Fun gods game Passage. Description of the complete game Kamigami No Asobi

date Anime -Serial Producer Tomyuki Kawamura Screenwriter Tomoko Comaus. Studio Brain "S Base Licensee

Sentai FilmWorks.

Temalet Tokyo MX. Premiere Show April 5, 2014 - June 21, 2014 Series The game "Kamigami No Asobi - Ludere Deorum Infinite" Developer Nippon Ichi Software. Publisher Broccoli. Genre Visual Roman, Otsey Rating Cero: D. - AGES 17 AND UP
Platform PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita date

Kamigami No Asobi: Ludere Deorum (Yap. 神々 の 悪戯 Kamigami but asobi, Fun gods) - Japanese game, visual novel created by Nippon Ichi Software. The game was released on October 24, 2013 for PlayStation Portable. In 2014, Brain's Base released anime on its basis.


Yui Kusanagi is a simple schoolgirl, but one day Zeus called her to an unusual school. The Greek god of thunder and lightning decided to establish a school for other gods, he himself becoming its director, and Yui choosing to learn in it and represent humanity. The connection between the gods and people over the century has thinned and to restore it, Zeus decided to invite Yui to teach the most neglected cases among the Gods who are people and how to communicate with them.

Help Yui in this business will be a Melissa doll. At first, the gods recorded in the disciples were not pleased by the order of Zeus and refused to attend lessons. But gradually they penetrate the idea and attend not only lessons, but also clubs. Over time, the limitations of the divine forces of the shack of them fall from them, which means their successful "release" from school.


Yui Kusanagi (Yap. 草薙 結衣 Kusanagi Yui.) - main character Stories, daughter of a Shinto priest. Since childhood, she studied with a sword with a sword and it was the sword found in the pantry temple to transfer it to the Zeus school, where she was instructed to teach classmates' gods what "man." In the game, the plot is told precisely from her face, and it is on its solutions a player affects.

Sayy.: Sori Hayami

After entering the DVD, the first Disk Anime in the first week of sales took second place in the weekly Oricon chart with ~ 4.5 thousand sold copies, lifting only the anime "Wind strongs" Hayao Miyazaki.

Anime was licensed in North America by Sentai FilmWorks to display in digital networks and disks.

List of serials

No. Name Premiere Show
1 Forbidden School April 5, 2014
Yui after the last call detects at home the crucible box in which the sword is lying. Holding for him, the girl falls into a strange, but very beautiful place. There, the girl meets a lot of very beautiful and interesting guys, but they behave strangely. Soon, Zeus calls on her and explains that she was in the school created by him for the gods. He wants to establish a connection between people and gods by collecting the most distinguished from humanity. Now Yui should learn with them until he learns the young gods of love and humanity. While she does not fulfill the task, Zeus will not release it from this world.
2 Beautiful shackles April 12, 2014
After refusing Zeus, Jius meets Apollo. Together with him, she learns that the Academy is on a floating island. She has to get acquainted with six other gods and further joint training. To help her promises the Golev Melissa Guide.
3 Conflict of sea wind April 19, 2014
The first school days are not asked - someone sleeps, someone strives. Toto is bored. It requires efficiency from Yui, and also find a way to make skolors attend classes. To help her there should be a beach trip to the unexpectedly coming vacation, which is interrupted by the onset of autumn.
4 Curse Gades. April 26, 2014
When all the gods are collected and sorted through the parties, the opening time of school clubs comes. Gods actively take themselves with new activities. Among them - Aid, the only entered Astrological club. Yui tries to learn from him the reasons for his abundance and finds out that Aid is cursed - anyone, which turned out to be next to him, fears in misfortune. Yui is forced to find a way to turn the misfortune into joy.
5 Unpattitude heart May 3, 2014
He makes a reprimand of Yui for the fact that Tutsuk Takra is not busy anything other than forced visiting lectures. The girl attempts to make Susano join the club, which is getting a rough answer. Having learned that Yui owns a sword, Takher offers her bet - if she wins in the battle of swords, he will go to the club, no - she will leave him alone.
6 Feelings of lunar light May 10, 2014
The evening of contemplation of the moon is nearing, to organize which Titsuka Zucito took. Because of the unnecessary responsibility and work, Tsukito loses consciousness from the lack of sleep. He tells him that he will not finish the Academy and will not release due to the inability to understand the feelings. Loki, in a joking form, puts on him and Yui rings in love, to remove which no one, except the pair itself.
7 Promise of snow days May 17, 2014
Winter came, and after her and nostalgic memories of the childhood of Loki, Balder and Torah. Balder is recognized by Yui in sympathy and asks her to attend as much as possible. Employed their Loki suits to a friend scene of jealousy and does everything to separate the unwanted pair. Tor says Yui, that their trinity from childhood was together, and the relationship between Loki and Balder is an impregnable face.
8 Loneliness of light May 24, 2014
On the eve of the new year, Yui with the gods are organized by the Fair, which is not like Balder. He is looking for Yui and admits to her in his feelings, but they are interrupted by Loki. After a quarrel with him, Balder again catches Yui and the goal to subjugate her will, but because of the next intervention of Loki, he loses control and wounds him. Loki says Yui that Balder's emotions are not stable.
9 Gloomy Split Colors Prison May 31, 2014
After the new year, exams are coming, to prepare for which no one has time to achieve. Yui sees a dream in which Apollo gives a certain girl a casket, and soon learns that with her help she sees the future. Yui becomes evidence of the suicide of the beloved Apollo, and the next day stops him on the lake. AID and Dionysus say Yui that Cassandra - the beloved Apollo - ended with her, but in the world of the dead it is not. Now she, being a ghost, pursues apollo on the land of living.
10 Beautiful and fleeting June 7, 2014
The exams are handed over and as a reward for "successful delivery" Zeus entrusts Yui and the gods to organize a performance. The choice fell on Cinderella with Yui in the lead role. During the play, Anubis steals the juice from Dionysus and leads him into rabies, which is poured into a very unexpected climax and the union of a well-known fairy tale.
11 Bonds of fate June 14, 2014
Balder is in the hospital after the loss of consciousness. Friends visit him and promise the speedy recovery. Loki welcomes that Balder is no longer saving and "he will kill him." Friends are in oppression. While they were looking for ways to save Balder, Loki had already led him to the cliff, where he decided to end him with his flour.
12 Eternal separation June 21, 2014
Loki repents before Balder. He says that everything has long worked about himself and commit suicide. For a moment before this, the god destructive is mastered. Battle of Balder begins, a decisive role in which the sword is played by the Order of the Heavenly Masters in the hands of Yui. When Balder is returned, Yui goes home and already a year later it meets with the gods again.


