What are domino eggs. How many dice are there in the Domino game? Classic entertainment rules. What you need to know to learn to play dominoes

Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Ilyichev.

Games in which all information about the position of opponents is known are called games with complete information, such as chess. Steinitz, Capablanca, Nimzowitsch and other masters developed general positional chess principles which have proven to be very effective in practical play. Most card games- games with incomplete information, for example, preference (see "Science and Life" No. 7, 1992). These include dominoes, in which the exact location of the bones on the hands of rivals is initially, and even later, unknown.

A child comes to school with a huge number of questions for life, for the world. And they begin to give him many answers, but to questions that he did not ask.
A. G. Asmolov

From a combinatorial point of view, dominoes are much more complicated than preference. Indeed, according to the rules in preference, the game is "suit for suit", therefore all suits (spades, clubs, tambourines, hearts) are sufficiently isolated. On the contrary, almost every domino tile (two cells) is a kind of "adapter" from one suit (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) to another, therefore, here they are closely interrelated.

If, according to the rules of dominoes, all twenty-eight tiles are connected in a straight line, then the ends of the table will necessarily have the same suit. This is due to the fact that each suit is present in an even number (8) cells. It turns out that in a practical game one can find useful heuristic laws that are not absolutely valid, but only with a certain (but rather high) probability. Consider a number of such tactical and strategic principles.

Recall that dominoes are played by two rival pairs (Red + Yellow versus Blue + Green). We will assume that the players move clockwise, as a result of which a chain ("table") of knuckles appears on the table, to the edges of which new stones are attached.

(Figure 1)

If a player is unable to place a stone to any of the edges of the "table", he skips a move (the player is "rolled"). A pair wins when one of its members is the first to expose all of his knuckles. Of course, the more often a particular player gets "for hire", the less chances he has to be the first to display all his stones. When searching effective ways games, it is advisable to distinguish two simple (pure) strategies - defensive and offensive.

In the first, the player moves so that the remaining dice have the greatest variety of suits. The defending player believes that this strategy minimizes the likelihood of being hired in the future.

In the second, the player acts "monotonously", namely, puts stones with the same suit. A set of three or more player's tiles containing the same suit n, let's call n-pressure .

Let player Red, for example, produce 1-pressure. As a result of the struggle between the rival pairs, exactly six tiles of suit 1 turned out to be laid out on the table, and the last stone of this suit is in the hands of Red. Therefore, on one of the edges of the "table" there is a stone of suit 1, which is inviolable for other players. Here we will say that Red took " end stone". Now he is insured against" rolling "at least for the next move.

Let us give natural way"measuring" the force of pressure. So, let's estimate the hollow at 0.5 points, and the rest (simple) stones of this suit - at 1 point. Then the pressure force is equal to the sum of the points of the stones of the suit n... If the force of pressure is more than 3.5 points, then it is "self-sufficient". Namely: it cannot be completely blocked with the remaining stones of this suit, so you can independently get to the end stone. Let us discuss the features of "non-self-sufficient" pressures:

1. Two simple stone+ hollow turn out to be weak pressure (force = 2.5). This pressure is more defensive than offensive. It limits the ability of opponents to exert their strong pressure. So, in the position below, Red should not play with a double 2 | 2, but with a simple stone 1 | 2.

(Figure 2)

This move simultaneously weakens the other's 2-pressure and demonstrates its 1-pressure. Note that when other players place two stones of suit 1, this pressure becomes strong. Red now has a chance to get the end stone.

2. Three simple stones or three simple stones + hollow turn out to be medium pressures (force = 3 and force = 3.5, respectively). If partners (voluntarily or involuntarily) support this pressure at least once, then it will immediately become strong.

Note that according to the rules of dominoes, six or seven stones of the same suit are remade. Therefore, very strong pressures are not allowed. There can be several pressures on the hands of one player at the same time.

At the beginning of the game, each suit occurs on average on two squares. Therefore, in the presence of pressure - a large number of cells of the same suit - the variety of cells with other suits decreases. Now some suits will appear on no more than one stone.

The implementation of pressure is reminiscent of personnel policy, when they place their people everywhere, who are friends with each other and are at enmity with others. The attacking player hopes that sooner or later the opponent who is “bled” by his pressure will be “rolled”.

Practice has shown that an attacking strategy is usually more productive than a defensive one. Real effective strategy is a synthesis of both pure strategies, in which offensive tactics play a dominant role. Let's consider several typical game situations.

Episode 1... Suppose that as a result of his strong, for example, 1-pressure, Red took one end stone. And after a while, his rivals forced him to part with this stone of suit 1. It is somewhat surprising that after that other players can calculate one of the remaining red tiles:

Principle 1. Suppose that in episode 1 the exposed end tile of Red had the form 1 | n, then he still has a stone of suit n.

(Figure 3)

Practice has shown that this rule is implemented in more than 50% of cases. Here are two reasons for Principle 1.

Reason 1 . Since each suit (in particular, the suit n) occurs twice on average, then at the beginning of the game, Red, along with the stone 1 | n, also has a knuckle m|n... Further in the course of the game, the following options for placing these stones in Red are possible:

1. On one of the edges of the table there was a suit n... Then Red, developing his 1-pressure, would certainly place a stone 1 | n.

2. On one of the edges of the table there was a suit m... Here Red can (but does not have to) place a stone. n|m... Therefore, in more than half of the cases, stone 1 | n placed before the knuckle m|n... Since stone 1 | n remained with Red, then the knuckle m|n and even more so is with him. This implies the validity of Principle 1.

Reason 2 . For example, let stones 1 | n, 1 | a, 1 | b, 1 | c constitute a strong 1-pressure of Red. Let's name the suit from the set ( n, a, b, c) scarce if it is presented in one copy among the initial seven stones of Red. In the presence of strong 1-pressure, such a scarce suit (at least one) is sure to be found. For example, let it be suits a, b and c... Insofar as n is not a scarce suit, then Red also has a stone of the form m|n.

Further, it is very likely that the scarce suits are under pressure of the same name for the rest of the players. Therefore, bones with suits a, b, c they will exhibit the stones most often 1 | a, 1|b, 1|c leave Red first. Then the end will be "late exposed" knuckle 1 | n, and Red will have a knuckle on his hands m|n .

Of course, there are other reasons that confirm this principle (their search is left to the reader).

Episode 2. If the defensive resources of the Blue-Green pair are small, then as a result of 1-pressure, Red manages to capture two single ends at once.

(Figure 4)

Then there will be 1 on both sides of the table, and two more tiles of suit 1 will be in the hands of Red. Let, for definiteness, on the hands of Red stones 1 | n, 1|a, n|b... If there are no other ("higher") considerations, then during his move Red should take care of preserving the maximum variety of suits on the remaining stones. Therefore, it would be logical to move 1 | n... Hence follows

Principle 2. Suppose in Episode 2 the first exposed end knuckle has the form 1|n, then Red still has a stone of suit n.

