The drawing of the drainage system of the cottage village. Installation of autonomous water supply for the cottage village. Technological methods of water purification

Many residents of megalopolises agree to move out of the city only on condition that they will have all the usual communications in their new place of residence, including. If you plan to move not to a detached house, but to a cottage village, then you will need it. And our company "Network Service" is ready to offer you it.

Of course, it is not at all necessary to choose an individual supply, but quite often it is just the most convenient or even the only possible one! It will not be difficult or problematic with us. Top-class specialists will prepare a competent project and will take care of all the issues related to the acquisition of equipment and its installation.

Previously, it was not so simple. It was possible to supply water only in those areas where public water supply systems passed nearby. In all other cases, it was necessary to dig wells or deliver water to special tanks. Fortunately, today the village can be built almost anywhere - there will be no problems with water.

If you need it, we will arrange it for you. Wells come in many forms, we will determine which one is required for you, and immediately we will deal with the solution of your problem. Please note that artesian wells offer higher quality water, and also have an almost inexhaustible resource.

Installation of autonomous water supply for the cottage village

Often, holiday villages have the same problem - water supply of a holiday village   is absent. This situation is still very common. Summer residents solve it as they can. Someone tries to organize the same well and performs. Others just bring bottled water. You cannot rest in such a country house. To solve the problem is quite simple - you just need to contact our engineering and installation company, which will perform all the work: in design, installation, and commissioning.

We are also ready to conclude a contract for after-sales service. Warranty service is carried out in the highest class. Contact us to solve all problems with water and come to the holiday village with pleasure. And do not wait for the rain, like a holiday!

Water supply of the village from the well from "Network Service"

As we have said, sometimes it is the only possible option to equip the water supply system. But if you yourself want to get high-quality and clean water, then order a well for us!

If you want to get a detailed consultation, contact the managers of the company who will be happy to answer all your questions. We will be happy to assist you! Interested in cost or equipment features? Come to Network Service and we will tell you which equipment is the most reliable!

For any settlement, water is required. In order to organize water supply cottage village   from the well it is most expedient to build a water intake unit. This includes such components as: three-phase industrial borehole pumps, water metering unit, large storage tanks for clean water and fire reserves, pumps for the second rise of water, so that the water reaches the consumer, automatic equipment.

But such pumps, used to supply the entire cottage village from the well, are very powerful and require a more careful approach to start-up and operation. Starting a powerful three-phase borehole pump of cubes of 10 or 20, a water hammer occurs. And this significantly reduces the resources of the pump motor. When the equipment is turned on, water rises very sharply and of a large volume. At the same time, well filters can quickly fail. Using a soft start pump will prevent rapid wear of the equipment. So often such a powerful pump does not turn on, use large containers for storing water, equipped with pumps of the second rise.

Water supply of a cottage village using a frequency converter

In the absence of opportunities to install large storage tanks, the pump can be switched on in another way. For this, a frequency converter is used. This is an electrical device by which the speed of the engine is regulated. In those moments when the water intake from the well is small, the pump may not work at full strength. It is the frequency converter that can lower the voltage of the pump. When the load increases, the inverter raises the voltage to its technical specifications. The pump starts using the frequency converter smoothly. The pump motor without water hammer can accelerate to the highest speed. When tuning, the time for which the engine starts to run at full power is displayed.

The principle of operation in this embodiment is as follows. For example, two wells are enough for water supply of a cottage village. A well pump is installed in each of these wells. A frequency converter must be provided for both pumps. These chastotniki control the operation of the pumps and control each other. If it is necessary to supply water, only one pump starts to work. It is very rare, but it can happen that with the supply of the required amount of water, the operation of one pump is not enough. In this case, a signal is sent from the frequency converter to the second pump. Then it also connects to the first pump.

The chastotnik is equipped with many protective functions. Therefore, for the stability and reliability of the water supply of the cottage village from the well, you can use this method. The frequency converter is connected and configured using a computer by a specialist electronics engineer.


When houses are built on an individual basis, neighbors rarely manage to organize the drilling and maintenance of a collective artesian well. More often than not, each owner himself deals with water supply and water treatment. Moreover, he faces a difficult choice.

