How deep is it to drill a well for water. Drilling water well depth: norms and conditions. How to determine correctly

A well is an amazing device that allows you to use water for any need and at any time, regardless of utilities. But for water to be suitable for domestic purposes, the depth of the well for drinking water must be observed. It is not difficult to determine, knowing some of the nuances and conditions of cultivation.

Everyone knows that a well is a kind of well, so the value can vary from minimum dimensions to large in depth. In addition, the depth of the well may depend on other factors. It is worth considering each of them in detail, characteristic of Russia.

There are several reasons by which it is easy to determine the required depth:

In some cases, when all attempts to clarify at what depth to make a source for water were unsuccessful, exploratory drilling is used. It is worth noting that this service is paid and each meter will cost you about 400-600 rubles.

Attention!   Remember that there are sources that do not require and require permission from government agencies. So, you can use the source without tax, if it is 3-5 m in depth, and wells of 15 meters or more require permission from the appropriate authority. How much will the annual fee, you can check with the authorities.

Aquifers: their types and location

In the earth’s thickness, it’s quite simple to get moisture, but for this you still need to know what levels of occurrence exist, you must first find the aquifer and only then start drilling.

The aquifer is divided into three types. Please note that when you try it yourself, you may come across several levels of occurrence of natural fluid. The first is located near the surface of the earth, its approximate depth is 3-6 meters (how much will be accurate depends on the terrain and geological structure). Can this liquid be called drinking? Details can be clarified only after examination, moreover, this layer usually does not meet sanitary standards, but such water will be ideal for watering the garden.

We continue drilling, now the aquifer can meet at a depth of 10 to 17 meters. Almost always, this level of occurrence is ideal for use in everyday life, but it is still worth checking. However, the composition of the liquid can vary depending on the time of year. In the springtime, water can be filled with rainwater and rainfall. Sometimes drinking water takes on the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

The third layer can be located at a depth of 25-45 meters, which may vary depending on the type of terrain. You can find out how many meters deep into the earth artesian levels on your territory can be found from public authorities. In this case, your well must be allowed. It is necessary to determine the suitability of a liquid for everyday life in order to eliminate the risk of poisoning by various metals and gases.

Types of water wells

It is conventionally accepted to separate autonomous water supply sources into three types:

Located at a depth of 8-13 meters. This option of water supply can be used for cooking and other domestic purposes. The design differs in that when precipitation falls in this layer, the overhead does not fall. No matter how much they fall, the design will be reliably protected.

The sand well is equipped with a screw method of drilling and is located 15-20 meters below the surface of the soil. The water from here enters the pipeline mainly clean, since sand is an excellent natural filter. Such a source can be operated both year-round and periodically.

It has ideal water quality, which is drilled to a great depth. If in the conditions of the private sector it is hit in the range from 15 to 50 meters, then for production purposes the source can reach 200 meters. Its service life is at least 45 years, of course, if regular maintenance is carried out. It is worth remembering about the possibilities of the source.

Attention!   How much a source will need to be drilled to get a perfectly pure liquid, which we call suitable for drinking, depends on the area and the needs of the owner. The lower, the higher the probability of regularly using purified moisture.

Do-it-yourself well for drinking water

Often it is better to cultivate a well for life with the help of special firms. They will help determine the optimal depth and will do everything without consequences. Of course, having work skills, you can cope on your own. So, in the process it is necessary to act strictly in stages:

  • it is worth correctly determining the type of source drilling and how much time and effort it will take. This stage is carried out in order to facilitate the work under certain conditions, since some methods will not be appropriate in connection with the geological structure of the soil;
  • we prepare the equipment and the place where your source is located (again, we recommend that you consult with local authorities, they will tell you where it is best located;
  • if it is planned to install a caisson and equipment near the source, prepare a foundation pit of specific sizes and how much its height will be, determine on the basis of the equipment being installed;
  • then we drill the first section of the future well, then we install the casing. What it will be in strength depends on the experience and the selected material;
  • back to drilling the next few meters. We strengthen the hole with pipes and twist them with thread (if they are prepared) or with clamps;
  • as soon as you reach a sand or clay layer, you need to reduce the drilling speed. It will be advisable to do pumping and cleaning the filled pit;
  • a few minutes after cleaning you should see clear water. At this stage, you can complete the recess and mount the bottom filter, otherwise, you may need to lower another 1-4 meters to get into another layer;
  • now we pass to the final stage. We fix the column, check its tightness and install the cover.