At the beginning of anime, the song "Till The End" sounds, and at the end of "REASON FOR ...". Both songs are performed by Sayy Characters: Miy Irino (Apollo), Dysuke it (Gades), Uuto Uemura (Tsukuyumi), Tosyyuki Tyunaga (

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Description of the complete game Kamigami No Asobi

Download game of fun gods through torrent for free - JapaneseVizal Roman Company CompanyNIPPON ICHI Software andbroccoli. The game was released on October 24, 14 years for PlayStation Portable. In December, the television series StudioBrain's Base, which was published in April 2014. The director of the series - Cavamura Tomoyuki. Anime has 12 episodes of one season.

There are also alternative names of the work, such as "Games of the Gods", "Fun Gods" and "God's fun".

Opening and closing compositions were performed by Seju, voicing the characters anime. There is also a CD-collection of OSTOV to the game. Songs are filled with Miu Irino, it is Daisuk, Uuto Umemu, Tosyyuki Tyunaga, Hiroshi Kamia, Josoy Josoy. Download the game of fun gods to the computer through the torrent.

Yui Kusanagi, the main character, it turns out to be moved to an artificial measurement created by the gloomy Zeus god. The measurement is a floating island with a single academy, where locked the most recalculated gods for training, famous peace of people. Jiu's task - become a model and teacher in the knowledge of the gods of the human heart for one school year. At first, the hard task is reduced to the fact that the Yui is in the center of events predicted by ancient prophecy. In her hands it turns out the sword of the Order of the Heavenly Masters, able to absorb energy. Together with the gods of Yui, it takes a hard way through the study and the knowledge of each other's personality to the final battle for Balder during his uprising. Immediately after this, Yui return home, while she just found himself at the Academy. Once at home, Yui flows into depression. After a year, she again meets the gods acquaintances.

List of characters

Kusanagi Yui (Yap. 草薙 結衣 Kusanagi Yui) - the main heroine of the series. The daughter of the priest of the Shinto Temple. At the time of the start of events - graduate of the eldest school. Yui from early childhood, thanks to the Father, actively engaged in the fight with a sword. It is love for swords that leads it to an artificial measurement. Upon returning from the graduation ceremony, Yui detects in the pantry vintage gold (in anime - silver) sword. Having accepted it for the mythical artifact of her family, Yui touches him, and the weapon transfers it from Japan on a floating island. Download game of fun gods in Russian without registration.

Having woke up in an unfamiliar place, Yui goes to search for help, during which he meets on the path of the gods: Aida, Tsukumi (Tutsuk Tsukito), Susano (Tutsuka Terker), Loki and Balder. Soon, she is waiting for a meeting with the Father of all people - a formidable Zeus. After the demonstration of his Divine Forces Zeus punishes the Yui to engage in learning the gods, to which the stubborn refusal receives. With a delay to realize that without having completed his task, she will not return home, Yui is forced to agree. Almost immediately, she meets the sunny God Apollo.

Yui quickly flies in the male team due to the fact that he grew up with two brothers, and he tries to make friends with the unreasonable Loki and the alienated Aid (Gades). In school, Apollo and Melissa - Golem, created by Zeus especially for Yui. According to the nature of Yui stubborn, good and hardworking. She does not allow to talk about himself bad and able to flare. It has the power of belief and it is capable of contacting. So, for example, she managed to somewhat "defect" Tutsuk Tsukito and find an understanding with Cassandra. For unknown reasons (most likely, because of the sword), Yui saw a sad event from the life of Apollo and was able to hear Kassandra. It does not apply to the Divine Effect of God Light Balder and the hypnotic power of Loki. Yui acts fearless and self-confident girl who has set itself the goal to awaken in the gods share of love for people and help them, and at the same time and to return home. She has a lot of the ideas of a joint pastime, bringing closer to the gods with each other. Over time, she managed to pacify even the negligent heart of God the seas of Susano and conquer the confidence of Loki. Distinctive trait - Perseverance. Sayya: Hayaha Saori.

