The most famous volcanic eruptions in the world. When Yellowstone explodes - the most common versions

Perhaps there is no such person who would not hear about the volcano. His giant caldera, which occupies the third part of the Yellowstone National Park, is the largest supervulkan in North America, and more recently, the object of close attention of scientists and fans of volcanology. Yellowstone is a dormant supervolkan, but in recent years its activity is rapidly growing. Many researchers argue that it can occur already in 2015-2016, and its consequences will be disastrous for the population of our entire planet.

Location: Aydaho, Montana and Wyoming, United States
Height: 3142 m
Type: Supervulkan.
Number of eruptions: 3

The structure and eruption of Yellowstone

Yellowstone is located above the so-called hot-point characterized by prolonged volcanism. For a long time it was believed that under the "lid" caldera there is one huge magma bubble with a depth of over 8000 m, but quite recently, scientists have discovered a much larger reservoir under the upper bubble, 4.4 times higher than the first. The volcanic feed is provided by a large plume (hot flux of the mantle with a temperature of 1600 ° C), part of which is closer to the surface melted into magma and contributes to the appearance of geysers and gas emissions.

For the last 2.1 million years, Vulcan Yellowstone everacted 3 times:

  1. The eruption of "Geclberry Ridge" 2.1 million years ago was a disaster of a continental scale, during which more than 160 km³ of rocks were thrown. Stones rose to a height of about 50 km, and volcanic ashes covered the fourth part of the mainland.
  2. The eruption of the Mesa Falls volcano is 1.3 million years ago, which resulted in 280 km³ rocks.
  3. The eruption of "Lava Creek" is 640 thousand years ago, which formed a huge caldera with a circumference of about 150 km.

Tourism on Yellowstone

Yellowstone Park is the first National Park in the world, founded in March 1872. It is the UNESCO World Heritage Site and annually takes over 2 million tourists attracted not only by the Callera of the Volcano, but also by many canyons, caves and reservoirs. On the territory of the park you can see more than 1280 geysers, including the Geyser "Old servant", sprinkled every 63 minutes, as well as a large prismatic source, which is overflowing with all the colors of the rainbow due to colorful algae and bacteria. Although the probability of volcanic eruption is high enough, tourists continue to come to the park and enjoy it with beauty.

Morning in Yellowstone 06/15/2015

Geyser Old servant

Yellowstone detection history

In 1870, a search expedition was sent to the Central Northern Parts of the United States to study the territory of the state. At the end of August, the researchers approached Mount Ushabrn, and on August 29 several people rose on her top, but the first among them was Gustav Dan - Lieutenant of the American Army. Looking from the mountain to the southern part, the military saw a huge depression among the rocky mountains, which was covered with forests.

Dowan interested in this territory and in his diary he recorded the following: "Detected large sizes of the depression, most likely it is a crater for a long time extinct volcano, which has long been sleeping." And in fact, the Lieutenant was right - Yellowstone is really a volcano, and he does not sleep, he doesn't care and takes his cool temper from time to time. In our time, in the territory of Yellowstone from the Earth, in the literally the sense of the word is rising hot water, as well as clubs of various gases.

For several years, the territory was examined, and in 1872, the Yellowstone National Park was created here on March 1. Today it is a large biosphere reserve, he was also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. And in those years for the United States, it was one of the most first national parks created by the state.

In total, the park occupies a total area of \u200b\u200b898 thousand hectares and is located immediately on the lands of three US states: Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.

Yellowstone National Park and Tourism in the Park

Yellowstone National Park is awesome on the beauty of the place, local coniferous forests, caves, canyons, beautiful waterfalls, rivers, lakes, geysers, all this in the literal sense words fascinates.

According to many tourists of the real Pearl Park, the lake is the feature of which is its location. This is one of the most highly mountain lakes around the world, as it is located at an altitude of 2135 meters above sea level.

The Yellowstone Park has a special structure, as it is located on the plateau, and due to the perimeter of the mountain ranges, a special microclimate is created here. Since through rather high mountains, an average of 2500 meters above sea level, cold winds, and indeed winds can not be very raised on the surface of the park.

Directly the park itself is also quite high - 2400 meters above sea level. The highest point in the park is the eagle peak mountain, the height of which is 3462 meters. The plateau itself was formed by numerous and permanent eruptions of the volcano. Each eruption was accompanied by the emission of lava, it collapsed over time, the forest was exposed and the forest grown on its surface.

In addition to the beautiful lake, beautiful landscapes, on the territory of the Yellowstone Park, a large number of hot geysers and sources. Also here is the largest geyser, with the name of Excelsior. Couples and a post of boiling water from time to time with a big noise bursts from under the ground up, and rises approximately height hundreds of meters. Even above the couple rises, about 300 meters.

Moreover, the appearance of a water column and a pillary boiling water occurs quite unexpectedly, a sudden discontinuation of the emission occurs. Also enjoys a big popularity to another geyser - an old servant. He has his own feature - the geyser is very punctual, he periodically throws a stream of hot water into the air into the air, which rises to a height of 50 meters. At the old servants, the water eruption is quite long and takes five minutes, after which everything stops and resumes again after 65 minutes.

On the territory of the Yellowstone Park, a wide variety of representatives of flora and fauna. Here you can meet many representatives of the animal world: several types of bears, deer, moose, bridges, lynx, wolves and many other four-legged animals roam the park.

In numerous rivers and park lakes, there are about 20 varieties of fish, even some are rare. A very large number of representatives of the first world - birds in the park about 300 species, most of them in the warm period here are chicks.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Yellowstone National Park attracts a huge number of tourists annually on its territory. Despite the fact that it is forbidden to hunt here, as well as in some periods there is a restriction on fishing, the removal from those who want to visit this place is not.