In the future, it is only necessary to equip the caisson, purchase all the necessary equipment and lay pipelines to the places of water intake. How long it takes depends on the capabilities of the employee.

IN country houses   and in summer cottages, it is often not possible to connect to central communications. The need to build a source of water is becoming a major problem. Drilling an artesian well helps to solve it. The purity of the water in it and the flow characteristics help provide the house with a constant source with high productivity. However, permission to drill a well is required for its construction. There are several reasons for collecting documentation.

Why is permission required?

Despite the existence of its own plot, resources located in the bowels of the earth belong to the state. Water, which is located at a considerable depth, belongs to one of such resources. Federal law clearly spells out regulatory issues.

The main indicator here is the depth of water. If it is located no more than 5 meters from the surface - permission is not required. However, if necessary, reach sources drinking water   at considerable depth, you will need to collect a package of documents. Permission to drill artesian wells is a prerequisite. Without receiving it, you can get a big fine. When drilling a well with a depth of about 10 meters, the fines are lower, but you can be forced to fall asleep a source of water, which will require additional costs.

What is permission?

The document is a license issued to a private person for the possibility of drilling a well for water in the specified area. Official papers contain:

  • information about the owner of the document;
  • information about the permissible work on the site;
  • volumes and types of resources allowed for use (in this case, water);
  • reasons for preparing documents;
  • validity period of the permit;
  • well location coordinates;
  • geological data on a site of the district.

Almost always, along with the main documentation, there are a number of clarifications and permissive conditions, the violation of which will lead to the cancellation of the license. Often, the supplement contains requirements for the work performed, the need to use certain equipment, equipment, etc.

How to get a license?

Permission to drill a well is issued by the competent government authorities after a set of measures, including:

  • creation of design estimates and geological research;
  • assessment of all documents drawn up by experts;
  • exploration of the territory for the availability of resources;
  • groundwater reserve report.

When the volume of water used per day is less than 100 cubic meters, the issue is coordinated with local authorities. It does not require expert preparation of the report.

In the case of using water for domestic purposes, it will also be necessary to develop sanitary protection zones. This will help to eliminate the risk of water contamination from external factors (garbage, toxins and other harmful substances).

Exceptions to the rules and information on fines

There are a number of conditions under which the owner may not receive a license to drill a well. In paragraph 18 of the federal law "On Subsoil" it is prescribed:

  1. The owner of the site can produce water through the well without obtaining permission, if used for personal purposes (for drinking, watering the garden, shower and the like). In the absence of financial benefits from the use of water, permission is not required. However, the transfer of resources to third parties is prohibited.
  2. The aquifer to which the well is drilled should not belong to the place of water intake by the central communication systems or serve as a power source for organizations.

However, if you need an artesian well, you will definitely need to get a license. Without it, citizens or legal entities are subject to sanctions. The fines for each segment of the population are different:

  • individuals - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • officials - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities - from 800 to 1,000,000 rubles.

Also, if an unregistered source is discovered, the owner is forced to eliminate all violations or completely stop the extraction of water before receiving an official license.

How to draw up documents?

Before drilling an artesian well, you will need to contact the subsoil use department. This is a competent authority that regulates water production by artesian wells and other types of structures from aquifers located at a considerable depth. However, to obtain a license you will need to perform a number of technical parameters:

  1. Install meters to determine the amount of water consumed per day and specialized devices to monitor the level of groundwater.
  2. If the consumed amount of water per day is more than 100 cubic meters, it is necessary to drill a monitoring well.
  3. Inactive wells or structures in emergency condition must be dismantled.

