Water purification system in a private house. Water purification stations in cottages and country houses Ecodar Pro

Having a private well on the territory of a country house is in most cases a necessity, but it is not always a factor that the owners will not face poor water quality.

Artesians often suffer from increased mineralization, wells in the sand and the Abyssinian well may be subject to secondary pollution, including microbiological contamination, and have a variable composition. For this reason, it is rarely possible to do without properly selected water treatment systems. a private housedesigned for a comfortable life. After all, not only the health of residents, but also the condition of sanitary and heating appliances suffers from poor-quality water.

In the city there is a whole network of utilities, equipment and work of employees in which ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity, heat, cold and hot water  and equipment condition monitoring. In a modern country house, there is such a miniature system in which control over the operation of all equipment is usually provided to automation.

The totality of all the automatic control and regulatory equipment that ensures a comfortable stay of a person in a cottage is called "Smart Home". Part of this system is modern technology for treating water for domestic and drinking needs.

The water treatment system of a private house includes a set of equipment that implements several processes:

  • direct cleaning;
  • flushing and / or regeneration;
  • accumulation of purified water.

All parts work harmoniously thanks to the correct automation settings. This is a generalized characteristic of a modern country house water purification complex.

Varieties of water treatment

There are several classifications of equipment designed for cottage water treatment. The basis of the taxonomy can be based on different parameters.

Equipment performance

Based on this feature, 3 groups of installations can be conditionally distinguished.

  1. Small consumer systems are suitable for a private home and are designed for productivity in 2.5 m 3 per hour. They are easy to use and are under the personal control of the owner and work in accordance with his needs.
  2. Complex of equipment with maximum power   10 m 3 per hour, is used to service approximately 4−5 private houses. The advantage of such a system is. The disadvantage is the non-individual approach to programming water treatment according to the time of day.
  3. If there is an artesian well in the territory of the dacha village, which is characterized by a large flow rate, then it is better to install general equipment. The positive and negative sides of such a system are similar to the previous group.

When you need to purify water only   for cooking and drinking, a simple filter will be enoughconsisting of several cartridges and installed under the sink. If necessary clean water and for plumbing equipment, household appliancesit’s worth considering higher performance system.

Orientation of action and principle of work

In accordance with the problem being solved, the treatment equipment is divided into several types.

  1. Coarse filters are used to remove coarse suspensioncontaining a metal mesh or sand backfill of a large fraction, helping to reduce the turbidity of the water. The principle of operation is simple: water passes, suspensions linger on a grid or sand granules.
  2. If water is characterized by high concentrations of iron, then you need to take care of buying a system that ensures the removal of this metal. This problem is most typical for water from artesian wells. Iron often accompanies manganese, hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, when choosing equipment it is necessary to take into account these indicators, so that cleaning is carried out comprehensively.

Iron removal and demanganization by pre-oxidation filtration is a well-established process used in a private house, as a result, it will extend the period of operation of pipes, household appliances and sanitary equipment and preserve human health. At the same time, filter loading does not require frequent replacement. Oxidation can be carried out by aeration or special reagents. Ozonation in private practice has found less use.

Such filters have 3 drawbacks:

  • the formation of effluents from washing the filter, which must be disposed of
  • the need to use aeration equipment and reagents;
  • during the washing period, the filter cannot perform its functions.
  1. Softening - This is the most popular level of water treatment in private homes. At the same time, for the use of water in drinking and food, there is no need for fine purification of hardness salts, rather, on the contrary, excessive desalination is not the best way to affect the state of health. But for household appliances and saving detergents you need soft water. Most often, to combat stiffness, an ion-exchange resin filter is used, which must be regularly regenerated, or reverse osmosis systems that excessively desalinate water and require an additional mineralization step. In the first case, the ions with which the charge is saturated are replaced with calcium ions from water. In the second, the initial liquid under pressure is passed through ultrathin membranes, which are permeable only to aqueous molecules.
  2. Fine cleaning  involves the removal from water of organic compounds, nitrites, nitrates, heavy metals, petroleum products. Most often, such treatment is required for water obtained from shallow wells. Here a sorption filter is used. The load in it has to be changed periodically, but it does not cost very cheaply. But the degree of purification is maximum.
  3. Disinfection  it may be necessary for treating water from a sand well or “abyssine”, as artesian water with proper drilling and installation of equipment should not contain pathogenic microorganisms. For a private house, the most suitable water disinfection system is ultraviolet emitters, which are installed at the end of the treatment. Removal of microorganisms is also provided by sorption filters and reverse osmosis systems.

