Year of birth 1981 what animal. Rooster: description and characteristics. Positive qualities of the mark

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The year is very bright and eventful, like an animal that personifies it. Year of the White Metal Rooster. Roosters, backed by the power of the element of metal, are very gifted individuals, they are thinkers and partly philosophers. People born in the year of the Rooster are very obligatory and executive, they will fulfill their plans, even if it is beyond their strength and understanding. They expect the same from others.

Eastern 1981: Year of the Metal Rooster

In this article, you will learn:

1981 what year is the eastern calendar

This is the year of ambiguous bright personalities, they have a little bit of everything. Although some traits very clearly distinguish the representatives of the Metal Rooster sign from other zodiac counterparts.

Petukhov's appearance is very pretentious, sometimes even imposing. The character is somewhat boastful and cocky.

Often, excessive self-confidence plays a cruel joke with the wards of the Rooster sign. He does not tolerate failure, because he cannot imagine that he will not be able to cope with something. He considers himself always and in everything right, it is almost impossible for him to prove the opposite. Such a position often leads the rooster to conflict disputes, in which he will prove his innocence to victory.

The rooster loves large societies, to be in the center of attention, but due to the difficulties of communication, he is often left alone with resentment and misunderstanding in his soul. He is selfish to the core, but, despite this, he is capable of very courageous and courageous actions for the sake of his relatives and friends, for which they, in turn, forgive him for his bad temper and ostentatious narcissism.

Features of the sign of the Metal Rooster in the Chinese calendar

One of the features of the Metal Rooster sign is its cockiness, too rough straightforwardness. The Rooster loves to start discussions on various topics, which often turn into heated debates, and here the Rooster feels at ease and does not hesitate to express his opinion directly. Often he does this, not paying attention to either the feelings or emotions of opponents, which can hurt and offend people.

The rooster is also distinguished by boastfulness and excessive pathos, although most often this is only for show, but the Rooster will never be able to admit this.

Eastern horoscope The rooster endowed people born under this sign with remarkable self-confidence, sometimes turning into narcissism. Often they cannot calculate their strength, believing that nothing is impossible for them. They take on what they cannot do and stubbornly go to the end, they never admit failure. Sometimes, the truth of their self-confidence plays into the hands of others, he kind of charges them with this energy, urging them to act. Roosters do not tolerate criticism, although they themselves criticize everyone and everything right and left.

Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Metal Rooster

  • Metal Roosters are good workers due to their stubborn disposition. They move towards the goal with incredible persistence and directness, even if they have to go over their heads.
  • They do not have very many friends, since not everyone will tolerate a harsh disposition, excessive straightforwardness and self-love. But if you nevertheless get closer to the Rooster, then you can see a real devoted friend who will always come to the rescue, even if to the detriment of himself.
  • The years of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope endowed them with a very dreamy nature, although life does not indulge them, they always have to achieve everything with their work.
  • People under the sign of a rooster have a rather lazy character, but since they don't have to rely on luck, they have to work hard, though this is always too much, they rush into all projects with their heads and try to do much more than is required.
Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

Who is 1981? 1981 year of what animal? - the year of the White Metal Rooster. The 1981 White Metal Rooster is a true thinker. He prefers long reflections. The sign is distinguished by its talent in the fields of classification, analysis and substantiation of things. The rooster of 1981 is distinguished by the presence of developed intellectual abilities, a sharp mind. Thanks to these qualities, he easily copes with sorting, research and concentration in various areas of life.

The metal rooster is overly hardworking, practical, prone to scientific and inventive activity. Shows special interest in metaphysical issues, there is an addiction to significant knowledge outside world and myself.

The 1981 white rooster is endowed with intellectual aspirations. He is impressed by full-fledged and interesting social activities. The metal rooster easily enters into personal contact with people, gets along well with others, despite the presence of true fighting qualities.

People born under the 1981 white metal rooster sign are true, loyal friends. They are sincere and honest in their dealings with people. All white animals strongly feel the surrounding injustice. This sign sincerely wants to protect weak people, shows a keen interest in them.

But a small percentage of selfishness is still present in the character of the 1981 white metal rooster. They are proud, narcissistic natures. All this heavily borders on a moderate sense of tact and excessive directness in communication. Often people who gave birth under this sign, cut off the shoulder, do not pay attention to external changes, easily adjusting to circumstances. They can be "lone wolves", hermits.

It is quite easy for the white metal roosters of 1981 to survive loneliness, solitude. This is a rest for them, a little respite for recovery. vitality and energy. This sign has a chastity, strict restrained character. His expressions can be caustic and overly direct.