To obtain a license for an artesian well, the owner will need to collect a package of documents. Depending on the nature of the owner, the number of documents is different. Individuals will need to bring to the department:

  • passport;
  • certificate of land ownership;
  • cadastral plan;
  • general plan for the development of the territory;
  • layout plan for all infrastructure facilities.

The latter must be true at the time of application. Collect this package of documents is not difficult. However, if you are a legal entity, you will need:

  • a statement drawn up in a special form;
  • contact details of the organization;
  • company details;
  • certificate of Incorporation;
  • information about the manager (for which permission is given);
  • legal entity registration certificate;
  • a form with the interpretation of activity codes from statistical authorities;
  • statutory documents;
  • certificate of tax registration.

As mentioned above, for personal use, a well can be used to draw water from the surface layers of the soil without a license. However, it is recommended to comply with sanitary protection zones and other general requirements for well construction.

The specifics of the work

If an artesian well was drilled by a company specializing in creating water sources for various purposes, it will present a document that indicates the main characteristics of the intake source. These include:

  1. Drilling depth. This parameter allows you to determine the need to pay cash for using the resource.
  2. Hourly rate. Throughput affects many parameters, including the need to use a pump of a certain capacity. It is necessary to follow the established indicator in order to ensure renewable volume.
  3. Construction and level. The document specifies the number of casing strings, the type of filter used, and the statistical or dynamic level of the source.
  4. Location. Each well is recorded in the register, so you must specify the exact location of the source of water intake.
  5. Contractor. Information about the organization that completed the installation of the artesian well is indicated.

When collecting complete information, you get warranty periods and full documentation if checked by the competent authorities.

Every person who lives away from the city, tries to ensure a normal life. This will require: sewage, electricity and water supply.
  The latter in a suburban area is only possible under certain circumstances. There are wells, and there are wells.
  The depth of the well for drinking water may be different.

What is a well?

Before you disassemble how deep a well should be on water in a suburban area, you need to determine what it is.

  • It is a type of well.
  • It is a pipe well.
  • It has a small diameter, but may have a greater depth, see photo.


  • It can be different, which is intended for various needs.
  • There are: for washing, for watering, for providing water (drinking) and so on.
  • The depth of the structure depends on this.
  • There are those that can be used not all year round.
  • For example, they may be seasonal, which are used only at certain times of the year.
  • There are those that can be used on the site all year round.

Tip. Before designing a well in a suburban area, it is necessary to determine for what purpose the structure will be required and for how long it will be operated.

What determines the depth of the well

There are several factors that affect the depth of a well in a suburban area:

  • The location of the aquifer, which is necessary to meet the needs.
  • What quality should be water.

More details:

  • Each site has its own places in which aquifers are located.
  • They can be located in each area at completely different depths.
  • An important role in the construction of the terrain.

Note. If it is flat, then there is a high probability that water will be around the entire perimeter of the site. If the area is with hills, then the water is only in certain places.

  • For example, if there are hills on the site, then drilling at the top of the hill is not recommended.
  • This is due to the fact that the water relief on the surface exactly repeats all layers of soil at a depth.
  • And that means the water will be at great depths.
  • It is best to drill in the lowlands or on a small slope.

How to determine the optimal depth of the well

The depth of water well drilling can be different and you need to immediately determine it for your needs.

How can you independently determine the depth of the well:

  • In order to determine the optimal well depth in the suburban area on your own, you can use several methods.
  • There are many folk signs.
  • They also use special frames that indicate the presence of aquifers in the area.
  • Only with the help of such methods it is impossible to determine the exact depth. There are some errors.
  • For this reason, exploratory drilling began to be used.
  • This method allows you to accurately determine the depth of the aquifer.
  • It is carried out with the help of a drill and only specialists perform the work.

Note. Why trust exploration drilling to professionals? This is due to the fact that only they can perform work in such a way that the soil and terrain on the site require.

  • In the event that exploratory drilling is not performed by professionals, then it is likely that in the process it will collapse with sand after reaching the aquifer.

Tip. To save time and money, you can use the services of a survey service.