All these cleaning methods can exist both independently and represent the steps of a water treatment complex for a country house.

Reagent Use

For some systems, a reagent is required either at the cleaning stage (reagent deferrization) or in the process of recovery of the charge (sorption filter). Others do not require the use of additional chemical compounds. When using reagents, wastewater is generated that requires disposal. Reagent-free cleaning requires additional equipment (aeration during deferrization) or frequent replacement of elements (for example, replacing a household filter cartridge).

Automatic and manual systems

Adjusting the operation of the cleaning system is reduced mainly to switching from the operating mode to the washing mode. Automatic systems are more expensive, but practically do not require human intervention, and they will also notify of problems in time. Manual adjustment saves money, but complicates the life of the owner  home, which must make the switch in time, therefore does not exclude the human factor.

The easiest way to adjust is to replace the cartridge in a compact household filter.

Water Treatment Systems Manufacturers

Several companies have established themselves on the domestic market, engaged in the production of equipment that purifies water for the needs of a country house: Equos, Barrier, Ecodar, Aquaphor, Geyser and others. The price range for complex systems is high.

The cost of products of the standard class can range from 60 thousand to 170 thousand rubles. It is better to buy from authorized dealers that are closer to you.

The most popular products are Aquaphor and Geyser. Both firms offer the buyer a fairly wide range of products for water treatment, including components for equipment.

The most popular and "Geyser" and "Aquaphor" received for filter jugs, as well as installations placed under the sink. The prices of compact systems at these companies are approximately in the same price range - 3000-5000 rubles. Both manufacturers offer separate deferrization, softening, decontamination stations, as well as integrated cleaning systems designed to service a large country house.

"Aquaphor" offers a full cleaning with aeration deferrization for 135 thousand rubles. Fixed price cottage systems  the water treatment of the Geyser company must be checked with the official representatives indicated on the website of the company.

Those who are forced to install water purification systems in their home, experts recommend observing several rules.

  1. Before choosing a treatment plant, you must make an advanced analysis of water in the nearest water laboratory. Simply identifying the most common problem indicators will not be enough. For example, for purification of iron by oxidation and filtration, a low pH of water complicates water treatment, but for osmosis this is even better. For shallow wells, water analysis is recommended to be repeated annually.
  2. Entrust commissioning to professionals, especially when it comes to complex cleaning systems. A small filter can be installed independently.
  3. Do not neglect the coarse water treatment stage.
  4. Before choosing a company, read the reviews well. Talk with your neighbors about the filter systems in their homes.

Clean water in a private house is not only one of the factors of health care, but a necessary condition for the operation of sanitary and heating equipment.

Therefore, many owners even at the design stage of the water supply system are thinking about installing filters. In this case, water often requires cleaning from any source: central systems, wells or wells.

Now more and more private houses are connected to the central water supply. If this is not possible or for other reasons, the owners will equip their well or well. Water from different sources has its own characteristic pollution, therefore, processing methods may differ from each other.

Problems of water quality from the central water supply

Despite the strictness of the standards existing in Russia, tap water does not always comply with sanitary requirements and suits the consumer. Most often, deviations occur for several indicators:

Such problems may be characteristic of liquids from the main water supply under conditions of thorough water treatment.

The main pollution of well water

The well on the site is not a guarantee of cleanliness. Major pollution depends on the type of source.