Sometimes, 1981 metal roosters are attacked by blues, depression and bad mood. They can be overly sad, gloomy, and moody. Talking about a better distant life has a significant impact on the metal rooster. Often they tend to think about a distant, lost paradise, regret unfulfilled dreams.

They love the land and strive for it. Outwardly, the owners of this sign have a strong skeletal system, a strong structure.

The white metal roosters of 1981 prefer to give orders, command both in their professional activities and in their personal life. They love order, cleanliness, so everything is organized and clearly planned for them. Among them there are a large number of military personnel and chiefs.

1981 white roosters are hardworking natures. They are conscientious, responsible and diligent people. They know what they want to get out of life and clearly go to their intended goal. This sign is endowed with discernment and calculation in financial affairs and trade.

1981 is the year of the Metal (Silver) Rooster. All people born during this period have bright character traits and strong spirit: they are charming, honest, purposeful, straightforward, active and know how to win the favor of any person. However, a number of disadvantages are attached to this: excessive boastfulness; decisiveness that borders on impudence; stubbornness that can be called stubbornness.

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    Characteristics of the sign

    1981 - the time of the Metal or Silver Rooster. People of this year of birth know exactly their life goals and boldly go forward with great zeal. Often they ignore the advice and guidance of family and friends and rarely agree to compromise or concessions - which is why the Petukhovs fail to be successful businessmen or entrepreneurs.

    Practical, hardworking, ambitious Rooster conquers people with his deductive and inventive abilities. The influence of the element of metal gives people of this sign perseverance and self-confidence. Despite the outward bravado, they can easily succumb to emotions and feelings.

    In life, representatives of this sign prefer to rely only on themselves and their strength. They have the gift of feeling other people and can easily gain their favor. Roosters have practically no envious people - they appeal to everyone.

    A brief description of:

    • Element: metal.
    • Related western sign: Virgo.
    • Flowers: gladiolus, sunflower, hawthorn.
    • Colors and shades: gold, metallic, brown, silver, yellow.
    • Unlucky colors: white, green.
    • Numbers: 5, 7, 8.

    According to the Slavic horoscope, all representatives of the Rooster sign have a cocky character.

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    Rooster Man

    The male representatives of this sign are respected and loved in society: they turn to them for advice, listen to opinions and statements. The Metal Rooster is an ambitious man who craves power and recognition, has eloquence and loves to perform in public. In any business, he will try to achieve the perfect result.

    The man of this sign is self-confident and will never put up with a supporting role. In deeds and love, he acts decisively, sometimes even harshly, showing himself as a leader. He likes beautiful and bright women, however, choosing a wife for himself, he will make a choice in favor of an economic and clean girl. Representatives of this sign are jealous, they consider the house their fortress and refuge. They love cleanliness and order. In marriage, Rooster men are responsible, so that his family will not need anything.

    The Rooster man is distinguished by pretentiousness and boastfulness, although most often this is just a game for the audience.

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    Rooster Woman

    Women of this sign are purposeful and persistent, thanks to which they often occupy high positions in politics and business. They have an iron will and steel endurance, which is why they often become the object of the envy of other people. Representatives of this sign always achieve what they want - not a single obstacle can stop them.

    At the same time, the Rooster woman is a real coquette: she loves compliments and signs of attention and loves to be admired. As a rule, she has many admirers and gentlemen, but not everyone can withstand the pressure and ambitions of such a woman. Representatives of this sign choose strong and self-sufficient men older than themselves as husbands. Being married, they devote a lot of time to their careers and work, while remaining a good housewife and a responsible mother.

    Career and finance

    In work, the Rooster is smart, hardworking and quick-witted. This zodiac sign is characterized by determination, ambition and courage, which helps him climb high in the career ladder. At the same time, he does not tolerate routine and monotony in work affairs.

    According to the eastern calendar, for this sign it is important public opinion, so they can calmly do the dirtiest work if it brings income. They make excellent leaders, because they have complete order and discipline in their workplace. The following positions are suitable for representatives of this sign:

    • advocate;
    • lawyer;
    • logistician;
    • politician;
    • financier;
    • accountant.

    He loves not only to earn money, but also to spend... Representatives of this sign try to surround themselves with expensive and beautiful things. They do not like to borrow, as well as to lend money, but they do not regret funds for financing various funds.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Like any other horoscope sign, the Rooster has its own advantages and disadvantages. The pluses of the animal include:

    • hard work;
    • purposefulness;
    • honesty and responsibility;
    • cleanliness;
    • decisiveness and activity.