More about surveying:

  • What is surveying? This is a complete analysis of the state of the soil and its layers.
  • It helps to accurately determine at what depth the aquifer is.
  • The price of such services is not too high.
  • No need to spend money on exploratory drilling, but equip them according to exact parameters.

Attention! Well, the presence and depth of the tip help to determine the lakes or any other reservoirs that are located near the suburban area.

  • There is special equipment.
  • With its help, the pressure on the shore of the reservoir is determined.
  • Then with the device go through the site.
  • If somewhere there is a deviation of 0.5 on the sensor, then there is water.

Note. But here also can not do without additional exploratory drilling.

What depth can a water well be

Well depth water depends on what quality and how much water is needed.
A well may be:

  • Allowed Depth.
  • The deep one must be registered with the relevant state organizations.
  • Permitted is the depth of the structure that does not allow the use of natural and unique bowels of the earth.
  • The depth that you need to register can be quite large and for this reason, the use of natural deep subsoil of the soil requires registration and a certain payment.

More details:

  • As a rule, both wells need to be registered.
  • To use them, you need to pay a fixed amount of tax every year.
  • Only it directly depends on how deep the structure is.

Note. The allowed depth of the well for water starts at 5 m and ends at 20. In some regions, the allowed depth reaches 40 m.

There are wells:

  • Highwaters.
  • On the sand.
  • On the gravel.
  • On the limestone.
  • Artesian.

As a rule, the depth is:

  • Vakhovodka - 5-6 m.
  • On the sand - 8-10 m.
  • On gravel - 12-17 m.
  • On limestone - 15-45 m.
  • Artesian - 50-80 m.

Attention! From what depth the water is located and its quality depends.

Let's consider in more detail:

  • The most optimal for irrigation is the overhead. The water in it is not very clean, but it is quite suitable for watering a vegetable garden or garden.
      When arranging it, you still need to use filtering equipment. Only it should be with coarser filters (see) so that the abrasive particles do not render it unusable.
      Also, do not forget about the alluvial station, which will provide water supply.
  • A cleaner hole is considered to be sand. This is due to the fact that sand is a natural filter.
      It does not allow stones and metal impurities to penetrate into water. It is also recommended to use powerful filtering equipment.
  • In third place in terms of cleanliness is a gravel well. It is also considered a filter.
      Water already flows without impurities of certain impurities and sand. In some cases, sand can enter the source. But this can only indicate that the well was drilled incorrectly or not so pumped.

Tip. After drilling, it is worth pumping it well. Sometimes even a few pumpings are not enough water with sand goes for some time. Here, experts advise in addition to one filter station to install additional similar equipment.

  • A limestone well is considered cleaner. It goes not only without sand, but also without metal impurities.
      Water quality is several times higher than previous types of construction. It in some regions requires registration, as it is a natural source.
  • Artesian deep wells   for water are considered the cleanest. They also require the use of filtering equipment.
      This type of construction is used only for industrial production. Of these, purified water is produced for the manufacture of products or for sale.
      Water from such a source is good. It is saturated with iodine and has high technical indicators. Some doctors use artesian springs to treat patients and so on.

Tip. Artesian wells require special permission for construction and state registration.
  The tax for using such a source is quite high. For this reason, to build a structure on a suburban area will be unprofitable.

You can circumvent all these bureaucratic procedures and make an artesian well with your own hands and not register it, only then numerous fines for non-compliance with the law and other mandatory taxes will be set.

How to make a well yourself

Initially, you will need:

  • Determine the depth.
  • Draw up her project with a full arrangement.
  • Determine the optimal equipment for its construction.
  • Calculate the amount of necessary material and equipment for the full work of the source.

Depth of well in the suburban area

It is immediately determined:

  • In what period will the source be used.
  • What quality water is needed.
  • For what purposes the well is used.

Tip. It is best if the depth of the well for drinking water is greater and reaches 20-40 m.

  • At shallow depths are seasonal wells.
  • At most - used all year round.

Project drafting

In order to draw up a project you do not need to have special experience.
More details:

  • Initially, the depth of the well is determined.
  • Then the material for its internal and external arrangement is determined.
  • Pumping and filtering equipment for normal water supply is selected.
  • The project indicates the amount of material and its cost.

