What can be used with a rotavirus infection in children. What can be a child in the rottirus? What products under the ban

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The transition to special nutrition is a mandatory aspect of rotavirus. Diets during the disease and after it differ. However, they also have - used foods and dishes from them should contribute to the restoration of the child after the disease. About how to feed the child with a rotavirus infection, we will tell in the article.

When the baby is the first year of life on his face, everything automatically arises the question of how to be with breastfeeding. To date the opinion of the doctors was divided into two groups:

  1. Be sure to continue breastfeedingSince only Mamino Milk can most help the children's body to cope with the ailment.

    With natural feeding, the mother together with breast milk transfers not only the necessary nutrients, but also antibodies, at the expense of which the future immunity of a small person is being formed. Milk contains special cells that help the inflamed intestines to recover faster.

  2. Since the cells did not form until the end of the intestine, it cannot process the lactose qualitatively. Therefore, some pediatricians recommend to abandon breastfeeding and go to lactose or soy adapted mixtures.

    However, it is important to know that during the disease it is extremely undesirable to "tear off" the baby from the chest and sharply go to the mixture. In addition, it is often even after a break in 2-3 weeks to return to full natural feeding is hard.

Continuing breastfeeding stick up several of the main recommendations:

  • Let's bough chest more often than usual. Food will go to smaller portions, due to which it will be better to digest. It happens that the child does not want to suck at that moment when you offer him. In this case, feed on demand, as always.
  • If Rotavirus entailed lactase insufficiency, pediatrician will definitely add drugs containing lactase:
    • "Lactrase",
    • "Lactazar",
    • Lactaz Bebi.

Food of kids-artificials up to the year

At artificials, the diet remains the same, but the frequency of food intake changes, and its usual amount is somewhat declining. It is possible to focus on several feeding schemes depending on the severity of the state of the kid.

Feeding patterns. Table 1

  • "NAN sour milk";
  • "Nutrilac milk";
  • "Humana LP";
  • "Humana LP + SCR";
  • Permissible feeding of porridges cooked on the water.

Feeding patterns. table 2

  • "Alfara";
  • "Peptide of Tutelli";
  • "Nutramgen";
  • "Protem."

Caution! With this course of rotavirus, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor, since this state may carry a threat to life.

Kids-artificials are allowed to take glucose-salt to avoid dehydration. On liter drinking water 1 teaspoon of salt + 1/2 teaspoon soda + 1 dining room (4 tea) spoon sugar.

What can be eaten with Rotavirus children older than a year

Kids older than a year, as a rule, eat from a common table. All dishes must be fresh and independently prepared. Especially in the period of the disease and remission.

In a painful state, the intestine perceives only a soft, ruddy food, without spices and seasonings.

The patient's table must be exclusively gentle. When preparing it is better to use either the extinguishing method, or the cooking method. No fried food should be.

Try to all that you give the baby, quickly and easily assimilated: fermentation and marshy in a small stomach is unacceptable, as it can further aggravate the situation.

Important! No need to force a child if he does not want it. From the usual volume of portions for a while will also have to refuse. Reducing a quarter is optimal. In severe cases, portions are reduced half. On average, about 5-6 meals are obtained per day.

Do not forget about abundant drink, Only you can save the baby from the critical loss of fluid. If he does not want to drink - you have to persuade or use non-traditional drinking methods. Alternatively, you can use a syringe without a needle, with which the fluid is poured over the cheek.

What you can eat

First week Not so many products are allowed:

  • bouillons based on birds;
  • meat prepared by cooking;
  • fish dishes (their low-fat fish);
  • hercules porridge (on water) with minimal addition butter;
  • for 6-7 days, the semolina porridge, porridge from rice, buckwheat, cooked exclusively on water and rubbed through the sieve;
  • omelet;
  • cottage cheese with minimal fatness;
  • wheat crushers or custard cookies;
  • steamed vegetables;
  • porridge, diluted by broth of vegetables;
  • bananas. Determine whether the banana can be a sick child, a pediatrician will help. As a rule, on 3-4 days, with tangible improvements, you can gradually return this fruit into the diet.

From drinks is permissible:

  • green tea
  • jelly
  • ragger rosehip
  • glucose saline
  • light ragland raisin
  • morse (during recovery).

When decreasing or disappearing, the kid symptoms gradually and very carefully returns to the familiar menu. In rubbing through a sieve, the necessity disappears.

What is forbidden to have

In order to maximize the load from the intestine, it is necessary to exclude a whole list of food from the diet of the child over 1 year.

To "excluded" products relate:

  • sweets, snob. Only 30-40 grams of sugar per day are allowed, for example, sweeteing tea or compote;
  • juices (grape, plum, apricot), kvass, morse;
  • fresh and dried fruits, raw vegetables;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • milk products. Children after 1 year in the acute period and after recovery, the silent diet is set for more than a month;
  • flour and pasta;
  • porridge from the jacket, millet, barley;
  • canned;
  • onions, garlic, beet, radish, radish, spinach, mushrooms, sorrel, cabbage;
  • beans;
  • sausages;
  • eggs (scrambled eggs and cooked "screwed");
  • spices, sharp, fried, smoked.

Rotavirus menu

The main rule of the menu is the nutrition should not be repeated from day to day, should not come and be easily dismantled. It is very important to maintain a similar diet month after rotavirus or for a period defined by the pediatrician.

If the child is in the hospital, his diet will determine the healing nutrition (tables 4B and 4B). If he is at home treatment, the pediatrician will advise adhere to the products recommended on these tables in the kid's diet.

Diet 4b It is a moderate food type to facilitate digestion. 4V diet It is assigned during the recovery period and provides full-fledged nutrition with a reservation into separate disorders of the intestinal function. The dishes from these diets are quite varied despite the fact that a sufficient amount of familiar baby products "under the ban".

An example of a menu. Option 1

An example of a menu. Option 2.

An example of a menu. Option 3.

Dr. Komarovsky: What to eat with intestinal flu

Komarovsky's pediatrician offers one single diet for all kids regardless of age. Its principle is to complete the exclusion of all dairy products from the diet of the patient. This is due to the fact that the intestinal activity decreases during rotavirus and it ceases to cope with quality lactose recycling.

Therefore, according to Komarovsky, even Mother's milk can provoke deterioration in a state of crumbs. The doctor does not insist on the full (for a while) transition to specialized brine mixes. But I recommend at least a few feeding to replace the mixture. This mode must be respected about 2-3 weeks. On this treatment will end, and it will be possible to restore breastfeeding.

If the kid is original artificial, then at the time of illness, the usual mixture is replaced by a special. Tighten feeding with these mixtures to a month or two is not worth it. As soon as the rotavirus diarrhea has passed, enough for another 3 weeks, so that the organism is crumbs. Then you can return to the usual nutrition.

What can eat after suffering infection

The desire of parents as close as possible to feed the child after recovery in the root is wrong and can only harm him. Diet immediately after the disease and diet month later will be somewhat different from each other.

Main Power Principles In the first weeks after the transferred virus, the following:

  • approximately three weeks do not include any products containing milk in the diet;
  • after the acute phase of diarrhea:
    • in the 1st day, only crackers,
    • the next day rice porridge on water is added,
    • next is allowed buckwheat or oatmeal on water, potato mashed potatoes of a very liquid consistency without butter and milk;
  • required abundant drinking (on the prescription with the addition of drugs):
    • "Smekt",
    • "Regidron",
    • glucose saline
    • dried fruits compote,
    • green tea,
    • rho rosehip.

Immediately after the disease during the week It is better to follow the approximate menu that will include such dishes:

  • porridge on water;
  • broths on the poultry of low-fat breeds;
  • vegetable rubbed soups;
  • broth on veal;
  • meatballs from turkey cooked for a pair;
  • omelet;
  • baked apples;
  • carrot-apple puree;
  • on the seventh day you can add butter;
  • fish cutlets.

Such a diet lasts about a month. Then the familiar food is returned to the diet. At the same time, for a while, in whole or in part it is worth abandoning:

  • acute
  • fried
  • carbonated water
  • chocolate and buns.

After 2-3 weeks after the disease, start returning food in the usual form. Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, allocate immediately after rotavirus to use the following fermented milk products:

  • kefir,
  • rippy
  • prostokow
  • yogurt without chemical additives (live yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 5 days, containing exclusively milk and starters).

The child does not eat anything after the disease: what to do

There are often cases when the baby refuses food after illness, and parents begin to seriously worry about this - forces and are so lost, it is necessary to restore, and the appetite disappeared.

Failure to eat - a sign that the body has not yet fully recovered after the disease. Therefore, in such situations it is better not to insist and not feed forny. Such parental behavior can be easily provoked a negative attitude towards meals or vomit reflexes at the sight of food.

After the suffered disease, continue to ride the baby more - so the microbes will be faster from the children's body. It is very important to watch the crumb all this time. If, if you refuse to eat kid cheerful and cheerful, active, do not worry. Soon the appetite will boost, and now it is enough to offer dishes, but not to insist.

