Popular toys in japan. Toy and souvenir shops in Tokyo. Cute fat soldiers

It seems that Japan will never tire of surprising the world with its everyday things. The turn of children's toys has come: children in the Land of the Rising Sun also collect toy soldiers, collect puzzles and love soap bubbles, but all these things look completely different than we are used to seeing. Want to know who Gudetama is and how much the Japanese love pudding? Then refer to this article.

Once again, we decided to acquaint our readers with the peculiarities of Japanese culture and cheer them up a little.

Hen laying eggs

Let's start with the most popular toy, the chicken. By clicking on the belly of the rubber bird, you can see the egg emerge. These toys are sold in vending machines on the streets of Tokyo.


The Japanese have a special love for embryos, which is why dinosaurs, animals and aliens can be found in toy eggs. But the creators of Hello Kitty made another breakthrough and came up with a character who conquered all of Asia. Gudetama is an eternally sad and lazy yolk, which was extracted from the protein without demand.

This yolk has become a real star - it has its own accounts in social networks, a collection of cosmetics, clothing and accessories, as well as a chain of cafes. The creators claim that Gudetama is not a depressed character, but simply unmotivated, so with his whole appearance he says: "I'm not going anywhere, just leave me alone!"

Tuttuki Bako

Tuttuki Bako is one of the most strange games popular among the Japanese. To start the game, you need to stick your finger in the box. There are several games to choose from: swing a panda on a wheel, touch sea inhabitants, touch your face or play with a strange creature.

Cute fat soldiers

It would seem, what can be done with the green soldiers, which were collected by our parents in childhood? The Japanese have turned them into fat men and often place these adorable warriors on "battlegrounds" - on food.

Zombie fruit

In what other country, if not in Japan, could zombie fruits appear? The first series of toys was so successful that it was decided to release several more collections. Banana, grapes and cherries were joined by lychee, lemon, peach, melon and the main monster - durian.

Dolls for glasses

Glamorous glass decorations have been at the peak of popularity among both children and adults for several years. Fuchiko (this is the name of this cute girl) is sold in sets, and each figurine reflects the mood of this emotional doll.


The picture is not a randomly attached image from an article with culinary life hacks, but a puzzle in the Japanese version. Puzzles with many pieces are said to be soothing. Would you venture to complete a 300-piece soybean jigsaw puzzle while under stress? Do you think that's all? You are wrong. To complicate the task, there are chopsticks in the box, with which it is proposed to collect the puzzle.

Traditional Japanese dish - ikizukuri

Ikizukuri is a dish of various marine life that must be eaten alive. And it would be too easy if Japanese toy makers gave children fish for serving and slicing. To begin with, the child will have to make the toy itself, having prepared the mixture and pouring it into forms, and only then he will have to learn how to properly serve and eat the dish.

A doll is one of the most pressing needs and at the same time the embodiment of one of the most charming instincts. "
V. Hugo "Les Miserables"

The following materials were used to make toys in Japan:
- clay
- porcelain
- papier mache
- wood
- stone
- paper
- ceramics
- bamboo
- the cloth
- bone
- flowers.

There are many different options Manekineko(figurine in the shape of a cat), made of clay and porcelain, papier-mâché and wood, even old stone specimens have survived. There are four significant elements: raised paw, bib, color, and coin.

The paper doll named "ane-sama"("older sister").
"ane-sama" does not have a face, which gives it a certain originality, and, according to
some believe that the focus is on the costume and
hairstyle. There are other options for ane-sama, including those with faces.
Of the wooden toys, images of Japanese girls are famous - kokeshi chrysalis. This slender, graceful doll is a bit like our nesting doll, which also depicts a girl.

TOiku-ningyo(chrysanthemum dolls) are exhibited at flower festivals, decorate shop windows and stands with them. To create a chrysanthemum doll, plants with small flowers and long, flexible stems are selected. In order for the flowers to retain their freshness and beauty as long as possible, they are not cut off, but dug up from the roots, cleaned of soil and excess leaves and carefully wrapped in moist moss.
Since the traditional Japanese costume did not have pockets, all the necessary items (pipe, pouch, box) were worn on the belt. The objects were fastened to the belt with the help of keychains in the form of a small figurine of an animal, a man, or a god. Gradually, the art of making small sculptures became independent. Such figures are called netsuke, cut them out of stone, bone, hard wood.

