We answer for an eternal question: how many times a day it is necessary to eat for what time to sleep. Proper nutrition: What, when and how much should be 3 times

Everyone knows the saying: "Eat breakfast yourself, dinner was called with a friend, and dinner give the enemy." It gives accurate instructions, as and how many times there. One of the first to give recommendations on the frequency of food receptions was Avicenna. In his "Canon of Medical Science" recommended three-time meals. Food techniques are distributed so - breakfast, dinner and lunch of the next day. It turns out that the day should no more than two glands of food?

A two-time power system is based on the physiological possibilities of our body. It is necessary to refrain from the subsequent meal until the stomach is free. Food should have time to go to the duodenum. Only after that you can proceed to the next meal, and even better give the stomach with a small rest. Usually food is located in it 6-8 hours. So it turns out that from the moment of the first eating before the next one should pass 8-10 hours.

After the second meal, try not to eat at all. It unloads the stomach. For 14-16 hours, food will not only leave the stomach, but also will be completely removed from the small intestine, which has an extra time for recovery.

Thus, the stomach half of the day will relax. The delicious intestine will be in working condition 10-14 hours. The rest of the time is given to the recovery period when enzymes are accumulated, the regeneration of the mucous membrane and the restoration of normal contractual rhythms of the digestive system.

The need for such a regime for the stomach is dictated by the fact that in the process of digestion, especially protein food, acidic content affects its walls. Cells are strained, which produce hydrochloric acid, mucus and gastric enzymes. The aggressiveness of the medium is such that the base of living - proteins and other organic connections are destroyed. The digestion process in the stomach is traumatic for the gastric wall, so it needs a larger stay and recovery than other digestive tract.

In the duodenum, acidic content falls into the duodenum. It is neutralized by the pancreas juice and becomes alkaline. The activity of this substrate is very high. Therefore, rest and restoration in this zone should be at least half of the daily time.

Food through the sun

Our body adapts to a specific power system. Therefore, all changes in it initially cause rejection, which means certain discomfort. You need to be ready for it. Try to subtly listen to the requirements of the body arising during this process. My personal experience shows that a complete device to a new system is happening for three months. During this period, changes in the body occur, the old conditional reflexes are produced and braked. But the moment occurs when the body understands that the new mode in any case will be introduced, and after that time it comes to complete agreement between the specified program and its execution.

What time is it best to eat food? The experience of mankind and scientific data find a unambiguous answer to this question. The best time to absorb food is the first half of the day from the dawn until the sun turns out to be in the zenith. The south is the point in which you live, the earlier it is recommended to eat, before the heat appear.

And in meridians

In Chinese medicine, the day is divided into twelve parts corresponding to the activity of meridians. Meridian lungs are active in 5-7 hours, a large intestine - in 7-9, the stomach - in 9-11, the spleen - in 11-13, the hearts - at 13-15, the subtle intestine - in 15-17, the bladder - in 17-19, kidneys - in 19-21, pericardium - at 21-23, etc.

The most interesting time of the activity of the stomach and the small intestine. The stomach is active in 7-9 hours, and the delicious intestine - at 13-15 hours, that is, after 6 hours. Under the activity of Meridian understood the change in functionality. Six hours is the average time that is necessary to go from the stomach to the top of the small intestine, the duodenum. This is the time between the first and second welcome.

Given the modern data of physiology, biorhythm of the gastrointestinal tract and biochemical blood indicators, food must be taken from 7 to 10 am. The second reception of food is carried out no earlier than 6 hours - from 13 to 15. This is the ideal power scheme, but its interpretation is possible. However, they should also be coordinated with long breaks between food acceptors.

