Astrology is a mutable cross. Crosses and quadrants in the natal chart. What is the difference from the elements

This is a type of activity.

Cardinal Cross - Beginner.

(The season is just beginning). He has a starting point, a desire to start, is aimed at the future. This is the cross of creation!

The signs of the cardinal cross: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, if you look at the cosmogram. In the natal chart with the inclusion of houses, other signs of the zodiac may fall out on the corresponding zones. Despite this, the characteristics of the cross will remain, it will simply be necessary to synthesize signs with the type of a cross that have fallen into the zones.

Cardinal, translated from Latin, means "chief". This cross always resolves status issues. “Who is in charge? Me or them? What is more important: family or work? "
A conflict between the personal and the public is born in it, which leads to the development of personality and teaches the ability to accept and reckon with other people, with their rights, with their opinions.

Cardinals (people who have many planets in cardinal signs) are active, confident, ambitious. They clearly see their path, know how to believe themselves, do not need external stimuli.

Cardinals are happy to start, but this does not mean that they will be able to develop and finish what they started. They have a problem with perseverance and patience.

In order for the begun to be brought to some kind of result, the support of a fixed cross is needed.

Fixed cross as the middle of the season, its balance.

It's not the beginning.
Already nature, people, animals have changed, and it seems that it will always be so, that the end of the season is still far away. It seems that you need to endure the changes that have taken place for a long time.

That is why the fixed cross is so patient and stubborn. He loves stability, reliability, immutability. He will endure to the end and will rebuff anyone who encroaches on the established way of life.

Fixed cross signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

This cross accumulates strength and resources.
This is the accumulator of the energy that goes into this moment in excess.
He is like a gardener who makes preparations for future use. And it is very economical in the consumption of the energy that is in short supply.
It is in this cross that energy is distributed not only on a personal, but also on a universal scale. How many? To whom? What to allocate for?

When desires ascend and manifest, they are transferred from the cardinal cross (expressed and formed intention or need) to the fixed cross.
The personal bank of energy is connected with the world and universal, where energy exists in the form of communicating vessels.
Therefore, one of the main energetic laws sounds like this: "If you have arrived somewhere, then you have lost somewhere." This law maintains the energy balance of the Universe from the moment of its formation and has to be reckoned with.

The film "The Gift" tells the story of a doctor who was able to heal the sick with one touch. He began to use his gift for good purposes and disinterestedly helped the suffering. But he could not help his loved ones. The more he helped others, the more his loved ones got sick and died.
This film is about the fixed cross, energy and its balance.

When someone is born in the world, at that very moment someone leaves.
When someone leaves the family, then in the near future someone is born in the family system.
The family system is too big for us to be sure, but sometimes such coincidences happen with such close relatives that it becomes obvious.

An ebb tide needs an ebb tide, and an inhalation needs an exhalation. Despite the simplicity of this process, it is extremely difficult for people to accept the second component.
The instincts of self-preservation and reproduction begin to be fully realized in a fixed cross and are so strong that with their desire to receive, insist on their own, defend, preserve their own, a person stops the natural rhythm of the movement of energy in his life or reduces it to a minimum, and then complains about problems of lack of strength, money and lack of love. Fixed people are ready to hold on to what needs to be released to the last. Sometimes it comes to obsession and sad consequences.

Therefore, in any religion or philosophical doctrine it is written about the power of forgiveness. Letting go, forgiving, cleansing, giving what is needed is the medicine for the fixed cross.
Otherwise, the energy gets stuck. The channel transmitting it is narrowing. Fears arise and, as a result, illness or misfortune.

The fixed cross is associated with the past. He absorbs mistakes and learns from them.
Is the person of the fixed cross ready for change? Yes, if only he wants to. But very often, the predominance of the planets in this cross prevents a person from achieving more because of his dislike of change.

If you are solving issues related to money, relationships, children, then you are solving issues of the fixed cross.

Mutable Cross - End of the Season.

The changes are already obvious, but the transition is not complete.

Mutable signs such as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces understand that the world does not stand still. You need to be flexible and keep up with the current day, as everything changes too quickly.
Their main and powerful weapon is information, so this cross can be called informational.
What? Where? Where?

This cross is easily and deftly controlled with thoughts, words, books.
People of this cross can quickly switch from one to another, scatter, but at the same time manage not to lose the necessary thought and not let go of the matter.

Mutability is strong erudition, sharp-tongued, intellectually savvy.
"The main thing is to know and be ready for everything."

Here lies a lesson for people with an active mutable cross: knowledge must be converted into a category personal experience... You don't need to save up tips for every day. Better to pick one and try it right away.

Due to great doubts and constant mental self-examination, mutable signs delay the moment and for a long time do not dare to cross the line of cardinality.

The painful problems of this cross are: lying to oneself and others, deceptions of fantasies, illusions, freezing in attempts to find answers to all questions, lack of spirituality, or vice versa, excessive reliance on Higher powers.

The quadrants are like the 4 seasons.

These are the cycles of personality development, its maturation. They can show which stage will be the most important for the personality and in which period of life the main situations for its development will be laid.

Quadrant 1 is the lower left quarter of the map.

Has yang (masculine) energy. Symbolic morning, spring, childhood. Aries, Taurus, Gemini.

Age under 21 is considered to be in this quadrant.

Here a very strong role is played by the programs that were laid down in early childhood: the moment of birth, were they expecting or not expecting a child, what kind of relationship was between the parents, the situation in the family as a whole, did the mother breastfeed, did the child receive enough affection and attention, Did they study with him, how he got to know the world, how he got his first life experience, etc.