This is understandable, since the local infrastructure in the literal sense of the word "sharpening" for tourist flows. Tourists offer various tours, different difficulties, a time of stay, method of movement, etc.

The tourist route is most popular, the duration of which is from three to 5 days. During all this time, tourists are offered to see the various sections of the National Park, introducing them with representatives of flora, fauna, natural attractions. In mandatory, each tour includes visiting all the main attractions of the Yellowstone National Park, ranging from the Mammoth terraces and ending with the supervolkan.

Yellowstone volcano

Yellowstone supervolkan or as it is also called the Yellowstone Caldera - refers to the entire name of the volcano located on the territory of the Yellowstone National Park. A feature of this volcano is that it is located in the very center of the tectonic plate, or rather North American, which is not entirely typically for volcanoes, as they like to be in a place where these same tectonic plates are connected. To date, the volcano is very poorly investigated and scientists have more questions than answers.

It is worth noting that the Yellowstone Volcano has a not quite typical, traditional shape for volcanoes. First, it is very huge, secondly, he has a completely absent cone, in fact, this is such a volcano volcano. And this is due to the fact that its upper part asked below the level of land of the local territory. After the failure, a large variety was formed, which in a circle of scientists is also called Caldera. This word is Spanish roots and translated into Russian Spanish word Caldera denotes a boiler.

Yellowstone volcano on all its territory has a fattened earthly bark. Under a small thickness of this very cortex is a huge amount of red-hot magma. The dimensions of this supervulkan are affected - the diameter of the caldera is within 60 kilometers.
Recent studies of scientists showed that representatives of science before that were a little mistaken in the real size of the volcano and its potential danger. In fact, the area and volumes of the grinding magma inside the Yellowstone volcano must be multiplied by at least two and a half times.

Yellowstone eruption script and its consequences

In essence, Yelllostene is a practically sleeping volcano, not one hundred thousand years old, he did not give serious signs of life. Despite this, under the fine earthly crust is a large amount of magma that boils, moves and wants to break out. As a result of regular research and observations, the Park became known that all of its territory from year to year rises. It is an indisputable proof that the volcano lives some of his life and it gradually increases.

Since the Yellowstone Volcano does not have a well-known crater, like the mountains, the hot lava is injected almost all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe volcanic surface. It is for this reason that there is an increased geothermal activity here, it is in the territory of the Yellowstone Park, half of all geysers and geothermal sources of land are located.

Recent studies of scientists led them to the conclusions that the supervolkan is exposed to eruptions almost every 600 thousand years. At the same time, the last time the eruption occurred for quite a long time - 640 thousand years ago. That is, Yellowstone volcano is in a rather long hibernation and every year it increases the likelihood that he will wake up, but unfortunately no one knows when it all happens.

Moreover, it can provoke it a major earthquake, from which the result of the earth's crust will occur and ... 38 thousand cubic meters of hot steam will break out, and after it the hurry lava reserves. According to the forecasts of scientists, if this happens, there is nothing alive around Eleostone in a radius of one thousand kilometers.

So how will the scenario of the development of the eruption of one of the largest ones on the land of supervulkanov?

One scenario in the past has already been played. Then, 640 thousand years ago, the Yellowstone Volcano exploded, in one moment a few kilometers in the sky rose huge the volume of land and all that was on it. Literally in a few minutes, the entire territory of the supervolkan was completely destroyed, only the caldera of a huge size remained at the site of the explosion - 48 by 72 kilometers.

At the time of the explosion, the volcano managed to raise the sky about thousands of cubic kilometers of dust, sang and stones, for comparison, eruption in 1980, Saint Helens volcano less than a thousand times. But then at the beginning of the 80s from the eruption was 57 victims.

As a result of Eleloustone's explosion, 640 thousand years ago, a lot of dust and ashes were formed, which covered everything around thousands of kilometers. It should be noted that it was not the most powerful eruption, the most powerful eruption occurred 2 million years ago and it was two times more powerful.

The scenario of the development of eruption of Eelloustone in our time may look like this. First of the crack in the earth's crust, there will be an emission of gases and water vapor, after which the turn of a hot magma will come, which will spread in the entire fleet.

For several minutes after the explosion, 90 thousand people will die in the opinion of analysts. Next, within a radius, one and a half thousand kilometers from Eelloustone literally falls over three meters of hot ash. It was this ashes that will be the cause of the death of a large number of people and all the living, he literally the word of the milestone will bury.

Then the huge volume of volcanic ash will begin to spread through the land, blocking any movement of air transport, since in such a density microparticles, the aircraft simply will not be able to fly.

Also, during the eruption of the supervolkan, many sulcular volcanic gases will rise to the atmosphere of the Earth and they will react with a water ferry of the lower layers of the atmosphere. Ultimately the result, the entire planet will enhance a kind of gas haze, which will entail changes in climate. First, because of this haze, the surface of the earth will begin to flow less sunlight, secondly, as a result of the receipt of a smaller amount of heat on Earth, the average temperature will fall, and significantly - by 15-20 degrees.

Due to lowering the temperature regime on the planet in many regions, a part or the entire crop of cultivated plants will die, crops will turn into huge fields of rotten plants, which simply did not have time to mature. It is for this reason that all over the world may come a large food deficit.

Also, according to the majority of scientists, the States and Canada will be destroyed almost all the continents of North America.

