How do you understand by external signs that your loved one is leading you by the nose? How to determine the state of health by appearance How to determine by external signs what

Probably every second woman in her life thought about the importance of the size of manhood. At first glance, it seems to us that size does not matter at all, that "he will endure to fall in love, only he was a good, kind family man." But in reality, the picture shows that this is not so.

At first we do not pay attention to dissatisfaction, then we tolerate it, and, in the end, this state turns into depression. It seems to us that our life is incomplete and we begin to think about another man with a different penis size, suitable for you. After all, if in intimate life everything will be fine, then there will be no problems in everyday relationships. But not the other way around.

Female orgasm largely depends on the location of the sensitive areas inside the vagina, and if the male penis does not touch these points, then the woman will not get a vaginal orgasm. For most women, these points are deep.

So how do you know your penis size before first sex?

Is it possible to determine the length of manhood by the external characteristics of a man? Science says yes

Korean doctors conducted a secret study among men. To do this, during anesthesia,
before planned operations, the doctors pulled back the penis, measured its length and recorded the size in the table. They did the same with the fingers. It turned out that the size of the penis depends on the size of the ring finger. If the ring finger is larger than the index finger, then the penis is impressive in size. The greater the difference, the bigger size... It turns out that the only way to determine the size of manhood is by reaching out for a handshake. The man will spread his palm, and all the fingers will be clearly visible.

To date, this is the only confirmed method for determining the size of the penis in men by external appearance.

There are many common ways to recognize sizes. intimate organ upon meeting, but they are confirmed only by guesses, inventions and intuition:

  1. First guess- the size of the penis depends on the size of the man's legs. The longer and wider the foot, the larger the size of the penis.
  2. Second guess- The size of the penis depends on the size of the man's nose. If the nose is long, then the penis is long and thin. If the nose is a potato, then the penis is thicker than usual and shorter in length.
  3. Third guess- the size of the penis depends on the length of the man's thigh. It is said that if the length of the thigh is greater than the length of the leg from the knee to the foot, then the penis is of a staggering size.
  4. Fourth guess- the size of intimate dignity depends on the hairiness of men. The more hair on the body, legs and arms, the thicker and longer the size of the penis.
  5. Fifth guess- The size of the male genital organ depends on the plumpness of the lips. If the lips are thin, then the penis is thin and short, if the lips are thick, then the penis is thick and long.

There is a belief that black men have pronounced genitals, while men of Asian descent are the opposite.

I would like to note that it is not always possible to please a woman with a large sex unit. If inexperienced, a man can bring pain or discomfort to a woman during sex. And with a small size, on the contrary, to deliver a lot of pleasure and enjoyment.

For the “wrong size,” try exploring suitable sex positions that move the genitals away or closer, with deep or shallow penetration. Adjust to your partner and do not hesitate to talk about problems in sex.

P.S. Best regards, site administration.

If tomatoes grow slowly, the leaves turn yellow and curl, many begin to water them vigorously. But most likely they do not have enough batteries.
1. Signs: shoots quickly woody, leaves brighten, then turn yellow. The fruits are small and ripen quickly.