Water for cottage villages and houses

Whatever method of water supply the owner of the cottage chooses, he will usually have to equip his water treatment system. Even if he manages to connect to the water supply, all the same, the quality of the water is unlikely to “satisfy” the water heater and autonomous heating equipment. Especially if these are imported devices that are very sensitive to the composition of water.

But more often, owners of private houses, as well as the owners of small enterprises in the suburbs, prefer to drill wells. They are collective and individual, artesian and sand. Collective wells are usually drilled during the construction phase of a cottage village. These are always deep wells that can provide consumers with a significant amount of water. The design and licensing of collective wells is usually carried out by the developer. He or the operating organization provides well service and water treatment. Although it happens that along with centralized water treatment, the owners of the cottage also equip their own systems.

When houses are built on an individual basis, neighbors rarely manage to organize the drilling and maintenance of a collective artesian well. More often than not, each owner himself deals with water supply and water treatment. Moreover, he faces a difficult choice.

It is very difficult and expensive to obtain a license for an artesian well, since the sanitary zone, that is, the area on which there should not be any buildings, must be at least 900 m 2, which not every owner has. However, the homeowner has the right to drill a shallow sand well to draw water from the upper aquifer for household purposes. A license is not needed for such a well, although it also has its own sanitary restrictions. But the main problem is that the sand well provides little water, and its quality is poor, therefore, water treatment requires significant costs.

Practice shows that most homeowners are drilling artesian wells, although they are licensed by a few. But in any case, no matter what the well may be, the owner must choose a water treatment system. But understanding the diversity of systems, methods and their effectiveness is not easy for the homeowner. A wide range of equipment is presented on the market, and not only for the private trader, but also for users of collective wells.

Experts told us about the specifics of drilling aquifers and obtaining licenses for them: company representatives shared their experience in organizing water treatment.

Water composition may change.

Is it possible to predict the composition of water before a well is drilled? Does it change over the years? Which wells, sandy or artesian, do the cottage owners prefer? We asked the General Director of RTT JSC to answer these and other questions.

Typically, homeowners “draw” information on the composition of water from their neighbors. The possibilities of a scientific forecast, unfortunately, are limited, because the cadastres reflect old data (until the early 1990s) on well drilling in the Moscow Region and studies of the chemical composition of groundwater. This does not mean that now he is the same. In our practice, and we have been drilling wells since 1993, there have been cases when the composition of water has changed significantly in the well over 7 years. This is due to changes in the total composition of water throughout the horizon.

So, it makes no sense to buy long-term expensive equipment for water treatment, since it may be necessary to completely replace it with a new composition of water?

Personally, I do not share this opinion. In about 10% of cases, the composition of water can change on average over 10-15 years. But with short-lived equipment there will be many problems even for a short period of time.

"Beach" in the Moscow region - high iron content. In our experience, this problem is typical for approximately 70% of water sources. It may happen that the iron was normal or almost normal, and then its content increased sharply. This is due to a change in the nutrition area of \u200b\u200bthe aquifer, when sediment infiltration occurs through buried peaty soils. The second problem of the Moscow Region is the increased water hardness.

Are homeowners still more likely to order sand wells or artesian? What is their average depth in the suburbs?

In the Moscow Region, the average depth of sand wells is 18 m, of artesian wells - 80 m. Nowadays, artesian wells are more often ordered, since they practically do not build small houses. Typically, cottages are built with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 200 m 2 with three to four points of water analysis. They require about 2.5–3 m 3 of water per hour — only an artesian well will provide such a volume. Sandy gives up to one 1 m 3 / h.

What is the percentage of individual and collective aquifers?

Our company deals only with individual wells. But according to the volume of centralized construction of cottage villages in the suburbs (usually construction companies drill collective wells), it can be judged that this is not more than 10% of the total number of wells. Individual developers have to drill their own well, as neighbors, as a rule, are already provided with water sources. For example, take garden cooperatives. In Soviet times, they were not allowed to build permanent housing there, and the water supply system, if built, was only summer. Now they are building capital houses in summer cottages, this is allowed. And there is nothing left but to drill your wells.

Is it difficult to apply for a well? Who is solving this problem?

