Is it worth it to turn to fortune-tellers. How often can you turn to a psychologist for an explanation of difficult situations? The right to choose a hospital

(called non-traditional) medicine, which in modern terms are called "manual therapy", "osteopathy", "chiropractic", different kinds massage, all kinds of independent exercises ...

If the manipulation of the chiropractor is carried out according to all the rules of the Art, it cannot harm the patient. © Hippocrates.

The bottom line is that the spine is the main "supporting structure" of the human body, it is also the "main energy highway" of the body, and any disturbances in this system will not slow down to affect the well-being, mood and health of a person.

Kostopravstvo is a set of methods for correcting ailments, and to a greater extent designed to prevent the very "falling" into an unhealthy state, is based on the fact that any malfunctions in the ridge always lead to corresponding malfunctions in the body. Themselves these "problems" may consist in the displacement of the vertebral discs, in which there are "clamps" of the nerve fibers passing there, in the violation of the normal mobility of individual vertebrae (weakened, or vice versa "looseness"), up to a strong deposition of salts in places with limited mobility. All this is accompanied by uneven muscular load on individual "intervertebral" muscles, which affects posture, spoils gait, reduces growth ... which in turn gives a large number of accumulating complications, inconveniences "creates the basis" for deteriorating health.

Not only obvious bone pains are associated with the ridge (like "back aches", "neck hurts" or "leg does not walk") different internal organs, and symptoms of a variety of diseases, including "nervous" diseases, may appear even before organic (and noticeable to the doctor) changes appear in the "sick" organs. That is, something already hurts, worries, but in fact is not sick yet ... this is where the help of the chiropractor will be most effective. Such a "new disease" as allergies, as well as other problems associated with malfunctions of the immune system, are also directly related to the state of the spine.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to meet a person on the street who has everything in order: minimum- there are only noticeable chiropractor changes, and usually- there are scoliosis known to the "owner", and other "illnesses" that modern medicine abhor. She does not pay them any effective attention, and these curvatures with diseases "attached" to them, which are treated with pills, injections, or surgically. However, pills alone, "warming up" the jumped out vertebra cannot be returned to its proper place, and the process of creating the disease continues quietly ... but by actively tidying up the back, you can remove headaches, back pain, even fight such things as allergies, decreased performance immune system, heart and brain problems.


Modern medicine does not deny the disease of any kidney with malfunctions in the corresponding part of the spine - there are corresponding terms, such as "radicular syndrome", denoting problems with nerve endings, restrained in the ridge and "reaching" the same kidneys, sending "wrong" signals to them ... To put it simply, the "control system" of the same kidneys somehow passes through the spine, and if due to malfunctions in the ridge this "communication channel" ceases to function normally, then the effect of a "damaged telephone" is obtained. By restoring the connection, the "control system" is also restored, and the remaining viable protective and self-regulatory systems of the body can already work effectively ... nevertheless, modern medicine does not recognize the possibility of treating diseases by correcting the problems of the musculoskeletal system.

The chiropractor does not treat the disease "symptomatically" (eliminating the symptoms of the disease) - it eliminates the cause and effect of the disease inherent in the spine. There is Feedback- malfunctions in the organs themselves lead to characteristic displacements in the corresponding parts of the spine, and disagreements in the ridge initiate all kinds of diseases. So chiropractic is effective in both cases.

but chiropractic in general, it is not limited to work only on the spine (this is within the competence of chiropractic), because the spine itself is bent due to, for example, a leg injury - a person subconsciously begins to “protect” the once injured leg out of habit, transferring the load to the second. At the same time, the position of the pelvis changes, and the load on the entire spine is redistributed - it is bent, "twisted by a screw", and from an asymmetric muscular load on individual vertebrae, their independent displacement begins.

How is the amendment made?

The spine is straightened by physical manipulations with the patient's body, this can be an effect on individual vertebrae, or on entire parts of the spine. As a rule, no mechanical devices or tools are used - the entire "toolkit" of the chiropractor is reduced to his hands, fingers, some kind of couch (or mat), chair or stool.

