Thai black rice. Black rice: properties, benefits, recipes. Black rice is good for hair growth

A well-known common truth - wild plants always have the most valuable nutritional and medicinal benefits than cultivated plants. So, wild black rice, the benefits and harms of which have today been thoroughly tested by world scientists, surpasses the beneficial properties of white rice, to the uttermost purification of medicinal plant natural elements: vitamins, proteins, minerals.

Therefore, if possible, include black rice in the diet, it will provide a full saturation of each cell with amino acids, antioxidants, and many other substances that protect the body from premature wilting, relieving countless diseases. It is not for nothing that the wise Chinese nicknamed him "the Grain of Longevity."

Why is black rice good for you?

Thin sharp needle-like grains are not only wild, they are successfully cultivated, while maintaining the best properties of varieties free from human tutelage. Therefore, you do not have to go and collect rice among uninhabited nature, but you can buy an equally useful product in the store.

Its nutritional value is due to its unique easily digestible composition:

  • vitamins B, E, A, D;
  • proteins with valuable 18 amino acids;
  • anthocyanins, antioxidants;
  • fiber,
  • minerals: manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, others, no less valuable for health, which make up 2/3 of the daily amount necessary for a person in only 100 grams. product.

Black rice is useful and harmless for almost every patient, as well as a healthy person: it contains little sodium, with which the rest of the food is saturated to the limit, that is, it regulates an important aquatic body, preventing the predominance of salts and stagnation of fluids inside the tissues.

What are the differences between black rice and white rice, why is it more valuable

Black rice is a completely different useful plant, which has nothing similar to white rice; it is a cereal ticzania, which surpasses rice grains peeled from the shell many times in valuable substances.

  1. The taste of the grains is sweetish with a nutty aroma.
  2. The nutritional value exceeds three times.
  3. An exotic product is more pleasant to taste, as it is distinguished by its novelty and piquancy.
  4. Does not contain gluten, which is contraindicated for use by almost a third of the population.
  5. Prevents the accumulation of fats in the body.
  6. Rich in bran from the shell, instantly absorbing and removing toxins.

Healing ability

An abundance of complete vegetable protein is important for people who are actively involved in professional sports and people who give their best during physical work in hazardous working conditions (miners, oil workers, others).

Its richness in anthocyanins allows it to stabilize decreasing vision; black rice is healthier for vision.
The presence of bran and fiber beneficially regulates the functioning digestive system, prevents fat deposition.

Black rice prevents fluid retention in the body.

The increased content of vitamins B, E normalizes nervous activity, protects against depression.

Black rice is a wonderful dietary aid for body shaping, helps to increase muscle mass, simultaneous reduction of body fat.

True, the cooking process of the product is longer than the white one and you need to chew it very carefully.

How to cook

The calorie content of a boiled product is 100 kcal per 100 grams, that's not much.

Method 1

  1. Rinse the grains.
  2. Pour boiling water over the grains in proportion to 1: 4, leave for 50 minutes.
  3. Boil slowly until the liquid evaporates.
  4. Leave covered for 30 minutes.

Method 2

Soak the cereals overnight in cool water.

Drain the liquid.

  1. Fill a saucepan with 4 cups of boiling water, add 1 cup rice.
  2. Boil for 50 minutes, until the grains are 3 to 4 times larger.
  3. Insist until the rice is completely absorbed by the liquid.

Black rice is a huge benefit, and only exceeding the eaten norm will cause harm to health. It is impossible to abuse the diet of wild cereals in order to avoid the occurrence. However, its simultaneous combination with vegetable dishes will not lead to unpleasant consequences.

From black rice, amazingly aromatic and low-calorie pilaf, pie fillings, garnish with vegetables, salads are obtained. It is used for sushi, rolls, and dietary weight loss soups. For young mothers, a variety of savory food dishes will help maintain adequate protein reserves and not spread out after childbirth.

Black rice alcoholic drinks with spices will save men from exhausting, as it will get rid of toxins extremely quickly.

V Ancient China black rice was considered the food of the emperors and his entourage: a mere mortal who dared to taste the food was facing the death penalty. Now everyone can taste the valuable cereal. What are the benefits and harms of black rice and how to use it for the benefit of health, slimness and beauty?