The daily rhythms of most studied biochemical indicators have a clearly pronounced single-phase activity. Maximum indicators of glucose, general protein, cholesterol, urea, sodium and potassium ions are observed in the evening hours - from 18 to 24 hours. The minimum of these indicators has a half-morning confrontation in the early morning from 6 hours and to 12 o'clock in the afternoon. That is, after sleep, a person has not only a decrease in the products they need to maintain the vital activity, but also a decrease in the blood of circulating slags. The body is prepared for activity and necessary food. In the evening, the maximum work of the cleaning bodies is coming using the energy obtained on these processes. Enter the intestines in the evening is extremely unprofitable for the body, because it leads to a loss of energy. Strengthening its work during this period reduces the function of excretory organs. So the choice of two-time nutrition is yours.

Here - a selection of materials - a response to the question: how much to eat food for the reception?

3-4 spoons of cereals (with a "hill") - a decent portion. Maybe this is my concepts. Disposable meal should not exceed 500-700 g. More even a healthy organism is not able to fully "process".

In general, I usually advise people to listen to your own organism, because Each person is so unique (individual) that some tips "for all" are often simply meaningless, and sometimes harmful.

If "your portion" exceeds 700 g, try to eat, say, half of the "normal norm", and then imagine that something distracted you (important call, flood, fire, etc.) and return to the "meal" after 10 minutes -fifteen. If you really will be even hungry, then the appetite will not disappear. The fact is that the feeling of satiety comes with a "time delay", especially when the food is refined and overflowing with "taste guides."

In general, "its norm" each installs himself. It should only be remembered that it is always better to take place than to move.The lack of some "consumables" the body compensates, but to work with the permanent "overload" for it much more harmful.

With respect, Valery, the administrator of the "Diamart" store ().

Products of our ration

In the diet, it is more necessary to include those products that match the season. That is, when there is a massive pickup cucumber, tomatoes, apples, etc. It is at this time that it is necessary to maximize their consumption by reducing the consumption of other products. In the season of berries - the most of the berries.

We need:

  • rich breakfast (for example, porridge, borsch and soups, meat is the best time for him, if you use it),
  • easy lunch (salads, again you can eat porridge, dairy products),
  • and almost complete lack of dinner (kefir, ryazhenka, tea, fruit, as a last resort light vegetable salad).

It is better to eat more than once a day, but smaller volumes.

Human stomach: volume of stomach and function

To understand how much you can eat - look at normal volume of the stomach and its function.

In the nutrition, repel from volume your his stomach: volume Food together with liquid for one reception should be 2/3 volume your his stomach. Since the food consumed should not stretch stomach. It is also necessary to take into account not only how much, but also what we eat.

The main function of the stomach is reduced to accumulation and partial digestion of food. This process is carried out due to the complex interaction of the stomach and other organs of the digestive tract. This interaction is carried out by nervous and humoral regulation. The food lump consisting of chewed food and saliva enters the stomach of the esophagus. The dietary masses are delayed in the stomach by 1.5 - 2 hours.

The volume of the human stomach before eating is approximately 500 ml. In the filled state, it can increase to four liters, in the medium filling takes up to one liter. Taking into account the fact that this volume includes liquid. Decrease, the size of the stomach may also depend on the physique and individual characteristics of the body. An empty stomach in length reaches 20 cm, while the front and rear surfaces touch each other, the filled stomach is stretched to 24-26 cm, the walls are removed by 8-9 cm.

The total volume of the stomach varies from 1.5 to 3 liters from different people. The main factor in primary food processing is gastric juice containing enzymes, hydrochloric acid and mucus. Gastric juice enzymes partially split proteins and fats in food. Salonic acid provides denaturation of proteins and sacchard sugars, preparing them to further cleavage, destroys incoming microorganisms along with food, as well as turns the trivalent iron (Fe3 +) into two-forming (Fe2 +).

The production of gastric juice begins even before the start of eating under the action of external stimuli (smell of food, the form of food, thoughts about food or the approach of the time of ordinary adoption of food), which are launching conditional reflex chains. However, the largest amount of gastric juice is highlighted with direct food intake in the stomach. At the same time irritate the nerve fibers of the submembratus plexus and directly the cells of the stomach gland. The total amount of gastric juice produced per day can reach two liters. The content of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice provides a very low pH, which at the peak of secretion is reduced to 1.0-1.5.