Try to give more "satisfying" drink, and not a simple water. For this purpose will fit:

  • kissel,
  • rice decoction,
  • ryazhenka
  • a little sweetened kefir.

Diet and meals after the virus

Every day the child goes on the amendment, appetite returns, and you can only diversify a meager dietary table. Below examples menu that will help to navigate in the choice of dishes for the baby.

Sample menu. Option 1

Sample menu. Option 2.

Sample menu. Option 3.

Useful video

Fragment of a webinar "Rotavirus infection - illness of modernity?" For parents as part of a new social project "MD Class":


  1. The first thing you need to remember the parents of a sick child is a water-salt balance. It needs to be supported using both the usual abundant and drugs to help rehydration.
  2. Diet in the period and after illness should be extremely gentle. Failure to eat is not a reason to worry. The inflamed intestine thus gives a signal that it cannot cope with the digestion of food.
  3. Therapeutic tables 4B and 4B are approximate to form a home menu. Their main principle is to exclude dairy and other "heavy" products.

In contact with

Still, we thundered into the hospital in the last mon with a temperature of 39.6 and lay there to Thu (we were sent to the day hospital), but it was not here that there was a temperature in Fri again and plus a refusal to eat, vomiting after a tablet Once how I gave (but she was sooo bitter, she tried her herself), they tried to knock her down her (he didn't want to go to the hospital again), but she all grew up and at 5 am called an ambulance and returned to the infectious hospital for us. Passed the analysis to rotavirus, the result of which will be known ...

* The main danger of rotavirus infection is associated with the dehydration of the body due to the strong diarrhea. Rotavirus infection (synonyms of rotavirus gastroenteritis, gastric flu, intestinal flu) - one of the forms of acute intestinal infection, the causative agent of which is a human rotavirus from the genus Rotavirus. People at any age can get sick with rotavirus infection, but children are most often ill from 6 months to a year - two ...

For mom, there is nothing sadder than a child's illness. In this situation, it remains to rely on the attending physician and their own parental instincts. If your baby was diagnosed with Rotavirus, the first thing to take care is to prepare a medical diet menu.

Rotavirus infection (Rotavirus Gastroenteritis) The people received the name of the gastric (or intestinal) flu. Most often, he meets in children of the nursery group, namely: aged 6 months to 2 years. Even a healthy person who does not have any signs of malaise can become a carrier of infection.

Wrong Rotavirus acute infection It does not immediately. Incubation period: 1-5 days. With the advent of sharp symptoms, the picture of the disease clarifies:

  • accompanied by pain in the abdomen,
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea,
  • total weakness.

But since the listed symptoms are characteristic of other children's ailments (food poisoning, salmonellosis, cholera), only a specialist can be delivered to the correct diagnosis.

With due therapy and the observance of the diet, recovery occurs 4-7 days after the foundation is found. The passing child gets immunity to help resist this type of viruses.

Diet rules

In this case, the diet is a necessary measure. It carries several important features:

  • reduces the load on the digestive tract;
  • contributes to the speedy recovery;
  • prevents extremely dangerous dehydration in childhood;
  • provides the intake of important nutrients into the body.

Correctly composed of the patient's kid is all the more important, if we consider that it is almost the only method of treating the rotavirus. None of the modern drugs gives warranty of recovery.

In this uneasy for a child, the period is of particular importance acquires fractional power mode. In other words, allowed drinks and food Karapuz should be given to small portions, withstanding small intervals between receptions.

It was noted that in the first few days of the disease, children who picked up rotavirus lose their appetite. In this case, it is forbidden to force the kid to eat. You can offer him some easy dish or drink. For example, a non-large broth welded on a chicken breast without a skin, or unsweetened, but strong tea.

And only after the child will show interest in food, you can translate it to the medicinal diet. Before the disappearance of diarrhea symptoms, all products are crushed and boil or cook or prepare for a pair.

The disease can cause serious complications in the child. Word - Mama.

"My daughter picked up this virus from his cousin when she was 3 years old. The diagnosis put a pediatrician. She had severe vomiting and diarrhea. The virus destroyed healthy bacteria in the intestine, and the child has developed temporary lactose intolerance, which remained for full six months after the suffering disease. I gradually introduced dairy products into its diet. Only a year later the body of my baby completely recovered "

Product lists


First of all, the children's diet will have to exclude products feeding infection. This cow's milk containing sugar confectionery and food rich in carbohydrates. Prohibited:

  • fat broths and soups;
  • sausages and fatty meat;
  • pasta;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • wenty, bone and pearly porridge;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • fresh black bread and snob;
  • canned fish, smoked and salted fish, all its fat varieties.

The greatest danger in the group of vegetable crops is cucumbers, garlic, onions and representatives of the cross-color family: radishes, radish, white and cauliflower. They contain heavy to digest the fiber, which can aggravate the symptoms of the disease.


  • porridge welded on water or vegetable broth from mankey or gentle rice flakes without adding oil and sugar;
  • non-large broth, it is possible with the addition of a small handful of carefully favorable vegetables or cereals;
  • omelet from 1 eggs (preferably rustic), cooked for a pair;
  • fresh nice cottage cheese, pre-wired (ready-made cottages with the addition of fruit pieces do not need to use);
  • steam cutlets or meatballs from fish fillet and low-fat meat;
  • puree from boiled or stolen homemade carrots;
  • baked apples (just do not forget to remove the skin);
  • acid-optic products enriched with bifidobacteriums: acidophilus, bifox, "Activia", lactobacillin, etc.;
  • , also preferably home cooking.

If the kid got used to eat bread, offer him homemade crackers from the baton without a crust.

Recipes drinks

During the illness, the child needs fluid. First of all, it is a water-salt solution with a high content of sodium - purchased either independently prepared.

Water-salt decoction with raisins

  1. In 1 liter of water, throw 1/3 cups, boil within an hour.
  2. Cool and strain the decoction. The remaining in the corticle or Marle raisins diligently disappear, so that as much glucose has passed into the drink.
  3. Stir from 1 tsp. Salt, half of the world Drinking soda and 4 h. l. Sahara.
  4. Boil a couple more minutes and cool down again.

Such a decoction is pleasant to taste, and children drink it without whims.

When attenuation of the symptoms in the Child menu add rice decoction, a fruit and vegetable mixture (200 g of purified apples and carrots and 2 l. Of sugar by 0.5 liters of water), as well as or (2-3 cent. L. Berries and 1 , 5 tbsp. L. Sugar on 1 liter of water).

These drinks contain pectin, known for its cleansing properties. But you can take them a child exclusively in the heated state.

Rice decoction

Boil 2-4 tbsp. l. Rice in boiling water until it softened. This will take about 2 hours. Wipe the croup through the sieve, add a pinch of food soda and salt (incomplete part of small salt).

Meals after transferred disease

In order for the digestive system to recover after infection, you will need at least two weeks. During this period, it is important to continue to comply with certain restrictions in food. Boost with products:

  • cold dishes and drinks, including ice cream: they make it difficult to digestive processes;
  • bean cultures: may cause meteorism;
  • whole milk;
  • rye bread;
  • millet porridge;
  • : Contains rough food fibers.

Even if all unpleasant symptoms have passed, it does not mean that the baby can be translated into an ordinary diet. Show patience, and then your baby will come out of this fight with the Rotavirus winner.

Seasonal disease, outbreaks of morbidity are celebrated in cold season of the year. Little children are subject to a disease, faces with low immune defense of the body.

The course of the disease is individual, different. In children, severe dehydration leads to life-threatening states. Adults often tolerate the disease on the legs. Perhaps the carrier of rotavirus with healthy people without clinical signs of the disease. Antiviral therapy is nonspecific, includes immunoglobulin-based preparations. If with a viral infection, it is possible to join the intestinal wand, antibiotics will be treated. The attending physician will determine how many days will need to take medicine.

The etiotropic treatment of the disease does not exist. A complex of therapeutic measures is the pathogenetic steps, eliminating the symptoms of the disease. The body must recover after the suffering disease. It is vital to eat properly in the acute period of the disease, at the stage of recovery. Allows you to accelerate treatment with gastric flu, make it productive.

Purpose, Purpose of gentle nutrition when rotavirus infection

Feed correctly when rotavirus infection - a useful condition for recovery. Together with food, the necessary biologically comes into the body active substanceshelping the body to restore forces, normalize immune protection. In the acute period of the disease, the body is weakened - there is not enough strength, energy on a full-fledged digestive process. Therefore, food during the course of the disease should enter the body in an easily absorbed form.

Diet with a rotavirus infection can become a drug to eliminate symptoms. Binding properties of products will help to fight diarrhea. Restore the normal water-salt balance will help fruit compote, decoctions of medicinal plants.

Do not refuse food use in the acute period of the infectious process. Before cooking the patient diet menuFind out the power details when rotavirus infection.