For collective wells - a construction organization. For personal - the owners themselves. Obtaining a license for an artesian well is quite difficult. The owner must provide a sanitary zone around the well (at least 30 x 30 m). For sand wells drilled into the upper aquifers, it is required to maintain a distance from the septic tank of at least 30 m. But here in exceptional cases it is possible to coordinate a shorter distance than required by the norm.

If we look at the situation throughout Russia, we will see a massive violation of sanitary standards. There are practically no septic tanks in the villages, instead of them there are cesspools. And water is used without any preparation at all ...

It may happen that according to the cards the water should be in a certain place, but in fact it is not there?

In the suburbs it is very rare that there is no water even at great depths. As an unpleasant surprise, you can probably get very poor quality water. Because of this, there will be too many problems with cleaning and water treatment.

Well Licenses

The cost of water treatment depends on the quality of water, which, in turn, is tied to many factors. What aquifers occur in the Moscow region? What impurities are characteristic for them? What needs to be done to license an artesian well? We asked to answer these and other questions Andrey Mironenko, Head of the Department of Geology and Licensing in Moscow and the Moscow Region, Department of Subsoil Use in the Central Federal District.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil”, for drilling an artesian well, it is necessary to obtain a license for the right to use subsoil. The license is issued not for a well, but for a subsoil plot that has a certain area on the surface of the earth. Accordingly, the applicant must submit a certificate of ownership of land or a lease of land. This is the first.

Further, it is necessary to determine: how much water is needed, what quality, for what purposes, i.e., to calculate water consumption according to the approved standards and coordinate it in the department of water resources in the Moscow region of the Moscow-Oka basin water department of the Federal Agency for Water Resources.

Then you need to get the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the suitability of this land for the organization of the sanitary protection zone of 1 well belt. For an artesian well, in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN–02, the size of the sanitary protection zone 1 of the well’s belt is 60 x 60 m. This section should be fenced, there should be no buildings on it. In exceptional cases, Rospotrebnadzor may agree to reduce the sanitary protection zone, however, it cannot be less than 30 x 30 m.

Then you need to get an opinion on the design of the well in the territorial Center for State Monitoring of the State of the bowels of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Geocenter-Moscow”. Based on the required volumes of water, the intended purpose and the hydrogeological conditions of the area, specialists will determine which aquifer and depth the well needs to be drilled. In conclusion, there is a geological section, it is indicated at what depth aquifers lie, what is their thickness and water availability. The expected chemical composition of the water is also indicated.

After obtaining a license for the right to use subsoil, the customer turns to a specialized organization, where they draw up a project for drilling a well and coordinate it in the prescribed manner. When a well is drilled, it should be put into operation - for which a commission on state acceptance is created. It is necessary to obtain an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor on the quality of groundwater and the possibility of their use for domestic and drinking water supply. Next, the well should be put on state accounting, equipped with a sanitary protection zone, and a report should be submitted to the state geological examination with an assessment of the operational reserves of groundwater.

All approvals, state registration and assessment of groundwater exploitation reserves will require, of course, considerable costs.

Apparently, the owners of collective wells go such a difficult path?

Of course, but not only them. Owners of private land who do not want to break the law draw up all these documents.

Are there sanitary requirements for water quality?

In accordance with SanPiN, it is necessary to determine the presence of more than 40 components in water using three types of analysis: chemical, bacteriological and radiological. Such analyzes began to be done over the past few years, and it turned out that the water of some of the wells did not comply with radiation safety standards (NRB-99). They also found that in some aquifers the MPCs of lithium, strontium, fluorine, and other elements were exceeded.

The most widely used in the Moscow region for water supply is the Podolsk-Shcholkovsky aquifer. The water quality in it almost always corresponds to SanPiN–01, with the exception of the iron content. The underlying Aleksinsko-Protvinsky aquifer is also actively exploited, but in this water there is often an increased content of fluorine, strontium and lithium, and therefore it is necessary to incur large costs for water treatment. But if, say, an enterprise needs a very large volume of water, it cannot get it only from the Podolino-Bolkovsky horizon, so an additional deeper well will have to be drilled.

Doesn't the chemical composition change over the years?