Quadrant 1 does what it wants. This is the behavior of a child: infantile, immature. A very self-centered zone.
There is a development of their "I".
Understanding, self-control, empathy in this quadrant are developed minimally or none at all.
The child wants to be loved for who he is, to take into account his desires and needs and to react quickly to them.
This is also the 1st quadrant. Acts quickly, often instinctively, in their own interests. Objectivity, maturity, rejection of the personal are absent.

When a person has 1 square crammed with planets, we have a big child who has all the problems (if any) in early childhood and, most likely, he will not be able to remember or voice them. Unless under hypnosis. Especially if personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars) got into this quadrant.
This area of ​​the map is being worked out through work with the unconscious. Targeted attention to birth, early childhood and everything that could be happening at that moment.
But the person himself must take a more responsible attitude towards himself, try to develop a more mature outlook on his life, to find a certain inner core on which to rely.
People in the 1st quadrant need a teacher and mentor from early childhood. A parent is needed and a person must become such a parent for himself.

2 square - bottom right quarter of the card.

A symbolic day, summer, youth.
It is difficult to name the exact age corresponding to this quadrant. In the classic version, it is determined by the age of approximately 20 to 40 years. But, again, this is very arbitrary.
It comes into force when a person begins to grow up, to understand something, to learn something. He can already control himself, his primary states and emotions.
This square is controlled by Yin, female energy, which means that the quadrant shows more flexibility, tact, and knows how to adapt to circumstances.
People with such a quadrant want to learn how to adapt to their immediate environment and are looking for this The best way... They are full of desires and bold hopes to surround themselves with a cozy nest, which would not contradict the further development of his personal "I", but only helped and strengthened him.

If in the first quadrant the formation of one's own "I" takes place, then the second begins to introduce its "I" into relations with others. A person begins to need external evaluation and approval.

For this quadrant, family and family traditions are of great value. Learning to build relationships with loved ones is the first lesson for the 2nd quadrant. Then, the experience moves on to romantic relationships, intimacy and relationships with their own children. The final stage is the ability to build relationships in a team, the ability to be in a subordinate position, the ability to serve and take care of yourself and others, the ability to organize your life so as to be as healthy and effective as possible.
The world very quickly reflects and reacts to the behaviors of the second quadrant. Selfishness, perseverance, perseverance and other similar manifestations are not welcome here, and will act destructively.
As soon as a person changes, becomes softer, compliant, receptive, understanding, ready to be on the sidelines, ready to fulfill his duty and take on obligations, the situation begins to improve dramatically.

Children with a completed second square should be fully developed so that they can find and realize their creative potential. But also, it is important for them to learn how to work in a team, in a team, under the leadership.

People in this quadrant are able to maintain optimism and be young at heart until old age. Their the best quality in the fact that they want to achieve mastery and be the best in some business, be it a family or a profession.

Quadrant 3 is the upper right quarter of the map.

Symbolizes evening, maturity, autumn.
The Jansky quadrant with male energy.

If most of the planets, especially personal ones, fell into this quarter of the horoscope, then we have a very mature and reasonable personality.
Major life events occur around 40 to 60 years of age.

A personality formed in the 1st quadrant, having learned to build relationships in the 2nd, strives to take a visible place in society and play a noticeable role in it. This is the quadrant of self-affirmation, popularity and social activity.

A person in this quadrant very adequately begins to fit himself into society.
This quadrant corresponds to signs in which a partner is sought not only for marriage, but also to enhance personal influence (Libra), the birth and development of one's own business (Scorpio), a revision of personal values, the desire to receive or pass on life experience (Sagittarius).

Such people very early determine their path, consciously and very thoughtful about their life. They have the ability to think sensibly, reason, perform balanced actions and form a system of values ​​early.
Despite the fact that the quadrant defines masculine energy, here a person learns to negotiate and make compromises, does not lose personal positions. He listens and absorbs others, but at the same time strengthens himself and his qualities, bringing to perfection the skills of communication and diplomacy. He understands how important it is to be in a team, but at the same time to be in charge. Only common efforts can lead to the fact that the actions of one person affect society as a whole.

4 square is the upper left quarter of the card.

Night, winter, old age.
From about 60 years old onwards.

With the fourth quadrant filled in, children are born like little sages. They go to the desired goals for a long time, tk. their map requires a lot of spiritual experience that comes only with maturity.

From childhood, they can show pessimism and despondency, so they should be brought up from the position of an optimist. Let them play, go in for sports, be creative, rejoice, be able to look for positive moments in every day. Growing up early is not often beneficial.
Everything has its time.

The fourth quadrant is associated with large, deep, massive social and political phenomena, power, spirituality, universal ideas, social movement.

People with an active 4 square do not put pressure on others, do not try to break through society in a desire to achieve their goals. Here there is an objective assessment of oneself and an understanding of one's role in the sea of ​​the collective unconscious.

People in the fourth quadrant are passionate about the idea of ​​a happy future. They are willing to sacrifice their personal for the greater good. They understand how important it is for each person to think not only about their own benefit, but also act disinterestedly for the benefit of their friends, team, team, Motherland, humanity.
The 4th quadrant forms in people a desire to strive for more than personal life, comfort and pleasure. These people define their goals by influencing the physical and more subtle, non-material worlds.
In this quadrant there are miracles and people with unusual abilities, as in the film by Pavel Lungin "The Island", who cannot be seduced by money or power.
If they begin to live in passions, cultivating greed, their personality is erased by 4 square meters and, at best, they quietly live out their days in loneliness, obscurity and lack of spirituality.

The 4th quadrant is designed for a person to develop personally and improve their will, making a quantum leap to complete spiritual tasks.