Medical nutrition

The first days of the disease are accompanied by intense vomiting, diarrhea. Symptoms lead to pronounced dehydration, loss of minerals, microelements by the body. Each receipt in the stomach of food, water can provoke bouts of vomiting.

  1. To avoid the development of vomiting, deterioration of the state, reduce the daily diet, fight fractionally, but more often. The number of food receptions during the day - at least 6-8.
  2. Choose porridge from gracious cropsBoiled on the water. Useful rice, manna porridge. Characterized by astringent effect and envelop the gastric mucosa, intestines. Other useful property Products are the absence of fermentation processes in the intestine after use. Cook porridge to a semi-liquid state, do not add salt, milk, butter.
  3. It is not recommended in the acute period to use vegetable, butter. The first enhances the intestinal peristalsis, exacerbates the phenomena of diarrhea. Due to the enzymatic insufficiency occurring due to the lesion of the intestinal epithelial, butter is poorly digested and is absorbed by the organism.
  4. On the third and fourth day, the diet with an intestinal infection is expanding with other porridges on water - oatmeal or corn. You can boil buckwheat.
  5. When improving the patient's condition, meat can be added to the diet. Proper nutrition in rotavirus infection should include non-large varieties of meat in boiled, vapor form. Let's give a sick rabbit fillet, veal. It is useful to eat chicken breast, turkey. It is better to cook cutlets on a pair or meatballs from meat - it will improve the digestion, the absorption of the useful components of food.
  6. The diet after rotavirus infection allows the use of low-fat fish varieties.
  7. After administering meat, the patient is allowed to eat eggs. It is better to prepare a steam oslet. Remember the norm - 1-2 eggs per week.
  8. You can use fruits and vegetables in boiled, baked form. Puree of vegetables prepare on water without adding oil, salt. Potatoes, carrots, broccoli, zucchini are supplied to the patient.

Drinks with rotavirus infection

In the first day after the start of the disease, it is allowed to drink clean filtered water, the solutions of electrolytes - the regider, a tour. After improving the patient's condition, start to ride the rummies, raspberries. You can give drinking kissel from sweet berries, compote from dried fruit. Standing black tea is allowed.

After 4-5 days of the disease, you can gradually enter the kefir in the menu. Other fermented dairy products are useful - yogurt or acidophilus. These products are normalized, microflora restore.

Follow the diet during the period of the disease, for 2 weeks after the start of recovery. During this time, there will be a complete regeneration of intestinal epithelium, the familiar mode, diet will gradually return.

Forbidden products

Diet with intestinal infection in children implies a complete exception to the diet:

  1. Meat dishes of fatty varieties - chicken legs, wings, pork, lamb, duck, goose.
  2. Fatty fish grade.
  3. Milk, sour cream.
  4. Fresh vegetables, fruit. Apples are allowed in baked form for 7-10 days of the disease.
  5. Smoked, pickled products, solutions.
  6. Confectionery - chocolate, cakes, cakes.
  7. Black bread, fresh white bread, pasta.
  8. Sylopic sweet drinks - Pepsi Cola, Coca-Cola.
  9. Adult patients need to be remembered: with a rotavirus infection, alcohol is categorically contraindicated.
  10. It is not recommended to eat products containing orthophosphoric acid as a stabilizer.

The use of food from the list is stimulated by the intestinal peristalsis - leads to increasing diarch. Cause strengthening fermentation processes, rotting in the intestines. Animal fats will not be able to fully digest in the intestine due to enzymatic insufficiency in rotavirus infection.

Features of the diet in the restorative period

Comply with the diet, adhere to the principles of gentle nutrition, is important in the acute period in the intestinal infection. After stopping the acute process, the body needs to restore the structural elements, the normalization of physiological functions. If you thoroughly adhere to the rules of dietary food, observe the gentle food mode, the recovery will occur much faster.

After removing the acute process, observe the diet within 2-3 weeks. Otherwise, it is possible to deteriorate a state with the return of unpleasant symptoms.

If the patient has a good appetite at the recovery stage - it is categorically not recommended to overeat. The body did not restored enzymatic activity. Young immature intestinal epithelial cells, beginning development in place of damaged, do not have time to produce enough enzymes. It is important to take food small portions, but often. The food must have a comfortable temperature, not be too hot, cold. The rule concerns the reception of liquids. Child drink every 30 minutes. Press the fluid house at a time. If the patient eats too much food, drinks liquids, get ready for vomit.

Do not force your child to eat forcibly if there is no appetite. The liquid of drinking must be mandatory. If the child categorically refuses to drink, signs of explicit dehydration develop, urgently contact medical care. The doctor will have to resort to parenteral drip infusion of saline solutions.

Dishes prepared for the patient after rotavirus must be boiled, steam. Unacceptable eating fried, smoked dishes. Adult patients are categorically contraindicated beer, alcoholic beverages.

Features of diet in children

Glorious meals for rotavirus infection in children require an individual approach depends on the age of the child, its state. The prerequisite for any age is a silent diet in the first days after the start of the disease. If the child is in breastfeeding, additional difficulties arise. Rotavirus kills the epithelial cells of the intestines, suppresses the production of lactose - the enzyme responsible for the splitting of dairy sugar. Diet after rotavirus infection in children requires excluding the milk in the first days.

The child will have to translate into the lactose-free mixtures for a period of illness, restoration. It is recommended to introduce a mixture without detention of soy-based lactose. The silent diet is accompanied by spaling compotes, dummies of medicinal herbs. A lactase lactase lactazar mixture is divorced by water.

If the kid refuses food

Often, the baby refuses to take food after a viral infection. This occurs in the acute period of the disease. The child feels bad, refuses to eat.

Do not panic. If the child does not want to eat - do not force him forcibly. If you try to feed the child against the will, provoke vomiting, the condition will deteriorate. Put it be sure. Offer a decoction from Rosehip, Izyuma. In the subacute stage, add to the drink instead of Sugar Honey - a couple of tea spoons.

Since the third day, the disease is allowed with an intestinal porridge infection without milk, vegetable dishes in the form of a puree, semi-liquid. Food must be gentle, easy to digest. You can gradually enter the child's dishes in the diet:

  1. Long-sized meat varieties - chicken, turkey, rabbit.
  2. Non-fat varieties of fish in boiled form.
  3. Liquid karya on the water. Boil buckwheat, oatmeal. In the first days it is better to breed a child rice, semolina liquid porch.
  4. Vegetables for a baby. Take a couple.
  5. For 3-4 days, turn on the Banana Baban menu. It is impossible to give sick fresh apples, tangerines.

Rotavirus rarely leaves heavy complications. The diet after rotavirus is observed strictly and strictly - will speed up the processes of recovery in children and adults.

Some recipes dishes with rotavirus infection

Below, we give recipes for the preparation of the patient with rotavirus at home.

Cooking rice beam

The decoction has a fixing, enveloping effect, will reduce the phenomena of diarrhea. For the preparation of the drink, 4 full tablespoons of rice cereals will be required. Fill them with a liter of water, boil on low heat. Cooking time is from 2 hours. Watch the rice to weld.

The mixture is removed from the fire, it is wiping to obtain a homogeneous mass. The resulting liquid should be cooled, add to her half a teaspoon salt, soda on the tip of the knife. Finished cooled mixture Place for storage in the refrigerator. If you need to drink a patient - a couple of mixes of the mixture can be slightly warm.

Puree from apples with carrots

Fresh vegetables and fruits are categorically contraindicated with a patient with a rotavirus infection. Useful and tasty alternative to fresh vegetables will be a carrot carrot with apples. Children eat a dish with pleasure even with a missing appetite. Most parents leave positive feedback about it. Komarovsky's television pediatrician recommends such a dish in a subacute period for feeding a child. Remember: there is a puree can be small portions.

Apples and carrots are taken in equal proportions, washed, cleaned from the peel. Sutitate products on a fine grater, add 5 tablespoons of sugar from the calculation by 1 kg of vegetable mixture. You can use natural honey instead of sugar. The resulting mixture to bring to a boil. After readiness, the mashed potatoes blooms on small glass jars, stored in the refrigerator so as not to be lost.

Menu for baby

To monotonate food is not tired of the child, diverse the menu. For breakfast, apply steam omelets, let's do low-fat cottage cheese. Putting breakfast can be weakly brewed tea. To tea, give a pair of crumpled crackers. Alternative to omelet, cottage cheese - porridge on the water.

Cook for baby soup on a vegetable broth for dinner. The second serve meat meatballs, fish cutlets. The second option is just boiled fish. Garnish - mashed potatoes, boiled buckwheat. On the third - compote from dried fruits, wild rose.

For dinner, the child is happy to eat porridge or fish steam cutlets, carrot puree with apples. For the night for children, moved rotavirus infection, doctors offer 50 ml of kefir, horseradish brazing.

