Which is better laptop or computer? Let's take a look at all the advantages and disadvantages of each option. What is better to use a computer or laptop for your home, taking into account your needs? Which is cheaper than a pc or laptop

In the age of ubiquitous computerization, the purchase of new computer equipment is extremely important. Here, many buyers have an important question, what to choose: a stationary computer or a laptop? Undoubtedly, both have advantages, therefore, first of all, you should determine the priority purpose of the purchase and understand the main characteristics and differences of the species.

Portability and size

Of course, the laptop attracts interest, first of all, with its mobility and portability. With it, unlike a desktop computer, there is no restriction in movement, and the ability to take it on trips. But the laptop also has a number of other advantages, let's take a closer look at each of them. First of all, a laptop makes it possible to have a full-fledged computer anywhere, at hand. Charging the built-in rechargeable battery will allow you to work for some time away from power sources. The second major quality is wireless Internet connectivity.

Save space

Spatial space saving also plays an important role, the size of a laptop is equal to the size of a desktop computer monitor. By weight not exceeding 4 kg. There are also lighter models, weighing no more than 1.5 kg, but their main disadvantage is low power and a small range of components. Let us recall that the weight of a stationary computer is several times greater than the heaviest model of a laptop.

Repair and improvement

In terms of possible upgrades, there is undoubtedly a greater advantage with a home computer. The internals of the laptop are bound to a permanent set. From which it follows that there is no improvement in the performance and functionality of the laptop due to the addition or replacement of components. A desktop computer is easier to replace some parts, which makes it possible to increase power. A similar upgrade of laptop parts requires a professional approach and is more complex to implement.

With a number of breakdowns, it is often impossible to repair a laptop. Many built-in parts are difficult to replace, and when production is discontinued, it also happens that the necessary parts are almost impossible to buy, and the price for them is high. In such a situation, you may need to purchase a new computer. It is worth noting that not all parts of a stationary computer can be replaced and there are some limitations.

Cost and service life

The price range for both types of equipment is quite large and flexible. The price depends on both the power and the set of components, and many other characteristics. But the fact is undeniable that buying a laptop from the side of savings, you will incur losses. It will always cost more than a computer, despite the fact that the productivity of a hospital can be several times higher. Here, it will be important to determine whether the buyer needs a laptop or actually get by with a desktop computer.

The lifespan of a home computer is significantly longer than a laptop. This is due to the fact that they are not subject to movement in rooms, they are not carried with them when traveling, and in general, with a careless attitude to technology, dangerous situations in the case of a laptop arise more often. Accidental shocks and jolts in vehicles can significantly shorten the vehicle's lifespan.

What is the purpose of a computer?

For many buyers, purchasing a computer is significant in terms of costs, so after purchasing it is worth considering its intended use. First of all, you need an Internet connection, because today, it has become an integral part of every modern person.

A desktop computer is better suited for watching videos. Although many notebooks of the current generation have wide screens, the power of their graphics cards often does not allow them to maintain high picture quality. There may also be problems with the format playback, not all laptops today "are able" to reproduce the blue-ray format. But, DVD-ROMs can be quite good quality.

When the technique is planned to be used for games, the hospital's undoubted priority. After all, most laptops are unsuitable for this because of their low power and not very productive video card. Also, for storing information, such as photos, libraries or video libraries, a laptop is not very suitable due to the small volume of the hard disk. You will face the problem of purchasing additional removable drives, or you will have to make do with the small built-in volume available for storage.

Recall that each of the types described has both its own advantages and disadvantages. They differ in many technical characteristics and when choosing one, one should especially analyze its purpose. If there is no special need to take a computer with you or move it indoors, it is more expedient to purchase a productive desktop computer. But it's always up to the buyer to decide.

Despite the fact that the computer technology market offers a huge selection of technology, and computer illiteracy of users ceases to be such - many are still faced with the choice of which is better - a computer or a laptop.

Of course, both techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages. Before going to the store, it is worthwhile to determine in advance the type of equipment that is right for you and will meet the necessary requirements.