The development of mucus mucos with the epithelium of the stomach also increases during the digestion. The complex organic compounds contained in the mucos form a colloid protective stomach barrier, which prevents self-extracting the stomach. Also, an important role in protecting the walls of the stomach from the aggression of acid and enzymes has an adequate functioning of the submucosal network of blood vessels.

Upon definitely pH of the food lump, the sphincter of the gatekeeper relaxes (everything else it is tightly overlaps the passage between the stomach and the duodenum), and the muscular layer of the stomach wall begins to shrink wavely. In this case, part of the food falls into the initial division of the small intestine (duodenum), where the process of digestion continues. Since the penetration of food into the subtle intestine, the production of gastric juice is suspended.

In addition to the basic function of accumulating and primary processing of food, the stomach performs many equally important functions:

  • The destruction of microbes of coming with food;
  • Participation in the metabolism of iron necessary for the blood formation process;
  • Secretion of a specific protein of the absorption of vitamin B12, which plays a crucial role in the synthesis of nucleic acids and the transformations of fatty acids;
  • Regulation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract by highlighting hormones (gastrin, cholecystokinin).

Imagine what will happen if consumer food more than the volume of the stomach.The stomach stretches and starts out and squeeze the nearby organs: at the top of the lungs (it will be difficult to breathe) and the heart (the heart starts to work more often, the heartbeat will appear), to the right of the liver (starts to prick in the right side), on the left of the spleen (the blood movement will slow down, will pull to sleep ), Below is the intestine (food located in the intestines, will begin to press, do not assimilate, turn into stones, and postponed in for life in the intestine, the weight will increase only at the expense of such food stones).

Product compatibility

The second nuance that needs to be adhered to diet: it Compatibility of products.The fact is that the valve connecting the stomach and the duodenum opens only with the full stomach of its work (vegetable food is digested in the stomach of about 30 minutes, eggs - 45 minutes, porridge - 2 hours, meat - 4-6 hours).

The digestion time of food in the stomach (provided that the stomach is empty):

Water - almost instantly enters the intestines
Fruit Juice - 15-20 min
Vegetable Juice - 15-20 min
Vegetable Broth - 15-20 min
Most raw vegetables, vegetable salads without oil - 30-40 min
Vegetable salads with vegetable oil - up to 1 hour
Fruits with a large content of water and berries - 20 min
Oranges, grapes, grapefruits - 30 min
Apples, pears, peaches, cherries - 40 min
Different types of cabbage, zucchini, corn - 45 min
Boiled vegetables - 40 min
Roots: Rope, Carrot, Pasternak, etc. - 50 min
Vegetables containing starch (potatoes, Tapinambur, etc.) - 1.5-2 hours
Porridge: rice, buckwheat, millet, etc. - 2 hours
Beans - 2 hours
Sunflower seeds, pumpkins, etc. - 3 hours
Nuts - 3 hours
Dairy products - 2 hours
Egg - 45 min
Fish - 1 hour
Poultry meat - 2.5 - 3 hours
Beef - 4 hours
Lamb - 4 hours
Pork - 5.5-6 hours

A controversial topic - how many times a day to eat when trying to lose weight. Nutritionists are prone to food intake at least 5 times a day, otherwise it will be difficult to lose weight. Is it true: in the morning it is allowed to have everything you wish, but after lunch, you need to strictly adhere to calories?

How many times a day eat, to lose weight without health damage?

Studies of this topic have shown that it matters the total number of calories consumed with food within 24 hours. Be sure to follow how many times you eat, and what food you use.

Fake carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. These are confectionery, sofner of the top variety of flour, sweets.