In general, there are a large number of opportunities to realize the 4th quadrant: it is worthwhile to engage in public political activity, make a career in the state apparatus, join some informal organization, actively engage in charity work and volunteering, etc.

If personal planets, especially the Sun or the Moon, fall into the 4th quadrant, it is important for a person to give part of himself to the world free of charge, i.e. for nothing. 🙂
If there are collective planets in the 4th quadrant, such as Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Chiron, then it will be more harmonious for a person.

In our Everyday life we have to play many different roles every day. And often, when we are in any relationship, the role assumed dictates to us the rules of our behavior. It turns out a kind of paradox: we want to fully express ourselves, our “I”, but we are constantly forced to spend a lot of energy on the implementation of only some of its parts. But mWe will be able to better fulfill our potential if we understand how we differ from our friends or other people with whom life confronts us. What is the leading type of behavior inherent in us and the people who surround us.

So, let's try to explain one of the reasons for our dissimilarity with the help of astrology. If the astrological concept of the elements gives us an idea of ​​the nature of the signs of the Zodiac, then the squares of qualities allow us to understand the manifestation of these characters in action. There are three phases of any action: beginning (initiative), development (continuation of what was begun) and transformation), a change in strategy and tactics, when the action in its development becomes obsolete and becomes hopeless).

The zodiac circle gives us three sets (squares) of qualities, the psychotypes of each of which react in a similar way. At the same time, psychotypes belonging to one square of qualities are better able to implement one of the three phases of action or manifestation. So, let's try to understand this using three behaviors known in astrology as: cardinal, fixed and mutable (or variable).All signs of the zodiac are divided into these groups:

cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius

mutable signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

In astrology, they are called squares or crosses of qualities. To find out which of these types of behavior prevails in your character, you just need to count how many planets in your horoscope are in each of the crosses. If one of them gets the highest number than the other two, then it is he who most often determines the style of your behavior.However, one must take into account which planets they are - personal, social or higher. The personal planets, especially the Sun and the Moon, are more important, their position in itself emphasizes the cross in which they are located. We also take into account the cross of the Ascendant, since the Ascendant largely determines the external "I" of a person.An example of such a calculation can be found at the end of the article.

It should be recalled here that in every person there are traits corresponding to all three types of behavior, and the pure type is extremely rare. Usually one of the types prevails over others, but is complemented by their inherent features. Let's try to understand how people who are dominated by this or that type of behavior behave.

Cardinal type of behavior

If you, your life partner or your children are most involved in cardinal signs, then you are literally bursting with the desire to immediately start acting. Such people simply need movement, action and an active lifestyle, otherwise they quickly begin to experience boredom and their creativity may simply burn out. People with a cardinal type of behavior personify fearlessness, and the action itself serves as an incentive for starting the implementation of any projects. Because they are willing to take the lead, they often become leaders. Their disadvantage is "short breathing", they spend too much energy in the first stages of action and come to the finish line with their last breath. An exception is the psychotype of Capricorn, who knows how to economically distribute his forces at all stages of the path and even leave some of them for the last dash in order to come to the finish line first. It is easier for people of the cardinal type to start a business than to bring it to completion. They can start several things, but rarely complete them.

Each of the signs included in the cardinal cross brings its own specifics into action. The Aries psyche infects with enthusiasm and paves the way. Cancer psycho gives action emotional coloring and protects the rear during the offensive. Libra brings reasonable motivation to action and controls the interconnection of all the constituent parts. The Capricorn psychotype acts in an organized manner, with a specific analysis of the situation, without missing a single favorable circumstance.

If you are dealing with a strong cardinal personality, then direct confrontation is the best way to reduce all problems to zero, and this should be done as quickly as possible! The best in this situation is a persistent but benevolent defense, since they cannot wait long, and besides, they are easily discouraged. To help a person of the cardinal type to bring his undertakings to an end, he needs to set short deadlines all the time. If the goal is huge enough, it's best to break it down into a series of small ones that can be completed fairly quickly.

As you already understood, patience is not their main advantage. If you are going somewhere with a person of a strong cardinal type, then, regardless of whether it is an adult or a child, make sure to take with you enough toys, books, pictures, etc., or make sure that you have many topics for discussion, because they constantly need to have something to keep themselves busy.

fixed cross

Fixed type of behavior

When a fixed type prevails in the birth chart, such a person is most often concerned about issues of protection and safety and prefers to adhere to the established order of things once and for all. This is the psychotype of successors, action designers, implementers of ideas. They act methodically and persistently, take care of the retention and increase of what has been achieved, like to use proven methods. They really do not like all sorts of accidents, attempts to introduce something new into their usual routine, do not like changes at all. With a strong will, they are true to their beliefs and attachments. When they learn something, you can argue about anything that this is how they will always do. Therefore, the first thing that must be constantly kept in mind is that it is very difficult for them to decide on any changes. When they act within the usual framework, they have a feeling of security, security, and it is from this that they draw strength - after all, they always know where they will go and what should happen in the next minute, they do not need any surprises!

The energy that fixed signs give is stability, reliability, stubbornness and, of course, steadfastness and constancy (sometimes even at a loss). They know how to finish what they started, and you can rely on their consistency. The fixed cross is called "permanent"; a certain conservatism is inherent in its representatives. These are the very people who are too slow to make a decision, are afraid to use the chance that has fallen to their lot or the opportunity that has opened up, as a result of which they lose it. It was they who came up with the saying: "Better less is more." They constantly need to be encouraged and encouraged to seize the opportunity and make some kind of change in their lives.