    The disadvantages of representatives of this sign are as follows:

    • excessive stubbornness;
    • excessive straightforwardness;
    • exactingness;
    • aggressive behavior.


    Roosters have a passionate disposition, so they are often worried about diseases of the central nervous system, insomnia and outbursts of aggression. Also, this sign has a weak digestive tract - eating fast food, like other junk food, can have a very negative effect on health.

    Love and marriage

    In love and marriage, Roosters are very demanding: their other half must fully correspond to an intelligent and beautiful partner. Representatives of this sign are jealous, often trying to control and limit the freedom of a husband or wife.

    Showing full dedication and plunging into family life, the Rooster demands the same from the other half. For a successful family life the partner needs to have the following character traits:

    • patience;
    • tenderness;
    • caring and attentiveness.

    Compatibility with other signs

    Rooster compatibility with other signs chinese horoscope based on their typical features. It is important to understand that complete and accurate compatibility can be found only when drawing up an individual horoscope of two separate people.

    Rooster and Rat

    Such a union will not be favorable, since both signs are aggressive and strong people... Due to different views on marriage and the world in general, the Rat and Rooster will often and seriously swear. You can save such a marriage by finding a compromise or a common goal that will bring the representatives of the signs closer together.

    In friendship and work, strong disagreements are also possible between signs. The rat is not economical and practical and likes to spend money on going to restaurants and other events, which will inevitably lead to scandals and quarrels.

    Rooster and Bull

    The compatibility of these signs is high: they are hardworking, responsible and know the value of money. In love and in marriage, there are no disagreements, conflicts and quarrels between them.

    In work and friendship, this union is perfect. The duet will be especially good, where the Rooster is the leader, and the Bull is the responsible performer.

    Rooster and Tiger

    At first, this union may seem successful: the Rooster will amaze the Tiger with independence and confidence, but then these traits will be replaced by aggression and anger. The tiger will be annoyed by the partner's excessive self-confidence and straightforwardness.

    In business and friendship, the success of such a union is also unlikely.

    Rooster and Rabbit

    The family union of these signs will be based exclusively on the Rabbit. If he shows patience and attentiveness towards his partner, then family life will be prosperous and happy. To preserve the marriage, the Rabbit will have to come to terms with the vanity and wastefulness of his half.

    In friendship and business, the Rabbit will be annoyed by the excessive publicity and bragging of the companion, so such a relationship will also depend on his patience.

    Rooster and Dragon

    Both signs love publicity and fame, so their union will be strong and long. They will find without any problems mutual language through shared interests and goals in life.

    In friendship and business, this union has good prospects: the Rooster will guide the Dragon, and he, in turn, will support the partner in difficult minutes.

    Rooster and Snake

    This marriage is perfect. The snake feels comfortable and cozy next to this zodiac sign. In such a relationship, there are no quarrels, but there are agreements and compromises. Whatever the disagreements, the Snake will find a way to smooth out the conflict. Of all the unions of this sign, the Snake is the most suitable partner for creating a strong family, successful business and friendship.

    Rooster and Horse

    These relationships will not be entirely successful: representatives of the signs will compete and compete with each other, which will inevitably lead to a break in family, friendship and business relations.

    Rooster and Goat

    These signs different views for life: one prefers a quiet, measured life, the other - noisy parties and social events. Because of these discrepancies, the union will be unsuccessful.

    Joint cooperation and friendship are possible, but on the condition that the representatives of the signs will make concessions to each other.

    Rooster and Monkey

    A cunning and cunning Monkey will manipulate his honest and sincere partner. However, this will soon be revealed, and the Rooster does not want to be led. These signs can reach mutual understanding, but only superficial. The same can be said about friendship and business cooperation.

    Rooster and Dog

    A dog is not the best partner for a Rooster, because she cannot put up with the careless and vain character of her half. Attempts Dogs to remake inner world the spouse will take hostility, after which the relationship may end.

With the help of a horoscope, you can better learn about your character, friends and loved ones. The eastern horoscope has 12 zodiac signs. New Year in China is different from ours, so it starts on February 5th. From this moment, the new symbol Eastern calendar. The year 1981 is the year of the Rooster, a bright and active representative of the horoscope. All people born this year belong to this sign.

Rooster year 1981

Everyone who was born this year belongs to the sign of the Metal Rooster. According to the eastern calendar, all those born in the period from February 5, 1981 to the 24th of the first month of 1982 belong to the sign.