There is no point in describing the process itself, since everyone has their own personal experience, "techniques", preferences, and also depends on the "overall dimensions" of the patient and the chiropractor ...

During manipulations, the patient is required to relax the indicated muscle groups as much as possible, not hold his breath, not helped but also not obstructed manipulations of the chiropractor. The most favorable moment for conducting a "session" is when the patient is in his "comfortable" state, that is, not in a state of nervous tension, not in a state of exhaustion and fatigue - the best of all is a state of "reduced muscle tone", which is natural conditions occurs in a state of "light alcoholic intoxication" or recently waking up smoothly.

After the manipulations, it is required that the patient does not catch a cold on his back (does not sit in a draft), and does a dose load on the muscles of the back (ie, does not “relax”). Often the chiropractor recommends doing certain exercises at home, and they should be performed as far as possible. Another thing is to monitor your posture, that is out of habit do not return to habitual wrong poses.

How often can a chiropractor be contacted?

Of course, one should not get carried away. But this in no way means that you have to endure pain when there are tangible problems from any unusual loads or other sudden circumstances! Here you need to either run right away, or, if the moment is missed and inflammatory processes in the muscles and ligaments have begun, weaken these symptoms with "lotions and poultices" (drugs, in short) and go to be repaired after about three days.

There are also established time intervals, which are recommended to be observed between "sessions", necessary for the body to have time to rebuild on correct mode without much stress and unnecessary stress.

When there is an intensive process of correction - this interval is not less than a week, when the straightening is "regular" - it takes two weeks of exposure, and independent exercises.

Who needs the services of a chiropractor?

Not to mention those to whom it is already clear that not everything is in order with the ridge (for those suffering from curvature of the spine, experiencing pain in the back, in the lower back, persons with improper posture, lumbago, sciatica, etc.), not so obvious options should be outlined, where the help of the chiropractor will have a very noticeable positive effect:

    All women who have given birth, as a rule, have very significant negative changes in the lower back. In the process of carrying a child, the center of gravity of the body is shifted, which leads to a redistribution of the load on the vertebrae. Further, fiddling with the baby (lift-lower this weight, and all-bend) also greatly overloads the back, which in the existing reality inevitably leads to displacement of the vertebrae.

    Everyone who is forced to "shake in transport" for a long time (both drivers and passengers) - an uncomfortable posture, vibration, heaviness in the hands, on the shoulder - all together lead to very sad consequences for the ridge.

    "Sedentary" workers - it is understandable, after sitting hunched over the table, "with a creak" you straighten back.

    Separately, "those who sit at the keyboard for a long time and" poke at the buttons. " There is a whole range of negative factors, including the notorious "radiation" and "tunnel syndrome".

    "Gardeners" who either dig a lot, twisting their backs, pick upside down in the beds, carry weights in their hands.

    Users of myo-stimulants and some types of "figure-improving" simulators - there is an unbalanced "pumping" of muscles, which themselves are able to push the vertebrae and other bones out of their place. Myo-stimulants are a separate problem altogether ... In short, muscles learn to respond to external electrical impulses to such an extent that they are "too lazy" to recognize impulses from their own body.

    Bodybuilders (in common parlance - "pitching"), who are engaged with "iron" for a long time, athletes "siloviks" - they usually have certain problems in the spine.

In addition, it makes sense to consult a chiropractor for those who have "something hurts, but doctors find nothing." It happens that the heart, the kidney completely frankly hurts ... but no disease that would explain the presence of these pains is found. This also includes those suffering from migraine-type headaches, poorly relieved pain pills. All this is very often connected only with spinal problems.

Almost everyone who has reached the age of 30–35 is recommended at least to appear as a chiropractor, so that by the age of 50 he does not have widely known and very common health problems. (see article about)

Are bone-setting manipulations painful?