Reason: there is not enough nitrogen.
2. Signs: growth slows down, the main trunk is thin, the leaves are small, with curved edges, have a purple tint. Necrosis sets in, and the leaves fall off.
Reasons: little phosphorus.
3. Signs: the leaves are as if burnt. They then turn yellow and fall off, and chlorosis (yellowing or whitening of the leaves of green plants caused by a lack of minerals) spreads to the younger leaves. Brownish-black stripes are visible inside the fruit.
Reasons: lack of potassium.
4. Signs: The upper leaves begin to turn yellow. Young leaves are deformed, dead tissue appears on them - first in the form of separate points, then they merge. The fruits of the last inflorescences are affected by apical rot.
Reasons: not enough calcium.
5. Signs: Leaves appear whitish. Young leaves are very small, shoots are weak. Flowers are underdeveloped, crumbling.
Reasons: lack of copper (usually on peaty soils).
6. Signs: the dying off of the growth point and the formation of many stepchildren, which makes the plant bushy. Sections of dried tissue are visible on the fruit.
Reasons: lack of boron.
7. Signs: Yellow-green spots appear on older leaves, then gray or brownish. The leaves dry up and fall off, the stalks dry up. Fruits are small, ripen prematurely.
Causes: Chlorosis is caused by an insufficient amount of magnesium.
To correct the situation, it is necessary to apply the appropriate fertilizer: nitrogen, potash, phosphorus or micronutrient fertilizers.
What do cucumbers want?
Some summer residents complain that they grow cucumbers irregular shape... And this directly depends on the lack of elements in the soil:
+ If the cucumbers resemble a pear in shape - they are thin at the base and expand downward, and a pale yellow border around the edge is noticeable on the leaves, then there is not enough potassium in the soil. Fertilize with ash.
+ If they are narrowed downwards and look like carrots, there is not enough nitrogen in the soil. Another indication of the lack of nitrogen is that the plants grow poorly, the stems are thin, the leaves are pale green, the ovary turns yellow. This drawback can be corrected by watering the beds with cucumbers with mullein infusion (it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10) or chicken droppings (1:25). But do not forget that with an excess of nitrogen, plants "fatten", growth is enhanced, leaves are large, and flowering and fruiting are delayed.
+ With a lack of phosphorus, the growth of plants and fruits slows down, the leaves are small, dark green in color.
The best top dressing for tomatoes in July is mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20) with the addition of 40 g of superphosphate and a glass of wood ash per 10 liters of solution. If there is no mullein, make a mixture of 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride (per 1 sq. M).

Today, a lot is written about testosterone - the hormone that makes men men, but is also present in the body of women. In those and others, most of this hormone is produced by the adrenal cortex, but in men, testosterone is also produced by Leydig cells, which are located in the testes, and in women, in the ovaries.

Throughout life, the level of the hormone in the body of men changes. If in newborns the norm is 0.42-0.72 nmol / l, on average - 8.64-29 nmol / l, then in men after 50 years it decreases to 6.68-25.7 nmol / l. In addition, stress and alcohol, dietary habits, nutritional supplements and medicines.

How do I find out my metrics? Usually in men it is determined by analysis venous blood... Most often, it is prescribed to boys who suffer from disabilities in physical development, to men who cannot conceive a child. Everyone should know, because both too low and too high amounts of this hormone bring harm.

How to determine a low amount of testosterone by the appearance of a man?

How to determine testosterone levels in a healthy man without the help of a doctor? First, examine his appearance and analyze his character, mental capacity men. The following signs will indicate an insufficient level of the hormone:

    1. Decreased libido, lack of erotic interest in women (and in men, if it comes about the representatives of the sterner sex with unconventional orientation).
    2. ... An insufficient amount of testosterone leads to the fact that a man's erection either weakens or disappears altogether. The first signs of erectile dysfunction should be a signal for the stronger sex that it is urgent to see a doctor.
    3. Obesity, which occurs according to the female type, can also become a sign of low testosterone levels. In men, adipose tissue begins to form in the hips, chest, and abdomen.
    4. Decreased muscle tone is another sign that the amount of testosterone in the blood is less than normal. If the hormone is not enough, neither GYM's, no nutritional supplements: instead of muscle, adipose tissue continues to grow.
    5. The skin becomes dry, flabby, like a sheet of parchment.
    6. Bones lose density, become porous, and break easily.
    7. Hair gradually disappears from the body.
    8. Sleep is disturbed, appetite changes, there is constant physical fatigue, dissatisfaction with life.
    9. Men who lack this hormone begin to complain of weakened memory, mental and physical fatigue. If a person is not treated, then his cognitive abilities are also degraded.
    10. A very striking external sign of low testosterone is depression and anger. Lack of hormone leads to the fact that a man is in a constantly depressed state, he is angry, irritable, and often makes scandals.

