Presentation on the topic "quiz on the rules of the road". Presentation on the theme "Quiz game: Children and the road, traffic rules" Traffic rules quiz for children presentation

Slide 2

Which pedestrians violate the Traffic Rules?

Slide 3

Slide 4

Which cyclist gives a right turn signal?

Slide 5

Slide 7

At what minimum age is it allowed to transport children in the front seat of a car without a special child seat?

  • 8 years
  • 10 years
  • 12 years
  • 14 years old
  • 16 years
  • Slide 8

    What signal does the traffic controller give?

    a) pedestrian traffic is prohibited;

    b) pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway from the right and left sides of the traffic controller;

    c) pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway behind the back of the traffic controller.

    Slide 9

    Which cyclist gives a left turn signal?

    Slide 10

    Which of the proposed road signs belong to the group of special prescription road signs?

    Slide 11

    What is the meaning of the term "bicycle"?

    a) a two-wheeled vehicle without a motor for adults and children;

    b) a two- or three-wheeled vehicle for children and adults;

    c) a vehicle, other than wheelchairs, which has two or more wheels and is propelled by the muscular power of the people on it.

    Slide 12

    Which picture shows an unregulated pedestrian crossing?

    Slide 13

    Choose from the proposed road signs those that regulate the movement of pedestrians.

    Slide 14

    What signal does the traffic controller give?

    a) pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway behind the back of the traffic controller;

    b) pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway from the side of the traffic controller's right side;

    c) pedestrian traffic is prohibited;

    Slide 15

    Which cyclist is giving the stop signal?

    Slide 16

    Which picture shows a "power-driven vehicle"?

    a) on 1. b) on 1 and 2. c) in all figures.

    Slide 17

    What do all traffic light signals mean at the same time?

    a) you can start crossing the road;

    b) the green signal will be on soon and you need to get ready to cross the road;

    c) the traffic light does not work.

    Slide 18

    Which of these signs indicates the place where you can cross the road?

    a) sign No. 1; b) sign No. 2; c) both signs.

    Slide 19

    What is called a stopping distance?

    a) the distance traveled by the car from the moment the driver detects the danger to a complete stop;

    b) the distance traveled by the car from the moment the brake pedal is pressed to a complete stop.

    Slide 20

    What does this sign mean?

    a) there is no such road sign;

    b) indicates a place where pedestrian traffic is prohibited;

    c) warns drivers about approaching a pedestrian crossing.

    Slide 21

    What determines the braking distance?

    a) from the mass of the car;

    b) on the speed of the car;

    c) on the condition of the road;

    d) from all of the above reasons.

    Slide 22

    What sign is called "Footpath"?

    Slide 23

    What mistake do children make when crossing the road?

    a) four of us cross the road;

    b) they do not make mistakes;

    c) are inattentive when crossing the road.

    Slide 24

    Who is called the driver?

    a) a person driving a wheelchair without a motor;

    b) the person driving any vehicle;

    c) the person driving the bike.

    Slide 26

    If, through the fault of a pedestrian, an accident occurred, as a result of which a car or roadside buildings were damaged, the offender is punished as follows:

    a) the traffic police inspector will warn him;

    b) the offender will be fined;

    c) the offender will be fined and he will have to compensate for the damage from the accident.

    Slide 27

    It is dangerous to cross the road on this section.

    Slide 28

    At what age is it permitted by the Traffic Regulations to drive a bicycle while driving on the road?

    • 10 years
    • 14 years old
    • 12 years
    • 16 years
  • Slide 29

    Which picture shows a traffic violation?

    Children's road traffic injuries are of particular concern. Thousands of children and adolescents are killed and maimed on the roads of Russia every year. Every seventh victim was less than 16 years old. Of the dead, 40% are children! More than 80% of the total number of affected children become disabled, the number of which increases annually by about 3 thousand people.

    Slide 34

    On the territory of the Amur Region in 2006, 173 road accidents occurred with the participation of children, in which 10 children died and 185 were injured of varying severity.

    Most often, the road accident involved children aged 12 to 16 years.

    At the age: up to 7 years - 4 died and 39 were injured;

    7 - 12 years old - 2 killed and 77 injured;

    12 - 16 years old - 4 killed and 69 injured.

    In 2006, 49 road accidents were committed on the territory of the Romnensky district, in which 17 people were injured, 2 people died.

    Traffic police detained drivers driving while intoxicated - 84 people, for refusing a medical examination - 24, driving vehicles and not having the right to drive - 116, violators of speed limits - 589, violations of traffic rules by pedestrians - 162 people.