  1. Artesian water  It has good microbiology, but it is often characterized by high rigidity, soluble iron and manganese, hydrogen sulfide. About ways to deal with rigidity was mentioned above. Iron and manganese are more often removed by filtration with pre-oxidation by aeration or reagents. With hydrogen sulfide also copes with aeration.
  2. Water out in the sand and  less mineralized, but it may contain soluble iron, and in some cases infectious agents. To combat the latter in the conditions of a country house, you can use ultraviolet installations or ozonation.

Surprisingly, artesian water requires more water treatment.

Typical Well Water Pollution

Rigidity and high inorganic iron content rarely characterize this source. But well water passes close to the surface of the earth, which negatively affects its quality.

Nitrogen compounds (nitrites and nitrates), organic substances, heavy metals, petroleum products, etc. often get into it. All this is complexly removed by reverse osmosis and filters with sorption loading. Both of these methods will help in improving aquatic microbiology. To combat harmful microbes, you can use source chlorination, ultraviolet installations, ozonizers.

A laboratory analysis helps you choose the right cleaning methods.

How to analyze water?

The only right way to find out the quality of water is to take it to a specialized laboratory, for example, to the department of Rospotrebnadzor or to the departmental laboratory of the local water utility.

This is the only way to find out the exact concentration of impurities, which will help in determining the cleaning method. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms will also be detected in the laboratory.

For sampling, you will need special glassware that you can be given in the laboratory building. A special requirement for the purity of the tank is presented during microbiological control.

Based on the results of the analysis, laboratory staff will issue a research protocol, based on which a water treatment system should be thought out.

Filters for water purification in a private house: how to choose?

Today there are many water treatment stations for a private house. Most often, these are complex stations consisting of several stages of water treatment.

Mechanical cleaning

Most often, under this method of water treatment they mean the stage of purification from large impurities: rust, sand, silt, etc. For this, coarse mesh filters are used, which are a flask with a cartridge inside. Such cleaning is especially relevant if the source of liquid is a well or a sand well.

When choosing a coarse filter, it is necessary to pay attention to such a characteristic as the diameter of the mesh cell. Large cells will allow fine suspension, small ones will retain more pollutants, but clog faster.

Many experts recommend putting 2-3 stages of mechanical filtration with different throughputs. In the first stage, you can simply use a metal mesh, which will retain particles with a diameter of more than 0.1 mm.

Other important indicators are productivity and operating pressure.

The average price of filters is 3000-5000 rubles.

Ion exchange

Ion exchange filters are a closed container with filter loading. The backfill is resin, the ions from which enter the water, and cations of calcium, iron, manganese, or another pollutant take their place.

Most often, such installations are used for softening.

The load volume determines the performance of the installation. Such filters require regular regeneration or replacement of the cartridge.

There are softener filters for the cottage 16-40 thousand rubles.

Reverse osmosis treatment allows very effective water purification. It is based on the fact that water molecules under pressure pass through a membrane filter, while other substances cannot do this.

If it is planned to use purified water so as to drink, then it is necessary to increase the concentration of salts in it, which occurs in small devices installed under the sink. They are standing around 8000 rubles.

For reverse osmosis water treatment for all household needs  apply installations with greater productivity. Their price may exceed 100 thousand rubles.


Specific methods of iron removal and demanganization are filtering with preliminary oxidation of iron and manganese, which is most often carried out by saturating the liquid with oxygen (aeration).

The filters themselves are sealed containers with filter loading. In some cases, backfill with a catalytic film is used, accelerating the formation of insoluble forms of iron and manganese. Before filtration, water passes the aeration stage.

When choosing a installation and working with it, it is necessary to focus on the composition of water and strictly follow the instructions. Depending on the performance, deferrization and demanganization stations can cost 36 thousand rubles or more.

To oxidize dissolved iron and manganese, they can treat the liquid with ozone.

Ozonizers help remove iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, organic compounds, microbiological pollution. These facilities consist of an ozone generator and a contact reservoir. There are flowing ozonizers. The cost of equipment for the cottage is 6-13 thousand rubles.

UV installations

In order to disinfect in a private house, they use ultraviolet treatment, which is carried out at the last stage of water treatment. Water using a special installation is irradiated with ultraviolet waves with a length of 150-350 nm. Bactericidal lamps are located in a special chamber through which water passes. But the lamps are not in contact with the liquid.