Composition, properties and benefits of black rice

Most of nutrients contained in rice accumulates in its shell. Black cereal is not polished before eating, therefore it is much more useful than white (polished).

As part of wild rice:

  • amino acids (black contains almost 2 times more proteins than its white counterpart);
  • folic acid (5 times more than brown), thiamine and other B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • oryzanol;
  • macro- and microelements (iron, manganese, selenium, zinc, potassium, iodine, calcium, copper, etc.);
  • cellulose;
  • anthocyanins (antioxidants), etc.
  • The darker the product, the more antioxidants it contains.

    The rich chemical composition of black rice provides its healing power

    Due to its unique composition, the product:

  • enhances immunity;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • provides anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, as it suppresses the production of histamine (a substance that causes asthma, allergic reactions, etc.);
  • has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system;
  • reduces the risk of developing oncology;
  • improves vision;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • slows down the absorption of sugar;
  • smoothes the symptoms of menopause;
  • improves condition with increased physical and mental stress;
  • increases potency;
  • restores the structure of hair and nails.
  • High quality black rice is not cheap. This is due to the rarity of the product and the laboriousness of its procurement: the cereal is harvested by hand.

    Video: Wild rice, its varieties and useful properties

    Application in traditional medicine

    Sprouted rice

    Black rice is called "live" because the shell is not removed from it. The grain can be germinated and used for medicinal purposes.

    Japanese physicians claim that eating 1-2 tablespoons of rice sprouts (or rice flour), you can ensure the smooth functioning of the intestines.

    How to germinate

  • Rinse the rice well.
  • Pour the cereals with water at room temperature and discard the grains that will float to the surface.
  • Place the remaining cereal in a deep glass container, add water and cover with gauze.
  • After 9-10 hours, rinse the groats and cover with clean water.
  • After 2-3 days (periodically you need to top up in a container of water) white sprouts will appear on the grains - rice can be used in medicinal purposes.
  • The sprouted product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

    How to apply

    Grind with a meat grinder or coffee grinder and add to yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, tea, pastries and other dishes.

    Rice sprouts can be added to familiar dishes, such as cottage cheese.

    Cleansing the body

  • Prepare 4 glasses (or half-liter jars) and number the containers.
  • In the morning of the first day, pour 2-3 tablespoons of well-washed black rice into container No. 1 and pour water over the grains. Put the container in the refrigerator.
  • In the morning of the second day, put 2-3 tablespoons of rice in glass No. 2 and, pouring water over the cereals, send the container to the refrigerator. Rinse the product from container No. 1 and soak in clean water.
  • In the morning of the third day, rinse the grains in containers No. 1 and 2, fill them with fresh water, soak 2-3 tablespoons of cereals in a glass No. 3.
  • The next morning, repeat the manipulations with containers 1, 2 and 3, and pour fresh into the fourth glass.
  • On the fifth day, cook rice from container No. 1 in a small amount of water (5 minutes), without adding salt, and eat it for breakfast, after drinking a glass of water 20-30 minutes before the meal. After taking it, it is not recommended to eat or drink for 4 hours.
  • Soak 2-3 tablespoons raw in a glass that has been freed. Rinse the rice in containers 2, 3 and 4 and fill with clean water.
  • On the sixth day, cook and eat cereals from glass No. 2 and pour 2-3 tablespoons of rice into an empty container and cover it with water. In other containers, mark the water as clean.
  • For 30-40 days, eat a soaked and boiled product instead of breakfast. During cleansing, hold balanced nutrition and stop drinking alcohol.
  • Prolonged soaking frees the grains from starch, inorganic salts and sugars. The resulting product, due to its cellular structure, "absorbs" slags and toxic substances.

    The use of the product for medicinal purposes should be discussed with your doctor.

    Slimming application

    Inclusion in the diet

    Boiled rice

    Boil black rice for about 30-40 minutes in a cast iron or Teflon saucepan or stainless steel dish: the enamel container may stain.

    To shorten the cooking time of the product, the cereal can be pre-soaked for several hours. This will help prevent the loss of nutrients from cooking.

