Do mother-in-law want their sons-in-law. Mother-in-law and son-in-law. How to build relationships correctly. Possible options for the relationship between the son-in-law and the mother-in-law

My daughter got married 3 years ago. I have always treated her husband well. I really liked him as the owner and husband of my daughter. Then there were problems with the health of my daughter. It was all very scary. But HOW he behaved WORTHY. It is difficult for me to describe all the feelings that I then observed. I realized then that he loved my daughter very much. Everything he did then, said how he suffered ... And my husband saw all this too, and we often discussed this situation and how his son-in-law behaved then. Those terrible days are over. My daughter has recovered and they are expecting their second child now. But my problem is that I realized that I love him. I love my son-in-law madly. Such men exist only in fairy tales and legends ... And here such a man is so close. He is 28 years old. Now I just don't see any flaws in him. For me, it glows from the inside all the time. I do not know what to do. I try to stay away, but my daughter often asks for help with her granddaughter. In general, every time my heart is poured with boiling water, I blush, turn pale and get confused in words ... In general, nonsense ... I don’t know what to do.

Olga, Kiev, 53 years old / 01.02.08

Opinions of our experts

  • Alyona

    Well, how what to do? To be happy for her daughter, for the fact that she will have to live her life with such wonderful person, and that when she is 53 years old, she will not be jealous of her daughters or the daughters of her friends, looking at their caring loving husbands. It's just envy. And the desire for someone to care and love. Most likely, this is not the case in your relationship with your husband. An ordinary family, where the husband works only at work, and the wife - both at work and at home. Where, when a husband is sick with a sore throat, the wife brings him milk and honey in bed, and when, on the contrary, the husband asks when, finally, there will be dinner. Otherwise, your daughter's husband would not have inspired you like that, because there is nothing unique and surprising in the fact that loving husband rank caring for his sick wife and the mother of his child. I don't even have to go far for examples. My husband, the husband of my friend, the husband of another childhood friend of mine ... Respect, caring for each other, including in illness, is a normal relationship between two loving people... To worry and suffer for a loved one - it seems that this is also natural. I do not understand what is the uniqueness of a particular person, honestly. In the absence of flaws? Well, you just don't see them yet. This is temporary. Everyone went through it, believe me. At first, the euphoria of feelings, and then suddenly you notice that he is picking his nose and wiping the bugs on the table, he wears socks for three days, he doesn’t remove hair from soap… but you never know what. There are no people without flaws. His main drawback in your case is that he is your daughter's 28-year-old young husband. Fix on this, and then imagine that after all the demonstrations of great love, suffering and other things, your daughter's husband suddenly (by some intuition) cheats on her with you? Will you be happy? I mean, what will be the situation with an ideal loving and caring man who will cheat on his beloved woman and mother of two children with her mother (and the grandmother of these very children)? Dilemma, right? As soon as you get a chance for this man, all his holiness and uniqueness will immediately disappear. Think about it.

  • Sergei

    What to do? Well, in my opinion, the ideal option is to live together for a couple of months in a small apartment. “Everything will become much easier at once,” as one song says. Alas and ah, but there are no ideal people. There are only those who consider someone an ideal. And, like any ideal, it is fragile and fragile. I think if you happened to exist for some time in close communication in a six-meter kitchen, and an anecdote about a boy who asks his dad, sitting with a gun by the window - “Dad, why is this grandmother running around the yard? - Who is the grandmother, son, and who is the mother-in-law. Come on, give me the second clip, ”- will become reality. In principle, it is understandable, of course, I always want romance, no matter what age we are. And here life, habitual for many years, suddenly explodes with the appearance of a young, handsome guy, then with the illness of his daughter, then the son-in-law behaves like a correct one, but in fact, just like a normal loving husband. In general, the swamp stirred, the duckweed parted, and I wanted to become 30 years younger. And to be looked after, cared for in the same way. Alas, it doesn't work that way. It seems to me that in such a situation one should not hide from the daughter's family, but, on the contrary, communicate as often as possible. Firstly, there are fewer suspicions, and secondly, you will quickly get used to your feelings, you will burn out, you will notice in your son-in-law that will cease to make him an ideal. As a result, the obsession will go away, but there will be respect and pride for such a wonderful acquired son.

Today I want to tell you about Russian mother-in-law. In our love affairs, this is by no means a humorous image, as it is presented in slippery anecdotes. After all, love between a son-in-law and a mother-in-law is so tender and so often happens that it should have been written about it for a long time.