If we talk about performance, the desktop computer is confidently leading in its segment. Many factors play a role here - these are powerful processors, video chips, design (large body space that does not require minimizing components), a decent power supply that allows you not to save on electricity, since it operates from an external power supply.

The factors that improve the performance of a desktop PC include good cooling due to the same volume of the case. Large space and good air circulation allows the processor to deliver maximum power. The same applies to other components that generate a huge amount of heat during their work - the video card and the chipset. In case of significant overheating, the stationary PC can easily be equipped with additional fans or even liquid radiator cooling. What, of course, a laptop cannot boast of.

The performance of the laptop, respectively, will be lower, since everything in this device is given for the sake of portability and compactness. Manufacturers try to arrange the maximum possibilities in the minimum space. But this is precisely the main advantage of the laptop. Size, weight and independence from power points.

Additional devices and peripherals

Again, the desktop computer is not constrained within the framework and motherboard allows you to install many additional and necessary connectors and extensions. This, in turn, allows you to connect all the necessary peripherals (printers, scanners, webcams and other necessary devices).

As for laptops, they are also equipped with almost all the necessary connectors, but their number is limited by a compact case.


For people whose job is to constantly move, the laptop will become indispensable. Convenient and ergonomic design, built-in battery that allows you to do without centralized power supply for a certain period of time. A great option for travelers and people with a traveling nature of work. Built-in Wi-Fi adapter, webcam, speakers (built-in speakers), microphone. All this allows you to constantly be in touch, go online at any time and in any accessible place.

Lack of mobility and being tied to one workplace is a tangible disadvantage of a stationary PC. The rest follows from this minus: the equipment of the workplace itself. In addition to the computer itself, you will need to purchase both a comfortable table and an ergonomic chair. And, in fact, do not forget that for this all it is necessary to allocate space in the house or apartment.

Power supply

An insignificant, but still a disadvantage, is the presence of a lot of wires from the connected devices in the stationary PC and the connection to the mains. Yes, you can purchase a block uninterruptible power supply(UPS), and it justifies its purchase in many cases, but its resource (in the event of a power outage) will be enough for you for 5-10 minutes. There is enough time to keep open documents and not to lose important information, but you will not be able to work fully.

Laptops have a built-in battery and, despite its small size, without a stationary point of electricity, this device can work for 2-5 hours in normal mode (depending on the model and the load on the device).

Repair and upgrade

The indisputable advantage of a stationary computer is modularity. The ability to expand RAM, replace or add HDD without special skills and complex disassembly / assembly processes, additional SSD disk. You can also replace the video or sound card, connect a TV tuner or a satellite TV unit. This not only reduces the cost of repairing them in the event of such a need, but also makes it possible to painlessly improve the parameters, if such a procedure becomes necessary.

It is enough to replace some components (processor, RAM and / or video), and your computer will "step" in performance by an order of magnitude. Thus, when buying a stationary computer, you can take it "for growth." Having bought at once the minimum complete set, gradually buying in addition and improving the parameters, you can bring the computer into the category of "top-end machines".

Output devices

Another positive quality a stationary PC in front of a laptop is the fact of a freestanding monitor. At any time, you can easily turn off the old one and pick up a monitor with a larger diagonal.

Laptops are limited in this aspect, if a 15.6-inch was purchased, then there is no way to increase it. But it is worth noting that there is the possibility of connecting an external monitor or even a TV.

Due to the small laptop screen, it is also limited in resolution. You can put a 4K matrix for a laptop, but even at a size of 21-22 inches, it cannot be distinguished from a regular Full-HD.

Computer for games

If we proceed from the statistics of purchases of a desktop computer, then the bulk is, of course, gaming PCs or "computers for children." Although there are gamers who are far from being children, they still have the upper hand.

For such purposes, the choice should be approached more responsibly, since the gaming industry "felt freedom" and new items come out with such requirements that exceed the requests of some NASA or ROSCOSMOS even 10 years ago. This is a powerful power supply unit, a modern high-performance video card, a monitor with an appropriate diagonal and resolution.

