.

They are collected from young trees that are 10-15 years old. As a rule, these are low trees, so collection is very convenient.

How to make vodka tinctures?

Before cooking, you need to carefully sort out the raw materials, wash it and fill it with vodka or alcohol from trusted manufacturers. The proportions in this case are as follows: for 5 cones, pre-cut, take 1 glass of vodka or 70% alcohol. The solution should be infused in a dark place for two weeks. The jar needs to be shaken periodically. The more often you shake the container, the more saturated and useful the tincture will be. After two weeks, the agent must be filtered and taken during treatment 3 times a day, 1 tsp. For prophylaxis, the tincture is drunk 1 time per day for 1 tsp. The course of treatment lasts up to six months.

You can also make an alcoholic tincture with apple cider vinegar. To do this, add 250 ml of alcohol to 5 cones. Insist at room temperature for 10 days. After straining, add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar. Use vinegar whenever possible homemade... This tincture should be drunk within six months, adding a teaspoon to tea.

Decoction preparation

If taking alcohol tincture is contraindicated for certain reasons, you can prepare a decoction. You need to wash and grind 5 cones, add half a liter of water to them, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Drink the broth three times a day, 50 ml.

Why are fir cones useful?

The use of spruce cones in folk medicine is practiced for various diseases. Funds based on them are shown at bronchitis , etc. Like pine, they produce antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. They contain vitamins, essential oils, a number of biologically active substances.

They are used to treat almost the same ailments that are treated with the help of modified pine shoots. It is also known that you can make restorative decoctions and infusions from spruce cones. Jam from cones is also prepared, the benefits and harms of which are the same as those of pine jam.

The recipe for pine cone jam is simple. The cones need to be crushed, and then folded in layers in an enamel container, each layer, sprinkled with sugar. A week later, when the shoots give juice, boil over low heat for 40 minutes. No need to stir. The jam can be consumed immediately or rolled up in jars. In this case, the resin that remains at the bottom of the container must be left and discarded. Jam is used to treat colds, with vitamin deficiency, to strengthen the immune system. However, it is not recommended to give such a remedy to children under 12 years of age.

Other recipes are no less popular, in particular those using pine buds. Their medicinal properties are due to the contained useful components. In most cases, the use of pine buds in traditional medicine is associated with the treatment of cough. Pine buds are part of breast preparations and various teas, as they produce a tangible expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. They are also used to treat other diseases. For the treatment and prevention of stroke, kidneys are also used, because they contain a large amount of tannins. But still, it is the cones that are used more often for this purpose.

However, it is important to consider that they contain a large amount of turpentine. Therefore, when treating with kidney-based products, digestive disorders, allergic manifestations and headaches are possible. Pine buds are used to prepare decoctions in water and milk, and alcohol tinctures. Decoctions are also used to prepare baths.

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of pine resin are widely known. This resin is mainly processed into turpentine and rosin. These components are part of pain relievers, warming and other agents. Zhivitsa has anti-inflammatory, healing, antiseptic properties. Therefore, its local use is widespread.

In its pure form, cedar resin is most often used. Also, many sources describe the benefits of cedar tincture on vodka, which is made from pine nuts. It has a positive effect on the functions of the sexual and digestive system, and also effectively affects the state of immunity.


Thus, cone remedies can be used as a remedy for stroke recovery. They thin the blood, stop the death of brain cells, stimulate the restoration of speech and coordination of movements. But they should be used strictly according to the prescription and after consulting a doctor.

From this article, you will learn: do pine cones help from a stroke, how to harvest them correctly. Tincture recipes (on vodka, on alcohol, on water). A combination of buds with other natural ingredients. Useful and side effects, contraindications.

Date of publication of the article: 03.04.2017

Date the article was updated: 05/29/2019

Pine cones are an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of stroke. But keep in mind that a herbal remedy cannot completely replace the classic treatment and is only suitable as a supplement.

Talk to your healthcare professional (cardiologist or neuropathologist) before using the cone tincture.

Results from pine cones treatment

Pine cones have an intense hypotensive effect. The pressure decreases already on the fifth day of continuous intake of the tincture.

It is also noted that in patients who took such tinctures for six months after suffering a stroke, speech and coordination recovered faster than in patients who did not supplement drug treatment with this folk remedy.

Composition and useful properties of pine cones

Pine cones are rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen cardiovascular system and the whole organism:

  • Vitamin C - strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity and accelerates the recovery of damaged body tissues.
  • Vitamin P - reduces capillary fragility and increases their elasticity.
  • B vitamins - needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system and its faster recovery. Participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of erythrocytes.
  • Iron - is part of hemoglobin. With a lack of iron in the body (and, as a result, decreased hemoglobin), tachyarrhythmias may occur.
  • Magnesium is needed for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Selenium - strengthens the myocardium, slows down the aging process of cells.