Bactericidal devices cost an average of 3.5-5.6 thousand rubles.

Carbon filters

Such installations are used as a post-treatment stage. These are sealed containers filled with activated carbon, which adsorbs impurities on itself: hardness salts, organic matter, iron and other metals, etc. The minimum cost of the sorption filter is 22 thousand rubles.

This final stage allows us to bring quality to the MPC standards.

For more information about which filters are used to purify water in a private house, see the video:

Rationing the content of contaminants in drinking water

In Russia, a document regulating quality drinking wateris SanPiN 2.4.1074-01. Below is a table with MPC of the main impurities.

This article is also read.

Due to the high deterioration of the general water supply networks, water that is practically unsuitable for drinking is supplied to private houses and apartments. In addition, very often water in country houses comes from individual wells. In this case, the liquid does not undergo purification at all and contains many salts, minerals and microorganisms from the soil. That is why the owners of cottages install water filters for a private house.

From this article you will find out why in most cases you should take care of additional filtration, which water purification systems for a country house can be used, and how to choose the appropriate set of devices specifically for your cottage.

The need for water treatment

According to statistics, only one hundredth of all the water present on the planet is suitable for eating. Centralized wastewater treatment plants, which are located in every city in Russia, carry out filtration, but often water is suitable only for domestic needs. All this forces owners of private houses to purchase water filters for a private house.

Here are the main factors that determine the low quality of tap water.

  •   Mechanical impurities.Precipitation and scale (mainly calcareous) accumulate in old pipeline networks, which, when exfoliated, are transported to our taps and household appliances. Water filters for a private house for rough cleaning and for finer mechanical cleaning  allow you to catch all foreign particles.
  •   High rigidity.  Due to prolonged contact with metal pipes and due to other factors, the percentage of metal salts in the liquid is high, which can settle on the heating elements of household appliances, as well as accumulate in the body, negatively affecting people's health and well-being. Water purification systems for a country house very often include softener filters that eliminate this problem.
  •   Saturation with iron.  The yellowish color of the water and the metallic taste indicate that the content of ferric iron is exceeded in it. However, divalent does not always manifest itself as a change in the color of the liquid. To detect problems allows chemical analysis. To remove all types of iron, the de-ironers installed in the country house will help.
  • Bacterial infection.  This threat is more characteristic of borehole water supply. During spring floods and heavy rains, a lot of bacteria get into the underground waters, washed away from the zones of soil contamination. These microorganisms can cause problems in the digestive system and even severe poisoning. A water purification system for a private home may include a disinfectant that kills microorganisms.
  •   Hydrogen sulfide.  If the water has the smell of rotten eggs, this indicates the presence of hydrogen sulfide in it. Even worse, if the presence of not only this harmful gas is detected, but also the decaying organic inclusions themselves, which cause the formation of gas. In this case, urgent measures are required for careful filtering.

Designing a water treatment system

To maximize the effectiveness of the filters, it is necessary to determine what specific factors impair the quality of the liquid. For this, 2 types of studies are carried out.

  •   chemical analysis  determining the content of mineral impurities and organic residues;
  •   biological analysis  revealing the number and composition of microorganisms and their degree of danger.

To install the correct water filters for a private house, it is recommended to analyze the composition of the liquid 2 times a year: during normal times and during the flood. Usually, after the snow melts, a high amount of pollution gets into the soil, and if this factor is not taken into account, the water treatment system for a private house will work in the spring under maximum load, which can lead to its rapid failure. Water from artesian wellsit is fed from a great depth, so surface contamination often does not penetrate into it. Therefore, in this case, only a chemical analysis will suffice.

When designing a water treatment system for a country house, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • type of source (centralized water supply, well (Abyssinian, artesian, sandy), well);
  • quality of water supplied;
  • the necessary degree of purification (filtering only for domestic needs or for eating);
  • consumption mode (including peak loads on the water treatment system for a country house);
  • the presence or absence of a storage tank in the filter;
  • average water consumption, which determines the performance of the filters.