    The high nutritional value of the wild product, coupled with its low calorie content (100 kcal per 100 g), makes the product an important component in the diet.

    Wild rice lacks 2 types of protein - glutamine and asparagine, so the product is recommended to be served with legumes to make the dish as nutritious as possible.

    Dishes with black rice are good for your health and shape

    Video: the right preparation of the product

    Recipe: Black Rice Diet Salad

  • Tear 1 fork of lettuce with your hands.
  • Process raw carrots on a coarse grater.
  • Cut 4 large tomatoes into small cubes.
  • Chop the red onion finely.
  • Peel the avocado and cut into cubes.
  • Combine vegetables, add half a cup of boiled black rice and 2-3 tablespoons of boiled red beans.
  • Season the salad with olive oil, add your favorite seasonings and a pinch of sea salt.
  • Video: Cooking black rice with beans and beef

    Black rice bran

    Rinse the rice and dry the grains well. Grind into flour with a coffee grinder.

    Add to baked goods or use as a sprinkle.

    Rice Diet Options

    Express diet

    Boil black rice and eat as much product as you want during the day in 4-5 meals. You can drink any amount of water (but not less than 1.5-2 liters) and unsweetened herbal teas.

    The duration of the diet is 1-3 days.

    The rice diet can only be resorted to after consulting a doctor.

    During the rice diet, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water to prevent dehydration

    Rice breakfasts

    Before going to bed, soak 2-3 tablespoons of the product, boil the cereal the next morning without salt and have breakfast with porridge. After that, do not eat or drink anything for 2-3 hours.

    During the rest of the day, you can eat your usual meals. To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to abandon flour and sweets, fatty, smoked and fried foods, carbonated drinks, purchased juices and alcohol.

    Cosmetic use

    Fortification of the diet

    The inclusion of the dish in the usual menu will ensure the saturation of the cells of the skin, hair and nails with nutrients.

    Home cosmetics

    Brightening lotion (to nourish and moisturize the skin)

    Pour 2-3 tablespoons of rice sprouts into a dark glass bottle and add 2/3 cup of unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Insist in a dark place for 30 days, shaking the container occasionally.

    2-3 hours before bedtime, apply to cleansed skin of the face and neck, after 20 minutes, remove the unabsorbed lotion with a dry napkin.

    Face mask (to restore skin tone)

    Combine 2 tablespoons of chopped rice sprouts with 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream, stir in 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil.

    Apply the composition to clean, dry skin for 15–20 minutes, remove with clean water. Apply the mask every 7 days.

    As part of homemade masks, lavender essential oil exhibits antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Rice decoction for hair

    Pour 2 tablespoons of rice with 400 ml of water and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After cooling, drain.

    Use as a rinse after shampooing, or add 1-2 tablespoons to homemade masks.

    Contraindications, precautions and harm

    The consumption of the product in large quantities can provoke constipation. Nutritionists are advised to combine the product with vegetables and fruits.

    Individual intolerance to wild rice is extremely rare. When taking the product for the first time, it is recommended to eat a small portion to check the body's response to the grain.

  • individual intolerance;
  • stomach ulcer.
  • The simultaneous intake of sprouted grains and dairy products can provoke flatulence.

    Cleansing the body with rice and rice diets are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation and in the presence of:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • urolithiasis;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • In ancient China, black rice was banned for mere mortals and was used as food only by aristocrats. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire considered it a source of eternal youth and a cereal that enriches the blood with essential vitamins and minerals. The nutritional value and benefits of eating black rice are several times higher than the white counterpart. It contains protein, vitamins B and E, and folic acid.

    Origin story

    Grains have been cultivated in Southeast Asia for more than two millennia. There is no reliable information on the occurrence of the cereal, while the local residents of China and India claim that they began to grow the product here after the melting of the glaciers and the onset of a warm favorable climate.

    Black rice is the seed of the hygrophilous herb Zizania latifolia, which belongs to the Chinese wild variety. Cereals have a slightly elongated oval shape, a dark core and a thin shell.

    Black rice is often confused with wild North American rice, which has thinner and longer grains.