Classification of toys by purpose.

By purpose, Japanese toys can be classified as follows:
- ritual and magical
- decorative (for admiring)
- theatrical
- gaming.

Ritual and magical.

VJapanese families often makehoko doll.
A rag ball of the “head” is fitted to the bamboo cross, and some kind of children's clothing is put on the cross-piece wrapped in rags. It is believed that in this way you can deceive the devil, who will try to harm the child, and slip him a rag copy The best remedy for the annual parting with sins and unfulfilled hopes, it is similar to a Russian tumbler Daruma doll. They are traditionally made in huge quantities for the New Year in the form of a generalized image of the Buddhist saint Bodhidharma (or, more simply, Daruma) from wood or papier-mâché with empty eye sockets. Making a wish for the next year, a person draws a dot in one eye socket of the doll with ink (opens the eye). If the wish comes true, the doll will be rewarded with the opening of the second eye, after which it will find a place in the family altar. And if Daruma is unable or unwilling to fulfill the request, the next New Year a bonfire awaits him on the territory of the nearest temple.

TOukla gose- adorable figures of nude babies up to 2 years old. This doll was considered a must-have gift for a newborn and was a kind of talisman, protecting a child up to 15 years old.

Known kokeshi dolls. They are cut out of wooden blocks, then painted in the colors traditional for the area. Each village, each workshop has its own traditions in kokeshi painting. Therefore, those who wish to collect a complete collection of these dolls will have a lot of work and costs, because these toys can be bought only at the place of their production. Meanwhile, kokeshi were originally made to comfort women as a memory of an unmatched child or a child that died in early childhood.

Decorative (for admiring).

First of all, expensive souvenirs include gosho ningyo(palace dolls). As a rule, these were images of naked, fat-cheeked, sturdy babies. They were considered a symbol of male fertility. Dolls were made of wood or clay, and then covered with a composition that included powder from finely ground oyster shells. This coating provided the dolls with a milky whiteness. Gosho ningyo were considered the best gift an emperor could give to his courtier or courtesan. Such dolls could become a real family treasure.

Doll for admiration Oyama in "dress in 12 layers". For the outfit of this doll, it was necessary to select fabrics corresponding to the plum blossom season (late winter - early spring).

Oyama. A doll from a Kabuki theater performance.

Famous kimekomi dolls intended solely for admiration. These dolls have become a separate genre of arts and crafts. And exhibitions of dolls have become a kind of competition between the best masters. The process of making such dolls is complicated and long - these are the most expensive dolls, a whole “team” is working on them: first, the master makes the head and body from wood, then the costume designer dresses up the doll in an elegant kimono, and another artist sharpens the legs and arms. For such dolls, kimono fabric is national dress the Japanese were often weaved by hand or painted by hand with the favorite subjects of the Japanese: these are sakura flowers - Japanese cherry blossoms, scarlet maple leaves, dragons. A real tailor dresses the doll, and then ties it with an indispensable accessory national dress- wide obi belt. The kimono has no buttons and is wrapped from left to right for both men and women; fixed with an obi belt. After the doll is dressed, shod, combed, she is supplied with accessories. They can be a colorful umbrella decorated with traditional motifs of Japanese applied art, or a furosaki silk scarf, in which both women and men wear various small items, elegantly tying a scarf. The outfit is complemented by the Japanese national shoes - geta, a kind of sandals with high wooden soles and zori.


Hara ningyo (Nara city) and Takeda ningyo(Edo city) are dolls depicting actors on stage. Their dramatic poses are reminiscent of the most interesting episodes in No and Kabuki productions. Truly myriads of figures of men and women performing a traditional dance for the area can be found in various parts of the country. Ichimatsu ningyo, named after the actor of the Kabuki theater - Sonagawa Ichimatsu, to whom the first samples were similar, are very decorative. The material for these products is resin-impregnated compressed sawdust. But their beauty is given by colorful kimonos. The popularity of these crafts was so great that ningyo ichimatsu at the beginning of the last century became a noticeable article in Japanese exports.