The equipment of a water treatment system for a private house depends on these factors. The performance of the entire complex can be calculated based on SNiP 2.04.01-85. According to them, each resident needs about 200 liters per day. All articles of consumption (washing, washing, toilet, etc.), hot and cold water are taken into account. Therefore, the performance of water filters for a private house should be considered separately: for household needs - one common figure, for drinking - another, smaller.

Here are the optimal installation conditions for a water purification system for a country house:

  • a heated room with protection against freezing (for example, a warm basement, a separate room, a kitchen);
  • the filter has a connection to the sewer to drain contaminated liquid;
  • the presence of proper pressure in the pipeline (if insufficient, install pumping equipment).

Which filter to choose for a private house

Consider the types of water treatment systems for a private house in terms of their purpose and features of their application. Perhaps this information will help you determine the approximate composition of the equipment kit.

Mechanical filters

  •   Mesh.  These are compact devices that are mounted in the plumbing system and trap large contaminants. A fine-mesh metal mesh is installed inside, which needs to be cleaned periodically. Such devices are almost always installed, as they perform mandatory preliminary cleaning.
  •   Cartridge  These are water filters for a private house with replaceable blocks consisting of polymer fibers or natural absorbent materials. The type of cartridge and the number of filters entering the system in series depends on the quality of the water and the degree of purification required. If a very thorough filtration is needed, install 2-3 steps.
  •   Bulk.  This group of devices involves the presence of several layers of loose filter material.

A separate type of filter is a water purification system for a private house based on reverse osmosis. In them, water under pressure passes through a membrane with ultra-small openings, being purified from most impurities and becoming almost distilled.


If one of the problems with water supply is hardness salts, order equipment for their elimination based on ion-exchange resin. Its molecules react with metal salts, as a result of which metal ions are replaced with harmless sodium. The resin is depleted, therefore, its periodic regeneration is necessary.

Iron removers

This equipment is divided into 2 types:

  •   reagent (water is in contact with potassium permanganate, precipitating dissolved iron, which is captured during further filtration);
  •   reagent-free  (aeration occurs inside it, and as a result of oxidation, iron precipitates in the form of insoluble particles).


The main of these installations are ultraviolet lamps that emit light that destroys the cellular structure of most microorganisms. Therefore, if the water in a private country house is infected with bacteria, install a UV disinfectant in the system.

If you need water analysis and a professional selection of filters for cleaning, contact Atlanta. We not only offer a wide range of devices from leading manufacturers, but also carry out professional installation and maintenance of equipment systems.

Human health depends significantly on what kind of water he uses. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning it in a private house, where consumption is often made from wells and boreholes. The water consumed from the central water supply system also sometimes needs to be filtered. For this, a water purification system is used in a private house.

How to make water cleaner

Before talking about improving the quality of water, it is necessary to understand its composition, for which laboratory analysis is performed. Most often, it contains an excessive amount of hardness salts. In addition, heavy metals may be present in water. Softeners help from both.

Natural water is polluted by sand, silt, bacteria, toxic substances. Having decided on its composition, in the future it is necessary to establish several stages of filtration with the target direction. Only then the system for a private house will be effective. The same goes for water from wells and central water supplies.

Types of filters for a water treatment system

  • mechanical cleaning of silt, sand and other particles;
  • mitigation;
  • removal of nitrates, heavy metals and oil products;
  • disinfection.

For each stage of cleaning, it is important to choose the right performance.

Water Treatment Steps

The well water treatment system for a private house contains a maximum of 5 steps:

  • mechanical;
  • electrochemical;
  • clarification through catalysts;
  • adsorption;
  • biological.

Mechanical cleaning

Cartridges contain a mesh with small cells. The filter element may be porous polypropylene. Large contaminants are separated: sand, rust, sludge, etc. Throughput mechanical filters restored by periodic back flushing. With active use, the cartridge can last about a year, after which it must be replaced. The mechanical cleaning stage is used in all systems.