As a rule (with a good chiropractor), in comparison with the torment from malfunctions, "it's nothing at all" ... It's really scary - BONES CRACK !!! - so it seems to the patient out of habit. In fact, the bones do not crunch, this sound, and the sensations are similar to how some themselves like to "crunch their fingers", and in subsequent sessions all this fear disappears.

However, there are also quite painful procedures associated with the correction of serious disorders - for example, the straightening of a strong chronic scoliosis, chronic joint dislocation ... but here at least you know what you endure for.

One more thing - usually after the session, muscle pains appear in those parts of the back where something has been corrected. It is natural, some muscle groups began to work, strain, and hurt just like the muscles feel after an intense workout. Other muscles, on the contrary, got rid of the constant exorbitant load, and here the effect works similar to how the "leg sat", straightened, and a mass of pre unpleasant sensations... All these effects go away quickly by themselves, but you can speed up the removal of unpleasant sensations by local massage, or simply "working" with painful muscles, stretching in every possible way and straining individual muscle groups. The only thing that is highly discouraged in such situations is to fall into bed and wait for it to pass, imagining oneself sick and weak.

What are the contraindications?

There are contraindications, for example, osteoporosis, bone sarcoma, bone tuberculosis and all other set of organic diseases that lead to the loss of bone strength. Also, the chiropractor should not get involved with convinced vegetarians.

Also, you should be extremely careful with the lower part of the spine on later dates pregnancy, in cases of mechanical damage to the spine ... that is, all injuries, fractures, suspicions of significant diseases in this matter should always be warned by the bone setter.

Also, in no case should you turn to a chiropractor, paranoid people, persons convinced of the "anti-scientific" of this method, persons suffering from suspiciousness (who fearfully listen to every movement in their body or see the intrigues of the Antichrist in everything)! You can't! - they are better. And those who are not allowed by faith -.

Is it possible to "self-medicate"

As the saying goes “not mona, but nuna!”, Because this is the only way to keep your spine in working order, without having to go regularly about every occasion to the chiropractors and “manual workers”. There is a wild delusion, expressed, for example, in the phrase "and I FIXED ALL BACK half a year ago!" It may have been fixed, but in half a year without independent or "external" support for the desired state, everything has probably already moved back ... or not everything, but something has definitely moved out.

Now the question as get better yourself? ... but here it is more difficult - there are no problems, or there are almost no problems with self-correction only for the one whose backbone has already been brought into an active, "working" state. There is not only at once the slightest "kick" of any vertebra is felt, but the back muscles are also able to clearly obey their owner in order to correct the problem "on the spot." However, having successfully completed the necessary course of manipulation of the chiropractor, the patient usually receives an exhaustive set of instructions, exercises and "tricky tricks" that you can help yourself with in case of disorder. However, not all these exercises will give a result at once - they must be "felt" in order for them to become effective, but nevertheless, until such a skill has been developed, the recommendations should be followed to one degree or another "formally".

It is very important to learn all this, since at least a little, but during the day under the influence of certain unusual loads, various small displacements of the vertebrae occur, and it is advisable to keep the ridge in the correct state for as long as possible. Then, in the end, the muscular apparatus of the back will "tune" and will be able to easily withstand those loads that were extreme in the "usually broken" state.

The effects of chiropractic

In "mild" cases, the positive effect of the manipulation is felt literally right away - the pain goes away, "the head brightens", the allergy disappears, a surge of energy is felt, the mood improves and so on ... this first impression from visiting a competent chiropractor. There are other interesting effects, for example, as a rule, an increase in height is manifested, breathing is easier, and greater freedom of movement appears. Often, an attack of allergy immediately stops immediately (if there was one), sleep improves, and fatigue decreases.