From the point of view of the son-in-law, his mother-in-law is his own wife, who has aged for the better. On the one hand, she lost her girlish freshness, but in return she gained life experience, stopped being capricious and grew wiser. It is with this perfect ideal, who, moreover, who knows how to listen to it and cook dinner, is faced by a young husband in the same apartment. I won't be mistaken if I say that almost every son-in-law is a little in love with his mother-in-law, but real love only comes to real love when the mother-in-law falls in love with her son-in-law.

From the point of view of the mother-in-law, her son-in-law is another fatal mistake of her beloved daughter. On the one hand, she understands that it could be worse and is trying with all her might to correct her son-in-law. In the process of this reeducation, her son-in-law becomes dear to her, gradually begins to like her, because soon it is already the creation of her mother-in-law's hands. It's like a knitted sweater with your own hands, which you already want to show off. At this moment, mothers-in-law really fall in love with the husbands of their daughters.

And then a matter of chance. Most often, the mother-in-law is the first to flirt innocently with her son-in-law, who gradually develops a specific desire on this fertile ground. It is often embodied on a drunken head - either on his or hers, or better on two drunken heads at once.

This is the first time with his mother-in-law for many sons-in-law it is also the last. This is not even discussed between them - both sides then pretend all their lives that there was nothing between them. Well, what kind of mother wants to harm her daughter's happiness. If that were the case.

The second time, few dare with their mother-in-law, but these daredevils never meet any resistance. Once taken by storm, the mother-in-law ceases to be an impregnable fortress for her son-in-law and surrenders to the young cat like a breathless mouse.

Judging by the numerous descriptions of my acquaintances, constant, sexual relations with mother-in-law arise at the most inopportune time. Well, for example, a young wife jumped out to the store for bread for ten minutes, and her son-in-law fell off the chain at that time. What's the use of him running around the table when time is running out, but he will still catch up. So the mother-in-law falls, where she was taken by surprise. The most interesting thing is that the sons-in-law talk about these relationships only in general terms - they say, it was, and it will still be. And mother-in-law in their erotic revelations try not only to describe the cause of their sin, but also its details. I will not be mistaken if I assume that every fifth young son-in-law at least once caught up with his mother-in-law, and every tenth does this more regularly than with a young wife. These forbidden lovers sometimes even adjust work shifts at a convenient time, use vacations to the fullest, and even for a five-minute sin, you can invent a situation every day.

Well, to whom, one wonders, is this relationship bad? The son-in-law is good, the mother-in-law is also getting used to it, and a direct benefit to the young wife. First, she doesn't know. Secondly, the husband does not have a mistress on the side, but gives all the best in the family. Thirdly, it is recruited from the mother-in-law of the mind and love experience and passes it on to his wife. Fourth, this is peace in the family, and not a trench war between a son-in-law and a mother-in-law, where all means are good, but you have long wanted a brick.

But mother-in-law takes their sons-in-law away from their daughters for good very rarely. Usually everyone is satisfied with this cohabitation, which ends naturally, with the mother-in-law's full, so to speak, maturation and her retirement.

Over the past ten years, in prose, I have come across no more than three dozen love adventures of our authors, where a young wife allegedly found out about this strange relationship with her mother-in-law. Well, after a short scandal, the storm between the daughter and the mother quickly subsided, and the relatives together exchanged the apartment. And the tales that some sons-in-law allegedly live openly with their daughter and mother, I attribute to the inept fantasies of sexually overripe men, whose tongue is usually dirtier than bird droppings.

We don't have to laugh at this. The love of a mother-in-law and a son-in-law is true love. She is, of course, of Asian origin, in which we Russians are heavily involved. After all, with the soul, we, men, are always attracted to the woman who is farther, and with the body she is drawn to the one that is closer.

This story was told to me by an acquaintance. I imagined myself in his place and fantasized a little. And that's what came of it.

My wife fell ill. Who is not sick? But they took her to the hospital, and my three-year-old daughter was left in my arms. And the work is such that you can't take time off or leave now. Where can I go with such a baby? I had to turn to my mother-in-law with a request to help in trouble. Either let Katka take her, or come to us, but something needs to be done. Mother-in-law came to us.

