Adjara ASSR. Adjara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Wars and occupation

ADZHAR AUTONNULA OF THE SOCIAL SOCIALIST REPUBLIC, Adjara, - in the cargo. SSR. Located in the southwestern part of Georgia, on the southernmost coast of the Black Sea region. Educated on June 16, 1921. The bad 3.0 thousand km 2. Us. 245286 [Georgians (Adjarts, etc.). Russian, Armenians, etc. (1959)]; Mountains us. 110843, sat down. - 134 443. Capital - Batumi (82 meters). A. (Adjara, Achara) - East. region of Georgia. In cargo. And the visant. Sources are mentioned in 10 V. n. e. Even earlier, the data about it are found in the ARTOP. (Movses Horanatsi et al.). In 6-4 centuries. BC e. A. was part of the Zage. The kingdoms "Colchis", then "Iberia". In 4 c. n. e. A. entered the Georgian state. Association - "Lasika". In 6 c. Zap. Georgia was a struggle between Rome and Iran. In 7th century It was empty. invasion of Arabs. In the 9th century A. became part of the KN-Va Tao-Clardeyti, the dominated princes of the fourth were among the initiators of the Union of Georgia. With con. 10 V. A. was part of the united feud. Georgia; He was controlled by the royal erystas (rulers of the provinces). Later, the territory of the owf. Primorskaya A. was part of Guriy meavaria. In 11-13 centuries. A. He strongly suffered during the invasion of Seljuk and Mongols. In connection with the weakening of Georgia, due to the growth of feudal fragmentation and internecine fighting, most A. in the 2nd floor. 16th century It was captured by Turkey. Tour. The domination brought A. Ruisenage, threatened by National. and cultural degeneration. Turkey led the captive trafficking, conducted policies of violence. Hooling, deprived the peasants of the Earth. The population of A. was repeatedly rising to the struggle against the invaders (1680, 1685, 1697, 1744, 1819, 1856), defending their originality and culture. After joining the Vost. Georgia to Russia (1801) A. remained in the power of Turkey. Only as a result of the "Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78" on the Berlin treatise (see "Berlin Congress 1878") Batum (Rus. Named. Cities of Batumi), Kars and Ardagan were attached to Russia. A. Reunified with Georgia, got rid of the tour. dominion, which had a progressive meaning. Despite the colonial policy of tsarism, A. received wider opportunities for growth produces. Forces, joined the front Rus. culture. With con. 80s. In A. Began to develop proms. Batum quickly turned into one of the advanced bourges. Casual cloaks, taking an important place in external. trade and prom Russian Empire. In 1898 in the Batum there were more than 10 large prom. enterprises, numbers. The workers reached 11 thousand (ch. arr. Port movers and workers oil plants). In 1897-1907, the Baku oil pipeline was built - Batum. In 1896, the first Marxist Group was created in the Batum, Rus was actively involved in K-Roy. S.-D. G. FLANNIY AND I. LUZIN. In 1901 in the Batum was created by S.-D. Org. On March 9, 1902, the Batumi K-T RSDLP organized a major demonstration of workers (see "Batumi strike and a demonstration of 1902"). In the period of the revolution, 1905-07 in A. The strikes took place. At the end of November 1905, an army took place in Batum. Performance workers. In the 1st world War A. became the isna of the military. actions. After Feb. Revolution 1917 A. was ruled by the "Special Transcaucasian Committee" - body time. pr-va. Bolshevik orgations A. At this time left the underground, organized the release of Bolshevik newspapers ("Burevestnik", "working and soldiers", etc.) and began to create detachments of the Red Guard. Since November 1917 in A. The power of the "Transcaucasian Commissioner" was established. In Apr. 1918 Turks captured Batum, part of Guria, Akhaltsikhe, Ardagan. Dec. 1918 to July 1920 A. The English was occupied. Forces (see "Foreign Military Intervention in the Caucasus and in Transcaucasia 1918-21"). Starting from 1917, the working people under the leadership of Bolsheviks were the struggle for the victory of owls. authorities.