True there are more optimistic options for the development of the script after the explosion of the supervulkan. Only only a few hundred kilometers around Yellowstone will be significantly affected.

Incredible facts

Yellowstone volcano is one of the largest known volcanoes in the world and volcanic system in North America.

One of the strongest earthquakes of magnitude 4.8 points recently shocked Yellowstone volcano.

Can a large earthquake be a sign that Yellowstone Supervolkan begins to awaken?

And if he starts erupt, can this lead to apocalypse?

Here are some interesting facts about Yellowstone volcano.

1. Yellowstone Volcano - this is a supervolkan sitting on a huge magma bubble

Yellowstone volcano refers to supervulkanam. Supervolkan is not an ordinary cone-shaped mountain. Instead, the supervolkan is formed in wpadine in the ground, which is called Caldera. This is a huge basin that has formed after the previous eruptions.

Some scientists even more often apply the term " living breathable caldera" or " hot spot", denoting the area of \u200b\u200bconcentrated and active volcanism.

When a regular lava volcano is gradually accumulated in the mountain, until it starts to go out. Supervulkan, when magma is approaching the surface, it is going to a huge underground tank. It melts the immediate breed and becomes more thick, while the pressure begins to accumulate. This can last hundreds of thousands of years, until the eruption occurs and it will not explode, forming a new caldera.

Yellowstone is over a hot spot, where the hot molten breed rises to the surface. Approximately at a depth of 10 km above the surface there is a tank of solid rocks and magmas.

2. Yellowstone caldera 2.5 times more than supposed

Last year, the study of this supervulkan showed that an underground magma's underground storage is 2.5 times more than previously thought.

Its size reaches 90 by 30 kmand it can accommodate 300 billion cubic kilometers of molten rocks.

3. The eruption of Supervolkan Yellowstone will turn around the world catastrophe

Supervolkans are present the second largest global catastrophic event After the fall of the asteroid. In the past, the eruption of supervulkanov led to mass extinction, long-term climate change and " volcanic winter"When ashes obscures sunlight.

The last supervolkan eruption occurred about 71,000 years ago on the place of Toba Lake on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. This led to a volcanic winter that blocked the sunlight for 6-10 years, and to cooling 3-5 degrees. Anthropologists calculated that all several thousand people survived, and three quarters of all plants in Southeast Asia died.

4. The eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolkan occurs approximately every 600,000 years

The first eruption of Yellowstone Supervolkan happened 2.1 million years ago, then 1.3 million and 640,000 years ago.

The scientists calculated that the Yellowstone Volcano erupts with a periodicity of about 600,000 years, and it can be said that the term of the next eruption has long been called.

Supervolkan in Yellowstone Park in Wyoming in North-West USA was last erupted by sending to the atmosphere 1000 cubic kilometers ash and lava.

The researchers studied the movement of magma in the Yellowstone Park and found out that some areas of the Earth raised 74 cm compared with 1923.

Scientists predict that the eruption of the Supersulkana can lead to a decrease in the world temperature by 10 degrees over a decade, changing life on Earth.

5. Volcanoes and earthquakes: the largest earthquake in Yellowstone in the last 30 years

Due to the volcanic nature of this area, caldera is experiencing from 1 to 20 earthquakes per day. However, they are very weak magnitude no more than 3 points.

Earthquake magnitude 4.8 pointsWhat happened March 30, 2014. Years near basin Noris Geyser. In the north-western part of Yellowstone, it was the largest in Yellowstone over the past 30 years. But it did not lead to some serious consequences.

Earthquakes are associated with volcanoes in different ways, as they are located on the separation of tectonic plates, and earthquakes often coincide with volcanic eruptions.

6. Animals leave the Yellowstone National Park in the USA?

Recent video bison running from Yellowstone National Park, caused concerns of people due to the fact that it could be symptoming Source Sign.

Usually before eruption, animals leave a dangerous place, and this video was made 10 days before the earthquake. However, the authorities argue that this is the usual migration of animals, and they began to leave the park due to lack of food in the winter months.

Research relating to whether animals can predict catastrophic events, little, although some scientists recognized that during major events some animals demonstrate a strange behavior.

7. The effects of eruption of the Yellowstone Volcano

Analysis of the molten breed of Yellowstone Supervolkan showed that the eruption is possible without any external mechanisms. Previous eruptions of Yellowstone threw more than 1,000 cubic milemometers of magma in the environment.

This is enough to cover most of North America the ash coat with a thickness of up to 30 cm. Everything that is within a radius of 160 km will immediately die, and the number of victims can reach 87,000 people.

Several days ashes will be in the air, causing difficulties with breathing, enveloping plants and polluting water.

The rest of the world threatens climate change for several years ahead. Volcanic ash, located in the atmosphere blocks sunlight, and world temperature can fall at 20 degrees. The chemical composition of the atmosphere will change for a decade or more.