    The amount of fines imposed was 206,900 rubles.

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    Slide captions:

    Interactive quiz on traffic rules The presentation was made by Irina Nikolayevna Biankina, teacher of the secondary school № 457 in Moscow

    Rules Teams respond in turn. The price of each question is 1 point. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point, with an incorrect answer, the number of points does not change. Correct answer is indicated by Incorrect answer

    EH, ROADS .. BIKE RIBS SIGNS 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SITUATION!

    Venice Rome Palermo Which Italian city has absolutely no cars?

    England France Ukraine Wanting to cross the road, we first look to the left, and when we reach the middle of the road, we look to the right. Which country is doing exactly the opposite?

    P ork Public works Seizure of a vehicle What punishment in accordance with the decree of 1730 awaits a coachman who violated the traffic rules?


    response transition

    the answer is road

    tram answer

    answer parking

    14 years 12 years 13 years old From what age is it allowed to ride a bicycle on the streets and roads?

    Stop Turn right Danger What information is the moving cyclist trying to communicate?

    On the sidewalk On the bike path In the stadiums, in the courtyards Where is the cyclist prohibited from moving?

    Carriage of passengers on a bicycle is allowed ... Up to 7 years in a special seat Only on the frame In the back seat, but wearing a helmet

    Who will go first? Motorcyclist Motorist Cyclist

    How will the cars go? B and D together A, C, D A and C together A B C D

    A pedestrian approached an intersection, which is regulated by a traffic light and a traffic controller. Who should a pedestrian obey when crossing? To the traffic controller Traffic light To act at your own discretion

    Where can I expect public transport? In places with signs of public transport stops At the edge of the carriageway Anywhere on the carriageway

    How will the cars go? Venice Rome Palermo

    First traffic light, London

    What unusual vehicle was used by the hero of the Russian fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"? answer

    A section of the road located near a child care facility where children may appear. A section of the road temporarily used for sports competitions. Treadmill What is this sign?

    Pedestrian path No pedestrian traffic Pedestrian crossing What is this sign?

    No cycling Give way to a cyclist Cycle path What is this sign?

    №2 №1 №3 What sign is called "Pedestrian crossing"? No. 1 No. 2 No. 3


    First traffic light, London

    USA August 1914 traffic lights

    Japan 1920 first three-color traffic light


    Template author Korovina Irina Nikolaevna primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 9" in Safonovo, Smolensk region Resources used: index.php? act = Print & client = printer & f = 67 & t = 2153

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    Slide captions:

    1.stairs 2.underground walkway 3.ground walkway 4.basement entrance

    How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? 1). 3 4). 13). 2 2). 4

    1). circles 2). stripes 3). squares 4). triangles.

    How do you cross the road if there is no traffic light? 1). You need to look to the left 2). Need to look to the right 3). You need to look first to the left, then to the right 4). You need to look first to the right, then to the left

    What road sign doesn't exist? 1 2 3 4

    What does this sign mean? 1. Car wash 2. Dangerous! Aliens kidnap motorists! 3. Car maintenance 4. Sudden precipitation

    1. Is 2. Is not 3. Is not, if separated from it by a lawn Is the sidewalk part of the road? 4. Is if there are cars driving

    1. Lane 2. Carriageway 3. Motorway 4. Shoulder Road elements intended for the movement of roadless vehicles

    On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Traffic rules quiz for grades 3-4

    The traffic rules quiz for grades 3-4 contains questions and answers on traffic rules. Can be carried out with several groups at once. Material taken from the Internet ....

    Scenario of an intellectual quiz on traffic rules "In the country of road signs" (for grade 5)

    Bestik Irina Viktorovna, educator, KSU "Regional special (correctional) boarding school for children with hearing impairments", Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
    Description: the scenario of the intellectual quiz on traffic rules "In the country of road signs" is intended for educators and teachers of the 5th grade when conducting extracurricular activities and events on traffic rules in a playful way on this topic. The intellectual quiz promotes the development of logical thinking and memory in children, instills critical thinking skills and cognitive interest, and also helps to consolidate children's knowledge about road signs.

    Target: conducting an intellectual quiz on traffic rules about road signs.
    - to repeat and consolidate the knowledge of students about road signs;
    - develop cognitive interest in grade 5 students;
    - to instill the skills of safe behavior on the street;
    - develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory in children.