After establishing owls. Authorities in Tbilisi in Fevr. 1921 Batumi became the last refuge of Mensheviks, which concluded a secret agreement with Turkey. March 11th tour. The troops occupied Batumi. March 18, 1921 Workers A. under the leadership of Bolsheviks, with the help of the Red Army, established owls. power. In the first years of owls. The authorities were conducted by the nationalization of land; Peasants A. received 6,865 sons. Earth. June 16, 1921 Ajdzh was created. ASSR consignment of goods. SSR. On Dec. 1922 Aj. ASSR consignment of goods. The SSR entered the ZSFSR. For the years of owls. The authorities in A. have been created developed proms and multi-sectoral socialist. from. x-in. A cultural revolution was accomplished. Illiteracy in the OSN. Liquidated (in 1913 in A. It was 7% competent). Created nat. Theaters, Bs, Clubs, Scientific. and culturally will enlighten. institutions. 12th Congress of Soviets A. 25 Oct. 1937 adopted the new Constitution Aj. ASSR, reflected by the victory of socialism in the republic. In the years led. Fatherland Wars in the republic were awarded the orders and medals of 19207 people, 5 people. Awarded the title Hero owls. Union. Subtropical has been developed in the republic. X-V, Prom-STI for processing S.-H. Raw materials, oil, as well as mechanical engineering. According to the yield of tea leaf A. It takes one of the first places in the world. Created tea f-ki, tungasobynyy and essential z-dy, shipbuilding-ships, a large hydropower station. In p. x-ve is especially great specific gravity Citrus, constituting half of the fruit plantings of Georgia. Batumi is a major prom. Center and Seaport.

2 reps are published in A.. Newspapers - "Batumian worker" (on Rus. Yaz.) and "Sabchota Adjara" ("Soviet Adjara") for cargo. Yaz. In Batumi are Aj. State Archive, local history museum, museum of revolution, ped. In-t and others. Scientific institutions.

Lit.: History of Georgia, ed. N. A. Berdzenishvili, TB., 1960; Bakradze D., Archaeological. Traveling in Georgia and Adchara, St. Petersburg, 1878; Ahvlotiani χ. Α., From the history of people will free. Fight in south. Georgia, Batumi, 1956.

M. I. Dumbadze, N. T. Pokashidze. Tbilisi.

Ajara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

Ajara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

The Adjara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Adjara, is located in South-Zap. Parts of the Transcaucasia, to the East coast of black m; enters the cargo. SSR. Pl. 3 t. Km 2. Us. 375 t. (At 1.1.1984). Capital - Batumi (130 tons, on 1.1. 1984). Auto The republic was formed on July 16, 1921 in the cargo. SSR.

From the oldest times of Terr. Sovr. A. And the regions neighboring with it was settled. cargo. tribes. In the era of feudalism in Georgia were formed off. Historic. Provinces, one of the toy formed in the r. Ajariskali (from here name. A.). With 4 in. n. E. When Christianity quickly spread in Georgia, A. was part of the cargo. State Association - Lasik. From 10 c. A.- Part of the united feud. Georgia. In the 2nd floor. 16th century South. Part A. was captured by Turkey, and in 17-18 centuries. Turkey took possession of the whole terr. Sovr. A., rejugging it from Georgia and forcibly spreading freight among the indigenous Christian. us. Islam. In A. sharply deteriorated demographic. The situation was observed stagnation in the economy and culture of the region. Only as a result of Rus. Tour. Wars 1877-78 A. was released from the tour. yga.

OSN. us. A. - Georgians, constituting one of the branches of the Caucasian family of peoples. In addition to them, Russian, Armenians, Greeks, Ukrainians, Abkhaz, Jews, Azerbaijanis and others live in the republic. Russians and Ukrainians moved here from the inside. Regions of Russia after the liberation of the edge from the tour. domination, Greeks and Armenians - ch. arr. Refugees from Turkey. OSN. Yaz. - Georgian and Russian.

One of the consequences of entry A. The composition of Russia was an increase in the number. us. If in 1874 us. (in the Sovr. borders) did not exceed 48.5 tons, then 78.3 tons lived here. But the accelerated growth of us. in the pre-revoluz A. Was called ch. arr. immigration. Due to high mortality, nature. The increase remained at a rather low level.