These principles, combined with information about the known stones of the table, allow us to quite accurately determine the remaining knuckle of suit n in Red. Let this "calculated" stone have the form n|k and is the last in Red. Then Yellow should arrange n-pressure or k-pressure so that his partner (Red) can finish the game. A more difficult option is when the opponents are forced to place the required stones. Of course, for this it is necessary to somehow calculate the tiles of the Blue-Green pair (for example, based on the same principles 1 and 2!).

For the sake of fairness, we give the initial set of stones in the hands of Red, when the principles 1 and 2 discussed above cannot be fulfilled. Here is one of the absolutely "unprincipled" layouts:

(Figure 5)

Episode 3. Let Red apply 1-pressure and grab the end stone on the left. In this situation, he has a large selection of moves. The question arises: which of the knuckles should be placed on the right? No matter how Red plays, it is likely that soon opponents will force him to part with the end stone 1 | 2. Therefore, it is now logical to place the knuckle 2 | 5. So, little by little, Red prepares 2-pressure.

(Image 6)

Therefore, there is

Principle 3. Suppose that in episode 3 Red has an end stone 1 | n on the left, then he should place dice of suit n on the right.

It is implicitly implied here that the suit n is not pressure from opponents. The rest of the players should bear in mind that this strategy of Red may violate principle 1.

Episode 4. Let's discuss a common problem: when is it profitable for Red to make "fish"? Recall that here the Red + Yellow pair wins if the sum of points on its stones is less than the corresponding sum of the other pair. Let us give healthy recipe good decision. Namely: you need to mentally make a "fish" and calculate the total number of points on the table ( S) and in my arms ( R). Fair

Principle 4. When R< 42 - S/4 делайте "рыбу".

Indeed, the sum of the points of all domino stones is equal to 168. If there is S points, then (168 - S) / 4 - their average number per player. When this inequality is fulfilled, Red has less than average points, so his pair has a good chance of winning the fish.

Of course, before making a final decision on "making fish" Red should pay attention to the number of stones in Yellow, and also remember in which suit the partner's pressure was.

Episode 5. Let at some point in time the following choice problem arose before Red. On one move, he forms his end stone on one edge of the table, but then this allows Blue to take his end stone on the other edge. And with a different move, none of them have end knuckles.

(Image 7)

The first option for Red is worse if he has additional stones on his hands. Indeed, as a result of the successive formation of the end bones, Red will have to part with his end knuckle. Therefore, with the successful implementation of the pressures, it is true

Principle 5. 2-pressure is stronger than 1-pressure.

For the successful implementation of the pressure, it is important for the players to start it in a timely manner.

Episode 6. It is not at all necessary for the player who makes the first move (the intruder) to immediately apply his pressure. This can be done on the second turn as well. So, let him have the following stones at the beginning of the game:

(Image 8)

Then the "soft" move 0 | 0 turns out to be good. Here the knuckles 0 | 0, 5 | 5 and 5 | 6 do not participate in any pressure, therefore they represent a difficult "ballast". It is advisable to immediately drop a part of it, and then set the stone ("adapter") 0 | 1 - transition to the main 1-pressure.

Principle 6. If you have an adapter stone, make a soft approach.

Episode 7. After the first three to four rounds of the game, the main pressure suits of the players are revealed (for example, 1 for Red, 2 for Blue, 3 for Yellow and 4 for Green). Now a pair of players who can continue their pressure (or even get an end stone) will have a positional advantage.

On the other hand, some suits are still entirely in the hands of the players, and it is natural to call them "fresh" (for example, 0 and 6). Displaying fresh suits is dangerous. So, if Red lays out a stone with a fresh suit of 0, then it is very likely that Blue will place a knuckle 0 | 2. Thus, the Blue-Green pair will continue to develop its 2-pressure. So observe

Principle 7. Do not display fresh colors.

Principle 7 has exceptions. For example, suppose Red has three (or more) stones with a fresh suit of 0. In this case, Blue's endstone formation is not so dangerous, since he will most likely not be able to withstand the prolonged 0-pressure from Red.

Episode 8. Episode 7 preventive measures can be expanded. So, when there is no way to expose your pressure, then " healthy image game "consists in blocking the opponent's pressure. For example, let Blue press 2 and he still has stones 2 | m and 2 | n... Now it is dangerous for Red and Yellow players to expose dice with suits m and n... Often, blocking the enemy's pressure sends him "for hire" faster than deploying his own pressure. Therefore, the rule is useful

Principle 8. Don't let your opponent continue his pressure.

Episode 9. In the notation for Episode 7, consider the following situation. Let Green play a fresh 0 suit on the left, and Red does not have a suitable 0 | 1 stone to continue his 1-pressure.

Then it is correct to set fresh pressure with Red on the right (0 or 6). Now, if Blue "attaches" his 2-pressure to a fresh suit of 0 (puts a stone at 0 | 2), then in response Yellow will symmetrically "attach" his 3-pressure to a fresh suit of 6 (puts a stone at 6 | 3). Since "2-pressure is stronger than 1-pressure", the Red-Yellow pair takes precedence.

Principle 9. Maintain fresh suits on both sides.

(Image 9)

If all participants adhere to this principle, in the middle of the game there are moments of a kind of "give-away game". The players begin to put up only fresh suits (pressure with fresh suits), "politely" offering the opponent the first to get the end stone. A pair that cannot support fresh suits on both sides usually loses.

Of course, the listed "principles" do not exhaust all the tactical and strategic techniques of playing dominoes, but they will undoubtedly bring some benefit to the players.

Dominoes are one of the most popular board games known across a wide variety of cultures. We analyze where the dominoes came from and how to play this game, we learn the domino terms.

In the old days, everyone liked to spend time playing dominoes. Today, mainly children play it, but you can also find elderly people, as well as adults, laying out the knuckles in a certain sequence on the surfaces of tables, benches or on ordinary boards.

Anyone has seen a game of dominoes at least once in their life. There are different knuckles: they can be made made of plastic or from wood mainly black or white with contrasting dots.

At first glance, it seems that it is very simple. But in order to find out the details of the game, you need to consider its features.

Domino history

Everyone's favorite and popular dominoes first appeared in China around the 12th century AD(from 1120).

Dominoes were based on dice, which were brought to China from distant India, where they evolved into small plates. Each plate showed the results of the dropped points when throwing the dice. IN ancient China dominoes were called "Bone tablets".

Over time, the game has gained great popularity all over the world.

In ancient times, dominoes were made of ivory and played only by monks, then the game gradually moved to France, and then to England and Italy.