If we compare a gaming laptop or a stationary computer, then it is better to give preference to a stationary PC. This is due to better performance and the flexibility to upgrade. Yes, the computer market offers a whole line of gaming laptops. But the software, including the same games, is updated so quickly that you may need to upgrade your device in the very near future.

And as mentioned above, it is much easier to upgrade a PC originally intended for such purposes than any laptop. Not only are the improvements to the laptop limited to a minimum, but the process itself without the proper skills in parsing such equipment can lead to a disastrous result - the breakdown of expensive equipment.

Computer for work

There are several directions in this segment. Everyone's work is different: for some, it is a typing of printed text and sending an e-mail (well, and "kerchief" solitaire, of course), for others it is complex programming and 3D modeling.
In the first case, there is no particular difference which is better - a computer or a laptop. The main selection criterion in such cases is usually not the characteristics, but the price of the issue. In most cases, this characteristic shifts the balance of choice towards a desktop computer.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. These are mainly computers for accountants. Modern financial programs and banking clients are quite resource-intensive and for their work it is necessary to choose productive machines. Again, there is not much difference between what to choose a computer or a laptop, except for the price for this category. Any computer or laptop with parameters slightly above average is suitable for an accountant.

A completely different approach for the second category, especially for working with video, images and rendering programs. Such software is resource intensive. If we talk about laptops, then you can immediately say no to anyone. Even the most expensive and powerful laptop will be flawed in comparison with a stationary unit. Another important detail in the choice will be a monitor. To work with visualization, the larger it is, the better, and this is another drawback to the laptop's piggy bank. Imagine how a laptop with a top-end graphics card, which requires separate power and powerful cooling, would look like a 24+ inch monitor.

Power supply. All this luggage of powerful components also needs adequate nutrition. Not always a powerful power supply unit can be made compact and convenient for completing such laptops. High power consumption requires appropriate dimensions and proper cooling.

Hence the conclusion - only a stationary PC. If we talk about the parameters, then they are comparable to the previously considered computers for video games: a powerful processor, a video card, maximum RAM and a widescreen monitor.

Computer for students

If until recently a computer for children at school was more of a luxury, even the basics of working with this device had to be taught from scratch, now almost any schoolchild can do this and some educational institutions are introducing additional options (for example, remote learning). Not to mention the students of higher and secondary educational institutions. Now these people cannot imagine how they can do without such a convenient device as a PC.

If we proceed from the choice of what is best for a student - a laptop or a computer, then in this case it is more likely to give preference to mobility. This will allow you to work anywhere. This is especially true for students. You can correct your work at any time, record a lecture or find the necessary information on the Internet.

Home computer

Almost all the pros and cons of this type of technology have already been considered, and when choosing a home computer, you can rely on already known comparisons. Computers and laptops for home should be chosen according to the principle "why do I need it." If you flip through photos in social networks, while wallowing on the couch, your choice is a laptop. If you go to check your mail once a week, contact your family or friends through well-known messengers - the choice is towards the stationary one. Which is better - a computer or laptop for watching movies and listening to music? Any computer equipment can cope with this task today.

Top computers and laptops overview

Based on sales statistics, as well as feedback from gamers, we can distinguish obvious "monsters" among gaming laptops.


Full HD 15.6-inch screen, Intel Core i7-6700HQ, 8 GB expandable RAM. Geforce GTX 1060 video chip from NVIDIA with 6 gigabytes of video memory. Sufficient performance for almost any game.

  • MSI GT73VR 6RF Titan Pro

17-inch monitor with ISP matrix, 6th generation Intel Core i7 processor, 16 Gb random access memory expandable up to 64 GB and top-end NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 graphics card.


The same 17-inch laptop, but surpasses the previous one in terms of characteristics, 64Gb onboard a 1Tb high-speed SSD and an advanced cooling system gives some advantage.

A worthy waste of money for such parameters. But if you compare a computer and a laptop, the advantages and disadvantages of which are discussed in the article, you need to pay attention to the purpose for which the device will be used.

Top computers ... As such, there is no comparison. The thing is that this kind of "machine" is assembled in parts. Here we can only talk about the characteristics and manufacturers of components.