Doctors warn: if a man noticed three of the listed symptoms at the same time, then he must consult a doctor as soon as possible. An insufficient amount of the hormone can lead to more serious illnesses.

It is a mistake to think that low testosterone is only a problem for the elderly. Doctors have convincingly proved that today this problem worries even those who are barely 25 years old.

A sedentary lifestyle, untimely and often unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity - these are the reasons that men lose their sexual characteristics.

Outward signs of a man with normal and high testosterone levels

WITH physiological point vision, the level of testosterone in the blood is responsible for the anabolic and virilizing effects. A sufficient amount of this hormone promotes muscle growth (anabolic effect) and genitals (virilizing effect). Signs of increased testosterone can be very large genitals in men. If we consider the psychological aspects of the action of the hormone of masculinity, then we can see a pattern: increased testosterone makes a man more aggressive, impulsive and loving.

How in practice can be determined by outward signs, does a man have enough testosterone? This is not difficult to do.

Signs of high testosterone levels:

        1. Strong, rough, very deep and courageous voice. The most prominent owners of such voices can be considered Dzhigurda and Leps.
        2. Increased testosterone causes increased body hair growth. True, some representatives of the hormone have so much that it kills the hair follicles on the head. But the rest of their body is covered thick hair... Such "men" are especially common in the south.
        3. Excellent physical development. Here we are not talking about the muscles acquired in the "rocking chairs", although they also, to some extent, indicate the amount of testosterone. This refers to the natural, natural development of muscles, as, for example, in the legendary Hercules.
        4. Committed to practicing martial arts. Those who do not play sports often get involved in fights. Carriers of high testosterone are aggressive, excitable, impulsive. It is this feature that is especially pronounced in Russia on the Day of the Airborne Forces.
        5. Testosterone causes a man to be sexually active. It is these who constantly change women, preferring short-term relationships to stable relationships.
        6. Lack of stability and dimensionality in other spheres of men's life. Testosterone pushes them to take risks, search for new sensations. The negative side of high testosterone levels is the concern of the character of the stronger sex and his inconsistency.

Unfortunately, doctors and scientists studying increased testosterone state that excess testosterone levels in men can lead to the development of cancer, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

How to change the amount of testosterone yourself?

Having found signs of hormonal imbalance in himself, a representative of the stronger sex must pass tests to check the amount of hormones. It is analyzes, and not one test. In Russia, there are no absolutely accurate methods for determining testosterone, and the result may fluctuate depending on the type of study. For this reason, it is better to repeat the study several times and in different clinics. If a man needs serious treatment, then the doctor will definitely prescribe him. In less difficult cases, testosterone levels can be independently regulated by changing physical activity and your own diet.

Have you noticed the manifestation of insufficient hormones? If you want to increase the amount of the male hormone, feel free to introduce fish products, nuts, seeds into your diet. The selenium and magnesium found in these foods raise the level of the needed hormone. To raise testosterone levels, you need to permanently give up buns and sweets (fast carbs), fats, sodas and canned foods. Exercise, frequent walks in the fresh air increases testosterone levels.

A man with low testosterone levels usually has little interest in women. They have to flirt even through force. Regular sex can multiply the production of the male hormone.

Sometimes testosterone in the blood has to be lowered: an excessive amount of it can lead to testicular atrophy. This disease is most often affected by those who like to pump muscles, especially if intensive training is accompanied by the use of steroids. That is why it is recommended to also monitor the level of estrogen and insulin in the blood: once the hormonal balance is disturbed, it will take a long time to heal.

New material, made of porous concrete, has managed to prove itself from the very best side. Houses built from foam blocks are warm and durable. In summer they are cool, and in winter, the owners save up to 30% of heating costs due to the fact that foam concrete retains heat well. A few tips when purchasing foam concrete blocks ...

In terms of environmental friendliness, foam blocks are on the same level with a tree, but at the same time they are fire safe and durable. Compared to brick, walls made of this material are laid out much faster, moreover, it is lightweight and well processed. And this is far from all the advantages that foam blocks have. You can think of soundproofing, frost resistance, convenience in delivery, etc.