    Low calorie content is the joy of the nutritionist

    Groats are suitable for dietary nutrition, since the calorie content per 100 g of the finished product is 110 kcal.

    Cereals have similar nutritional properties with other varieties of rice crops, while differing in the composition of the vitamin and mineral complex.

    The daily intake is no more than 200 g. Compliance rational nutrition- this is the guarantee of the health of the body and a beautiful figure.

    Taste and color

    The color of the rice ranges from chocolate to deep black. Vegetable glycosides are the reason for the unusual shade of the product. During cooking, the seeds acquire a sweetish flavor and a rich nutty aroma.

    The peculiarity of black rice is to color the dishes, so you should use a glass or stainless steel container for cooking.

    During heat treatment, the product can change color to a slight plum shade.


    More about benefits

    Grains contain fiber, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, fights against overweight, inhibits the development of cancer. Dietary fiber normalizes the digestive process, helps in eliminating bloating. Rice culture of black varieties is recommended to be eaten with diabetes mellitus. Its glycemic index is no more than 40 units.

    B vitamins are essential for:

    • normal functioning of the organs of vision;
    • tissue regeneration;
    • healthy and beautiful hair growth.

    Regular intake of the product helps to cleanse the liver of toxins and stabilize blood cholesterol levels.

    The shell of the grain contains the bulk of the vitamins and minerals. The grain removed from the top layer is less valuable and useful.

    Among the contraindications for black rice, it is worth noting the individual intolerance of individual components of its chemical composition... Also, in order to avoid constipation and other digestive problems, it is recommended to use cereals as a garnish for herbal products.

    What to consider when choosing

    When buying black rice, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

    • Origin. Elite varieties are grown in India or China. The product of the Southern Night variety is cultivated in the Krasnodar Territory. It is of average quality and has an affordable price.
    • Age. Freshly harvested rice is considered rich in nutrients, since after several weeks the amount of vitamins and minerals in its composition is rapidly decreasing, and after six months their number becomes two times less.

    Black rice stains water and utensils when cooked

    When traveling in Southeast Asia, you should avoid buying husked black rice. This is due to the fact that when planting, the plant is treated with hazardous chemicals.

    Storage subtleties

    After purchase, you should pour the cereal into a glass container or linen bag. To avoid the appearance of flour moths and other insects, you can put a clove of garlic in the grains. It is recommended to store cereals in a dry and well-ventilated place at a temperature not exceeding 25˚С. Taste qualities are preserved for two years after harvest, as well as under the storage conditions.

    Blue orchid

    Asian recipes

    To prepare black rice for cooking, you must:

    1. Pour cereals into a deep container.
    2. Fill with water at room temperature (from 18˚C to 25˚C).
    3. Leave on for 8-12 hours.
    4. Boil the salted water over low heat for about 40 minutes.
    5. Finished grains will open slightly and increase several times.

    The duration of the heat treatment of cereals depends on the country where the plant is grown: a variety from China should be cooked for about 1 hour, and from America - no more than 30 minutes.

    Shrimp with black rice

    To prepare a Thai main dish, you will need the following ingredients.

    Step by step recipe:

    1. Clear boiled shrimp from the shell.
    2. Cut the seafood into large pieces.
    3. Finely chop the onion and sauté until a transparent texture is obtained.
    4. Mix shrimp, onion and season with spices.
    5. Boil the pre-soaked rice until tender.
    6. Stir with shrimps, grated cheese and sprinkle with herbs before serving.

    This dish can surprise guests as it has a pleasant aroma and creamy taste.

    How much and where to buy

    Black rice is little known in Russia, while there are specialized shops for Asian products that offer a wide range of cereals at an affordable price.

    Now black rice groats are cultivated in China, Thailand, Italy, Russia, America and Indonesia. In order to avoid purchasing a fake product, it is recommended to pay attention to the country of the manufacturer.

    What is the secret of black rice flour

    The specialty of the product is the absence of gluten - gluten, which contributes to bloating and flatulence. According to research by scientists, it was found that 2% of the world's population suffers from celiac disease - an intolerance to this substance.