As in the case of cardinal signs, the last sign of the fixed cross (Aquarius) deviates somewhat from general type, there is almost no conservatism in it and the spiritual principle is very developed, which somewhat reduces purposefulness, - Aquarius is inclined to be distracted from the main task. The psycho-type Leo enters into business with enthusiasm, brings some dramatic element into it and strives to keep all the threads in his hands - this is a businessman-organizer. Taurus, on the other hand, gets down to business thoroughly, specifically and only if he is convinced of the benefits of the event - he is a worker-creator. Scorpio is very emotional. His main motive is "I desire." He immediately finds out all the ins and outs of the case, identifies the springs that set him in motion, and very effectively takes on the weakest link. Scorpio is a riskier type and often wins the race of life in a dizzying bend. Being, perhaps, the most energetically rich sign of the Zodiac, he loves to "walk along the edge" and "balance over the abyss" in everything. Volodya is the greatest intellectual of the signs of the fixed cross. In every business he strives to have as much information as possible, continuously modernizes and improves the means to achieve the goal and always sees a distant prospect of events - he is an innovator.

If you have a child with a strong fixed type of behavior, then, as a parent, you must create such an environment for him so that he feels so protected and out of danger in it that from time to time (or at least admit) changes in his life ... Such children love everything that is familiar, and if something in their cozy world is disturbed, this can cause a feeling of insecurity and even hysteria.

The only way to get a fixed type of person to do exactly what you want is to indirect impact... You must, so to speak, "plant the seed" by letting them know what you would like and letting them act as they see fit. You will be surprised with what sense of responsibility your child, who has a significant number of planets in fixed signs, will repeat your own actions at the beginning of the task! And then, very soon, he will believe that he has an amazing idea (that is, your thought will be considered his own), and then slowly but surely, he will begin to implement it.

So the main difficulty for people with most of the planets in fixed signs is that they need to be able to advance. They need to be nudged (unlike people of a cardinal type of behavior, who just need to point out the problem), but if they are turned on, it will be very difficult to stop them! Step by step, they will go all the way to the end. A person of a fixed type of behavior only needs to be encouraged and given direction. If you talk to such people, you will surely hear complaints that they do not understand where and how to start in order to implement their favorite project! And this is only because any change confuses them, and they are able to do only one thing.

If your child is dominated by a fixed type, then during the day he does not need the entire set of toys available in the house, because he will be focused and concentrated on only one thing, and he will selflessly play this game for hours. Sometimes, as mentioned above, this can become a source of problems, because they do not easily give up their habits and find it difficult to get used to new things. You could allow this new thing to enter their lives and shift their psychological mechanisms so that they become more flexible and mobile. Then the goals that need to be achieved over time may turn out to be exactly what they need, giving the necessary protection and meaning to their life.

Mutable type of behavior

Mutable (non-permanent) signs:Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. These are the psychotypes of reformers, especially valuable where it is necessary to change the action, give it a new meaning, reorient towards new goals. Even from the name of this cross, it is clear that people of this type are subject to external influences and take into account the specific situation in their actions. They are characterized by flexibility of mind, good adaptation, ingenuity. They comprehend well the rhythm of the process, the ebb and flow of action, use flexible tactics. They see positive and negative sides in every action, understand the relativity of everything that is created and often hesitate in choosing a direction.Their flexibility and lability without strong leadership can transform into negative qualities - the desire to sail according to the will of the waves, where the wind is blowing. In critical situations, they are lost without knowing what to do. Intuitively feeling this quality in themselves, they try to evade, to slip away from the decisive "either-or".

Gemini emphasize the intellectual side of the action, its relevance to the purpose and setting. Virgo begins the action after carefully analyzing it and attaching great importance to the details of the operation. The Sagittarius gets involved in the case recklessly, on a grand scale, without fail providing him with a "theoretical basis". Pisces show themselves emotionally, constantly trying all possible directions and striving for an optimal solution, so that "the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe."

If you are dealing with a person with a strong mutable type (for whom most of the planets are located in mutable signs of the zodiac) or if you yourself are such a person, you may find that such people are difficult to manage. They flow around you, like a stream of water, get lost in the crowd, succumbing and yielding to the desires of others, and then changing their attitude. And as a result, it often turns out that by giving in, they get others to start fulfilling their desires and accepting their point of view. Children of this type do not know peace and well adapt to the constantly changing environment and living conditions. They are malleable, easily adaptable to the environment, and amenable to suggestion.

Where people of the cardinal type find ways to change what is happening, people of the mutable type simply adapt to it. Very often they can completely change their personal habits and behavior, depending on what kind of people they are with at the moment. These, of course, are not people of a fixed type, always remaining true to themselves and to each and every one, demonstrating the same thing. People of the mutable type are very sensitive and do their best to avoid any direct conflicts. They slide from one topic to the next, and therefore the best method of communicating with them is polite but firm approach.

Arm yourself with patience, and let them, albeit in pieces, pieces, but tell the truth. Moreover, one part can be contained in one story, the other - in a seemingly trivial remark, etc. If you drive them into the framework of rigid agreements, people of the mutable type will feel in a difficulty, because such conventions limit their freedom to change depending on the situation. They are very fond of phrases like: “And that's enough about this”, “Let's talk about it tomorrow”. Their great strength lies in their ability to respond to changes in the world around them, adapting to them and finding a new way of being.

Now you see how just a small part of the information contained in the birth chart helps to understand the motives for different behaviors in the same situation.People of the cardinal type will find it difficult to appreciate the instructions and calls for regularity and adherence to established orders, which find a warm response from representatives of the fixed type. The latter are shocked by the need of people of the cardinal type to be in the thick of things and actively influence them. People of the mutable type are best at adapting and, apparently, better than others can get along with everyone else, although their restless nature can cause a lot of problems for people of a fixed type of behavior.