Cartridges contain highly porous fillers: activated carbon, silica gel, aluminosilicate, zeolites. They trap and retain harmful organic compounds in micropores. Water becomes clear and eliminates unpleasant odors. Adsorption filters quickly clog and require frequent replacement. With prolonged use, pollution begins to turn into water.

For a bit longer, granular loading cartridges can be used, which can be washed. But here only mechanical particles are removed. Adsorbed impurities are retained in the pores by forces sometimes exceeding gravitational ones.

Iron removal

Iron is oxidized with a special backfill, after which it forms a precipitate and is removed by mechanical cleaning.


Water is softened by filters containing calcium and magnesium. It is replaced by soluble sodium. Cartridge resource is directly dependent on water hardness. Usually it is less than other cleaning methods and is 200-800 liters.

Filters are regenerated in a salt solution. Over time, the resin loses its beneficial properties and begins to enrich the water with impurities. Visually, this can be seen by the release of darkened water.

Membrane filters

Methods of forcing water through membranes are classified by pore size:

  • microfiltration - 0.05-10 microns (fine cleaning from suspensions);
  • ultrafiltration - 0.001-0.05 microns (removal of microscopic particles and microorganisms);
  • nanofiltration and reverse osmosis - 0.001 microns or less (retention of metal salts, organic and microbiological contaminants).


Aeration columns remove hydrogen sulfide, iron, manganese from the water and prevent the growth of microbes. A compressor is needed to supply compressed air. The advantage of the system is the absence of replaceable cartridges.

Columns with a compressor will cost more, but in the future they will be more profitable.

Aeration is especially effective as a step in the cleaning system. wastewater  for a private house.

Filters for water purification in a private house: how to choose

Water purification can be carried out with and without reagents. First, we need substances that oxidize pollutants such as dissolved iron. They have a small price, but operation requires the cost of replaceable filters in order to maintain efficiency at a given level. The method is suitable for the preparation of industrial water, but not drinking water.

More modern is the reagent-free water purification system in a private house. User reviews say that it is more expensive when buying, but with it you can purify water to a drinking level.

Water filters in a private house. Cleaning system

Filtering is carried out through several stages in stages.

At the entrance of water into the house, it is first mechanically cleaned of large particles. The next step in finishing is to remove salts and fine impurities in order to use drinking water. There are several ways.

  1. Filter jugs. The main filtering substance is activated carbon. Everyone can buy a device due to its low cost. The speed and volume of filtration are small, but for household needs it suits many. Despite the ease of use, filter jugs have a fairly high cleaning efficiency. Most often you can find filter jugs of Aquaphor and Barrier companies, the price of which is in the range of 250-700 rubles.
  2. Dispenser is a household water purifier. It is more used for organizations and public places. It is equipped with multi-stage filters, can be connected to a water supply system, contains heating devices. Large volumes of drives and additional functions raise the price of the dispenser to 5 thousand rubles.
  3. The multi-stage water treatment system in a private house and apartment, installed under the sink, consists of several replaceable cartridges connected in series to the water supply. For clean drinking water, a separate tap is often installed. The throughput is about 3 l / min, the resource is in the range of 4000-15000 liters. The most effective is a five-stage water purification system in a private house, the price of which varies widely. The most expensive devices that use the reverse osmosis method. The units are controlled by controllers that control the system parameters, water quality, and also give a signal about the cartridge producing a resource.

The choice of water purification method

The water purification system in a private house in most cases removes iron and hardness salts. Therefore, the filtration system must be mixed.

Serial installation of filters allows you to remove various impurities. Before choosing a specific system, you need to pay attention to the following.

  1. Filter performance should meet water needs. At low throughput, filtering quality decreases. This is important for mechanical cleaning, where the flow should not be very intense. Only in this case will contamination remain in the filter. An overly powerful filter is also not needed, since it is dimensional and expensive.
  2. Cleaning methods are selected according to the chemical composition of water. If there is an excess of iron, a device is used to remove it, and water is softened by a system that reduces the concentration of hardness salts.
  3. Filtering is carried out in stages, with the sequential removal of certain types of contaminants.
  4. Filter flasks should be selected so that any cartridges fit them and there are no problems with their replacement.