I read that scientists said, exactly the explosion will occur until 2016. From the end of March 2014, there is an increase in seismic activity. In addition, local geasers have been felt significantly. From the territory of the National Park, large hoofed animals began to scatter. According to scientists, the power of the Yellowstone volcano explosion will be 2500 times more emitting ethna 8 thousand years ago, when the Tsunami formed in a few hours was distorted by the coast of three continents. When Yellowstone explodes, his consequences can be Compare only a decade of atomic bombs only with an explosion. The earth's crust will rise a few meters, and the soil warms up to the temperature of +60 degrees. Slices of the earth breed will throw on a large height, and then they will cover a huge part of the Earth. Then the atmosphere itself will change - the content of helium and hydrogen sulfide will increase. For a few hours after the explosion of Yellowstone, the territory of about 1000 km2 will completely spill with an area of \u200b\u200babout 1000 km2. We are talking about the North-West of the United States and a small part of Canada. More than 10 thousand sq. Km Will be buried under the streams of hot dirt, or as it is also called a pyroclastic wave, it will burn a powerful avalanche all in its path. It is she who is the deadly during the eruption.
A few days before the explosion, the earth's edge over the supervulkan will rise by several dozen, and even hundreds of meters. Soil is heated to 60-70 ° C. In the atmosphere, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and helium will grow sharply.
The first cloud of volcanic ash, which will rise to the atmosphere to a height of 40-50 km. Then the emission of lava will begin, the pieces of which will throw on a huge height. Falling, they will cover a giant territory. The explosion will be accompanied by a powerful earthquake and lavva flows, developing speed a few hundred kilometers per hour.
In the first hours of the new eruption in Yellowstone, the area will be subjected to a radius of 1000 kilometers around the epicenter. Here in the immediate danger there are inhabitants of almost the entire American North-West (City Seattle) and part of Canada (Calgary, Vancouver).
On the territory of 10 thousand square meters. kilometers will rage flocks of hot mud, so-called. "Pyriclastic wave" This most deadly product of the eruption will arise when the pressure of the beating high in the atmosphere of Lava will weaken and part of the pillar will fall on the surroundings of a huge avalanche burning everything on its path. It will not be possible to survive in pyroclastic fluxes. At temperatures above 400 ° C, human bodies are simply welded, the flesh separated from the bones.
Hot Jig will kill about 200 thousand people in the first minutes after the start of the eruption. In addition, huge losses will bring a series of earthquakes and tsunami that will provoke an explosion. They will take tens of millions of lives around the globe. This is provided that the North American continent will not go under water as Atlantis. Then the cloud of the ashes from the volcano will begin to spread stirre. During the day in the disaster zone will be the entire territory of the United States to Mississippi. In this case, the volcanic ash represents an equally dangerous phenomenon. The ash particles are so small that neither gauze bandages nor respirators are prevented from them. Finding into lungs, the ashes mixed with mucus, hardens and turns into cement ...
As a result of sopping ash, death can be subject to territory that are thousands of kilometers from the volcano. When a layer of volcanic ash reaches a thickness of 15 cm, the load on the roof will become too large and the building will begin to collapse. Calculations, from 1 to 50 people in each house will die immediately or will be seriously injured. This will be the main cause of death in the circumscribed pyroclastic waves around Yellowstone, where the ashes layer will not be less than 60 cm.
Yellowstone gigant will provoke an eruption of several hundred ordinary volcanoes around the world. Other deaths follow from poisoning. The eruption will continue for several days, but at the same time people and animals will continue to die already because of the suffocation and poisoning with hydrogen sulfide. During this time, the air in the West will be poisoned so that a person can breathe in it no more than 5-7 minutes.
Thousands of cubic kilometers of ashes, thrown into the atmosphere, in 2-3 weeks will cross the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean over the air, and a month later the sun will climb along the entire ground.
Some Soviet scientists predicted that the most terrible consequence of the global nuclear conflict will be the so-called. "nuclear winter". The same will occur as a result of the explosion of supervulkan.
First, the incessant acid rains will destroy all crops and crops, the cattle will kill, eligible survived for hunger. Two weeks after the sun hits in dust clouds, the air temperature on the earth's surface will fall in various parts of the globe from -15 ° to -50 ° C and below. The average temperature on the ground surface will be about -25 ° C.
From hunger, Billionaires - India and China will suffer from hunger. Here in the coming months after the explosion, up to 1.5 billion people will die. In total, in the first months of the cataclysm will die every third resident of the Earth.
Winter will continue from 1.5 to 4 years. This is enough to forever change the natural balance on the planet. Due to long frosts and the lack of light, vegetation will die. Since plants participate in the production of oxygen, it will be very difficult to breathe on the planet. The animal world of the Earth will painfully die from cold, hunger and epidemics. Humanity will have to move from the surface of the Earth at least 3-4 years ...
For the population of North America, the chances of survival are minimal. In general, the inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere will be almost completely destroyed. The greatest chances of the central part of Eurasia. Most people, according to scientists, will survive in Siberia and the Eastern European part of Russia located on seismous platforms removed from the epicenter of the explosion and protected from the tsunami.

The most freshest mention of active volcanic activities on the planet occurred on August 16 of this year, when a series of mini-earthquakes occurred in the vicinity of the Barbourbung volcano in Iceland. On August 28, the eruption itself began, marked by the outpouring of Lava from a long crack on the lava plateau Holzhrune. It was not such a dramatic eruption, like what happened in 2010, when the volcano Eyyafyatlayokud's volcano came out of a long hibernation, whose ash was prevented by the implementation of flights over two weeks. This time, the pilot flown by the plane by the aircraft, on the contrary, made a small hook and approached the ashes clouds so that the passengers would be better saw this ambitious phenomenon. The meteorological bureau of Iceland, in turn, only raised the level of threat to flights to the red, without informing the noise of this. According to James White, a volcanologist from the University of Otago in New Zealand, a society is able to take a little during large volcanic eruptions, therefore their rarity cannot but rejoice.

10. Saint Elena Mountain, Washington, USA - 57 Victims

On May 18, 1980, the earthquake of 5.1 points caused a series of explosions on Mount St. Helena. The process ended with the strongest eruption, which released a record wave of rocks of rocks, resulting in 57 people died. In total, the volcano eruption caused the country to $ 1 billion, destroying the roads, forests, bridges, houses and recreation areas, not to mention the logging farms and rural areas. "Indirect human losses" as a result of this eruption made it one of the scary cataclysms in the world.

9. Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of the Congo - 70 Victims

Located in the Virung Mountains, along the Great Rift Valley, the volcano of Niragongo eves at least 34 times since 1882. This active stratovancan reaches a height of 1,100 meters and has a two-kilometer crater filled with a real lake lava. In January 1977, Niiragongo began to erupt again, Lava stocked on its slopes at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, as a result of which 70 people died. The next eruption occurred in 2002, when Lava's streams went to the city of Goma and to the shores of Lake Kivu, fortunately no one was injured this time. Scientists believe that an elevated level of volcanism in the district caused the oversaturation of Kiva Lake with carbon dioxide to a dangerous level.

8. Pinatubo, Philippines - 800 Victims

Located in the mountains of Kabusilan on Luzon Island, Pinatouly Volcano was in a hibernation of more than 450 years. In June 1991, when the danger of this volcano was already forgotten, and his slopes covered thick vegetation, he suddenly woke up. Fortunately, timely monitoring and forecasts allowed to safely evacuate most of the population, nevertheless, 800 people died as a result of this eruption. It was so strong that his consequences were felt all over the world. Sulfuric acid vapor layer settled in the atmosphere of the planet for a while, which caused a decrease in the global temperature by 12 degrees Celsius in 1991-1993.

7. Kelud, East Java, Indonesia - 5000 victims

Located in the Pacific Fire Ring, Volcan Celud eves more than 30 times, starting from 1000 years old. One of the most deadly eruptions occurred in 1919. More than 5,000 people died of hot and fast moving villages. Later, the volcano was erupted in 1951, 1966 and 1990, a total of becoming the cause of death for 250 people. In 2007, 30,000 people were evacuated after his awakening, and two weeks later occurred a huge explosion, broken up the top of the mountain. Dust, ashes and rocks of rocks were covered with nearby villages. The last eruption of this volcano occurred on February 13, 2014, when 76,000 people were evacuated. The release of volcanic ash covered the territory of 500 square kilometers.

6. Volcanic lacquer system, Iceland - 9000 victims

Iceland is a slightly populated country located between the North Atlantic and the Northern Polar Circle, it is famous for its waterfalls, fjords, volcanoes and glaciers. Its nickname "Land of Fire and Ice", Iceland received for the reason that there is a whole system consisting of 30 active volcanoes. The reason for this is the location of the island on the border of the collision of two tectonic plates. We all memoricate the eruption of the Eyyafyatlayokudvl volcano in 2010, when thousands of tons of ash and garbage eclipsed the sky over the island and for several weeks airfares over Europe were prohibited. However, this is an eruption of fading against the background of the eruption in the volcanic system of varnishes in 1784. It lasted eight months, spending more than 14.7 cubic kilometers of lava and freeing the inconceivable amount of harmful gases into the atmosphere, among which was carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and fluoride. The toxins cloud shed with acid rain, poisoning the cattle and turning the soil, and also caused 9,000 deaths.

5. Mount Usenne, Japan - from 12,000 to 15,000 victims

Located near the town of Shimabara, in the Nagasaki Prefecture, on the Japanese island Kyushu, Mount Usengen is part of the group of interstating stratovulkanov. In 1792, Mount Unsen began to erupt. A huge explosion spawned an earthquake that caused the fault of the eastern part of the volcanic dome, as a result of which a huge tsunami was formed. On that memorable day, 12 to 15 thousand people died. This eruption is considered the most deadly in the history of Japan. Mount Usenne was subsequently erupted again in 1990, 1991 and 1995. In 1991, 43 people died, among which were three volcanogue.

4. Vesuvius, Italy - from 16,000 to 25,000 victims

Located 9 kilometers east of Naples, Vesuvius volcano is one of the most infamous in the world. The cause of his such bad fame was the eruption in 79 of our era, destroying the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculand. The lava flow then reached 20 miles in length and consisted of their molten rocks, pembolus, stones and ashes. The amount of thermal energy that highlighted the eruption was exceeded 100,000 times the energy elected during Hiroshima bombardment. According to some estimates, the death toll varies from 16,000 to 25,000 people. The last eruption of Vesuvius occurred in 1944. To date, Mount Vesuvius is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes of the world, since more than 3 million people live in its surroundings.

3. Nevado del Ruis, Colombia - 25,000 victims

Nevado del Ruis, also known as La Mesa de Hurveo, is a stratulkan located on the territory of Colombia. It is 128 kilometers west of Bogota. It differs from the usual volcano in that it consists of a plurality of alternating layers of lava, hardened volcanic ashes and pyroclastic rocks. Nevado del Ruis is widely known due to its deadly sealer streams consisting of dirt and able to bury whole cities. This volcano was erupted three times: in 1595, 635 people who died as a result of hitting a hot village stream were victims, in 1845 1000 people died, and in 1985, which turned out to be the most deadly, more than 25,000 people died. Such a large number of victims is explained by the fact that on the path of Lava, carrying at a speed of 65 kilometers, the village of Armero arose an hour.

2. sang, West India - 30,000 victims

The volcano sang is located on the northern tip of Martinique. Until recently, he was considered a sleeping volcano. Nevertheless, a series of eruptions that began on April 25, 1902 and the end of the explosion on May 8, proved the opposite. This eruption was called the scary volcanic catastrophe of the 20th century. Pyroclastic flows destroyed the city of Saint-Pierre - the largest on the island. As a result of this catastrophe, more than 30,000 people died. According to some reports, only two of the residents of the city survived: one of them was a prison prisoner, whose camera turned out to be poorly ventilated, and the second was a young girl who disappeared in a small boat in a small cave near the shore. Later, it was found drifting in the ocean, two miles from Martinique.