The domino tile looks like a small plate. Each plate is marked with the number of points, in the modern version - only on one half. The number of marks on the plate shows dice roll result.

Zero point in this game appeared already in Europe when the famous traveler Marco Polo brought this wonderful game from China. Before that, both halves of the plate showed the number of points.

The Europeans became familiar with dominoes only in the 18th century, although the Great Silk Road was paved much earlier. It was after Europe's acquaintance with this interesting fun that the domino plates changed and began to look like they do now, in a modern version, with one empty half.

In the Chinese version, the plates are much longer, while the Europeans made dominoes in a shortened form. Gradually Chinese fun transformed into another game - Mahjong, which proved to be very popular in the twenties in the States.

Itself the name "domino" has French roots... This was the name of the winter vestments of the priests, which have two opposite colors. It was black on the outside and pure white on the inside.

This is how the name came about, connecting two halves, completely different in color. Interesting that carnival face masks with one half black and the other white, have the same name.

Domino magic

In some countries, dominoes were not only meant to be played. Inhabitants of Indian settlements know how to guess with the help of bones, predicting fate and performing various magical rituals.

So that dominoes were not originally intended for entertainment and having fun, but for serious rites of magic.

However, similar function in many cultures originally had dice as well used in divination magic and to communicate with spirits.

Modern dice and domino games are essentially simple interpretations of divination or collective ritual... Agree, and you sometimes wondered at the domino table at certain situations and positions of the dice.

Video: domino divination

In eastern countries there are about fifty different variations of plate games... You can even see a colored version, where the color indicates the hierarchical height of the knuckle. And the original titles of the games will surprise you with their romanticism: "gazelle jump" or "carnation in the fog".

Many interesting games based on dominoes are relatively young, some of them appeared only a few decades ago. For example, different types solitaire games.

there is interesting fact, what American Eskimos have very similar game, in which chips are used instead of plates... On this basis, it can be concluded that there was a connection between the Americans and the Chinese.

In fact, there are many versions about the origin of the game. One of the most interesting assumptions is that the dominoes were invented by the clergy - the Dominicans, because their clothes bore the same name. BUT latin translation of this interesting game denotes the appeal of Catholics to the Lord God.

The game of dominoes is very popular in all countries; both a child and an adult can be interested in it. Well, to make it more interesting to play your favorite game, you need to know the history of its origin.

Domino rules for children and adults

In fact, the game for children and beginners is essentially no different from a professional one. There are simply varieties of dominoes that have certain characteristics and additional rules.

The situation here is very similar to poker: yes Texas hold'em, but there are varieties with more sophisticated rules.

The game includes 28 elements in the form of a rectangle, separated by a horizontal bar. There are points on each part of the figure, which are a number between 0 and 6.

Why are parts called knuckles? It is believed that this name comes from the word "bones", which means cubes. Any of the parts is a roll of a pair of dice.

Certain sets for the game may consist of dice, which have a larger number of dots on one of their parts. Some even include up to eighteen.

In the Chinese set, there are bones that repeat each other, but there are no elements that do not contain points.

Moreover, there are special varieties of dominoes for children which include different images instead of dots. The reverse side of the knuckles is most often empty, but it can be decorated with various pictures.

  1. Dominoes are usually played by two or four... In the case when two are playing, seven elements are dealt, and when four are playing - five. Superfluous parts are put into reserve, or, as it is otherwise called, the bazaar.
  2. The first to enter is the player who got caught or a pair of zeros, or a pair of sixes(depending on the agreement of the playing parties). If no one has got these knuckles, then you should start with any double element in ascending order (for example, a pair of twos, fives, and so on).
  3. If there are no such chips, then the game begins with the figure containing the largest number.

  4. The first element is placed in the middle of the playing area..
  5. Next, other details of the game are attached in a row... This can be done both on one side and on the other, substituting, taking into account the rule of identical numbers (two to two, six to six, and so on).
  6. However, in some cases, they play according to a different principle, when the sum of the adjacent digits must add up to a total of six(this means that zero should be placed next to the six, and one should be located next to the five). These moments for the game must always be remembered.

  1. If there are no suitable elements for the layout, then new tiles are taken from the so-called "home" until the matching chips are selected. If a the same the necessary parts have not been pulled out.

    Sometimes it is clear that there is a “fish” on the game table, if certain tiles are located there and there are no additional tiles in the bazaar, then using elementary counting it is easy to determine the presence or absence of such a situation.

  2. The winner of the game is the one who is the first to lay out the last remaining chip on the table, or the one who has the smallest amount on the dice, in the event of a “fish”. Other players must count the amount on their elements to be recorded.
  3. The game continues again until the agreed number of points is scored.

Domino varieties

On the territory of Russia, there are slightly fewer types of dominoes compared, for example, with China. Nevertheless, there are a significant number of options for the game, and further we will tell you about the most common and interesting ones.

Goat - domino rules

  • The owner of the smallest take starts the game, and can play from 2 to 4 participants... If several rounds are played, then the winner of the previous one moves in the new one.
  • The points scored are recorded only if the number of points exceeds 30. The score goes up to 101 points, that is, the loser scores 101 or more.
  • A variation of this option is a 2 on 2 game, when the players of each team sit opposite each other.

Sea goat

  • The variety is more difficult and a long game, play either 1 on 1 or 2 on 2... The game starts with the smallest take.
  • The scoring in this variant is conducted by the winner of each round., the scores of the remaining losers are counted, if the sum is more than 25, then the record is performed... At the same time, if another player wins the next round and also gains more than 25, then your accumulated points are deducted.
  • The game continues until the winner reaches 125 points.

Features of the game "Sea Goat"

  1. Two takes on hand, if possible can be laid out at the same time.
  2. Player can start the game with a take of sixes and wins the game if the game is won, but if it loses with a difference of more than 25 points, it is eliminated from the game.
  3. It is also possible to complete the game with two zeros, that is, place two empty tiles on each side and thus win the whole game.
  4. If the final tile is a double six, then the bettor either wins if the loser has more than 25, or the next round begins with a double of sixes.

  1. If there are only two zeros left, then they are equal to 25, two sixes are equal to 50.
  2. When we were left in our arms only zeros and sixes, they are give 75 points.
  3. When a "fish" appears, the one who placed the final dice becomes a fisherman and wins if he has less than 25, and the opponent is more, with such a victory, the next round begins with sixes. If the fisherman loses, then there is an opportunity to write off, and start with any knuckle. If the players have an equal amount with the "fish", then the situation is called "eggs" and is written off in only two units. After three attempts to write off the "eggs", a draw is declared.

Perhaps, just studying and mastering these rules will be enough for you to provide yourself with exciting leisure for a long period. Many players often come up with their own variations and additions for dominoes, you can also do this if you want to diversify the game.