Compatibility is a tricky business, and there can be many complications. And we must not forget that in each of us there are traces of each of these three types. Each of us must learn to understand ourselves, and this is what can become the key to understanding those who are dear to us. We take 10 planets. Let's take an example.

Let's say you were born on January 2, 1974. Here's what you should get:

The sun is in Capricorn - the cardinal sign;
Moon in Aries is another cardinal point;
Mercury in Capricorn is a cardinal sign again;
Venus in Aquarius is a fixed sign;
Mars in Taurus is a fixed sign;
Jupiter in Aquarius is a fixed sign;
Saturn in Cancer is a cardinal sign;
Uranus in Libra is a cardinal sign;
Neptune in Sagittarius is a mutable sign;
Pluto in Libra is a cardinal sign.

The ASC sign should be added to this list.

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There are three more types of zodiac signs, or, as they are called correctly, crosses: fixed, mutable and cardinal. Each has its own pros and cons because the power of crosses is in balance. For more information about the three types of zodiac signs, and how to find out which cross your constellation belongs to, read on the Guru Horoscope.

Three types of zodiac signs - mutable cross

Strengths of the mutable cross

The mutable cross is represented by Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, etc. This group is united by mobility and adaptability to different life situations. They are very changeable and are kind of chameleons. Due to their flexibility, such people often endure changes quite easily and perfectly adapt to new life circumstances. They are open to new ideas and love to learn. These people make compromises and develop in several directions at once. The main thing for this cross is to work with others. They are mobile, can approach a wide variety of personalities and act as an intermediary. This is an intellectual cross. To other people, mutable personalities may seem unreliable, but these signs of the zodiac are best able to discern the weak and strong qualities in others and to objectively assess the situation.

Weaknesses of the mutable cross

The flexibility of the representatives of these zodiac signs can play a cruel joke with them. Due to the inability to plan, these people may not know where to go and live for today. They may have colossal resourcefulness and ingenuity, but never learn to use their energy expediently. Sometimes mutable signs can get confused in their desires and aspirations.

They can be distracted, run away from problems, and have difficulty concentrating. But these signs are not attached for a long time to one thing, like representatives of a fixed cross, and do not fizzle out instantly, like cardinal ones. To achieve their goals, the signs of the mutable cross need to develop focus on the task, as fixed signs do and are not afraid to take the initiative into their own hands, like the cardinal representatives of the horoscope.

Twins change their worldview in accordance with new ideas. They try to be in the subject and act depending on the situation, because things lose their relevance over time.

Virgin considered the most responsible representatives of the cross. They pay their attention to details, which they carefully analyze. They are interested in questions of material issues, to which they adjust.

Sagittarius strives for adventure that inspires him. Can set goals for himself, sometimes even unattainable.

Fishes relate to business emotionally, bring their feelings into them. They rely on their intuition and are not afraid to make mistakes. They know how to adapt to the mood of other people.

Three Kinds of Zodiac Signs - Cardinal Cross

Strengths of the Cardinal Cross

Aries, Cancer, Libra, belong to the cardinal cross. These signs are united by initiative and determination. These are the pioneers. Their mission is to conquer new territories previously unknown to others. The most important thing for them is to act. Innovators by nature, they always strive for something new. Such signs can have a lot of ideas, they are active, enterprising and persistent. These are the initiators of new projects. Their optimism and self-confidence helps to bring the craziest ideas to life. Active and energetic, they do not tolerate any outside restrictions. Ambitious and leaders, such signs always act quickly and decisively.

Weaknesses of the cardinal cross

The cardinal signs of the zodiac may not follow through. This works best with fixed signs, which we'll talk about later. They quickly come up with tasks for themselves, but just as quickly they fizzle out. They are very purposeful and energetic, however, they may not have enough perseverance to go towards their goal.

They should also learn to be condescending to those signs that do not know how to think and bring new things to life so quickly. Ambition can cause them to lose patience and become violent towards others. They should come to terms with the fact that there are non-initiative people in the world who cannot react and move as quickly as a steam roller.

It is very difficult for cardinal signs to turn off the chosen path, but they themselves can quit what they started due to the fact that they did not calculate their strengths or were disappointed in what they had planned. Nevertheless, these signs do not like to stop and are always trying to gain new knowledge and skills in order to subjugate spaces that have not been mastered by others.

Aries inspire others with their enthusiasm, but lose their zeal the fastest. These are the most active representatives of the cardinal cross, they make decisions very quickly and begin to act. Short-term projects are fine for them.

Crayfish are very emotionally attached to their work and seek motivation from their past experiences.

scales- the most indecisive representative of the cardinal cross. They take into account the circumstances and opinions of others. But when Libra has chosen the right direction, they will follow it without hesitation.

Capricorns- the best way to finish what they started is due to their practicality. They are very tolerant and persistent in achieving their plans.

Three Kinds of Zodiac Signs - Fixed Cross

The fixed signs of the zodiac include: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, etc. They are united by the ability to bring things to the end. If the cardinal signs of the zodiac are invented, then the fixed ones are embodied. They rarely come up with something new. Nevertheless, they cannot be called unoriginal. It's just that these people know how to use other people's ideas and ideas. Among the representatives of the fixed cross, there are many creative people who create real masterpieces, leaders and scientists. All this happens because such individuals are always trying to develop the idea that came to their mind. They know how to retain strength in themselves and not lose them, as cardinal signs do. These people have patience and endurance.