Favorable conditions for the growth of the number. us. Forest in the years of owls. authorities. For 1926-82 us. A. increased from 132 thousand to 370.7 thousand, including urban from 50 thousand to 167.9 thousand. Share of the mountains. us. In 1983 - 45% of all of us. A. Nizh. us. Changed the trail, way (since): In 1939 - 200, in 1959 - 245.3, in 1970 - 309.8, in 1979 - 354.2. Rose growth rates. us. A. is higher than for Georgia as a whole and for the other Avt. Education, which is due to the preservation of large-scale traditions among the indigenous., Moreover, Outside Batumi.

A.- The most tightly populated auth. Republic in the USSR: Wed The density of us. - 124.9 people. 1 km 2 (for 1.1. 1984). Especially high density of us. in Primor. strip. Poor. Points here are arranged to high. 400 m, and the width of the resettlement band does not exceed 10-12 km. On this terr. Passed up to 80% of everything and approx. 97% of mountains. us. republic, and cf. Density of us. exceeds 400 people. 1 km 2. In the mountain area, where the population. Points are located to high. 1600 m, cf. Density of us. 10 times less. Cities grow moderate pace; Mountains us. Increases as a result of migrats. Groost and create new mountains. settlements. In addition to the capital, the city is Kobuleti.

So. The size reaches the migration of us. within the republic. OSN. Her directions are from the village. The locality in the city and from the mountain ranges to the seaside, where the industry has developed high-intensity subtropical. from. xy. Mountain zone occupying approx. 2/3 terr. A., suffers from acute small-earth and the narrowness of the sphere of labor application. In Primor. Zone tea, citrusterity and other labor-intensive industries with. X-Ba require a large number of labor. In this zone, both cities and 4 pgt arising on the basis of agrarian-prom., As well as resort and tourists. Complexes - recreac. Non-Union zones.

Social Structure us. A. Over the years of owls. The authorities have changed radically. Before the revolution, the OSN. Part of us. The soles and soles and neo-performerr were made. Hoodies. In 1970, the proportion of workers among all of us. (including non-working family members) accounted for 35.1%, servants - 21.9%, collective farmers - 42.6%; In 1979 - acc. 41.2%, 22.5%, 36.2%. The number of people employed in societies. Production in 1979 compared with 1970 increased by 22.1%, with the predominance of employed in the field of material production. In the 70s - Nach. 80s. There is a decrease in the share of busy in the industry and raising the share of busy in non-production. Industries.

Big successes are achieved in the Republic of Nar. Education. Until 1917 competent us. was less than 7%. In 1979 per 1000 people, employed in Nar. X-ve, accounted for Higher. Education 115 people, with illegal. Higher 12, with Wed. Special 133, with cf. General Education 389. In 1982/83 uch. G. in 406 general education. Schools studied 77.1, vol., in 8 cf. specialist. Uch. establishments - 3.5 tons, in a ped. In-th - 2.2 thousand students. In A. 19, 330 mass libraries worked in 1982 (2653 tons. Bills and magazines), 2 museums, 196 club institutions, 227 film installations.

In 1921, A. was only 47 doctors and hospital institutions for 140 beds. In 1982, 9 sanatoriums operated in the republic, 19 holiday homes and guest houses (only 6459 seats), 41 hospital institutions by 3.9 thousand beds, worked. 1400 doctors, 4.3 thousand sf. honey. personnel.

● Collection of statistical. Information on the Transcaucasian Territory, ed. E. Kondratenko, Tiflis, 1902; Nijaradze N. I., Djibouti N., Adjara, Batumi, 1978.

V. Sh. Joshvili, N. I. Nijaradze.

Demographic encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Editor-in-Chief D.I. Valentine. 1985 .