Video: types and rules of the domino game

Apr 25, 2017 Alexandra

Domino rules "goat"

If we talk about board games that have received universal approval and recognition, then dominoes are among the first. Of course, dominoes have become widespread in the territory the former USSR like a game for everyone. Despite its origins and simple rules, Dominoes are one of the most beloved and easy-to-learn classic board games.

Oddly enough, the most widespread type of domino game in Russia is not the classic domino, but the goat domino.

The rules of the goat domino game are somewhat different from the usual one. They will be discussed further.

As in the main dominoes, in the "goat" of 28 tiles with numbers from 0 to 6 there are 7 doubles, there is a bazaar from which players collect tiles if they do not have a suitable one on their hands. If you are familiar with the principle of playing dominoes, you will quickly understand everything.

The player goes to the domino "goat" first, not with a big double, as in usual dominoes, but with a double 1: 1. Only then doubles from 2: 2 to 6: 6 are played. If there are no such doubles, a 0: 0 double goes. If the players do not have doubles in their hands, then the move begins with the highest tile, for example, 5: 6, etc.

At the beginning of the round, even if the number of players is 4, all players take not 5, but 7 dice “face-down” from the “bazaar”. The bazaar is all not taken tiles, which lie with their values ​​down (they are not visible). The rules for taking bones from the bazaar are the same as in the classic dominoes.

The goat domino game can end if one of the people left, that is, played all the knuckles from his hand, or someone made a fish - a situation in which further play is impossible. A fish is a situation where each end of the domino line ends with the same number, for example, 1. At the same time, there are no bones with ones left on the hands.

If there is a fish, then the rules of the goat domino game prescribe to count the points separately for each player in the same way as in the classic domino.

Scoring in domino goat is very interesting. Instead of just adding all the values, proceed as follows. If the player has less than 12 points, for example, 9, then they are recorded with a + sign. The + sign means that if the player wins in the next round, that is, "exits", these points will disappear.

The winner in the domino "goat" is the player with the lowest number of points following the results of 5.10 or 15 games.

Now that you know the rules of the goat domino game.

Learning to play the classic goat domino is not as difficult as it might seem. All you need to do is read in detail the rules of the game for beginners that are written here. The instructions with the rules are illustrated with photo examples, so the rules are much easier to perceive. After reading this article, you will not have a question "How to play table dominoes?"

How many dice should there be in a set of dominoes?

The number of dice in one set of dominoes must be 28 pieces. In Chinese dominoes there are more bones, and in a classic domino there are exactly 28 pieces of dominoes in a box. By the way, many people mistakenly ask how many chips, dominoes are in a set, correctly name bones, stones or just dominoes.

Domino doubles are paired dice with the same number of dots on both sides; a set of 28 dice must contain 7 dice: 0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6. How many takes in dominoes - 7 pieces.

How to play domino goat

We figured out what doubles in dominoes are and how many tiles there should be to play "Goat" (28 pieces). We proceed directly to how to play the goat dominoes.

1 Shuffle the bones
Pour the bones on the table so that the glasses (dots) on the bones are not visible. We mix the bones well, now this pile of stones is called "Bazaar".

How many dominoes to distribute per player?
Depends on how many people will play, a maximum of 4 players is possible.

  • 2 players - take 7 dice each;
  • 3-4 players - take 5 dice each;
  • The bazaar is the closed extra dominoes that remained after all the players took the dominoes in their hands. When there is nothing to walk with, players from the Bazaar pick up dominoes.

    After everyone has taken the dominoes, the game begins.

    3 First move
    The first stone is placed on the center of the table by the player who has a double with fewer points in his hand, 0–0, 1–1, 2–2, and so on. If no one has duplicates, a simple die with a lower score is placed, for example, 0-1, 0-2, and so on. For example, two players had the smallest dice for the number of points, 2-2.

    4 Second turn
    After the first player, the others put their dice in turn. If a player has several variants of dominoes to walk, for example, 2-6 and 2-3, he himself decides which dice to put. In the example, the second player resembled a stone 2-6.

    5 What to do when there is nothing to walk with?
    It's your turn to put the dice on the table, and you don't have a suitable domino in your hands. Then the player searches for suitable dominoes at the Bazaar. The player takes each open stone from the "Bazaar" in his hand.

    5 End of game
    The game ends when one of the players runs out of dice or when a Fish is obtained. All other players with bones in their hands begin to count the points.


    Before the start of the game, the players agree to what amount of points they will play dominoes, for example, 300 points. This means that the winner is the one with the first 300 points. After each game played, the winner receives points from the stones that remain in the hands of the losing players.

    Which bone gives how many points?

    • Empty or empty-empty (0–0) - count as 25 points;
    • Dice 6–6 - count as 50 points;
    • All other stones give how many points, how many points are on them. For example, dice 1–4 are 5 points, dice 6–4 are 10 points, 3–5 are 8 points, and so on.

    What does domino fish mean?

    Sometimes in dominoes there is such a situation that none of the players have a stone in their hands that can be placed to continue the game, and the Bazaar has run out of bones for selection, such a situation is called the Fish in Dominoes.

    What is dummy and empty empty dominoes?

    Zero, dummy, empty, bald, naked is the name of the stone 0-0, this is a bone on which there are no points (points).

    If you have reached this part of the article, then you have read all the rules on how to play table dominoes. To consolidate and understand everything that is written in this article, try to play the dominoes below. And remember never say chips, bones, stones or dominoes will be correct 🙂

    Domino Rules: Goat

    Preparing to play

    The game set includes 28 unique dice:

    0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 0-6
    1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
    2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6
    3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6
    4-4, 4-5, 4-6
    5-5, 5-6

    Dice with the same value on both halves (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5 and 6-6) are called doubles.

    The game is played by two to four people.

    The game of "Goat" is divided into rounds.

    At the beginning of each round, players pick up seven dice blindly.

    If a player has five or more doubles or six or more dice with a repeating value in his hand, the dice are reshaped.

    If less than four people take part in the game, then the extra dice remaining after being dealt face down are moved to the edge of the table. These bones are called "bazaar".

    The first move in the first round belongs to the player holding a 1-1 double. It is from this take that the participant must enter. If no one has such a double, then the one of the participants who has a double 2-2 is playing. And so on until bone 6-6. If none of the participants has dice 6-6, then the first move from the double is 0-0. If there are no duplicates at all, then the move from the dice is 5-6, and so on in descending order of the dice values.

    The move is passed clockwise. Each next player must place a dice, the value of which is equal to the value of the dice already laid out on the table on the side of contact.

    If the player does not have suitable dice, then he "goes to the bazaar", that is, blindly draws out one of the extra dice put on the edge of the table. This continues until the player finds a bone with the required value. If there is no "bazaar" or it is over, and not a single dice has come, the player "knocks", that is, he skips a move. All the bones taken at the "bazaar" remain in his hands.