He came home from work a little late, played with Katka, talked with his mother-in-law. She is a woman I need. She gave birth to Lenka, my wife, almost at eighteen and was now in the very juice, not even reaching the age of "berries again." And she came out in character. Calm, benevolent. And with my son-in-law, with me that is, mutual language found it quickly. Yes, we have with her and the age difference is not that big. Lenka is much younger than me. So there was no friction, on the contrary, everything was nice and beautiful. The mother-in-law looked after Katka, cooked, ran the household. And so they lived.

We handed over the object to the customer, received an award and a normal working day. Came home early. We played with Katka, attracted the mother-in-law to the game. Katka laughed merrily, catching up with her grandmother, who was running around the room, on the back of a hot horse, which dad portrayed. Holding on to her ears, so as not to fall with her father, or rather from the horse's back, she beat her heels on the sides, spurring the horse. Noise, laughter, joyful screams of the daughter. It's time for a swim. Katka, according to her usual habit, made a storm and a storm in the bath.

Both stood wet with their mother-in-law and waited for the ship with the sailor Katka to moor to the shore. The wet robe covered the mother-in-law's figure, but the figure is still very, very good-looking. The mother-in-law is similar in physique to Lenka, though a little fuller, but this makes her even more beautiful, gives the charm of a mature woman. And they are similar in face. Sometimes it seems that there are two sisters - the youngest and the oldest. Her breasts are slightly larger than the Lenkins, the priest is wider. Well, Lenka is still almost twenty years old before her mother, so they will equalize in the future.

Yes, the wet little figure of my mother-in-law led to sinful thoughts, especially since I had not had a woman for a long time. And my mother-in-law, sensing my interest in her with her feminine gut, quickly calmed Katka down, pulled her out of the stormy ocean and sent us to bed, saying that she needed to change into dry clothes, they were so busy.

Katka was asleep, and my mother-in-law and I were sitting in the kitchen. I bought wines from the premium, and now they were sitting, tasting this drink, talking about life. Word for word and went to family problems... The mother-in-law began to say how happy she was for her daughter, what a good husband she got: loving, attentive, caring, affectionate. let the son-in-law not be angry and not offended, because it is known that the mother and daughter have no secrets from each other, because she even knows how things are with us in bed.

How lucky Lenka was to have such a husband-lover who would wash the woman in the bathtub, carry her to the bed, kiss everything and kiss even THERE. Mother-in-law has never seen such a thing in the movies, not that in life. She lived her life with a drunk who did not say good words, did not caress. Only yells. Well at least he doesn't let go of his hands. No, Lenka was lucky, very lucky. And her husband will hide drunk and sleep. And if he needs to finish, he will pile on like a hog once a month, sneeze for a couple of minutes, stinking of fumes, let him down and
and the side. No kisses for you, no kind words.

The mother-in-law told, and tears ran down her cheeks, her lips curved in a bitter smile, her nose turned red. She sobbed, wiped her tears with the back of her hand and continued her story. And I looked at her and thought that she was a normal woman, but she didn’t have any happiness. And how much does a woman need? And I began to calm down the woman, saying that everything will work out, everything will come to its senses. He stroked her head like a child, kissed her. She sobbed even more bitterly. Squatting down in front of her, he kissed her crying eyes, collected the tears flowing to her cheeks with his lips, and kissed her swollen lips. At some point, these lips responded to my touch, and a moment later we merged in a kiss that was not at all related.

The two stood in the middle of the kitchen and kissed fiercely. Hands fluttered over the bodies, feeling and stroking. Tongues conducted their conversation, penetrating into the mouth, lips caressing lips. The mother-in-law's robe had slipped off her shoulders and now miraculously kept on her body. At some point, the mother-in-law moved her shoulders and the robe was completely asleep, exposing her breasts, a little sagging, but still strong, a plump tummy. After the bath, my mother-in-law did not put on a bra and now her breasts, freed from the captivity of clothes, fell into my outstretched palms. I crumpled them, caressed them, without looking up from the woman's lips. And then he sat down a little and began kissing the nipples, sank to his tummy. Mother-in-law pressed my head to her, kept whispering about some sin, and I pulled off the robe to the end and now he fell completely. Mother-in-law stood in front of me, covered only by knitted panties. And now this piece of clothing was clearly superfluous.

I pulled the panties down, exposing the pubis with reddish growth, pulled them down almost to my knees and passionately kissed the tummy, pubis, thighs. Pulling the panties down a little more, pulled them down to the ankles and the mother-in-law, stepped over the panties with her legs, clearly agreeing with me that they were no longer needed. She stood like Venus emerging from sea foam. The mature woman's body was beautiful.