Selection of equipment for drilling a well

In order to drill a well use:

  • Hand drills.
  • Drill columns.
  • Drilling rigs.

  • Hand drills are used at a depth of 5 m to 10 m.
  • Drill columns are used from 15 to 40-45 m.
  • Drilling rigs already use from 50 m and deeper. They are considered more powerful.

Well construction process

After all the work on the preparation of equipment and material for the completion of the well has been completed, they proceed to drilling.

  • For such work there is an instruction. All improvised tools are used: shovels, crowbars, buckets and more.
  • Initially, a recess is excavated on the surface in a diameter of at least 1 m and a depth of 50 cm.
  • Then a manual drill is inserted in the center and they are worked until it becomes difficult to pull out the ground.
  • After that, you need to use the drill columns. Only a few people can rotate their valve. One cannot cope with such work.
  • The principle of operation of the drill is that it is able to push soil to the surface
  • Drill to the desired depth until water appears.
  • Then her with pumping equipment   pumped out.
  • Then the water is collected again and its quality is checked.
  • After filtering equipment is installed and executed.

The video in this article shows the process of drilling a well. You need to drill a well in one day.
  Otherwise, there may be a collapse of the structure, and you will have to do all the work again, but in a different place.

Every inhabitant who lives outside the city knows what the absence of basic living conditions for a comfortable stay in the house is.

  And therefore, many are trying to do everything possible in order to create conditions for their family to live normally.

The older generation still remembers the days when living in a private house was associated with a number of everyday everyday inconveniences.

Water is life

In the old days, washing in the house was not possible, since there was no shower or bathtub yet.

The housewives washed the dishes in the basin with water brought from the well, and went to the toilet to the street.

Washed by hands.

Water was delivered from the nearest well.

Sometimes, he was at a decent distance from home.

Fortunately, the time when you had to carry water with the help of buckets on the rocker arms was gone forever. Now private homes are trying to connect to a centralized water supply.

People have become more demanding on the benefits of civilization in a country cottage.

The villagers no longer want to live the old fashioned way: bathe in a bowl, wash in a basin and use the “washer” in the form of a board.

Autonomous water supply sources

Hold water in a private house   There are several ways. These methods differ only in the source of water intake.

Connect to a centralized system, but this seems possible only if the highway passes nearby.

Well.   There is one condition - there must be a sufficiently large aquifer (on average, the water supply in the tank is at least 200 liters).

And due to the penetration of groundwater into the krinitsa, the quality of the source may be poor.

Well. This is one of the best options. And many prefer it to him. If you have a well, you will always have unlimited supplies of life-giving moisture.

Deep sources are economically much cheaper than a well. They have a much longer life and water quality is much better than from a well.

Determining the location for drilling

We have established that we are giving back the palm to the benefit of the well. Now we decide where it is better to drill it in the house (in the toilet or bathroom) or on the street.

The first option is discarded immediately. Since in this case the owners of the house will have many problems, this is understandable, and we will not list them. The ideal option is on the street.

Both street and home sources must be insulated. The only difference is how to do it. The system, which will be located on the street, does not require large maintenance costs.

With proper insulation and proper wiring of communications, the source outside the house, as a rule, works no worse than what is indoors.

What types exist

  • Artesian is a generally accepted option.
  • Well on the sand.
      It is drilled using special mechanisms or manually.
  • Hammer well or Abyssinian well.
      The people call it the well-needle.

For example, artesian water can be found almost everywhere.

The difference is only in the depth.

It can vary from 30 to 250 meters.

And here is the Abyssinian well   or a well in the sand, everywhere, cannot be done.

Artesian springs have the highest productivity, their average depth is 20 meters, and their service life is about 50 years.

The depth of the hole depends on the depth of groundwater. These indicators can be precisely determined by specialists.

If you are interested in the question, at what depth, in the area, can there be water suitable for drinking, ask the Geological Exploration staff. They should have detailed maps of the occurrence of groundwater.