1. Tamboz, Indonesia - 92,000 victims

The eruption of the tag volcano began on April 10, 1816, as a result of which 92,000 people died. The volume of lava, which was more than 38 cubic miles, is considered the largest in the history of all eruptions. Before the start of the eruption, the Tambor Mountain reached 4 kilometers in height, after it its height decreased to 2.7 kilometers. This volcano is considered not only the most deadly of all, but also the strongest influence on the climate of the Earth. As a result of the planet eruption, the whole year was hidden from the rays of the sun. The eruption was so significant that it caused a number of weather anomalies around the world: the snow began in June in June, there was a crop crop crotch, and in the entire northern hemisphere as a result of hunger, cattle was killed. This phenomenon became widely known as the "Volcanic Winter".

According to American volcanologists, the eruption of the largest volcano in the world of Yellowstone caldera, which is located in the Yellowstone National Park, can begin at any per minute. The volcano did not erupt about 600 thousand years and his eruption can destroy two thirds of the territory of the United States, which can even begin the world catastrophe.

Super-volcano under the Yellowstone National Park in the US state of Wyoming began to grow with a record speed since 2004 and explode with force a thousand times more powerful than the catastrophic eruption of the Saint Helena Mountain (St. Helens) in Washington on May 18, 1980.

According to the forecasts of volcanologists, Lava will rise high in the sky, the ashes will cover the nearby territory with a layer of 3 meters and a distance of 1600 kilometers.

Two thirds of the territory of the United States can become uninhabited due to toxic air - thousands of flights will have to cancel, millions of people will have to leave their homes.

Experts predict that the eruption of the volcano will occur in the near future and will be no less powerful than all three times when the volcano everacted over the last 2.1 million years.

Robert B.Smith, Professor Geophysics from the University of Utah, noted that Magma came up so closely to the earth's crust in the Yellowstone Park, which is in a literal sense, it does not occur, which cannot be explained by anything, as not the coming eruption of a huge volcano.

Sometimes it seems that to stop the United States in their desire to impose the world "freedom and democracy" by the method of carpet bombing, the unleashing of civil wars and revolutions can only Kara Heaven. Those who believe in the evil rock, hung over America, there is a very serious argument. In the very center of this country, a natural disaster is brewing in his fallen corner. Yellowstone National Park, famous for its forests, Grizzly bears and hot springs, is actually a bomb that will explode in the coming years.

If this happens, the entire North American continent can die. Yes, and the rest of the world will not seem little. But the end of the world will not be, do not worry.

And it started everything with joy. In 2002, a few new geysers with healing hot water were once hammers in the Yellowstone Reserve. Local tourist companies immediately unwind advertisements of this phenomenon, the number of visitors to the park, which is usually about three million people per year, has increased even more.

However, strange things began to occur soon. In 2004, the US government tightened the mode of visiting the reserve. In its territory, the number of guards increased dramatically, and some zones were declared closed to visit. But they were familiar with seismologists and volcanologists.

They used to work in Ipestone, because the entire reserve with his unique nature is nothing like a huge patch on the reserved supervolkan. Actually, from here and hot geysers. On the way to the surface of the Earth, they are heating a squatting and bullous under the earth's crust of Magma. All local sources were known in those days when white colonialists walked through Yellowstone from the Indians, and here they are three new! Why's that?

Scientists were worried. One after another in the park began to visit the Commission on the study of volcanic activities. What they nailed there, the general public was not reported, but it is known that in 2007, a scientific council has been created in the administration of the US President, endowed with emergency powers. It includes several leading geophysicists and seismologists of the country, as well as members of the National Security Council, including the Minister of Defense and representatives of intelligence.

Monthly meetings of this body led George Bush personally.

In the same year, the National Yellowstone Park passed from departmental subordination to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Direct Office of the Scientific Council. Why would the attention of the American authorities for a simple resort?

But the thing is that the ancient and, as it was believed to be a safe superwolk, on which the Paradise Valley is located, suddenly showed signs of activity. Sources scored miraculously and became its first manifestation.

Further more. Seismologists have discovered a sharp rise of the soil under the reserve. Over the past four years, it was screamed at 178 centimeters. This is despite that over the previous twenty-five years, the rise of the soil amounted to no more than 10 centimeters.

Mathematics joined seismologists. Based on information about the previous eruptions of the Yellowstone Volcano, they developed an algorithm for its livelihoods. The result was shocking.

The fact that the gaps between eruptions are constantly reduced, scientists have been known before. However, given the astronomical duration of such gaps, this information has no practical significance for humanity. Well, in fact, the volcano everacted 2 million years ago, then 1.3 million years ago and the last time 630 thousand years ago.

The Geological Society of America was awaiting his awakening not earlier than in 21 thousand years. But on the basis of new data, computers issued an unexpected result. The next catastrophe should be waited in 2075. However, after a while it turned out that events develop much faster. The result had to adjust again.

The terrible date approached. Now she looms between 2014 and 2016, and the first digit looks likely.

It would seem - think, the eruption, especially since it is known in advance. Well, the Americans are evacuated by the population of a dangerous area, well, then will spend on the restoration of the destroyed infrastructure ...

Alas, only those who are not familiar with supervulcans can be arguing.

A typical volcano, which we imagine it, is a cone-shaped hill with a crater, from which the lava, ashes and gases are erupted. It is formed so.