Strengths of the fixed cross

They do not give up the projects they have begun, but on the contrary cannot stop until they reach real perfection. The downside of these signs is the craving for perfection and obsession with their own affairs. If something with a fixed sign does not work out, he will bang his head against the wall until he reaches his plan. Also the big disadvantage of the fixed cross is the lack of mobility. It is very difficult for them to change, to get used to new conditions and changes in the environment for fixed signs, it is equal to disaster. They do not like changes and try to go with the flow, to act inertia. Any outside influence causes resistance in them, more often passive. Most of all, these zodiac signs value stability. Fixed people can appear lazy from the outside. It is quite difficult for them to get down to business, but if they started it, they will carry it out carefully and strive for a quality result.

Taurus very passive in terms of getting the job done. He will postpone things until the last moment or start them if there is benefit and satisfaction in the work.

a lion the most active among the fixed signs, he gets down to business with enthusiasm, organizes, directs and controls the process. He does not really like to complete tasks, except for creative tasks.

Scorpion also loves creative projects. Before proceeding with them, he will check all the vulnerabilities and threats for the whole case. He does this in order to avoid unexpected troubles, and all the work was not in vain.

Aquarius gathers like-minded people around him and comes up with new ideas. Fixation helps him to bring things to an end. In general, Aquarius combines two extremes: the desire for novelty and the inertia of the fixed cross.

These are the three types of signs of the zodiac and the manifestation of crosses. Of course, their representatives need to learn a lot from each other in order to achieve balance. But for this, the constellations were created to complement and bring something of their own.

In astrological literature, very little attention is paid to the differences between crosses. As a rule, the authors limit themselves to three or four definitions for each cross and proceed to describe the signs themselves. As a result, reading first about the decisiveness of cardinal signs, and later about the indecision of Libra, you come across a contradiction. Someone will shrug their shoulders and run on, and someone will completely refuse to study astrology further. And all because of the inability or unwillingness of the author to develop his thought, to simply explain - in fact, to become at the same time a reader of his work, who should not think out and fantasize, at least not when it comes to educational literature.

Traditionally, each sign of the cardinal cross - Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn - is associated with the beginning of the corresponding season. Therefore, it is generally accepted that cardinal signs begin, open, initiate something. In itself a word "cardinal" means "main, main, most important"... Of course, it is difficult to agree with such a discriminatory approach to the rest of the signs, but I believe that in astrology, cardinality should be perceived somewhat differently. Not separating these signs into a special caste, but simply placing them at the beginning of the locomotive - inviting them to lead each zodiacal quadrant.

In Russian there is one more derivative from cardinalis word - adverb "cardinally" = "radically". We use it when we talk about change. And on this I would draw your attention. Distinctive feature the cardinal signs seem to be that they are the source of CHANGE. Their generator. But what is the nature of these changes? After all, you can change yourself, not only the world... That is, to be not only a subject, but also an object of change. On what, by the way, Cancers are "sharpened" (see). I suggest digging deeper ...

The cardinal quartet is closely associated with two planets, which describe well all its ins and outs. This Mars and Saturnovercoming action... Both planets are strong in Capricorn and weak in Cancer. In Aries, Mars is strong and Saturn is weak, in Libra, respectively, vice versa. Thus, Cancer is the "weakest" sign of the cardinal cross, and Capricorn is the "strongest" sign. I have quoted these definitions as it comes not about the strength / weakness of spirit or body, but about the degree external manifestation this very cardinality. Let me explain it schematically using the example of each sign.

Aries commits direct action (strong Mars), ignoring restrictions (weak Saturn). Impulsive action.

Capricorn commits direct action (strong Mars) with considering restrictions (strong Saturn). Well-planned action.

Crayfish commits indirect action (weak Mars), ignoring restrictions (weak Saturn). Bypassing (undermining).

scales commit indirect action (weak Mars) with considering restrictions (strong Saturn). Interaction.

In addition, each "cardinalis" has its own vector of constraints:

Limits himself Limits others

Action that overcomes the limitation , leads to a transformation of reality, or, more simply, to a CHANGE, which, by and large, is the basis of cardinality. In this way:

ARIES constantly ready for changes, absolutely not afraid of them, even deliberately produces. And all because they suggest something new, and for Aries - this is the air that he breathes.

CRAYFISH going through constant changes within himself. Everything that gets inside Cancer, one way or another, changes it. True, he reacts badly to changes in the outside world, so he does not initiate them himself. But in which case it adapts remarkably.

When it comes to WEIGHTS, there is never a definite conclusion. So with the changes in Libra, it is also not so simple. On the one hand, for Libra, any change is an encroachment on the sacred, balance and harmony. On the other hand, ANOTHER, ANOTHER, ANOTHER ONE - these are the words that accompany any change, and Libra, as you know, is always in search of an alternative. Therefore, changes are not at all alien to them.

In a relationship CAPRICORN it is better to use the word "change", or even better - the phrase "big change". It would seem that the rigid and conservative Capricorn, limiting everyone and everything, is completely unprepared for something new and fresh. However, then we would not be talking about Capricorn ambitions, striving for heights, perfection and the pinnacle of perfection :-) Capricorn is the most developed cardinal sign. His life is one big, protracted change. Gradual but confident. At point B, Capricorn arrives completely different from who he was, leaving point A. But unlike the Aries story, this is noticeable only from a bird's eye view.

There is one more, in principle related, approach to the description of cardinal signs. Like, they are all initiators, founders of something ... Well, if Aries can confidently be called the instigator and pioneer, then what about Cancer or Libra? What are they initiating? Where are they leading? I would be glad to hear what you think about this.

In conclusion, I offer a couple of tables illustrating, in comparison, my vision of some aspects of cardinal signs. (over time, there may be more tables) .