But it’s better to turn to the workers of the aforementioned state-owned enterprise, they, for a small fee, will get you this information. Ask your nearest neighbors how and where they extracted life-giving moisture.

Do not trust this complex process to self-taught and amateurs who do not have special equipment. Otherwise, they will take money from you, but in the end they will cope poorly or not at all.

How to determine the depth

The depth of the aquifers depends on the area (how to find the right water on the site is written).

The artesian well is deeper than the sand. No one will tell you specific numbers. It will be necessary to carry out reconnaissance drilling.

Before you begin work, you should know that you will have to pass several water layers. Not all of them can produce potable water.

Drilling, without an expert opinion, should not be carried out. Because only after receiving the final results of water tests, it can be drunk without fear for your health.

Already after 6 - 8 meters   on the installation path, the first water bed is encountered. As a rule, water from this aquifer is not used even for household needs.

The next level is at a distance of 15 - 20 meters. This is enough to get clean water for use.

Another tier can be located at a depth of 30 - 40 meters. In most cases, the well is not drilled more than 50 meters. But, there are exceptions when you have to make a deepening of 60 meters and more.

On the page: it is written how to independently make a sewer in a private house.

If you turn to specialists for help, you will have to pay from 800 to 1000 rubles for one meter of penetration, and in some regions they take twice as much for such work.

If you keep records in the logbook while drilling, you will be able to accurately determine the length of the well for water.

How can I measure the depth of the hole? To do this, you need to know the following: the vein with water consists of a sand fraction.

Along with this, a bed forms, covered from below with a thick clay layer and limestone. The layering thickness sometimes reaches several meters.

Only after the drilling mechanism reaches the clay deposits can you be sure that you have reached the upper level of the desired aquifer.

Remember!   On each site there are places on which aquifers lie. The depth of the well will depend on the area where you are going to drill.

If it is a flat area, then it is most likely that there is water all over the circumference. On a hilly territory, the site will need to be searched. On the hill, drilling is definitely not worth it. It is better to do this on a slope or in a lowland.

How to calculate the depth of an artesian well

To achieve your goals, you can use several simple methods.

Only people with certain knowledge and skills can do the job, taking into account the soil and terrain on the site.

If you involve an amateur in the case, you may run into the fact that the hole will be covered with sand, without ever reaching the aquifer.

Note!   The presence of a vaulted water and its occurrence can help identify a body of water (if one is nearby) or found somewhere nearby. Using special equipment to calculate the pressure on the shore.

Then with the device they go around the site. If there is a deviation of 0.5 on the sensor, then there is water in this place. But, in this case, reconnaissance drilling is indispensable.

Do not break the laws of the Russian Federation

Before drilling, keep in mind that not all wells can be made without regard to legislation. Among them:

  1. wells of authorized depth,
  2. deep-sea, it is mandatory to register with government agencies that oversee this issue;
  3. permissible, the depth to which it is permissible to consume valuable mineral resources of the land without causing damage to nature is considered;
  4. the use of deep resources is subject not only to accounting, but also to payment for operation.
      For these purposes, a fixed amount of taxation is provided.
      The amount of payments depends on the depth of the hole.

Helpful information!   You will not be able to drill an artesian well without special permission and registration with state bodies.

Such a pleasure is expensive   and the tax on it is appropriate.

Therefore, to build this structure on the site is not financially advantageous.

Of course, you can hide the fact of the presence of an artesian well on a personal allotment of land. But, if a violation is discovered, you will have to pay decent fines.

In a suburban area, the depth of the art well for the extraction of drinking water should be within 20 - 40 meters.

Drilling Operations

  • Before you start drilling, you need to be well prepared and think through everything carefully.
  • First, on the surface of the earth we make a small depression and insert a screw tool into it. We work with it until it becomes difficult to get the land.
  • Then we take drill columns.
      You cannot handle them alone.
      Only a few strong men can rotate the valve at a time.
  • Drill until water appears.
  • With the help of a pump it needs to be pumped out.
  • We wait until she appears again.
      We check its suitability.
  • Then we connect the filtering equipment and pump the well.