Zeus Kerauunos (Yap. ゼウス · ケラウノス - Zeuso Keraunoso) - Director and Creator of the Academy of Gods. Following a certain ancient prophecy, assembled all the plump gods on the floating island, including Balder. He created the system associated with the hearts of the gods. Watching their growth and carefully looks at Balder of Christner of Christner. Ancient Greek God Lightning and lord of heaven. Brother Aida. Father Apollo and Dionysus. It has a formidable and fairly arrogant character, but is distinguished by restraint and foresight. Fair, smart and enough chiter to keep the gods inside your measurement. Created shackles for the forces of the gods. Seyia: I want to Otsuk. Download the game of fun gods on the PC through the torrent is the full version.

Egyptian gods

That Kadupetusus (Yap. トト · カドゥケウス - Toto Kado: Ukusu) - Egyptian God of wisdom and teacher at the Academy. It is called by Zeus to the Academy as a mentor of students. Alubis came to the Academy and Anubis, who also had to learn, but because of his excessive shyness, it was born to the compatriot. That rude, arrogant and demanding, no patience. Strict to Yui and to the gods. The latter gives fierce nicknames. Never for all Anime helped Yui, nor the Council, but during the theatrical stage, replaced the story, showing himself to beware and resourceful when the script was spoiled by Anubis. The shaft of total total is on the neck and has the kind of necklace. Seyia: Tosyiuki Morikawa.

Anubis Mat (Yap. アヌビス · マアト - Anubisa Ma: AT) - Egyptian Lord of the Dead. An inconspicuous god arrived along with Tom. Keeps either next to him - in free timeOr spends time on the roof of the school. Asocial and with the rest of the gods do not mean. His behavior resembles cat behavior. He made a row during the play "Cinderella", staring at Dionysus a bin grape juice. I did not visit a single classes. Okova Anubis - Piercing in the navel. In the novel in the guise of God reminds cat. Seyia: Cadzi Yuka.

Greek gods

Apollo Belea (Yap. アポロン · · · ベレア Apollo Agan Belleir) - the God of the Sun and the class of the class of gods (chairman of the student council). Bright and optimistic young man, the ancient Greek god of the Sun and the patron of art. Can foresee. Like Balder, "glows" when Yui looks at him. By the nature of soft. Speakers Yarym Enthusiast and supports Yui in her difficult case. It turns on to work with hunting, envy in teaching a kind of game. In learning, lazy and often does not understand what they teach. In the past, I lost my beloved Kasender, as I thought myself - in my fault, because I gave her a forbidden gift of foresight. After her suicide was stuck in a trap, convincing himself that he was not allowed to be happy. Shone to madness. When the ghost Cassandra appears on the island, loses his personality and control over himself. His shackles are black. It consists in a tennis club on a hard court. The initiator of the idea with the "heavenly lanterns" for the New Year Fair. Does not hide what warm feelings are experiencing to Yui. Calls it "Fairy". It also has the habit of tapping the names of other gods, changing them on their own way. In Cinderella played the role of Prince. He was the first of the gods, whose Okova slept herself. Okova Apollo - Ring with green stone. In the divine look, his hair becomes longer, and the eyes are golden, any clothes disappear, with the exception of the Greek skirt and chains. As a weapon uses a silver bow. Seyia: Miu Irino.

Dionysus Tirsos (Yap. ディオニュソス · テュルソス - Dionysus Those: Ursos) or Di Di (Apollo) - Apollo's brother and the main drinker of the school. The ancient Greek God fertility and winemaker, son of Zeus and the nephew of Aida (Gades). Eagerly joins the idea of \u200b\u200blearning, learning that "it will be fun." It is extremely lazy and not thinking about studying, sleeping in classes. Preferred gardening club, where soon pulled and uncle. Details of the past Dionysus did not reveal in the anime. In Cinderella played the role of the deceased father of the main character. For the pre-New Year Fair presented flowers and grape juice. Okova Dionisa is a powerful earring in the left ear. Sleeping during the rebellion of Balder and school crash. In the divine appearance, rushed into a pink. Uses wine cup as a weapon. Seyia: Nodzyea Hirofumi.

Aid (Gades) Aidonus (Yap. ハデス · アイドネウス - Aid Aidonusu) - Brother Zeus, Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead. Previously, all other gods realized what was happening at the Academy. Because of the long-time conflict, the brother refused to take part in his plan for a long time. Soon is drawn into the team. At first glance, Aid is an alienated and gloomy man. He does not give anyone to him, from the rest, it is staying away. Introventen - does not open anyone, even with his nephews. Upon joining the astronomical club, the Yui is recognized that due to the long years of stay in the darkness, he was cursed by the dead, and all those present next to him turn out to be drawn into his misfortune. The cursing sign itself is located on the chest. He loves the starry sky, strawberries and rice pellets. After a conversation with Yui, it becomes close to the rest of the gods and draws into training. He has a black sense of humor. In "Cinderella" performed the role of the king. Okova Aida is located on the neck in the form of a beautiful necklace and falls under the rebellion of Balder. Left eye Aida red. In the guise of God wears a dark long class and a crown and a crown and arrange a blue flame. As a weapon uses braid-alabard. Seyia: It's diving.