"Office" option. The average statistical parameters for such computers can be considered:

  • AMD Athlon X4 860K or Intel Core i5-6500 processor.
  • Motherboard ASUS A88X-PRO or MSI H110M PRO-D.
  • A video card is not essential for the office, but if necessary, then an AMD Radeon RX 480 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050-1070 will do.
  • Operative - not lower than 4Gb.

Top "gaming" at the moment

  • Intel processor Core i7-6950X or Intel Core i7-6800K.
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 graphics card.
  • Motherboard MSI X99A GODLIKE GAMING.
  • Operations to the maximum.
  • Let's just say - this is the minimum and maximum. Everything in between is variable.

The price of the issue

Thus, in the competition "which is better - a computer or a laptop" there is no clear leader. It all depends on the needs and capabilities. But, based on all of the above, a small advantage is still behind a stationary computer both in performance and in pricing.

Considering computers and laptops at prices, the first devices in the ratio of parameters / cost will be much lower. In addition, as mentioned above, it is possible to buy a "car", so to speak, on credit, gradually purchasing the necessary components.

Almost every computer buyer has a problem with choosing the right device.

It is better to choose a laptop if you need to always have a PC nearby

Here the laptop wins an unconditional victory, thanks to its small size and the ability to work not only from a stationary power supply, but also from a portable battery. Another advantage of a laptop over a stationary computer is the ability to access the Internet via wireless networks almost anywhere where there is wireless Internet.

Unlike stationary computers, laptops are relatively small (sometimes even smaller than the size of a stationary computer monitor) and weight (about 4 kilograms), which cannot be compared with a stationary computer. There are laptop models that weigh less than 1.5 kilograms. But such models do not differ in special functionality and are capable of performing a minimum set of functions.

It is better to choose a computer if you need a powerful configuration and ease of maintenance

In this trend, the advantage is for a stationary computer. If necessary, a desktop computer can be improved by replacing obsolete parts with more productive ones. Thus, without making any special efforts, you can significantly increase the performance of a stationary computer. The laptop cannot boast of such capabilities. Replacing parts in a laptop with more productive ones is almost impossible, due to the design features of the models.

Repairing a laptop is quite complicated and expensive, in contrast to a stationary computer, where all components can be easily tested, and a failed part can be replaced without any problems. This is due to the fact that most of the parts in the laptop are built-in and their replacement is almost impossible. The high cost of laptop repair parts is due to their miniature size. Also, the complexity of repair is also due to the fact that sometimes it is simply impossible to find parts for repair, especially this applies to outdated laptop models. Thus, repairing a desktop computer is much easier and cheaper than repairing a laptop.

As for the prices and the devices and the durability of work
Prices for desktop computers and laptops are very different. The main indicator that affects the price of a computer is its power. In this aspect, the leadership remains with the stationary models. Buying a laptop with the same configuration as a desktop computer can cost several times more. Therefore, before buying a laptop, you need to accurately determine the feasibility of the purchase itself and the characteristics necessary for its operation.

Another disadvantage of laptops is their relatively short lifespan. There can be a lot of reasons for this: this is the transfer of a laptop from place to place, and constant shocks (even if they seem insignificant at first glance) that occur when traveling in transport and other transportation conditions. Another enemy is dust (when working on a computer in a park or other places on the street, as well as at home on a bed), which clogs the ventilation holes, which can lead to overheating of the computer and, as a consequence, its failure, but more often this leads to its strong inhibition in work. As we already wrote, repairing a laptop is extremely difficult, and in some cases, repairing a computer is completely impossible.

So, which one to choose, a computer or a laptop?

Having made a decision to buy computer equipment, the most important thing is to decide for what purpose you are purchasing it.

If you need access to the Internet at high speed, then it is better to consider the option of a stationary computer. If speed does not play a special role, but it is necessary that the Internet is always at hand, wherever you are, then it is more advisable to choose a laptop that is quite capable of providing access to social networks at a decent speed, with the ability to receive and send relatively small amounts information.