See also `Adjara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic`in other dictionaries

Adjara. As part of the Georgian SSR. The monuments of the prehistoric period are preserved on the territory of Adjara: Mengira, "Quakseby" (stone human figures), the remains of Collid settlements (3-2th thousands of years BC), settlements in Kobuleti (IV-III century BC. .). The feudal era of the existence of the Georgian kingdom (X-XIII) includes numerous defensive structures (with constructionaries of earlier eras) - Tamariszikh, Petrasiche, Gonioscio, Hihaniszikhe (all - the first half of the XIII century) et al.; Hall Church with a carved decor of facades in Shatta (middle XIII century), single-line bridges in the villages of Saputreti, Coolanti, Keda, etc.

During the period of Turkish domination (XVI-XIX centuries), Adjara architecture is experiencing a decline; Wooden mosques with rich carvings in the interiors are preserved (in the villages of Gorjo, Nandalo, Didachar, etc.). IN late XIX. - early XX centuries. The growth of the city-port Batumi, seaside resorts (Kobuleti, Green Cape, etc.) with private ...

Ajara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Acaryce autonomyuries Sabchot Socialisturi Republic)

Adjara. As part of the Georgian SSR. Educated July 16, 1921. Area 3.0 thousand kM 2. The population is 310 thousand people (as of January 1, 1969, evaluation; 245 thousand people by census 1959). In A. 5 districts, 2 cities, 6 urban-type villages. Capital - Batumi.

Political system. Adjara ASSR is the socialist state of workers and peasants, the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The current Constitution was adopted on October 25, 1937 by the 12th Allian Councils. The highest authorities of state power - the unicameral Supreme Council of the Adjara ASSR, elected for 4 years by norm 1 deputy from 3 ...

Adjara, - in the composition of the goods. SSR. Located in the southwestern part of Georgia, on the southernmost coast of the Black Sea region. Educated on June 16, 1921. The bad 3.0 thousand km2. Us. 245286 (Georgians (Adjarts, etc.). Russian, Armenians, etc. (1959)); Mountains us. 110843, sat down. - 134 443. Capital - Batumi (82 meters). A. (Adjara, Achara) - East. region of Georgia. In cargo. And the visant. Sources are mentioned in 10 V. n. e. Even earlier, the data about it are found in the ARTOP. (Movses Horanatsi et al.). In 6-4 centuries. BC e. A. was part of the Zage. The kingdoms of Colchis, then Iberia. In 4 c. n. e. A. entered the Georgian state. Association - Lasik. In 6 c. Zap. Georgia was a struggle between Rome and Iran. In 7th century It was empty. invasion of Arabs. In the 9th century A. became part of the KN-Va Tao-Clardeyti, the dominated princes of the fourth were among the initiators of the Union of Georgia. With con. 10 V. A. was part of the united feud. Georgia; He was controlled by the royal erystas (rulers of the provinces). Later, the territory of the owf. Primorskaya A. was part of Guriy meavaria. In 11-13 centuries. A. He strongly suffered during the invasion of Seljuk and Mongols. In connection with the weakening of Georgia, due to the growth of feudal fragmentation and internecine fighting, most A. in the 2nd floor. 16th century It was captured by Turkey. Tour. The domination brought A. Ruisenage, threatened by National. and cultural degeneration. Turkey led the captive trafficking, conducted policies of violence. Hooling, deprived the peasants of the Earth. The population of A. was repeatedly rising to the struggle against the invaders (1680, 1685, 1697, 1744, 1819, 1856), defending their originality and culture. After joining the Vost. Georgia to Russia (1801) A. remained in the power of Turkey. Only as a result of the Russian-Turkish war, 1877-78 on the Berlin Treatise (see Berlin Congress 1878) Batum (Rus. Named. Cities of Batumi), Kars and Ardagan were attached to Russia. A. Reunified with Georgia, got rid of the tour. dominion, which had a progressive meaning. Despite the colonial policy of tsarism, A. received wider opportunities for growth produces. Forces, joined the front Rus. culture. With con. 80s. In A. Began to develop proms. Batum quickly turned into one of the advanced bourges. Casual cloaks, taking an important place in external. trade and prom security to the Russian Empire. In 1898 in the Batum there were more than 10 large prom. enterprises, numbers. The workers reached 11 thousand (ch. arr. Port movers and workers oil plants). In 1897-1907, the Baku oil pipeline was built - Batum. In 1896, the first Marxist Group was created in the Batum, Rus was actively involved in K-Roy. S.-D. G. FLANNIY AND I. LUZIN. In 1901 in the Batum was created by S.-D. Org. March 9, 1902 Batumi K-T RSDRP organized a major demonstration of workers (see Batumi strike and demonstration 1902). In the period of the revolution, 1905-07 in A. The strikes took place. At the end of November 1905, an army took place in Batum. Performance workers. In the 1st World War A. Steel Military. actions. After Feb. Revolution 1917 A. was under the rule of the Special Transcaucasian Committee - body time. pr-va. Bolshevik orgations A. At this time left the underground, organized the release of Bolshevik newspapers ("Burevestnik", "working and soldiers", etc.) and began to create detachments of the Red Guard. From November 1917 in A. The power of the Transcaucasian Commissioner was established. In Apr. 1918 Turks captured Batum, part of Guria, Akhaltsikhe, Ardagan. Dec. 1918 to July 1920 A. The English was occupied. Forces (see Foreign Military Intervention in the Caucasus and in Transcaucasia 1918-21). Starting from 1917, the working people under the leadership of Bolsheviks were the struggle for the victory of owls. authorities.