When successful passage the necessary course of therapy (following the recommendations and studying the methods of self-correction), there are big changes in the entire appearance of the patient - the gait changes, the posture is straightened, many health problems that have already become habitual disappear ... a person, perhaps even for the first time in his life, learns to control his body. For example, it stops slipping on the ice, if it falls, it is not in a traumatic way, it stops dislocating the ankles falling off the heels, and so on. All this, in turn, is very important for how the future life will turn out - as far as you feel, so much you live.

Are "exercise" ways good?

Recently we have heard about "vibro-stretching of the spine", electrical stimulation of various muscle groups, about various "modern scientific methods»The good old chiropractors ... Well, maybe somewhere this is good, but in practice you often have to correct the consequences of using such methods. True, from the standpoint of correcting such an impression, it is understandable - those who have “fixed everything” will not seek salvation somewhere else. However, it can be argued with complete certainty that no "hardware" can work as accurately as a living creature, and an integrated approach is quite applicable, when therapy is carried out not only with pieces of iron, but they are applied within a holistic course.

Electromyostimulants deserve a separate discussion - everything is quite sad here ... The principle of operation of such devices is based on the "substitution" of electrical signals from the body that make muscles work with signals from a device that imitates these impulses. It turns out the following - the device generates almost "ideal" in shape, and rather powerful in strength signals, against the background of which their own "native" impulses seem almost noise. As a result, it is actually violated normal the work of the muscular apparatus, and the normal response to signals sent by the nervous system. In addition, after intense stress on the muscles created by devices (which actually forces the muscles to "convulse"), in a real situation, these same muscles are not loaded, and without regular repetition of the procedure, they begin to quickly lose their tone. There are other specific negative factors, such as the established frequency of forced contractions - it, as a rule, is much higher than the natural short term"), And such frequencies are already akin to the same" transport vibrations "from which" the ridge falls into the pants. "

How often can you refer to the book

It depends on what you want to get.

If a specific recommendation, an answer to a question, fulfillment of a desire, help in improving your financial situation, then, having turned to the book once, you must follow the recommendations until the desired result appears for you. As a rule, this takes from three days to one month. All this time, do not go to the oracle. An exception is if you feel that something has gone wrong the way you want it. Then contact the oracle again, and follow the new recommendations.

If you turn to the book in order to establish a connection with the Higher Forces, to receive help and new opportunities from them in any life situations, to open a white line in life (I repeat once again that communication with the book improves life in general, brings good luck and happiness) - you can refer to the book every day, but not more often than once a day.

This is an important rule, please note: the entire ritual, starting with ablution, can be performed only once a day, in the morning or in the evening. If you have already done this in the morning, do not pick up the book until the next morning. These are the instructions of the angels, and this is due to the fact that with more frequent access to the book, your mood gets lost and you begin to receive incorrect answers.

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From the book Not for Happiness for the Sake of [A Guide to the So-Called Preliminary Practices of Tibetan Buddhism] the author Khyentse Dzongsar Jamyang The future is a fragile, unclear and uncertain thing. Any action in the present potentially changes everything. That is why it is so dangerous to handle or.

First, there is no objective evidence of superpowers. Even if we assume that such abilities may exist, their presence cannot be verified. Often, most of the known "miracles" turn out to be well-rehearsed tricks. Accordingly, there is an extremely great chance to get to an irresponsible charlatan who will report ten "celibacy crowns" and evil eyes, ask for a lot of money for their removal, spoil your mood, and as a result nothing will change.

Secondly, the visit to fortune-tellers has been ordered for believers. This is considered an appeal to the dark forces, which means it is.
If you have recently turned to, consider whether it is worth going, given that the priests condemn this practice.

If you do decide to go to a fortune teller, do not take too much money with you. This way you will be less tempted to buy yourself some powerful trinket.

Thirdly, and this is very important point, "Information" about the future can program you. Perhaps you will subconsciously begin to perform actions that will lead you precisely to the “predicted future”. And it's good if you were predicted something positive and pleasant, but if the fortune-teller told you terrible things, and your subconscious mind perceived them as a signal for action?