Japanese gods

Tutsuka Terker or Susano (Yap. 戸塚 尊 - Tutsuka: RU) - Japanese God of the seas and storms, the chief athlete of the Academy. Apollo calls him so much. He arrived together with the brother Tsukumi (in the game and with Amaterass). It is distinguished by unnecessary quick-tempered and rigidity. At first, he perceives Yui as the enemy of the people, and communicates only with his brother. Sports. Owns a sword. Allows Yui to take part in the morning and evening jogs. During one of them, in a thunderstorm, Yui breaks away from the rock due to a landslide. Tacher is forced to break the eye and releases his strength to save the girl, for which it turns out to be punished by Zeus. Because of this incident, he reverses all and everything and does not agree to talk to anyone. When Tsukito talks about the fact that in the past, Terker was accused of the death of the goddess that robbed him (she just like Yui, broke from the rock), he lost all confidence in others. Yui managed to convince him that here he can trust everyone, and Zeus - in his innocence. How the God of the Seas, loves the sea. Hurting and able to transfer any weather conditions. In the "Cinderella" played the role of an older sister. OKOVA TACERA is located on the foot - Benchka. During the rebellion of Balder, when he asks Loki to trust his new friends. In the guise of God wears partially samurai armor. Holder of a large two-handed sword. Seyia: Tosiyuki Tyunaga.

Tutsuk Tsukito or Tsukuyumi (Yap. 戸塚 月人 - Tutsuka Tsuki: TU) or Tsuki-Tsuki (Apollo) - Japanese God of Lunar Light and Night. Different appearance young man with amber eyes. He always keeps cold-blooded - in any situation and is not inclined to show emotions. Perceives learning as a "mission you need to perform. He calls him "Imbitil" for his nearestness. He never understands what he does and why, what he likes, why do people laugh. For him, ordinary human belongings seem distant and unnecessary. According to the total, its "defect" lies in its excessive execution, devoid of all sense for himself. Everything that Tsukito does, he does only in directions, without manifesting his will. He organizes the evening of contemplation of the moon, during which he and Yui manages to remove the rings of lovers, comic to them on them. Removed rings gave the first impetus to understand the Tsukito of the human essence. Compared to other gods, he records every word that has been said in class and does it with a phenomenal speed. It is not difficult for him to use difficult-acting words. He has a pet - White Rabbit Osamaro. Okova Zuchemi is located on the wrist - Fenochka. The same during the rebellion of Balder. In the guise of God, it is closed in purple and white clothes with a gold necklace and a diadem. Use the printing of the tide and the moon. Seyia: Uuto Umura. Download the game of fun gods through torrent on PC.


Kamigami No Asobi ~ Ludere deorum ~ one.

This is a translation from Japanese in the form summary The plot of Japanese visual novels (Father) called

"Kamigami No Asobi ~ Ludere DEORUM ~"
(Fun gods).

The game came out in Japanese in October 2013. For PSP. (on the game there is anime).

Laptop plot. The main heroine of Kusanaga Yui - the daughter of the Shinto Priest falls to the Supreme God Zeus, who places the mission to her - to teach the problem of the worlds the concept of man and love. From now on, the girl will learn at school with the gods ...

In the game, the main character can be with any of handsome, each of which has developed its romantic plot. Here I translate and retell the plot:

He is the ancient Egyptian God of wisdom and knowledge. Initially, he was revered as the God of the Moon and Time, but later it was represented, first of all, as the wisest God, who gave people knowledge and writing and the former scribe of God's god (in this capacity he was attended by the court of the Dead Osiris). It was considered one of the main gods that manage the universe.

Genre: myths, supernatural, romance, humor, drama, school. Warning: Not under 12 years old.

This is a secret game route, for him you need to go to the end all the others: Apollo, Gades, Tsukito and Terker, Balder and Loki, including Anubis. I will not explain the characters and all the nuances of the game and the plot here. And by the way, the route is short.


School of gods.

There was an eleventh grader Kusanagi Yui. She was a daughter of a Shinto priest and lived at the temple, although he did not have any special abilities. One day she climbed into the family ancient archive to find his destiny, that is, to decide how to do it in life. And she found there the Magic Sword of Ama - No-Murakamo-tonight, who moved her to the Supreme God Zeus.

Zeus was just looking for a person for his school of gods, whom it was necessary to teach the concept of love and man, and the connection between the world of people and gods weakens, and in the future it will bring a catastrophe. So he ordered the girl to escape among the disciples of the gods and show that people are worthy of love after all. She will have to live in a new school year, to help nine students graduate from school, and if everything goes well, Zeus, with the help of the god of the time of the chronos, will return home at that very moment when she disappeared. On students magic shackles, as soon as the student God understands what love is both a person, they will fall. This will mean that God passed the final exam. The shackles, among other things, constantly restrain their divine power, so that the girl is worried about the fact that they create something dangerous, especially do not need, although ... from any rule there are exceptions.

In short, you do not argue with Zeus, in addition, the girl wanted to find his fate ... This is a sign! To her help, Zeus asked the goddes of fate Moyer to show what choice would affect the fate of Yui.

In full shock, the girl was equipped in a hostel, then met with his new classmates. The next day, Zeus called her, to find out something lacks for school. Following her advice, he created even students, puppets, and appointed a concierge girl.

Zeus said - choose that you will arrange in school - Student Council or Circles?

Eh ... "The girl thought, and the goddes were tired of fate that she was already on the eighth time, and they whisper to her, slaughter on both options and tell me that he herself would like to study the gods. So Yui did, but Zeus only laughed. The girl rushed into his legs to be silent, because if we strengthen the bonds between the gods and people, then not only the gods of people to study, but on the contrary. The Supreme God agreed on the condition that Yui first will teach the gods.

The girl left and uploaded classmates on the full program of all sorts of additional classes. So the spring passed, summer and the autumn came ...