Patient dessert Kid prepare from a banana or a baked apple. As the body restores the body, you can gradually enter the dried bread, low-fat boiled meat into the dietary table. In the intestinal infection, it is recommended to eat fractionally, small portions. It is not recommended to eat too much food at a time. Every piece is carefully litter. Mineral water without gases can help an adult. With this drink you can quickly restore the balance of mineral elements in the human body. In the intestinal flu for this week.

Dairy children's food is introduced into the diet three weeks after the disease during the period of complete recovery. Parents reflect on the permissible foods in the nutrition of the child after rotavirus while the exacerbation flows, but forget about drinking. Abundant drinking is much more important in the acute period. Helps the body to fight against rotavirus infection.

To avoid pronounced dehydration from Rotavirus, the child needs abundant drink. It is better to use water-saline. Buy in a pharmacy sachets with a reghydron, you can cook it yourself at home. 2 tablespoons of sugar sand are dissolved in a liter of boiled water. A spoonful salt spoon is added to the solution, half a teaspoon of soda. Drinking for a child at any age - a home remedy against rotavirus, attending dehydration symptoms, output from the body toxins.

Prepare a decoction of a raisin - a drink will be rich in magnesium, potassium. Feed the child grapes, raisins not recommended.

You need to eat kid every half hour 50 ml. Use fastening tea, decoction of rosehip fruits. It is not recommended to give chicken broth in the acute period - contains extractive substances that are not digested, not digestible by the body. The epithelium after intestinal infection has not recovered, is not able to melted with a difficult task.

Properly selected gentle children's diet allows the body to defeat the gastric flu faster, Rotavirus. A nutritionist, a gastroenterologist will tell me the products allowed in the acute period, with rehabilitation, which is prepared in the acute stage of the disease. Find out the nutritionist why it is impossible to use specific products in case. It is important to take into account the compatibility of products.

Healing nutrition: how to feed the child with a rotavirus infection, diet and menu for every day

The transition to special nutrition is a mandatory aspect of the treatment of rotavirus. Diets during the disease and after it differ. However, they also have - used foods and dishes from them should contribute to the restoration of the child after the disease. About how to feed the child with a rotavirus infection, we will tell in the article.

Diet in children up to a year on natural feeding

When the baby is the first year of life on the face of all the symptoms of rotavirus, automatically arises asking for both breastfeeding. To date, the opinion of the doctors was divided into two groups:

  1. Be sure to continue breastfeeding, because only Mamino Milk can help the children's body as much as possible to cope with the ailment.

With natural feeding, the mother together with breast milk transfers not only the necessary nutrients, but also antibodies, at the expense of which the future immunity of a small person is being formed. Milk contains special cells that help the inflamed intestines to recover faster.

  • Since the cells did not form until the end of the intestine, it cannot process the lactose qualitatively. Therefore, some pediatricians recommend to abandon breastfeeding and go to lactose or soy adapted mixtures.

    However, it is important to know that during the disease it is extremely undesirable to "tear off" the baby from the chest and sharply go to the mixture. In addition, it is often even after a break in 2-3 weeks to return to full natural feeding is hard.

  • Continuing breastfeeding, follow several of the main recommendations:

    • Let's crumble chest more often than usual. Food will go to smaller portions, due to which it will be better to digest. It happens that the child does not want to suck at that moment when you offer him. In this case, feed on demand, as always.
    • If the rotavirus entailed lactase insufficiency, the pediatrician will definitely write drugs containing lactase:
      • "Lactrase",
      • "Lactazar",
      • Lactaz Bebi.

    Food of kids-artificials up to the year

    At artificials, the diet remains the same, but the frequency of food intake changes, and its usual amount is somewhat declining. It is possible to focus on several feeding schemes depending on the severity of the state of the kid.

    Feeding patterns. Table 1

    • "NAN sour milk";
    • "Nutrilac milk";
    • "Humana LP";
    • "Humana LP + SCR";
    • Permissible feeding of porridges cooked on the water.

    Feeding patterns. table 2

    Kids-artificials are allowed to take glucose-salt to avoid dehydration. On a liter of drinking water 1 teaspoon of salts + 1/2 teaspoon of soda + 1 dining room (4 tea) spoon sugar.

    What can be eaten with Rotavirus children older than a year

    Kids older than a year, as a rule, eat from a common table. All dishes must be fresh and independently prepared. Especially in the period of the disease and remission.

    In a painful state, the intestine perceives only a soft, riming food, without spices and seasonings.

    The patient's table must be exclusively gentle. When preparing it is better to use either the extinguishing method, or the cooking method. No fried food should be.

    Try to all that you give the baby, quickly and easily assimilated: fermentation and marshy in a small stomach is unacceptable, as it can further aggravate the situation.

    We must not forget about abundant drink, only so you can save the baby from the critical loss of fluid. If he does not want to drink - you have to persuade or use non-traditional drinking methods. Alternatively, you can use a syringe without a needle, with which the fluid is poured over the cheek.

    What you can eat

    The first week is not allowed not so many products:

    • bouillons based on birds;
    • meat prepared by cooking;
    • fish dishes (their low-fat fish);
    • porridge Hercules (on water) with minimal addition of butter;
    • for 6-7 days, the semolina porridge, porridge from rice, buckwheat, cooked exclusively on water and rubbed through the sieve;
    • omelet;
    • cottage cheese with minimal fatness;
    • wheat crushers or custard cookies;
    • steamed vegetables;
    • porridge, diluted by broth of vegetables;
    • bananas. Determine whether the banana can be a sick child, a pediatrician will help. As a rule, on 3-4 days, with tangible improvements, you can gradually return this fruit into the diet.

    Drinks are allowed:

    • green tea
    • jelly
    • ragger rosehip
    • glucose saline
    • light ragland raisin
    • morse (during recovery).

    When decreasing or disappearing, the kid symptoms gradually and very carefully returns to the familiar menu. In rubbing through a sieve, the necessity disappears.

    What is forbidden to have

    In order to maximize the load from the intestine, it is necessary to exclude a whole list of food from the diet of the child over 1 year.

    The products are "excluded":

    • sweets, snob. Sugar tolcograms per day, for example, sweeten tea or compote;
    • juices (grape, plum, apricot), kvass, morse;
    • fresh and dried fruits, raw vegetables;
    • fatty meat and fish;
    • milk products. Children after 1 year in the acute period and after recovery, the silent diet is set for more than a month;
    • flour and pasta;
    • porridge from the jacket, millet, barley;
    • canned;
    • onions, garlic, beet, radish, radish, spinach, mushrooms, sorrel, cabbage;
    • beans;
    • sausages;
    • eggs (scrambled eggs and cooked "screwed");
    • spices, sharp, fried, smoked.

    Rotavirus menu

    The main rule of the menu is the nutrition should not be repeated from day to day, should not come and be easily dismantled. It is very important to maintain a similar diet month after rotavirus or for a period defined by the pediatrician.

    If the child is in the hospital, his diet will determine therapeutic nutrition (tables 4B and 4B). If he is at home treatment, the pediatrician will advise adhere to the products recommended on these tables in the kid's diet.

    Diet 4B is a moderate food type to facilitate the establishment of digestion. 4B diet is prescribed during recovery and provides full-fledged meals with a reservation on separate disorders of the intestinal function. The dishes from these diets are quite varied despite the fact that a sufficient amount of familiar baby products "under the ban".

    Dr. Komarovsky: What to eat with intestinal flu

    Komarovsky's pediatrician offers one single diet for all kids regardless of age. Its principle is to complete the exclusion of all dairy products from the diet of a sick child. This is due to the fact that the intestinal activity decreases during rotavirus and it ceases to cope with quality lactose recycling.

    Therefore, according to Komarovsky, even Mother's milk can provoke deterioration in a state of crumbs. The doctor does not insist on the full (for a while) transition to specialized brine mixes. But I recommend at least a few feeding to replace the mixture. This mode must be respected about 2-3 weeks. On this treatment will end, and it will be possible to restore breastfeeding.

    If the kid is initially an artificial, then at the time of illness, the usual mixture is replaced by a special. Tighten feeding with these mixtures to a month or two is not worth it. As soon as the rotavirus diarrhea passed, enough for the prevention of another 3 weeks so that the organism is crumbling. Then you can return to the usual nutrition.

    What can eat after suffering infection

    The desire of parents as close as possible to feed the child after recovery in the root is wrong and can only harm him. Diet immediately after the disease and diet month later will be somewhat different from each other.

    The main nutrition principles in the first weeks after the transferred virus are as follows:

    • approximately three weeks do not include any products containing milk in the diet;
    • after the acute phase of diarrhea:
      • in the 1st day, only crackers,
      • the next day rice porridge on water is added,
      • next is allowed buckwheat or oatmeal on water, potato mashed potatoes of a very liquid consistency without butter and milk;
    • required abundant drinking (on the prescription with the addition of drugs):
      • "Smekt",
      • "Regidron",
      • glucose saline
      • dried fruits compote,
      • green tea,
      • rho rosehip.