    Hollywood stars Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba, Victoria Beckham refused to eat foods that contain gluten.

    Another gluten-free product is tapioca. What is tapioca, how to cook it and how to choose it.

    Black Rice Flour Gluten Free

    Black rice flour is a treasure trove of vitamin E, fiber and antioxidants, which are higher in cereals than in blueberries. They prevent the development of neurological and cardiovascular diseases. Also, the product contains starch and vegetable protein, which make it possible to use it for making desserts:

    • pancakes;
    • pancakes;
    • cupcakes.

    In Italy, black rice flour is used to make pizzas stuffed with figs, scab, mozzarella, basil, eggplant, ricotta and even strawberries.

    The Russian trade mark Garnec offers quality products at a low price. Gluten-free flour is intended for people who adhere to a gluten-free diet or have an individual intolerance to the component.

    The video on the TV program "Living Healthy" with Elena Malysheva clearly and interestingly covers the topic of the benefits of black rice. Comparison of different varieties of culture was visually carried out. Through a fascinating scientific experiment, it has been proven that black rice, as opposed to white varieties, can provide a feeling of satiety.

    Black rice, wild rice, Indian rice, water rice or Canadian rice are all names for the same plant. Its scientific name sounds very romantic - Tsitsaniya. It grows in swamps, and has nothing to do with ordinary, white rice. It is simply a related plant, marsh grass. This rice is harvested exclusively by hand and is considered a gourmet product.

    It has a slightly unusual taste, not similar to that of white, and at first it will seem unusual.

    The benefits of black rice

    This rice was initially available only to the imperial house. Thanks to the use of this product, the life expectancy of the rulers of these countries was significantly increased.

    What is it about this rice, what is it beneficial features for a person?

    • Helps to recover from a serious illness, after childbirth, during stressful situations.
    • Strengthens nails and hair, good for tooth enamel.
    • The shells of grains are high in antioxidants, more than many fruits and vegetables and other types of rice. There is also a lot of protein and dietary fiber. And it is in the shell that the largest amount of vitamin B is contained.
    • It has anti-inflammatory properties, is useful for peptic ulcer disease and cancer.
    • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, lowers the level of bad cholesterol.
    • Promotes good liver function, helps to remove toxins from the body.
    • It contains a lot of fiber - thanks to this, the work of the entire digestive system improves, helps the intestines to function normally. This amount of fiber allows a person to feel full longer, burns excess fat better.
    • Thanks to black rice, a person absorbs carbohydrates much longer and obesity does not develop.
    • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps the heart, improves blood circulation.
    • It increases the level of hemoglobin, thanks to the use of black rice, memory, skin condition, and vision are improved.
    • It is recommended in sports nutrition.
    • Black rice has a mild sedative effect.

    The harm of black rice

    • It is by and large a hypoallergenic product. However, when you first try it, take a small serving to test your body's response.
    • In large quantities, it can cause digestive upset.
    • In rare cases, it can cause an allergic reaction.


    Contraindications include only individual intolerance to this product.

    It is not given to children under 6 months of age.


    It is not for nothing that this type of rice is so in demand. It contains very few starches, but much more than ordinary vitamins and other useful substances.

    Vitamins and minerals 100 g
    Vitamin K (K) 0.5 μg
    Beta carotene 2 mg
    Vitamin A 3 μg
    Vitamin E 0.24 mg
    Choline 10.2 mg
    Vitamin B6 0.135 mg
    Vitamin B5 (B5) 0.154 mg
    Vitamin PP (NE) (PP) 1.287 mg
    Vitamin B2 (B2) 0.09 mg
    Vitamin B1 (B1) 0.05 mg
    Selenium (Se) 0.8 mc
    Manganese (Mn) 0.23 mg
    Copper (Cu) 0.12 mg
    Sodium (Na) 3 mg
    Zinc (Zn) 1.34 mg
    Potassium (K) 101 mg
    Phosphorus (P) 82 mg
    Magnesium (Mg) 32 mg
    Iron (Fe) 0.6 mg

    Fatty acid:

    It also contains other micro and macronutrients that are difficult to obtain from other foods. They are in a combination that is most optimal for the normal functioning of the body.