Foam concrete has long been recognized as an excellent building material abroad, especially in the cold countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. One can only wonder why these porous "bricks" are still not leading in terms of sales in our country. The reason is very easy to explain. The listed advantages are inherent only in high-quality foam blocks, the production of which did not violate the requirements of the technological process. Otherwise, these blocks will not be better, but worse than traditional bricks.


When buying materials for construction, no one wants the laid out wall to crack in two or three weeks. How to determine the quality of foam blocks visually, having only a tape measure at hand? To do this, you need to feel the surface of the proposed product. It must be smooth and even. Length, width and height measured on several units should not differ from each other (tolerance is ± 2 mm). In this case, the laying will be carried out as expected using construction glue. And the wall itself will turn out to be warm, without "cold bridges".

If the surface of the foam block is pressed with a finger, this does not mean that it is bad, but such material is not suitable for laying load-bearing walls. You need to look for the one with a higher density (900 - 1200 kg / m3). The presence of traces of machine oil on the edges of the porous "brick" indicates that the manufacturer saved on a special lubricant for molds. The plaster will not stick to the wall lined with such blocks; you will first have to nail the netting. And, finally, a pack of foam blocks should be wrapped in foil during final drying in order to ensure the hydration process and normal strength development. Otherwise, the blocks will be covered with cracks and lose strength.

1. Make sure the blocks have the same size
To do this, put several blocks on one flat surface (table, board, etc.) close to each other, first on one edge, and then on the other. At the same time, good blocks adhere to each other with the entire surface without gaps and the upper surface should be completely flat without steps. If there are steps, then you can roughly understand what the minimum thickness of the masonry joint will be. This is the step size multiplied by 2, plus 3mm for glue and 5mm for masonry mortar. That is, if the dimensions of the blocks differ by 2 mm, then the seam thickness: 2 * 2 + 3 = 7mm for glue and 2 * 2 + 5 = 9 mm for mortar. It turns out that the glue overrun is 2.3 times. And the solution - almost 2 times. And further. If the house is faced with brick, it will be necessary to make thicker joints in the brick cladding, which will not only increase the cost of construction, and even spoil the appearance of the house.

2. Blocks should not be brittle
If you can grind a small piece of the block between your fingers, then this indicates that the manufacturer has saved on cement, or pours a lot of water using an imperfect production technology. The minimum block strength for low-rise buildings should be 15kg / cm2.

The presence of cracks in the blocks indicates an incorrect drying mode and the presence of internal stresses, which during operation can lead to the destruction of the block. Be sure to ask how many blocks on average reach the consumer intact - get an indistinct answer - look for another manufacturer.

Look at the chipped block. Notice the structure at the top and bottom of one block. The structure should be the same. If there are differences, then you have a "sandwich" with a strong but cold bottom and a warm, but not durable top. The structure should represent evenly distributed bubbles of the same size and as small as possible, the size of the bubbles should not exceed one millimeter, and it is desirable that their maximum size was less than 1 mm. The bubbles should be spherical. If they are oval-shaped - note - this greatly affects the strength of the blocks.

3. There should be no grease streaks on the walls of the blocks.
The walls of the blocks should not differ in color from their core. The presence of these signs suggests that all kinds of "rubbish" are used for lubrication. Later, you will also find out that plaster does not apply to this so-called lubricant, so you will have to spend money on the plaster mesh and additional work.

4. Pay attention to the packaging
A manufacturer who respects his work and you will not be stingy to put blocks on pallets and pack them in foil. There is another plus in the film - the blocks do not dry out so quickly, and since cement reacts with water for a long time, the block that remains wet for a long time increases its strength during storage due to deeper hydration of the cement. Block dried quickly - more likely to crack.

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Concrete products:

Vladimir (Mytishchi)
I ordered blocks from this enterprise this year. There were only 8 broken lines out of 900. There is a small error in "geometry" but not critical. Thank you very much.

Maria (Moscow)
All perfectly!