    Immediately after the disease, within a week, it is better to hold the approximate menu that such dishes will include:

    • porridge on water;
    • broths on the poultry of low-fat breeds;
    • vegetable rubbed soups;
    • broth on veal;
    • meatballs from turkey cooked for a pair;
    • omelet;
    • baked apples;
    • carrot-apple puree;
    • on the seventh day you can add butter;
    • fish cutlets.

    Such a diet lasts about a month. Then the familiar food is returned to the diet. At the same time, for a while, in whole or in part it is worth abandoning:

    After 2-3 weeks after the disease, start returning food in the usual form. Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, are allowed immediately after rotavirus to consume the following fermentation products:

    • kefir,
    • rippy
    • prostokow
    • yogurt without chemical additives (live yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 5 days, containing exclusively milk and starters).

    The child does not eat anything after the disease: what to do

    There are often cases when the baby refuses food after illness, and parents begin to seriously worry about this - forces and are so lost, it is necessary to restore, and the appetite disappeared.

    Failure to eat is a sign that the body has not yet fully recovered after the disease. Therefore, in such situations it is better not to insist and not feed forny. Such parental behavior can be easily provoked a negative attitude towards meals or vomit reflexes at the sight of food.

    After the suffered disease, continue to ride the baby more - so the microbes will be faster from the children's body. It is very important to watch the crumb all this time. If, when a baby fails to eat, the kid cheerful and cheerful, is active, do not worry. Soon the appetite will boost, and now it is enough to offer dishes, but not to insist.

    Try to give more "satisfying" drink, and not a simple water. For this purpose will fit:

    Diet and meals after the virus

    Every day the child goes on the amendment, appetite returns, and you can only diversify a meager dietary table. Below examples menu that will help to navigate in the choice of dishes for the baby.

    Diet with rotavirus infection in children

    Nutrition for a child sick rotavirus infection is one of the treatment methods. If the diet is correct, it will speed up the recovery process and protects from dehydration.

    Basic rules

    Features of the diet with rotavirus infection are determined by the action of the virus on the intestines. In this case, the lactase production decreases in the intestines, while the restoration of the ability to produce this enzyme can take up to 2-3 weeks.

    Features of nutrition during rotavirus infection:

    • Feed the child with rotavirus infection should be fractionally. Drinks and food, which is allowed to eat, give small portions with small intervals between meals.
    • If the child disappeted the appetite, which often happens in the first days of this disease, do not force it. Periodically offer crumbs drinks and light meals. And when the baby wants to eat, let's eat according to the healing diet.
    • Before the moment the diarrhea is over, all the food should be prepared for a couple or serving well, as well as thoroughly grind.
    • In infection, the infection takes into account the type of feeding. If the child is fed by a dairy mixture, then at the time of illness, it is advised to replace with mixtures with reduced lactose content. Breastfeeding under this infection is not necessary.
    • On the first day of the child, the child can be fed according to the principle of Bryas - according to such an abbreviation, the baby can be given a banana (ripe), rice (boiled), apples (in the form of mashed potatoes) and crackers.

    What can I eat?

    In the diet of the crumbs suffering from rotavirus infection, you can leave:

    • Manna, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge, cooked on a vegetable broth or water, without sugar and oil;
    • Non-large broth, in which there may be a handful of rice or well-favorable vegetables;
    • Steam oslet;
    • Fresh rubbed cottage cheese;
    • Fish or meat meatballs, welded for a pair;
    • Baked apples without leather;
    • Fermented milk products (innocent);
    • Fruit marmalade (better cooked houses);
    • Homemade crackers from bate ball;
    • Boiled vegetables.

    How can I feed?

    For a while of illness from the menu, the child is excluded:

    • Fat broth and soup;
    • Fatty meat;
    • Sausages and sausages;
    • Raw fruits and vegetables (especially onions, cabbage, cucumber and other rich fiber products);
    • Cocoa and chocolate;
    • Pasta;
    • Sdoba;
    • Sweets;
    • Fresh black bread;
    • Fat fish and canned fish;
    • Nuts;
    • Mushrooms;
    • Any smoked and marinated products.

    What can and what can not be made from drinks?

    The admission of a sufficient amount of fluid replenishing losses in vomiting and diarrhea is extremely important when rotavirus infection. First of all, the child should receive water-salt solutions - from pharmaceutical preparations or cooked independently. You can also give crumbling herbal teas with mint and chamomile.

    When the symptoms begin to fluff, it is possible to give a baby rice decoction, kissel, compote from rosehip, compote from apples and carrots, as well as compote from dried blueberry berries. The carbonated drinks and tea with milk from the diet of the child should be excluded.

    Recipes of water solutions with rotavirus


    Put two tablespoons of sugar in a liter of water, stir up, add food soda And salt on a teaspoon, stir again. Let's make such a solution every five minutes in small quantities.

    Salts solution with raisins

    Boil a third of a raisin glass in a water liter for 60 minutes, and then cool. When polling the raisins, which will remain in the sieve, disarm well so that more glucose fell into the decoction. Add 4 teaspoons of sugar into the drink, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of drinking soda. The taste of such a drink is very pleasant and children drink him with pleasure.

    Diet after transferred disease

    For sufficient recovery of the digestive tract after a disease at least 2 weeks after recovery, such products should be limited:

    • Drinks and low temperature dishes, such as ice cream;
    • Dishes from legumes;
    • Rye bread;
    • Beet;
    • Peddy porridge;
    • Whole milk.

    If the child got sick during the administration of the feeding, returning to the samples of new products should not be necessary than in a month.

    Diet and nutrition with rotavirus infection in a child

    Rotavirus infection in the child develops due to its infection with the same virus. Most often, Rotavirus is found in the earliest age category: from 6 months to 2 years. Therapeutic therapy and the success of the kid recovery are directly dependent on compliance with the proper composition and nutritional mode.

    Diet with Rotavirus: main purpose

    The diet that the doctor is appointed for the child during the disease and after it is designed:

    • significantly reduce the load on all digestive bodies;
    • prevent
    • reduce the temporary stage of recovery.

    It is the main method of treatment: because the rotavirus infection is not eliminated by any of the drugs.

    The main rules for the nutrition of children with rotavirus

    1. To normalize digestion and prevent vomiting, you need to adhere to fraction in nutrition: to eat tiny portions, but with a short time interval. Usually in the first day or two diseases of the appetite in patients.
    2. If the child does not want to eat, it is impossible to force it, feeding forcibly. Alternatively, you can offer permitted drinks (tea, jelly, decoction).
    3. In no case can not allow a minor dehydration of the children's body. In the diet there should be a lot of drink, which compensates for the loss of water and important mineral elements.
    4. Until normalizing the state of the patient, all products must be crushed, serving well, cook for a couple or bake, but without the formation of rough crust.
    5. It is necessary to exclude from the diet of the child all "dangerous" products that can provoke an increase in infection. The diet should be based on nutrition useful during this period.
    6. The common table can be translated by children only in a week or two after complete recovery.

    Prohibited products (for 1-2 weeks after infection with the virus)

    In the acute period of illness and throughout the stage of recovery, the diet requires the exception of such products:

    • milk (as an ideal nutrient medium for infection);
    • fatty varieties of cheese;
    • sugar, honey and any sweets;
    • black and rye bread, of any fresh bread and bass;
    • macaron and Vermicelli, Test products (dumplings, dumplings, mantle, dumplings, pancakes, etc.);
    • legumes (pea, lentils, beans);
    • raw vegetables, fruits (with the exception of banana) and berries;
    • quashen and marinated products;
    • welded and fat broths on meat, fish or mushrooms, borschy,
    • fatty meat, any sausage products;
    • fat, salted or smoked fish and canned food;
    • coarse croup - born, millet, corn and pearl;
    • mushrooms;
    • sala;
    • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • any cold drinks and food.

    Diet: Grocery Composition

    After the child rests appetite and the infection will begin to retreat, you can already offer him:

    • homemade crackers from white baton flesh;
    • drying, gallery cookies;
    • rice, buckwheat, manna, a little later - oatmeal on water (using oil or sugar);
    • skipped maximum broths (vegetable, secondary on meat or fish);
    • soups with carefully ruled crops and vegetables;
    • steam omelet or egg skeyka (but not more than 1 eggs per day);
    • steam meat or fish soufflings, meatballs, beds and cutlets (from meat - chicken, turkey, from fish - Heck, Minttai, cod);
    • baked in the oven apples (non-acid);
    • puree from boiled carrots and potatoes (without oil and milk);
    • pumpkin and zucchini puree - boiled and slightly salted (if there is no liquid stool);
    • wipe fresh cottage cheese (for 3-4 days);
    • acidoophilic products such as acidofiline, activati, lactobacillin, bifidock, etc. (for 3-4 days).