    A player has no right to skip a turn if he has a dice on his hand that can be played.

    A player can put only one die at a time.

    The round ends when any of the players have no bones left in their hands, that is, the player has "left", or when the player bets a "fish". The first move in the next round is made by the “exited” player, or the “fisherman,” that is, the one who placed the “fish”. He can walk from any bone.

    A “fish” is a situation in which all players have dice on their hands but are unable to walk. A similar situation is possible when all six (not counting a double) dice with the same value are laid out on the table and both ends of the chain close the dice with the same value.

    For example, dice 1-2, 2-6, 0-2, 2-3 are already laid out on the table. The chain ends with a 2-4 bone on one side, and a 5-2 bone on the other. This is a fish".

    If the double 2-2 had not been played, as shown in the picture, but had been in the “bazaar” or in the hands of one of the players, it would still be a “fish”.

    If the round ends not with a fish, but simply with the "exit" of one of the participants, who got rid of all his bones, then the remaining players open their bones and count the sum of the points of these bones.


    If at the end of the round a player has one single 0-0 die in his hands, then it is considered 10 points. All other dice are considered at par.

    If a player's dice total does not exceed 12 points, then this number is "remembered" for the next round after the player. If in the next round the player collects an amount of 12 or less points again, then the new amount is added to the old “memorized” amount and goes to the “memorized” amount for the next round. If the player “left”, then all his “memorized” points are reset to zero.

    If a player scored more than 12 points in a round, then he opened his account in the party. If the player had "memorized" points at the time of opening the account, then they are added to the accumulated amount. From the moment the account is opened, the points are not "remembered" and any, even the smallest, number of points scored in a round will be immediately added to the player's account.

    All points accumulated or "memorized" by the players are displayed on the screen next to the login. The “memorized” points are displayed in yellow. There is a "+" sign in front of the score

    The open account is displayed in red, without the "+" sign

    Consider the scoring system using an example when one of the players " released»

    The top number in the table is the points scored in the previous rounds.
    The number in the middle (above the line) is the amount scored in the current round.
    The number below the line is the total score.

    In the example we are considering, the player Masha “quit” because she scored 0 points. Prior to this round, she had 19 “memorized” points. Since the player “left”, his memorized points have been reset to zero and the total amount is zero.

    Player Alex did not have any points at the beginning of the round, but in the current round he scored 3 points. Since 3 points are less than 12 and the player did not open the score, he received as a result +3 "memorized" points.

    Player Olya at the beginning of the round had +7 "memorized" points. In the current round, she scored 13 points and thus opened an account. As a result, she got 13 + 7 = 20 points.

    Player Serg had +4 "memorized" points at the start of the round. In the round, he scored 5 points. Thus, he did not open an account, but the "memorized" points were added up. Now he has +9 "remembered" points.

    If the round ends with a "fish", then there are several options for the rules by which the points are counted. When creating an application for a game, you can set one of these options by changing the corresponding parameter. Now let's look at each of them with an example.

    The first version of the rules will be called “ fish at all". In this version, scoring is no different from the usual scoring mechanism. The only difference is that each player has scored points in this round, as there is no player who has left.

    Let's pay attention to the table. In the middle line of the table, there are “fish” icons. They tell us that the round ended with a fish.

    The second option is called “ fish for one". In this variant, not only the points of each player are calculated, but also the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the hands of the players. As a result of the scoring, the player who scored the most points in this round is found. It is to him that the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the hands of the players is added. Let's take an example:

    In this round, the player with the nickname Masha scored 2 points, Alex - 3 points, Olya - 13 points and Serg - 5 points. This means that the total amount of points scored by the players is 23.

    Olya scored the most points in the round, she has 13. It means that she gets the total amount of points scored by all players. That's 23 points. In addition, she had “memorized” 7 points, which are added to the amount when opening an account. As a result, Olya gets 30 points. Pay attention to the fact that the memorized points of other players have been reset to zero.

    Another situation is possible when several players gain the same maximum number of points. For example:

    Alex and Olya have scored the most points. Each of them has a bottom 14. In this case, the round is considered a draw. The whole amount of fish (35 points) goes to the next round.

    This situation is also displayed on the screen. In this case, a fish icon appears under the timer. The number +35 is displayed on it, that is, the amount passed by fish from the last round.

    In this case, in the next round, regardless of its outcome (it does not matter whether it ends with a regular exit, or with a “fish”), the player who has collected the maximum number of points will receive, in addition to his account, the entire amount transferred from the last round.

    If the round ends with a “fish” again and the situation with the same maximum number of points repeats again, then the results of the new round will be added to the memorized amount and the total memorized amount for two rounds will go to the next.

    This will continue until there is one player with the maximum number of points.

    Results of the game

    The game is considered over as soon as one of the players scores 101 or more points. A player who has scored 101 or more points in total according to the results of the rounds, is considered a loser, that is, he becomes a "goat".

    Calculation of the rating for the game "Goat"

    (100 - [the sum of the points scored by the player]) / 10

    For example:
    Masha scored 25 points.
    We substitute the value in the formula, we consider: (100 - 25) / 10 = 7.5.
    Round up = 8.
    Thus, the rating of the player Masha will increase by 8 points at the end of the game.

    If the game is interrupted by timeout, then the player eliminated from the game by timeout does not receive rating points.

    All other players in this case receive points to the rating. The rating is calculated using the following formula:

    ([points of the player eliminated by timeout] - [the sum of the points scored by the player]) / 10
    with rounding according to the rules of mathematics, but with the condition that the result cannot be less than 1 point.

    For example:
    Alex scored 32 points and was eliminated on timeout. He does not receive any rating points.

    Masha scored 30 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted by a timeout, but not through her fault.
    We substitute the value into the formula, we consider: (32 - 30) / 10 = 0.2
    Rounding = 0.
    But we remember that the result cannot be less than 1 point. Thus, the rating of the player Masha will increase by one.

    Olya scored 13 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted by a timeout, but not through her fault.
    We substitute the value in the formula, we consider: (32 - 13) / 10 = 1.9
    Round up = 2 points.
    Thus, the rating of player Olya will increase by 2 points at the end of the game.

    Domino rules

    Dominoes - table game, in the process of which a chain of knuckles ("bones", "stones") is built, in contact with halves with the same number of points. Name Dominoes came from a combination of white and black. Domino is a French word; this is what the Christian priests called the winter garment, which was black on the outside and white on the inside. Domino is also a type of mask representing a black and white motif.

    Domino history dates back to around the 2nd century BC. Dominoes, although common in the West, are actually a Chinese invention. It comes from dice, which were imported to China from India in the distant past. Each domino tile was originally the result of throwing two dice. One half of the domino represents the result of throwing one die, the other the other.