Memory properties

Remembers the bad
Remembers good

Ability to be creative (to create something new, unique, unique)

ARIES It sprinkles with creativity. Generates ideas himself. Most creative cardinal sign.
CRAYFISH By analogy with a pregnant woman: he is able to "endure and give birth" to an idea that has been planted in him. In terms of creativity, it does not "multiply" on its own.
SCALES On the one hand, the ruler is Venus. On the other hand, the falling sun. As a result, the product of Libra's creativity is a unique combination of ideas already born by someone.
CAPRICORN The most uncreative "cardinalis". Waiting for ideas from others, being ready to put them into practice.

A closed cycle of cardinal creativity:

ARIES gives an idea, CANCER develops an idea, LIBRA weighs all the pros and cons, CAPRICORN makes a decision and gives an order to OBNU to bring the idea to life.

Question for discussion:

"Learn from your / someone else's mistakes" - what in this regard can be said about each of the cardinal signs? How do they use their past experience? Who of them constantly steps on the same rake, and who tries to never enter the same river twice?

The twelve signs of the zodiac are divided into two groups. The first is the elements. There are four of them: fire, water, air and earth. The second is the crosses. There are three of them: cardinal, fixed and mobile, which astrologers also call mutable. Belonging to a particular cross endows the signs of the zodiac with common features. Which ones? Find out from this article!

Cardinal cross in astrology

Cardinal translated from Latin is the main one. It is simply impossible not to notice such phenomena. Like the onset of spring after winter or summer after spring. Cardinal is the highest (after the Pope) dignity in the Roman Catholic Church.

The cardinal signs are remaking the world. More precisely, they are those whom the world will use to make the changes it needs. They are well suited for these purposes, as they are determined and energetic.

These are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

The cardinal cross is the cross of the creation of the world, the cross of God the Father. Everything that has mass and an axis of rotation is described by him, from planets and galaxies to atoms.

These are initiators, beginners. Active and confident, cardinal cross signs tend to be ambitious and do not need external stimuli.

Since each of the signs represents their element first, they like any undertakings.

The signs of the cardinal zodiac cross are happy to take the first step towards the implementation of new projects, but they do not particularly care about the routine work required for their successful completion.

If in cardinal signs there are more assertive planets, such as the Sun or Mars, a person leaves behind a long line of unfinished business.

The position in these signs of the Moon and Venus indicates some questions related to emotional experiences, which remained open.

Cardinal Cross Signs: Aries

Aries - the main initiator of the zodiac - is famous for the habit of dissipating their energy and starting more projects than they are able to complete. He expresses himself vigorously and flaunts his knowledge.

This is a generator of ideas, constantly looking for new ways to realize their vital energy and fiery nature.

Cardinal Cross Signs: Cancer

Cancer tries to satisfy their emotional needs and make up for the lack of strong experiences by being the first to show their feelings.

If in other spheres of activity he is somewhat restrained and timid, then he makes emotional contact without hesitation in order to give free rein to his feelings.

Cardinal Cross Signs: Libra

Libra, being an air sign, is sociable and initiates interaction between people both on the level of personal relationships and in a social context.

By giving rise to any relationship, Libra wants to unite, restore harmony and balance, help ensure that any relationship runs smoothly.

Cardinal cross signs: Capricorn

Capricorn, like the rest of the cardinal signs, also begins a new activity, but with an emphasis on a practical goal, because it is a sign of the Earth.

He thinks about the benefits of his work, about material reward and tangible results. Although he is able to see the big picture, at the same time he does not break away from reality and always thinks about the practical value of his activities.

  • If the signs of the cardinal cross dominate in the horoscope, the child may be restless and hyperactive.
  • The clear predominance of cardinal signs endows a person with the ability to come up with ideas endlessly, he scatters them right and left, without thinking about the possibility of their practical implementation.
  • Paired with a fixed sign, he could direct his energy towards more specific tasks, while at the same time sharing his inspiration with him.
  • The signs of the cardinal zodiac cross stimulate each other, but increase competition.
  • Mutable signs easily adapt to a continuous stream of ideas, but at the slightest difficulty they can quietly slip away.

Fixed cross in astrology

Fixed signs correspond to the heyday. This is the middle of the season, the time at its peak, when it seems that summer or winter will last forever, because nothing changes around so much that it catches your eye.

The fixed cross is the cross of God the Son, Jesus, and describes things that endure forever. Love, for example. Everything that has no mass and no axis of rotation is described by this cross. Including gravitational and electromagnetic fields.

Such signs concentrate energy, they are accumulators of resources. At the risk of becoming conservative, they strive to maintain a stable and uninterrupted flow of daily activity.

The signs of the fixed cross are stubborn and dislike change. These are unusually stubborn people who are very difficult to move against their will.

(This trait even appears in young children, who become aggressive and rebellious when forced to go where they don't want to.)

Endowed with amazing endurance, almost inexhaustible patience and perseverance, the signs of the fixed cross rarely give up and give up halfway, and in any confrontation of forces, the opponent, unless he is also a fixed sign, will sooner or later surely fail.

Unfortunately, the signs of the fixed cross tend to hold on for too long to let go, and their sense of ownership sometimes turns into real obsession.

Fixed Cross Signs: Taurus

Taurus, belonging to the element of the Earth, is the most stable of the fixed signs, symbolizing the time of year when spring has already fully taken over and everything in the physical world is in motion.

Taurus is very fond of nature and everything living and growing - plants, animals, children.

This is a banker and financial advisor of nature, under his care she bears fruit and gets the opportunity to save her wealth for future use. Taurus clings tightly to his material property, preserving and increasing it.