If you need to work with video or photographic materials that have a large enough volume, you should consider the option of a stationary computer. A laptop simply cannot handle this amount of data. If you like to watch movies on the plane or on the train, then a laptop is simply irreplaceable here.

For people who love computer games, it is best to choose stationary computer models that provide the broadest possibilities for this. But for the layout of solitaire and other simple mini-games, a laptop is quite suitable.

What is the best for leisure use? Gaming laptop or desktop? Surely there are adherents of this or that option. Even specific conditions can influence the choice. It is no secret that almost no space is required for a laptop, and even more so for a permanent one. This may well turn out to be a decisive argument when choosing. On the other hand, ordinary computers also have significant advantages. Let's see what you can do if you have a certain amount to buy a gaming system. Let's compare the gaming stationary PC.

Computer selection criteria

In order to have something to build on, it is necessary to develop some selection criteria. In order not to compare square with fluffy, and yellow with wooden, let's decide on a certain configuration of the gaming system, which, on the one hand, will make it quite comfortable to play almost any games, if not at maximum, then at settings close to them, and on the other hand, will not be deterred by the price.

Let's take as a basis, for example, the Lenovo Legion Y720-15 laptop in the middle configuration. What we have? Intel Core i7 7700HQ processor, 8GB memory, 1000GB hard drive and GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card with 6GB GDDR5 VRAM. Without SSD and operating system, it costs about 90,000 rubles. By no means an outrageous configuration, so to speak, an average level with the potential for an upgrade. With such characteristics, this is one of the cheapest models.

And one more limitation. You can find a lot of gaming PCs in online stores. Many offer their own self-assembled systems. It will still not work to embrace the immense, and I am not very interested in scolding or praising this or that seller. Therefore, the choice will be made from the list of the same manufacturers that offer gaming laptop models, i.e. ASUS, MSI, Lenovo and others.

It is quite possible that such branded systems can cost more than systems assembled by large, medium and very small domestic assemblers of computers. But today we do not have a review of models, but an attempt to find out which is better - a gaming laptop or still a stationary gaming computer. It is necessary to determine what are the pros and cons of each of the options.


So, our task is to select ready-made system units similar in configuration, keeping within, ideally, the cost of the selected laptop. Let's see what manufacturers offer us, and if they offer at all.

Asus G11CD-RU004T

The video card is the same - GeForce GTX 1060, 6 GB.

For about 74,000 rubles. we'll get:

  • Intel Core i5 6400.
  • 12 GB of RAM.

At the same time, the kit comes with Windows 10, as well as a keyboard and a rodent. The last two accessories, I suspect, are more "for show", because even appearance somehow does not fit with a serious tool for virtual battles. However, since it is included, then do not refuse the same.

If you add about 8 thousand rubles, you can get the RU007T configuration with an I7-6700 processor. Everything else is the same.

Confused by a few things. Originally a budget motherboard based on the H110 chipset. The number of drives is limited to four. There can be no SLI or Crossfire (although there are far from always) there can be, in principle, no overclocking either. And there are only two places for memory modules. The upgrade will have to be carried out only by replacing some RAM strips with others.

MSI Nightblade X2B-273

At the same cost, the configuration will be as follows:

  • Intel Core i5 6400.
  • 8 GB of RAM.
  • 1 TB HDD + 128 GB SSD.

At the same time, the motherboard is slightly better than that of Asus - based on the B150 chipset. A 350 Watt power supply, which is probably enough for this configuration.

There is a preinstalled Windows 10 OS. You will have to take care of your weapons, in this case the keyboard and mouse.

MSI Nightblade 3 VR7RD-029

The following configuration is estimated at about 90,000 rubles:

  • Intel Core i5 7400.
  • 16 GB of RAM.
  • 1 TB HDD + 128 GB SSD.
  • GeForce GTX 1070 8GB.

Compared to the laptop chosen for the benchmark, at the same price we lose here only in the processor, but we have more memory, SSD and a more efficient video card. The chipset is Intel B150, there are only 2 slots for installing memory, but the initial volume of 16 GB is more than enough for most applications in the foreseeable future.