Half-closing her eyes, my mother-in-law asked me not to look at her, so fat and scary. A woman loves with her ears and therefore my words that her body is beautiful, that it is perfection itself, that for a very, very long time it will be able to give joy and pleasure to a man, that one should not be shy, but one should be proud of such a body, such a figure. I said a lot more, now I don’t remember. It is known that at this moment the language of a man becomes boneless and the words themselves flow, bypassing the brain. And I kept saying, interspersing my words with kisses. And then he picked up the mother-in-law in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. She did not resist, surrendering to the full will of the man. Grasping my neck, kissing somewhere in the ear, whispering something.

Putting the woman on the bed, without undressing himself, he again began to cover her body with kisses. Kissed lips, neck, breasts, belly, thighs and lips again. Mother-in-law lay with her legs slightly apart and I ran my finger along her crotch, plunged it into a half-open vagina, took it out, sniffed it and licked it, tasting it. the smell was almost Lenkin, but the mother-in-law's taste was slightly different. Once again, plunging his finger into the vagina, he took it out and persistently put his mother-in-law in her mouth so that she could taste how pleasant her pussy tasted. She sucked her finger, and I was already stroking her labia with the other hand, the clitoris that swelled and crawled out, curious, out of the robe of pink flesh.

Mother-in-law's vagina was wet and hot. Kneeling down in front of the bed, he gently kissed her on those half-open lips. He kissed the way one kisses a child, the way one kisses a woman on the corner of her lips or in her eyes. Lips slid like a moth, but this was enough for the mother-in-law to strain, bend and, opening up, substitute her treasure under caress that women hide from prying eyes. And then there were caresses with tongue and lips. Describing her condition is just a waste of time. It was a snarling panther, it was a quivering doe, it was a volcano of passion and all at the same time. She moaned and screamed something, she tore the sheet and scratched my back, she was at the peak of bliss.

When her body shook with an orgasm, instantly found himself next to her, lay down, hugging. She naturally cried, burying herself in my chest. And I stroked her back, shoulders, kissed her. After a while, without lifting her face from her chest, she said dully that she, of course, is a bitch and a creature in relation to her daughter, but she wants more. Helped me to undress. Rather, she just tore off my clothes and fell on my back, legs spread wide and now completely surrendering and enjoying.

After the third orgasm, lying on crumpled and crumpled sheets, she said that she had never believed the stories of women about flying in bed with her beloved man. But now she was convinced herself that this is possible. She has already been in seventh heaven and is just happy that I showed her such a flight. And now she was a little tired and would like me to fly there and therefore, spreading her legs, persistently pulled me towards herself. Itself, taking a member of the hand, directed it into her open slit. And when I plunged into it, I gasped, lifted my legs up and put them on my shoulders. And I burst in. The victors in the captured city do not behave the way I did. Missing female body I growled and raged. He drove a member to the very stop, to the very uterus, madly moved it into the vagina, trying to fill every nook and cranny of this space. And the mother-in-law howled once again, shuddered in ecstasy.

It rarely happens that immediately, for the first time, a man and a woman cum at the same time. We made it.

They lay hugging each other. I, having thrown out the accumulated tension, lazily stroked the mother-in-law's body. She, running her hand between us, held a member, as if she was afraid that he would disappear. Water procedures were neglected, it was just so good that I didn't want to get up and go somewhere, do something.

Katka woke up in the middle of the night and whimpered. They jumped up with their mother-in-law and rushed into the nursery. Having drunk her daughter, the mother-in-law bent over her bed and hummed something, shaking Katka. Her ass, shining in the twilight of the room, her swaying breasts did not leave indifferent a member. Moreover, there is still a large amount of sperm, not splashed out the first time. And I, going up to my mother-in-law, with a master's movement parted her buttocks, feeling for the entrance to the cherished cave. She spread her legs and bent even lower over her granddaughter's bed, not ceasing to hum. And I, now kindly and tenderly, entered the wet, hot and waiting mother-in-law's vagina, began to move there, holding the mother-in-law's thighs. From my thrusts, deep and measured, she leaned forward, her breasts rocked. Soon her voice began to be interrupted, the song lost its rhythm, and then she moaned through pursed lips, groaned.