    During the treatment of rotavirus, it is very important to prevent dehydration of the children's body. Therefore, half of all the diet will be liquid. The infection is well washed away not only by mineral water without gases, but also prepared at home beverages, teas, decoctions, jellys, etc.

    You need to drink often, but in a little bit. In the most peak (for the first few days), a solution of water and a regider will be the perfect drink. Due to the specificity of the taste of the drink, not all children agree to it. You can try to prepare such a home recipe solution. He is simple:

    1 liter warm water,

    2 Core Sukhans,

    The sophisticated raisins is poured with water and boil around an hour. Well cooled decoction is filtered, the other ingredients add to it and boil on a small fire for a couple more minutes. Sometimes tea or chamomile tea is added to such a domestic drink.

    You can independently cook for children:

    • unsweetened compotes (from dried berries and fruits);
    • kisseli (from any home jam with corn starch and water);
    • carrot-apple juice (boiled ingredients are laid or crushed by a blender and diluted to a liquid state with warm boiled water with the addition of a small amount of sugar);
    • rice decoction;
    • weakly brewed tea;
    • ramars from chamomile, mint, rosehip.

    If your baby is infants

    For the disease of the child breast-ageFroying with maternal milk, in no case take it away at this time from the chest. Mamino Milk consists of all the nutritious elements necessary for crumbs and immunoglobulins, which are best help to defeat Rotavirus.

    During the exacerbation of the disease, it is impossible to introduce additional lures. If the baby eats artificial mixtures, it is temporarily transferred to the silent cereal and lactose mixtures.

    The diet for each child will be special: because kids often do not eat any products in general or just because of the young age are not yet able to perceive some food. Parents must independently develop a menu for a child during its illness and immediately after it. The basis for them will serve rules for food, prohibited and allowed products and drinks and, of course, the taste preferences of the kid himself. Only so Rotavirus infection can be destroyed.

    That you can eat baby when rotavirus infection

    Diet with rotavirus infection for adults and children

    Diet with a rotavirus infection is an important step on the way to recovery, because it is during this period that the body suffers quite strongly, loses nutrients, vitamins and minerals. All this negatively affects the patient's health.

    For information

    So, the causative agents of the virus penetrate the body and seek to get into the gastrointestinal tract, as it is there they begin to actively show themselves. A person has an increased body temperature, vomiting and even diarrhea. Children are particularly often subjected to infection. In most cases, the disease is not dangerous for life: there are only 3-5% of cases of severe disease, the others pass without a trace with due treatment. Due to the imperfect immune system, children are more pronounced, but a special diet with rotavirus in children will help to fill all the necessary organisms of the substance and moisture.

    Is it possible to breastfeed during this period? If the baby fell ill, being on breastfeeding, then it is not worth changing his usual food during this period. Breast milk contains all the necessary useful substances that will help quickly cope with the disease. In milk, there is a huge amount of antibodies that are contained in a nursing mother, they are helping faster to defeat the disease, strengthen the immunity of the child.

    Breastfeed during rotavirus need as much as possible, but in small portions. If the child refuses to eat according to such a scheme, then you can give the chest on demand. If during the disease in the child there is lactase insufficiency, it is necessary to give drugs containing enzymes, such as Creon, lactazar. You can give medicines in the spoon, pre-mixing them with breast milk. As soon as the baby is normalized by the chair, you can translate it to a normal power mode with the familiar portions.

    If the crumb is on artificial feeding, it is not worth changing the mixture, since the body can disagree badly to change. It is necessary to reduce portions and feeding time by about 2 times, so the body will easier cope with the load on the gastrointestinal tract. It is good to give the baby with an acidic mixture, which contain all the necessary substances to restore the digestive system. If the baby has already reached 6 months, then he can give silent porridge, best if it is rice porridge, which helps to make the metabolism. If artificial feeding is already long enough, you can add vegetable broths after the cessation of a liquid chair, they will prevent constipation.

    Diet for children after 12 months

    What can be eaten with this disease, the doctor will tell. Diet after a rotavirus infection for children older than a year should be sparing, that is, the food must be boil, cook for a couple and be sure to pertinate. It is better to return to the puree consistency again at this time, as it is better absorbed by the body. It is forbidden to give the child products that accelerate the peristaltics cause the fermentation process, reinforce the release of gastric juice and bile. Fats and carbohydrates should be cut to a quarter, but a protein that is contained in meat and milk should be given according to the age norm. It is this substance that the body can protect the body from excessive moisture loss.

    With rotavirus infection in children, the body is severely drained, so a freedon is prescribed a pediatrician, which is capable of compensating for the loss of vitamin substances and moisture. However, the medicine has a sufficiently unpleasant taste that does not always like to children. Instead, you can cook yourself homemade medicine.

    So, if the rotavirus infection is worried, the aqueous saline is well suitable. It is simple to prepare it, for this it is necessary to take 100 g of raisin and pecking it in 1 liter of water 60 minutes. The decoction to cool and strain. Be sure to undress raisins to release all glucose from it. Next add 1 tsp. Salt and 2 tbsp. Sugar, ½ tsp soda. Then boil and cool. You can take as an independent drink or together with a viper. After all the symptoms of rotavirus come to no, you can safely make a decoction based on rice, carrots and apples, dry rose and blueberries. It is useful to eat baked apples, they contribute to the purification of the body.

    The diet after the rotmirus should be gentle. There are quite many prohibitions in it, and the base is reducing ragners. Their recipes are simple enough. Baby with pleasure they drink them and gaining strength.

    To prepare a rice decoction, you need to take 2-4 spoons of cereals and peeling them for 2 hours in a large amount of water. After strain with the help of a sieve, and rice to grind, then add a little salt. Ready to cool and take inside instead of the usual drink.

    Food after rotavirus infection should be dietary, low-fat, wipe. Feed the child follows small portions 5-6 times a day. Based on nutrition should be on fire and dairy products, which should be 60% of the total diet in children after 12 months and up to 3 years.

    Nutrition at Rotavirus

    What to feed the child with rotavirus? Of course, a balanced food prepared for a couple or boiled. The organism requires a lot of nutrients to recover. Mainly need to prevent the body's tears. To do this, it is good to give a child prepared champs and compotes. To restore the body after rotavirus, you need to be gradually and drinking enough. Introducing food follows each other: first rice decoction, then cereal, vegetables, meat, broths, fruits.

    It is necessary to introduce vegetables and fruits in the cooked form, it is best to boil them or bake them. It is useful to eat baked pears and apples.

    The menu should be strict enough, but at the same time balanced. On the second day, feeding should be carried out at a gentle regime. The menu may be:

    Breakfast: You can choose from steam milk omelet, non-acidic cottage cheese, manna or rice porridge without milk, Sukharik.

    Lunch: a secondary chicken or beef broth with ruled vegetables and a cereal. On the second, you can cook fish meatballs for a couple and decoction from the rosehip.

    Dinner: cooked for a couple of fish or meat cutlets, buckwheat porridge or carrot puree.

    You can cook baked apples as a delicacy, you can add cottage cheese or honey droplet.

    Throughout the process of recovery, it is better to replace fresh bread on the dried. You can cook crackers yourself. To do this, you need to take crusts from a white baton and dry them in the oven. You can return to the usual diet only after the child's health improves significantly, and vomiting and diarrhea will completely stop.

    Feeding should consist only of well-favorable, baked or steam products. Be sure to use fermented milk products that will help maintain a healthy intestinal microflora. Instead of sweet, there is a cherry, apple or apricot plastic marmalade. That's all you can eat during treatment. The rest of the products can harm the body.

    Bans on products

    Rotavirus and GW can be combined, even need. At this time, the mother can keep a diet for nursing and not afraid to harm the child. No harmful substances penetrate into milk. Moreover, it is characteristic to adapt to the child's condition, it can be measured in fat and easily. Breast milk should be priority if the baby has already tried the lure. During the disease, it is better to completely remove it and leave only the chest.

    A number of products fall under the ban, you especially carefully consider this if the child is already powered from a common table.

    In the first 2-3 weeks, the full ban falls:

    All the time should be excluded from the diet sweet, fruit and berries in fresh form, dried fruits. It is impossible to eat greasy fish and meat. All sharp vegetables should also be excluded, they belong to garlic, pepper, horseradish, onions, radish and radish. In the first week, it is allowed to give secondary broths, the boiled meat wipe, souffle meat and fish. Put the baby stands fresh chasters or green tea, it is better notpaceated and non-soldered.

    After a list of prohibited products, it is possible to slowly cut, introduce solid and non-dyed food into the diet. Lastly, add fruits and juices. It is better to dilute the juice with water so as not to injure the dump truck. Prepare food needed immediately before meals. It is forbidden to feed the child from catering to prevent complications.