Jo and Uba nara-ningyo


TOukla Okina - a character of the No theater - in her hands always held a fan with the image of a pine tree, a symbol of longevity.
Veer is a necessary addition to the costume. Fans are still the most common New Year's gift among the Japanese. At the same time, the fan is a necessary attribute of the actor of the national Japanese theater. By what is depicted on the fan (a sakura branch, a cart with flowers, a dragon), and by the way the actor holds the fan, the audience "reads" the character of the character and predicts the development of the action.


TO endamis a traditional Japanese toy that consists of a hammer-shaped object connected to a wooden ball with a rope. The ball (tama in Japanese) has a hole and is located on a sharp pin (ken in Japanese). Both sides of the "hammer" are shaped like a depression, one smaller than the other.

T Emar is a traditional toy with a solid experience, which was made by mothers in China and Japan for their children. Previously, old silk kimonos were used for the base of the temari, which were cut into stripes and rolled into a ball. Initially, the football game “kemari” came to Japan from China, and it was played only by noble people. The balls were made of leather and were not richly decorated. Subsequently, the game became the property of the broad masses, in particular, it is known that balls like those used in kemari “participated” in street performances (XIII-XVI centuries).

Types of toys.

In the history of the Goto-kuji temple, it is said that in 1615 the abbot of the temple gave shelter to a stray cat. The temple was in a deplorable state, but there was no money for repairs and decent maintenance. Once the abbot lamented: "Pussy, I do not blame you for not helping, after all, you are just a cat. Now, if you were a human, then you could do something for us." Soon after, daimyo (prince) Ii Naotaka (1590-1659), who was returning with glory from a military campaign, passed by the temple. The daimyo's attention was attracted by a cat sitting at the temple gate, beckoning him with its paw. He stopped and entered the temple, where he was met by the abbot. The wise monk impressed the prince, and he gave funds for the restoration of the monastery, which later became the ancestral temple of the Iya family. The temple has survived to this day and holds a ceremony in early spring dedicated to its "cat benefactor", in connection with which Manekineko is sold in one of the temple buildings.
There are many different versions of Manekineko, made of clay and porcelain, papier-mâché and wood, even old stone specimens have survived.
There are four significant elements: foot raised, bib, color and

With paws, there is still no exact definition - which means what.
The most common version interprets the left paw as luring money, and the right paw as luck. There is an option - the left one attracts clients, the right one attracts money. The breastplate, often elegantly ornamented, is associated with the Shinto deity Jizo - the patron saint of children and travelers. Bibs, usually red in color, are put on Jizo's stone sculptures when making requests. Before, the colors of manekineko were not as varied as they are now, but they had a certain meaning. So, the merchants of Kyoto loved black cats, and in Edo (Tokyo) they were considered not very favorable. At the same time, in some places, black versions acted as talismans against diseases, and red ones specifically against measles. There are stories about the golden Manekineko, as well as about the virtuous cat who stole two gold coins from his wealthy owner for a sick neighbor, a merchant who constantly treated him to fresh fish. This is how a coin appeared on the manekineko's neck. Created by Manekineko folklore, in the hands of folk masters, has become
into a very cute toy-symbol that brings joy to both children and
adults. The difference is that children see her as just a funny creature, but
adults, with all their realism, secretly count on her help in
prosperity, profits and luck.

Kokeshi folk toy.