Good afternoon. For a long time I chose a filter for my home to remove iron and soften water. He aimed at Leroy Merlin. It seems that the prices are not very high, but it was not the competence of the consultant in the department that frightened me off. I decided not to take any chances, handed over the water for analysis and on this result I asked to pick up a filter in the company My House. Bribed manager's professionalism ... full review

Gregory | 08/28/2017

Gentlemen, buyers, be careful when ordering or purchasing filters of complex cleaning type 5v1. They do not remove and do not work with hydrogen sulfide, even very small. I didn’t listen to the manager, who told me more than once about this, but I thought that he didn’t bother me much, this hydrogen sulfide. Initially, for domestic needs, he intended to use purified water. We bring from the spring for drinking ... full review

Peter | 06/26/2017

For a long time I was looking for water purification from iron in borehole water  from different organizations. Some have cheaper filters, and when I began to delve into what kind of equipment, it turned out, for example, that the compressor for my aeration is some kind of Chinese, which God will work for a month. In general, I decided not to risk it. I realized that good filters can’t be cheap. But still I found ... full review

Arkady Stepanovich | 03/18/2017

I bought a year ago manual iron remover. Six months later, I had to change the control unit to automatic. The reason is that over time it began to open very tightly when flushing. I did not wait until it stopped working at all and decided to replace it with an automatic one. Conclusion, manual take is not worth it, if only as a temporary solution, in the absence of the necessary money at the time of purchase of the filter. Now there are no problems with the machine.

Valery | 11/03/2016

I liked the company's specialists. Responsive, decent people. Last spring, they cleaned the cottage. They made an additional exit of water to the street for irrigation. I am a pensioner and the masters went to meet my wishes. Everything was neatly mounted, the water is clean and tasty. Very satisfied. The neighbors are now coming to me for drinking water. Recomend for everybody. Thanks.

Svetlana Viktorovna | 06/12/2016

You can see immediately experienced, knowledgeable specialists. Asked for help with cleaning. There are old filters. But their term also came. Water quality has deteriorated. Turned to "My House". An engineer arrived, recommended what needs to be done to improve water quality ... full review

Igor Sergeevich | 03/17/2016

Work great, albeit a young company! The team, it is immediately obvious, with experience and knowledge of their craft. Quickly reacted. We picked up the equipment, made a discount, small, but nice. Water of excellent quality! Thanks! I will recommend to neighbors and friends.

Sergey Fedotov | 02/12/2016

I was interested in a 5 in 1 filter, which simultaneously removes iron, hardness and manganese from water. These are the indicators in the analysis that I have exceeded. I understand that a full cleaning is needed here, consisting of an aeration column, a deferrizing filter and a softening filter ... full review

Ruslan | 10/29/2015

I want to express my gratitude to the specialists of "My House". He became a victim of an unscrupulous filter company, from whom he acquired iron cleaning for his home. A little before the story. About 6 months ago, I purchased water treatment from one company. From my well, the water is bad, with smell and iron ... full review

Vitaliy | 10/13/2015

I took the issue of purchasing a filter for water purification very seriously. Firstly, high-quality equipment is not cheap, and you do not want to spend money on nothing. Secondly, an important factor is the quality of water after treatment. Thirdly, the professionalism of employees who will carry out the installation of equipment ... full review

Irina | 05/24/2015

Two years ago, “specialists” from one company installed cleaning equipment in my house. While the house was being completed, there were no problems with water quality. But when the whole family moved, problems began. At low flow rates, water quality is good. But if you just open a few taps, the water quality becomes ugly ... full review

Gregory | 04/06/2015

We can now afford to pour water directly from the tap, after we installed the water purification system in our country house. The water content of iron decreased markedly, and it became much tastier. I now enjoy drinking plain plain tap water, which I have not done before. Thanks to the specialists of your company.