These products quickly raise blood sugar levels, and its decline is also occurring in a short period, so there is a deceptive feeling of hunger. And this, in turn, pushes on extra mince.

Do you think that breakfast is the most important meal of food affecting the metabolism? There is no scientific confirmation of this fact. Therefore, nothing terrible if you for some reason missed several breakfast. During the process of weight loss, this will not affect.

Interval starvation is a new revolutionary and increasingly popular direction in weight loss. Its meaning is that you refuse breakfast and eat only from 12:00 and until 20:00 pm. The remaining 12 hours the organism is starving. The advantage of this method of weight loss is that it is not necessary to count the absorbed calories. As far as this method of getting rid of extra kilograms is correct and safe for health, solve only you.

Do you feel a victim of hunger and impotence against it? The more you eat, the stronger you want to shove in anything at least something? The reason for such irrational behavior in the products that prefer. More fiber (vegetable) instead of simple carbohydrate food (sweet tea and sandwich with sausage) will save from feeling hunger for a long time.

Still how many times a day you need to eat?

For proper nutrition, share your daily diet on 7 meals with small portions. This is the perfect power scheme. But how to make it in life? Every 2 hours do snacks, but not everyone that fell at hand. Prepare food for each of the techniques in advance. Of course, this is a rather troublesome lesson who takes a lot of time! In such a schedule there are also its drawbacks: due to the fact that insulin is constantly on a high mark, then the fat burning occurs extremely slowly or even stops. If the stomach is stretched, then the rebels cannot be avoided.

You can experiment with 4-fold nutrition. Such a diet mode allows you to avoid overeating and control the number of calories absorbed every day. Fingering 4 times a day, you will allow fat reserves to leave faster. Insulin will be produced not after digesting food, and its absence will provoke fat cleavage. After a while, the body will get used to such a food regime, so that the feeling of hunger will occur closer to the time planned meal. There is a lack of 4 meal nutrition: incoming products into the body in large quantities are poorly absorbed.

How many times a day to eat to throw off extra kilograms without harm to health, is determined purely individually. If you are afraid of overeating and not sure that you can control the volume of food for 1 reception, then pithying 4 times a day.

What products can not be used for breakfast?

Many recognize breakfast the most important meal. Eating wrong products, you provoke chronic fatigue syndrome (overeating) and already at 11 am you want to eat again.

We have prepared a list of products that are categorically not suitable for breakfast:

Skid yogurt is not at all suitable for breakfast. Although it is a small calorie, but contains a lot of chemicals and few proteins. And just the protein does not allow to starve for a long time.

Rogani and other snob. One dying roglikal is equivalent to the 4th (and maybe more) pieces of white bread! This does not mean that it is not necessary to eat. Choose baking from solid grain and eat with products enriched with proteins (eggs, cheese, salmon). Only here it is not necessary to lubric baking with oil or melted cheese!

Pancakes are a source of fast carbohydrates, so do not fit for breakfast. And pancake pellets polished with syrup and jams accurately give the body a blow from the surplus of sugar. And hunger will still come quickly!

Energy bars made of cereals and dried fruits - a bad way to start a new day. As a rule, there are many sugar and chemicals in the bars. Therefore, there is no benefit from them!

Freshly squeezed juices are very useful for health, but not suitable for breakfast. A glass of fresh juice is good to drink between meals, for example, instead of afternoon. Still, this is a source of carbohydrates, and the breakfast needs proteins!

Muesli is also helpful, but are not suitable for breakfast. The reason is the same: small protein content and a huge amount of carbohydrates. It is better to eat yogurt with raw nuts.

Fast Food - all beloved, but harmful food. Complete harm and no benefit from fatty meal food!

Why is it rarely harmful to eat?

The reason lies in the fact that the habit is rarely, but large portions makes you gain much more calories than during frequent small snacks. With the second variant, it is possible to constantly maintain a sense of satiety in the body.