Advantages and disadvantages of each option

Even a cursory glance makes it clear (remember, only "branded" computers were considered) that it is quite possible to pick up a gaming PC with similar characteristics to that of a laptop, but at a lower price. And for the same amount, the capabilities of the system unit will be even "tastier".

It would seem a direct benefit, what is there to think about? Unfortunately, the reality is somewhat more complicated. So in this case, a lower price in the price list does not mean such an unconditional benefit. Or does it mean?

After all, a successful acquisition, especially when it comes to computer technology, is not only what we get here and now. It is also important how it will work in the near future and how expensive it will be to maintain satisfactory performance, given the ever-increasing demands on the computer's hardware. It's no secret that new games require more powerful processors, more efficient video cards, and take up a lot of RAM space.

Gaming laptop

Considering all this, let's consider what advantages a gaming laptop has, and what disadvantages are inherent in it.


  • Compactness, at least in comparison with a stationary computer.
  • Does not require much space, has a minimum of wires.
  • When you buy, you get the whole set at once, including the screen, the keyboard. Turned on, installed your favorite game - and go!
  • The battery, which in a powerful computer is not so much a means for autonomous work how much the built-in uninterruptible power supply. Disconnected at the wrong time, the voltage in the home electrical network will not interrupt the game process.


  • Compactness. Can cause problems with cooling, especially if you have really powerful hardware installed. Regular cleaning of dust is required, and, given the design features of a particular laptop model, not everyone can cope with this task. The way out is to contact a service center or a familiar computer technician.
  • Compactness again, but now in terms of screen size limitations. In the vast majority of cases, this is 15-17 inches. As a last resort 18. You can, of course, use an external monitor, but then why exactly a laptop?
  • And compactness for the third time. The density of the layout and design features do not allow for a major upgrade. Increasing the amount of memory, installing a larger hard drive or SSD (maybe even a couple) is, in fact, everything. As a last resort, you can replace the display matrix, for example, by installing a brighter and more pleasing to the eye IPS instead of faded TN. The main components, such as a processor, a video card, a motherboard, a set of ports, cannot be replaced - you will have to live with what was originally.
  • Well, for the last time about compactness. Frequent dragging from place to place can lead to the risk of accidental fall of the laptop, which can entail serious recovery work and related costs.
  • Poor maintainability. Considering that most of the components are soldered on the motherboard, the exit of any of them means contacting specialists. The option "Vidyushka burned out - well, God bless her, I'll go buy a new one, I wanted to change it anyway" in this case "won't work."

Gaming desktop

What are the advantages of this option?

  • Size (don't get me wrong). The large case makes it easier to handle cooling, and with any component, even the hottest. At the same time, it is not difficult to replace any fan that pesters with its howl for a quieter one, or even install a water cooling system. In general, the variability of approaches to lowering the temperature inside the case makes it possible to increase the comfort of work without compromising the quality of cooling. But try replacing the cooler in your laptop with another one.
  • Wider possibilities of configuring the system unit. If it comes about assembling a computer to order, or in general you do it yourself, then you can assemble a system solely for your needs and guided by your own ideas about what configuration is needed.
  • The broadest possibilities of modernization. You can upgrade everything, starting with installing another memory strip and ending with replacing a boring case with a more spectacular one.
  • Repairs may be easier. It is often more profitable to replace a failed part rather than repair it. Moreover, it is quite possible to do everything with your own hands, and not rely on the masters and not waste a lot of time.
  • If you are no longer satisfied with the initial set of ports, then you can always install a controller that will expand the connectivity various devices replace the motherboard.
  • Overclocking. For some, these are sacred words, and even in the case of a gaming computer, the ability to get a little more from the processor, video card, memory, improving performance, the number of FPS in games, warms the soul, and at the same time the computer components. True, this is a small problem, since cooling was described above.
  • There is no limitation on the size of the monitor as it must be purchased separately. Or several monitors, that's who and what can afford. With a display of 24 inches or more, you can look down on your laptop 17 inches.

There are, of course, their weaknesses.