Of course, a positive outlook can be very helpful. People ask them to tell fortunes to hear something good. Often, a good fortune-teller psychologist can advise something important and meaningful. But, even if you decide to go to such a specialist, you should not do it with regular practice. Regular monthly forecasts will make you addicted to a fortune teller, which will lead to nothing good.

Where to go for future programming?

It is in self-programming that the most danger lies. Often, fortune-tellers-psychologists arrange all these impressive rituals, such as peering into a crystal ball or fortune-telling on cards, to put the client in a state suitable for self-programming.
Most of the "fortune-telling" is built on physiognomy and subtle knowledge of human psychology. Various techniques such as neuro-linguistic programming simplify the fortuneteller's work.

Then their predictions seem to begin to come true, the client comes to them several more times, bringing good money. Charlatans use this very technique to convince a person that there is a lot of negativity in his future, which can be got rid of by buying himself some unique talisman. A person buys such a trinket for a lot of money, subconsciously "puts a tick" in the subconscious and waits for the amulet to work.

Hello! Please tell me how to understand my mother: the fact is that I recently started going to a psychologist (in order to work out my injuries), but besides this, I often correspond with Irina Grigorievna (psychologist) by mail, especially if there are some questions. Moreover, sometimes I ask her for clarifications in some difficult life situations. But, according to my mother, this is wrong. Rather, my mother constantly says that because of any nonsense there is no need to go to a psychologist. All household issues can be solved together. And a psychologist should be treated only as a last resort. How can mom understand?

Psychologist theSolution's answer:

The frequency of contacting a psychologist depends on the goal that you set for yourself and for a specialist.

The goals of contacting a psychologist may be as follows:

  • work through the traumatic experience of the past,
  • solve a family conflict,
  • resolve a conflict at work (learn how to behave correctly in situations of intrigue)
  • prepare for partnerships in your personal life
  • develop your personality for a career or business

The frequency and duration of work with a psychologist will be different when solving such problems.

While you have little life experience, you may be more likely to face situations that require clarification. At the first stage, when you are vulnerable and need knowledge and support, the psychologist works with you more often. You can see a psychologist three to five times a week. Then, as you become stronger and more experienced, the psychologist works with you less often - two to three times a week. When you learn the basic psychological laws and principles, you can work with a psychologist once a week. When the main problems are resolved, you will be able to rely on your strength and turn to a psychologist from time to time. For example, in a situation of intrigue at work.

You, however, like your mother, can turn to a psychologist for explanations of situations as many times as you need to solve current problems.

The most important thing is to understand that a psychologist is a hired specialist, not a family member. The task of the psychologist is to use the methods of psychology to explain to you how you can improve your life and harmonize your relationships. In this case, the psychologist must work professionally. That is, to provide assistance and at the same time not to cross the border at which he becomes a "savior". You shouldn't be emotionally dependent on the specialist. When analyzing the quality of a psychologist's work, it is important to take into account three criteria of professionalism.

Three criteria for the professional work of a psychologist.

The psychologist works with you correctly if you become sincere. This means that you are showing the feelings that you are actually experiencing. It is important not to forget that sincerity always goes hand in hand with tact and delicacy. Sincerity is never cruel.

The psychologist works with you correctly if you become capable of warm emotional relationships with loved ones. This means that you stop suppressing anger and irritation, suppressing conflicts, or vice versa, shouting or humiliating each other. Solve contradictions in a calm manner, learn to understand each other's feelings. And gradually, step by step, build a genuine relationship in which everyone is good.

How often can I apply to Employment Centers for benefits?
How many times can you get unemployment benefits in general?
How often can I reapply for unemployment benefits?
Is there a limit on the number of total periods of unemployment benefit payments?