The dependence of the feeling of hunger on the blood sugar level is known. If you eat rarely, the level of sugar falls, you feel the unreason, the decline of the forces and at any opportunity you will throw it on food. Since the saturation sense occurs only 15-20 minutes after the start of meals, you eat much more laid, swallowing with slices.

If you are on a diet, then it is to maintain the sugar level during the day at the same time. Do not admit a strong feeling of hunger (when sucking under the spoon). The speed of metabolic processes slows down after 5-6 hours after eating. That is why when weakness should be eaten often and gradually (4-6 times a day). It is also good to calculate calories to eliminate the possibility of overeating. Food carefully and slowly chew. It is necessary that before the feeling of satiety in the stomach placed food as little as possible.

Three- or a four-time power model is suitable for those who cannot control the portions of food eaten at times and it does not turn out to snack every 2 hours.

If you lead an active lifestyle, regularly engage in sports on a special program, then in order to eat 5-7 times a day.

Whatever the power of you choose, remember the value of balanced nutrition. Excuse rapid carbohydrates in favor of slow. Use more vegetables, fruits in moderate quantity, protein and necessarily drinking water at least 2 liters per day.

Each time we want to lose weight, thoughts about reusable diet are told. Allegedly 5-6 multiple food intakes lead to rapid slimming, acceleration of metabolism and other positive bonuses. But is it? Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

Slimming schemes for weight loss can differ much from each other, but the body practically does not feel such a difference. The body does not matter how often you eat, because the assessment of energy and plastic resources occurs in 3-4 days, and not every day.

It is believed that frequent meal techniques are spinning metabolism. But not everything is so simple as it seems. Metabolism is not a wheel that can be promoted. This is the speed of exchange processes and a whole set of various chemical reactions that are difficult to characterize only one term. Let's not go into the Debresions of Biochemistry and Physiology. Instead, simply turn to scientific data.

Acceleration of metabolism

Meals really leads to acceleration of metabolism. The problem is that people represent the exchange processes in the form of a steering wheel or wheel, which is enough to promote and fat burning will begin by itself. We do not get tired of repeating that weight loss is a deficiency of calories, in any way. No matter how many meals are food, what is the speed of metabolism, etc. But where did you get information about the benefits of frequent meals in the context of the promotion of metabolism?

The learning of food and subsequent processing requires energy - the thermal effect of food (TEP). After each meal, the body spends energy to recycle the resulting food, but such an "acceleration" of metabolism directly depends on the number of food eaten: less eating - less energy.

For example: 300 kcal dish will spend 50-60 kkal for assimilation, while at the same time a light sandwich for 150 kcal will require only 15 kcal for a full assimilation. That is, the magnitude of the "acceleration" of metabolism directly depends on the number of food, namely from its common calorie and the complexity of assimilation. Recall: fats and proteins are digested harder to carbohydrates.

As a result, weighing small portions often - you accelerate metabolism, but not so pronounced. The amount of energy spent is minimal. In the case of large meals - the TEP coefficient is much higher.

According to the result, there is no significant difference over the day, how many times have you ate. From the point of view of the general TEP there is no difference. You will spend the same amount of energy, and this is proven by numerous studies.

Researchers checked what will be if different people with the same daily calorieness give different dishes. One group was given small snacks throughout the day, and the other - only 2 large meals for meals on commensurate calorie content. The result by the number of calories spent for the absorption was identical, that is, the TEP of both groups coincided.

So in theory - yes, the acceleration of metabolism occurs more often with frequent meals, however, the calorie spent becomes less. Rare meal techniques lead to a more pronounced "acceleration" of metabolism, that is, to a more significant calorie spending to digest food.

So how many times is there?

For the body globally no matter the number of food meals. Balance of calories and their lack are key slimming factors. However, justice to note a few simple truths:

  • If frequent food intake facilitates a diet - you will lose weight, because to comply with the diet easier;
  • If frequent food intakes complicate control over the diet - you will get fat, because by the result you will break off;
  • If rare meals complicate the calorie deficit - it will prevent to lose weight;
  • If rare meals do not cause discomfort - it helps weight loss.