  • Unlike a laptop, a stationary PC needs its own place of residence. You won't be able to sit comfortably in an armchair or sofa. Although, if you use a TV as a display (imagine how many inches it can be!), And in the hands of a game pad, then mobility improves.
  • For the amount you have to pay for a gaming computer, you only get a system unit. Possibly a mouse and / or keyboard as a bonus. The monitor and speakers will have to be taken care of separately. If none of this is there, then we add up their cost, which as a result may exceed the cost of a comparable laptop. Some consolation may be, firstly, that you already have a monitor, and, secondly, the ability to purchase any monitor, even of this size.
  • Naturally, there is no built-in battery. If the home power grid is not stable in characteristics, then at least a weak UPS is highly desirable.
  • More wires. Even wireless keyboard-mouse kits are not very helpful. One network wire, as in a laptop, is indispensable.
  • Electricity consumption is higher. It often turns out that the components that are used in laptops are more energy efficient than those that come with stationary system units. True, this efficiency can be achieved with slightly worse characteristics.

Conclusion. Gaming laptop or desktop?

So which is better? Both options have strengths and weaknesses. When choosing what to focus on, you need to weigh everything well, how significant the disadvantages are, and which of the advantages are more priority. Only you yourself can choose the best option.

I looked at branding systems today. It is quite logical that you also have to pay a certain amount for a big name. On sale you can find many ready-made system units that are offered by domestic companies. Or order its assembly according to your own configuration. And it is quite possible to cope with this task on your own, which will allow you to save money and get the system of your dreams.

In the end, more importantly, portability (and serious gaming laptops are not as easy as we would like) or potentially unlimited possibilities, if not right now, then later, thanks to an upgrade? One should not forget about "everyday affairs", to which it is quite possible to refer, for example, a drink accidentally spilled on the keyboard in the heat of a virtual battle.

Whether you yourself knock over the glass, or your cat, which at the most inopportune moment needed your attention, will touch it - it doesn't matter. The consequences are more important. Liquid entering the laptop can lead to very sad results with subsequent expensive repairs. In the case of an ordinary computer, in the worst case, you will have to part only with the keyboard. The costs can be disproportionate.

But what if in the newest video game the computer no longer "pulls"? Replacing the processor, installing a new video card, or installing a second one is, frankly, a task that does not require special knowledge and skills. But what about the laptop in this case? That's right, either we'll play another time, or open the price list of an online store and see the characteristics of which models of new laptops are suitable.

You will have to decide whether you need an all-in-one device so that you can drive monsters through dungeons and read interesting articles on the Internet (and leave comments). In principle, it is convenient, but you have to come to terms with the prospect of buying a new laptop after a couple of years, especially if you prefer modern games which happily consume more and more hardware resources.

Or equip yourself a place with a computer at home, which is easy to keep up to date, but for the Internet, social networks and work with documents, for travel to purchase a small elegant ultrabook.

For me personally, the second option is much more attractive. And you?

When deciding to finally buy expensive equipment, many cannot make the right choice. What will be best: a system unit with a monitor or a heaped laptop? Both of these devices have their own advantages and advantages, according to which you can make a choice in one direction or another. I buy equipment, it is important to first sort out the needs that need to be satisfied.

What is it to buy a computer or laptop, and how to solve this issue? Let's figure it out together.

Advantages and disadvantages of a laptop

Initially, you need to deal with laptops, which are now the most popular. Without a doubt, the main advantages of laptops are compactness, light weight and the ability to choose the right accessories. You do not need to connect many cables to it, just one is enough to recharge. The keyboard, screen, camera, speakers - all this is already built into the laptop and available for transportation.

All laptops have a built-in battery that allows you to work for some time without being connected to the network. This allows you to take your laptop to various places and use it wherever possible. Another advantage of these devices is that they consume much less electricity, and there is practically no noise from them. Of course, do not forget about regular cleaning of the internal parts, then the laptop will remain operational for a long time.

Nevertheless, one must take into account the possible shortcomings that it has. Unfortunately, many laptops cannot be upgraded. The maximum that can be done here, even though not in all models, is to put one more RAM.