The White Silver or Metallic Rooster is a rich and vibrant animal. In China, this feathered animal is considered a symbol of dawn, kindness and courage. This is a real thinker who prefers prolonged thinking. The sign of the White Rooster is distinguished by the presence of intellectual abilities and a sharp mind. He has an undeniable talent in the fields of analysis, qualification and substantiation of things.

All these qualities help the Rooster to easily cope with research, sorting, and focus on a certain area of ​​life. The sign is overly hardworking and prone to inventive and scientific activities... He shows particular interest in matters of metaphysics, there is a passion for deep knowledge of himself and the external world.

The sign of the White Rooster is endowed with a desire to develop intelligence. He always strives to lead an active and interesting social activity. He is sociable, so he easily comes into contact with people. Despite its fighting qualities, the sign knows how to get along well with others.

Characteristics of people

1981 is the year of whom according to the eastern calendar, we understand, it only remains to characterize the people born under this sign. Everyone who was born in the year of the White Rooster is distinguished by a decisive character. They are always confident in their abilities and themselves, they can competently assess their capabilities. The sign is considered very strong among others, but this quality does not always play a positive role.

Very often, strong personalities turn into real tyrants. They are capable of excessive criticism and directness, as well as aggressive behavior, to alienate others from themselves. These individuals almost always lack flexibility in relation to others. This character trait is the main drawback.

A strong character helps them deal with setbacks along the way with ease. They easily say goodbye to the past and are optimistic about the future. Briefly, the sign can be called positive, since the Rooster gives more than receives. This character trait always attracts others.

Work and career growth

This sign tends to set certain goals and achieve them. Roosters are purposeful and never go out of their way. Even when the target does not seem so attractive to them, Roosters do not abandon their intentions. Their hard work attracts and amazes the rest. They have every reason to start a business, as they will successfully develop it. People of this sign are well aware that material well-being guarantees a quality life. They work as long as necessary, seeking to have wealth.

The opinion of others and position in society is very important for the sign. They will do the dirtiest work without any problems if she brings a good reward... If they occupy leadership positions, they become real despots and tyrants. However, despite this disposition, Roosters are always exemplary leaders. They have complete order and discipline at a high level at work. They do their job 100%.

They make good financiers, politicians and lawyers, due to their logical mindset. Also in this they are helped by the trait to clearly fulfill the task.

Pros and cons of being born in the Metal Rooster year

Like any other horoscope sign, Roosters have their own advantages and disadvantages in character:

In conflict situations, Roosters know how to stand up for themselves. They are fighters for justice, so they always defend their rights and help others in this.

Love and family ties

In relation to their soul mate, Roosters show great demands. The main requirements for a partner are - must be well-groomed, admired and liked by everyone around. The opinion of others about his soul mate is very important for Roosters. Negativeness manifests itself in the constant control of the partner, often with the restriction of his freedom.

Married Roosters show complete dedication. However, the same attitude is required from the other half. For a successful family life, compatibility, the partner must have:

  • patience;
  • tenderness;
  • show a minimum of criticism.

Ideal partners for roosters are Bull, Dragon, Snake. Build a good relationship with the Rat, Rooster, Dog and Rabbit. Incompatibility in marriage and love with Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Tiger and Pig.

Roosters: he and she

The logical mindset is a problem for men of this sign in life. It does not match real life... For men, this is a real problem. Since they are active natures, they love to be noticed from the side of their diligence. In the family, they want to look like heroes. Men are almost always conservative and demanding. It is difficult to get praise and support from them.

In the female version is a symbol of constant action. These women never sit still, because they always have to do something, move. They do an excellent job of doing housework and their main job. They often become leaders of various social movements, because they have a lot of energy. They love to contact people, especially their own gender. This poses a problem to build good relationship with the opposite sex. Because of all kinds of things, women miss important points in a relationship with your soul mate. They are great mothers because they give maximum love and attention to their children.

Health of the representatives of the sign

Considering that such a symbol of the Chinese horoscope is rather hot-tempered, his nervous system suffers from this. Health can suffer from frequent stress and breakdowns. For this reason, problems often arise with digestive system... They need more rest to be healthy. Relaxation treatments that can be learned will be of great benefit. Unhealthy foods such as fast food can be very harmful to your health. They cannot eat on the go, but need to eat correctly and on time. Eating right is very important for keeping this sign healthy.

We have considered year of what animal according to the eastern calendar 1981... The weak are now known and strengths representatives of this sign.

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