Cousin Elena | 03/07/2015

Why, when the iron content in water is more than 1.5 mg / l, the deferrizer is equipped with an aeration column with a compressor, and not with an ejector? This significantly increases the cost of cleaning. And is there an alternative to the aeration column?

Alexander | 02/09/2015

Good company. Specialists are conscientious. Picked up what is needed to clean my water. Without prepayment, they quickly brought equipment to me, installed it in a quality and accurate manner. Now I use clean water. It's nice that with such an attitude towards the client they are suitable. At the beginning of the goods, then money. Recommend!

Vershilovich Andrey | 12/28/2014

For many years in our house there was a water treatment with an accumulative tank. But the last few years began to mope. Constantly various parts began to fail, one thing or another. And these are unplanned expenses, and lack of water. Honestly, the quality of the water left much to be desired. Periodic emissions of turbidity from the crane ... full review

Alexander Velichko | 12/04/2014

This year, specialists of LLC "My House" installed a deferrization station in my house. As a result, the content of transcendental iron has become several times less than the permissible value. At the same time, the cost of equipment and installation is acceptable and significantly lower than others suggested. Recommend.

Anatoly | 11/18/2014

Honest company. I decided to put filters, but here the dollar has grown very much. All companies have begun price chaos. I contacted a lot of water treatment companies, analyzed, probably many do. I looked at the site "My House", the prices interested, I think, let me give a request here, I'll see what they offer ... full review

Alexey | 11/16/2014

Prices are indeed cheaper than in other firms. The quality of the equipment is good. Works completely satisfied! The water is great. Thank you for efficiency. Good luck "My Home"!

The water from the well is of very poor quality. Contacted many companies to clean my water. My water analysis is just awful. But I do not want to say about him. All the companies that I contacted set space prices, explaining the poor composition of the water. I called the company "My House" ... full review

Andrey | 08/09/2014

Nowadays, when the market has a lot of offers for water treatment, it is difficult to make the right choice. I, as a consumer, was bribed by a low price, but it also guarded me. But after talking with a specialist "My House" all doubts have disappeared ... full review

Ekaterina Iosifovna | 07/25/2014

Experienced staff who know their job! Restored the old installation, which stood since 2001. Replaced automation loading. The price does not bite. Now everything works. The water is clean. Thanks.

Sergey Boytsov | 07/20/2014

I chose this company, because specialists really work, not sellers, in a modern way - managers. Professionalism and many years of experience are felt. We picked up the equipment, delivered it on time and installed it in a quality manner. The water is now excellent. I am satisfied.

Evgeny Borisovich | 07/17/2014

For more than 10 years there was an old installation for the purification of iron storage type. I drank a lot of blood. Constantly breaking valves, automation. Tired of it! I contacted LLC "My House". After I provided the water analysis, they offered a set of equipment from aeration, deferrization and softening ... full review

Alexander Vorontsov | 07/06/2014

Very pleased with the work done, competent staff and a truly individual approach. I was delivered a de-ironing agent and a softener, while dismantling the old system with which I had already had enough. Now most of the time I spend in the country with my family. Thanks!! I will recommend to friends.

Maxim | 06/30/2014

The specialists are good, they work clearly and the price offers are loyal! The approach to people is individual ... I am satisfied with the quality of the work performed and the quality of the water ... Thank you ... !!! Good luck to the whole team!

Articles by  topic:
Well water treatment system for a private house
   Reducing iron from 16 to 0.1 and removing color and smell, I think IMHO it is inappropriate to complicate it also with ozone. Actually, I would like some explanations on the scheme, the cycle of work. From the well, after the pump, water is divided in a 100 mm pipe, part goes to the degasser
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Improving maintenance and repair of machines in the sports complex
The engine must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt before disassembling. Disassembly of the engine, as well as assembly, is recommended to be carried out on a stand that allows the engine to be installed in positions that provide easy access to all parts during disassembly and with
Characteristics of a modular water treatment plant
In a city or in a village, in his own apartment or in a private house, and without water a person will not be able to survive. Water has long been a source of life. Although, in truth, a person will survive longer without water than without sleep. But water is the most important component of life