You can, of course, put a more powerful hard drive, or replace it with an SSD drive. There are adapters for this in stores, so there will be no problems with installation.

Some models may have discrete graphics cards that can be replaced if desired. However, this will not bring much benefit to performance. Another disadvantage is low maintainability, since repairs are not always advisable due to the high cost of the parts themselves, which may simply not be there.

Laptops often get hot and the only way to improve the situation is to use cooling pads. But it will be impossible to install a powerful cooling system. The laptop heats up quickly when using heavy programs. His work must be constantly monitored, because with frequent high temperature inside the case, there may be an early failure of all components of the laptop.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system unit

The good old systemists have a lot of advantages, as well as disadvantages. First, you should pay attention to the positive features. First of all, you need to say about the cost, which will be cheaper than buying a laptop with the same characteristics. It will be much easier to find a computer for your needs, since there is a wide variety of different components. In this case, a person can independently choose what will be inside.

Another plus is the ability to upgrade such technology in different ways (change the video card or processor, add more RAM slots, form an improved cooled system, and much more).

As for the repair, here it will be much cheaper for the money, and in some cases a person can solve many problems on his own.

As noted earlier, the user himself chooses which components, monitors, keyboards need to be installed. For designers, programmers, surveyors, the best option would be to buy a computer. The monitor can be purchased here with a large and high-resolution screen. In this case, the entire work area can fit on it, which will be very convenient when performing some projects.

As for the shortcomings, they, of course, are also here. And perhaps the main disadvantage will be the size of the device. For a computer, you will need a separate desktop, purchase of a keyboard, monitor, mouse, speakers and much more. All this will take up a certain place in the house, which is very limited for many. The disadvantages are also frequent confusion of wires and high power consumption (600-1000 W), which can damage data in case of an unexpected power outage.

So which one is better to choose - a laptop or a desktop computer?

It is difficult to say the exact answer here, since it depends on the further use of the device. To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with all the above pros and cons, and then think about what exactly the purchased equipment is needed for.

Which device is right for your home?

If the PC will be used to play music, surf the pages, watch movies, then the ideal solution would be to buy a laptop. It takes up less space, there is practically no noise, and almost no energy is expended. If desired, he can easily be transferred from one room to another, or even go with him to some place.

However, if you do not plan to drag the device anywhere, that is, store it in one place, and also periodically play with it, then it is better to take a closer look at stationary computers.

It is important to remember that a purchased laptop cannot be upgraded, so it is better to bypass cheap options, because in the future it will work even slower.

What to take for work?

Depending on the tasks and capabilities, it is worth making a start in this case. For designers, programmers and those people who will use complex programs like a 3D studio, Photoshop, AutoCAD, you need to buy a powerful system unit and a large monitor with a good resolution. Those who are actively working on video editing should also think about this purchase.

If the work will be related to simple programs, the Internet, documents and spreadsheets, then you should choose a laptop. This is especially true for those people for whom mobility is important.

What to buy for games?

In this category, of course, you need to choose a desktop computer, since it is he who will allow the user to reveal all the possibilities of the gameplay. Moreover, building a powerful computer will be much cheaper than purchasing a ready-made gaming laptop. The cost of the latter will be much higher, which cannot be said about its characteristics.

Component parts for computers are now universal, so problems with finding or replacing them will not be a problem. Moreover, the device can be upgraded to improve the performance and speed of reproducible tasks.

As for laptops, they are not designed for playing games. It would not be a particularly smart purchase for such a purpose. However, if there is absolutely not enough space in the house, and mobility is in the first place, then you can take a laptop. Some users successfully pass Warface and World of Tanks and others popular toys On him.

Nevertheless, you need to prepare for the fact that the laptop will need to be constantly taken to the service center, giving your own money for cleaning the internal parts or replacing the thermal paste. If you wish, you can do these actions yourself, since there are many lessons and videos on this topic provided on the Internet.

Thus, when choosing these two devices, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as understand the main thing for which the equipment is needed, what main tasks it will have to perform. And then proceed from this.

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