    After recovery, you should stick to the diet for 30 days. Strict diet and disappearing a child during the disease - the main criteria on the way to recovery. If not refer to the recommendations of the specialist properly, then you can get complications. Children's faster organism tolerates diseases much worse than adult. This is due to the implaced immune system and the immaturity of many organs. The whole process of treatment should be under the control of the pediatrician.

    Diet with a rotavirus infection in a child

    Rotaviruses are a separate genus of viruses belonging to the Reoviridae family. Rotaviruses tend to penetrate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, where they affect it and cause such symptoms as an increase in body temperature, vomiting and diarrhea. Rotavirus infection in the child is manifested most acute, since children have a imminent immune system. Diet with a rotavirus infection replenishes the deficit of moisture in the body and provides the necessary food elements necessary for recovery.

    Rotavirus infection strongly desires the body, so the patient is very often prescribed by a regider, which compensates for the loss of mineral elements and moisture. This drug, which is supplied in the form of a solution, children drink very undesirable, so very often assistance come to the means prepared by themselves.

    Recipe for home water-salt mortar

    100 grams of raisins need to be boiled in a liter of water for one hour, after which the brave must be allowed to cool and strain it. At the same time, it is necessary to knead the raisins to glucose, which is contained in it completely turned into a solution. The resulting solution add a spoonful salt, four sugar sand spoons and spoons of soda drinking. After that, the solution boils a couple of minutes and cool. The finished remedy can be breeding tea from pharmacies, such as a chamomile or peppermint, and can be used without additives.

    Over time, when the symptoms of the disease begin to subside, you can smoothly cross the rice-based decoction, as well as on the mixture of carrots and apple. Baked apples and decoctions based on dry blueberries and rosehip will also bring greater benefits, since they contain pectin substances that contribute to the purification of the body.

    Recipe rice beam

    It is necessary to bring to the boiling liter of water and pour 2-4 spoons of rice into it, after which you cook about two hours, while the croup does not completely soften. After that, the rice should be wiped through the sieve and add half the spoons of soda and two thirds of salt spoons. The finished broth is poured into sterile bottles, then he needs to cool and put in the refrigerator. Before use, the Otar needs to break and warm up.

    Recipe for carrot-apple mixture

    In order to prepare a carrot and apple mixture, you need to take 500 grams of carrots and apples, clean them and cook to a complete softening in a liter of water. Next, they need to wipe through the fine sieve and add 5 sugar spoons, after which it is to bring to a boil and pour into sterile bottles. The mixture is sharpened before use and slightly heated.

    Recipe compote from dried blueberries

    A liter of water is brought to a boil, after which 2-3 spoons of dried blueberries are added to it and boils until the berries soften completely. Next, berries should scratch through the sieve, after which it is worth adding 35 grams of sugar penda and stir well.

    Nutrition with rotavirus infection

    Diet with a rotavirus infection in a child on the second day of the disease proposes to follow the gentle diet having the following menu:

    • Breakfast: omelet to a pair or homemade nice cottage cheese, manna, rice or buckwheat porridge on water, vegetable brave or broth, as well as tea with a cracker from white bread
    • Lunch: Chicken or meat nice fatty soup with well suited vegetables or cereals, as well as fish meatballs or meat on a pair and decoction based on rosehip
    • Dinner: Fish Cutlet for a couple and apart Buckwheat porridge or carrot puree
    • Smells: Apples baked

    Diet with a rotavirus infection in a child forbids to eat bread at the beginning of the disease, but instead you can use crackers from a white baton. For the preparation of such crackers use white baton crusts that need to cut and dry in the oven. On the usual nutrition can be passed only when the chair is normalized and improved child well-being.

    During the diet period, all products must be supplied to a child in a well baked or supracted form. In the diet, acidic products must be present, since they have useful bacteria that accelerate recovery. The tea is allowed to serve a cherry, apple or apricot plastic marmalade. All other sweets throughout the first two weeks of the diet must be excluded.

    The first 2-3 weeks must be abandoned by the following products:

    • Drinks of cold temperature
    • Cabbage quashen
    • Bean culture
    • Cucumbers and beets
    • Whole milk
    • Rye bread
    • Ice cream
    • Millet

    Diet with a rotavirus infection in a child contributes to a speedy recovery without the emergence of complications.

    Diet with rotavirus infection

    General rules

    In the structure of acute intestinal diseases (OKI), especially in the epidemic autumn-spring period, up to 80% of cases of all diseases fall on a rotavirus infection (Rotavirus gastroenteritis). Children are most often ill under that, due to the anatomy-physiological characteristics of the gastrointestinal and immaturity of immune protection factors, there is a high susceptibility to the pathogen of rotavirus infection (RNA-Rotavirus).

    The disease in rotavirus proceeds with the symptoms of the lesion of the gastrointestinal tract - vomiting and liquid stool (from 5 to 20 times / day), accompanied by various dehydration dehydration, intoxication (temperature rise to 38-39 ° C, drowsiness, weakness, lethargy, headache, loss of appetite). Later (respiratory wave of the disease) joins redness and throat pain, runny nose and weak dry cough. In adults, the manifestations of rotavirus infection (RVI) are more lubricated, and in some cases the disease proceeds asymptomatic.

    The leading component of treating patients with rotavirus infection and especially children is therapeutic nutrition. Diet with a rotavirus infection, both in children and in adults aiming for:

    • Ensuring the physiological needs of the body in food macro / micronutrients.
    • Prevent fluid loss and body weight.
    • Reducing intoxication.
    • Reducing the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Normalization of the intestinal function and digestive processes, normalization of intestinal microflora.

    The basic principles of the diet with RVI are:

    • The decline in the first days of the disease of the total amount of daytime diet is 15-50% of the physiological norm.
    • Providing the body with physiologically normal protein content when limiting fats, carbohydrates, salts and general calorie content of the diet.
    • Ensuring the gentry of the gastrointestinal bodies from mechanical / chemical stimuli.
    • Food should be diverse to taste and easily digestible, consumed in warm form (35-38 ° C), fractional (5-6 times / day).
    • Food is boiled, it is prepared for a couple and rubs off / purrices.
    • In the diet, low / lactose-free products are included, as well as fermented milk drinks enriched with bifido / lactobacteriums.

    Of particular importance is the correctly composed diet with a rotavirus infection in children.

    It is properly organized food of children with ORVIs is an essential condition for the easy course of the disease and rapid recovery. At the same time, inadequate nutrition and disruption of the drinking mode, as well as long-term dietary limitations may worsen the condition of the child. It is important not to forget that it is always necessary to strive for the diet that provides physiologically full nutrition, taking into account the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract and the age of the child.

    The volume and composition of dietary food are largely determined by the age of a child, heaviness general status, severity and type of diarrhea syndrome.

    As for the discharge in nutrition, then with light shapes in the first day of the beginning of treatment, the daily diet is reduced by 15-20% of the daily age norm, with an average of severe forms - by 20-30%, heavy by 30-50%. The difference in the amount of nutrition should be refunded due to the use of fluid. For breastfeeding, especially with pronounced diarrhea and the presence of frequent vomiting, we need a translation into dosage feeding with a mandatory 6-hour night interruption. If there is a positive dynamics, the volume of one-time feeding starting from the second day daily increases naml, and breaks between feeding are lengthened.

    However, already on the third - the fifth day of unloading the child's nutrition should be brought to the age norm. In children over three years, the downturn in nutrition on the first day is recommended to carry out kefir from the calculation every 4 hours. More than older children and adults in the first days appetite is practically absent. It is impossible to feed the child during this period. It is better to offer a non-fat chicken broth, quite strong unsweetened tea. In the acute period, rice porridge, prepared in liquid form on water without the addition of butter, salt and sugar, which has a fastening and enveloping effect.

    To reduce vomiting and normalize digestion food and drink, it is necessary to give fractionally small portions with a small interval. In order to prevent dehydration, it is necessary to offer the child a clean boiled water / saline for rehydration (recider). At the same time, children under 2 years old should consume fluid after each case of diarrhea, and older children are. After each case of vomiting after 10 minutes, the child needs to offer a drink that should be consumed slowly, small sips.

    At elevated temperature for children up to 3 years, the volume of free fluid is 150 ml / kg of body weight, and over 3 years old - 80 ml / kg. As a liquid, we can recommend fastening green tea and herbal tea based on chamomile, linden, sage, rosy rose, blueberry berries / raspberries, cutlery non-carbonated water, and dried fruit compote. To accelerate the absorption of the fluid, its temperature must be close to the body temperature.

    With pronounced dehydration and intoxication, hospitalization and reception of enterosorbents (smecta, polysorb), antiodeary drugs (probiofam, enterol, bifiform, bifissim) and drugs regulating water-electrolyte balance (Human electrolyte, recider) are necessary.

    For children who refuse to drink regiders, you can recommend a variant of the home water-volitional solution. Its composition (on 1 liters of boiled water) includes: soda salt (1 h. Spoon), soda (5 h. Spoons), sugar (3-4 h. Spoons) and 100 g of raisins. Preparation is extremely simple: raisins poured with water and boils for an hour, focusing pre-occurring berries. The remaining ingredients are added, 2 minutes are boiled on weak heat and cooled.