    Black rice is enough high-calorie product- 100 grams of the finished product contains 100 kilocalories. So black rice is more beneficial, and there is practically no harm from it.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Black rice is allowed to be used during gestation and lactation. It does not harm the child.

    In baby food, black rice can be given as a second or third complementary food - from 7-8 months of age, in the form of boiled porridge with milk, 2-3 teaspoons each. Within a month, you can bring to the usual portion.

    How to choose

    The quality of rice depends on many factors.


    The taste and benefits of rice depend on its age, or rather, on the date it was harvested. The healthiest rice is freshly harvested, but after a few weeks, vitamins and amino acids begin to break down in it. After six months, their number is halved, and after a year there are practically no nutrients in it. The shelf life of this grain is 2 years.

    Manufacturer country

    In order not to get into a mess and not to buy a fake, one must look at the country of the producer of black rice. Each country has a designation, it is indicated on the barcode. The best black rice comes from China and India.

    In addition, you must make sure that the rice is not in the husk - it is processed from pests with chemicals.

    How to cook

    This rice differs from ordinary rice by its extraordinary hardness of grains. Cooking consists of several stages:

    • soaking - best overnight
    • rinse several times with clean water
    • pour over cold water in a ratio of 1: 3, cook for 40-45 minutes.

    If it is cooked in milk, then first boil the rice in the usual way, and then add milk and boil for another 10 minutes.

    If cooked as a separate dish, then the finished rice does not need to be rinsed. The finished dish is crumbly.

    This type of rice is often sold with regular white long grain rice. They complement each other's useful qualities.

    Black rice strongly "colors" the dishes, its paint is very resistant, so it is not recommended to cook it in enameled dishes. Take from stainless steel or glass, paint does not "stick" to it.


    In warehouses, rice is stored in special conditions, there is a ventilation system and protection from pests. You don't need this at home, just pour the rice into a dry linen bag. Previously, it should be held in a supersaturated salt solution, and add a few unpeeled garlic cloves to the rice itself. This will keep him from eating flour moths.

    Better if it is possible to keep it in a ventilated area. If not, then it is worth pouring it into a fresh bag from time to time.

    The harvested rice can be stored for 2 years. After that, it loses its beneficial properties.

    What is combined with

    • It is combined with all vegetables and fruits, except for starchy ones.
    • It makes an excellent rice soup.
    • It is prepared with meat, fish and seafood. It makes excellent sushi.
    • This rice is delicious with dairy products.

    Nowadays, there are many varieties of rice, but for our compatriot, white rice is considered more familiar. Not so long ago, its black counterpart began to appear on Russian shelves more and more often. It is also called wild rice. For many of us, this product is considered exotic, although many articles on healthy eating have been written about the benefits of this product. It is worth considering what the nutritional value of black rice grains is, what are its advantages over the traditional variety of cereals, and how it can be used in cooking.


    The history of human consumption of rice groats is several millennia, but the true useful and harmful properties wild rice has come to be understood not so long ago. In ancient China, this product was very popular among the nobility, while the poor people could not even dream of pampering themselves with black rice grains. And in our time, the relatively high price index of black rice does not allow this product to become generally available for consumption by wide strata of society.

    However, the internet space is filled with rave reviews for the fantastic tastes of wild rice. And nutritionists, in turn, talk about incredible healing properties this unusual product.

    Wild rice is an annual crop, therefore it needs serious labor resources, which is why its price is relatively high (from 500 rubles per 1 kg). Wild culture does not contain toxic compounds. In addition, in its structure there is a scanty fraction of sodium, which has the property of delaying the excretion of fluid from the body. Residents of Japan, India, Thailand, who differ from the people of the West in longevity, regularly eat Chinese black rice grains. They are considered a source of eternal youth, health, vitality, good spirits and a means of preventing the formation of malignant neoplasms.

    It takes a little longer to cook black rice than cereals of the usual variety - about 50-60 minutes. Finished product takes on a purple hue. In cooking, it is most often prepared as a side dish. And also it can be added to first courses, warm salads, desserts and others. In addition, it has a different taste and composition than the traditional white. When cooked, this product has a very nutty flavor.