    Quiz progress:

    Hello guys! Today we will hold an exciting intellectual quiz on traffic rules, and we will devote it to road signs.
    Guys, what are road signs?
    Children's answers.
    A road sign is a technical road safety device, a standardized graphic image, installed along the road to communicate certain information to road users. In order not to get confused in the traffic rules, you guys need to be sure to learn road signs.

    Guess who's coming?
    Of course, a pedestrian!
    Everyone will be a pedestrian
    Who will go hiking on foot.
    Will save him from cars,
    After all, walking down that path
    Maybe only a pedestrian!
    I'm walking down the sidewalk
    There is no way for cars here!
    Well, the signs will tell me
    Where to cross the road.
    I invite you to guess riddles about road signs.

    Didactic game "Riddles about road signs"

    Assignment: solve riddles about road signs.
    1. What a miracle Yudo,
    Two humps like a camel?
    This sign is triangular
    What is it called?
    (Rough road)

    2. The sign was hung at dawn
    So that everyone knows about this:
    Here repairs are going on the road -
    Take care of your feet!
    (Road works)

    3. I am a connoisseur of road rules
    I parked my car here,
    To the parking lot by the fence-
    She also needs to rest.
    (Parking place)

    4. On the road sign volume
    The man is walking.
    Striped paths
    They put a bed under our feet.
    So that we don't know worries
    And they walked forward along them.

    5. Red circle, and in it my friend,
    A quick friend is a bicycle.
    The sign says here and around
    There is no passage on the bike.
    (Riding bicycles is prohibited)

    6. A round sign, and in it a window,
    Don't be in a rush
    Think a little,
    What's here, a brick dump?
    (No entry)

    7. If you're tired on the road
    If you go far
    Rest the chauffeur a little,
    The place is reserved here.

    8. Here is a fork, here is a spoon,
    Refuel a little,
    We fed the dog too ...
    We say "thank you" to the sign.
    (Food point)

    Leading: Guys, when do you think the first road signs appeared?
    Children's answers.
    Leading: Road signs appeared as soon as man came up with roads. They were needed by people in order to indicate routes of movement. For these purposes, the ancient people used all the means at hand: broken branches, notches on the bark of trees, stones of a certain shape installed along the roads. Now let's remember what road signs are often found in our city? The game is called "Let's remember the signs."

    Didactic game "Let's remember the signs"

    Assignment: you need to name the road sign shown in the picture.

    Answers: 1- "Gas station", 2- "Driving without stopping is prohibited", 3- "Underground pedestrian crossing", 4 - "Railway crossing without a barrier", 5- "Telephone", 6- "Roundabout", 7 - "Attention , children ”, 8-“ Bicycle path ”.
    Leading: At first, each country had its own road signs. When automobile communications began to develop between the countries, it became necessary to introduce international road signs. In 1909, at the International Conference on Road Signs in Paris, four international road signs were adopted: "Rough Road", "Steep Descent", "Dangerous Bend" and "Railway Crossing with a Barrier".
    In 1968, 126 characters were already introduced at the next conference. In 1978, a new GOST was adopted, which established 8 groups of road signs. Guys, name the groups of road signs.
    Children's answers.
    Leading: Well done, you know the road sign groups well. Let's remember what each group of road signs means. I offer you a game called "Traffic Sign Groups".

    Didactic game "Groups of road signs"

    Assignment: answer the question about the types of road signs by choosing one correct answer.
    1. Which road signs prioritize intersections, crossings, or narrow road sections?
    A) priority signs ;
    B) prohibition signs;
    B) warning signs;
    D) permissive signs.

    2. What road signs inform drivers about approaching a dangerous section of the road, traffic on which requires taking action?
    A) priority signs;
    B) prohibiting;
    B) permissive;
    G) warning .

    3. Which road signs introduce or remove certain traffic restrictions?
    A) permissive;
    B) priority signs;
    B) warning;
    G) prohibiting .

    4. What road signs are installed in the immediate vicinity of the place where the prescription comes into force?
    A) priority signs;
    B) informational;
    C) service marks;
    G) prescriptive .

    5. What road signs inform about the location of settlements and other objects, as well as about the established or recommended modes of movement?
    A) service signs;
    B) information ;
    C) priority signs;
    D) permissive.

    6. What road signs inform about the location of the relevant objects?
    A) priority signs;
    B) informational;
    C) signs of additional information;
    G) service marks .

    7. What road signs specify or limit the effect of the signs with which they are applied?
    A) priority signs;
    B) additional information signs ;
    B) indicative;
    D) informational.

    8. What road signs introduce or cancel certain driving modes?
    A) indicative;
    B) prohibiting;
    V) special prescription signs ;
    D) permissive.