    Dominoes evolved from the well-known dice (cubes). The number of dominoes is calculated by the formula: [(n + 1) * (n + 2)] / 2, where n is the maximum value of one half of a domino (number of dots). For example, a standard set of dominoes includes [(6 + 1) * (6 + 2)] / 2 = 28 dice.

    The domino tile is a rectangular tile, the front side of which is divided by a line into two square parts. Each part contains from zero to six points (variants with 9 and 12 points also meet). The back of the knuckle is usually straight. Dominoes are made from bone (plain or ivory), plastic, metal or wood.

    How to play dominoes - game rules

    Traditional dominoes

    Play from two to four people. For two, seven stones are handed over, for three or four - five. The rest are placed in a closed reserve ("bazaar"). The player starts with a double six (6-6). The next players place stones with the corresponding points (6-1; 6-2; 6-3 ...). If there are no suitable stones, then you have to get them from the reserve. If none of the players have a 6-6 double in their hands, you can start the game with a 5-5 double. If there is not a single double on hand, they do not go to the market for duplicates, but start with the stone that has the largest number (for example, 6-5). The game ends when one of the players places the last stone. Perhaps the end of the game with a "fish" - this is the name of blocking the calculation, when there are still stones on the hands, but there is nothing to report. The winner receives the sum of the points of all stones in the hands of the losers as a prize. When blocking ("fish"), the winner belongs to the one with the fewest points on his hands. The difference between the points is recorded in his winnings. The game continues up to a predetermined amount - for example, up to 100 or 150 points.

    Varieties of the game of dominoes

    More than 40 different domino games are known in the East. There are dominoes with colored dice, where the color denotes dignity. Several varieties of the game have become widespread in Russia, differing from each other in the methods of scoring points, victory conditions, etc.

    The most popular type of game.

    The game involves 2-4 players. Each player receives 7 tiles. The player with the smallest double starts the game. The next rally is started by the player who won the previous round or declared the fish. The losers in each drawing write down the amount of points on their remaining tiles to their account. To start recording, you need to score at least 13 points.

    The first player to score 101 points is declared a "goat" - the loser.

    If the goat variety is twin goat when 4 players are playing in pairs. In this case, the players sitting opposite each other play in the same team.

    Sea goat

    A dynamic game, often more difficult than a goat. The game involves 2-4 players. 4 players usually play in pairs.

    The game differs from the goat in the following way:
    The player who wins the draw writes down the total of the losers' points.
    The minimum score you can start recording is 25.
    Only one player can score points. Thus, if another player scored more than 25 points, all points are "written off" - all players have 0 points.
    The player with 125 points is declared the winner
    If a player has the opportunity to place a double on each side, then he can place two takes at the same time.
    The one who finishes the rally at 0-0, 6-6 or both takes at once (see the previous rule) wins the game automatically
    If at the end of the rally the player has only a 0-0 double, it is counted as 25 points; only 6-6 counts as 50 points; Only 0-0 and 6-6 - 75 points
    The player who started the "recording" has the right to start the rally from 6-6. This move is called "one hundred". If the player who entered 100 finishes first, he automatically wins the game, otherwise the points are deducted.

    A dynamic domino game for 2-4 people. Outwardly, it may resemble the aforementioned Phone, but the rules of the game are closer to the Goat.

    The game differs from the Goat in the following way:
    To the first exposed take, you can attach knuckles from four sides.
    Even if the player is a fool, he has the ability to put a double on each side (2, 3 or 4 takes), he can put them at the same time.
    The player placing the double has the right to “close” it (the knuckle is turned face down). In this case, further exposure of the knuckles from this side is prohibited. When placing several takes at the same time, the player has the right to close or open any number of takes.
    If the first move did not place a double and until at least one double was placed, the next player has the right to close two doubles at the same time. The draw ends here and the usual scoring takes place.

    Scoring is the same as in Goat - a game up to 101, to record you need to dial 13, everything less than 13 is "remembered" and is reset only if nothing is written or memorized on this player in the next rally.

    Phone (Houses, Five)

    A game that is very different from other types of dominoes in the way of scoring.

    The game involves 2-4 players. Each player receives 7 tiles. The first take placed on the board is declared "home". You can attach bones to it from 4 sides.

    Points are awarded as follows:
    Each time the sum of the points at the ends of the chips placed on the board is a multiple of 5, the player records the number of points divided by 5. The double is counted as the sum of his points. For example:
    the field is 6 at one end and 3 at the other end, house 4-4.
    The first player places a double 6-6. He writes himself 3 points (6 + 6 + 3 = 15; 15: 5 = 3).
    The second player throws 4-5 towards the house. He writes himself 4 points (6 + 6 + 3 + 5 = 20; 20: 5 = 4)

    Then a 5-5 take with a 5-point record can be set.
    The player who wins the rally writes down the sum of the points of the other players divided by 5 and rounded up.
    Variant of the rules: it is allowed to set up to four takes at the same time (one on each side) in 1 move.

    Domino-five rules

    Number of players: from 2 to 4 (you can play 2x2)
    The game uses a standard set of 28 dice.
    Another name for the game of domino five is Muggins Domino. Muggins is a close relative of games such as All Fives and Sniff, and is recognized by many as one of the most best games dominoes. It is played according to the rules of the usual dominoes (Draw Dominoes), except that the goal of the game is not just to get out, but also to place dice at the ends, giving a total of 5 (or multiples of five).

    2 players - 7 dice each
    3 players - 5 dice each
    4 players - 5 dice each
    The remaining bones constitute a boneyard or stock.

    The first player to move at the beginning of the game is the player determined by the draw (the smallest die). First turn in delivery - by general rules... You can walk with any bone, not necessarily with a double. The first exposed double, whether it is the first move or not, becomes the base of the cross - the dice can be exposed on all four edges. All subsequent takes are regular takes.
    The game proceeds clockwise. If the player cannot make a move, he takes the dice from the bazaar until he finds the dice he needs. If the dice is not found, the player skips a turn.
    The goal of the game is to score a certain number of points (100, 250, 500). Points are awarded to the player, when placing his dice, the sum of the values ​​opened at the ends becomes equal to 5 or a multiple of five (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.).
    At any moment of the game, 2, 3 or 4 ends can be opened (without a cross - only two). For a double that forms a cross, all four ends are taken into account when calculating (after closing it on both sides). For a regular double, its full amount is taken into account (6: 6 - 12 points).