    Calorie composition and amount

    The nutritional value of black rice is superior to most cereals- 100 g of this product contains 15 g of protein. It also has 18 of the 20 known amino acids that are essential for the body. In addition, this cereal is rich in vitamins and microelements such as vitamin B, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese, folic acid. The latter takes an active part in the formation of new cells. Especially expectant mothers need it, without it healthy intrauterine development of the fetus is impossible. The human body does not synthesize folic acid on its own, so it is necessary to regularly replenish its "reserves" with products coming from outside. Wild rice holds the record for the content of this valuable substance: in order to satisfy the body's daily need for folic acid, enough to eat 250 g of this product.

    Black rice groats contain a high concentration of special substances - anthocyanins. It is thanks to them that the culture has such a specific coloring. Anthocyanins function as antioxidants that neutralize toxic products of oxidative reactions in the body and inhibit the aging process of organic tissues. This is where the beneficial properties of wild rice end: it has a positive effect on the degree of elasticity of blood vessels, activates the body's defenses and helps stabilize blood pressure. This kind cereals are considered low-calorie product, therefore, it is quite popular among those who want to lose weight.

    Nutritional value and glycemic index

    Wild rice is a relatively low GI product of 35 units. It contains a large amount of coarse fiber, which is essential for obese people, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal diseases. The calorie content of this product is 101 kcal.

    How is it useful?

    Of course, first of all, an ordinary consumer, deciding to buy black rice, will be guided by its useful qualities.

    • Recovery of forces. Groats are useful if the body has been exposed to any stress for a long time (for example, pregnancy and childbirth, being in extreme climatic conditions, starvation, prolonged illness, and others). The valuable substances in its composition (BJU, vitamins and others) accelerate the rehabilitation process and help restore vitality.
    • Positive effects on the health of hair and nails. With hair loss and diseases affecting the nail plates, nutritionists advise to eat this product more often.
    • A large amount of antioxidants in the composition. These substances are concentrated mainly in the shell of the grains. This product occupies one of the leading places in the content of antioxidants not only among cereals, but also among all plant foods.
    • Rich in vitamin E. This vitamin is very valuable for the health of the skin, eyes and the immune system.
    • Prevention of atherosclerosis. Black rice lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Thus, grains of wild rice can significantly reduce the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke.
    • Interferes with the development of oncological processes. It has been proven that the systematic consumption of black rice significantly reduces the threat of the formation of certain types of malignant tumors.

    Important! Nutritionists are not afraid to recommend unpolished wild rice even to young children.

    Contraindications and harm

    Like almost any food product, wild rice has some restrictions on the use of a certain category of people. Therefore, before you include this cereal in your daily diet, you need to make sure that you have no individual intolerance to the constituent components of the product. And also you should not eat black rice grains in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

    • acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - in this case, wild rice can aggravate the patient's condition; this culture can have a positive effect on the state of the digestive system, provided there is no progressive inflammatory process;
    • diseases of the urinary system - this contraindication is not absolute; grains of wild rice have a pronounced diuretic effect, therefore, if the process of formation and excretion of urine is disturbed, it is necessary to eat black rice in minimal quantities or completely refuse to use this product for the entire period of the disease.

    Important! After consuming a dish containing wild rice, you may experience some discomfort from the digestive system, such as bloating and heaviness in the stomach.

    Slimming application

    In many ways, wild rice owes its growing popularity among our fellow citizens precisely to its ability to participate in the process of weight loss. There are many diets that include meals with this cereal. Small portion rice cooked with vegetables can make you feel full for a long time, despite the low calorie content. Thanks to this, it becomes easier for a person to limit himself from harmful gastronomic excesses. Consuming this healthy product systematically, you will be able to smoothly lose weight without harming your health. Due to the significant content of vitamins and trace elements, the body does not experience severe stress during the diet period, which often happens when stricter weight loss methods are followed.