Watch value Ajara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in other dictionaries

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Education, one of the varieties of subjects of the Russian Federation. Currently, as part of the Russian Federation there is the only A. about. - Jewish A. about., At the same time ........
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The form of autonomy. Represented "
The state ", which was part of the Union of the Republic (RSFSR, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan). A. R. had ........
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rights -
The term used as a synonym for the term "
presidential republic".
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1. The form of state reign in which the highest authorities are elected for a certain period; Country with such a form of government. Bourgeois ........
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People, public
a business)
Form of state reign in which the Supreme State
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a state with its constitution and
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Republic) formally characterized by the following features. Unified system of state bodies ........
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rights -
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What is the "Adjara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic"? How the word is written correctly. Concept and interpretation.

Ajara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic The Adjara Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Adjara, is located in South-Zap. Parts of the Transcaucasia, to the East coast of black m; enters the cargo. SSR. Pl. 3 t. Km2. Us. 375 t. (At 1.1.1984). Capital - Batumi (130 tons, on 1.1. 1984). Auto The republic was formed on July 16, 1921 in the cargo. SSR. From the oldest times of Terr. Sovr. A. And the regions neighboring with it was settled. cargo. tribes. In the era of feudalism in Georgia were formed off. Historic. Provinces, one of the toy formed in the r. Ajariskali (from here name. A.). With 4 in. n. E. When Christianity quickly spread in Georgia, A. was part of the cargo. State Association - Lasik. From 10 c. A.- Part of the united feud. Georgia. In the 2nd floor. 16th century South. Part A. was captured by Turkey, and in 17-18 centuries. Turkey took possession of the whole terr. Sovr. A., rejugging it from Georgia and forcibly spreading freight among the indigenous Christian. us. Islam. In A. sharply deteriorated demographic. The situation was observed stagnation in the economy and culture of the region. Only as a result of Rus. Tour. Wars 1877-78 A. was released from the tour. yga. OSN. us. A. - Georgians, constituting one of the branches of the Caucasian family of peoples. In addition to them, Russian, Armenians, Greeks, Ukrainians, Abkhaz, Jews, Azerbaijanis and others live in the republic. Russians and Ukrainians moved here from the inside. Regions of Russia after the liberation of the edge from the tour. domination, Greeks and Armenians - ch. arr. Refugees from Turkey. OSN. Yaz. - Georgian and Russian. One of the consequences of entry A. The composition of Russia was an increase in the number. us. If in 1874 us. (in the Sovr. borders) did not exceed 48.5 tons, then 78.3 tons lived here. But the accelerated growth of us. in the pre-revoluz A. Was called ch. arr. immigration. Due to high mortality, nature. The increase remained at a rather low level. Favorable conditions for the growth of the number. us. Forest in the years of owls. authorities. For 1926-82 us. A. increased from 132 thousand to 370.7 thousand, including urban from 50 thousand to 167.9 thousand. Share of the mountains. us. In 1983 - 45% of all of us. A. Nizh. us. Changed the trail, way (since): In 1939 - 200, in 1959 - 245.3, in 1970 - 309.8, in 1979 - 354.2. Rose growth rates. us. A. is higher than for Georgia as a whole and for the other Avt. Education, which is due to the preservation of large-scale traditions among the indigenous., Moreover, Outside Batumi. A.