Chapter 1. He who rules wisdom.

And so called Zeus a girl to himself, saying that she coped with the task, the gods will hand over the love exam and people. So it's time to respect the request of the Yui. That's just for her great regret he did not want to teach her himself, but appointed a Tota, Egyptian god of wisdom in a teacher.

Yui killed, just not it! She suffered him in the lessons! He was selfish, arrogant and completely unbearable. As a teacher, he was strict, but he did not want to teach at all, ranging from lessons when the first call is faster than any student, and the rest of their duties ignored. And to himself demanded to contact "Vladyka that" and not just on "You", and all the time with "please" and "Many thanks".

As she expected, the teacher snorted and stated that she would not teach her, unless he would answer a couple of questions if he had a mood. He sparkled viciously with his eyes, this glance said that he would never be sentiment.

Yui sighed and went to the library, to do it alone. She scored the books a whole stack and was going to read them in the library ...

Are you going to hang around here? - I heard suddenly behind the voice of the teacher, and very close.

Ai !! - From fright, the girl dropped all the books on the floor. When did he manage to come? - Yes ... I will quietly read ...

That snorted and sat down at the place where she was going to sit down, even the bag left there. I had to sit on the other side.

Yui opened books and began to read. Suddenly a quiet sound of her distracted. What is it? She listened and realized that the teacher reads books out loud, the truth is very quiet and with mad speed. He read everything - from recipes for dishes to history and fairy tales. Well, God wisdom, I shrugged my shoulders and continued my reading.

A couple of hours later ... (Fantasyviolet translation)

Wow! - exclaimed Yui, reading that in the past the gods more than once destroyed humanity. Is that really true?

That viciously looked at her.

Forgive me, please, I am silent ... - Jiu hid behind the book.

Another hour of Yui broke the stack of books, studying this topic, but it would be an easier teacher to ask, is it true, and how often and why the gods destroyed people.

Khm ... Vladyka He can a question?

He ignored her ... Here's unbearable! And by the way, Yui came to mind with a crazy thought, it is interesting that in the books it is written about it, which he is so arrogant. Quietly giggling, she began to look for him info.

What!? - did not hold the Yui. He was one of the gods that the world created!? Gosha! It is such a steep, steeper Zeus!? No wonder what happens so ...

Sorry, silent, - Yui slipped under the table from the terrible look of the teacher.

When he was dark, he began to kick out the girl from the library. However, until the end of extracurricular occurs, 20 minutes remained, and to read the girl a couple of pits ...

Let me read ... - she began.

Noether, do you want to take my personal time!? After closing the school, the library becomes my home.

Do you live in the library!? - Surprised Yui, - I quickly read a couple of pages ...

Are you still moving to me with these lips? - Suddenly, in a second, he found himself from behind her and grabbed his chin. He was so close that Yui felt his breath on his face. She was embarrassed, but did not get out of his grip.

Maybe you close your mouth so as not to say? He asked, spending his finger on her lips. Yui shuddered with sensations, blood stuck to her cheeks. His gaze dropped on her book, - Are you interested in me, you read about me about me?

- I'm wrong?
"Right ..." it was useless to deny.
- And what did you know about me?

What did you create the world ... Such an important god, she answered trembling lips.

Hmm, a good answer. So the bruises of him on the nose.

Yui tried to remove his hand. What does he cling to her? She just wanted to know the gods!

He laughed, - What a look ... You've even interested in almost me, but ... - Suddenly he let her go and shouted her, - Anubis! Take this woman from here.

From nowhere to take, a strange God appeared, talking on a strange adverb.

Anubis, "the one smiled, - the time of cleaning, the sorts of her.

Yui drank from the library, he told her for goodbye to come tomorrow. Girl spanned. He draws her as with garbage!? "Surrive her"!? It was terribly hurt. Who he imagined himself!? Ah, yes ... God created the world ...

The next day, the girl came to the library, thinking, once the teacher told her to come, he decided to teach her, but he just had a swollen over her. He and Anubis ignored the girl completely ...

Looking like Anubis tolerates a total, and even rejoices such a unpaid handling, the girl thought. Once someone crashes him, maybe the teacher is not so bad. Probably, it is worth trying to get to know it better and make friends. As they say, the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach, Yui decided to bring Touot food.


Chapter 2. High God.

All attempts by Yui make friends, obviously strained a total, so he began to avoid it. She had to sit in the library alone. Of course, the teacher had legal excuses - some strange meetings with Zeus and Amateras. He refused to say what they were discussing, saying that this was not concerned with schools and students.

Once he returned after such a meeting himself not his own. Anubis kicked out and asked Yui to stay.

What is a person? People are bad? Or good? - He sorrified the girl with questions.

Yui replied, as she could, and he understood that people themselves do not know the answer to these questions. He asked Yui to help him deal with this question and let go home.

The girl went upset that he made left conclusions from her answers. She understood that he would have to do not care about the total, but every day he thought more and more.

The next day, Apollo after the lesson asked the teacher to clarify something, it snorted that it was not obliged to respond, since all the students are already considered, ready for exams.

Fairy, "Apollo held offended," I heard you with him additional tasksIs he also strict for you?

Yes, almost, - the girl sighed, "except that he does not break into the half-head.

Oh, so our teacher is kind to the girls, "the God of the Sun winned, - well, good luck.