But Kokeshi is more popular with adults than children. Kokeshi do not carry any benevolent motives, but their popularity is so great that they have become one of the symbols of the vitality and attractiveness of the national traditional culture. Kokeshi is a folk toy consisting of a cylindrical body and a separately attached head, which are turned on a lathe. Despite the brevity, the height ranges from a few centimeters to a meter.
In Japan, there have long been established centers of folk arts and crafts, such as Kyoto, Nara, Kagoshima, which have preserved traditions in our time. Each prefecture, district has its own specific original products of folk art. The Japanese doll Kokeshi originates from the northeast of the country, from the region of forests and Agriculture- Tohoku, the outskirts of the island of Honshu. Although the official date of the "birth" of the Kokeshi doll is the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), experts believe that the doll is more than a thousand years old. Folk craftsmen have managed to create a huge variety of Kokeshi species.
<По характеру рисунка лица, особенностям орнамента, украшающего туловище, можно определить происхождение и место создания куклы. В последнее десятилетие появились новые нетрадиционные формы Кокэси, отличающиеся тонкостью обработки поверхности дерева и деликатностью
color painting. There is no unequivocal explanation of how this type of toy developed. According to one version, its prototype was shamanic figurines used in the ritual of summoning spirits - the patrons of the silk handicraft. According to the other, Kokeshi were a kind of memorial dolls. They were placed in peasant houses when they had to get rid of extra newborns, since their parents could not feed them. Associated with this are facts such as the interpretation of the word "kokeshi" - "crossed out, forgotten child", and the fact that traditional Kokeshi are always girls who were much less desirable in peasant families than sons.
<Более жизнерадостной версией выступает история о том, что в XVII веке
the shogun's wife came to this region, famous for its hot springs
(the military ruler of the country), suffering from infertility. Shortly thereafter,
her daughter was born, which gave the local masters a reason to capture this event
in a doll.
In Narugo City (Miyagi Prefecture) annually from September 7 to 9
the Kokeshi Festival is held. On the first day of the local deity in Shinto
high-quality dolls are dedicated to the temple, and in the second they are burned
all defective items. And, of course, in large numbers everywhere
these charming toys are on sale.
Of course, only adults can appreciate the noble simplicity, harmony of forms and subtle nuances of virtuoso painting. This also applies to modern author's kokeshi, which appeared after the Second World War. The creations of professional artists in form and decor bear little resemblance to traditional Kokeshi, but they are connected not only by the invariable material - wood, but also by the creative vision of the image, the ability to masterfully use every detail, every stroke.

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It seems that Japan will never tire of surprising the world with its everyday things. The turn of children's toys has come: children in the Land of the Rising Sun also collect toy soldiers, collect puzzles and love soap bubbles, but all these things look completely different than we are used to seeing. Want to know who Gudetama is and how much the Japanese love pudding? Then refer to this article.

site once again decided to acquaint readers with the peculiarities of Japanese culture and cheer them up a little.

Hen laying eggs

Let's start with the most popular toy - Chicken... By clicking on the belly of the rubber bird, you can see the egg emerge. These toys are sold in vending machines on the streets of Tokyo, and can also be purchased there. turtle.


The Japanese have a special love for embryos, so toy eggs contain dinosaurs, animals and aliens. But the creators of Hello Kitty made another breakthrough and came up with a character who conquered all of Asia. Gudetama is an eternally sad and lazy yolk, which was extracted from the protein without demand. This yolk has become a real star - it has its own accounts on social networks, a collection of cosmetics, clothes and accessories, as well as a network of cafes. The creators claim that Gudetama is not a depressed character, but simply unmotivated, so with his whole appearance he says: "I'm not going anywhere, just leave me alone!"

Dolls for glasses

Glamorous glass decorations have been at the peak of popularity among both children and adults for several years. Fuchiko (this is the name of this cute girl) is sold in sets, and each figurine reflects the mood of this emotional doll.


The picture above is not an accidentally attached image from an article with culinary life hacks, but a puzzle in the Japanese version. Puzzles with many pieces are said to be soothing. Would you take the risk of completing a 300-piece soybean jigsaw puzzle while under stress? Do you think that's all? You are wrong. To complicate the task, there are chopsticks in the box, with which it is proposed to collect the puzzle.