Of course, it’s changing - there is water pollution, since there are many industrial enterprises in the region, many treatment facilities that work inefficiently, discharge wastewater   on relief and in water bodies. In addition, after so many years of restructuring, hundreds of abandoned artesian wells remained, which are sources of groundwater pollution. Currently, in the territories of large regional centers and in their environs, the problem of groundwater quality is becoming the most urgent.

Are there any features for licensing sand wells?

According to Art. 19 of the RF Law “On Subsoil”, a license is not required for drilling a well on the first aquifer from the surface if the horizon is not used for centralized water supply. The compliance of the subsoil plots with the specified conditions for each specific region is established by the Rosnedr territorial divisions together with state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation. The arrangement and operation of wells on the first aquifer that is not used for centralized water supply is carried out in the manner established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

There is a dual interpretation of the law. Previously, the law of the Moscow Region On Subsoil and Subsoil Use in the Moscow Region was in force (repealed by Law No. 88/2005 – OZ of 03/10/2005), which allowed underground water to be used only for the personal needs of the owner of the land. That is, for others, for example, for commercial purposes, a license was required. The federal law does not say anything about this. Although the law of the Moscow Region has been repealed and the new rules have not been established, the regulatory authorities still insist that a license is needed if water is used for commercial purposes. The logic is this: since everyone pays for water, why can merchants who use it in hotels or car washes use water for free? Therefore, businessmen are fined by both the police and Rosprirodnadzor.

What sanitary requirements exist for sand wells?

The same as for the wells. According to SanPiN–02, washing vehicles, watering animals and other activities that contribute to water pollution are not allowed in a radius of 20 m. The place should be chosen in an unpolluted area, remote from cesspools, toilets, fertilizer depots, sewer facilities   and other sources of pollution not less than 50 m - higher in the flow of groundwater.

But to provide such conditions in the garden is almost impossible ....

Of course, impossible. You can be responsible for yourself, and what a neighbor will build within 50 m on his site is only his business. Therefore, in many settlements, the first aquifer from the surface is contaminated with nitrites, nitrates, oil products and other substances of technogenic origin.

But if we talk about violations, they are more characteristic of cottage villages, where homeowners, without a license, drill artesian wells that do not meet sanitary requirements, which leads to pollution of the main exploited aquifers.

Larisa Fadeeva

Larisa Fadeeva, leading specialist of the department of state control and supervision in the field of subsoil use of Rosprirodnadzor

Checks of subsoil users (mainly legal entities) for their licenses are carried out in accordance with the annual plan. Sometimes, in the event of a complaint, we leave for an unscheduled inspection.

It happens that businessmen, instead of one deep well, drill several shallow ones and supply hotels, pools and other facilities with water. This is done so as not to issue a license and not to pay for water. So they interpret the law, which does not require a license when using the water of the first aquifer for personal needs.

But in this case, the water is not used for watering the garden or watering livestock, but for commercial purposes. Of several small wells, it is consumed more than bona fide entrepreneurs take from one artesian well. We believe that in such cases, businessmen should apply for a license and pay for water, as all individuals and legal entities do.

Water treatment. Multimedia download aeration type system

The water treatment process always starts with a water analysis. Usually 23 indicators are used, but sometimes an extended analysis is required - by 40 indicators. Although today about 2,000 impurities that may be contained in water have been studied, the same amount of probably there can be inclusions that have not yet been studied ...

But if we talk about the water near Moscow, then the most characteristic impurities are a high content of calcium and magnesium (hardness salts) and a high content of iron. Also in the water there may be an increased or insufficient amount of fluorine, impurities of hydrogen sulfide, ammonium and petroleum products may be contained. Well and, of course, mechanical and organic pollution are characteristic.

There are methods that recommend using certain types of filter media for a given water composition. However, working according to a “template”, that is, according to a certain standard, does not always give the desired effect. When selecting equipment for a particular object, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of water, all its indicators, since some chemical inclusions can impede the work of the most seemingly effective filter media. The use of multimedia filtering media (both in the deferrization unit and in the softening unit), capable of differentially monitoring and leveling “excess” chemical compounds in the water composition, gives a good result. As a result, complex removal of many negative organic and inorganic inclusions can be achieved. It is still important not to concentrate on certain brands, but to select the most effective equipment for a given facility.