Yui looked after him in shock. That is good!? Is it really? She did not notice for his petty insufficate that the teacher allows her more than others and did not even come up with a humiliating nickname, but calling by the name ... Well, "Bounds" he has a standard appeal to everyone.

After the lessons, she found a total in the library. He read the book alone. The girl sighed, because of his such a relationship, no one wanted to communicate with him. But he lives in the world not one millennium ... And all the time one ... the poor thing ... After the remark of Apollo, the girl was more friendly to him. She buried his nose into the book, but did not read them for a long time, but reflected on Tote. He created the world ... And he languishes himself alone ... how unfairly ... (source phials fantasy)

In the evening, Yui quietly gathered books, so as not to interfere with God to read, and was going to leave, but he delayed her. It was so unusual.

I'm tired of reading, make me a company, "he explained, breathing hard.

Do you want to talk? - I did not believe Yui my ears.

He called her and allowed to ask him, anything. The girl was very delighted to such a chance, that's just all questions about the gods at this point, she had only to one concrete wisdom god. What are you doing in everyday life? Why are you so cold with others? Who do you have to Anubis? It was such a chance that she did not want to spend him on boring questions from books.

They chatted for a long time, he respected some questions, and from others he dug. With each answer, the girl's heart pounded everything louder. Probably Apollo was right, just could think Yui.

Hmm, - summed up, - I understood you.

How so? "Yui was surprised, because the conversation was about him, she said nothing about himself at all.

Answer me, "he said, - What is death? And what is life?

The girl expressed him his considerations on this matter, which he found interesting.

Well, the girl answered overwhelmed, - I am glad that you are happy ...

You asked what I understood about you, I will answer. Two things. The first: you try to be a good person. Second: You put my eyes on me ... As they say, he grinned.

Yui Dar speech took away.

I'm wrong? Right? So you can't answer.
- Not…

I am right, he interrupted her, - you read about me in the book, because I became interested. You also recognized it myself. Or forgot? - Suddenly he grabbed her hand and pulled him to himself, - Besides, forgetting yesterday's offense because of the poor handling of my part, you still come to the next day. Normal person I would like to avoid me. The conclusion here comes the only one.

Yui slightly moved away from shock and tried to break out, but he only pressed her to his waters with the second hand, - at the end, I gave the bait to make sure of your feelings to me, - he whispered to her ear, forcing you, - I gave You have what you wanted to ask questions. And what did you do? You did not ask about the gods, but only about me. I honestly answered your questions to not guess that I play with you. So, according to your gestures and expression, I understood everything. You are a great experimental rabbit.

Guinea pig..!?

Do you teach? What is love ... What is a person?

He pushed her and pressed against the bookshelf, condensed her both hands above his head.

Vladyka that ...!
- Resist useless. I can do with you anywhere.

He squeezed his hands stronger to show that he was not lying. It became problematic to resist.

If you do not want pain, stand calmly.

Why ... Why do you do it? ... - Tears have fed her eyes. Yui thought they finally had and understood each other.

Because I love.

- ... This answer will please you? - He played with her as if for some cruel instruction from his favorite books.

Stop ... I ask you, "she did not exactly want it. How did it come out? Did she say something wrong?

He grinned - if these words could be stopped, the problems would not have arisen.

His hand gently slid along her neck.

- … but! - Abnulted the girl from the unusual sensation that had not had to experience before.

What sounds ... - He clearly enjoyed.

Yui was embarrassed and bit her lip to no longer be fed, - ... to ... NN! - She could not donate, had to endure his caress.

What? - He whispered, - do not hold back, not interesting.

PLEASE PLEASE! - Her body protested against such an uncomfortable posture, unable to find strength to resist.

What are you looking at me. You are good man? Diligent. So teach me. I want to know love. Real ...

Suddenly he pounced on her lips with a greedy kiss. So deep, that even forgot to breathe. Their sighs, moans mixed, filling the silence of the library and forcing the hearts to beat faster. When the girl was no longer able to breathe, her body had reacted itself, moving a rush to the knee.

Ah! "Yui tried to catch his breath, until God looked at her.

Why don't you accept me? I do not remember that I gave the permission to reject me.

- ... !! "Yui didn't even know what to answer this, so I rushed out from the library from all the legs. As she got home, she did not remember. Very proud, not letting others, the arrogant Egyptian God. How did they get interested in it? Initially, it was a study, but when her goals changed? Yui, not understanding herself, wandered in the wilds of his confused thoughts.


Chapter 3. The answer to which you failed.

After this case, Yui began to avoid a total. Of course, nothing can be done with the lessons, but she visited the library only in extreme cases and made a moment when he was not there. Maybe ask Zeus to finish school early? Yeah, right now. How can she ask the director about such? But you can not look at the teacher, only where to go from his voice ...

I see, in our class there is a person who does not listen to me! - broke off her thoughts this very voice, - Oh, yes ... we have only one person in class, in general. Kusanagi, alive to the board. The rest opened the textbooks and took up the task.

Yui made an attempt to hide behind the textbook.

What? Perform an indication.
- Yes ... - Yui reluctantly rose.

At the board, she was waiting for a complex example, which, to her great regret, could not be solved quickly and escape. She took chalk and suddenly ... This pleasant smell ... The same as then in the library ... Immediately she felt his presence behind her back. She could not look, she felt like he drove holes in her holes.

What? - He whispered with her smile right in the ear, - are nervous? Won's hand shakes ...

Yui jumped.

He was trying, his eyes were strict, but the tone is kind, - you completely have nothing to be afraid. Do not twitch, otherwise you can not concentrate on studies. You have full time, I will wait. Perform calmly.