Lenka always finished several times until I get to the finish line. such a long-playing one. And the mother-in-law had time to finish, but I still hadn't warmed up. Turning his mother-in-law to him, he kissed her, hugging her shoulders. She grabbed my neck and stood at attention, on tiptoe. And so they reached the bedroom, without opening their arms. Collapsed on the crumpled bed. And I, kissing mother-in-law's body, said something like this:

- What a smack! - sweet little body! How-smack! -We love him! What-smack! -Adorable-smack! -Titches! What a smack! -Hard nipples! What a smack! - adorable tummy! And what a smack! - a wet smack! And how-smack! -She-smack-waiting-smack! -To-smack into her! stuck!

Well, they stuck it in.

In the morning, when I went into the kitchen, my mother-in-law was preparing breakfast. Katka was still asleep. The mother-in-law was cheerful, happy. She moved easily and even hummed something. Standing in the doorway, I wished her good morning and watched with pleasure how the buttocks played under the robe, how the hips moved back and forth. And the member immediately reacted, protruding his panties and signaling that he did not mind paying a visit to his familiar vagina. When the mother-in-law bent down at the table, he lifted her robe. As expected, this time the mother-in-law considered the panties to be superfluous and, without encountering obstacles, I kissed the buttocks with relish, which seemed like chubby buns from under the robe.

Again, imperiously, as a winner, he penetrated between the legs and made sure that after a stormy night there was nothing missing, that everything was in place. The mother-in-law stood frozen. expecting what her master, her owner, will do with her. And he, lightly pressing on the back, forced the mother-in-law to bend lower and began to stroke her crotch, penetrating into the moistened hole with his fingers, and then, pulling the elastic of the panties and exposing the penis, held his head between the shameful lips and even pushed this very head close so that the penis could wish good morning to your new friend.

Turning his mother-in-law to face him, firmly, so that she caught her breath, kissed her and, lifting her up, sat her on the kitchen table. He put it on his back and threw aside the hem of the robe.

The mother-in-law slid on the table and only the hands, firmly squeezing her hips, did not allow her to slip off at all. Her hands darted, grabbing her chest that had fallen out of her robe, then sliding across the table in search of something unknown, then trying to reach me. And I drove my flesh into her, slapping my stomach on the buttocks. Mother-in-law groaned, shouted something and finished, ahead of me. And I stepped up the onslaught, trying to catch up with Lenka's mom. Soon the daughter will wake up and it is useless for her to watch her dad have her grandmother on the table. So I was discharged.

Laughing, they washed away. Mother-in-law, sitting down in the bath, fought off my attempts to wash her vagina, she herself tried to wash me. The bathtub was a bit small for two, but there was plenty of room for pampering.

Then, when the mother-in-law, without dressing, bent over to wipe the floor, which we indulged in flooded, tried to grab her by the ass, by the vagina. she fought back playfully, but was clearly pleased.

Breakfast was decorous. After washing our daughter's blackened face, we gathered in the hospital to see my mother. Lenka was happy looking at our unity. Quietly asked not to offend my mother. Then, in seclusion, she whispered about something with her mother, while Katka and I collected leaves in the hospital park.

At home, my mother-in-law said that her daughter asked her to look after me, so that I would not rush to the left. And if there is such a moment that I’m ready to break loose, (even if my mother doesn’t take offense and understand), I asked to replace her, temporarily acting as a wife. She, of course, is ashamed to talk about it, but she always considered her mother to be her friend and she has no one else to turn to with such a request. And searches on the side are fraught with the possibility of withdrawing a good man from the family. And the mother-in-law promised to do everything that her daughter asked.

After putting Katka to bed, they went to bed like spouses. Now our intercourse was unhurried, but still passionate. A woman woke up in her mother-in-law and this woman tried to take advantage of the chance sent to her by fate. In the evening, before going to bed, my mother-in-law and I discussed in the kitchen (where else?) Lenka's request. And I was crying, not lying at all. How did she love me if she made up her mind to such a request ?! And the mother-in-law cried, rejoicing for her daughter, for having such a husband.

Lenka was discharged from the hospital. The mother-in-law left. What she told Lenka and what she hid, I don't know. Only Lenka began to often send me to my mother under the pretext of helping. And when I returned, she did not ask about anything. Only now the sex on that day was so stormy, as if Lenka was torn off the chain, as if hungry. And I also noticed that my business trips to my mother-in-law coincided with Lenka's menstruation.