- The most tightly populated auth. Republic in the USSR: Wed The density of us. - 124.9 people. 1 km2 (for 1.1. 1984). Especially high density of us. in Primor. strip. Poor. Points here are arranged to high. 400 m, and the width of the resettlement band does not exceed 10-12 km. On this terr. Passed up to 80% of everything and approx. 97% of mountains. us. republic, and cf. Density of us. exceeds 400 people. per 1 km2. In the mountain area, where the population. Points are located to high. 1600 m, cf. Density of us. 10 times less. Cities grow moderate pace; Mountains us. Increases as a result of migrats. Groost and create new mountains. settlements. In addition to the capital, the city is Kobuleti. So. The size reaches the migration of us. within the republic. OSN. Her directions are from the village. The locality in the city and from the mountain ranges to the seaside, where the industry has developed high-intensity subtropical. from. xy. Mountain zone occupying approx. 2/3 terr. A., suffers from acute small-earth and the narrowness of the sphere of labor application. In Primor. Zone tea, citrusterity and other labor-intensive industries with. X-Ba require a large number of labor. In this zone, both cities and 4 pgt arising on the basis of agrarian-prom., As well as resort and tourists. Complexes - recreac. Non-Union zones. Social structure of us. A. Over the years of owls. The authorities have changed radically. Before the revolution, the OSN. Part of us. The soles and soles and neo-performerr were made. Hoodies. In 1970, the proportion of workers among all of us. (including non-working family members) accounted for 35.1%, servants - 21.9%, collective farmers - 42.6%; In 1979 - acc. 41.2%, 22.5%, 36.2%. The number of people employed in societies. Production in 1979 compared with 1970 increased by 22.1%, with the predominance of employed in the field of material production. In the 70s - Nach. 80s. There is a decrease in the share of busy in the industry and raising the share of busy in non-production. Industries. Big successes are achieved in the Republic of Nar. Education. Until 1917 competent us. was less than 7%. In 1979 per 1000 people, employed in Nar. X-ve, accounted for Higher. Education 115 people, with illegal. Higher 12, with Wed. Special 133, with cf. General Education 389. In 1982/83 uch. G. in 406 general education. Schools studied 77.1, vol., in 8 cf. specialist. Uch. establishments - 3.5 tons, in a ped. In-th - 2.2 thousand students. In A. 19, 330 mass libraries worked in 1982 (2653 tons. Bills and magazines), 2 museums, 196 club institutions, 227 film installations. In 1921, A. was only 47 doctors and hospital institutions for 140 beds. In 1982, 9 sanatoriums operated in the republic, 19 holiday homes and guest houses (only 6459 seats), 41 hospital institutions by 3.9 thousand beds, worked. 1400 doctors, 4.3 thousand sf. honey. personnel. ● Collection of statistical. Information on the Transcaucasian Territory, ed. E. Kondratenko, Tiflis, 1902; Nijaradze N. I., Djibouti N., Adjara, Batumi, 1978. V. Sh. Jashavili, N. I. Nijaradze.

Adjara is the Autonomous Republic of Georgia, located on the Black Sea coast and bordering Turkey.

It is the most wet and hot, as well as the historically important region in the southwestern part of the country. It was Adjara who was part of the ancient Kolkhidsky kingdom, where the Greek hero Jason was swimming for the golden rune.

Developed tourist infrastructure and chic beaches are the main reasons for coming the largest number of tourists.

Adjara is the only autonomy of the former Soviet Union, formed at the Religious Principle: it was here in the XVI-XVIII centuries, the dissemination of Islam Turks began.

The population of the region - Adjarts is a special ethnorelysis group of the Georgian people. Monetary unit - Lari.