But let's start in order. First of all, water requires mechanical cleaning. Our experience has shown that of the three types of common filters (mesh, disk and cartridge), disk filters are the most effective. Such a filter combines the advantages of mesh and volumetric filtration, is easily washed and has an unlimited service life.

Removal of iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide is possible using reagent filter media with regeneration with a solution of potassium permanganate. In the process of a chemical reaction, iron, which is in a divalent dissolved state, is deposited on the filter loading layer. When washing the filters, the sediment and a less concentrated solution of potassium permanganate is discharged into the local sewage system and eventually gets on the ground, which adversely affects the environment and also interferes with the effective operation of biological treatment plants. In addition, it is unsafe for humans, if during the regeneration period of the filters there will be unauthorized analysis of water.

Alternative possibilities for removing dissolved iron in water and blowing hydrogen sulfide provide reagent-free aeration-type systems. Using a compressor, water is preliminarily saturated with atmospheric oxygen, which enters the filter charge and in the presence of which the oxidation process is more efficient. The use of such systems eliminates environmental pollution. In addition, in the process of aeration, water conditioning occurs, which positively affects its quality.

The next stage of water treatment is water softening, i.e. neutralization of calcium and magnesium salts. Such systems do not differ in a wide variety, although there are, for example, magnetic transducers that are installed directly on the pipe. They magnetize water, preventing crystallization and the deposition of hardness salts. The chemical composition of the water does not change. We believe that it is more efficient to use the traditional method of water softening using ion-exchange resins as part of the downloads. An additional effect is the use of multimedia ion-exchange resins of selective action. For example, if the water has a high concentration of dissolved iron and at the same time it is necessary to remove ammonium impurities, heavy metal ions, humic substances, and aluminum.

It is also justified to include a cartridge charcoal filter in the equipment, which has the function of a sorption filter and is able to prevent the chips of the filter load from entering the water circuit.

To disinfect water, we put an ultraviolet sterilizer as an element of water treatment. This is necessary if there is a risk of water contamination, confirmed by laboratory tests, especially if water is taken from a well or shallow wells.

Some types of hazardous inclusions can only be filtered using reverse osmosis systems. As a rule, such a system is installed on a line of water intended only for drinking and cooking. These devices are quite conservative, but they can be supplemented, for example, with a mineralizer to saturate water with certain doses of substances necessary for health.

Some companies try to impose an excessive set of equipment without explaining to the customer that there are more optimal inexpensive options for a water treatment system. There are companies that offer a full range of systematic service. We are trying to install such water treatment systems that have optimal functions for this facility and generally do not require service. Or, at least, we try to minimize the worries of the cottage owner about the water entering the house.

Integrated water softener

In the water treatment market, softeners with monodisperse gel strongly acidic cation exchange resins of leading world manufacturers are currently used. Such resins have extreme chemical and mechanical resistance, high exchange capacity. These are reliable filters that perform one function well - water softening.

However, for an individual user when there is no centralized water purification system, as a rule, it is necessary to solve the problems of eliminating several types of pollution. An integrated system perfectly copes with such cleaning. The loading uses a mixture of resins, which allows you to remove hardness salts, and iron, and manganese in one bottle. Therefore, the system of integrated water treatment, in my opinion, can be considered the most effective filter.

Water treatment. Pressureless aeration systems

In cottage villages where water is intended for a large number of consumers, there are two ways to approach the issue of water treatment. You can put an individual system in each house - before this method was very common. But in the last two to three years they began to actively establish water treatment systemsserving the whole village.

This allows not only to reduce the cost of water treatment for each homeowner, but also to centrally solve the problem of drains, as well as to increase the degree of reliability and resolve issues with regulatory authorities.

In recent years, the state has begun to pursue a focused policy on subsoil use issues. All wells, including individual ones, must be licensed. If there is no common well in the village, then each has its own drilled. This is well understood by the controlling authorities, who come with inspections. Which pushes homeowners to organize collective water intake and water treatment systems.