    In a sharp period of the disease from the diet, all products / dishes, stimulating intestinal peristalsis and contributing to the strengthening of rotting / fermentation processes in the intestine - in pure creamy and vegetable oil, raw vegetables, sour, sauerkraut, Radish, plums, pears.

    From the diet are excluded: bunch, wheat and pearfall, concentrated meat / fish broths, fatty meat and fish (goose, duck, pork, salmon), sausage, legumes, canned food, sweets, solid milk, black bread water. Also excluded fresh white bread, bump, pasta, onions, garlic, radishes, white cabbage, radish, cucumbers, cocoa, chocolate.

    Restrictions are superimposed until the normalization of the frequency and character of the stool. The salt content in the diet depends on the severity of diarrhea and fluid losses by the organism. With a small loss of fluid, the salt content in the diet can be limited to 8-10 g / day, and with pronounced dehydration, the use of salts should be increased in the daughter / day.

    In the acute period of the disease in the diet, fermented milk products (acidic mixtures, low-fat kefir), containing lacto / bifidobacteria, which improve the processes of digestion, stimulate the motor and secretory intestinal functions, improve the absorption of fat and salts of calcium, have a bactericidal effect relative to conditionally pathogenic microflora .

    For children, completely (nutrilon, tube, frisolac) and partially adapted children's mixtures (kid, vitalact) can be used, but preference must be given to probiotic medical and preventive products - bifikifir, lactofidus, biolact, acidolact, bifilact. The bifido / lactobacilli in their composition normalize the intestinal microbiocenosis, preventing the progression of dysbacteriosis, have an immunomodulatory effect, participate in digestion.

    In the presence of "ferot dyspepsia" and a pronounced meteorism in the diet, it is recommended to include low-column / lactose food or specialized children's mixtures with nucleotides (similac, frisolac, enfamil).

    Meals after reducing intoxication and improved appetite expands: the menu introduces the fish of non-fat varieties, meat (turkey, rabbit beef in the form of a boiler, meatballs), fresh wipe cottage cheese, steam oslet and egg yolk. Sugari from white bread, mucous cereal soups with a strained vermicelline on a non-confidential chicken broth, porridge (with the exception of pearl / millennium) on diluted water milk are allowed.

    Special significance in food children play products containing pectin, calcium and magnesium salts (vegetables and fruits - carrots, apples and bananas), cooked as mashed potatoes, which do not cause side effects and are easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract.

    Pectin binds the water in the lumen of the intestines well, and the colloidal mass generated by the intestine, adsorb unbelievable food residues, microorganisms and their livelihoods. In addition, under the influence of an acidic medium from the structure of pectin, calcium is cleaved by an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa. The bactericidal effect of the effect is the effect of organic acids contained in vegetables / fruits, as well as tanning properties with astringent effect and destructively acting on the pathogenic microflora. Apples are recommended to be given in baked. It is useful to include lemons and grenades in the diet, black currant, cherry, blueberries with astringent effects and their freshly prepared juices.

    The diet after rotavirus infection should continue at least 2-3 weeks after the end of the acute period, and with a heavy form - 2-3 months. Diet in children and adults with weakened digestive system After the rotavirus, for several months, there should be moderately gentle and eliminate aggressive products (oily and fried, smoked, confectionery, ice cream, marinades, acidic products, alcohol and carbonated drinks, products containing fiber / essential oils, strong broths, spices, onions , radishes, coffee, radish, chocolate). The reception of the pills of the vitamin and mineral complex is useful.


    Rotavirus infection (rotavirus gastroenteritis) in adults and children.

    Rotavirus infection in the child develops due to its infection with the same virus. Most often, Rotavirus is found in the earliest age category: from 6 months to 2 years. Therapeutic therapy and the success of the kid recovery are directly dependent on compliance with the proper composition and nutritional mode.

    Diet with Rotavirus: main purpose

    The diet that the doctor is appointed for the child during the disease and after it is designed:

    • significantly reduce the load on all digestive bodies;
    • prevent
    • reduce the temporary stage of recovery.

    It is the main method of treatment: because the rotavirus infection is not eliminated by any of the drugs.

    The main rules for the nutrition of children with rotavirus

    1. To normalize digestion and prevent vomiting, you need to adhere to fraction in nutrition: to eat tiny portions, but with a short time interval. Usually in the first day or two diseases of the appetite in patients.
    2. If the child does not want to eat, it is impossible to force it, feeding forcibly. Alternatively, you can offer permitted drinks (tea, jelly, decoction).
    3. In no case can not allow a minor dehydration of the children's body. In the diet there should be a lot of drink, which compensates for the loss of water and important mineral elements.
    4. Until normalizing the state of the patient, all products must be crushed, serving well, cook for a couple or bake, but without the formation of rough crust.
    5. It is necessary to exclude from the diet of the child all "dangerous" products that can provoke an increase in infection. The diet should be based on nutrition useful during this period.
    6. The common table can be translated by children only in a week or two after complete recovery.

    Prohibited products (for 1-2 weeks after infection with the virus)

    In the acute period of illness and throughout the stage of recovery, the diet requires the exception of such products:

    • milk (as an ideal nutrient medium for infection);
    • fatty varieties of cheese;
    • sugar, honey and any sweets;
    • black and rye bread, of any fresh bread and bass;
    • macaron and Vermicelli, Test products (dumplings, dumplings, mantle, dumplings, pancakes, etc.);
    • legumes (pea, lentils, beans);
    • raw vegetables, fruits (with the exception of banana) and berries;
    • quashen and marinated products;
    • welded and fat broths on meat, fish or mushrooms, borschy,
    • fatty meat, any sausage products;
    • fat, salted or smoked fish and canned food;
    • coarse croup - born, millet, corn and pearl;
    • mushrooms;
    • sala;
    • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • any cold drinks and food.

    Diet: Grocery Composition

    After the child rests appetite and the infection will begin to retreat, you can already offer him:

    • homemade crackers from white baton flesh;
    • drying, gallery cookies;
    • rice, buckwheat, manna, a little later - oatmeal on water (using oil or sugar);
    • skipped maximum broths (vegetable, secondary on meat or fish);
    • soups with carefully ruled crops and vegetables;
    • steam omelet or egg skeyka (but not more than 1 eggs per day);
    • steam meat or fish soufflings, meatballs, beds and cutlets (from meat - chicken, turkey, from fish - Heck, Minttai, cod);
    • baked in the oven apples (non-acid);
    • puree from boiled carrots and potatoes (without oil and milk);
    • pumpkin and zucchini puree - boiled and slightly salted (if there is no liquid stool);
    • wipe fresh cottage cheese (for 3-4 days);
    • acidoophilic products such as acidofiline, activati, lactobacillin, bifidock, etc. (for 3-4 days).

    During the treatment of rotavirus, it is very important to prevent dehydration of the children's body. Therefore, half of all the diet will be liquid. The infection is well washed away not only by mineral water without gases, but also prepared at home beverages, teas, decoctions, jellys, etc.

    You need to drink often, but in a little bit. In the most peak (for the first few days), a solution of water and a regider will be the perfect drink. Due to the specificity of the taste of the drink, not all children agree to it. You can try to prepare such a home recipe solution. He is simple:

    - 1 liter of warm water,

    - 1 Cain. Salt,

    - 0.5 chain. Supply soda,

    - 2 Core. Sukhara,

    - 100 gr. Raisa.

    The sophisticated raisins is poured with water and boil around an hour. Well cooled decoction is filtered, the other ingredients add to it and boil on a small fire for a couple more minutes. Sometimes tea or chamomile tea is added to such a domestic drink.

    You can independently cook for children:

    • unsweetened compotes (from dried berries and fruits);
    • kisseli (from any home jam with corn starch and water);
    • carrot-apple juice (boiled ingredients are laid or crushed by a blender and diluted to a liquid state with warm boiled water with the addition of a small amount of sugar);
    • rice decoction;
    • weakly brewed tea;
    • ramars from chamomile, mint, rosehip.

    If your baby is infants

    For the disease of the child of the chest, which is on feeding with maternal milk, in no case take it away from the chest. Mamino Milk consists of all the nutritious elements necessary for crumbs and immunoglobulins, which are best help to defeat Rotavirus.

    During the exacerbation of the disease, it is impossible to introduce additional lures. If the baby eats artificial mixtures, it is temporarily transferred to the silent cereal and lactose mixtures.

    The diet for each child will be special: because kids often do not eat any products in general or just because of the young age are not yet able to perceive some food. Parents must independently develop a menu for a child during its illness and immediately after it. The basis for them will serve rules for food, prohibited and allowed products and drinks and, of course, the taste preferences of the kid himself. Only so Rotavirus infection can be destroyed.

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