The capital of Adjara - Batumi

Adjara flag

The capital of the Republic of Adjara is a port city. This is the main tourist center of Georgia, the focus of cultural monuments. The population is about 155 thousand people.

The city is first mentioned in the notes of the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle dated to the IV century to our era.

Architecture in the city of two types: Vintage buildings are adjacent to modern skyscrapers.

Skyscrapers Batumi

It is in Batumi that the highest building of Georgia is the hull of the Batumi University, its height is 200 meters.

Not far from it, the famous alphabet tower is located in the form of a huge cylinder with a rounded vertex. Batumts call her chup-chups 😉

On the tower in a circle, all the letters of the Georgian alphabet are located - hence the name. The alphabetic tower is considered one of the symbols of the city, although it is not open to the visit. Upstairs planned to open a restaurant, one time there was a Studio of Rustavi-2 TV channel.

In Batumi, a huge number of hotels and restaurants: both budgetary and calculated on a very pretty tourist. Among the most expensive hotels - Radisson, Sheraton, Hilton.

Guests and residents of the city have a variety of entertainment - excursions, leo walks, sports grounds, parks, gardens, shopping centers, casino, dolphinarium and water park. In Batumi, there is a famous Tbilisi cinema, built in the Soviet era and dramatic theater. And in the Opera House Batumi, they say, in the evenings, Saakashvili arrived in the evenings.

On the streets of Batumi a lot of greenery, there are almost every turn monuments, fountains. City decorations - a musical fountain and stretching 7 kilometers along the Black Sea coast. Primorsky Boulevard.

Primorsky Boulevard

Primorsky Boulevard does not grow in vain travelers - shops, cafes, palm alleys and fountains and mounted to themselves, inviting to walk along the sea coast and sit in the shade of well-kept trees and shrubs. There are bicycle rental points here - the tired traveler can take advantage of any of them.

National cuisine

The Kitchen of Adjara has many features: for example, special acidic cream "Kaimaghi" are used by the Ajars as seasoning to various dishes, and such cheese, as in Adjara, you will not try more anywhere in Georgia.

Being in Adjara, try Kavarm - acute finely chopped meat, which is served in a clay pot (ketsey); Achma - Georgian "Lazagan" from flour and cheese; Sinari bread, which needs to be worn into kaymaghi, cottage cheese and oil.

The most popular local dish is Khachapuri in Ajars. This cake in the shape of a boat is eating hands, taking off pieces, which are then macked into the mixed oil and chicken egg.

Khachapuri in Ajars

In Adjara, resperate fish dishes, chicken meat, beef, lamb, but pork is not so popular here.

When you are in Batumi, be sure to go to the fish market next to the port. Here you can choose the freshest drum that you will die in the nearest cafe. With the famous Batumi beer goes great 😉

Winemaking in the region

The art of winemaking in Adjara is not very developed. The main reason: no conditions for growing grapes. Rather, the berries are growing here, but due to the characteristics of the climate, they do not have time to be saturated with sugar fully, and wine is watery. But here the connoisseurs of wine will find something interesting for themselves.

You can buy an adjujar wine in the Adjar wine house in the village of Acarsitskali. By the way, this house is also the landmark of the region, because the wine is made right here, and the wine tanks can be viewed and even touch hands. Local wine is produced from grape berries "" and "Chhaver".

Adjara Wine House


Basically, the region inhabit Adjartz is a special ethnoregious group of Georgians, among which Muslims are insignificantly dominated. Earlier, the adjusters professed Christianity, but in the Middle Ages under pressure from Turkey was forced to accepted Islam. But it did not prevent them from preserving their native language, the features of life and culture.

The first rule of each Ajartz - to be hospitable. Guests are always invited to the table, treat the most best traditional dishes, pour wine, which is drunk for the well-being of the host and for the health of the guest, but the first toast at the table always rises "for peace."

Cognitive Facts about Adjara:

  1. The highest building in Georgia is located in Batumi.
  2. Here is the largest Botanical Garden of Georgia.
  3. Pink wine of the local production of Chhaverry is considered healing.

Want to come here? The Viva-Georgia team organizes a tour or a tour for you will be the best travel route and will provide any other way to travel.

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