In the Moscow region, the most common “standard” set of pollution. As a rule, water in a common well is cleaned of iron and hydrogen sulfide. Water hardness in the Moscow region is usually within 10 mEq / l. Although the indicators are rather big, such rigidity can be agreed upon with regulatory authorities. And who wants to improve the water, put in their cottages installations for water softening. Such a scheme (general iron removal and individual softening) is optimal, since not all homeowners agree to bear the operating costs of water softening. Many people prefer to solve this problem themselves. As for iron, very often it is many times higher than sanitary standards. In addition, water can be ironized by one-time capital investments at no additional cost.

This is how the non-pressure aeration system works, which our company supplies to the market. It allows you to remove iron from water without using catalytic charges. In general, there are different methods for this, for example, reagent, which is almost never used in the Moscow region. Now reagentless methods are widely presented on the market, but most often they involve the use of pressure aeration with catalytic loading. The method is effective, but the catalytic load, most often, lasts no more than two or three years, then they need to be changed. And if there is hydrogen sulfide in the water, then the service life is even less.

The principle of operation of our system is the same as the schemes with pressure aeration, only here the saturation of water with oxygen occurs through dispersing-distribution nodes (DRU). The design of the nodes is such that the water flow is crushed into small drops. As a result, the contact surface of air and water, and hence the saturation of water with air, is greater than with pressure aeration, when air is supplied to the water layer by a compressor (similar to air supply to water in aquariums). Due to the intensive process of saturation of water with oxygen in the DRU, the oxidation of iron dissolved in water is significantly accelerated. Then the water enters the storage tank, and from it with pumping station   fed to the sediment filter system. In the first block, dissolved iron is oxidized to undissolved, and then sedimentary filters collect it. In automatic mode, the regeneration mode is periodically turned on: by the reverse current of water, the accumulated iron is washed off into the sewer.

The advantage of such a system is that it completely copes with the oxidation process, without the use of catalytic charges. It is enough to apply sedimentary loading. For example, we use an inert loading, which does not add unnecessary components to the water and has a low percentage of abrasion - it can work without reloading for more than 10 years.

Our installation is slightly more expensive in terms of capital costs compared to a pressure aeration installation, but it benefits in performance. I already mentioned the reason - in pressure aeration systems it is necessary to restart the catalytic loading. Reloading is a labor-intensive process, often the upper layer of the catalyst is “sintering”, it has to be broken by some mechanical devices (scrap, etc.), which leads to breakdowns of the central distribution pipe or filter neck. Such systems can be chosen by developers who are not involved in servicing villages. And for operators, our system is preferable.


Sergey Ruzhinsky, chief engineer of AT Water Systems

I think free-flow aeration is more suitable for deferrization in cases where small amounts of water are consumed. In such systems, it is efficient to use a large storage tank. But in any case, the dimensions of the tank are limited. It is rather problematic to provide a large area of \u200b\u200bcontact of water with air for large volumes of water. If water is sprayed into the tank, I would not call such a system gravity aeration, since water still comes under pressure.

We use a reagentless pressure aeration system using compressors and catalysts. With small volumes of water consumption, we can offer an ejector. The policy of our company is based on providing the customer with as much information as possible about the possible water treatment systems and prices for each installation. So that the client can make a choice (including being limited to the most necessary), taking into account the composition of water, the volume of its consumption and its financial capabilities.

Victor Kiselev, Head of Water Treatment Department, BIICS

Indeed, the iron removal step is the most difficult. This is caused, on the one hand, by the variety of forms of the presence of iron in water (divalent, trivalent, colloidal, organic, bacterial), on the other hand, by the absence of one universal method for their removal and the corresponding equipment. We prefer pressure aeration systems with a compressor, followed by catalytic oxidation of iron on a filter medium. We also use non-pressure aeration systems using ejectors of different capacities. In some cases, we turn to a time-tested method for removing iron using potassium permanganate.

Pavel Sidorov, manager of the water treatment department of the company "Resource"

If the iron content in water is higher than 1.5 mg / l, we use reagent deferrization methods: using sodium hypochloride and potassium permanganate. This is a reliable, long-proven way to remove iron. With a lower percentage of iron in water, we use pressure aeration systems using a compressor and catalytic loading. We use non-pressure aeration systems (using water sprayers or containers with a large contact surface of water and air) only with a small iron content in the water.

Water supply is a complex of interconnected structures designed to provide consumers in water ... with the requirements of consumers, transported to consumers and served to all given selection points. At the selection points should ...