He went away, the girl calmed down and slowly decided the example.


Finally, I thought you fell asleep at the board. However, there are no errors, sit down.

Thank you very much, - Yui went to his desk, but when he passed pastot, he bowed to her for a second.

After lessons. In the library, he whispered so that no one besides her heard.

Until the end of the lesson, Yui sat on the needles. His invitation did not come out of her head. And after the lessons, she went to the library.

On the doors hung the name "closed", but she knew that it was for others. In the library Tota was not, but was Anubis. The girl sighed outstanding, they will not be alone. He came later, mocked her boyfriend about the first snow, dropping out on the street, and sent him to walk.

Yui noticed that the God of Wisdom was somehow tired. She could not stand and asked what happened.

I was fired from teachers, "God replied.

Oh, no ... Do not be discouraged, we will give petition about the cancellation of the decision ...!

He looked around, - you are unpredictable, I did not expect such a reaction, you seriously believed that I would be fired!?

He is pinned her like anubis. The girl pressed his lips, - I am glad that you have fun, then I went.

He stopped her with one hand taking over his shoulder, and the other closing the door of the library to the key.

Do not go, I called you in the case.

Yui jumped, set on the closed door.

He looked at her in surprise - what? Are you afraid of I said, not worth it. Otherwise, the conversation will not work, - he sat on the edge of the table, - go here. I will not eat you and will not take forcibly.

Yui doubted him to lie - spit times. Nevertheless, her heart believed God. She sat down near. He, not paying attention to her discomfort, put her hand on her shoulder and pulled her to him.

She felt his back warm, and her nose hit her nice fragrance.

Excellent pose for rest, he noticed.
- This is someone like ...
- You yourself interfere with enjoying, I'm not doing here.

Yui looked at him, he really rested with her.

Do you avoid me? Follows the reason, - he said, as if they were in the lesson.

The girl with a strange language something shed.

You do not know why? He asked, "so let's continue, you look, you will understand something."

He leaned towards her for a kiss, but Yui died.

Why do you evaporate?
- It `s naturally.

Do you like me? Or do you hate me?

It's not about this, "she replied. It was her first love, before that she didn't even kiss it, as she could easily go about him, - and in general, I would like you to take into account my feelings, and did not forced me to your actions. You are too creating what you think.

I will accept it as a compliment. In this world, severe leadership.
- It's not fair…

Honesty has nothing to do with the correctness. In addition, true mutual understanding does not exist. It is impossible to understand each other. People live alone. From birth to death. Love and attachment is only an illusion in order to forget about your loneliness.

The word loneliness pricked the girl in the heart. She has a loving family, good friends. Of course, there are meetings and parting in life, nothing is forever. But the life of man is short. And imagine how many parting would have to move, whether you are God that lives with thousands of years?

Vladyka he is alone? - I broke out, - why did you create the world? Maybe because of ...

For the sake of fun, he interrupted it, not letting it say that because of loneliness, but ... Probably it was a mistake, and time on the outcome ...

And I am already tired of pretending, - he sighed, gently pressing her to himself, - but you will not understand. And I now sorted out.

With these words stood and left the library, leaving a girl to worry about him.

The next day, Zeus announced that the school closes, without explaining the reasons. Everything is free, the exam will not. (Fantasyviolet translation)

A source:
Yui was shocked, she will now send her home, and then rumble along with the rest of humanity.

What do you feel, Kusanagi? - God asked, - if you want, you can hate me. I am one of those who destroy humanity.

He stood up opposite her, the opening of his hand, as if offering himself to the confusion. Yui did not know what to say, it was empty in the head.

Destruction is what? He asked, - What do you think about the destruction of mankind? (source phials fantasy)

The girl here realized that all his such strange questions in the midst of their conversations were always no accident. The goddess of destiny showed her that she had two decisions that they would change her fate. Will she have a courage to try to stop the destruction?

Yui Ahunul, - did you pretend to be bad!?
- Yes, to know the truth.

But now he understood, people are not to blame, they made their gods. Just before he really did not want to admit that his creation was not completely, but Yui opened his eyes. There are no people to destroy, you need to ... destroy the world! After all, it is a mistake.

E!? How from "Give people a chance" came out to "destroy the world"!?

But he no longer listened.

He revealed his divine appearance to the world. His power bold Yui through the door and broken windows right into the courtyard. When she smelled and ran back, he had already started the magic of the destruction of the world. Everything around glowing strange signs.

Do not come! - He shouted to her, - you step in the light, and even I am not a save!
- Do not destroy the world, please! - shouted the girl.

I will give you a choice, Kusanagi, - he said, - Choose, your life or the life of the world? Only I am serious.

Yui wondered, she would like to save his life, but as she presented that her parents, brothers and friends - everyone would perish, what she would do in an empty world without them? Therefore, she chose the world. (source phials fantasy)

Not stupid, - the one said displeased, - do not play in beautiful wordsThey need to support them. Therefore, we take up.

Worth? Yui realized that he was not stopped by him, she stepped into the world, "you see, the Lord is that, I'm serious too, do not destroy the world.

Her body became transparent, starting to disappear.

Nonsense, nonsense ... - he did not believe his eyes, - No man would make such a choice! It's all a bad dream ...

He fluttered, Yui first saw him like that.

You did not make sense to sacrifice yourself! I offered you salvation ... So why are you ...!? Why didn't you understand my feelings!?