In the depths of our planet, Magma is constantly in the depths of our planet, which from time to time breaks up through the cracks, faults and other "defects" of the earth's crust. As magma is raised, it allocates gases, turning into volcanic lava, and is poured through the upper part of the fault, called usually with a vent. Throwing around the vent, eruption products and increase the cone of the volcano.

Supervulkans have a feature, because of which, until recently, no one even suspected their existence. They are not at all similar to usual conquer-shaped "caps" with a borough inside. These are the extensive territories of the misunderstanding crust, under which the grilled magma flies. A simple volcano looks like a pimple, supervolkan - to huge inflammation. There are several ordinary volcanoes on the territory of the supervolkan. They can spew from time to time, but these emissions can be compared with the release of the steam from the superheated boiler. But imagine that the boiler itself will explode! After all, supervolkans are not erupted, namely exploded.

What do these explosions look like?

On the bottom of the pressure of the magma on the thin surface of the Earth gradually increases. Harbor is formed by a height of several hundred meters and a diameter of 15-20 kilometers. On the perimeter of the hump there are numerous agricultural and cracks, and then his entire central part fell down, in the fiery abyss.

The collapsed rocks as the piston sharply squeeze out the giant fountains of lava and ashes from the bowels.

The strength of this explosion exceeds the charge of the most powerful nuclear bomb. According to the calculations of geophysicists, if the Yellowstone Mine is torn, the effect will surpass a hundred Hirosim. Calculations, of course, purely theoretical. During its existence, Homo Sapires never faced with a similar phenomenon. The last time was bubble during dinosaurs. Perhaps because of this they are extinct.

A few days before the explosion, the globe over the supervulkan will rise several meters. At the same time, the soil is heated to 60-70 degrees. In the atmosphere, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and helium will grow sharply.

The first thing we will see is a cloud of volcanic ash, which will rise to the atmosphere to a height of 40-50 kilometers. Slices will throw on a huge height. Falling, they will cover a giant territory. In the first hours of the new eruption in Yeloustone, the area will be subjected to a radius of 1000 kilometers around the epicenter. Here in the immediate danger there are inhabitants of almost the entire American North-West (City Seattle) and part of Canada (Calgary, Vancouver).

On the territory of 10 thousand square kilometers will be rafts of split dirt, the so-called pyroclastic wave is the most deadly product of the eruption. They will arise when the pressure of the beating high in the atmosphere of Lava will weaken and part of the pillar collapses the surroundings of a huge avalanche that burns everything on its path. In the pyroclastic flows of such scales it will be impossible to survive. At temperatures above 400 degrees, human bodies are simply welded, the flesh separated from the bones.

Hot Jig will kill about 200 thousand people in the first minutes after the start of the eruption.

But this is very minor losses compared to those that America will suffer as a result of a series of earthquakes and tsunami, which will provoke an explosion. They will take tens of millions of lives. This is provided that the North American continent will not go under water as Atlantis.

Then the cloud of the ashes from the volcano will begin to spread stirre. During the day in the disaster zone will be the whole territory of the United States to Mississippi. Volcanic ash - only sounds harmless, and in fact it is the most dangerous phenomenon when eruption. The ash particles are so small that neither gauze bandages nor respirators are prevented from them. Finding into lungs, the ashes mixed with mucus, hardens and turns into cement ...

The territory that thousands of kilometers from the volcano may be subject to the greatest danger. When a layer of volcanic ash reaches a thickness of 15 centimeters, the load on the roof will become too large and the building will begin to collapse. According to settlements, from one to fifty people in each house will die or will be seriously injured. This will be the main cause of death in the circumscribed pyroclastic waves around Yelouston, where the ash layer will not be less than 60 centimeters.

Other deaths follow from poisoning. After all, precipitation will be extremely poisonous. To cross the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, the clouds of ashes and ash will need two or three weeks, and a month later they will close the sun throughout the earth.

Some Soviet scientists predicted that the so-called "nuclear winter" will become the most terrible consequence of the global nuclear conflict. The same will occur as a result of the explosion of supervulkan.

Two weeks after the sun hits in dust clouds, the air temperature on the earth's surface will fall in various parts of the globe from -15 degrees to -50 degrees and more. The average temperature on the ground surface will be about -25 degrees.

Winter will continue at least one and a half years. This is enough to forever change the natural balance on the planet. Due to long frosts and the lack of light, vegetation will die. Because plants participate in the development of oxygen, very soon to breathe all living on the planet will be difficult. The animal world of the Earth will painfully die from cold, hunger and epidemics. The human race will have to move from the surface of the earth underground at least three years, and there who knows it ...

But, in general, this sad forecast mainly concerns residents of the Western Hemisphere. In residents of other parts of the world, including Russians, chances to survive much higher. Yes, and the consequences will apparently not so catastrophic. But for the population of North America, the chances of survival are minimal.

But if the American authorities are informed of the problem why they do nothing to prevent it? Why so far, the data on the upcoming catastrophe have not reached the general public?

It is easy to respond to the first question: to prevent an impending explosion either the states nor humanity as a whole in force. Therefore, in the White House is preparing for the worst scenario. According to analysts from the CIA, "As a result of the catastrophe, two thirds of the population will die, the economy will be destroyed, transport and communications are disorganized. In the conditions of almost complete cessation of supplying, the military potential remaining at our disposal will decrease to the level sufficient only to maintain order on the territory of the country ".

As for the alert of the population, the government recognized such actions inappropriate. Well, in fact, it can be saved from a sinking ship, and it is not always. And where to run from the broken and burning mainland?