    Examples of
    a. If the first exposed die is 5-5, then the player receives 10 points. On the this moment all sides of take 5-5 are playable.
    b. If the second die is 5-0, then the player gets 10 points. At the moment, there are three sides of 5 available, and also empty.
    c. If the third die is 3-5 for a double of 5-5, the total is 3 (3 + 0) and the player receives no points. If, after placing 3-5, the next player bets 0-2, the amount is 5 (3 + 2) and the player who posted 0-2 gets 5 points. The upper and lower parts of the cross 5-5 remain playable, as do the open 3 and 2. In the version implemented in Gambler, after the two sides of the cross are closed, the bone of the cross is not counted. Only bones at the endings.
    d. Four moves later, 5-4 was placed at the top 5-5, the 2-2 double was placed at 0-2, 2-5 was placed at 2-2, the 3-3 muzzle was placed at 3-5. The sum is 15 points (4 + 3 + 3 + 5). There are now 4 ends open: at the bottom of the cross 5-5, 3-3, 4, and 5. The 2-2 and 3-3 takes are regular takes - the top and bottom ends are not playable.

    The deal ends when one of the players exposes all of his dice, or when the game is blocked ("fish"). The winning player (with the “fish”, the one who has the lowest number of points) receives prize points: the points on the opponents' hands are summed up, rounded to a multiple of 5 (3 to 5) and divided by 5. The received points are added to the winner of the change. In case of a fish, the points in the winner's hand are deducted from the total amount of points. For example, if the winning player has 3 points in his hand and his three opponents are 5, 11, and 13, then the total difference of 26 (5 + 11 + 13 - 3) is rounded up to 25 and divided by 5. The winner gets 5 additional points. Regardless of the victory, all players retain their points that they received in the game.
    - For a double forming a cross, only the played sides are taken into account when summing up: in example "C" the sum will be 5 (3 + 2), in example "D" the sum will be 15 (3 + 3 + 4 + 5).
    - Without a cross.
    - The accumulated points of the losers are not divided by 5 and after rounding off are fully recorded to the winner, in case of a “fish” the points of the loser are taken into account in full (excluding the winner's points).
    - All Threes is basically the same game, except for the factor of 3, not 5.

    All news

    Play from two to four people.
    For two, 7 stones are handed over, for 3 or 4, 5 bones each. The rest are on the sidelines, clean side up (in the bazaar).
    The player who has a double of 6-6 starts, he throws a die.
    The next players place 6-1, 6-2, etc., respectively. If there are no such stones, then you need to get them from the bazaar.
    If none of the players have a double of 6-6, then you can move by others, for example, 5-5, 4-4, etc. from the largest to the smallest. And if no one has a double, then they go large values stone, for example 6-5.
    The game ends when one of the players places his last stone.
    The winner is written the sum of the points of all stones from the losers.
    The game may end when the stones are on the hands, but there will be nothing to report. In this situation, the winner belongs to the one with the fewest points. The difference between the points is recorded in his winnings.
    The game continues until a predetermined amount, for example, 100 points.

    The rules of this game are familiar to almost everyone.
    This game is usually played by two on two (although you can play two or three).
    At the beginning of the game, everyone takes 7 dice (if less than 4 players are playing, the remaining stones form a "bazaar").
    The player with a 1-1 double starts the game.
    The players move in a clockwise direction, placing the dice with the corresponding values ​​on the chain that forms on the table. If someone cannot make the next move, then he skips it (in the case of two or three players, he takes stones from the bazaar until he finds the right one).
    The game ends when one of the players has placed all the stones.
    The values ​​on the remaining dice are added up (in the case of a two-for-two game, both players add up their stone points).
    The first team to score 101 points loses the match.

    1. General Provisions
    Number of players: four. Doubles game: the players of each pair sit opposite each other.
    Purpose of the game: score as few points as possible.
    The one who gains more than 100 (300, 500 - optional) points loses and becomes a "goat".
    Stones: exactly what they play with. They consist of two fields with specific values ​​(from 0-0 to 6-6) - indicated by dots.
    At the beginning of each round, each player receives seven stones.
    The round ends after one of the players has no stone left in his hands or after the "fish" (impossibility to continue the game).
    Retake: if there are 5 takes (or more) on one hand.
    The first turn of the game: the player who has the stone "1-1" performs.
    The first move of the round: performed by the player - partner of the winner in the previous round, or who placed the "fish". It is made in any double (a move of 0-0 or 6-6 is optional - see "Scoring"), in its absence - in any other stone.
    Stroke: The turn transition is clockwise. It is considered a move to place a stone on the playing field next to the previously set one, which has a "free" field, numerically equal to one of the fields of your stone. In the absence of the required (possible) stone, the player "knocks" - skips a move.
    "Fish": a situation in which no player has a single stone to move if all players have stones.
    Points: the sum of the values ​​of the fields of stones remaining at the time of the end of the round is the points scored in this round.

    2. Scoring
    2.1. Standard round completion. The points of the losers are added up, the points of the partner of the finisher are not taken into account.
    2.2. "Fish" The amount of points on the line is determined. All points are recorded by those who have this amount more. If the points are equal, the entire amount goes to the next round and is added to the points of the losers of the next round.
    2.3. Special bones. The first move is 6-6 or 0-0, the losers are additionally recorded 50 or 25 points, respectively. Opening the game with these takes is optional.
    At the end of the round, there is one bone on the hand 6-6 = +50, 0-0 = +25.
    Completion of the round at 6-6 = +50, 0-0 = +25 losers.

    The number of players in this game is from two to four.
    If two or three are playing, then they get six stones, if four, then five.
    The game starts with a "soap" - take 0-0, or from the next take. If there are no duplicates, then from the minimum stone.
    Points are awarded to players during the game. So, entering from a double gets two points. In addition, the player receives two points each time the stone laid out by him by the number of points on the free half matches the free half on the other end of the calculation. Duplicates are always located across the main display. A player can earn three points if the layout ends with a double on one end and a half stone on the other side with the same number of points as in a double.
    If necessary, the player can buy one stone from the bazaar.
    The last two stones of the bazaar do not take part in the game. If the players have nothing to move with, and there are two more hidden stones in the reserve, the game is considered blocked.
    The scoring begins.
    The player who has no duplicates left on his hands gets 2 points. If no one has duplicates, 2 points are awarded to the player with the lowest total of points. If everyone has doubles, the owner of the smallest double gets 2 points. The player who managed to lay out all the stones before the party was blocked also receives 2 points.
    With two players, the game continues to 15 points, with three to 10.

    The rally begins with the player who ordered the highest game. In this game, there are trump cards - they are announced by the same player. Any stones (their older halves) - from six to zero can be considered trump stones. In each drawing, therefore, seven trump stones are involved. Some of them are also considered premium.

    The person who comes in lays out the stone. Each player adds his own to it. They must be in the suit: they put a trump on the trump card, for the rest of the stones it is necessary to match the older halves.

    Example: on stone 5-2, place stone 5-3 (and not, say, 2-4).