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  • University, city:


    Graduate work   on this topic:

    Water supply of the village


    2007 year

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    1. Intakes, water conduits and water supply networks ... 7

    1.1. Systems and schemes of water supply. 7

    1.1.1 Water Consumption ... 13

    1.1.2. Water Consumption ... 16

    1.1.3. Features of water supply of the bath and laundry18

    1.2. Sources of water supply and intake 21

    1.2.1 Underground and surface water supplies ... 21

    1.2.2. Water intake facilities for receiving water from underground sources. 23

    1.2.3. Water intake facilities for receiving water from surface sources.30

    1.2.4. Special water intake facilities ... 37

    1.2.5. Water pumping stations. 38

    1.3. External water supply network 41

    2. Water purification and disinfection. 43

    2.1. Water Properties and Quality Requirements ... 43

    2.2. Water treatment methods (coagulation, sedimentation, filtering, water disinfection, special treatment) .45

    3. Estimated water consumption ... 68

    3.1. Norms and coefficients of uneven water consumption ... 68

    3.2. Water consumption by type of consumption and by city as a whole ... 68

    3.2.1. Household drinking water consumption68

    3.2.2. Water consumption of public utilities and public facilities ... 69

    3.2.3. Calculation of water consumption for household and drinking needs of industrial enterprises ... 70

    4. Rules for the safe operation of water supply systems73

    Conclusion ... 85



    Modern water supply systems of cities and populated areas are complex technical systems that ensure the reception of natural water, its purification with subsequent supply and distribution of water to consumers. The most common are multifunctional water supply systems designed for drinking, domestic, household, industrial and fire water supply.

    In this regard, an important task in the design of water supply is its proper design. The purpose of this graduation project is to study the water supply of the village.

    To achieve the goal, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

    - to study the systems of water intakes, water pipelines and water supply networks;

    - to study the existing methods of purification of water supplied to the consumer;

    - make the necessary calculations;

    - provide rules for the safe operation of water supply systems.

    An analysis of literature showed that the annual consumption of water is distributed by the main consumers of urban water supply systems as follows,%: household and drinking needs of the population - 56 (for cooking, drinking - 30, for washing - 10, for using bathrooms - 30, for flushing tanks - 30); the needs of public buildings - 17; industrial needs - 17; firefighters - 3; urban needs (watering the streets and green spaces; working fountains, etc.) - 1, others - 6 ..

    The composition and properties of drinking water for any type of water source, processing method and design features of the water supply network should ensure epidemiological safety, chemical composition harmlessness and favorable organoleptic properties. Technical and hygiene requirements and standards for drinking water, governs GOST 2874-82 and SanPiN 4630-88.

    Average daily water consumption serves as a starting point for determining the estimated water consumption, which is necessary to meet the needs of the population at any time of the year, month, week, including the day of greatest water consumption.

    The parameters of the water supply structures of the water supply systems of cities and populated areas are calculated for a certain billing period, which may include several stages of construction, taking into account the prospects for the development of the city and improving the level of improvement of water consumers.

    Water consumption, for the passage of which the elements of the water supply system are calculated, changes during the quarters of the year, months of the season, hours of the day and minutes of the hour.

    These fluctuations in water consumption must be taken into account when designing a water supply system with a given level of improvement. Population growth and increase in water consumption rates are predictable. .

    Data on the forecast for the development of the city are taken into account in the process of designing new water supply systems by reserving additional areas for the development of certain elements provided for by the priority of construction. Seasonal changes in water consumption are mainly determined by population migration and climatic factors specific to a given location of the city.

    The parameters of the water supply systems of the system are calculated in such a way as to satisfy the needs of the population for water during the seasonal cycles. When selecting pumping equipment   and especially in the feasibility study of water pipelines and water supply networks, the short periods of periods of maximum water consumption are taken into account.

    Daily and hourly fluctuations in water flow are the result of uneven water consumption in the city. The unevenness of water consumption in the days of the week is due to the way of life of the city and is mainly associated with the alternation of working and non-working days and largely depends on the production profile of the city or locality.


    1.1. Water supply systems and schemes

    A water supply system is a complex of engineering structures designed to collect water from a water supply source, purify it, store it and supply it to consumers. Water supply systems (water supply systems) are classified according to a number of signs.