Traditional Japanese dish - ikizukuri


Cheering robot

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Made from natural raw materials and components used in food production, therefore it is completely safe for babies from the first days of life; - Completely removes dirt, while not irritating or drying the skin of the hands; - Does not contain fragrances and colorants. * Made from natural ingredients, so it may have a yellowish tinge, but this does not affect the quality of the product Purpose Ideal for washing baby bottles, nipples, baby dishes, toys, vegetables and fruits, etc. Method of administration and dosage. Squeeze 3-5 ml of the product from the bottle (for a bottle with a dosing pump - 1-2 presses on the dispenser) onto a sponge or brush for washing bottles. After treatment, rinse off with plenty of water. Precautions - Use only as directed; - It is not recommended to mix with other detergents; - After use, we recommend rinsing everything washed in running water and washing your hands; - If accidentally swallowed, drink water; - In case of accidental contact with eyes - rinse immediately with clean water; - In case of incompatibility with skin, discontinue use; - Store out of the reach of children. Ingredients: water, 17% sodium alkyl ether, fatty alcohol amide, sucrose and fatty acid ester.

RUB 558

Thanks to the special technologies of cooking vegetable fats, the soap retains natural moisturizers that take care of your skin, making it smooth and soft. A special extract of EM-enzymes, obtained as a result of fermentation of molasses, sourdough and coral powder, activates processes to restore and improve the structure of the skin. Does not contain any artificial additives. Ingredients: soap base.


It seems that Japan will never tire of surprising the world with its everyday things. The turn of children's toys has come: children in the Land of the Rising Sun also collect toy soldiers, collect puzzles and love soap bubbles, but all these things look completely different than we are used to seeing. Want to know who Gudetama is and how much the Japanese love pudding? Then refer to this article.

Once again, we decided to acquaint our readers with the peculiarities of Japanese culture and cheer them up a little.

Hen laying eggs

Let's start with the most popular toy, the chicken. By clicking on the belly of the rubber bird, you can see the egg emerge. These toys are sold in vending machines on the streets of Tokyo.


The Japanese have a special love for embryos, which is why dinosaurs, animals and aliens can be found in toy eggs. But the creators of Hello Kitty made another breakthrough and came up with a character who conquered all of Asia. Gudetama is an eternally sad and lazy yolk, which was extracted from the protein without demand.

This yolk has become a real star - it has its own accounts on social networks, a collection of cosmetics, clothes and accessories, as well as a network of cafes. The creators claim that Gudetama is not a depressed character, but simply unmotivated, so with his whole appearance he says: "I'm not going anywhere, just leave me alone!"

Tuttuki Bako is one of the weirdest games popular among the Japanese. To start the game, you need to stick your finger in the box. There are several games to choose from: swing a panda on a wheel, touch sea inhabitants, touch your face or play with a strange creature.

It would seem, what can be done with the green soldiers, which were collected by our parents in childhood? The Japanese have turned them into fat men and often place these adorable warriors on "battlegrounds" - on food.

In what other country, if not in Japan, could zombie fruits appear? The first series of toys was so successful that it was decided to release several more collections. Banana, grapes and cherries were joined by lychee, lemon, peach, melon and the main monster - durian.

Glamorous glass decorations have been at the peak of popularity among both children and adults for several years. Fuchiko (this is the name of this cute girl) is sold in sets, and each figurine reflects the mood of this emotional doll.

The picture is not a randomly attached image from an article with culinary life hacks, but a puzzle in the Japanese version. Puzzles with many pieces are said to be soothing. Would you venture to complete a 300-piece soybean jigsaw puzzle while under stress? Do you think that's all? You are wrong. To complicate the task, there are chopsticks in the box, with which it is proposed to collect the puzzle.

Ikizukuri is a dish of various marine life that must be eaten alive. And it would be too easy if Japanese toy makers gave children fish for serving and slicing. To begin with, the child will have to make the toy itself, having prepared the mixture and pouring it into forms, and only then he will have to learn how to properly serve and eat the dish.

Why do you need such a toy? The manufacturer claims that it fights stress very well. The toy has two options - with an arm and a leg.

This photo captures Big Clapper, and he knows how to applaud, and also knows a few words of encouragement. But this is not an option for home use: the creator says that his invention would look great in front of some institution, and is ready to sell it for $ 4.5 thousand. Nevertheless, there are manual robots that can give you a standing ovation at any moment - like nothing special, but they are popular.

The Japanese love puddings and often prepare them, usually in small tins. But now the residents of the Land of the Rising Sun have the opportunity to make a whole bucket of their favorite dessert at home.

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