    Leading: To ensure traffic safety, there are road signs. There are many of them, they have different colors and shapes. This was done so that everyone involved in road traffic - both pedestrians and drivers - could better understand the language of signs. All road signs help organize traffic. Now, guys, let's check how well you know the rules of the road.

    Blitz survey "Yes or no"

    Assignment: you need to correctly answer the questions using only two answer options - yes or no.

    Answers: 1 - no, 2 - yes, 3 - no, 4 - no, 5 - yes, 6 - no, 7 - yes, 8 - yes.
    Road signs have a special language
    And you need everyone to read them.
    And at first glance I could understand
    What kind of danger we should expect on the road.
    And I hope everyone knows what all the signs mean?

    And now we will check how you know the road signs. The game is called "Scanword" Road signs "

    Scanword "Road signs"

    Assignment: guess the crossword puzzle about road signs.

    Quiz on traffic rules

    Is the bicycle driver allowed to ride under this sign?

    • Has the right to.
    • Has no right.

    What letters are used for signs prohibiting cycling?

    • A and B;
    • B and C;
    • A B C

    What should a cyclist do if this sign is installed in front of the intersection?

    • If there are no cars, go through the intersection without stopping.
    • Be especially careful when driving through an intersection.
    • Stop at the stop - line, and if there is none - in front of the edge of the intersected carriageway, and give way to vehicles moving along the intersected road.

    What sign is called "Footpath"?

    What is the safest way for a moped driver to act if this sign is installed at the intersection?

    • Give way to vehicles moving on the road to be crossed.
    • Continue driving without giving way.
    • Drive safely through the intersection

    Where pedestrians should cross the carriageway:

    • Anywhere;
    • On pedestrian crossings (overground or underground), and in their absence - at intersections along the line of sidewalks or shoulders;
    • Anywhere if there are no moving vehicles

    Which of the signs is the moped driver prohibited from driving?

    • Sign "A"
    • Sign "B"
    • Both signs

    A road user is:

    • A person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle;
    • A person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, passenger of a vehicle;
    • Drivers, pedestrians, road workers.

    Is it allowed to tow the bike with another bike and moped?

    • Not allowed;
    • Not allowed; Allowed, but only bike by bike; Allowed, but only on the cycle path.
    • Not allowed; Allowed, but only bike by bike; Allowed, but only on the cycle path.
    • Not allowed; Allowed, but only bike by bike; Allowed, but only on the cycle path.
    • Not allowed;
    • Allowed, but only bike by bike;
    • Allowed, but only on the cycle path.

    What in combination of Greek and Russian words means "traffic light":

    • "Red, yellow, green";
    • "Sparkling Lights";
    • "Bearer of Light".

    In March 1730, Empress Anna Ioannovna signed a decree, according to which the reckless drivers were to be detained, the coachmen were to be flogged with rods as punishment. What penalties at the beginning of the 18th century were applied to people who violate traffic rules:

    • They flogged with rods;
    • Fine, withdrawal of a driver's license;
    • Detention, fine, rods

    Who should obey drivers and pedestrians if the traffic signals contradict traffic signals:

    • Traffic lights;
    • Traffic controller signals;
    • Act at your own discretion.

    Who will go first?

    • Cyclist
    • Motorcyclist

    Which pedestrian is not prohibited from crossing the road?

    Which road sign is the following markings applied to?

    This road sign shows what's ahead

    • Movement is only possible straight ahead.
    • There is a one-way road ahead.

    Who is allowed to move?

    • For cars and cyclists
    • Cyclist and pedestrian
    • For cars and pedestrians

    Bicycle driver:

    • Gotta make way
    • Has the preferential right to move

    What is called a stopping distance?

    • Distance traveled by the car from the moment the driver detects danger to a complete stop.
    • Distance traveled by the vehicle from the moment the driver depressing the brake pedal to a complete stop.
    • Brake track from car tires.

    In what order will the vehicles pass the intersection?

    • Bicycle, car, motorcycle
    • Motorcycle, car, bike.
    • Car, motorcycle, bicycle

    When are cyclists allowed to move two at a time in the same lane?

    • Never
    • When there are 10 cyclists in a group
    • When there are 25 cyclists in a group

    Is it allowed to carry a child on a bicycle?

    • Only up to 7 years old on a specially equipped seat.
    • Yes, on the trunk of a bike.

    Public vehicles include:

    • Trams and trolleybuses
    • Buses and route taxis
    • Buses, trolleybuses, trams running on established routes.

    You are lucky!!!

    Get your prize!

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