    According to the type of serviced object, the water supply systems are divided into urban, township, industrial, agricultural, railway, etc.

    According to their purpose, water supply systems are divided into drinking water intended for supplying water for household and drinking needs of the population and workers of enterprises; production, water supplying technological workshops; fire-fighting, providing water for extinguishing fires.

    According to the method of water supply, gravity water pipes (gravity) and water pipes with mechanical water supply (using pumps) are distinguished.

    By the type of natural sources used, there are water pipelines taking water from surface sources - rivers, reservoirs, lakes, seas, and water pipelines taking water from underground sources (artesian, spring). There are also mixed water pipelines.

    On the basis of technical and economic calculations, the combined water supply systems are often arranged: economic-fire-fighting, industrial-fire-fighting or industrial-economic-fire-fighting. So, in cities and towns, they usually arrange a single economic and fire water supply. As a rule, two separate water pipelines are constructed at industrial enterprises - a production one and a fire-fighting one.

    Combined industrial, economic and fire water supply system.

    List of references

    1. GOST 2874-82. Sources of centralized drinking water supply. Hygienic, technical requirements and selection rules.

    2. GOST 51233-98. Resistance thermometers platinum reference 1 and 2 categories. General technical requirements

    3. Building regulations. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings. SNiP II-30-76.

    4. Building regulations. Industrial buildings of industrial enterprises. SNiP II-90-81.

    5. Building regulations. Water supply. External networks and facilities. SNiP 2.04.02-84.

    6. SNiP 2.04.01-85

    7. Hydraulics, water supply and sewerage: Textbook. manual for universities / V.I. Kalitsun, V.S.Kedrov, Yu.M. Laskov. 4th ed. reslave. and add. M .: OJSC "Publishing house" Stroyizdat "", 2004. 397 p.: Ill.

    8. Zhmakov G.N. Operation of equipment and systems of water supply and sanitation. M .: INFRA-M, 2005.237 s.

    9. Ilyin Yu.A. Reliability of plumbing equipment and facilities. M .: Stroyizdat, 1985.

    10. Integrated use of water resources: Textbook. allowance / S.V. Yakovlev, I.G. Gubiy, I.I. Pavlinova, V.N. Rodin. M.: Higher. school., 2005.384 s.: ill.

    11. Nikoladze G.I. Water supply: Textbook. for technical schools. 3rd ed., Revised. and add. M .: Stroyizdat, 1989.496 s: ill.

    12. Nikoladze G.I., Klyachko V.A., Apeltsin I.E. Natural water treatment. M .: Stroyizdat, 1985.

    13. Nikoladze G.I., Mints D.M., Kastalsky A.A. Water preparation for drinking and industrial water supply: Textbook. special allowance "Water supply and sewerage" for universities. 2nd ed., Revised. and add. M .: Higher. school., 1984. 368 p., Ill.

    14. Rules for using public water supply and sewage systems in the Russian Federation. Gos. Committee of the Russian Federation for construction and housing and communal services. M., 1999.

    15. Rules for the technical operation of systems and structures of public water supply and sanitation. Gos. Committee of the Russian Federation for construction and housing and communal services. M., 2000.

    16. Clarifications on the application of the Rules for the use of public water supply and sewage systems. Gos. Committee of the Russian Federation for construction and housing and communal services. M., 2000.

    17. Rational use of water resources; Textbook for universities for special. "Water supply, sewerage, rat. using and water resources protection ”/ S.V. Yakovlev, I.V. Prozorov, E.N. Ivanov, I.G. Gubiy. M .: Higher. school., 1991 .-- 400 p.: ill.

    18. Handbook for the treatment of natural and wastewater / L.L. Paal, Ya.Ya. Karu, H.A. Melder, B.N. Repin. M .: Higher. school., 1994.336 s .: ill.

    19. Handbook for the operation of water supply, sewage and gas supply. Ed. Dr. tech. sciences prof. S.M.Shifrina. L., Stroyizdt, Leningrad. Department, 1976.320 s.

    20. The operation and repair of agricultural water supply systems: Directory / Comp. G.A. Volokhovsky. M .: Rosselkhozizdat, 1982.

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