    It is worth noting that such a diet will be effective only if high-carbohydrate food, confectionery and a sufficient level of physical activity are limited in the diet. Black rice helps not only to lose extra pounds for women who dream of getting back into their favorite dress. This product can be very effective against obesity. For people suffering from extreme overweight, it is useful to introduce dishes with wild rice grains into the general treatment regimen. Almost zero calorie content and the content of a mass of valuable elements, contribute to weight loss without compromising health. In addition, this product effectively prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases associated with an increase in blood cholesterol, which also has a beneficial effect on the recovery process of obese patients.

    Dish recipes

    In cooking, there are many delicious dishes prepared using black rice. Due to this, the dish acquires an unusual appearance and a delicate nutty aroma. Before use, the cereal should be soaked in water for about 2-3 hours, so it will lose less during heat treatment valuable properties... Further, the product should be rinsed, after which it will be possible to proceed directly to the preparation of the dish. To fully reveal the entire palette of taste and aroma of wild rice grains, it is necessary to soak it before directly cooking. It is advisable to do this at night. Thus, its volume will increase several times relative to the initial one.

    However, if you do not have the opportunity to soak the rice overnight, then you can pour boiling water over the grains at the rate of: 1 glass of cereal to 3 glasses of water. Cover the rice in this state and leave for an hour. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to drain the excess water from the swollen cereal and rinse it again with cold water. You can boil black rice grains in both ceramic and enamel dishes. And also dishes from this cereal can be cooked in a multicooker or double boiler.

    Pre-soaked cereals are poured with water or broth in a ratio of 1: 1.25. After the water boils, salt should be added there. Further, the rice is kept on low heat for 30 minutes. If you are cooking rice in a slow cooker, then you just need to set the "Porridge" mode and wait until it is cooked. Stir the cooked rice well before serving.

    Black rice goes very well with legumes, meat, fish, vegetables. It is often used in the manufacture of rolls, first courses, desserts, snacks. It is used for the preparation of Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Mediterranean dishes. It is worth paying attention to several recipes for simple and delicious dishes with black rice.

    Rice with salmon

    List of ingredients:

    • salmon fillet - 300 g;
    • black rice groats - 200 g;
    • wasabi - 1 tsp;
    • peanut butter - 1 tsp;
    • soy sauce - 2 tbsp l.

    Cooking steps:

    • mix peanut butter and wasabi until uniform in color and consistency;
    • cut the fillet into small slices and marinate in the sauce;
    • put the fish in this form in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours;
    • after the time has elapsed, the salmon fillet should be fried in a pan over medium heat until golden brown;

    An important nuance: salmon is a very delicate fish, so frying it for longer than 7 minutes is highly undesirable, otherwise the dish will be very dry and tasteless.

    • cook black rice in advance;
    • it is served with soy sauce along with the finished fish.


    List of ingredients:

    • black rice - 150 g;
    • water - 1.5 cups;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
    • corn starch - 1 tbsp l .;
    • coconut milk - half a cup.

    Rice must be thoroughly washed 4-5 times and sent to a double boiler for 1.5 hours. Then put the cereal in boiling water and keep on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Add salt, granulated sugar, starch, a little water to the rice and keep the mixture on fire until it thickens completely, stirring constantly. Put the finished rice on a plate. The dish should have the consistency of a pudding. Pour the resulting mass with warm coconut milk. Place the dish in the refrigerator for 1 hour until it hardens completely. This delicacy is a traditional Thai dessert.

    This product can be seen as a variation traditional dishes with rice, for example, pilaf, kutya, risotto. They can be stuffed with chicken or turkey, served as a side dish or as a main treat. Unleash your imagination. Wild rice grains have a very interesting taste that will allow you to experiment, creating culinary masterpieces.

    Despite a lot of useful properties, wild rice has not yet become a familiar commodity in the grocery basket of the average housewife, which is due to the fact that this product has a high price and is rather unusual for the Russian eye. However, many reviews indicate that this until recently very exotic product is gaining more and more popularity among adherents healthy eating... At the same time, do not forget that everything is good in moderation. You do not need to consume large quantities of black rice every day - this can lead to intestinal upset. A varied diet where healthy foods(predominantly of plant origin), rich in fiber, vitamins and other useful microelements, will be the key to good health and an excellent figure.

    For information on how to cook black rice, see the next video.

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