Valentin (Krasnozavodsk)
I have not bought foam blocks yet, but I am already pleased with the call, what a pleasant attitude of the manager to the client!

Vitaly (Novosibirsk)
I bought foam blocks from you, they are really good, although several of them had broken edges. In any case, grateful!

Vasily (Kostanay)
I purchased foam blocks through you. We can say for the first time and was pleasantly surprised how quickly and in what excellent form they arrived to me. Thanks!

Useful information:

Why does the house turn out to be warmer from our blocks?
The thermal conductivity of walls made of foam concrete blocks is influenced by the following factors: density of foam concrete (kg / m3), structure of foam concrete (size and number of air bubbles in foam concrete mass), thickness and quality of masonry joints. In general, we can say that the thermal conductivity of a material directly depends on its density, the lower the density, the less heat is transferred by the material.

Why is it cheaper to build from our blocks?
The price per square meter of a house wall is made up of: the cost of blocks, the cost of masonry mortar, the cost of plaster and putty. Experience shows that when buying blocks at a cheaper price, people face such a problem as a large number of blocks that fell apart during delivery on the way to the construction site.

Comparison of various technologies for producing foam concrete.
There are several technologies for producing foam concrete. Generally speaking, they can be divided into two groups.

How to determine the quality of a block based on external signs?
The new material, made of porous concrete, has managed to prove itself from the very best side. Houses built from foam blocks are warm and durable. In summer they are cool, and in winter, the owners save up to 30% of heating costs due to the fact that foam concrete retains heat well. A few tips when purchasing foam concrete blocks ...

The relationship between the technology of production of foam blocks and ecology.
We are interesting creatures - PEOPLE. We try not to eat low-quality products, we do not buy rotten crumbling cars, we are interested in the environmental conditions in the area of ​​the acquired land plot, on which we are going to build a house for ourselves.


Look at the way you dress. Does the person dress with taste or pretense, shock with the costume or hide behind it? Demonstration, originality (or the desire to seem so), courage, independence or vanity can be determined when a person chooses non-standard solutions in appearance.

Be careful with your interpretations. For example, a modest suit can hide suspicion, secrecy, caution, a tendency to manipulate, and even. Or it may conceal an extraordinary personality that is not at all interested in the world of things.

Analyze accessories carefully. Moderation and propriety are important indicators here. More often, excesses in jewelry are an indicator of vanity, expressiveness and maybe even some inadequacy of the owner. The lack of accessories or modesty in their use can indicate both the inability to use them and the simplicity of a person, straightforwardness or to the details.

Pay more attention to facial expressions and gestures of a person, especially in situations in which he is not "drawn", does not seek to please. Typically, broad and profuse gestures are extroverted and expressive. Scanty and angular gestures speak more of a person's tightness and insecurity than character traits.

Use some physiognomy, determining the character of a person by his face. Different parts are associated with different parts. But be careful, as in the literature, many signs are interpreted in different ways.

Look at the top of your face. For example, by the severity of the eyebrow line, they judge both the strength of character, the inherent energy, and the attitude of a person to business - how inclined he is to bring what has been started to the end. A slanting back line of the forehead indicates better interaction with technology, and a straight line, on the contrary, about good contact with people, the ability to build relationships.

Analyze the fit of your eyes. The close one speaks of the dedication and concentration of a person in time, the ability to be accurate. Widely spaced eyes indicate the opposite: "floating" in time and goals.

Pronounced, well-defined upper cheekbones are evidence of riskiness as a character trait. In addition, it is argued that it is also a duty to exercise your right to risk and receive a win. Wide lower cheekbones will warn you about someone who is difficult to argue with, who feels confident and unshakable.

Look at the most expressive object on the face - the nose. It is believed that the round, fleshy tip shows a broad and good-natured nature, while the narrow one is suspicious. The crooked nose gives out wise man, and indicates the commercialism, or materialistic orientation of the personality, but snub-nosed noses often speak of childish naivety and some romanticism of a person.

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