    If there is no stone with the required number of points, you can beat the bribe with a trump card, but this condition is not considered mandatory. The bribe will be received by the player who puts the highest trump card in it. Also, the bribe can be taken by the one who interrupted the bribe with a trump card or, in case of a bribe without trump cards, put the oldest stone.

    After the end of the rally, the number of points received by each side is counted. The couple who ordered the game and received the declared or more points, writes into their account the actual number of points received. The enemy does the same. If the pair who ordered the game failed to score the declared number of points, then nothing is recorded for this pair. Opponents, on the other hand, add to their account the points they actually won and add, in addition to them, the points declared and not scored by the pair who ordered the game.

    The first side to reach or exceed 250 points wins the entire game. If this figure is exceeded by both pairs at the same time, then the pair with the highest total of points is considered to be the winner.


    This game uses only twenty stones. Take 1-1 and all dice with empty pieces are removed. The game is played according to the same rules as card poker, except for the sequence and composition of the required combinations. The order of the combinations is as follows:

    - A pair - any two takes.

    - Flush - any five dice with one identical part (for example, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5 and 6-6).

    - Three - any three takes.

    - Four Straight - four consecutive dice with one identical part (for example, 4-6, 4-5, 4-4 and 4-3).

    - Full hand - three doubles and two dice with the same part (for example, 6-6, 3-3, 2-2, 2-4 and 2-1).

    - Five Straight - five consecutive dice with one identical part (for example, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 and 3-5).

    - Four of a kind - any four takes.

    - Six Straight - five consecutive dice with one identical part of the six (for example, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 and 6-6).

    - Royal Flush - five takes.

    When none of the above combinations are made, the winner is the holder of the larger dice.


    Number of players: from 2 to 4 (you can play 2x2).

    The Pyaterochka game is recognized by many as one of the best domino games. It is played according to the rules of the usual dominoes, except that the goal of the game is not just to get out, but also to place dice at the ends, giving a total of 5 (or multiples of five).

    After shuffling the dominoes, each player raises one die to determine who will play first, after which the dice are returned to the table and shuffled again ("toss"). Next, each player takes the required number of dice, which depends on the number of players:

    - 2 players - 7 dice each

    - 3 players - 5 dice each

    - 4 players - 5 dice each

    The remaining bones make up the "bazaar".

    The first player to move at the beginning of the game is the player determined by the draw (the smallest die). The first move in the surrender is according to the general rules. You can walk with any bone, not necessarily with a double. The first exposed double, whether it is the first move or not, becomes the base of the cross - the dice can be exposed on all four edges. All subsequent takes are regular takes.

    The game proceeds clockwise. If the player cannot make a move, he takes the dice from the "bazaar" until he finds the dice he needs. If the dice is not found, the player skips a turn.
    The goal of the game is to score a certain number of points (100, 250, 500). Points are awarded to the player when, when placing his dice, the sum of the values ​​opened at the ends becomes equal to 5 or a multiple of five (5, 10, 15, 20, etc.).
    At any moment of the game, 2, 3 or 4 ends can be opened (without a cross - only two). For a double that forms a cross, all four ends are taken into account when calculating (after closing it on both sides). For a regular double, its full amount is taken into account (6: 6 - 12 points).

    a. If the first exposed die is 5-5, then the player receives 10 points. At the moment, all sides of take 5-5 are available for play.

    b. If the second die is 5-0, then the player gets 10 points. At the moment, there are three sides of 5 available, and also empty.

    c. If the third die is 3-5 for a double of 5-5, the total is 13 (5 + 5 + 3 + 0) and the player receives no points. If, after placing 3-5, the next player bets 0-2, the total is 15 (5 + 5 + 3 + 2) and the player who posted 0-2 gets 15 points. The top and bottom of the 5-5 cross remain playable, as do open 3 and 2.

    d. Four moves later, 5-4 was placed at the top 5-5, the 2-2 double was placed at 0-2, 2-5 was placed at 2-2, the 3-3 muzzle was placed at 3-5. The sum is 20 points (5 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 5). There are now 4 ends open: at the bottom of the cross 5-5, 3-3, 4, and 5. The 2-2 and 3-3 takes are regular takes - the top and bottom ends are not playable.

    The deal ends when one of the players exposes all of his dice, or when the game is blocked ("fish"). The winning player (with the “fish”, the one who has the lowest number of points) receives prize points: the points on the opponents' hands are summed up, rounded to a multiple of 5 (3 to 5) and divided by 5. The received points are added to the winner of the change. In the case of a fish, the points in the winner's hand are deducted from the total amount of points. For example, if the winning player has 3 points in his hand and his three opponents are 5, 11, and 13, then the total difference of 26 (5 + 11 + 13 - 3) is rounded up to 25 and divided by 5. The winner gets 5 additional points. Regardless of the victory, all players retain their points that they received in the game.

    Before you is an exciting board puzzle in which you have to build a chain of dice. But not everyone knows the rules of the domino game, and therefore it seems uninteresting to them. The number of participants varies from two to four. For two people, seven bones are distributed, for a larger number of people - five. Others are placed in the "reserve" so that the points are not visible. The first move is made by the player who has a "double" in his hands (that is, 1-1 or any other ascending combination). You can't start from 0-0. The essence of the game is to place your pebbles on the field so that they touch with the symbols of the same name to each other. That is, you can add 2-5, 4-2 and others to 2-2, but there must be a number 2. If there are none, you choose new ones from the pending “deck”. The winner is the one who has nothing left. After that, the points dropped during the passage are summed up. The classic game is played up to 200, 300 or 500 (by agreement).

    How to play domino goat? The algorithm is practically the same, but the terms "fish" appear ( possible variant ending, at which you have the chips) and "eggs". He, as a result, dials 101, is declared a "goat" and is considered a loser.

    Domino secrets

    To win more often, it is enough to remember the rules and secrets of the Goat dominoes, in which, in fact, there is nothing unusual.

    • The first tip is to develop your visual memory to remember which dice your opponent dropped. It is possible to calculate and guess which ones are in his hands and which ones are in the “reserve”.
    • Second, try to calculate your opponents, that is, follow your tactics. Everyone acts according to a certain algorithm, and if you establish a pattern, then success is guaranteed.
    • Third, practice with a good and experienced companion. This is necessary because the game is collective. If you are a beginner, do not aim to play with a large company.

    Fish in dominoes

    Usually the game ends when the opponent discards all the tiles that he had in stock. But one of the most popular similar outcomes is domino fish. In this case, the game ends if both sides have stones, but it is impossible to report them. The calculation of the numbers on the dominoes, which "lie on the hands". If you have the least minimum amount of "points", then the victory is awarded to you, but the difference in points goes to the win. Then you play according to the same rules, and if such a blocking of the calculation occurs again, you should count according to the above algorithm.

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