Therefore, to answer this question for all is impossible. Each person must independently analyze his diet, his food habits and desires to understand what scheme is more comfortable to him. For weight loss, it will be more efficient to eat without discomfort, strictly observing the calorie deficit. Many people believe in favor of 5 one-time meals, but at the same time they suffer very much from domestic inconveniences associated with frequent meal.


The most optimal scheme for us - for residents of the former USSR and CIS countries will have 2-3 meals and a small snack. Here you can make a temperate breakfast, a dense lunch and dinner, and an unloading snack from a small amount of forbidden products.

If you are not found in small frequent meals, try drinking a glass of water 20 minutes before eating food. Add more fiber and do not eat quickly. Some more comfortable is less common, but more. More abundant food, the higher the saturation coefficient, and the longer the satiety. Your task is to find a power scheme that will allow you to keep calorie deficit without a pronounced feeling of hunger.

Style outcome

You can have 30 and even 40 times a day by micropions, but no metabolic acceleration will help you lose weight if you do not create a calorie deficiency. These are the laws of thermodynamics. However, we note that some people have a positive response about 5 times a meal, because they simply ceased to overeat. They have become over a day there is less meal and thus created a calorie deficit, that is, they launched weight loss.

In order to find out how many times a day you need to have to understand why it is necessary to eat as many times as you have a lifestyle and what you want to get in the end. But we usually tell us - eat 5-7 times a day and everything will be fine. It is also said that there is a smaller one and more often, they also say that it is necessary to eat before it wanted to eat and as often as possible, otherwise if you are hungry, it will be at all trouble, you will eat an elephant and the skin.
Unfortunately, most people will never know how much more than once and what portions they need it. Because no one wants to understand this issue. Everyone wants to open a pink magazine and deduct something like, "eat 7 times a day and everything will be fine, because it is the main secret of someone very slender."
Also, many love to seek advice towards professional athletes. However, the fact is that professional athletes have a completely different lifestyle, which is very different from the lifestyle of the average person. Therefore, if you are not the person who has a way of life is the same as in prof. Athlete, then you will not use his nutrition tips.
If you are all exactly stubbornly to perform these tips, then let them not surprise their uselessness.
But nevertheless everyone thinks that if a person has dedicated life to sports, and lives on a strict diet for many years, then his experience is the best and will suit everyone.
Now imagine a person who came to the car dealership with the name of something "premium-ultra-super-star", and says, "give me a car with the biggest wheels.
The difference between a professional and those who mowers are that the professional chooses exactly what he needs. And the one who mows it under a professional, chooses what has already chosen a professional, regardless of how much it needs it.

How many times a day you need

If you live the life of an ordinary person who does not have to work in a mine every day or carry heavy stones, a lot to sweat and move a lot, then you often have it impossible. And even if you live the life of an unusual person, and at the same time do the same as ordinary people at the physical level, then you also can not have anything. That is, such people are more often 4 times a day not desirable. If you feel deeper into the essence of the question, it will turn out from 2, up to 4 times a day.

If you are working on a construction site, in a mine, or just work hard physically, or spend a lot of nerves and move a lot, then you need to eat 3-5 times a day. It can be sales representatives and managers who do not sit down ... in the office, and constantly run and agree with someone, the nose of the earth is root, in a figurative sense.
As for 6-7 times, this will suit that military, tourists, climbers, staff of power structures. And only at the time when they run in full.