The world ... I ask you ... You, Yui could no longer say, the thoughts disappeared with her head, - I was ... happy ... meet ... you ... probably ... first ... love ...

Kusanagi! - He handed her hand to her, but could not save.

Vlad ... ka ... That ... loved ... you ... - That's just she did not understand him with his desire for perfection and truth. Is that now the curtain of his mysteriousness slightly raised, - save ... Bo ...

She completely disappeared. Forever.

He was shocked, almost dying from grief, - ......... Kusanagi Yui ... - He fell powerlessly on the floor, his strength was dissipated, - I could not understand you. I missed you wrong, this is my mistake.

He knew that Yui is different, but he could not believe that she was so different. He gave her the opportunity to choose his life instead of peace, thinking that she would agree, like any other person in his opinion. It was his way to suggest her salvation, to suggest her to stay with him forever, but she did not understand him, and turned out to be so another that he chose to sacrifice themselves for the sake of peace.

I thought you were stupid, once you believe in God, but it saved the world. Is it really so beautiful ... Kusanagi?

Yui disappeared from the world of people, her family never heard about her. Only gods remembered the brave girl that he saved humanity from destroying.

The end.
(I did not turn the language to call it a happy ending, although it was she ... at others)

Game description

Another story, where the ballast rules from various mythologies (example: Campiona). It has long been accepted that the gods loved simple people, and they worshiped them. But there were angry, arrogant gods, who are not affected by people, and just hate them. In order not to give equilibrium to turn around and maintain the connection between people and gods, the Council was organized. It was customary to create a special "school" in which the chosen girl (!) Teaches the problem gods of the mind and mind, and will explain to them such concepts as "man" and "love." In the center of history, the usual high school student Yui Kusanagi and gods (God of the Sun, the God of the Moon, the God of the Sea, the God of Death and others), who hate it, but do not do anything ... The heroine goes to learn from them into one school. As soon as she achieves progress, Yui will be able to go home. But will she want this, by the time? After all, all the gods of beauties and God forbid her to decide with one choice.


Gameplay games are divided into two parts: adventure and mini-game. The first part of Adventure, requires a player of solutions and choosing certain actions, to be able to move along the plot. The plot itself happens two types: predetermined in advance and dependent player. This is the basis of visual novel.

Each branch (route) chosen by the player has four endings, except secret characters that have only two. The entire adventure part is completely voiced.

The second part of the game will allow the player to participate in minibars, a certain quiz by mythology. The level of complexity of riddles can be changed at your discretion, and choosing Yes / No questions or choosing one option from the proposed list. As far as your answer is right, you will immediately understand the expression of the face of the coming, believe your work in the case of the correct answers will not be in vain, but is rewarded with objects (which can later be used).

Choosing a path

Another feature of the game. The choice also to share into two parts: a simple and fate thread. Simple selection - Will meet almost constantly by choosing one option, you will increase your brave points to a certain number. Statistics can be found in the menu.
Threads of fate- This is an important choice on the player's path. Faced with such a special option, the choice of which will be limited to the hands of the courage.


Here you can apply your fantasy and dispose of the items obtained in the quiz. You can place at home, objects and chibics characters. Depending on the totality of all these features, you will easily be able to open scenes with heroes, so feel free to try various variations.

1 series - "Forbidden School"

Yui after the last call detects at home the crucible box in which the sword is lying. Holding for him, the girl falls into a strange, but very beautiful place. There, the girl meets a lot of very beautiful and interesting guys, but many of them behave very strangely. Soon, Zeus calls for her, explains that she was in the school created by him for the gods. He wants to establish a connection between people and gods by collecting the most distant from man. Now, Yui must learn with them, until he tends to young gods of love and humanity. While she does not fulfill the task, God Zeus will not release it from this world.

2 series - "Beautiful shackles"

Yui met Apollo, who is very clearly flirting with her, referring to customs. It turns out to be Apollo, nor someone from the gods knows why Zeus gathered them all together. At the General Meeting, he announces his will and forces them to study, sealing their divine power. They have a year for learning humanity - otherwise they are forever stuck in this school. Yui and her new classmates began their studies in the Divine School. Yui decides to try to maximum in order to get home as quickly as possible and begins to explain his new familiar learning rules at school. Only a few gods come to the first call.

3 series - "Changeable sea breeze"

The gods started full training and lessons. But far from everyone wants to attend classes, which is very angry by their mentor - God Tota. Zeus changes the course of the year - the academy starts the summer holidays. To at least a little interest the rest, Yui and her friends, want to show the charms of school life outside it. Between Apollo and Yui skipping a romantic feeling. Yui organizes a ride to the beach, but the weather changes dramatically and no one managed to swim. Yui offers the candidacy of Apollo to the President of the Social Council. In order to entertain, Yui and Apollo make salute. All the idea was perceived with a bang - the relationship between the gods began to be established.

4 series - "Curse Aida"

Yui is going to organize school clubs for interests to rally the team. Many students refuse clubs, especially AIs avoid any communication, it is afraid that it brings everyone. Yui struggles to establish communication with him, but almost dies in the river. Yui does not stop communicating with Aid, realizing that it is dangerous. She is trying at least somehow to delight him, bothering his favorite food. Asid tells the Yui that the reason for all the troubles is to curse, which the dead people are sitting on him. Yui collects all students and goes with Aid to watch the stars. She explains that any failures are nipple when there are faithful friends.

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