The US population is now approaching a three hundred millionth mark. Deal this biomass, in principle, nowhere, especially since after the catastrophe of prosperous places on the planet will not remain. Each state will have big problems, and no one will want to exacerb them with the reception of millions of refugees.

In any case, the scientific advice under the US President came to this conclusion. The exit, according to the leaders that belong to it, one - to throw a majority of the population on the will of fate and the conservation of capital, military potential and the elite of the American society. So a few months before the explosion from the country will be taken out of the best scientists, military, specialists in high technology, and, of course, Bogoyyev. You can not doubt that each billionaire is reserved in the future ark. But for the fate of ordinary millionaires, it is impossible to vouch. They will save themselves.

Actually, the above information became known thanks to the efforts of the American scientist and journalist Howard Huxley, who deals with the problems of the Yellowstone Volcano since the 1980s, has accommodated connections in the circles of geophysicists, as many well-known journalists have been associated with the CIA and is a recognized authority in scientific circles.

Understanding what the country rolls on, Howard and his like-minded people created the Fund of Saving Civilization. Their goal is to prevent humanity about the impending catastrophe and give a chance for survival to everyone, and not just representatives of the elite.

For several years, the Foundation employees have accumulated a lot of information. In particular, they calculated where exactly the cream of the American society will go after the catastrophe.

The island of salvation will be Liberia, a small state in the west of Africa, traditionally the following in the Farvater of American Policy. For several years now in this country there are massive cash inflation. There is a network of beautiful roads, airports and, according to an extensive system of deep, very well-maintained bunkers. In this Nore, the American elite will be able to sit apart for several years, and then, when the situation stabilizes, proceed to the restoration of the destroyed state and its influence in the world.

In the meantime, there are still several years in stock, the White House and Scientific Council are trying to solve urgent military tasks. There is no doubt that the upcoming disaster will be perceived by most religious people like God's Kara for America. Surely, many Islamic states will want to finish "Shaitan" until he licks the wounds. For jihad, you will not come up with a better reason.

Therefore, since 2003, proactive strikes are applied for a number of Muslim countries in order to destroy their military potential. Whether the American military car will have to neutralize these threats to the hour of X, the god news.

A closed circle was formed. In connection with aggressive policies, the states are increasingly becoming more and more, and the time to neutralize them is less and less.

The danger of the death of the whole of our civilization is still there, many scientists recognize. The fact is that the inevitable processes inside our planet occurring in our eyes are recognized by experts as a global threat that can erase entire continents from the face. Seismologists say that the Yellowstone Caldera is the most destructive force on our planet.

One of the last eruptions of this scale occurred on Sumatra 73 thousand years ago, when the explosion of Supervolkan Toba reduced the population of the Earth for about 15 times. Then only 5-10 thousand people remain alive. For the same time, the number of animals was reduced, three-quarters of the vegetation world of the northern hemisphere died. At the place of that explosion, it was formed by a drop of 1775 square meters. km in which two New York or London could fit.

Against this background, it is difficult to imagine what can happen if the eruption of Supervolkan Yellowstone will occur, which is twice as many to their dimensions! "Against the background of the eruption of the supervolkan, everyone else seems to be dwarfs, and its power is a real threat to all living on this planet." - Noted Bill McGeger, Professor Geophysics, a specialist in climate change from London University College.

If the explosion occurs, then, according to the vision of scientists, the picture will be faster than the description of the apocalypse. Everything will begin with a sharp rise and overheating of the Earth in the Yellowstone Park. And when a huge pressure breaks through Caldera, thousands of cubic kilometers of lava will fall out of the formed train, which will resemble a huge fiery pillar. The explosion will be accompanied by a powerful earthquake and lavva flows, developing speed a few hundred kilometers per hour.

The eruption will continue for several days, but people and animals will mostly die not from ash or lava, but because of the suffocation and poisoning with hydrogen sulfide. During this time, the air in the West of the United States will be poisoned so that a person will be able to hold no more than 5-7 minutes. Almost all the territory of the United States will be covered with a thick layer of ashes - from Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, who will erase the Earth, to Iowa and the Mexican Bay. Ozone hole over the mainland will grow to such sizes that the radiation level approaches Chernobyl. All North America will turn into a scorched land. Seriously suffers from the southern part of Canada. Scientists do not deny that Yellowstone gigant will provoke an eruption of several hundred ordinary volcanoes around the world. At the same time, the eruption of ocean volcanoes will have many tsunami, which will flood the coast and all island states. Remote consequences will be no less terrible than the eruption itself. And if the main blow will take the states, the effect will feel the whole world.

Thousands of cubic kilometers of ashes, thrown into the atmosphere, will close the sunlight - the world will plunge into darkness. This will cause a sharp decrease in temperature, for example, in Canada and Norway in a couple of days, the thermometer column drops by 15-18 degrees. If the temperature drops at 21 degrees, as during the last eruption of the Supervolkan Toba, all territories will turn to Antarctica to the 50th parallels - Norway, Finland or Sweden. "Nuclear Winter" will come, which will last about four years.

Incessant acid rains destroy all crops and crops, cattle will kill, condemn the surviving people to hunger. Billionaire countries will suffer the strongest of hunger - India and China. Here, from hunger in the coming months after the explosion, up to 1.5 billion people will die. In total, in the first months of the cataclysm will die every third resident of the Earth. The only region that can survive is the central part of Eurasia. Most people, according to scientists, will survive in Siberia and the Eastern European part of Russia, located on seismous platforms, removed from the epicenter of the explosion and protected from the tsunami.

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