I could not find an answer to these questions anywhere. Here is what is spelled out in the law on employment of the population:

4. Each period of payment of unemployment benefits may not exceed 12 months in total for 18 months, except for the cases provided for by this Law.
For citizens who are looking for a job for the first time (who have not previously worked); those seeking to resume their labor activity after a long (more than one year) break; dismissed for violation of labor discipline or other culpable actions provided for by law Russian Federation; dismissed for any reason within the 12 months preceding the onset of unemployment and who had paid work during this period for less than 26 weeks, as well as for citizens sent by the employment service for training and expelled for guilty actions, each period of payment of unemployment benefits may not exceed six months cumulatively over a period of 12 months. At the same time, the total period of payment of unemployment benefits for these categories of citizens cannot exceed 12 months in aggregate terms within 18 months.

Ie 12 months and after 6 months can you again? Etc?

5. Unemployed citizens who have not been employed after the expiration of the first period of payment of unemployment benefits have the right to re-receive unemployment benefits, unless otherwise provided by this Law.
The total period of payment of unemployment benefits to a citizen cannot exceed 24 months in total for 36 months.

Ie 2 years and a year later you can again? Etc? Or not?

Here's what I managed to dig up on this issue:

Order of the LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT Committee of 12.08.99 N 138 on MAKING CHANGES AND ADDITIONS in the ORDER OF WORK OF THE TERRITORIAL LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT BODIES OF MOSCOW (RECEPTION, REGISTRATION OF CITIZENS, SOCIAL GUARANTEES OF 02/01) By; Upon expiration of the six-month period of non-receipt of unemployment benefits, the payment of unemployment benefits shall be resumed in the amount of the minimum wage.

8.1.10. After a 12-, 18-, 36-month period of unemployment, an unemployed citizen acquires the right to re-receive unemployment benefits in the amount of the minimum wage in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 31 of the Law.

At the same time, the duration of the new period for the payment of unemployment benefits should not exceed 6, 12 months in total for 12, 18 calendar months. (Clause 8.1.10 as amended by order of the Labor and Employment Committee of 05.04.2000 N 117)

The total period for the payment of unemployment benefits to a citizen cannot exceed 24 calendar months in total for 36 calendar months (12 months benefit payment, 6 months break (in this period, they can provide a small math.assistance upon application, this is about 800 rubles per month, only two directions), 12 months payment of benefits, 6 months break, provided that the citizen was not removed from the register of unemployed).

In Moscow, they still give 850 rubles to the Luzhkovskaya allowance and 1275 rubles for travel. It turns out 2995 rubles. (They promise to eliminate all this soon, according to the new law, the period for payment of benefits will not exceed six months within two years, or something like that.)

In the second term of payment of benefits (as in all subsequent ones), you must again receive two refusals from work of your own free will in order to lose it. Cancellations received in previous periods are not cumulative.

After 24 months in Moscow, they are asked to write an application for deregistration. With the wording for family reasons. You can get up for the next term in a month.

The law allows you to stand without deregistration, but this seems to be some kind of departmental order. Besides, there is still one more legal subtlety. In order for the next period to enter the experience, you need to work in the interval at least one day. And officially, of course.

Quote: "The periods provided for in paragraph 1 of this article are counted in the insurance experience if they were preceded and (or) followed by periods of work and (or) other activities (regardless of their duration) specified in article 10 of this Federal law. "

If you received 2 refusals to work of your own free will, then the payment of benefits is suspended for 2 weeks, or a month. It is possible that this will delete the subsequent experience from the records in the PRF. But I cannot say for sure. We need to check.

However, you should not chase the experience. Under the new pension legislation, points are much more important. If you have 15 years of experience (including standing on the stock exchange, that is, the period of receiving benefits in the employment service), and about 500,000 rubles on the account in the pension fund (this is the cherished 30 points), then you can not twitch. Seniority from the employment service will not add a single penny to your pension.

Even in the case of deregistration at the employment service, you can still receive information about vacancies.

Study (retraining) is courses of 2-4 months, every day for 6-8 hours (depending on the profession). The scholarship is about 3000 rubles (at least in Moscow).

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