After some time, Lenka herself admitted to me that she pushed her mother into our bed, that she was a little jealous, but looking at how my mother blossomed, she was happy for her and did not regret what she had done. After all, she has enough of me in abundance, and sometimes even my activity is superfluous. Enough and mom and mom is very grateful to her daughter for her permission to use the surplus. Only now Lenka is worried that I will get used to my mother and stop loving her, my wife. Kissing, he reassured me that no one in the world was dearer to me than them and Katka.

And we did not stop sleeping with my mother-in-law. And often, when my mother-in-law was staying with us, Lenka herself sent me to her, at first having had enough to the end. And the only thing left to do was to fall into bed three of us. But something slowed down everything. And once, after a feast on the occasion of some holiday, it happened. And the sky didn't fall on land, and land did not open underfoot. Looking at each other's sex, women have died, getting an orgasm from the slightest touch. The plexus of bodies, when you do not understand who caresses whom and how. A holiday of sex, a song of passion.

And then the father-in-law disappeared in a drunken shop. mother-in-law moved to us. Her house was left as a dacha. After about a year and a half, Lenka became pregnant, and then her mother-in-law. And now Katya has a sister and a brother, who is also her uncle.

The abundance of anecdotes about mother-in-law indicates that the relationship with the wife's mother is not easy for most men. Meanwhile, The Hindustan Times recently published the results of a survey of 1,500 representatives of the stronger sex. More than half of the respondents said they admire their mother-in-law, and a quarter said they were in love with them.

Shocking statistics

80 percent of the men surveyed said they have a great relationship with their wife's mother. 31 percent were sure that the mother-in-law secretly showed a female interest in them. Every sixth respondent noted that the mother-in-law looks or dresses much better than his wife.

Two-thirds of men admitted that they would like their wife to look as good as her mother as they get older. Thus, the myth that the representatives of the stronger sex do not like their mother-in-law has been completely refuted. In addition, the survey results suggest a host of other considerations.

"Second mom" or ...?

In most cases modern women get married at 20-30 years old. So their mothers are only 40-50 years old by the time their daughters get married. At this age, the lady is still very active, works and, as a rule, tries to look good. She looks after herself and is quite capable of arousing interest in men, and not only of her peers or older.

Middle-aged women have considerable life experience, including sexual experience, are confident in themselves, are often professionally established personalities and interesting interlocutors. They are better at managing the house, better able to take care of a man ...

It is difficult for a son-in-law not to appreciate all this. If there is no particular reason for conflicts between the mother-in-law and the son-in-law, then their relationship is usually quite good. And not only at the level of interpersonal communication: often the son-in-law eventually begins to admire the mother-in-law also as a woman.

It so happens that he spends more time with his mother-in-law than with his wife, since the latter is busy with work or children, and the mother-in-law has more free time, she feeds her son-in-law with breakfast, lunch and dinner, looks after him, has constant conversations, and gradually a man begins to consider her a close person ...

Possible options for the relationship between the son-in-law and the mother-in-law

How far can all this go? Situations when an affair occurs between a mother-in-law and a son-in-law are rare, but they are not that rare either. So, 58-year-old Lydia is married to Pavel, who is 12 years younger than her. In the past, he was the common-law husband of her daughter from the first marriage of Catherine, who is now 35 years old. Subsequently, the daughter also got married, now she has a good relationship with mother and stepfather ...

There are also variations: the mother's husband divorces her and marries her daughter, the daughter's husband lives with both women at the same time, etc.

Sometimes it also happens that the mother-in-law falls in love with her son-in-law. This can cause constant conflicts, nagging: a woman cannot forgive a man that he has a relationship with her daughter, is jealous of him ... It happens that the mother-in-law openly tries to seduce her son-in-law and is refused. In this case, he will not live in the family - the woman, most likely, will make every effort to divorce the couple.

Relationships tend to become entangled in a complex "tangle" most often when the "young" are forced to coexist with their mother-in-law or their wife's parents on the same living space. They have to run a joint household, communicate often. If family members do not find a way of coexistence that is comfortable for everyone, this can be fraught with the most unpleasant consequences... Therefore, psychologists advise, if there is the slightest opportunity, to avoid living with the older generation.

Nothing personal"…

In principle, if you caught yourself looking at your mother-in-law with a "male" gaze, this is in the order of things, psychologists say. But whether to develop the relationship further - it already depends on the personality of each of you and on the situation. After all, do we know in advance who our soulmate is? What if this is the very woman you would not have met if you had not gotten married?

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