Why do you need so often

If you live the life of an ordinary person and do not work too much physically, then in order for the food well digested you need to give time to your body to digest. Accordingly, in order for food to have time to digest, you can not eat often. You don't need a lot of food, because you spend little energy, so you need little and rarely. In such a meal mode there will be more chances to have time to digest and digestion will work fine.
Also, it is very important not to overeat and correctly combine products in order to maximize the efficiency of digestion. Because if you eat everything in a row on a little and rarely, then everything is exactly the food will not have time to digest. As a result, your body will be contaminated, the digestive organs will be covered and will be as they say - "The farther in the forest, the more firewood."
If your body is slapped, then the effectiveness of the digestion will be strongly falling, threatens that the vitamins and useful elements that you eaten will not be learned by your body or will be assisted in insufficient quantities, it is already dependent on the degree of slapping. Unpainted food will rot within you, poisoning your body with products of rotting, and continuing to grasp it even stronger.
Therefore, it is important not only to eat rarely and little, but also to properly combine food, for effective digestion.
I also add what you need when you are really hungry when you have drools and I want not to eat, but eat. Also in your case it is important not to eat all day that I got.
Because as we remember the most fat people in the world complain to everyone that they don't eat anything, the same thing approves ordinary zhirbaleses and those who just have from 5 kilograms of excess Sala. The fact is that for a fatty person a little bit like nothing, and if there is nothing more than a day, then this is the same thing that is nothing.
So it turns out that the person did not eat anything all day, but some mysterious way through his stomach was a bucket of food.
Therefore, I urge you not to eat everything in a row from nothing to do. It's time to eat, they filed and forgot about food until the next eating, no snacks and no dry feed in bags between feeding foods.

If you are hard to work physically, then you know the feeling of hunger, because you are regularly experiencing it and it is very good. You need more often to eat small portions, because if you just fill the belly to the dump, then the rest of the day you will wait or feel very sluggish. Therefore, to feel cheerful and the day goes well, it is necessary to eat more often, but not to get out. It is necessary to have such portions so that after 15 minutes you and I could easily begin work. For hard work, it is also important to properly combine products so that the day goes out easier and digestion worked as efficiently as possible.

As for those who have 6-7 times a day, in such a mode, any food eaten in a chaotic combination will digest, but to improve the efficiency of digestion will not be superfluous, by correctly combinations of products. This will add strength and energy that you will not prevent you too.

Also remember that food is needed, if possible, hot or warm, it increases the efficiency of digestion. Once a day you need to eat porridge and learn how to drink water.
I usually usually eat 2 times a day, sometimes 3 and I have enough.
And if you think about the right nutrition in a serious way, then I attached useful additional materials to you at the bottom.
The fact is that the number of food receptions is far from the most important nuance of proper nutrition. Just like the volume of the drinking water per day. You can drink half liters of water per day and everything will be fine, you can drink 5 liters of water with the same lifestyle and everything will be fine.
You can eat 2 times a day and everything will be perfectly, you can embed at least 10 meals and everything will be just as good.
It is important how the overall process of training and nutrition will be delivered.
Proper nutrition must be optimized and adapted to your lifestyle.
The steering wheel in the car can be left can be on the right. If he is right, it does not mean that the car made idiots that do not know the elementary, and therefore the manufacturer of this machine is an idiot.
Just as the wheel diameter is not a key parameter for determining the efficiency of the car.
In the "sofan examination" there are many stereotypes, we will not disassemble all of them now.
Remember that the task solving must be approached constructively and with understanding the situation. If you do not understand how it works and do not know what to do, then contact the one who understands and knows what to do.
If the problem has already turned and the problem is solved, then this article and materials below will help you better understand why you need to do what you are doing and what the right solutions are still.
Millions of people with decades subtract articles and books for food in pursuit for the next magical secret to solving a problem for 3 days and every time surprised why this time the Council did not work. And only a little comes to contact a specialist and resolve the question is not in a hurry in a couple of months.
It is me that you understand that reading articles and magazines is very rare solves nutritional problems and overweight.
Below, materials that will help you better understand why and how many times a day you need to eat, how to combine products, why, why so on.

Useful fast food cereals

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