Also, cones contain tannins, which lower blood pressure, prevent blood clots and accelerate the recovery of brain tissue, and a number of flavonoids that help strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

They contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids that lower cholesterol levels.

There are also substances with anti-inflammatory properties.

Thanks to such an abundance of nutrients, pine cones can be very effective in preventing stroke. You can also speed up the recovery of the central nervous system after a stroke that has already occurred.

Tincture can perfectly complement the treatment:

  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis);
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • arthritis;
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension.

Harvesting pine cones

You need to start collecting them at a time when they are still green. Young cones contain the greatest amount of nutrients (especially a lot of them during these periods of magnesium - it is part of chlorophyll, which gives them their green color).

Green bud treatment will be especially effective for arrhythmias and other heart pathologies.

But even if they are already starting to lose their green color, they can still be collected. This can be done as long as they have not yet been revealed. Opened cones already lose most of their beneficial properties - their treatment will be ineffective.

The period when you can collect plant materials is from the beginning of May to the end of June.

Keeping buds for a long time is not worth it. It is better to make a tincture of them immediately after collection. That is why such products are more often made with alcohol or vodka than with water. Alcohol tinctures can be stored for a long time, so you do not need to store the bumps themselves.

If you still want to make a tincture with water or other bud products, you need to save them. To do this, grind them and dry them in the oven at 40 degrees.

Tincture recipes

Most the best way- cooking with alcohol. A 70% alcohol solution can be purchased at a pharmacy. It, unlike vodka, does not contain any unnecessary additives.

1. On alcohol

To prepare the product, take 10 g of pine cones and 50 ml of alcohol. Grind plant materials. Fill with alcohol. Close tightly. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Shake well every day. After 2 weeks, strain and pour into the container in which you will store the medicine.

Alcohol tincture is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals (15 minutes).

2. On vodka

If you are preparing a tincture with vodka, then it will need twice as much as alcohol. That is, for 10 g of cones, 100 ml of vodka. Otherwise, the recipe remains the same. When choosing a drink for preparing a medicine, pay special attention to its quality. Vodka must be natural and must not contain any harmful additives.

For vodka medicine, the dosage is the same as for alcohol.

3. On the water

This option is preferable for those for whom alcohol is contraindicated. For long-term treatment it is better to use an aqueous tincture.

Take 5 medium sized bumps. Grind. Pour in 2 glasses warm water... Put on fire and wait until boiling. Cook for another 5 minutes. Cool it down.

Take a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals.

4. Combined funds

With needles

Pine cones can be supplemented with the needles of the same plant. It contains a large number of ascorbic acid... As well as essential oils, which improve the recovery process of the body after a stroke and normalize the heart rate, and alkaloids, which help with pain in the heart. It also contains substances that lower cholesterol.

Treatment with a tincture of cones and needles is effective if the stroke was provoked by disorders heart rate or atherosclerosis. In addition to accelerating the recovery process of the body, the risk of recurrent stroke is also reduced.

  1. Take 10 g buds and 10 g needles.
  2. Pour in 100 ml of 70% alcohol.
  3. Insist 2 weeks.
  4. When the product is infused, strain.

For a medicine with needles, the dosage is 15–20 drops three times a day.

With honey

Another good addition is honey. It enhances the hypotensive and immunomodulatory properties of pine cones. Treatment with such a remedy helps well against high blood pressure, which can provoke a second stroke.

  • Take a 1 liter jar of buds.
  • Add 400 ml of liquid honey.
  • Close tightly and place in a warm place.
  • Insist 4 months. During this period, the cones will "give" their useful substances to honey.
  • Shake every day.
  • Strain.

For the preparation of the product according to this recipe, only young cones are suitable: no more than 4 cm in size, green, not hardened. They should be easily scratched with your fingernail. Hardened ones have a lower permeability, which is why honey is not saturated with useful substances.

Honey, saturated with the beneficial substances of cones, is eaten in a tablespoon 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

Pine cone treatments usually have no side effects. They can appear only with individual intolerance to this plant. Then there is a rash on the body, itching, nausea.

Headaches, nausea and diarrhea can occur with overdose. In this case, consult your doctor and reduce the dosage or stop taking this traditional medicine altogether.

Reception of funds from cones is contraindicated in renal failure and hepatitis of any type. They are used with caution over the age of 60.

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