In order for the hole to be easily accessible and easy to maintain, you need to consider the arrangement of the well.

For these purposes, build an underground well   or a special extension.

The first option is performed if the water lies at a level below two - two and a half meters.

In this case, the soil acts as a heat-insulating layer. Although, additional insulation still does not hurt.

If groundwater lies above this mark, you need to build a structure of brick or cinder blocks. We insulate the floor, walls and ceiling of the structure with polystyrene foam, at least 10 cm thick.

The pipe from the well should rise above the ground at a height of 45 - 50 cm. This will protect the well from the entry of debris and melt water into it.

So that the feed pipe does not freeze, it can be wrapped with a cable and connected to electricity.

The structure should be dimensioned so that it can be easily reached for cleaning the well and performing repair work.

If you can independently go through the trunk, get to the water and put it through the pipes, then believe me, you will experience a feeling of incredible satisfaction and pride in yourself.

See how drillers make the Abyssinian well one of the least time-consuming methods using water.

Perhaps every owner of a country house is faced with the problem of a lack of a permanent water supply. At the same time, only a few manage to connect to the centralized water utility networks, the rest have to look for a different way out of this difficult situation.

Today, the most convenient and affordable way to solve this problem is to drill an individual well. However, before starting the construction of the well, it is necessary to determine exactly what depth the well will be. After all, the quality of water that you will use in the future depends on the depth.

Future well depth

Speaking about the depth of the well, it should be emphasized that during the drilling process you can meet several aquifers at once, but not all of them will be suitable for household needs and cooking. So, the first aquifer should meet you already at a depth of 4 to 6 m.

In order to accurately determine how suitable this water is for drinking and other everyday needs, it should be sent for sanitary examination. Usually the water from the first aquifer is of poor quality and does not meet the necessary sanitary standards. Therefore, in most cases, drilling continues.

The second aquifer, as a rule, is located at a sufficiently large depth of 10 to 20 m. The water in it is almost always clean and absolutely suitable for cooking and for household use. If you managed to reach this aquifer, then drilling further makes no more sense.

The next layer of water, which can be of a sufficiently high quality and suitable for drinking and everyday use, usually lies at a considerable depth of 25-40 m. Most often, the depth of the well does not exceed 50 m, however, in some cases, when suitable for drinking the aquifer is located far from the surface of the earth, the depth can be more than 60 m.

How to measure the depth of the well?

Today there is no single answer to the question: at what depth should a well be drilled?

The only way to determine the depth of a future well is to continue drilling until an aquifer is discovered.

However, to save time and effort, you can turn to specialists who will conduct geological surveys at your site for help. Today, each meter of exploratory drilling will cost the client about 400-600 rubles.

The most reliable way to determine how deep a well should be is to create a special logbook and make notes in it throughout the entire process of drilling a well for water.

In addition, in a separate notebook, it is very useful to make detailed notes about each rod, which will allow you to determine exactly at what depth the drill is currently located. It is very important to note in the logbook all changes that occur during drilling, namely at what depth the soil is washed out, at what speed absorption of the circulating water takes place.

Everyone who is going to drill a well should know that the aquifer consists of fine and very loose sand, however, the channel itself, covering the vein from above and below, is formed of limestone and compacted clay, the thickness of which sometimes reaches 3-4 m. Therefore, as only the drill of your drilling rig will crash into this clay layer, we can say with confidence that you were able to reach the upper level of the underground aquifer you need.

When constructing a well, it is very important to remember that each level of an aquifer can have water of completely different quality. As mentioned above, the depth of the well needed to gain access to potable water and to meet everyday needs can be as few as tens of meters. For example, wells on sand, as a rule, are drilled to a depth of more than 15 m, and sometimes can reach up to 40 m, depending on the soil and soil type, in a particular area.

When an artesian well is too deep (more than 200 m), a special telescopic well is required. In this case, the largest pipe with a diameter of 159 mm should go about the first 70 meters, then a narrower pipe is installed, and after that - even narrower. At the very end there is a pipe with a diameter of 125 mm.

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