Fixed Cross Signs: Leo

Leo, being a sign of Fire, brings with it the hottest season of the year. Imagine the immovable eye of the Sun, mercilessly and inexorably scorching at noon in August, and you will understand how purposeful Leo can be.

Ruled by the Sun, he loves to concentrate power in his hands and be a leader. Like his ruler who dominates nature during the long summer, he wants to control everything that surrounds him.

Even a small child will create a miniature feudal estate, appointing himself as its ruler. Since summer is a time for children, play and family, Leo loves and protects all these values.

Fixed cross signs: Scorpio

Scorpio symbolizes the concentration of natural forces in the fall, when trees shed their leaves so that new ones will grow next spring.

A sign of death and rebirth, Scorpio is associated with instinctive and subconscious powers.

Although all signs of the fixed cross are distinguished by the intensity of experiences, this is especially characteristic of Scorpio; he strives for the constancy of feelings and sensations.

Fixed Cross Signs: Aquarius

Aquarius may seem like a somewhat contradictory sign, since fixity can hardly be called characteristic feature Air.

But remember how the cold winter air can be immobilized by chilling to the bone. Therefore, do not underestimate the capabilities of a fixed air sign.

His constancy manifests itself in the mental sphere, and although Aquarius is open to new, even radical, ideas, he can focus so much on one thing that it will be difficult to confuse him and almost impossible to force him to change his decision once made.

  • If the signs of the fixed cross dominate in the horoscope, a pronounced dislike for change can prevent you from achieving something in life.
  • If you combine a fixed sign with a mutable sign, their cooperation will somewhat balance the balance of forces, helping the former to accept changes, and giving the latter the necessary stability.
  • The signs of the cardinal cross attract the fixed, but the swiftness and constant fascination of the first with new projects somewhat frightens off the second, and this can lead to a collision of the two strong characters.
  • Fixed signs are comfortable in each other's company, but such a combination is fraught with stagnation and inaction.

The mutable cross in astrology

Movable - mutable - signs correspond to the end of the season. You start to notice a change. Something hints at the imminent end of what you are used to.

The leaves are still green, but the apples are ripe and are falling. The snow is still lying, but it has become lighter, which will soon lead to warming.

The mutable cross is the cross of God the Holy Spirit. Everything that exists thanks to man is described by him. These are abstractions: science, philosophy, religion, word.

These signs are flexible and movable. Their hallmark is the ability to do several things at the same time and easily switch from one activity to another or jump from topic to topic without losing the thread of the conversation.

If a person with more linear thinking could be driven to mental exhaustion by constant switching of attention, then movable signs easily return to an unfinished activity or topic.

The signs of the mutable cross never fall prey to routine, because they adore diversity and are distinguished by the versatility of interests and knowledge, albeit sometimes superficial.

Nevertheless, this property allows them to change in accordance with the situation, without straying off the right course. They know how to manipulate people and do not disdain hypocrisy in order to achieve their goals.

Mutable Cross Signs: Gemini

Gemini, belonging to the element of Air, is the most changeable of the signs of the mutable cross. They are characterized by inconstancy, extraordinary flexibility of thinking and the ability to change.

The variability of this sign is reflected in the season, which is intermediate between spring and summer. Variety is his motto, and he takes great pleasure in constantly changing images.

Gemini symbolizes thinking at the everyday household level, they absorb any information coming from outside world without thinking about its application. They like new information on its own.

Mutable Cross Signs: Virgo

Virgo is the most mental of the mutable cross signs. Endowed with many talents, she tries to find a suitable occupation in order to use her skills to the benefit of others and see the result of her meticulous work.

Although she is also changeable and mobile, like the rest of the signs of this group, Virgo strives for change not for the sake of change itself (unlike Gemini), but for the sake of their practical value, which they clearly represent.

She knows and understands the physical world well and tries to use it rationally and effectively.

Mutable Cross Signs: Sagittarius

Sagittarius heralds the beginning of the transition from autumn to winter. As a sign of Fire, he is in constant search, looking for adventure in order to fully manifest his impetuous mind, sensual nature and spiritual qualities.

He loves to be on the move, longs for new experiences that can broaden his horizons and help him combine the parts into a coherent whole.

This mutable sign constantly challenges life. His passion for reasoning knows no bounds. He is driven by the desire to find answers to eternal questions.

Mutable Cross Signs: Pisces

Pisces, the sign of Water, is the most difficult to define. Reflecting the time when winter is replaced by spring, when the melting snow turns into turbulent mountain rivers, Pisces are characterized by shapeless, indefinite properties.

Constantly changing, unstable, unstable, in everyday life they are guided by a changeable mood, feelings, intuition. Like a dry leaf flying in the air at the behest of the wind, they rush wherever their inner voice calls.

They say about such people “out of this world”, and it seems that they are talking with elves and fairies, seeing miracles that others are not able to see, but even imagine.

  • The predominance of the signs of the mutable cross in the horoscope indicates the diffusion of energy. Gemini needs some guidance as they try to move in all directions at once.
  • Virgo tends to be good at detailing, but sometimes re-does the same thing in dozens of different ways in an effort to achieve perfection.
  • Sagittarius is so busy with the big picture that in half of the cases he misses the target, and Pisces is generally immersed in his inner world.
  • Mutable signs of the zodiac get along well together, enjoying each other's fickleness, but this is not the best way to achieve specific results. They just beat around the bush about the problem.
  • A cardinal sign that gives them the right direction will be a good partner for them, but it can be overly aggressive. Fixed signs give the agile stability, but can be annoying with their unwillingness and inability to change.

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